New Paphos (The Base)

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Oct 23, 2022 5:03 pm
Looking around there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. Most of the buildings are built form old solid stone block with smooth patches filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though most seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.
Nov 20, 2022 9:43 pm

A Gatehouse B Scout Barracks and storehouse
C Phlan's Office D Warehouse entrance
E Fountain Plaza F Barracks
G Dock house H Dock
I Smithy J Artificer
K Diner & Inn L Cantina & Bar
M Gardens N Clerks Office
O Temple P Wizard
Q Scholar R Scholar
S ? T ?
U ? V ?
W ? X Armory
Y Training Grounds Z Captains quarters
Nov 20, 2022 9:53 pm
The base has an odd assortment of people, rough river boat and dock hands, mercenaries, adventurers, cayenne, and scholarly researchers. With the remainder of the day you wander about listening to snatches of gossip eventually making your way to the local hangout, the cantina. The variety of people is all to evident here and you note the varied accents of people from the Nations, Freeholds, and Kingdoms. Some of these cluster with those of like origins woke othet groups are a mix of nationalities and people but are of a like profession.
The large room has a few small tables, mostly full, as well as several large common tables, and a bar sheet people are eating, drinking, and chatting.
Nov 20, 2022 9:55 pm
@tibbius What will Eddisham do?
@ogion What will Nixly do?
Introduce your character to the room and give an initial intent
Nov 21, 2022 1:14 am
ogion sent a note to Psybermagi
Last edited November 21, 2022 1:15 am
Nov 21, 2022 2:48 am
Psybermagi sent a note to ogion
Nov 21, 2022 3:24 am
Rhythmic tapping is heard from one of the empty tables in the tavern.

Those who turn to take a look, discover that the noise comes from a pair of dancing hooves, connected with furry goat legs that end in a furry butt, adorned with a small tail that wags from side to side.

Above it, the skinny, pale body of a teenage girl, barely covered by a robe. Shaggy red hair, held back in a long braid, sharp-featured face, with a snubbed nose and lots of freckles. A smile that goes from one large goat ear to the other, and two curved horns on her forehead.

"Drunkards and inebriated from this magnificent establishment." she shouted at the top of her voice. "Allow me to intoxicate myself..." She paused thoughtfully, pretending to have made a mistake.

"No, that will have to wait a while. I mean, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nixly the Jolly Satyr and yes, I know what you're thinking. I'm the only one here that can compete with the bartender for whom has the hairiest ass."

She points to one of the patrons sitting at a nearby table.

"Oh, you laughed. You know the bartender's ass."

She makes a pause for the laughs and grabs a lute hanging from her back.

"This is to cheer up those with sad drunkenness. It's inspired by my mother and the night she conceived me with whoever my father was."

Nixly begins to play the lute, while singing a bawdy song about a female Satyr having fun at a party.
I should have mentioned earlier that I, like tergolap, am not a native English speaker. So, I apologize for possible grammatical errors.
Last edited November 21, 2022 5:52 am
Nov 21, 2022 4:05 pm
As she glances around at her audience, Nixly notices an elf who is grinning at her lyrics, almost but not quite laughing. He has a pointy face, pointy ears, and is dressed modestly and unremarkably in faded green and brown tunic and trousers. On the table next to him capers a miniature and slightly translucent version of Nixly! The illusion follows her gestures ...
Nov 21, 2022 5:27 pm
The cantina is filled with chatter and the noise of eating and a couple of games. Several of the guards watch the newcomers entertainment. A few copper coins are tossed at the table the satyr is dancing on. The barkeep glowers for a bit but a word from the Hin (halfling) proprietress, Digsy, settles him down and one of the servers moves to the table to pull a stool out and drop a woven rush bowl on it before scooping the coin into it and throwing a smile and wink at Nixly before moving back to the other patrons.
[ +- ] Nixly's and Eddisham's insights into the crowd
Off to one side is a conversation between a couple of guards and adventurer/scouts.
[ +- ] Overheard Conversation
At one of the other tables a game of cards is pushed along with idle chatter between the adventurers.
[ +- ] Overheard Conversation
Back in a corner is a booth filled with a couple of what can only be assumed to be the "researchers". The lot has a scholarly look about them, though not as soft as most seen back in civilized areas.
[ +- ] Overheard Conversation
Nov 22, 2022 8:01 pm
A little offside, where light from candles and hearth is dim, somebody rests stoic on a stool. The silhouette seems of average height and weight. However, the outline stands out – it almost looks like as the bartender's orange cat has grown to men-like size and is dressed in a brown robe that once may've been gallant.

Whiskers twitch, the tip of a tail wiggles, and yellow eyes – which reflect the light – follow the dancing and singing Satyr's movement.

"What a jaunty contemporary this Satyr is! And a surprisingly nice change to most of the grumpy guards."

The creature starts purring.
Nov 23, 2022 2:05 am
Nixly's jaw dropped, when she saw her money being taken away.

She slung the lute back on her back.

"All right, after all, I sing for the love of art." She shrugged. "Not that I need to eat, or anything like that."

She noticed the small miniature of herself dancing on the table in front of a young elf and her eyes widened in wonder.

Nixly jumped from the table and sat down next to the boy.

"Wow, that's amazing." she said, admiring the illusion.

She moved the chair near the boy.

"How you do that? Can you teach me? What's your name? How old are you? Your parents know you're here? and another important question... Do you have money that you aren’t using right now? Cause I could put it to good use."

She noticed a beastfolk looking at her, from another table.

"How about you, good Sir? We, furry people, have to stick together."
Last edited November 23, 2022 2:08 am
Nov 23, 2022 3:21 am
"I think that wicker bowl is for you, sweetie," Eddisham answers the young satyr. "Don't be deceived by my elfin face - my parents long ago lost track of me in their senescence. My name is Eddisham. You are quite jolly, little Nixly. What skills do you have besides entertaining? I can't imagine that you got so far out of civilization by only singing and playing tunes."
Nov 23, 2022 3:48 am
As Nixly stops performing there is a general groan from the general patronage. Nixly knows it is common curtesy for a performer to do a set unless simply advertising for a later performance. One of the serving maids brings the rush bowl, that had the coins placed in it, and drops the bowl on the table in front of Nixly along with a scathing glare. Nixly quickly realizes it is just as Eddisham said and there may have been a misunderstanding. A quick glance around the room, taking in the proprietress, confirms that along with the coin the crowd has certain expectations they though were not being met!
Nov 23, 2022 9:16 pm
The feline looking creature gets up and walks over to the Satyr and the Elf.

"Indeed. I do have the impression, that we're a little different amongst the crowd",

Shmautz says. His words are uncommonly accented, and every R sounds like a purr.

"Allow me to introduce myself."

- and he bows his head towards Nixly and Eddisham -

"I am Shmautz, from the clan of the Predator Paws of the tribe of the Sun Furs.

You're a great entertainer. I was delighted. But don't let your audience wait too long – I think they're expecting the show to go on. And it would be a pity, if they decided to escort you outside."

Shmautz lets his eyes wander over the crowd.
Last edited November 23, 2022 9:24 pm
Nov 24, 2022 4:27 am
"Oh, your parents caught sinisense?" Nixly asked Eddisham with concern. "I hope they get better."

She crossed her arms and smiled.

"You have a good eye. Indeed, I am jolly, most of the time, but you can also find me glad, gay, content, blissful and satisfied, it depends on the day."

She put a hand to her chest and adopted a proud attitude.

"As for my abilities, I guess singing and dancing, needless to say, and being a satyr, I should of course mention f…"

She was interrupted when one of the serving maids placed a bowl with coins in front of her.

"Oh, look, the coins came back. I thought I wouldn't see them anymore." she greeted the bowl, waving a hand. "I missed you."

She became thoughtful, all of a sudden.

"What was I saying? Oh yeah! That, as a satyr, I count among my abilities fighting, of course."

She pointed to her forehead.

"It's not for nothing that we have horns."

She leaned back and crossed her furry legs on the table.

"That and f@*%ng, of course."

She heard the patrons around them, people asking her to continue with her songs.

At that moment, Shmautz introduced himself.

Nixly stared at him fascinated and, when he finished, asked him very seriously.

"Can I…can I scratch your tummy? Is that offensive among your people? I love cats so much."

People was again reclaiming her performance. Nixly raised her hands and looked around her, smiling.

"I'm on my way, I'm on my way. I see you don't get tired of the good stuff."

She turned to face Shmautz.

"Don't answer yet, I'll be right back."

She climbed back up on the table.

"I stopped singing, ‘cause I thought you’d all be lying down on the ground by now, but I see that you’re resilient to alcohol. Good for you. That reminds me of my great, great grandfather. You’ll be surprised to know that he was a human, just like most of you. The old man could drink like nobody else. One time he got so drunk at a party that he ended up f@*%ng the neighbor's goats and…" She moved her hands in front of her, indicating her body. "Here we are."

She took the lute from her back.

"This one is about a noble carpenter, admired by all the women of a town, thanks to his mighty tool."

She started singing another of her bawdy songs.
Sorry, I didn't pay enough attention when I read, and I thought Digsy had taken the bowl with her when she left. XD.
Nov 24, 2022 4:47 am
ogion says:
Sorry, I didn't pay enough attention when I read, and I thought Digsy had taken the bowl with her when she left. XD.
No worries
Nov 25, 2022 1:58 am
A rather muscular mid-sized male goblin with olive green skin and a rather grim expression makes his way to an empty table. He has what looks like a green lizard perched on his shoulder. Upon sitting down the lizard leaps off of the goblins shoulder onto the table. The goblin let's out a loud sigh as the lizard scurries off into a dark corner of the building.

"Stubborn little...."

He looks around the room, trying to see where to find a drink.
Nov 25, 2022 2:45 am
As the goblin walks into the bar he catches several glowers and "quiet" side remarks disparaging him. Having talked with the expedition coordinator who had explained they had been having trouble with some goblin tribes nearby though the hobgoblins were proving more a problem. Still the goblins have had several clashes with scouting parties and the guards. Fitting in might prove to be dificult.



Nov 25, 2022 2:54 am
Sudenly a Hin walks up to Degs Welcome master goblin. While paying customers are always welcome at my cantina anytime we do ask you keep your pets in hand. and she quirks an eyebrow at Degs. Then with a flash of a smile continues As the first of your race to join us on this adventurous expedition your first drink is on the house. and she motions a nearby server to bring over a tankard of ale. Seeing as the lunch rush has yet to clear out we are a bit busy at the moment. Might I suggest you join the other newcomers at that table. Today has been unusual with the arrival of several boats and that caravan. and indicates the table with a satyr, elf, and a cat type of the beastmen.
Nov 25, 2022 4:48 am
Degs wipes off what he hopes is the last of the mud Splatter on his face from an earlier encounter and nods with understanding. He appears distracted as he wearily scans the room of patrons. He glances at the table of his soon to be companions and takes a deep calming breath.

He returns his attention to Digsy. "Well, that is it then? They all came together on that boat? I guess I should introduce myself to 'em. I appreciate your hospitality and umm, sorry about the lizard..."

Dags graciously accepts his ale and begins to gulp it down in one go. He stands and makes sure to grab his empty tankard. He attempts to appear as tall as possible and walks as if miming what looks to be a court Royal. He locks gazes with a couple of patrons and forces a toothy smile that appears more menacing than friendly.

He finally reaches the end of the parties table. "Hello, I'm Degs. I'm guessing I'm the Goblin in the room. May I join yous?
Nov 25, 2022 11:56 am
I slowly nod.

"You're very welcome, master Degs.
My name is Shmautz, from the clan of the Predator Paws of the tribe of the Sun Furs.
And these are ..."

I stop as I recognize, that I don't know the name of the Elf or the Satyr. So I my hand makes an inviting gesture to the Elf.
Nov 25, 2022 2:37 pm
Eddisham nods. "Sure, sure." He glances at everyone else. "Right? Hey," back to focus on Degs, "I'm Eddis-ham." He grins. "I'm a traveling fortune teller. And more than that, a scout. I think we all are here looking for our fortunes, amirite?"
Nov 26, 2022 7:13 am
"Fortune, yes. Fortune, wealth and honour!"
Nov 27, 2022 7:44 pm
Degs attempts to ignore the stares and grumbles from his surroundings.

"Yes, Fortune and wealth. Those both sounds good to me."

Degs lifts the tankard to his lips and is reminded it is empty with a snort. He then takes a seat with the rest of the party.
Nov 28, 2022 2:05 pm
Degs mug is filled moments later by one of the serrvers and you setle into the casualy intense friendly competative process of getting to know each other, bragging, swapping tidbits of lore, and sharing past experience.
Let me know if you are good to go or would like to talk it out more
As you talk you pick up bits of information from the vetrans around you who listen in on your conversation as newcomers are always a point of interest. The things you learn include
+ You can register as a group with the clerk in the morning and take an open contact or get one assigned to you then
+ There are multiple forces in the area making staying out overnight a risky buisness so most scouting and work is done in the day but a few local vetrans stay out as needed.
+ The swamp with its beasts and island with its undead are left mostly for newcomers to work as they continue to cause problems and be a source of interest to the scholars but do not have any powerful enemies known to be in them.
+ The expedition is well funded, though no one knows by whom, and has most of the amenities of a mid sized town. Blacksmith, alchemist, healer, wizard, guards, the cantina with meals, and a tavern/inn that is also the bar hang out for the guards, etc...
Nov 28, 2022 6:36 pm
Eddisham says nothing about dragons or kobolds. "I really haven't seen much action," he demurs when asked about his experiences. "Getting here was uneventful. I'm looking forward to something interesting, I'm sure it's in my cards."

He listens attentively to everyone else's stories.
Nov 28, 2022 10:30 pm
Degs mood appears to have softened and his spirits lifted with the gracious servers keeping his mug full.

"I've come to find a younger sibling of mine whos I suspect has been gettin' thems self into trouble in one of the Encampments here by. I dunno if twer choice er not..."

Degs trails off and changes the subject.

"I would like to clear out some o the walkin death. I can use the coins to cover me travel expenses and it would make this area more safe."
Nov 29, 2022 5:08 am
As you discuss your options Nixly does a few more performances earning a few shouted adventuring tips.
With groups in Play by Post games I will typically move the story along if two or more players agree on a course of action. Unless you would rather I not.
If you want the game to progress faster I can react on a single players directions.
We can wait for a consensus before moving along
Nov 29, 2022 1:49 pm
"Sure," Eddisham agrees, "I don't mind the idea of putting the dead back in their places."
Nov 29, 2022 2:51 pm
The group chats for a bit more and Nixly does severa more numbers before you decide to tour the town and report to the clerk to secure some lodgings having all signed on as scouts. You are each handed a copper badge marking you as scouts and assigned a bunk with a small trunk for personal use while you are out. You wander the town getting a feel of the base.

The mix of military encampment and rough fronteer town creates an interesting atmosphere that you all enjoy. Stoping in at the general store you get some basic provisions for a tenday week including simple bandages, some food, and any other minor good you may need. Later on you stop in at the baracks where a vetran scout give you a brief tutorial on the dangers of the area and reminds Degs to keep make sure to check out with the guards and harbor master in the morning so they are aware a goblin has joined the expedition.

Taking your evening meal in the tavern, which can be had at either the tavern or cantina, Nixly again performs a few songs and livens the place up to the appreciation of all. After a relaxing evening you return to the scout bunkhouse and get a good nights sleep on supprisingly comfortable mattresses.
Nov 29, 2022 3:02 pm
In the morning you get a simple meal and head to the docks. The dockmaster turns out to be a gruff old man, shouting at only slightly less rough though of varried age dock hands, calls a couple men over and has them take you to the island on a small rowboat. The trip takes several minutes and as you approach the isand one of the men informs you they will return at noon and again an hour before sunset if you are still on the isle.

The island itself houses a larg fortress that you learned was manned by undead soldier that are to not be attacked unless you wish to die a horrible death and gain an afterlife as their prizoner. The fortress itself is safe enough as long as you obey the undead soldiers, some of which can talk, and do not break any of its rules. A few scouts have stayed the night but none enjoyed the experience or wish to talk of it. The cemetery on the north end of the island is where you will find most of the undead, with more powerful undead located the deeper you go into it, but a few wander off so be ready for trouble anywhere on the island.

Your orders are to sweep the shoreline as you head north then circle around the cemetary taking out any of the wandering undead. Entering the cemetery itself is up to you but does increase the likelyhood of finding undead with items of interest to the scholars who will pay you a bonus if you turn the items over to them.
Let me know if there are any specific preparations or activities you would lie to do while in town
Nov 29, 2022 6:23 pm
Degs would present his status with the expedition to the guards and harbormaster to avoid any misunderstandings.
Is there a knowledge Test for the needed supplies when fighting undead? Degs would likely know what items he needs to improve the results of his encounters.
Nov 29, 2022 6:51 pm
Minor undead are pretty basic so nothing special is needed.
I'm new to running tinyd6 so we will work our way up to more complicated creatures.
Nov 29, 2022 9:46 pm
Post anything your want to do in the base here.
Continue the adventure on the Island thread
Jan 24, 2023 2:07 am
@seanfsmith,@wilsric This is what both Elph and Baruman see as they arrive at the base
As the boat pulls up to the dock you are told to go find the administrator by the boat captain who is busy unloading his cargo and arguing with the dockmaster, Miros, an older man who bellows just about everything.
Miros Xelbrin
You lot there! get out of the way. We don't mind the company but you stopping the unloading of the ale. And everyone know the day isn't done till the ale is safely stored in the tavern.
Get along there.
and he waves you up the dock.
You quick step up the dock to a ramp leading to a stone boathouse. Just inside the cool shade a tall hard faced man and guard await.
Right, I'm Captain Tyren, leader of the Silver Fang mercenaries and captain of the guard here bouts. You follow the Sergeant here and he will take you to the clerk to get sorted. With that he turns and strides off, obviously expecting to be obeyed.
The guard motions you to follow and heads into the basecamp. The base is situated at a corner where 2 rivers join to become even larger. The base is surrounded on 3 sides by a 20' wall while the last side has only a 10' wall from the water line but only about 3 feet at street level. The entire area is hot, humid, and carries the scent of the swamp just to the west. Looking around there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. The older original buildings are built form solid stone blocks with smooth patches of stone filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though many seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.
The guard takes you down a long street then gestures to an open doorway and with an In there turns and heads off.

Stepping inside, the stone building do help a bit with the heat though the humidity make the air thick and clinging, you see a large room with benches, a couple of tables, and a boy in his teen sitting at a small writing table. Looking up at your arival he slips into one of the open doors and returns a moment later to gesture you into the next room.
Welcome to the base
Read the first page of this thread for some additional background information.
@seanfsmith. If you are ready I can FF you onto the island
@wilsric you can go to tht Island or stay on base and talk with the clerk for another job
Jan 27, 2023 3:16 pm
A trickle of sweat ran down the side of Baruman's face as he walked through the door, and he felt his new warm clothes sticking to him as he moved, yet he shivered, and his eyes darted about nervously.

What on earth am I doing here? I've got new warm clothes, food, and some money left. I should just run!

The young boy, still standing a little taller than Baruman, walked back into the room and nodded in the direction of the open door.

Well, I've got this far, I might as well see what the job is all about, and whether I can do it while keeping my neck on my shoulders. I can always bolt later if things become too tough

"Thanks" he said, trying to keep his voice level, and strode through the door to meet the clerk
Jan 27, 2023 6:53 pm
Elph takes the whole thing in wide-eyed and full of wonder. He's not got lips to properly smile, but he radiates that same warmth of enjoyment
Jan 27, 2023 8:01 pm
A group of individuals are gathered in the room. clearly there has been more than one boat arrive today though you saw none on the river.
Sitting in a corner behind a little desk sits a youth with a massive bookshelf full of papers, scrolls, ledgers, maps, and other record. From the looks of those waiting before you arrive this child is the reason for the wait. His nervous glances at the assorted adventurers is proof that he is well aware of the displeasure he is causing but he continues working studiously.
After several minutes a bell is heard from a door and the relieved look on the boys face as he stands to open the door is nearly comical. This way please. and he gesture for all to enter.

Inside is a large desk with shelves and cupboards surrounding it and papers neatly stacked or rolled and bound with cord everywhere. The man behind the desk looks you over before going back to his papers as he speaks
We thank you for your interest in joining out little expedition and your assistance in bringing the much needed supplies. At this point you have two options.
1. You can work freelance but taking jobs from the notice board in the room you entered from and registering them with my clerk. You will be paid upon completion.
2. You can sign on and work as assigned by the expedition, either as a guard or scout. Scouts do much the same as free agents but are provided room, board, and any required healing, but with lower pay.
Both options will be handled by my clerk outside. However I have a few moments to spare you and will entertain questions at this time.

Glancing over each of you a moment he waits patiently before resuming his work if none speak up.
Jan 28, 2023 1:17 am
Elph stands tall: "I'll take the work of guard, if that will be okay." The river journey with Kun had him fall out of practice with common etiquette and he doesn't realise he's likely overcorrected.



Jan 28, 2023 2:04 am
Raising an eyebrow he seem slightly surprised. Very well I will inform captain Tyren.
He will be glad for a new man. The guard stays on base and escorts the researchers into the field. Though as I understand it you like likely go through some ritual "hazing". But the guards are by and large safer then the scouts.

Reaching over he writes a short note
Take this to the clerk outside and he will see you get directed accordingly.
Jan 28, 2023 11:18 am
Baruman listened as a terrifying winged creature with sharp claws, the like of which he had never seen before, spoke to Phlan.

Safe sound good, but to come all this way just to stay on a base? That would just be like being in the town.

He blurts out "Do guards get paid the same as scouts? How much does the accomodation cost? How much more do the freelancers get paid? How many hot meals are there? How dangerous is the work? How do you make up the teams anyway? Will there be somebody bigger with me to help?"

Realising that everybody is staring at him after the nervous flurry of questions, he bows his head and takes a step back, embarrassed.

"Erm, I mean, I can do whatever you need really"



Jan 28, 2023 3:19 pm
Baruman says:

"Do guards get paid the same as scouts? How much does the accomodation cost? How much more do the freelancers get paid? How many hot meals are there? How dangerous is the work? How do you make up the teams anyway? Will there be somebody bigger with me to help?"
Guards earn 5 golf a week plus 1 good each day they leave the base, to protect the researchers or other assignments.
Accomodations are free for employees and freelancers who perform regular work, as are two meals a day.
Freelancers work on commission so their pay varies by job. Basic jobs are 1 to 5 gold but they must pay for healing and supplies.
The danger of the missions vary. Scouting is of course more prone to unexpected dangers. We will inform you of any known threats when you ask about each mission.
Teams are formed amongst yourselves or assigned if a teammate can not be found.
As for the size of the teammate, that is not always an advantage.
FYI from here on out i require all players to be in parties. That is one reason i asked everyone to share their preferred posting rate on the survey. Running a bunch of solo threads takes about more work.
If you do not want to join the others on the island I have a couple things you can do in the bar and surrounding area. There are a couple of others in the pipe and can still be joining you at the base later.
Jan 28, 2023 5:12 pm
I'd like to join the others on the island, but if it's easier for you I'm happy to remain here with Eels until others arrive
The prospect of a regular income was something that Baruman had never had before. He was used to having to scavenge for what work he could. The freelancing sounded like that to his inexperienced ears, so he said,

"Sounds like the money's in scouting, so if it's OK with you mister, I'll give that a go."
Jan 29, 2023 12:19 am
As there are 2 of you on base and two on the Island I am going to temporarily get you all together on the island then we can shuffle things up based on posting rate. This will make the game more enjoyable as your interactions will be posting at similar rates.
As you are talking a guard enters the room and at a gesture form Phlan approaches and whispers in his ear. A few quiet questions and whispered answers later he is sent off.
It appears we have a bit of a situation that may be the lucky break we have been looking for. A pair of scouts came back from the island and reporting encountering undead there then followed up on a lead and lost another pair of scouts just after they said they had found something. I would like to send all of you that are willing to the island to assist the the search and rescue operation. The high priest will accompany you to step in should any additional information about the undead problems we have been having there be uncovered. For this mission I will offer a base pay of 1 gold with bonuses up to 10 gold to any who uncover information about the undead.

Treat this as a chance to try out the scouting life with numbers to back you up, which would not normally be the case.

Now I must go confer with the priest so please talk with the clerk outside my office. He will direct any interested in assisting in todays even. The rest will have to wait for the mission to depart before seeing to other matters. I apologize.

The clerk shares what is known in greater detail that was revealed by the administrator. The island is across the river and was the site of a dark ritual raising the dead. There are two classifications of undead on the island.
1. Those that guard a fortress are known to be non-hostile unless attacked and have never given any trouble. They have even helped the expedition in the past and are being interviewed by the researchers. If you are in need you can go the the fortress and rest safely within its walls.
2. The cemetery on the northern tip of the island has been spawning random undead. Normally these are quite weak but the priest has been unable to locate the ritual enchantment creating the undead. Thus though he has blessed the site several times the corruption continues to fester.
The scouts that returned indicated that they were working with another pair in scouring the cemetery after fighting some undead in the area. The pair that has been lost was searching the cemetery that has been submerged by the river. The search effort is to focus on searching the cemetery area that has been submerged. The slope is slight and the current is slow so most will not have trouble walking though the structures. Baruman is assigned to a small skiff with another volunteer and will begin searching upriver and move toward the island shore.
Are there any questions?
We can keep this loose for now and have Baruman paired with Elph but either of you can move the story along. This should let us get you to the other group more quickly.

If there are no questions I will move you along early next week
Jan 29, 2023 9:39 am
A cold feeling crept over Baruman. Scouts missing, before he even started the job proper, maybe his old life hadn't been so bad.

Still, there was no way out now. He looked around the room and his eyes rested on the strange winged figure that had spoken before.

"Excuse me my scaled friend, What is your name? You look like a tough fellow, with that and my guile, we could perhaps help out, and make it back alive. I used to work on the dock sometimes in my homeland, so know how to handle a skiff. Shall we head off together and see if we can find these poor souls?"
Last edited January 29, 2023 9:40 am
Jan 29, 2023 11:16 am
@wilsric if you add something like this (at symbol with player name or just add the character name with possible emphasis or color) it ensures the other player knows your are talking to them.
PS Elph is a serpent folk @seanfsmith can give more details
Jan 29, 2023 4:14 pm
Elph offers his hand to Baruman to shake ─ it's soft and very dry, feels almost like baize. Elph stands tall as he can, which isn't quite as tall as the average human. He looks like someone with the body-shape of a stoat stood full upright, though his tail is short and wide. He wears the sort of clothes you'd expect a goat farmer to wear.

"Well met, friend. They name me Elph which works well in the common language. My name in my language is made of smells and I haven't met a man who can enunciate it.

"But this scout job does bring my attention and I am glad to join you in it."
Jan 29, 2023 5:16 pm
Baruman knew from living on the streets that first impressions are critical. If some strange rogue sizes you up as a target, then that is what you will remain to them. He knew that despite the fear and uncertainty he felt, it was best to appear confident and purposeful. "Excellent, it's nice to meet you Elph, and I hope one day to be able to smell your name properly, even if my small body cannot say the smells itself. Shall we go to the skiff and make our way up river? We may even find some of these undead to sort out"

He inadvertently shivered when he said the word undead, a chill running down his body.

By the gods I hope I never have to see one of these creatures. My new companion is terrifying enough, I can only hope that I don't do anything to offend him.

He makes to leave and head for the skiff to start the search upriver. A sudden thought takes him before the doorway, and he turns back to the clerk and says "Do we get paid in advance?"
Jan 29, 2023 6:13 pm
The clerk quickly sorts out everyone and informs you that you will be paid upon completion. As the mission is technically search and rescue and not exterminating the undead you are free to avoid combat if you wish. Elph and Baruman are sent ahead to the dock. Once there the dock master looks skeptically at the two of you. Can you handle a boat? No never mind. You might get it in your heads to leave the boat and wander off "investigating" or whatnot. Hank. HANK! Grab the canoe and take these too out to the watery graveyard. Mind them hear but you bring that boat back.

With Hank at the back and Elph at the front Baruman is given the run of the canoe, thoroughly enjoying it as his small size lets him walk the length with little worry or tipping the boat as the other two sitting are still taller than him. You cross the river directly then head back upstream as Hank says the current is slower on the east side of the island (map), basically circling the island counter clockwise. As you near the norther tip of the island the towers and walls of the fortress come into sight and the chill that passed through Baruman returns doubled. After several minutes you pass the island and Hank lets the current push you south again and only nudges the canoe toward the cemetery.
The structures of the cemetery cover the northern tip of the isle and continue north as the gradual slope of the land slides under the river level. At the northernmost tip, where you start your search there is little but the tops of crypts and mausoleums. Further south near and on the shore you can see individual tombstones as well.
Give me a couple of standard test (roll 2d6) and let me know if you have any specific ideas on how to manage the search.
Welp, where to mister and he looks to Elph a bit nervously, casually ignoring the little Baruman.
Feb 4, 2023 2:06 am
The story continues in the Island thread
This is locked and I copied your search and time inside onto the other thread. Follow the link above to continue the adventure



Mar 13, 2023 1:07 pm
@Yunera aka Fable is joining the expedition and are now at the base
@Miss_Sadie aka Meep came on the boat with them but is not staying in the game so Meep will be retiring.
The guard takes you down a long street then gestures to an open doorway and with an In there turns and heads off.
Stepping inside, the stone building do help a bit with the heat though the humidity make the air thick and clinging, you see a large room with benches, a couple of tabes, and a boy in his teen sitting at a small writing table. The guard and boy exchange greeting and you are introduced to the boy

Welcome! he says cheerfully. Things are a bit hectic here as we are resolving a problem that has been getting worse over the the last couple of tenday/weeks. Once that is resolved you will be able to meet the administrator but I will have to do for now. At this point you have two options.
1. You can work freelance but taking jobs from the notice board in the room you entered from and registering them with my clerk. You will be paid upon completion.
2. You can sign on and work as assigned by the expedition as a scout. Scouts do much the same as free agents but are provided room, board, and any required healing, but with a guaranteed pay but you are required to complete assigned tasks before picking up additional contracts. Do you have any questions?
Mar 14, 2023 4:16 pm
"Pleased to meet you" , Fable bows in a grand gesture, "I am Fable the dashing adventurer and this is the Magnificent Meep, bane of the river pirates. We were send here by Corwin to join the expedition. Just a moment ..."

Fable turn to Meep and starts whispering: "We staying together, right? What do you think? Getting a roof over our head might not be the worst idea..."



Mar 16, 2023 12:35 pm
The boy continues organizing papers and writing on some before storing them on shelves behin himself. If you like you can head to eithr the diner or the bar to discuss your plans. One thing to note is that food and lodging is provided to employees, at the baracks and mess hall, but freelancers have to pay. Anyone can stay in the rooms above the diner and bar but they have to pay for those rooms.
The boy prattles on about base life and the odd tidbit about acyivities outside. Though he has never ventured farr beyond the walls he has visited the grippli shaman in the swamp to the east and he organizes all the scout reports so knows quite a bit. The primary focus of the expedition is archeological in nature, recovering relics and knowledge from the Dawn age and war by scouring the neaby ruins and Remnant, large mostly intact ruins. They are having some trouble wit undead, goblins, hobgoblins, and orcs. Some kobolds are working for a dragon and demanding tribute for him. They have been less confrontational but are wandering the area. There are many local fey and some have been causing mischief. bla bla bla . . . .
Mar 17, 2023 8:15 pm
As you talk another group of adventurers, wounded and weary looking, enters the office.
@tergolap,@seanfsmith,@wilsric : Enter Eddisham, Shmautz, Baruman, Elph
Tibbius/Eddisham is away from the game for a bit so I will phase him out of the party for now.
Mar 17, 2023 8:30 pm
Eddisham, Shmautz, Baruman, and Elph have been back from the isle for a few days now resting and doing some lighter duties to become more familiar with the area before undertaking their next large assignment. Their report was received verified and they were each given a bonus in their pay for their "exemplary work" in the form of a leather pouch with a healing salve.
[ +- ] Pouch of Healing Ointment
Eddisham has been hanging around the grippli shaman and she has been teaching him. You are not quite sure what but it has taken so much of his time that he stopped going scouting with the rest of you. At the end of your 2nd week here you are paid 10 additional gold.
You all should now have about 20GP. Basic shopping list is on the Tiny Notes shared sheet accessible at to bottom of each page. Additions/modifications to this are in the works including some magic items. like the healing salve, potions, etc.
Shmautz, Baruman, and Elph are just coming back from exploring the river banks to the north. While on the north river bank they encountered a band of goblins who thought they look liked easy picking and had to dissuade the goblins from "taxing" the party. As the four enter the clerks office they note a couple of new faces fresh off the boat.
Mar 20, 2023 3:18 am
The birdfolk, Meep, expresses their thanks but has decided it is all a bit too much so will be finding jobs about the base for a bit before deciding whether they will stay or return to safer and more civilized lands.

The clerk takes your report and between all the conversations going on the four of you decide to retire to the diner to discuss options.

The clerk gave you the following options
1. Scout the area further to the west
2. Go talk with the intelligent golem "Dean" in the NW corner of the swamp
3. Search and verify the safety of the residential Remnant that the lead scout team cleared out recently.
4. Begin scouting to the north where the hobgoblins have claimed several Remnants

You wander over to the diner and enjoy a hearty meal with good drink as the veterans fill Fable in on the current situation and their activities to date. Undead on the island, Necromancers and spirits in mausoleums, a dragon to the south, orcs to the west, hobgoblins to the north, and Fey everywhere though rarely encountered.
mission options/opbective will be updated on the Tiny Info sheet accessable from the bottom of the page
@tergolap,@Yunera,@seanfsmith,@wilsric take it away.
Mar 20, 2023 12:24 pm
"Phew, sounds like there is a lot going on", Fable says with interest. "Say you don't happen to need another adventurer by chance. I just got of the boat and I can fight." Fable pats their rapier on their belt.
Mar 20, 2023 12:39 pm
With the boat that Fable arrived on bringing new supplies you know the bar will get busy tonight so you are enjoying the quiet of a diner lunch. A few other guards and scouts are about but the diner is more often populated by the researchers. While you sit, eat, drink, and talk, you hear some of the local news discussed by other patrons.
With the breaking of the necromancers ritual on the island the risee of the undead has been greatly reduced. The continual creation is a fading side effect of the previous ritual and planar rift to the Shadowfell that will continue getting weaker. The clearing of the isle of undead has returned to a minor task for new scouts and guards to practice their skills and prove their worth to the expedition.
Fable informs the others about the river pirates he encountered on his way to the base.
Likely this is a result of the frequent supply runs now hapening twice a week and the expented return wealth. Guards will have to begin being placed on the supply boats to ensure thei safety.
Aparently one of the lead scout teams has recently started looking into the troubles the expedition has been having with the fey. With the hostilities with the orcs and hobgoblins having escalated many are nerveous as they are known to outnumber th expedition guard and the bases arcane defences have been continually upgraded.
Mar 20, 2023 8:46 pm
After filling up our stocks, we all met at the Tavern again.
While we sit at the table and drink, I catch some words from a stranger.

"Hey, good sir! You're hungry for adventure, right?"
I offer a place to the person with rapier.
We need a way to get fabel to our table, I think.
Fast forward: we introduce us and tell our stories of necromancers, burnt zombie-ogres, spirit-women and how great we've been defeating them.
"Tink ya wonna join us on our neggst adventure?" I ask. The strong beer slurred my speech. I'm not used to that.
Regarding the re-strocking: I havn't gone over the full list yet. But I need lamp-oil again. :)
Mar 21, 2023 12:30 am
I am keeping basic supplies very simple in this game so take off 1 GP and say all needed maintenence is done on your gear and all used supplies are restocked
There is a list in the info sheet for refference if you want to get something specific beyond your current gear.
Mar 21, 2023 11:20 am
Baruman wandered around the markets, mulling over the strange events of the last few days. The thought of what he had seen in the last few days seen still struck a chill through his body, but that was in the past, and the present included more money than he had ever had before in his life burning a hole in his pocket. He was used to scrounging for enough to buy a little food, so was lost for ideas as to what to do with this new found wealth.

As he walked m his hand instinctively gripped the amulet around his neck. Sometimes he though he could hear Ember's voice in his mind, but he wasn't sure if this was just his imagination. Passing a stall he noticed a leather sling hanging on display. Now that could be useful. He paid the stall holder and put the sing in his pocket, happy that he had a new possession bought with his earnings.
Last edited March 21, 2023 11:20 am
Mar 21, 2023 12:54 pm
After eating and chatting for a bit Shmautz gets his oil and Baruman a sling. The base does not really have a market lie in most cities Baruman has heard of. The warehouse runs a general store and there are several specialty shops in the base. The shamans hut outside the base is frequented by many of the base personel for local products.
[ +- ] The Base
[ +- ] current mission options
Let me when you are ready to head out and if you want to sign up for any particular mission
Mar 21, 2023 3:01 pm
"Dean?" repeated Baruman to the clerk with a quizzical tone "There is a golem living in the swamp, and he calls himself Dean?"

He looked around to try to gauge the impression on the other adventurers faces

"I have got to meet a golem called Dean, put me down for that one. I'll make up the numbers on any other missions going if nobody else wants to meet Dean" but why wouldn't everybody want to meet a golem? Called Dean!
Mar 21, 2023 3:45 pm
"I'm with Baruman on thiss one. We have much to gain from learning the information of locals."
It's a soft preference for this quest here ─ Elph is excited to be involved and Sean is excited to play out some exploration stuff.
Mar 21, 2023 6:16 pm
"Is meeting a golem called Dean aligned with Ember?", I ask Baruman with a smile and a wink.

Since Eddisham had to leave for other adventures, I feel sort of a loss. Before coming here, I had no problem with being on my own. However, after all the things that happened, I feel connected to the others. I enjoy their companionship. The joking. The laughs. The taking care of each other.

"I'll be with you, of course. Let's visit Dean."
Mar 21, 2023 11:45 pm
With the decision made you return to the clerk for additional information on Dean so you can set out first thing in the morning The clerk relays the following information
Dean is an intelligent golemn of unknown but suspected great power.. However he claims to be confined to his residence by standing orders left by his previous master who he claims must be alive somewhere for the orders to still be in effect. To reach dean follow the trail to the NW side where it exits the swamp but take the last trail north before leaving the swamp. As the path veers back east you will need to search through the dense trees for a path of steps notched into trees and logs and stones. This will lead you to a small island with a crumbling building. Find the stairs and go down them to meet Dean. He has a few minor golem servants. He has given a few helpful clues but is asking for someone to assist him in his own projects before assisting the expedition further.
Let me know if you want to do anything else before heading out. If it is quick and/or doesnt stop the story we will hand wave details
After talking with the clerk and checking out the map of the area (see ~Tiny Info~ Area Map Label H) you clean up and relax for the evening.

In the morning refreshed and eager for adventure you set out to go find and talk with Dean. Thoug Baruman, Elph, and Shmautz have gone into the swamp a bit they are still learning the ins and out or it.
Story will be moving to the Swamp thread. Post and link will be coming
Mar 22, 2023 5:12 am
Post anything you want to do while at the base before proceeding into The Swamp
Apr 22, 2023 10:43 am
It is a bit before noon and the Tavern is still empty for the most part. The simple room with many large windows allows in the cool breeze off of the river which helps with the oppressive heat and humidity of the region. As the staff is still setting up the patio you wander inside to find a place to sit and grab a meal. There are multiple tables of varying size with an assortment of benches and stools. A counter, without any stools, with a serving area behind it surrounds the kitchen and seporates it from the common room.
@Rizado96,@ForeverDED,@PoisonIvy,@daryen,@Matchacha I am putting toy guys all together here before moving this new group into exploring the tunnels beneath the base. This will allow you to intact more with other players and reduce the number of threads/ game I have to run

The two gross of Blomvid and Moli as well as Khaguran, Skeeve, and Rikia will be joining up here. Woosaa will accompany the three newcomers.
A short decorum and intro of each character will help the others get to know your character.
Feel free to chat with each other and ask Woosa(me) any questions.
Apr 22, 2023 2:20 pm
Once outside, Blornvid inhales deeply through his nose, enjoying the fresh air. "Ahhhh, much better." After grabbing a plate full of today's special, Blornvid grabs a seat with Moli and Valpip. Upon noticing the newcomers, he gestures with a nod and says, in a hushed voice, to Moli and Valpip, "New folk?"
Last edited April 22, 2023 2:22 pm
Apr 22, 2023 3:16 pm
Moli joins you with a plate of food, sitting down with her feet on her chair.

We are also. New. Hard to tell. If they are new. Or if we are. I have not seen them before.
Apr 22, 2023 9:35 pm
Rikia walks into the tavern following Woosa. She scans the room taking a quick stock of everyone there.
When Woosa leads them to an already occupied table she nods at the people there and waits for Woosa or someone else to speak or direct her.
Apr 22, 2023 10:50 pm
As she sits Woosaa looks to Moli and Bornvid I hear you two are trying your hand at adventuring. Something about clearing some tunnels for Valpip here and she nods head at the gnomish artificer.

Yes. I was beginning work on expanding the warehouse and found some old tunnels. These two have already had an encounter with several goblins that got in some how. Luckily they were still close so I could help out. Goblins are usually not terribly great fighters but can be vicious in packs. We need to secure those tunnels. Who knows where else they may have exits here in the base.

I wonder if that is how the dark fey have been getting into the base after you and Fiznik improved the base wards.

Let me introduce some newcomers. These are Khaguran, Skeve, and Rikia. They just walk in through the swamp from somewhere west of here. It seems they were out wandering the Shattered lands and got turned around before finding us.

Turning to the trio of newcomers This here is Valpip. He is our artificer. makes potions, rune stones, and other minor magic as we need. He does other work for the expedition as well but I mostly know his trade is minor magics.

As she is introducing the new trio the tavernkeeper walks up with a tray of food and drinks and begins handing them out. Smiling at the newcomers he gestures towards Moli and Bronvid.
Toblen Stonehill
These two were working as base staff and signed up just yesterday to help out with some local missions. Since the expedition has been getting bigger they opened a lot more contracts to freelance scouts and the general public. Not like how things were when this whole thing started with everyone was under magic contract. Unfortunately our rather unfriendly neighbors spoiled the hoped for peaceful times. Add to that the frequent trips for supplies and things have loosened up quite a bit.

As you three are new here and not signed on, to be honest I am not sure if they would let you sign up even if you asked, then you will need to pay for your way. You can see if they will let you do some of the open contracts like these two started doing. Perhaps you could even help them out. Scouting is one thing but emptying infested tunnels, caverns, or sewers can be hard work and might be more than just 2 can handle. That could get you the coin you need to either gear up or move on.
Apr 22, 2023 11:38 pm
Khaguran introduces himself to Blomvid and Moli, simply pointing to himself and saying, "Khaguran, a wanderer. Well met, friends. This business of the tunnels, it's sure to be a rigorous challenge?"
Apr 23, 2023 2:45 am
Rikia nods her head slowly as she listens to what Woosa is saying. After Khaguran, Rikia introduces herself to Blornvid and Moli , "I'm Rikia. Nice to meet you. Hope I can be of help."

Then she turns to Woosa and asks, "the clearing of these tunnels, caverns and sewers, this expedition, how do they benefit the People?"



Apr 23, 2023 3:57 am
Valpip speak up at this question. The thing is, this base is actually build on a party of Paphos itself. There were once docks here and we believe the river was much larger. The docks areavlooked like they were a mostly warehouses, small dining house and a few offices with housing for the poorerdock workers and river boatmen. As is common there apear to have been storage and streets unset this section of the city and either befit or after the Shattering many of the subterranean rooms were connected. We only recent found these while i was overseeing work at the wharehouse to add a basement. My guess is that the tunes could have exits all over this area that we do not know about.
We believe the fey may have been using these to bypass our wards to energetic the bar. And with the discovery of goblins down there we are concerned the other forces in the area could as well. While to date only the orcs are openly aggressive and antagonistic the hobgoblins have shown a willingness to escalate to combat against us if our actions are perceived to conflict with their interests
Apr 23, 2023 5:13 pm
In reply to Woosa, Skeeve replies, "Well, since we currently have no coin, if these two are willing to let us join, we will gladly join."

To the other Blornvid and Moli, he says, "Well met. My name is Skeeve. If you are willing to let us join you, I would be glad to help."
Apr 23, 2023 5:17 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi,Matchacha
Apr 23, 2023 5:40 pm
[ +- ] tidbits on the Fey
Apr 23, 2023 6:30 pm
Blornvid crosses his arms in front of his chest. "From the limited amount of scouting that Moli and I have done, I would agree with Master Valpip's assertion that the tunnels beneath the warehouse are extensive and likely extend outside the base's walls and will thus proving Mistress Woosaa's supposition that our foes are getting in through them. The warehouse gate keeps them from coming in that way, but there may be other entrances.

"As capable as Moli's skills are, I would agree with Mistress Woosaa's assertion that clearing out the tunnels is more work than the two of us can handle. Assuming that the Administrator grants you permission to join scouting expeditions, what sorts of skills do you offer to add to this endeavor?"
Last edited April 23, 2023 6:32 pm
Apr 23, 2023 10:27 pm
Skeeve cheerfully responds, "Well, my friend Khaguran here is clever and quick and survived a griffon. My friend Rikia is also clever and a true student of magic. Whereas I have a touch-o-magic and am quick with my club. And all of us have tricks up our sleeves."
Last edited April 23, 2023 10:27 pm



Apr 23, 2023 11:13 pm
I don't see a problem with letting you three help out. Especially considering the security arrangement they have set up currently.

He explains to the new trio that as the entrance into the underground warren is in the base warehouse. Valpip actually has to lock them down there while he holds the key to the gate and works above in the warehouse.

After that last encounter I was thinking there has to be a better way to secure the basement. I figure I can change out the locks and replace those old crumbling doors for some good ones and give you a set of keys for that room. That way you will have a secure point to fall back to. Once you have all the rooms adjacent to the first secured I can start work. If I get Mord to help me which should speed things up.

If you do happen to find other entrances from down there that lead up into the base we can get one of those assigned for your use and assigned a guard to that, just in case. We know there are goblins down there but the goblins do not seem to be working too closely with the hobgoblins anymore.

Here he goes into a lengthy lecture on the goblinoid races
[ +- ] Gobinoids
That being said, perhaps only the goblins have and fey have discovered the tunnels under the city. He sounds a bit more hopeful than certain at this last statement.
Apr 24, 2023 3:23 am
After listening to Skeeve's description of his group, Blornvid starts chuckling. "Aye lad. That'll do." He unfolds his arms and leans over the table. "None of you would happen to know anything about mushrooms, would ya?"

After listening to Valpip talk, he comments, "Ahhhh, new doors. It would be nice to have a safe base of operations without worrying about something creeping up behind us."
Apr 24, 2023 1:28 pm
Actually ... My background is "hermit". Plus, with the rest of his background, that might give him a chance.

So, if the above is true ...
Skeeve says, "I am not an expert by any means, but I do know some."
Apr 24, 2023 5:15 pm
Blornvid replies to Skeeve, "Good. We can put you to work right away." He laughs and adds a wink.
Apr 25, 2023 1:30 am
As you chat Valpip finishes his meal and excuses himself to go make arrangements for the new trio. A while later Woosaa excuses herself as well as she needs to take her team on patrol.
Let me know if you have more questions before the NPC take off and/or if there is anything else you would like to do before beginning the dungeon crawl otherwise I will move the story into the tunnels.
Moli will excuse herself from returning to the tunnels at this time, as PoisonIvy is leaving the game.
Apr 25, 2023 2:26 am
Blornvid is disappointed to hear that Moli will not be returning to the tunnels beneath the warehouse.
He'll think that he did something wrong even though he didn't.

Also, Moli has the lockpick set. Should we go buy another? It would be rude to ask to borrow it.
Apr 25, 2023 3:43 am
Valpip can sell a "tool kit" that he refuses to call lock picks for 25GP
Apr 25, 2023 5:58 am
Just readying up for the tunnel crawl :thumbsup:
Apr 25, 2023 1:49 pm
Finishing up you heard over to the warehouse to be escorted to the tunnels. Looking around the large warehouse room you can not see a reason for all the guys over security. It appears to be full of basic supplies, food, water, ale, weapons, armor, wood, metal bars, and an assignment of junk you assume to be recovered items from the city Remnants.
Valpip is already downstairs with Mord and a guard.
story moves to the Tunnels thread
May 1, 2023 1:10 pm
Alext at Large
Alexander has been on base for about a week working for the rather distracted lead scholar and archeologist Myreana. The elven lady is nice enough but lives more in hard facts, wich does not include anything to do with living people, and inside her own head that is stictly safe for some one really should. Today she is once again talking to herself but Alexander has learned that she often will drop instructions for him in the middle of her own sonversations and leaves it to him to figure out which comments to simply remember and which to act upon.
Myreana (Archeologists)
Drat they've been in here again. I have no idea what they are after. Let's see hmmm . . . . .
They rearanges my notes again.
You have learned never to move anything she sets down without simply handing things back to here if she puts something down while distracted. We shall be heading off the the Remnant tomorrow but I am worried about what they will get into while i am gome. Need to make sure Fiznik has renewed the wards on the secure storage and Valpip needs to get that expanded storage in the wharehouse done before we can move thing into there. Mord should craft a couple cold iron locks as most fey magics dont work well near iron. Odd that steal doesnt seem to bother them as much .. and she rambles on.
Welcome to the story @rocketdentures
Let see what Alexander can make of the rambling and go from there.
May 4, 2023 5:45 am
Alexander raises his hand and asks Myreana, "Are you heading deep into the ruins soon?" The prospect of some adventure finally happening has him shaking in excitement, and he's barely keeping his cool.

Myreana (Archeologists)


May 4, 2023 12:02 pm
Myreana prattles on for a few sentences before you remember to gently grab what she is holding as her mind tends to only be able to focus on one thing at a time it is is ususly in her hand. She pauses, blinks and looks at you in suprise. You rereat your query and she sights.
Myreana (Archeologists)
Yes, we are heading to the Remnant romorrow. Wernt you listening? But fist . . and she picks up a piece of parchment, rumages to finda quill and inkwell then jots down a few sentences. Go and do this.
Soving the parchment at you she turns back to her own little world talking, you assume to herself again.

Check with Fiznik about wards on storage
Se Valpip about expanded warehouse progress
See Mord about "Cold Iron" lock, and chain if possible
May 4, 2023 12:06 pm
The fist page of this post has a map of the base.
The ~Tiny Info~ haas a list of NPC. It should be visible to you as a grey button at the bottom of the page below the Rolls section
You should see 2 grey buttons, one for your character and one for !Tiny Info~
May 5, 2023 10:49 am
"Yes ma'am!" I run out of the cantina to start on the errands, this time with a spring in my step towards the direction of the wizard's workshop.
May 5, 2023 1:15 pm
Alexander movs into the quiet streets of the base. Ocasional scholars are seen talking to each other in preparation of tomorrows excursion to the Remnants. Portrs can be sen down other streets packing things in wagons. Ariving outside teh Wizard Fiznik's workshop Alexander pauses to organize his thoughts and enters.
Only have ben here once briefly while exploreing the base Alexander takes his time to look around as he calls out to Fiznik who is not in the workshot but an open doorway leads back to his library and personal quarters and perhaps he is back there. The workshop itself is a small a and somewhat cluttered room with an odly nead demarkation of open space right at the rooms entrance. Alexander ponders, briefly, stepping out of the cleared space and into the rest of the room to get a closer look as the assortment of wizardly paraphenalia but is saved from himself by the timely arival of the wizard.
What is it? Ah, the new boy for Myrenea . and he sofltly chuckles a bit I see she gave you a list. That woman will get us all killes by not ralizing words and ideas as as real with our without physical representations. Well I suppose she wants an update on those wards she's been badgering me about. Jus a moment and I will write you a note. Its not like I have anything better to do.
The wizard pulls a stoll form under some of the clutter, which seems to fail falling to the floor despite the lack of any visible suppport. He pulls a parchment from the midle of a stack, glances at it, shakes off the ink which begins crawling along the floor and up the table back into the ink pot, before writing a note.
So how have you been getting on, eh? Having any trouble with you master?
May 9, 2023 2:29 am
Well, I was expecting more...exciting things to do, at least more exciting than what I did back in the city. Alexander says while a little at awe of the moving objects.

But I think I'll get to do something more soon!



May 9, 2023 2:57 am
The old wizard chuckles Well we have a couple base fellows working to clear tunnels under the base then there is always the guards or scouts if you are looking for some excitement. Valpip is over at the warehouse now overseeing those clearing the tunnels. You can go talk with him. But you'd best finish your shopping list first though.
if you want to skip ahead to something in particular you can just touch on things quickly in the order you want to do then then let me know where you want to go next. I Started you on base as your character seemed more of a social type but if you are looking for something more adventurous just let me know.
May 12, 2023 1:17 pm
After finishing up with Fixnik you head over to the smith , Mord and explain what things Myrena would like to him then head over to the warehouse to find Fiznik. The clerk, a boy about your age and with a similar background takes you back to see Valpip
The gnomish artificer is working on a magical mechanism with large sections of the floor cleared and chalked outlines drawn on it. To one side of this area you note a staircase leading down, likely to the tunnels beneath the base you have hear about recently. A couple of other new scouts have been trying their luck down there. Perhaps you could join up with them...?
May 14, 2023 12:37 am
After a hard days work adventuring you all gather at the tavern for a relaxing meal, cool drinks, and friendly banter
May 14, 2023 12:49 am
Psybermagi sent a note to rocketdentures
Psybermagi sent a note to Rizado96,ForeverDED,daryen
@Rizado96,@ForeverDED,@daryen,@brathdyn,@rocketdentures Notes can be used to send private messages between players and the DM but show up for others as a grey block. You can also use Private blocks to send messages that only the recipients can read any no one other than the DM will even be aware of. Both these optics are available from the paper with lines icon next to OOC

As it is still a bit early in the evening the tavern is not too busy, as the guard shift has yet to take place, so you spread out at a table of choice.
Introduce your character to the other as there are some players from other threads that may join you
May 14, 2023 1:13 am
Skeeve states that he is all for going back down when everyone is healed up. He'd like for us to buy a couple items before going back down, though. Specifically, an axe for some of the doors, a crowbar for wedging things more easily, a proper "thief's toolkit" for Khaguran, and a healer's toolkit for himself. Assuming that none of that is too expensive or anything.
May 14, 2023 1:41 am
The armor is all yours, my friend! I think Khaguran will probably kick around the base for a while (i.e. I think I'm going to take a hiatus and use the extra bandwidth for the prep-intensive West Marches game I'm running here on GP). @Psybermagi @ForeverDED,@daryen A real pleasure adventuring with you all, and my thanks to our DM for being part of my introduction to PBP! Happy gaming, everybody.
Last edited May 14, 2023 1:41 am
May 14, 2023 3:07 am
Blornvid says to Skeeve, "Please, take the armor. May it protect you from goblins and spikes on chains." He chuckles. "If it needs repairs, bring it by the smithy, I can take a look at it. If I can't make it right, I know that Mord can."

He's on board for going back into the tunnel after a good night's sleep and making sure the armor is all set. "Buying a lockpick set is a good idea. It beats bashing doors down with an axe."

Blornvid would like to make a donation to the healer. Hopefully 1 platinum coin is sufficient and not an insult.
@Rizado96 It was fun! See you over in Stoneheart Valley.
May 14, 2023 4:05 pm
So that adds up to 170 cp, 60 sp, 111 gp, plus the armor. Not sure what the armor should be priced at.
Skeeve suggests just dividing it up three ways as evenly as possible including the armor. Though if the armor is too much, he'll still ask for some money to pay for expenses.
@Rizado96, I hope you get a chance to visit back and revive Khaguran occasionally.
May 14, 2023 4:24 pm
"Skeeve, don't worry about factoring in the armor. Consider it a bonus, lad. We'll divvy up the coins and call it even."
May 14, 2023 5:12 pm
OK, so that's 37gp, 20sp, and 57cp for Khaguran and Blornvid. Skeeve gets 1cp less, but the armor to compensate. :)
Armor has been added to my inventory!
May 14, 2023 6:51 pm
daryen says:
So that adds up to 170 cp, 60 sp, 111 gp, plus the armor. Not sure what the armor should be priced at.
Skeeve suggests just dividing it up three ways as evenly as possible including the armor. Though if the armor is too much, he'll still ask for some money to pay for expenses.
@Rizado96, I hope you get a chance to visit back and revive Khaguran occasionally.
Just might! The fickle winds may drive him back into your company now and again.
May 15, 2023 4:57 pm
Rizado96 says:
Just might! The fickle winds may drive him back into your company now and again.
Well, at least Khaguran has a few coin to pay for room and board for a while. I will assume Skeeve still talks to Khaguran frequently, since he will still be around the base, even if just doing some boring stuff. Maybe he can go run the absent-minded librarian's errands while the new guy joins us in the tunnels!
Last edited May 15, 2023 4:57 pm
May 16, 2023 1:13 pm
The trio split the 170 cp, 60 sp, 11 gp, by 3 so each gets 5 sp, 5 gp, leaving 20 CP and 2 gold for common or emergency funds.

Khaguran information the others he will take some time to relax on base leaving the other 2 to decide the next step.
As they chat they hear a large minotaur and florid discussing their recent activities in the swamp. They find the minotaur was a butcher and plans to work on base, similar to Khaguran while the field actually b found the adventure exciting. The trio groups mingle and swap tales. Baun offers to join the two in their next adventure.

I am a spell touched healer so can aid your by sensing magics and cutting your wounds. I am not good at fighting but will aid you as I can if you let me join you. She continues explaining she still has a task she can work on in the swamp if you would like to go there instead of the tunnels
May 16, 2023 1:18 pm
The trio split the 170 cp, 60 sp, 11 gp, by 3 so each gets 5 sp, 5 gp, leaving 20 CP and 2 gold for common or emergency funds.

Khaguran information the others he will take some time to relax on base leaving the other 2 to decide the next step.
As they chat they hear a large minotaur and florid discussing their recent activities in the swamp. They find the minotaur was a butcher and plans to work on base, similar to Khaguran while the field actually b found the adventure exciting. The trio groups mingle and swap tales. Baun offers to join the two in their next adventure.

I am a spell touched healer so can aid your by sensing magics and curing your wounds, disease, and poison. I am not good at fighting but will aid you as I can if you let me join you. She continues explaining she still has a task she can work on in the swamp if you would like to go there instead of the tunnels
May 16, 2023 1:30 pm
The trio split the 170 cp, 60 sp, 11 gp, by 3 so each gets 5 sp, 5 gp, leaving 20 CP and 2 gold for common or emergency funds.
Two questions:
- What is the bases's cut?
- What about those four objects worth 25gp each that I thought we could cash out?

If we can't cash them out, I think each of us should take one so that we can at least barter with them at some point.

Just want to make sure of how that works.
May 16, 2023 1:37 pm
Skeeve says, We'd be delighted for the company in the tunnels. I feel like it is unfinished, and I'd like to make sure it is all cleared out before moving to something else. With what we've already found down there, this base will have horrible vulnerability until it is cleared out. And having more muscle for the doors and enemies, and the chance for healing in place is very welcome!

Since it seems like we got out reasonably methodically, Skeeve would like to see if we can find where in the base those stairs come out. Being able to see it from the top might be helpful.

But, once everyone is healed up, Skeeve is ready for another delve.
May 16, 2023 1:43 pm
Base cut is first dibs on any information and items of interest that they pay you for. All wealth is yours.
Yes the other items can be cashed out.
So let's continue divide by 3 round down. Khaguran will take 1 your two get 1 each and the last is in the slush fund
May 16, 2023 3:18 pm
On divvying up the loot: If no one objects, I'll take the dagger.

To Buan: Welcome aboard. How good are you at identifying mushrooms?
May 17, 2023 12:25 am
On divvying up the loot: I'll take to torc, assuming no one objects.

To Baun: Yeah, that'd be helpful. I failed at that attempt.



May 17, 2023 1:09 am
I am well versed in most plant life though I have learne there are some local and magical varieties that I was previoiusly unaware of. If I can not identify the troubling pllant it is likely one of those andbest avoided if possible. Thenk you for letting me acompany you. Please watcho over me. and she gives a slight seated bow to each of you.
Let me know if there is anything else you ned before heading back down in the morning.
You asked about thieves tools for Khaguran and though he left your current team can work together to cover his role. Baun is Perceptive so will be good at finding traps, Either of you can call on her for help then just roll 3d6 on searches, Blornvid as a smith has basic familiarity with mechanisms. Thoug he may lack the finess of a trained burglar he will be able to disable or break most mechanisms. Skeve and Baun are both spell touched so if he does a check for magic with her help then he can roll 2d6,2d6.
You can postshopping list or we can role play shpping I leave it to you. I will assume you are ready to move the party back to the tunnls tomorow night if I havee not heard otherwise.
May 17, 2023 2:16 am
I'm fine with moving on. No need to roleplay shopping. I can only think of the lockpick tools. I have to be a bit more cautious about traps.
May 17, 2023 2:17 am
The one main thing I wanted to try and figure out before heading down is where the stairs come out. That is a HUGE security hole, and I figure it's important to figure that one out first. If I am wrong on that concern, just let me know.
On the shopping trip, if we don't need thieves' tools or a lock pick set, so much the better. I'd still like to get an axe for Skeeve for the various chopping exercises we're gonna be doing. He won't use it in a fight. It's just for utility. Don't need to role play it; just do it and move on.

To Buan he says, We will do all we can to keep,you safe.
May 17, 2023 4:31 am
As things are closing up for the night you are forced to resupply in the morning. Blornvid gets a set of tools for 10GP that include several wooden and metal spikes, a pry bar, small hammer, some whire, an oil can, and a couple rods of various sizes to get into small spaces. Though not as sensitive as thieves tools Blornvid is confident he can use this on any detected mechanisms.
Based on the rough sketches you made, not having taken time to measure our exact distances you assume the ladder comes up somewhere else in the warehouse. The warehouse has already thoroughly been searched at an earlier date with nothing but the one known entrance found. The clerk gives you a 40' knotted rope and asks you to get exact distances to Valpip first thing.

Baun seems nervous going underground. You are aware that Florids, like most plant folk, require sunlight to live and heal. She all to readily offers to use her magic to create light freeing you from needing to carry a torch or lantern though you bring one, just in case.
[ +- ] map
Where do you want to start?
May 17, 2023 12:47 pm
The first thing is to use the measuring rope to map out where the cave-in is and where the stairs are. We can then report back to Valpip where both things are located. We will, of course, be careful to make sure nothing has come back and not assume nothing has changed.

After that, since we'll be back in the first room, Baum can check out the mushroom room.

And after that, Blornvid can pick the direction to go since Skeeve is being so bossy to start the day. :)
May 17, 2023 1:13 pm
moving back into the tunnels
Jun 5, 2023 1:11 pm
The last Wagon Train
The latest wagons arrive with disturbing news of an unusual storm. That added to the growing tension with the orcs and hobgoblins means there will likely be no more wagons. Luckily the river passage is still open though river pirates are beginning a problem.
read the first three posts at the beginning of the thread for a map and basic base info
The wagons are unloaded and the rest of the day is free while the expedition and wagon train leaders decide what to do about getting the wagons back to their homelands. It is mid afternoon and the base, essentially a small though well supplied, town is a mix of academics, laborers, guards, merchants, and adventures. Several of the wagon hands, having been here before, head to the tavern for a meal and cool drink.
Jun 5, 2023 3:35 pm
The base is controlled by the expedition, a muti-faction supported effort to explore the city and recover as much list knowledge as possible. Your initial contact eat simply to escort the washing here. You are paid 10 gold and have the options
1. Stay here as a freelance explorer
2. Sign up as an expedition scout
3. Sign up as a guard
4. Return with the wagons

From what you heard it read initially much stricter about the information and people leaving once they were here. Magic contacts and such were required of everyone. But with the troubled with the other factions, orc, goblin. Kobold, necromancer, they have had to bring in more people and secret had long been lost.
Jun 5, 2023 4:45 pm
Vlax gathers as many of his fellow scouts as he can. Having spent time working together, he has built a bit of trust, not to mention there is strength and safety in numbers. He asks of them what they think. Do they want to continue working together, and to what end?

He doesn't mind sharing that for him, the prospect of being a freelance explorer using this as a base of operations sounds good, but he's open to discussing it.

He is least interested in "signing up" because that implies an obligation to someone else, they make decisions, and might give orders, unless it is not difficult to sever such an arrangement, with an amenable exit clause.
Jun 5, 2023 5:57 pm
Raggy shares that him and Ro have enjoyed the company of the makeshift group. He is also leaning towards the freelance idea. He started this adventure to get away from the safety of home and to hunt larger things. He is wiling to accept other options to stay a group. Ro and him really have a longing for that pack feeling.
Jun 6, 2023 12:45 am
You eat and relax while listening to the talk of the locals. Much of the talk deals with things posted to the notice board (See Tiny Info)
[ +- ] Scout notice board
Most of the talk is about the Border Storm and you find yourseves, along with others who were with the wagons, retelling the tail of the odd Border Storm. After an evening of this you get directions to the bunk room and rest on a suprisingly comfortable matress

In the morning a guard anounces that any interested in working should go and see the clerk after breakfast. The morning meal is more filling but less favorfull and you make your way through it before getting adirections and heading to the clerks office.

The office door is open and you step into the cool interior from the heat already getting a bit stuffy from the head of the day.

A boy sits at a desk and looks up as you enter Ah, the newcomers from the wagon train. The wagon master wanted me to thank you for your assistance with that. He said you help quite a bit with gathering up those lost to the storm.

Now what can I do for you?
and he looks you over attentively.
Jun 6, 2023 2:23 am
Knowing not everyone takes kindly to nonhumans, he stays in the bad and let the others talk.
Jun 6, 2023 8:54 pm
Vlax comes in along sode fhe others. "Good morning. I guess we're looking for freelance work. Don't get me wrong we love the meals, but we're not really ready to sign on as anything other than freelance at the moment. We've been looking over all kinds of jobs. It looks like there's things going on in every direction, not to mention here in the cemetery. Do you have any recommendations as to something that would be good for a group that works well together but quite frankly are more mercenary than recruit per se?".

He hopes the clerk can guide them in a specific direction, and if not then Vlax suggust everyone step aside and talk about some of the jobs and figure out which one fits best for all of us.



Jun 7, 2023 1:35 am
The boy thinks then lookthrough a sheef of papers before replying The cemeteery is the simlest for strait up mercenary work. Just bring back something unique from each kill. A head, a hand, stuf like that. We can pay you on bounty comission. Other than that most of the work has to be verified so may not be ideal for you.

There is also the tunnels thar are being cleard but Valpip thinks they are almost done. You could help them out or just work seporate from them down there.
They are mostly working on their own athough they have found a few decent treasures and so made some good money. Like I said though they should wrap it up in another day or so.

Looking through some other papers he look up with an odd expression
There is also the Infinite Tower. They are trying to recruit people for as many missions as they can get but most people a a bit wary of traveling the pllanes to collect resources for them. From what I heard they pay in nowledge, training and magic.
Jun 7, 2023 1:56 am
I don't much use of the tunnels. Raggy says
I think thats the one dm said post less often. Not very intriguing to me as a player.
Otherwise im good with anything. We already went to one plane. How bad can they be? Raggy says with little confidence on his face.
Jun 7, 2023 1:59 am
Tunnels post multiple times daily
Library is slower
Jun 7, 2023 2:09 am
So if tunnels is more posts per day. i like that.
Jun 7, 2023 4:00 am
Psybermagi says:
Tunnels post multiple times daily
Library is slower
oh my mistake. Yes multiple a day is my speed or own any of the others is fine.
Last edited June 7, 2023 4:00 am
Jun 7, 2023 1:11 pm
You discuss things with the clerk and after scribling something on a sheet of paper he takes you back to a wharehouse and introduces yo uto a gnome, Valpip the expditions artificer.



Jun 7, 2023 1:26 pm
Ah, more recruits eh? The boy sent a message to Seren and Skeeve so they should head back.

The gnome is working on a large metal platform with heavy metal chains going up to gears near the ceiling. He waves his hand towards a set of stairs leading down.

Well your welcome to head down. Just be careful, the place is trapped.
if your want to join the tunnels go ahead and post a comment here then move over to the Tunnels thread. That that updates 5+ a week.
Any and all are welcome to go. It you can discuss it some more here or in the chat.
@Marmy49,@Aforementioned I created a poll to find out how often players can post here. Please take a look and post you preference there
Jun 7, 2023 1:54 pm
Work is pretty busy right now so ill be a little less frequent. Ill try and keep up with the thread, but posting may or may not happen.
Jun 7, 2023 3:17 pm
no worries, thanks for the heads up
Jun 7, 2023 4:43 pm
Raggy likes the tunnels. He's excited to make use of his new trap skills, but if the others don't go he will wait and see what they say.
Jun 7, 2023 4:46 pm
slowing us down a second, waiting on Marmu49
"Before we go down, quick question," Vlax addresses Valpip. "So, What can we expect down there? We've been told that they're clearing it out, and that they've done a lot of work, but what are they clearing out? What is it that's... Well you know?" He asks
Jun 7, 2023 4:51 pm
Also, a quick peek at tunnels. Looks like they post about five posts an hour not a week... Lol. Not complaining but that's an active group.

It just begs the question... Do we just, introduce our chatacters ... walking up behind them,... Or did you prefer some other way of our characters showing up?
Jun 7, 2023 5:03 pm
DaChiefPI says:
Also, a quick peek at tunnels. Looks like they post about five posts an hour not a week... Lol. Not complaining but that's an active group.

It just begs the question... Do we just, introduce our chatacters ... walking up behind them,... Or did you prefer some other way of our characters showing up?
Dm has already set up for our introduction. Go check tunnels



Jun 7, 2023 5:09 pm
Well I was looking to expand the warehouse by adding a cellar. Only when I started digging I found existing tunnels. They seem to be left overs from the original city that the goblins have added to. There are a bunch of traps and a few creatures from the war, but nothing major.. He goes on in detail
see posts starting here and here
Mostly we want it cleared and all their little back doors into our base closed of.
Jun 8, 2023 1:05 am
Vlax descends to the lower chamber and after a few moment you hear othe voices.
A human come sup the stairs through a gate that Valpip unlocked for Vlax and he talks with Valpip for a moment before heading back down.
[ +- ] Conversation
Why don't I come with you to this tunnel and the alcoves. I can get you that scroll later tonight.
He turns to the rest of the adventurers You coming or do you want to figure something else out with the clerk? and he guestures back to the office. The guard can escort you back

Valpip descends with Skeeve to the chamber below

Follow this Link to the Tunnels thread if you wish to accompany them.
Jun 8, 2023 4:08 am
If you are not sure or don't have a real preference you can just join them in the tunnels. There are enough players/characters that it isn't a bit deal if you are not posting every day.
Jun 9, 2023 1:20 am
After Raggy and Vlax move into the tunnels the guard turns to look at the two of you.
Back to the clerk with you and he guides you back to the clerk so he can go watch the door for Valpip's return.

As you come back in the youth smiles. Dont worry there are plenty of things to do that dont involve goint into known trapped dark sewers and dungeons.
We are expeecting another boat to arrive tomorrow and hopefully there will be more recruits then. In the meantime if you want to geat an idea of the area you can alwasy go visit the grippli shaman. She always has little od jobs for newcomers.
Jun 9, 2023 12:32 pm
@Marmy49,@GooberMcSnorford continue their story here
Ulkar and Seren have been wandering around getting a feel for the base.
[ +- ] The Base
[ +- ] Base Map
[ +- ] Persona you meet and hear about
Athria and Aashas arrive on base
@Zohariel,@CyanblueWyvern have moved their story here.

As you step off the boat onto the wooden planks of the dock you look around at the beginning of this new adventure
Miros Xelbrin
The dock hands are under the instruction of an older man who bellows just about everything. You lot there! get out of the way. We don't mind the company but you stopping the unloading of the ale. And everyone know the day isn't done till the ale is safely stored in our guts. Only they don't allow drinking on the docks.
Get along there.

You quick step up the dock to a ramp leading to a stone boathouse.
Just inside the cool shade of the boathouse a guard picks you out as newcomers and give some basic information. The base is situated at a fork in the river and surrounded on 3 sides by a 20' wall. The last side has a low wall of about 4 feet from the base level and looks out over the river that is 10' below base level. The entire area is hot, humid, and carries the scent of the swamp just to the west. Looking around there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. The older original buildings are built form solid stone blocks with smooth patches of stone filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though many seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.

Ulkar and Seren have wandered down to the docks to watch the commotion as see Athria and Aashas getting sent off by the dockmaster and guard. You all readily identify each other as newcomers and so wander to the tavern to eat, drink, listen to more stories and talk about your plans.
Jun 10, 2023 9:32 am
Athria has spent a little time on the boat being useful, as Cook's Mate she's kept some bellies full as a good way of making a first impression. Her experience from the bigger city still dwells heavily, so when stepping off the boat she seems somewhat withdrawn, keeping her frame low as they step off onto the dry land. She listens and nods to the instructions and sees the tavern as the natural location but seems wary, eyes darting around as if expecting some danger at any moment
Jun 11, 2023 1:02 am
It is wonderful to be warm again, is it not?
Seren is smiling directly at Athria.
I sense you've travelled long and far

Seren sips from a small clay cup something that steams with warm herbal scents.
Gor those whom i did not travel with, Seren appears to be a female foxfolk in tattered blueish robes. She wears a leather pouch and long dagger at her hip and a carved wooden mask is currently perched on her head like a hat
Last edited June 11, 2023 1:03 am
Jun 12, 2023 6:49 am
Athria turns around to regard Seren. Her short stature means she needs to do some looking up, and the bright green head and neck frills flare open for a moment before settling down. She nods and offers a hand.

Gamalur, and a little further before that. The solid ground feels better than any fire for sure.

I am Athria of NoClan.
Jun 13, 2023 3:03 am
Seren shakes the offered hand
Ah, yes! You came in on the ships. Ive never travelled across the water before. It sounds exciting. I'm Seren, of nowhere and noone in particular. I suppose im from my Grove but only fate can know if i will ever see it again.

To where do your winds blow?
I think im leaning towards the library, or the infinite tower. Both sound interesting.
Jun 13, 2023 3:26 am
Tidbits you overhear while chatting
[ +- ] Library
[ +- ] The Tower
If both are fine then I ask that you take the library as that is already ongoing and the player still working on it is heading back to town so it will be an easy flow to add others to the party and head back.
Jun 14, 2023 11:38 am
Back at the base, I stroll around, Dean's Servitor still with me, as the tasks I got from Dean are still not completed yet. People ask about the Servitor, so I'm willingly answering their questions and narrate about the Library and what I've seen so far.

Again, I've lost some comrades along the way. I'm thinking of Baruman and hope he can fully recover with Elph's help.

However, I'm feeling like going back to the Libary again.

Back from the Library. :)
Jun 14, 2023 2:35 pm
A Cat-Kin, wearing a normal but nice-looking robe/short kimono/gi, a dagger at his waist, a headband with a gem built into it, and a bag/rucksack for travelling, walks into the tavern and orders a drink and some food as he takes a table before sitting back to relax. The newcomers hear other remark on this as he is usually with his fellow scouts. He has had some success and been with the expedition a couple of weeks so it known well enough. Perhaps this veteran can give some pointers to the newcomers.
Jun 15, 2023 6:28 am
The lizardfolk shrugs her shoulders and raises her mug

Right now just this drink. After that who knows.

OOC: Apologies but I think I'm going to bow out of this. You are all fantastic but the format I am still struggling with. You have my deepest thanks for letting me have a go and hope this isn't too disruptive.
Jun 15, 2023 11:45 am
I notice the gesture and raise my cup as well.

I can't quite read the lizard-folk's mimic, but I notice another person. A furry creature not that different from myself.
Furry, with a dagger as a weapon and an intersting wooden mask.

I purr in a friendly voice.

"Cheers! May G'ar-Field, the heavenly guard of my tribe bless us all. At least he did so in the past.

What brought you here? Looking for adventure or already been regrouped to one of the teams? There's a lot going on here at the base, and ... even more outside."
Jun 15, 2023 2:28 pm
After saying a quick farewell to Athria, Seren gets up to join the new figure.
I rarely go looking for such things as adventure, but im not one to protest when it seeks me out. And it has. On the road here an otherworldly storm blew in and wreaked havoc on our caravan. Luckily we made it back alive...
For a moment, Seren's countenance flickers with what might be doubt or confusion, but she quickly rights herself and continues.
I was hoping the library may hold answers so i think thats my next step.
The name's Seren
Jun 15, 2023 6:47 pm
"To the Library ... " I say. I'm suprised, excited and awestruck at the same time.
I look left and right.
Holding my cup with both hands, I lean forward.

"There's still some thing in the library I have to do. And I am in need of a partner. If you want to find answers ... and maybe some loot ...
Then adventure has found you!"

I grin and purr.

"What do you say!?

Oh ...please apologize. Seems like I've lost my decency while running through the swamp.

I am Shmautz, from the clan of the Predator Paws of the tribe of the Sun Furs."

My right paw reaches out over the table. I offer a handshake.
Jun 16, 2023 12:33 am
Skeeve shows up at the tavern for a drink or two, ready to discuss the discoveries of the day. When Blornvid shows up, he greets him warmly. When the others show up, he greets them with a smile and asks what their first impressions are.
Last edited June 16, 2023 12:35 am
Jun 16, 2023 12:58 am
Raggy and Ro walk in and sit with the others. Raggy takes a seat and starts drinking and relaxing. Ro nuzzles under sleeves feet and takes a nap. I really don't know how ive handled so much excitementthis week. We were small game hunters before this. Biggest thing I've ever killed was a deer. Now the storm and well today. I donr know which one was more eventful. Although walking on clouds and not knowing when you will fall through is unsettling. Raggy leans back in his chair and Listens to the conversation. He eventually recounts the events of the storm for Skeeve and Blornvid assuming they hadn't already heard it.
Jun 16, 2023 4:10 am
As the evening sets in the tavern becomes a busy place as scouts, guards, and craftsmen settle back to relax after a day of hard work, danger, or just boring drudgery. Shmautz, a graceful catfolk sporting a elegant cloak and accompanied by some sort of tiny automaton is recognized by most though known by few. Having been with the expedition some weeks he is recognized as one of the more successful scouts. Word of hit team dissolving spreads through the tavern and it looks like some of the new recruits are already looking to see if they can get any tips of join him on his next outing. Word from the clerks office is that Schmautz is scouting a promising Remnant having something to do with the tiny golem. The Remnants have gotten a bit of a dangerous reputation. Each is contained in a barrier, almost like a Border but smaller and more stable. But with the advent of the Border storms and they chaos it caused most are happy to let the scouts scout the Remnants while they sit back and collect tales.

The quartet of tunnel delvers are also a bit of a hot topic. Blronvid the dwarf smit warrior and Skeeve the human mage have been working in the rooms and passageways recently discovered below the base. By all accounts the amount and danger of traps they have encountered almost make the speculation on the wealth they must be accumulating almost reserved. Still it looks like they picked up a couple of new companions. The large wolfkin Raggy with his pet wolf draws most of the attention allowing the smaller human Vlax to almost go unnoticed. Word that the tunnels are nearly clear brings to question if the two newcomers are swooping in to get double the loot for half the effort or half the loot for double the danger.

As the topics of loot and dangers are passed around the room some discus the local shops, mostly stocked in staple supplies with weapons, armor, and survival gear taking up most of the rest of the shelves. Still the artificer Valpip and wizard Fiznick are known to have a few items of power and sell the occasional scroll or potion to make adventuring all the more thrilling to the tale tellers and listeners around the room.



Jun 16, 2023 4:27 am
In the morning there is a bit of an unusual crush in the clerks office

Alright listen up! Danoll is organizing a patrol of the South West region and we already have a couple volunteers. Any others interested are welcome to join them
The Patrol thread is just kicking of HERE. This is for newcomers and will walk you through the site, setting, system and game. Expected posting rate 3+ times a week but this is flexible as needed
@DungeonCat / Preslynn is already on the thread talking with Danoll. @fnlyre / Tuit Naverson and any other newcomers who are ready to go should start with this quest if you want a gentler introduction.
Waving his hand at the lean catkin the clerk continues
Shmautz will be leading any interested in accompanying him west of the swamps to a Remnant he has already scouted. This is an unusually intact Remnant and we would like it to stay that way. Try and not break things as you finish exploring it and resolving any dangers you may encounter. If you are interested in joining him then he will be leaving in the hour from the west gate. Talk to him before that time to ensure you are not left behind.
The Library thread is an ongoing quest delving into the city ruins. Go HERE to join the quest.
@tergolap,@Marmy49 You can finish up any business in town before moving to the Library thread. Just post here if there is anything you need to do on base before moving on.
After checking in, the tunnel delvers are accompanied by Valpip down below the warehouse to finish the job.
If anyone has any questions about the quests or the Expedition feel free to ask the clerk or look around town and check stuff out on the base. See the ~Tiny Info~ sheet (also accessable felow the "Quick Reply" and "Rolls" section as a small grey button) for a map of the Base.
Jun 16, 2023 1:31 pm
Ugh. Household stomach bug ... Going to be a slow day for me.
Vlax Had made the briefest of appearances in the tavern last night, and seeing how busy and crowded it was he excused himself early. Not feeling very well he shows up this morning. Okay gang, let's get this done. He shows no interest in splitting up the small party they put together, and they seem to be working well together. If the others are ready to head back into the tunnels so is he.
Last edited June 16, 2023 3:33 pm
Jun 16, 2023 3:26 pm
I love the idea of this little 14 boy ordering everyone around! I think its great! Especially since he seems precociously competent, too.
Skeeve had a great evening at the tavern, though he made sure not to drink too much. He needs a clear head for the next day of the tunnels. I'd like to think he had a chance to see and catch up with Khorguran and Rikia, too.
Last edited June 16, 2023 3:27 pm
Jun 16, 2023 3:58 pm
Shmautz is ready for action. I assume that my backpack is filled as written (char sheet).
Did I have time to recover HP?

Heading over to the Library.
Jun 16, 2023 4:02 pm
daryen says:
I love the idea of this little 14 boy ordering everyone around! I think its great! Especially since he seems precociously competent, too.
Wait whos 14? Lol. I must have overlooked someones age somewhere lol
Jun 16, 2023 4:07 pm
I think you're referring to the clerk
Jun 16, 2023 4:07 pm
The clerk of a youth. Many progressions stay at age 8 or 12. The clerk handles the day to day stuff for the base but they're is an administrator.

This system is very light on resource management. Everyone gets 10 gold a week plus room and board for their work. Shopping list are on the Tiny Info sheet. Everyone is assumed to be healed each night they spend on base
Jun 16, 2023 4:48 pm
oh duh 🤦‍♂️
Jun 16, 2023 5:42 pm
Yeah, I meant the clerk. And I don't mean it as a criticism, complaint, or anything like that. I just like the image. It's great!
Jun 19, 2023 1:18 pm
By my reconing @CyanblueWyvern /Ashas is still on base. I have not heard from them is a bit . we'll see
Sep 8, 2023 4:03 am
@Arkmenos Welcome to the story
You can go back to the first couple of post or read as much of this thread as you like to get background information you would pick up by listening to the local gosip.
Swiftfoot Underfoot
Stepping out of the dock house Ealdwig Swiftfoot looks around there and notes that though there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. Most of the buildings are built from old solid stone block with smooth patches filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though most seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.

As the expedition is now well underway and no longer as secretive as it was before Ealdwig manages to get passage to the base without having to sign a contract. Rumor has it that the first batch of adventurers had to sign a magic contract and were stuck here for months at a time. Luckily things are going well and that means the flow of trade, comverse, and coin.

The base has an odd assortment of people, rough river boat and dock hands, mercenaries, adventurers, cayenne, and scholarly researchers. With the remainder of the day you wander about listening to snatches of gossip eventually making your way to the local hangout, the tavern. The variety of people is all to evident here and you note the varied accents of people from the Nations, Freeholds, and Kingdoms. Some of these cluster with those of like origins woke other groups are a mix of nationalities and people but are of a like profession. The large room has a few small tables, mostly full, as well as several large common tables, and a bar sheet people are eating, drinking, and chatting.
Sep 8, 2023 3:53 pm
Noticing the tavern, Ealdwig decides to grab a drink and a bite to eat and see what he can learn about the place. He reaches up and pushes open the door. The commotion reminds him of every other town taverns he's been in.

Making his way to the bar, he climbs into the first stool he sees. He moves his pack around to his front, to keep it safe from wandering hands.

Calling out to the barkeep, with a broad smile "one ale please and what's on the menu today?"

The barkeep drops the ale and food in front of Ealdwig, and to his surprise it smells better than he was anticipating. Digging in and smiling broadly "Wow! This is amazing! My compliments to the chef. Oh hi, by the way, my name is Ealdwig, and you are?"

After the introduction, as the barkeep goes back to his business, Ealdwig sits on his stool eating his surprisingly delicious meal, drinking his ale and listening to everyone around him. Being the outgoing sort, speaks to both the people to his left and right and anyone else who comes near, trying to get the feel of the place and the lay of the land.

"Does anyone know who I can speak with about finding work on the expedition?"
I wasn't 100% sure how far to go. I figured I would need to move the story along a little and didn't want to stop at my first question about the menu waiting for a silly answer, which is something that would happen at the table. Let me know how this works, too much, too little?
Sep 8, 2023 10:36 pm
Toblen Stonehill
The tavern keeper
suggests the stew Plenty of local meat and herbs in it. Quite the teat. Cooks goten quite good with local products by now. Names Toblen You must be new. We get quite a few looking around. Most move on after an encounter or two with the hobgoblins or orcs. Watch out for them. Beast and monsters can be tough but they don't usually try to hunt you down.

A weary looking elderly human nearby replies You'll be wanting to speak with the clerk over in the office. Or you can just check the notice board out front of the office in the courtyard. The man introduces himself as Danoll, a veteran adventurer and one of the first to have joined the expedition that found this lost city. The expedition is privately funded but has connections to all three lands Kingdoms, Nations, and Freeholds. It recently has been expanding more aggressively due to the increased presence of the Kobolds, Goblinoids, and orcs, each of who has brough other creatures to assist them. Much of the comotion is centered around massive magical orbs that are tied to the Infinite Tower, to the north. But you'll have to go see the tower yourself if you want any information about that. If you are looking for something a bit more lightweight to get your feet wet I suggest checking in with the clerk or going into the swamp and visiting Gulfis, the local's shaman.
He chats with you in a friendly way for several minutes. During that time you spot him effortlessly lift a few coins from passing purses, attached to apparently oblivious patrons, and giving you a wink when he sees that you noticed it.
You are totally fine moving the story along like that. I can always backfill as needed.
See the ~Tiny Info~ sheet Notice Board for open jobs
Sep 8, 2023 11:50 pm
Ealdwig noticing the effortless way Danolli lifts some coins off the patrons, gives a smile and nod in appreciation. "Quick reflexes. Couldn't have done it better myself."

"Office? I certainly wasn't expecting anyone to tell me to head to an office? And what is the Tower?" You seem to know alot about this place, what do you do around here, Danolli, besides a that?" and Ealdwig give a little flick of his head towards some of the patrons.

"Did you say Shaman?"



Sep 9, 2023 12:45 am
Experience tax on fools and novices He says shrugging it off as he tosses the silver to Toblen. The office handles all official offers. The shaman has a few odd jobs occasionally and the Tower is always in need of people. Apparently the tower is a relic of the Dawn Age and got broken somehow during the war and Shattering. Seems dangerous to me mucking about with all that magic and traveling to other planes. No thanks. I'm on my way to retirement and this is my last job. Mostly its just babysitting wannabes with too much bravery and not enough experience. Officially I am senior scout and take them out on patrols 8 days a tenday week. Being senior I make sure to be on base when new boats or wagons arrive whenever I can. Lets me get a look at the new lambs like yourself.

You seem a bit young for all this "adventure". What exactly are you looking to do? If you don't mind me asking.
Sep 9, 2023 2:55 am
Ealdwig giggles and has a broad smile. "Yeah, I get that a lot. I know I look like a 12 year old human, but I am 23, still young but not a child. How old did you think I was?

I don't know too much about magic, and did you say 'traveling to other planes?' Is that possible?"
Is that possible? Talk about an adventure. Ealdwig thinks to himself. And he finishes the rest of this ale.

He considers a second, but not sure he should push it while talking to a perspective employer / colleague.

"Patrols? What are we patrolling?

I heard this was a good place to find adventure and maybe some coin. That's why I came. Not sure what I am looking to do, though. Not sure what can be done here. I do have some skills, I've got some pretty quick hands and feet. Made my living as a street performer, doing acrobatic type stuff, as well as other things to make ends meet."

Ealdwig tries to liberate some "fools tax" himself.
I assume with the nimble fingers trait, I would roll that with advantage? I assume the one 5 is enough, if not I can use the "lucky" trait once per day I believe.
He uses the coin to pay the Toblen. "Any suggestions? Maybe I can work with you, need additional help?"
Last edited September 9, 2023 3:05 am


Pick pocket (nimble fingers) - (3d6)

(514) = 10

Sep 9, 2023 5:45 pm
Danoll chuckles as you lift and pass on the tax. Waiting till the target is out of hearing he suggests Keep it small and never more than half what you spend yourself. Go to high and people complain and get the watch involved then they come to me to find the inconsiderate lout that tried to freeload. Got it he ends with a stern stare

Toblen Stonehill
Pocketing the coin the man gives you a glance then looks to Danoll who shrugs. You get the impression he is aware of the tax and is part of the "auditing" process. Best not push your luck, at least not in the tavern. I stay in the walls where it is safe. Not much work for you or any other adventurer. All I can suggest is Gulfis the shaman or check the notice board. Danoll would know best.

You can join the guard and watch over the base or one of their watchtowers along the road in through the swamp. Or you can guard the scholars who go out to study the Remnants and occasionally some of the accessible ruins. The patrols mostly keep an eye on the other forces in the area. Thos kobolds, goblinoids, and orc I mentioned. Sometimes the scouts are given missions. For example right now we have a couple teams scouting the caverns we just found under the base and looking into the Library. I hear that one is entirely intact. You can join me on my patrol tomorrow
A: Notice Board
B: Gulfis (shaman)
C: Scouts - patrol(guided walk through), anything else requires a partner PC or NPC
D: Tower (dangerous)
E: Guard duty (BORIING!)
F: Self guided tour (random based on where you go)
Sep 9, 2023 8:00 pm
Who noticed the lift, the barkeeper or the person I lifted from? Is that because it was a "5" and not a "6"?
With a shrug, "got it."

"Well, guard duty seems dull, and potentially dangerous. Who will guard me?" Ealdwig says with a grin. Do people choose to stand around a watch things? Tomorrow I'll I'd like to patrol with you, if you'll have me. It may give me a good overview of the place. Patrol and scouting is something that I might be good at. Thanks.

I've never met a Shaman before. What's he like?"
Approximately what time is it? Should I be asking about a place to sleep or checking in somewhere or did I check in already when i arrived? Maybe there is time to wonder around and check out the notice board.



Sep 10, 2023 12:13 am
The lift was clean, roll was good. I just let the npc notice for story without consequences.
It's early in the afternoon as Danoll explains a bit about how things with here. If you sign-up 2 make and a bed for the night is provided. All sign-ups are for a week at a time.
If that's too much your cab always stay here. Toblen will put you up for a silver. I can take you along tomorrow if you like. As for Guflis, well she is a bit odd, seems to be an occupational hazard, but is she good to have as a friend or aquatense. You got time to pay her a visit today if you like. Just take the road outside the gate to the swamp. The guardpost at the edge of the swamp can give you directions from there.
Sep 10, 2023 4:53 pm
Ok so if I go and "sign up" room and board is provided but I am working for a week, correct? If not I can stay at the Tavern for a silver. I think I have that straight. To go on Patrol with Danolli tomorrow do I need to sign up?
Sorry, who is Pete?
"Hey, thanks for the info Danolli. I think I'll take a walk out to meet a Guflis, she sounds fascinating, and I don't have anything better to do for the rest of the day. Never met a Shaman before.

So, I can patrol with you tomorrow? Where and when do we meet?"

Maybe I'll sign up tomorrow. Take today to scope things out. Danolli seems like a good guy.

Calling over to Toblen, Ealdwig asks he has a room for tonight, gives him another silver. bids ado to Danolli, "See you tomorrow good sir. Thanks for the chat."

Ealdwig hopping down from his high perch, weaves his way through the patrons and out onto the street. He follows the directions from Danolli and heads out to meet a Shaman for the first time. It's a nice day. Glad I decided to come out here. Seems like a good place to make a mark.
Sep 10, 2023 11:46 pm
pete was a typo, now corrected.
Danoll offered to let you 'tag along' but you have to follow instructions, to not endanger the others basically, and are responsible for yourself.
Danoll confirms the time and place for meeting up, tomorrow morning at the west gate 9am.

Etcher wanders the town. The place is bustling more than its size would normally allow for. There are groups of porters being ordered around by academics as well as groups of adventurers and other newcomers that stand out like Etcher due to looking around so much. Making your way to the west gate the guards wave you through after recording you name and description then passing you a small token to let you back in. The sounds of birds and bugs almost hides the river sounds to your north. The road west of the base has been cleared and packed making the walk easy. Tall grass surrounds the road with trees rising further west. After a couple of minutes the trees are closer and the ground around the road is spotted with muds and water puddles as the grassland turns to a marsh. Soon you are among the trees and the road dwindles to a decent wagon track raised a foot above the waters of the swamp that now surround you.

The road leads to a fork with a simple wooden guard tower and a suspension and pontoon bridge connecting it to another watch tower to the west. A smaller track heads to the south. Greeting you the two guards remind you the waters and thick vegetation hide a variety of local wildlife. These threats range from large alligators, swarms of fish that will strip you to the bones in seconds, poisonous snakes, and the ever-present flies. The guards inform you that the southern track leads to another pontoon bridge that connects to the area near the Grippli shamans mound.

Following the direction you soon reach the mound. Crossing the now repaired bridge they make it to the shamans mound. About 20 feet tall and about 60 feet wide the mound resembles a low hill save the doorway cutting into it and several small "window" holes along with a hole atop the hill out of which rises a thin wisp of smoke.

Out front is a crude sign

Friends come in
Enemies take a dive
with an arrow pointing to the swamp and a simple image of a person being eaten by something in the water.
Sep 11, 2023 7:47 pm
Pay attention, watch and listen. Seems like there are plenty of dangerous things out here that can kill you. "What was that?" Ealdwig jumps with a start and turns around, looking for anything and everything. It was probably nothing, calm down. And Ealdwig continues down the path towards the Shaman's abode.

Noticing the sign, Ealdwig swallows hard, screws up his courage and calls out, Hello? Gulfis? I am a friend of Danolli's and new to the area. He said you were a good person to know. So I thought I would come out and introduce myself. My name is Ealdwig. Definitely a friend.
Sep 12, 2023 4:11 am
From deep within an odd scratching voice calls out Come on in! is a welcoming and wavering tone.
Sep 12, 2023 1:43 pm
"Sure, thanks." Ealdwig looks around for a door in the mound. Locating it, Ealdwig enters.

Man, I should have brought a gift of some kind, I'm an idiot. Do I have anything on me that will suffice?

A little tentatively "Gulfis, hello, I'm Ealdwig. Danolli says hi." Looking around and trying to get his bearings "Nice place."



Sep 12, 2023 2:56 pm
As you enter the first thing you note is the smell. There is a light haze filling the inside of the mound. It is slightly thick and sweet with a hint of something that tingles when you inhale.

Make a Save Test (2d6 and any roll 5 or higher is a pass)

The fumes enter as you breath and you feel yourself relax and slightly more alert (for now). The inside of the mound is one large cavernous room. The fire in the middle ias a kettle hung over it wich is bubbling slightly. Tables, racks, and shelves line all the walls and a wide variety of identifiable and unidentifiable items cover every surface.

Off to one side working on mixing some powders together sits a little old grippli. The shaman eye the odd pair as you enter and smiles in greeting. Well, newcomer. Certainly have been a lot of new faces lately. Corse some of the new neighbors I could do without muttering the last bit with obvious disgust.
What can I do for you, eh? Need some healing, preventative, a charm maybe? and blinks her large eyes
Sep 12, 2023 5:22 pm
Ealdwig, ignoring the newcomer comment, looks around fascinated by all the items covering every surface. Wow, what is all this stuff and that smell? I can't put my finger on it. Intriguing. "Oh hi, Ealdwig says as he notices Giflus working at the table. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Giflus. I've never met a Shaman before, is that what you do, Giflus, make potions and charms?" Slowly reaching out Don't touch anything! Ealdwig puts his arm back to his side.

"Wow, I appreciate the offer, but I don't know if I require anything like that, at the moment. Is this place dangerous? Do I need preventative healing or a charm? Looking down at himself, did i make a mistake coming here? How dangerous is this place if you need preventative healing and charms? Then it dawns on him, "oh yeah, sorry, my name is Ealdwig Swiftfoot."

"As you can guess, I am new around here. Just hopped off the boat today. I met Danoll in the Tavern. He said you were a good person to know so I thought I would swing by and introduce myself. Tomorrow he is letting me tag along on his patrol. I figured that would be a good way to get to know the area."

"Any insight into Danoll and / or this place? Danoll seems like a good guy but you never know."


Save test - (2d6)

(64) = 10



Sep 13, 2023 12:51 am
The elderly frog emits a rumbling chuckle as you ramble. You catch her watching you with one eye while her other eye watches her actions preparing reagents and hey the impression she is slightly disappointed.
Danoll is a good kid. He was with the first adventures that found the Remnants and brought the expedition here.

As for this place, it's a swamp. Ever been in a swamp before? The bugs are hungry and seem to enjoy newcomers more than I do. I have steady supply of customers visiting for big repellant anti itch cream, anti fungal salve, parasite purging potions and more. Of you know what you're doing it's not bad here. We like it mostly because people you don't do they issues to leave us alone.


But now all these outsiders are here fighting over the left overs from the last age. Bunch of fools I say. It's best left alone.

But that's them, what about you. What do you want from life? Ease, comfort, money, adventure, a challenge?

Finally done with here current activities she finally turns to face you. Gulfis looks very old but moves and talks with only a hint of age. Her wide mouth makes her habitual grin a bit comical to your more classical sensibilities but the light on her eyes let's you know she is no soft mark.
Sep 13, 2023 2:03 am
Slapping at a bug pretty big comparatively "Who me? What am I after? Ealdwig thinks for a second. "Probably adventure first, money second. I think I am a pretty positive person. Most days I can't wait to see what the day will bring. As for money, I've never had a lot of that, but I've gotten by. It might be nice not having to worry about it constantly. And no, to answer your other question, I've never been to a swamp before. I've spent most of my time in cities. I've been a street performer. Not cause for much street performing in the swamp."

Slapping at another bug "Wow these things are big. I feel like I might be carried away. Is this whole place this bug riddled? Maybe I could use some of your bug repellent, after all. Does it work?"



Sep 13, 2023 2:24 am
The shaman grins as she grabs a small packet Guaranteed to keep you free of tics, leeches, dysentery, malaria, dengue, and yellow fever. Each packet lasts a week. Charms are better though and last 6 seasons.

Well if you are looking for adventure this is a good place. We have ancient ruins, violent neighbors fighting over control of the area, necromancers have set up shop in the cemetery, and there's even a dragon that moved into the area. He doesn't seem to get along with the necromancers. No one does mind you but he seems to enjoy ruining their hard work to anytime they get a decent hoard organized. But you stay away from the Tower for now. That place is in trouble.
Sep 13, 2023 3:29 am
Ealdwig looks at the small packets and wonders what do I do with that? "Oh a charm would work better? Maybe that would be a better idea? Reaching into his bag, how much do I owe you, Guflis?"
How much coin do I have?
Ealdwig, stops for a second and you can see that he's thinking things over. Necromancers? Dragons? This place is amazing! And terrifying. All at the same time. I've never seen or met a dragon? Can you meet a dragon? I don't know if they are all that friendly. It would be great to make friends with a dragon though, wouldn't it.

Ealdwig come back to reality. "Wow! There is quite a bit going on around here, isn't there? With a small frown on his face, Necromancers don't sound all that nice. With a bid smile, What's the dragon like? I've never seen one before. I imagine he's gigantic, holding his thumb and forefinger about and inch apart, and probably just a tad bit frightening."

"Danoll said the same thing about the Tower. I am guessing that's not the best place for a little inexperienced guy like me."

"I don't know what Danoll has in store for tomorrow. I should probably get going and head back to the Tavern for the night, and get some rest. We're meeting early tomorrow. And I don't want to be tired on my first day. Besides I imagine the bugs get bigger at night, and I'm pretty small as you can see."

Smiling wide, I don't suppose you have anything that'll keep necromancers away?"
Sep 13, 2023 12:52 pm
Added coin to your sheet under Gear
Looking you over Gulfis asks 5 silvr for the charm and tosses you what looks to be s spider inside a piece of amber that has been polllished to a flat round disk shape with a few holes around the edges for a thong or piece of string to thread through. Nah, not much stops a necromanser save a bash to the head. Though most of their creations are not fond of fire. Take this as a welcoming gife. It is mostly used to start fires but it works good for a anti undead weapon as well. Just toss th e hole thing on one and watch it catch fire. and tosses a pouch. Inside the oiled leather pouch is a fine grey and yellow powder. Sha cautions you not to get it wet or even touch it or it will ignite. Odd something to make fire when it gets wet. But then again they live in a swamp. If you need a small fire just shake a pinch into your palm then dust your hands off quick over whatever you want to burn It will get your hand warm and ignait in a few seconds. Takes a bit of practice but as long as you get most off quick and dont try and eat it you'll be fine.
Sep 13, 2023 3:56 pm
With one hand Ealdwig catches the disk smoothly and takes a good look at it. Handing over the 5 silver pieces he pulls a tie off his knapsack, threads it through the holes and ties it around his neck. "Thanks I will probably come to rely on this. Not looking forward to the day it stops working."
i'll just remove the 5 silver from my sheet. Looks like I am definitely going to need that job. LOL. I think we agreed that Eadlwig would have a dagger as well, no?
Looking inside the pouch, this burns if wet or if I touch it, wow. Um, did he say "don't eat it?" would anyone actually try to do that? Probably a good rule of thumb not to eat powder given to you by a Shaman. Unused to this kind of kindness Ealdwig says earnestly, "appreciate it Guflis. This is might nice of you to provide a gift like this to someone you just met. So I just grab a pinch and rub it on whatever I want to burn and it'll just catch fire, doesn't matter if it's raining or underwater? That's amazing. You do fantastic work. I can tell that the charm is working already."

Tucking the pouch into his knapsack, "I wish I had something to give in return. Unfortunately, I am holding light these days, unless you'd like some rations, I have a few left over from the trip here. I pull out a rations of food and offer it Gulfis, it's probably some jerky of some kind or another.
Last edited September 13, 2023 3:57 pm



Sep 14, 2023 2:16 am
Gulfis takes the proffered rations and rises then in one of the something pots.
Don't you worry dear
Sep 14, 2023 2:30 am
Ealdwig thanks Guflis for everything and heads out back to town and the tavern. He moves quickly wanting to get back before dusk comes.

Heading into town he heads to the tavern for another drink and food before finding his room and heading to bed for the evening. He wants to be ready to meet up Danoll in the morning.
Sep 14, 2023 1:41 pm
DM repost from other thread Etch Lives
@Solidgobi Etcher's story continues here
Etcher sits down at the bar, alone again. He is slumped in his chair drinking a pint of whatever was the cheapest drink to order. He has never been in a city before, his life mainly on the roads and wilderness of the wildlands. The Base had everything, jobs, coin, and drink. He could start his life here. Take what he wants, go back on the road. Fly wherever the winds would take him. You promised them. He heard Alfred's words in his mind, his old boss. A man is nothing if he doesn't follow his word.

Etcher slowly takes old the sigil once again. It was obvious to him, if he was going to do this he would need a new family. He couldn't do things by himself, he never could. The Avain stands up and walks to the barman. Where, heroes? He would find a group of adventurers, a new family they could help him find the mistress, together.
Solidgobi says:
Etcher will ask about and rumors of groups of adventures. He will try and find such a group and join them.
Sep 14, 2023 1:44 pm
Evening sets in and the growd gets a bit roudy and the amound of food being served drops and the amount of alchohol increases. As Etcher tals with the tavern keeper the jovial atmospher reminds him a bit of his former home..
Toblen Stonehill
Toblen listens to Etchers clipped queries and comments that most adventurers form teams through there are a few loners and newcomers about. Check with Danoll or the clerk in the morning they keep trrack of this stuff. Though since you ask that litle bloke over there is new and seems to be without a team as of yet. He was talking with Danoll but i'm not sure if he signed up and guestures toards Ealdwig

As Etcher talks with the man he gets a tingling sensation from the pendant. Focusing he realizes it is reacting to a elven maiden who is working in as a server.
Sep 14, 2023 2:44 pm
Ealdwig, as a small person, weaves his way through the tavern to the bar. Tall folk, they are everywhere. It would be nice to find a place that is set up for people like me for a change. He hops up on the barstool next to an Avian and turns his pack around to his chest for protection. "Hi Toblen, It's Toblen right? Can I have an ale and the dinner special please. Just got back from seeing Gulfis that's a hike, I'm famished."

Ealdwig noticing the Avian, with a big smile, "Hi I'm Ealdwig. Nice pendant. I just got one today myself, from Gulfis. She was very kind to me. Have you met her yet?" Ealdwig shows the charm to his new Avian friend.

Noticing that the Avian was looking in the server's direction, Ealdwig grabs his ale, nods in the Elf's direction "She's a friend of yours? Cute, can you introduce me?"
Sep 15, 2023 1:56 am
Etcher perks up as soon as he sees the amulet. Someone else who is connected to the house?! Amazing, it must be a sign. Etcher caws in glee. He points to the amulet and back to the Ealdwig. Friend! His voice is high and shrill, almost like a parrot. He wraps an arm around the small person’s shoulders. Together! Find Mistress! He needed all the help he could get if he was going to fulfill his promise to the occupants of the house. He points to the pendant. Witic, Seer, give! He smiles as much as an Avian can smile.

As Ealdwig points to the server, Avian’s eyes widen. She IS THE MISTRESS! He is practically pulling Ealdwig. Come come. He squawks as he points excitedly to the Elven server.
Sep 15, 2023 2:27 am
The smiling Ealdwig, now turning to a frowning Ealdwig, is a little taken aback by his new Avian friend? Not used to being handled by anyone, Ealdwig pulls away a little. "Hey bud, what's going on? You're pretty excited. Yeah, I just got this charm from Gulfis. Do you know Gulfis? Is that where you got yours? Does it ward off bugs as well? It doesn't look the same."

"Mistress? Did you say Mistress? What Mistress? Sorry, man I don't know what you are talking about? I just got here."

While being pulled from his stool "where are you going? Slow down? I just got my food and it's been a long day. Come back, sit down and talk to me while I finish my dinner, I'm starving. You want something, I'm a little low on coin at the moment, but I'll see what I can do."

Less flustered Ealdwig straightens in his seat. "So, what are you going on about? Actually, first, let's start with your name? I've got so many questions."
Sep 15, 2023 2:29 pm
Etcher’s shoulders visibly slump as he slowly realizes that the symbols are not the same. He needed to rethink his strategy, he was great with words. He would talk himself out of his problem. He points at himself. Etcher. Knight Errant! His voice is high pitched and squeaky. Well that's what the little one had called him. Now how was he supposed to say that he was honor bound to fulfill a promise to a fey and floating eyeball monster. That he needed to find the lost heir to a magic house whose purpose he didn’t understand? Adventure. Shinies. Find Mistress. He squawks.

He sits down to watch his new "friend" eat. He has nothing to offer Ealdwig, but the Avian was certain he needed Ealdwig. They both had pendants that were given to them! It wasn’t a coincidence. Etcher puts his sigil onto the table. Both Shinies! The sigil is visibly vibrating while resting on the table. Etcher points again to the server. Mistress.
Sep 15, 2023 8:08 pm
While finishing up dinner, "Etcher is it?, cool name. As I stated I'm Ealdwig. Nice to meet you. And you are running an errand for a Knight?" And a little more softly mostly to himself "or maybe you are the knight on an errand, hum?"

Realizing that Etcher talks in one or two word sentences, and that he talks in large bursts of words, he consciously slows down. "Maybe we should try this one question at a time. Sorry, I am a little lost. Do you want something to eat?" Ealdwig looks up for Tolben.

"Ok, so I believe you are on a mission or adventure, correct?"

"Your adventure is to find the Mistress?"

"I've noticed your pendant, it's different from mine. And it looks to be vibrating. You didn't get that from Gulfis did you?"
In a whisper Ealdwig asks "Is the pendant magical? Does it vibrate when the Mistress is near or something like that?"

Smiling and unable to contain his calm demeanor any more the questions just start excitedly flowing, "ok, so who this Mistress? Why are you looking for her? What are you supposed to do once you find her?"
Sep 16, 2023 5:21 am
Etcher matches Ealdwig’s enthusiasm with his own, nodding excitedly (and just plain cawing) as Ealdwig speaks to the Avian. He nods fast and vigorously when ask if he is one an adventure to find the mistress. Cawing as he nods. Find Mistress! When asked about the pendant, Etcher shakes his head. Witic, Seer, give! Etcher nods when asks if the pendant is magical and vibrates when near the so called misstress. He again points towards a young elven server. Mistress!

Etcher seems taken aback by the final barrage of questions. Almost looking confused. Well he hadn’t really thought of those questions himself either. Witic was a fey, and fey were trouble, but all he could remember was how afraid she had been before he vowed to help. The Seer was most likely a monster, but it had a sense of duty. He had treated Etcher fairly. Etcher hadn’t even thought if the house should be restored, maybe it was best left forgotten. Maybe the mistress didn’t want to return. In his heart he however believed one thing, restoring order to the mysterious house, it was the right thing to do. Bring. Magic House. Etcher Squawks. There would be rewards right? Heroes get rewarded! Shinies!
Sep 17, 2023 5:36 am
Ok. So it looks like we are getting somewhere. To recap, to make sure I understand you properly. You were given a job, so to speak, to find the Mistress. They or he, this Witic Seer guy, gave you a pendant. The pendent vibrates when near the Mistress. The pendant is vibrating now. Is all that correct? If so nod yes"

Wiping food off his chin, Ealdwig continues, "who gave you the pendant? Witic, Seer? Who is Witic, Seer? Is that one person or two? And how well do you know this person? Do you trust them?"

Looking at the Elven server, she doesn't look like a Mistress. Although, what does a Mistress look like? Does she know she is a Mistress and a person of interest? This all seems kind of strange. She is here serving drinks. If she could bring magic back to some house, somewhere, wouldn't she be there doing that? Is she hiding from someone or something? Ugh, so many questions. I am all for making money or shinies, I do like and need that, but don't want to do it at the expense of some poor girl.

"Are you sure it's vibrating at this girl? It could be anyone in here?"

Gesturing over to Toblen "Hey Toblen, can you get us another couple of ales please? Who's that girl over there, the Elven server? I thought maybe I could make her acquaintance. She work here often? You see Danoll around this evening?"
Sep 17, 2023 2:52 pm
Etcher nods in confirmation to Ealdwig’s recap. He caws in dismay when hearing "Witic Seer". Two, two! Etcher squawks. He was a master of words usually, maybe he had hit his head a bit too hard with his landing earlier that week. Trust… Etcher just shrugs. Promised. It didn’t really matter to Etcher if the two planned to betray him or if he was caught up in something he didn’t understand, he had promised. That was all he needed to know. When asked the final question Etcher just points again, Girl, Girl.

He is more than happy to share some ale with his new "friend". He wasn’t quite sure if he could afford it but hey only suckers paid full price. He sits back and let’s Ealdwig do the talking.
Sep 17, 2023 5:14 pm
Ealdwig smiling at Etcher, "alright, now I am starting to get it. Witic is one guy, and Seer is another. You don't necessarily trust either of them but you made a promise, right?" With a frown and sincerity, "why make a promise to people you don't trust?" That doesn't seem to be a smart thing to do. If he makes a promise to people he doesn't trust, can I trust this new guy? What then would I be tied up in? Man this food is good! I am starving.

"The pendant is definitely leading you to this Elven girl."

"Who or what is a Witic and a Seer? Do you know why they are looking for this girl, this Mistress? Are they planning to do harm?"
Did I get any information from Toblen about the girl or if Danoll is around?

Do I get a sense that Etcher is on the up and up and is telling me the whole story?
Looking at his new friend, Ealdwig seems a little skeptical. Am I getting the whole story? I need more info. Maybe, I don't know. Is getting involved in this is a good idea. This guy seems excited and that he is telling the truth but that doesn't mean he has the whole story? There are definitely holes that need to be filled, just not sure my new friend Etcher here has the answers that I need. And what's his plan anyway to kidnap some innocent girl?

I need more info, where is Danoll, maybe he knows something I don't.
Sep 17, 2023 7:27 pm
Toblen Stonehill
Toblen brings over a couple of drinks and replies That's Sylfir. She's a good girl and he gives a fatherly smile to the lass and a warning glare to the duende. She's been here a couple months now. As for making her acquaintance that would be up to you and her. She mostly works the early shift so will be done soon.
As for Danoll. I haven't seen him yet but he should be in about now, unless something happened that he needed to investigate.

Sylfir Alderdrim
As you talk you watch the maiden and can tell that though no adventurer herself she is all to familiar with and know how to handle the crowd. Her business like demeanor is broken as she talks animatedly with those she is familiar with.
Danoll isn't in at the moment and I leave your reading on Etcher between the two of you. Ealdwig can roll a test to gauge his new acquaintance and I can give some feedback if you need
Sep 17, 2023 7:46 pm
Insight check into Etcher


insight - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Sep 17, 2023 8:02 pm
Etcher does not seem to be trying to deceive you though you are sure there is more to the story than Armenos knows or guesses.
Sep 18, 2023 2:09 am
Taking the ales from Toblen, "Thanks." Smiling big as he does, Ealdwig hands an ale to Etcher, "for you, new friend. Cheers."

Ealdwig looks around the tavern, carefully. Trying to see if anyone has any interest in Etcher, himself or there conversation. "I'll be back in a minute." Hopping down from the bar stool, Ealdwig enters the patrons in the bar. Being small, he can blend in a kind of disappear. He tries to find an out of the way place to see if anyone is taking notice of Etcher or "the Mistress".
Did I notice anything for either location?
After a few minutes, Ealdwig hops back up onto his stool. Looking at Etcher, I am going to bet you didn't expect the Mistress to be serving drinks in this bar, did you? So, you probably didn't have a plan for how to approach her? Taking another swig of ale man this is good stuff. I'll need to slow down. Where is Danoll? He seems like he might know her? He's been here a while. Looking around for Danoll. "Ok, according to Toblen there, I nod toward the barkeeper, "your Mistress, her name is Sylfir by the way, works here everyday for the early shift. Maybe we should bide our time for a day or two. Get some information on her and go from there. Maybe a plan will present itself. What do you say?"
Last edited September 18, 2023 2:10 am


Perception while sitting at bar - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Perception after trying to get a better vantage point - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Convincing Etcher of the plan - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Sep 18, 2023 1:17 pm
While Ealdwig was gone Etcher managed to down his entire drink, he didn’t think of much while his new "friend" was gone. Like Ealdwig, Etcher’s only thought was, man this is good stuff.

When Ealdwig reappears Etcher listens intently as the small man explains what information he gathered as well as his strategy. Etcher nods along obediently, caws with delight, Sylfir Sylfir! Information? Gather information? Why would they need to do that? The Seer and Witic had already spent days selecting the correct candidates.. Candidates? Etcher couldn’t quite remember. Doesn't matter; I already know that she is the one. The last part of Ealdwig’s quite reasonable plan seems to go over Etcher’s head. He shakes his head. Go now! Talk! With that he stands up, momentarily wobbling. It really was good stuff! The Avian starts heading directly towards the server. Turning his head as he strides towards Sylfir, he squawks at Ealdwig. Come Come!

With to be quite frank, unreasonable amounts of confidence the Avian walks up directly to Sylfir. He makes a sound that can only be described as a caw, it is either to gain her attention or a crude introduction. Etcher performs what would generously be called a bow towards the elf. He points to himself, Etcher, friend. He holds up the sigil of the House and asks a simple question. Go home?
OOC: Sorry! I decided that since your roll failed it would be fitting for Etcher to just barge in with little strategy. Feel free to cut in to salvage the situation! I think he have the makings of an entertaining duo! Also let me know if I should roll here or not. I'm honestly not sure!
Last edited September 18, 2023 1:18 pm
Sep 18, 2023 1:39 pm
Ealdwig does not see anyone paying more attention to Etcher or the lady, at least not more than a pretty girl and avian with an odd speech pattern would warrant. He does note that those who watch Sylfir more closely are in turn watched by Toblen with a scowl.
The way I view/use rolls in social encounters is that they enhance you story. Against each other you are free to interpret them as you see fit, keeping to the flow of the story and rules on Test success, then I will add anything I feel is needed based on rolls.
Sylfir Alderdrim
Sylfir looks up as Etchr calls her name, twice, and watches in bemusement as he aproaches and starts talking with her. Smiling a slightly awkward smile she replies with a soft and melodious voice Well my friend, my home is quite far from here and i am not done working yet. But if you wish to go to your home them be off with you. The door is that way and she points outside as she studies the excited avian.

Toblen Stonehill
Toblen watches the exchange and glances at Ealdwig quickly not sure what is going on but not keen on strangers walking up to the girls and talking about taing her home. A phrase that usually carries a less than wholesome meaning from most of the taverns patrons.
Sep 18, 2023 3:58 pm
To Etcher, "Where are you going? No, I don't think that's a good idea. Let's wait a little, ugh..." He mutters under his breath, "this is probably not going to end well." Ealdwig turns a little in his seat, but stays seated at the bar. Watching as Etcher walk up to the server, Sylfir, he has a look of "ouch this is going to hurt" as well as amusement on his face.

This will be interesting. Hopefully, we don't get kicked out, the food and ale here are too good.

When Etchers says the words "come home", Ealdwig cringes and, knowing that Toblen notices everything that goes on in his establishment, looks at Toblen. Ealdwig, shrugs "sorry Toblen, I just met him a little while ago. I have no idea what he is doing right now. All I know about him is he isn't good with words." Smiling, But, it looks like she can handle herself."

Toblen Stonehill


Sep 19, 2023 1:32 am
Toblen Stonehill
Humph he grumbles and scowls but moves on with other orders
Sep 19, 2023 5:25 am
Etcher’s face is one of confusion. He lowers the sigil of the house looking at it as if staring at it will somehow achieve something greater. Strange, I thought she would have recognized it. How long has the house been without its master? Surely an elf would have remembered, about their own family history? Not one to be discouraged, he holds up the sigil again, this time a bit higher. No, no. House! He makes a bigger motion as he points, slowly, making an arch with his right arm before settling his finger on the side of the sigil. It is noticeably vibrating. Was I wrong, is she not the one? Is the master or mistress of the house behind her? He somewhat obviously looks behind the server, as if looking for some mysterious hidden figure.

Maybe my new friend could help? He seems rather charming. I bet he can talk with her and explain our situation. Etcher squawks, turning his head and starts waving at Ealdwig. Ealdwig come!
Sep 19, 2023 12:23 pm
Ealdwig, points at his chest and looks around questioningly. "Me?"

Finishing the ale, Ealdwig jumps down from the stool and walks over to the couple, hiding his nervousness behind a smile. Smiling wide and talking quickly, Hi, I am Ealdwig. You must be Sylfir, beautiful name by the way. I see you've met Etcher. We met just a little while ago. He saw my charm, which wards off bugs given to me by Guflis, and he thought we were on the same team or something. Danoll, who I met earlier today said I should go meet Guflis which is why I have the charm. We're supposed to scout in the morning. Sorry, I'm rambling. If you can't tell I am new here and I tend to ramble." Ealdwig takes a deep breath, calms down and smiles even wider.

Sylfir Alderdrim


Sep 19, 2023 12:36 pm
Sylfir Alderdrim
Sylfir transfers her gaze to Ealdwig, looking back and forth between the two with a slightly bemused look. By this point more of the patrons have joined in the game of "watch that silly bugger, what'l happen next". Ealdwig get the distinct impression that bets are being made, which is common with the game and wonders what the odds are and how he can get in on the action. sigh Well now I've got work to do so unless you have an order for the kitchen or something to drink I will have to excuse myself. If you're looking for something else then I suggest you help you take your business elsewhere. And you she focuses on Etcher and continues in a softer encouraging voice You need to lear how to explain things when taking with folks to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings. If you get nervous and have trouble talking then I suggest writing it down or get a friend to help you. People are more understanding than you might think. To a point. and ends with a stern gaze.

She turns and gets on with her job under teh protective eye of Toblen
Sep 19, 2023 2:19 pm
Etcher nods solemnly while listening to the Sylfir. I think she is the one, kind, but at the same time strong. She might be exactly what the residents at the house needed. A leader. Etcher lowers his eyes and performs a much better bow than before. Yes, letter! If she wants a letter I’ll get her a letter. If she is going to be the new caretaker of the house of course there should be a contract! I’m so absent minded, my brother Talred always said I was forgetful! Well I can’t write, but I’m sure if I get back into contact with the Seer he could help. His new friend Ealdwig could help too. Maybe he can write the contract for Etcher. I suppose I should do a favor for Ealdwig first, if he is going to write a letter for me.

Etcher walks and sits down back to his old seat. He looks surprisingly upbeat for someone who should have been humiliated. Ealdwig! Drink! Together! He squawks excitedly. He waves the nearest server over and orders two more drinks for the pair. If Ealdwig joins him, he looks at the smaller man and asks. Plan, help?
Sep 19, 2023 2:56 pm
To Sylfir, smiling "Ok, thanks. See you around."

Well that was embarrassing. Ealdwig look around to see who might still be watching. This isn't good, I've drawn way too much attention.

A little dejected, Ealdwig walk over to the Etcher at the bar, "I think I am going to call it a night, I've got to meet Danoll early tomorrow. Thanks for the company. I'll probably run into you again tomorrow." Ealdwig heads off toward his room for the night.
I guess that he already got the room from Toblen earlier in the day when he was here earlier.

BTW how to I change my name under the avatar to match Etcher. It should probably say Ealdwig Swiftfoot with Arkmenos underneath.
Sep 19, 2023 3:41 pm
just above the Quick Reply text box is a Post As drop-down menu. it and change from player to your character name. You have to do this each post. If your character has an avatar then it will use that image
Sep 20, 2023 1:18 am
Finishing yoru evening meal you then retire for the night with the plan of getting together for breakfast before meeting with Danoll. The morning arives and along with a hearty, though somewhat lacking in flavor, breakfast you are set for the day. Heading to the gate you have time to look around the small encampments. The morning crowd is moslty adventurers preping for the day and porters organizing their ext treck to the Remnants. You get to the gate before Danoll but he walks up a few minutes later with sevveral other individuals you assume are scouts.
Big Al

Danopll leads two massive wariors, a human and cat-kin, while the fourth is a cheerful looking goblin with a pair of shields.

You made it back I see he comments to Ealdwig And brought a fried. We're heading out in a minute. Will the both of you be joining us today? he asks as he examines Etcher
A guard steps up to Danoll and whispers in his ear for a moment as Danoll nods
Well then. I guess your new friend cant go for a stroll with us.. It seems Valpip and Fiznik are intersted in him and asked he be sent their way "if at all possible". Any idea what for? he asks looking at the two of you
Sep 20, 2023 1:54 am
Yeah, I made it back from Guflis yesterday afternoon. She's cool. We had a good chat and I even got this charm, holding out the charm for Danoll to see. I'm in. Looking up at the three new guys, who are these guys? Looks like your brought some muscle.

Pointing to Etcher, this is Etcher, we met last night when I got back to the tavern. He thought we were kindred spirits or something, because I had this charm. I think someone gave him a magical pendant and he thought I had one as well from the same people. If there is time later, I'd like to speak to you about it.

Looking confused, who is Valpik and Fiznip? Did I pronounce those right? Looking at Etcher, you know those guys? Do you have a job to do this morning?
Sep 20, 2023 6:06 am
Etcher the previous evening followed Ealdwig to his room and insisted on sleeping on the floor. He made no mention of payment for said room. If asked why he was staying in Ealdwig’s room, he would squawk "Friends!", seeming content that was sufficient enough reason. The Avian had followed Ealdwig to scouting duty as well, giving the same reason.

Now the swordsman eyes Danoll, his right hand slowly sliding towards his sword hilt. I thought my business with those two was over. Wasn’t that the deal? I need more time, I have to earn her trust. Are they planning revenge? I can’t remember what our deal was actually… Not important I’m sure. Maybe they can write a letter for me! They owe me. The Avian shrugs. Yes. For the second question, Etcher shakes his head. No job. I wonder how close Ealdwig is to these men? If he is going to help me I need to be on his good side. He glances at Ealdwig. Friends? Then looks at the men.
Last edited September 20, 2023 6:10 am
Sep 20, 2023 1:40 pm
Danoll and his squad escort Etcher back into the base to a door neither had been to before. After knocking they are invited in and they usher Etcher in first then follow with Ealdwig in tow.

Lord Felspar

Inside sits a kindly yet firm aging man who retains much of the strength of his youth and only grown in power with the passage of time. Nearby sits an elderly man with a long glowing beard and bespectacled gnome.
Lord Felspar
Please com in. Sit down this may take a while depending on how things go. Let me start by saying no one is in trouble, at this time, but there are certain things that must be cleared up with regards to the safety of this outpost. Fiznik and Valpip and he guests to the old man and gnome came to me last night with a concern about the Matrix focus that was found underground recently and told me how someone arrived through it recently. I understand this is you he says looking to Etcher.
[ +- ] The arrival of Etcher
The guards reported you talked with Sylfir about something. Normally we don't involve ourselves in private matters of those that stay here but with the concerns of Valpip and Fiznik we decided it was best if we intervened.

After talking with Toblen I believe we have most of the story but would like to give you a chance to explain yourself better

Turning to Ealdwig As I understand it you are new and just met him last night. If you can give a statement to Danoll while we talk with Etcher then got can be on your way.

The priest, wizard, and artificer quiz Etcher while Danoll listens to Ealdwig.
I wild like Etcher to give his explanation. I skipped it last time to let you two meet but feel the story progression will be affected by how he explains things so this point. @Solidgobi you can add a Test roll with a brief explanation of its intended result to add to your in character explanation if you like.
Ealdwig can easily hear the whole thing while talking with Danoll.
Sep 20, 2023 1:40 pm
Danoll and his squad escort Etcher back into the base to a door neither had been to before. After knocking they are invited in and they usher Etcher in first then follow with Ealdwig in tow.

Lord Felspar

Inside sits a kindly yet firm aging man who retains much of the strength of his youth and only grown in power with the passage of time. Nearby sits an elderly man with a long glowing beard and bespectacled gnome.
Lord Felspar
Please com in. Sit down this may take a while depending on how things go. Let me start by saying no one is in trouble, at this time, but there are certain things that must be cleared up with regards to the safety of this outpost. Fiznik and Valpip and he guests to the old man and gnome came to me last night with a concern about the Matrix focus that was found underground recently and told me how someone arrived through it recently. I understand this is you he says looking to Etcher.
[ +- ] The arrival of Etcher
The guards reported you talked with Sylfir about something. Normally we don't involve ourselves in private matters of those that stay here but with the concerns of Valpip and Fiznik we decided it was best if we intervened.

After talking with Toblen I believe we have most of the story but would like to give you a chance to explain yourself better

Turning to Ealdwig As I understand it you are new and just met him last night. If you can give a statement to Danoll while we talk with Etcher then got can be on your way.

The priest, wizard, and artificer quiz Etcher while Danoll listens to Ealdwig.
I would like Etcher to give his explanation. I skipped it last time to let you two meet but feel the story progression will be affected by how he explains things at this point.
@Solidgobi you can add a Test roll with a brief explanation of its intended result to add to your in character explanation if you like.
Ealdwig can easily hear the whole thing while talking with Danoll.
Sep 20, 2023 3:00 pm
Ealdwig, surprised and looking up at everyone, has no idea what is going on. He follows the group better to go along. Looking at Etcher, What has this guy gotten me into? And where are we going? This can't be good. Ealdwig, looks for any and all ways to run if need be.

Wow, what is this place? Did he say Lord? Am I supposed to bow or something? Ealdwig stands very still and looks around at all the new faces, not good. What the hell is going on?

Ealdwig quickly and excitedly recaps the whole story to Danoll from last night.
[ +- ] The story
Sep 20, 2023 4:05 pm
Thanks. I probably should have done that, not sure how. I'll try to remember for next time.
[ +- ] Testing
Sep 21, 2023 4:58 am
Amazing Arkmenos! You speak Etcher perfectly! Couldn't have recapped it better myself. I apologize if his speaking style slows down things, I'll make sure to post what he thinks first, and then translate it into his typical clipped speech. If you want to, please either have Ealdwig imply the meaning (basically read his mind) or act confused by his speech. Whatever feels better or is more fun for you!
Etcher proves to be a less than cooperative speaker. He seems guarded and tries his best to avoid clearly answering. Which is quite a feat based on how his speech is already unclear. After some coaxing they are able to get the following out of him.

He was abandoned by his family somewhere in the wildlands. He crashed while flying and is unsure what struck him down. He came upon a mysterious house. Inside the house he met a fey, Witic. Etcher believes all fey to be "naughty" so he expects some dishonestly from Witic, but seems to have become protective of the fey. The house is obviously magical, and the fey has claimed to be the caretaker. Etcher considers Witic to be more of a squatter than an actual caretaker. Inside the house is another being the Seer who Etcher suspects either made a deal with the original owners of the house or was enslaved to monitor something, what it is Etcher will not tell the others.

Etcher offered to help find the master of the house because he feels that the current occupants are over their heads and can’t control the house. He is worried they will eventually come into conflict. The Avian was then teleported to the Matrix to find the master or as he found out the mistress. He was attempting to find said master but was ambushed by the very people in this room. Which he makes sure to point out that he is still upset about. After a few days in the city he found Ealdwig, who is now his good friend. They are going to find the mistress together and then Etcher will do whatever Ealdwig wants him to do. Etcher is loyal to his friends. Just as Ealdwig suspected Etcher cannot write and the swordsmen now demands a letter from Lord Felspar as an apology for what Etcher considers his unjust assault and capture. Give letter! His eyes stern as he caws at the Lord of the Base.
And no Etcher does not actually state what he wants on the letter. Only that they give him a letter that he can give Sylfir. He's a simple guy. Let me know if either of these are at disavantage!
Last edited September 21, 2023 5:03 am


Etcher's Attempt to Explain - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Etcher Demands a "Letter" - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Sep 21, 2023 12:32 pm
Solidgobi, it's all good. I've never done a pbp game before and it is more immersive than playing at a table or online. You try to explain what people are doing or facial expressions which you don't do when playing live. Well at least I haven't in the past, I think I might try to incorporate more of that in the future. I am trying to only use what is actually said and conveyed to Ealdwig to get the meaning. Ealdwig can't get into anyone's head. It's been fun and interesting. But it can make it a little slower, which is fine by me.
Ealdwig, listening to Etcher speak, finally understands a little more of the story. To Danoll, smiling and giggling a little, he's looking for another letter. This time from the Lord of the Base. Wonder what he wants it to say?
Sep 21, 2023 12:40 pm
The "explanation" seems to be somewhat expedited by Lord Felspar who appears to be listening to a second conversation no one ese can hear He seems quite adept at filling in "the blanks" from Etchers abrieviated conversation stye. Almost as if by magic.

Fiznik grumbles but under to promping of Vaplip and Fels[ar writes an apology letter. We were simply trying to detain you, just sop you know. I mean here we are studying a lost magical tool when it sudenly activates so we hide and you come out he begins rexplainig himself but is shushed by Felspar and told to finish his apolgy letter.

Felspar and Valpip confer with each other for a moment before Felspar leaves. Alright. Seems that the priest says you are "telling" the truth and we think we can work with you He wil go get Sylfir and explain the situation. No one will force her to do anything, mind you. Now if she agreesd to believe your story what was your plan? How are you to get her back to the house? We are most interested in the Matrix node and would appreciate it if ou could get us in contact with the Seer or Witic so that we might make arrangements to exhange information ontheir use.

Fiznik has finished his letter and folded and sealed the paper with a wax seal and hands it to Etcher with a bit of a mumbled/grumbled apology before sitting back to start at Etcher.

Off to the side Ealdwig and Danoll have long since finished their conversation. Danoll indicates he does have to go on his patrol but Ealdwig can always join him at a later date if he would rather stay with Etcher as Danoll can tell that the story has caught Ealdwigs interest.
Sep 22, 2023 2:11 am
You can almost see Ealdwig's wheels turning. With a grin, Ealdwig is kind of fascinated by the story. Why wouldn't he be? A bird man shows up out of nowhere, and has a spectacular story that he relates in one word sentences about a house, a missing "Mistress" of said house, a few guys, fey if I heard Etcher right, and everyone believes him. Seems very improbable, downright impossible, yet it has happened. Fascinating.

Although, he is conflicted. He came here to work to find a job and make some coin, he's slowly going broke, actually it's happening quicker than he would like, the charm didn't come cheap. And Danoll seems like a good guy to know. But this could be an epic adventure, what fun. But is there coin in it?

Did he say they were studying a magical tool, then Etcher just came through it? Um, Danoll, where are we? This place is unfamiliar? Please tell me it's anyplace but the Tower. Guflis said to stay away from the Tower. I think this is the Tower, crap!
Sep 22, 2023 6:22 am
Yeah I know right? It’s been fun to play Etcher, I’ve grown surprisingly attached to him! I always envisioned Etcher’s speech like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. Some people who have high emotional intelligence will just understand him 100%. Others may not. Whatever is best for the story!
Etcher face feathers ruffle a bit, the Avian equivalent of a frown. It’s good that I got the letter, when Sylfir comes here, I will give it to her, and that should fix things between us. If I’m a knight now that's the sort of thing that knights do for Lords and Ladies. I don’t really appreciate these Lords though. Etcher’s eyes are somewhat narrow when looking at the small council that has formed. They did apologize, which is nice, but big brother Alfred said apologies didn’t mean anything without coins. I suppose this letter is more valuable than a coin so it is fair.

He shifts his weight between his feet, glancing toward Ealdwig. I need to get back to the Matrix. I can’t talk to the Seer unless I am there. But I don’t want to share anything I don’t have to about the house unless I have to. They attacked me as soon as I appeared. If that is how they are, they will certainly kill the Seer. No, I will wait for the Mistress to arrive and try to talk with the Seer before I tell them more. It will be hard, but pretend you are a simpleton, maybe they will believe it.

Etcher quite dramatically cocks his head to the right and them to the left. Seer?...Matrix? The Avian blinks seemingly unsure what they are talking about. He points to himself, Etcher. Fly. He says this while flapping his arms. I will make my move once the Mistress arrives, she is the new boss after all.


Etcher's "Acting" - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Sep 22, 2023 5:32 pm
[ +- ] Ealdwig and Danoll
We can escort you to the Matix node if you like. As I said we are very interested in leaving more how they work
not sure what Etchers acting is trying to convey
Lord Felspar
Felspar comes back with Sylfir. I have explained a bit to the young lady and she has agreed to hear you out he says to Etcher

Sylfir Alderdrim
What exactly do you want of me she asks, not unkindly but cautions none the less, as she looks Etcher over.
Sep 22, 2023 6:56 pm
Priest's receiving room, wow, ok. That's good. A little torn on what to do, Ealdwig tells Danoll, you'll be scouting again tomorrow I assume? I think I'll hang out here and see what happens. I'll be good, promise.

You going to the Tavern later tonight? I'll look for you there and fill you in on what happens. If not I'll catch up with you the same time and place tomorrow morning.

Ealdwig, turns to Sylfir as she enters with Lord Felspar, smiles, gives a little wave, and watches the scene unfold. How is Etcher going to convey all this to Sylfir. This should be interesting.
Sep 23, 2023 1:38 pm
A fair question now that I think about it. He is basically trying to pretend that he doesn’t know anything about the matrix. That he didn’t comprehend that he was teleported to the matrix. An obvious lie, but he is hoping to pretend he’s so simple he can’t understand the magic enough to have them question him further about the device. He really doesn’t want them in contact with the Manor. He fears for the safety of the residents, especially the Seer if the wizards were to find the Manor.
Etcher stares at Sylfir for a long moment, a moment that stretches on and on and on. The Avian fidgets with his headband, and looks about the room. He looks at each member of the room. His stare is his typical blank expression. Etcher’s eyes when one looks at them never quite seem to hold any emotion. His feather ruffle, then ruffle again. You need to learn how to explain things when talking with folks to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings. If you get nervous and have trouble talking then I suggest writing it down or get a friend to help you. People are more understanding than you might think. Sylfir’s voice echoes inside Etcher's head.

Of course it's so clear the matter is so simple. She’s already told me what she wants. She will be an excellent guardian of the house, someone the place needs. Etcher pulls out the letter that contains Fiznik’s apology. Letter. Here! Letters must hold some sort of magic, or maybe it is part of an ancient ritual of power. These people are very clever, but I am clever…er! Etcher seems pleased with himself as he gives the elf the letter. He squints his eyes, as if trying to push something out of his head. House…your…duty. Etcher seems almost physically exhausted. They..need….Missssstressss. He squawks. This is too hard, I can’t do it. No one ever listened to me back home. Sylfir’s voice returns once more. Get a friend to help you. Etcher’s eyes widen and he suddenly turns to Ealdwig. Yes she was right, it is time to see how much of a friend Ealdwig is. Ealdwig, tell! Etcher’s eyes finally showed a bit of emotion, they were pleading. I hope Ealdwig will try and convince her.
And yes, poor Etcher has no idea what the letter actually says he just thought giving her any letter would make her happy.

Sylfir Alderdrim


Sep 23, 2023 8:30 pm
Sylfir Alderdrim
Taking the letter she opens, as Fiznik starts to say something only to be silenced by Valpip who is grinning, and reads it. Giving the wizard an odd look he looks to Etcher. House…your…duty. They..need….Missssstressss.

You mean to say there is a house that needs help and you are here to fetch me? I must say this is the oddest job offer I have received. But if the house it good and the pay is enough I wouldn't mind getting nice cushy job in a posh house.
Glancing over at Ealdwig to see how he is involved she finishes So how far is the house?

You are guessing that some bits of your story were left out of the explanation to Sylfir. Fiznik and Valpip perk up at her last question but Felspar look ready to intercede and explain further if needed.
Sep 23, 2023 8:50 pm
Ealdwig, standing by himself, smiles shyly, when all eyes turn to him. Is there a way out of this? He looks around for an exit. I knew i should have gone with Danoll, crap. "Um, who me?" Looking around at all the expecting faces, Ealdwig begins to rehash the story as he knows it. Ok, so this is what I have been able to piece together from the little bit of information I have been able to understand from Etcher. Pointing to Etcher, he begins.
[ +- ] Story
I can't tell if that's the whole story or not. Personally, I think there are some pieces of the puzzle missing, something isn't adding up. But I have no idea what it might be.

Sylfir Alderdrim


Sep 23, 2023 11:49 pm
Sylfir Alderdrim
As you explain the story you can tell the girl in intrigues but her glances to Felspar indicate she has some concerns. As you finish the story she turns to Etcher
I am willing to learn more of the house. I mean sure the family has stories of our "Glorious" status before the Shattering but I thought they were just stories. I see no harm in learning more but from what Lord Felspar told me you just appeared on some magical construct in a cavern underground while Valpip and Fiznik were studying it. I do not want to teleport to some place unknown without some kind of assurances. Can you get into contact with them? Lord Felspar has told me that Valpip and Fisznik will work to ensure my safety if I can get them access to the individuals who have some control of the artifact.
So if you can get them into contact with the Seer or the Fey somehow then we can work from there. OK?

As she talks she glances often to Felspar, Valpip, and Fiznik as if to get confirmation and reasurane as well.
Sep 24, 2023 11:35 am
Etcher caws in appreciation at Ealdwig. She only listened so well because of him! So good with words! A natural talker! Etcher nods along as the elf expresses her concerns. Looks like I can not avoid it, I will have to reveal the Seer to them. All I can do is hope that the mistress can protect him…it? Etcher takes a moment to ponder this question but can’t seem to figure where he falls between the identifiers. He almost jumps like he’s been struck by an arrow when he realizes that everyone has been staring at him waiting for him to respond.

The Avian pulls out the sigil that was given to him. He points to it holding it in front of the Sylfir. Go Matrix. He points again at the sigil. Talk. Seer. If we travel back to the Matrix I can activate the sigil and get into contact with the Seer and I suppose the rest of the house as well. I should thank Ealdwig, I couldn’t have gotten this far without him. Seems like he has plans of his own…But it couldn’t hurt to ask him to come along. He seems to have a way with words and lots of friends. The swordsman turns to Ealdwig, and pats (somewhat roughly) his shoulder three times. Thanks! Come Come. Together. Etcher squawks in what could be considered a friendly tone, if it didn’t sound like a parrot’s speech.
Sep 24, 2023 7:41 pm
It is agreed, and you get the impression they were prepared for this as all to soon the two of you along with Sylfir, Valpip, Fiznik, a coupe porters and guards are all trekking through basements and sewers under the base for several minutes before passing a iron gate and entering rough stone caverns. Etcher recognized this as the way he came in after arriving via the matrix from the manor house. It takes almost an hour of scrambling over rocks as the caves wind deeper underground and further from the base to finally reach the cavern with the tile floor.

In the middle on this cavern floor is a square of black and white tiles bordered by grey stone box covered in runic etchings. You feel old traces of magic from the tiles that hint of greater power. The wizard and gnomish artificer make some preparations off to a side of the tiles surrounding everyone in an arcane circle. When their preparations are complete they indicate for Etcher to initiate contact with the house, watching expectantly.
Moving this along to skip back and forth delay as you indicated Etcher intended to contact the house already
Taking out the amulet he approaches the tiles and calls out Seer? Talk, Mistress! and gestures towards Sylfir. A moment later the tiles glow softly and a gentle ringing sound echo's through the cave. A moment later you hear a voice, that Etcher recognizes as Witic's,c-at_max

Hellow? Etcher? Seer says that you are there and said you found our mistress? Can I speak with her It is obvious the small high pitched voice is quite excited and nervous.

Before Etcher or Sylfir can reply though Valpip speaks up Excuse me miss but before we proceed the young lady in question has asked for some assistance in verifying the validity of the claims made by the avian you sent and the safety of this endeavor.

Another voice is heard, that Etcher identifies as "Seer!" This is to be expected when initiating contact with an unknown organization. State your requirements.

The two go back and forth for a couple of minutes with a some discussion of the Matrix, the tiles patterns, and the possibility of members of the expedition traveling to the manor to verify the safety there. This last is instantly refused by Seer, much to the frustration of Fiznik. Luckily Sylfit proffers the suggestion of sending Ealdwig.

Sylfir Alderdrim
Ealdwig is not a formal member of the expedition an only arrived a few days ago. If he is willing to travel through the Matrix to the manor and returns with a agreeable report, I will meet with you. The elf maiden glances at Ealdwig with a look of hopeful pleading. You can tell she is somewhat concerned and overwhelmed by the unfolding events but a trace of determination and excitement tinges her words and can be seen in her eyes.
Sep 24, 2023 11:42 pm
I hope Valpip or Fiznik save this pattern.
Sep 25, 2023 2:34 am
After walking down corridors, through caves and scrambling over rocks, following the group as we head to the place where Etcher came from, Ealdwig looks around in amazement at the cavern and what he can only guess is a portal of some kind. He smiles as contact is made with Etchers "friends". Ealdwig quietly mutters, amazing. How does that work?

When Sylfir mentions Ealdwig's name, he snaps back to reality, Sorry, what? Ealdwig asks incredulously Huh, who me? You want me to be your emissary? Go there into the unknown? By myself?! Ealdwig looks at everyone in astonishment. I literally just met you all. Why aren't we all going?
Sep 25, 2023 3:29 am
The voice of the Seer informs everyone This is acceptable. Etcher may accompany the duende or stay there till he returns
while Fisichella tries to reassure Ealdwig

While we can't go with you we can give you some aid. A ring and an amulet. The ring will bring you back to the base when activated, no matter where you are. And the amulet will protect you from any harm by surrounding you in a large saving bubble that is automatically triggered anything your life is in danger. Each will only work once but this should give you the peace of mind to change it. What do you say? Do this for us and we can give you a duotone reward.
Sep 25, 2023 5:49 am
Good, good the Seer is smart. I don’t trust these members of.. Who are they again? Etcher is squeezing his eyes but the knowledge just isn’t coming to him. Expedition? Is that what they call themselves? A silly name, the Brotherhood of Justice. Now that was a name! Brother Alfred is so smart! The Avian stares at Ealdwig. He seems scared, not used to life out here. I will of course go with him. Oh wait! I never told him I’m a master swordsman! If he knew that he wouldn’t be afraid at all. I’ll offer to come along, as his bodyguard. Plus everyone there already knows me. The mistress is cautious, I suppose that’s the right decision. Thats why she is the boss!

The Avian walks in front of Ealdwig. Putting a hand on his own chest, Etcher caws. Together. Go. He takes five steps back. He pulls out a small stone from his pouch. Without a word he tosses the stone in the air, in an instant he draws his sword and strikes the stone mid air. The stone is shot out with such force, Ealdwig can barely keep sight of it. It slams into a wall on the other side of the room. Strangely instead of falling to the floor the stone bounces off the wall and comes flying back towards the avian. The avian, during the stone’s small flight had calmly sheathed his sword and lazily puts up his hand and catches the stone. Master. Swordman. Bodyguard! Etcher sqwaks happily.
The roll is just to show off to instill confidence and trust. In no way is this a compel action. Ealdwig is free to do what he wants. But man how about that first roll though!
Last edited September 25, 2023 5:59 am


Striking the Stone - (3d6)

(666) = 18

Catching the Stone - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Sep 25, 2023 11:31 am
LoL Wow, impressive swordsmanship!!!
Sep 25, 2023 7:26 pm
LOL, awesome! I wish I rolled so well.
Ealdwig listening to the Fiznik nods along with his comments. A ring, that will get me back here, and an amulet as a shield. That's good. That'll help. Maybe this is doable

Watching on in amazement as Etcher tosses the rock, smashes it with his blade and catches the rebound as it is about to hit him. Smiling Ealdwig looks at Etcher, You'll come along as my bodyguard? But, aren't those your friends?

Wow, Etcher is pretty amazing with that sword. If he does protect me, vs leaving me to fend for myself when in the company of his friends, that's good. I've probably got a 50/50 chance there. Plus the ring and amulet. I can do this.

Adventure and reward await. You've been looking for adventure and it's fallen in your lap. Suck it up.

Ealdwig holds out his hand to Etcher for a shake. Ok, let's do this. He walks over to Fiznik accepts the ring and amulet, puts them both on. How do you activate them?.

Smiling, he says ok, now how does this thing work pointing at the "portal". How do I get there and back? After taking in the instructions, Ealdwig looks around the room at all who are there, So what information are we looking for? I'll see what I can get and then return.

After receiving the instructions on the magical items, portal and what information everyone is looking for. He looks at Etcher, You coming? and heads toward the "portal".
Sep 26, 2023 1:34 am
Fiznik explains how the Matrix node works, with some "helpful" comments by the Seer. The tiles are a tool to focus and ammplify magical energy, similar to a magical staff or wand but unable to collect power on its own but much more versitile. One of the common functions of the Matrix is to allow communication and travel between the nodes.

Ealdwig and Etcher step onto the tiles while Fiznik and Valpip perform some magic under the guidance of the Seer. When the tiles finish moving there is a wave of light that outlines the figures then shrinks and the two dissapear.
Story continuse back in the Manor thread.
Oct 9, 2023 3:25 am
Converging the Scattered Matrix
A waiting guard quickly hustles a trio into the tent that has been erected. The the tent inside seems oddly comfortable and you are sure it is larger inside than out. The wizard and artificer sit talking with a young half-elven girl your recognize as Sylfir, who works in the tavern. The newly arrived trio of Skeve, Blornvid, and Gardakhan exude an air of comfortable excellence while the seated duo of Ealdwig and Etcher are full of energy and excitement.

Ealdwig Swiftfoot

Ah, good, we are all here now. He quickly introduced everyone before continuing. Etcher is in the employ of agents who manage a failing manor house that has access to the Matrix. The exciting thing is that one of them is familiar with the device and is willing to share their knowledge once Sylfir and he indicates the waitress takes her place as the properly recognized household head. We hope this will allow us to utilize the tiles properly as well as helping us learn to secure this node from outside arrivals. Sylfir will soon be returning to the manor with Danoll to finish the investiture and claim the manor. After that she will hire adventurers from the expedition to help her secure the manor and surrounding area before bringing in craftsmen and staff to restore the manor. We would like all of you to work together for Sylfir until we have mastered the Matrix lore. This will hopefully get you familiar with the Matrix as you travel to and from the Manor to support your tasks.

He then asks that you each introduce yourselves and explain your background and skills so that you can work together better.
Oct 9, 2023 2:05 pm
Skeeve says, "My name is Skeeve. I am a dabbler of the magical arts and am very interested in meeting someone more familiar with the Matrix! I am whatever the opposite of a fey foundling is, and my service to them is what gave me access to magic. At this point I am simply trying to keep learning."

To Fiznik, he also says, "Before we go, I would like to give you a brief report on what we've found thus far. I also request the continued use of the tablet and a recharge on the gem."

To that, he will either keep or surrender the two items as requested.
Retroactively, I would like to claim that he spent an hour or so actually writing a single page report on a separate sheet of paper to hand over to Fiznik, which he does regardless of how much of a verbal report he gets a chance to give. It contains a description of the overgrown city they found on the first pattern, and the history they "felt" from it. Notes about the fungal forest and its spiders and their offers of trade. And notes on the mountain valley and its peaceful inhabitants. He notes that he very much wants to go back to the valley later and check on them. He will turn over the message gem from the spiders, too. If he can't do it retroactively, he will just make everyone wait the hour or so, so he can write it down and hand it over. He doesn't want to forget anything and it might be useful no matter how successful the effort at the manor is.

As an aside, in the other thread you mention a "rod". To my knowledge, the spell storing device was a "gem". Either works for me. I just want to make sure of what it actually is.
Oct 9, 2023 2:29 pm
Blornvid assists in the writing of the report, particularly his experience with the spider guard and "trade ambassador" on the bridge.
"I'm Blornvid. I'm a blacksmith by trade and have apprenticed under Mort here at the base. I led a team of rotating personnel to clear out the tunnels underneath the warehouse until laddie here," he indicates Skeeve, "joined up. We finished clearing out the tunnels and explored this level of the caverns—not cleared out, mind you, so watch your step. Again, several others have come and gone, but he's stuck with it. I think he's the one calling the shots now." He says the last part with a wink and a smile. "He's a natural born leader and explorer, and I'm proud to be working with him."
"comfortable excellence" - I like that. :)
Oct 9, 2023 3:56 pm
>Wipes tear from eye.< Thanks, man!
Oct 9, 2023 4:01 pm
Energy and excitement is definitely a good way to describe Ealdwig and Etcher! A bit of a note about Etcher. He’s a man of few words, I will always convey his meaning by writing out what he is thinking. Please feel free to have your character be able to fully understand him or be confused by what he is trying to say, both are great! I consider his speech similar to Groot if you are familiar with that character. People who know him well or have high empathy will just "get" him. If it's ever too obtuse please feel free to ask me to say what he’s asking in plain English.
Etcher is an avian who is dressed in an assortment of cloth and leather armor. He has a large bandana fixed upon his head and a sword hanging by his side. His wings remain tucked behind his back. He folds his arms dramatically and gives his three new companions a slow nod, his eyes narrowing as he does so. He points his thumb up towards his face. When he speaks his voice is a high pitched squawk much like a parrot’s, no emotion in it. Etcher.

He then pats his sword on his side. Knight-Errant!

Well at least that's the title that the little fey gave me. I quite like it! Better let them know I’m handy with a blade. Best Swordsman! He caws.
Last edited October 9, 2023 4:02 pm
Oct 9, 2023 4:13 pm
you two are pretty much veterans at this point. I figured the new guys should know that 😊
Oct 9, 2023 9:06 pm
Ealdwig a small Duende hops down from his chair. He's about 3'3" or so and he looks young, about 12, but he's actually 23. He's been working as a street performer and small hustler for years, with quick hands and feet. He talks in bunches and asks a lot of questions.

Smiling up at the new group of people, oh hey! Nice to meet you all. I'm Ealdwig Swiftfoot. Etcher pointing at the large avian, smiling my bodyguard still smiling and looking at Etcher, nods and I just got back from Sylfir's ancestral home. It's amazing, and big gesturing with his hands but it's old and needs some work. And that Matrix thing is a trip, isn't it. Smiling big and looking around the group for confirmation, oh sorry, off topic.

Anyway, I've been a street performer doing some acrobatic stunts for coin where and when I can. When, that isn't available, I'll bring out the shell game or 3-card Monty,
with a side nod of his head as if saying, "you know what I mean". I came out here to find some work and adventure and it found me almost before I got off the ship. Grin.
Oct 10, 2023 2:15 am
Blornvid chuckles. "I can see that you're a handful." He turns to Etcher and says with a grin, "Do you have to bail him out of trouble a lot?"
Oct 10, 2023 3:26 am
With righteous indignation, Hey! What are you trying to say? Ealdwig smiles unable to keep up the act with any conviction.

Innocently, who me? pointing at himself and smiling. And to answer your question, no he hasn't, at least not yet
Oct 10, 2023 4:05 am
Skeeve gets a chuckle out of the exchange.
Oct 10, 2023 4:40 am
You chat for a while and Valpip, Fiznik and Sylfir discuss among themselves their plans for the manor. Sylfir is getting more excited as details of the manor are gone over. When Danol joins you about an hour later there is only a short conference before you all make you way to the Matrix tiles. The six of you, Sylfir, Danol, Ealdwig, Etcher, Skeeve, and Blornvid will go to the Manor where Sylfirl will inherit the manor. After that Danol will assist her for a couple of days while the four of you try to stabilize the manor and its lands.

The Gem of spell storing is recharged and Skeeve is told to keep the tablet as you will likely be running missions through the Matrix as you have time between jobs for the Manor.

After all preparations have been completed Fiznik contacts the Manor, a function of the matrix the Seer has shown him to do. He explains that any with a trace of magic can learn to access the Matrix through its ritual magic (Ritual Magic trait).
@Arkmenos : Ealdwig has mostly done social interaction but has definitely played through your tutorial time. You gained 10 XP and can gain a trait, weapon mastery, or weapon proficiency. Let me know if you have any questions.
Story moves back into the Manor
Oct 20, 2023 12:54 am
Edair Duril vs the World
Welcome to the story @Elysium77
[ +- ] Edair
Eldair had wound up in the dwarven city of Gamulur after his last job as caravan guard. Not feeling optomistic he saught another employer, the last being a bit too stingy on his promised "bonus" payments for fighting and other hazardous activities. Dwarves were not known to hire humans as guards but still he had caught work of an organization that had been recruiting from this area the last town back. He found the recruiter and found the base wages much better.

The next morning found him floading down river with several other guards on large heavily laden supply barges. The trib was uneventful save catching the edge of one of those new Border Storms. Other than the weather rocking the boat they suddenly found the watter rising to form mist elementals that enjoyed teasing the guards and boatmen. Luckily the captaib was a vetran river master and new the way well enough to avoid crashing the boat and eventually the elementals blew away with the storm.

As Eldair steps off the boat onto the wooden planks of the dock with the other guards he looks around. The butle looks much like any other river port town. The dock hands work to unload the barges under the instruction of an older man who bellows everything.

Miros Xelbrin
You lot there! get out of the way. We don't mind the company but you stopping the unloading of the ale. And everyone know the day isn't done till the ale is safely stored in the tavern.
Get along there.

The guardmen move along, the slower ones getting "acciddentally" bumped and jostled as the dock rats move crates. At the end of the dock are some step up into the dockhouse, a rough stone structure that looks half old and ruinous and half new made. Just inside the cool shade a tall hard faced man and guard await.

Right, I'm Captain Tyren, leader of the Silver Fang mercenaries and captain of the guard here abouts. You can sign up with me or make your way to the office with the Sergeant here. They will sort you out.

Guards on me
and with that he turns and strides off, obviously expecting to be obeyed.

The guard stand watching as you and your comrades sort yourselves out.

Let me know if you follow the captain to be a camp guard or go with the seargent to explore other options. Give me a sence of your attitude and add some OOC on prefered encouters or adventures.
Oct 20, 2023 1:18 am
Edair scowls at the older man, "Yea, whatever you say, old man." he sighs and moves out of the way. He looks at the Captain, "Sign up with you and be a watchman again? I’ll pass. I think I’ll see what the sergeant has for me." He cracks his knuckles and goes with the sergeant.
I don’t have much preference with encounters, maybe some combat so I can see how it works if possible. No big deal if it isn’t
Last edited October 20, 2023 8:31 pm
Oct 20, 2023 9:00 pm
The guard takes you down a long street then gestures to an open doorway and with an In there turns and heads off.

Stepping inside, the stone building do help a bit with the heat though the humidity make the air thick and clinging, you see a large room with benches, a couple of tabes, and a boy in his teen sitting at a small writing table. Looking up at your arrival he slips into one of the open doors and returns a moment later to gesture you into the next room.

Inside is a large desk with shelves and cupboards surrounding it and papers neatly stacked or rolled and bound with cord everywhere. The man behind the desk looks you over before going back to his papers as he speaks We thank you for your interest in joining out little expedition and your assistance in bringing the much needed supplies. At this point you have two options.
1. You can work freelance but taking jobs from the notice board in the room you entered from and registering them with my clerk. You will be paid upon completion.
2. You can sign on and work as assigned by the expedition, either as a guard or scout. Scouts do much the same as free agents but are provided room, board, and any required healing, but with lower pay.

At this moment two other figures enter the room and Narth turns his attention to then ignoring Edair for the moment.

Ah, welcome back Schmautz and Seren. I do hope you have good news for me? he asks. The two adventurers give a short report on their interactions with Dean, a thinking golems, and his assistance with them in entering and exploring the Library of Paphos. The expedition administrator becomes quite excited as they talk and send his clerk to fetch the other managers so they can plan their work in the library. After a few minutes of this followed by a couple of questions Phlan sits back.
Well nowk, that will keep the researchers busy for some time. Looking around the room at the assembled adventurers he continues I will have to excuse myself in a minute but can answer a few questions before needing to help organize our foray to the library. My clerc can assist you with you needs and finding work afterward.
Oct 20, 2023 9:13 pm
@Elysium777 The two other PC are from one of the groups that posts 1+/week If you plan to post 1-2 times a week you can join them, but I assume you will want a faster game from your responce to the poll. So I am planning you soothing to do with an NPC for your intro. There is another Player in the pipe who may join you depending on both our play/posting speeds
Oct 20, 2023 9:35 pm
Psybermagi says:
@Elysium777 The two other PC are from one of the groups that posts 1+/week If you plan to post 1-2 times a week you can join them, but I assume you will want a faster game from your responce to the poll. So I am planning you soothing to do with an NPC for your intro. There is another Player in the pipe who may join you depending on both our play/posting speeds
Cool cool 😎
Oct 20, 2023 9:58 pm
If you have no questions for the administrator you are ushered away by the young clerk who indicates the Notice Board outside his office (see the ~Tiny Info~, accessible as a separate sheet or drop down at the bottom of the page) and says to simple ask him about any jobs you are interested in.

The swamp is mostly clear though still a good place for newcomers to start and "get your feet wet" as it were. Other than fighting the other factions in the area it is actually more importantly we gather information about them and what they are doing and why. With all this fighting going on most of the fey have secluded themselves but some can still be found or come out to cause trouble form time to time but nothing major.

Thinking for a moment the boy says to Edair. Actually we do need some scouting done. It would be a good thing to start with for a newcomer. We recently discovered some caverns connected to the cellars and basements under the expedition base. If you are up for it we have a another freelancer who would be a great companion in this.

Sawen Shadeflanks
A guard is sent to fetch someone and returns a few minutes later with a small dark winged figure. The cler explains that the caverns have been mapped to a point but there is a passage heading down to the deeper underdark tha they want explored "for a ways, just so we known what is down there."
Oct 21, 2023 5:13 pm
Psybermagi says:

Thinking for a moment the boy says to Edair. Actually we do need some scouting done. It would be a good thing to start with for a newcomer. We recently discovered some caverns connected to the cellars and basements under the expedition base. If you are up for it we have a another freelancer who would be a great companion in this.

Edair puts a hand under his chin. "Interesting, I like the sound of that. What dangers should I expect in the cavern? You guys got a rat problem down there?" he smirks at his dry attempt at humor.

Sawen Shadeflanks


Oct 22, 2023 7:48 pm
The youth rattles of a list of some dangers, both encountered and suspected, but says you will be the first into the deeper caves so he is really not sure
Encountered : Deep gnome, goblin, mimic, piercer, elemental, ooze, cave fisher, spiders
Suspected : Umberhulk, troll, troglodite, drow, grey dwarf, illithiad, fungoids, steeder, giant insects, giant lizards, ... etc
Actually we have seen few rats in the tunnels, they were likely eaten by the other denizens, if there ever were any. The boy seems to not even notice you attempt at humor till after speaking then pauses smiles, shrugs, and continues.

Sawen is a veteran and skilled at working in the dark. And while he is an excellent scout he does not enjoy the subterranean lands. If you are willing then I suggest you talk with Valpip and he can equip you with a map case and a couple minor magic items to help you in your exploration.

Sawen Shadeflanks
Approaching you the avian extends his hand to clasp yours I greet you warrior. I am Sawen. As has been said I relish not the depths but my eyes and ears make me an excellent scout. I am best at stealth and hunting with my bow. The dark avian comes only to your chest has a short bow and quiver along with a long knife at his waist.

More familiar with the base Sawen guides you to Valpips shop, only to learn the gnomish artificer is already underground. Making your way to the guarded gate to the subterranean rooms you are given directions and on how to find Valpip.
@Elysium777 I am moving this to a new thread as this story arc is one of the more open eneded and so gets it's own thread. The story continues HERE
Nov 29, 2023 6:09 pm
Ander Triumphant
Welcome @WhiteDwarf to the main story area
Ander arrives to the remote expeditions base camp, collects his pay and has the remainder of the day to himself. Looking around there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. Most of the buildings are built from old solid stone block with smooth patches filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races and occupations are easily seen though most seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.

The base has an odd assortment of people, rough river boat and dock hands, mercenaries, adventurers, cayenne, and scholarly researchers. With the remainder of the day you wander about listening to snatches of gossip eventually making your way to the local cantina, which is across the street from the tavern but is known to have better food. The variety of people is all to evident here and you note the varied accents of people from the Nations, Freeholds, and Kingdoms. Some of these cluster with those of like origins woke other groups are a mix of nationalities and people but are of a like profession. The large room has a few small tables, mostly full, as well as several large common tables, and a bar sheet people are eating, drinking, and chatting.
There is a map of the bas in the ~Handout~ accessible as a button below the rolls section of the page j or in Characters form the page footer.
Nov 29, 2023 6:44 pm
Striding into the Cantina, our knightly fellow bellies up to the bar. "Ale please, he says to the barkeep.

Ander gazes emerald eyes around the Cantina. Watching especially for other adventurer types, and most especially for those appearing of knightly status.

"What can you tell me in the way of news and happenings around the Base, barkeep," Ander asks. Even as he prepares for excellent ale to stay knightly thirst! "Any adventurers looking for help investigating nearby ruins?"

Digsy (cantina)


Nov 30, 2023 3:52 am
During your wandering about the "town" you came across a bulletin board outside the clerks office
- The Borders are shattering and their affects are sweeping the land. Caution is advised when undertaking prolonged travel.
- Orcs & Goblins patrol West of the swamp
- Kobolds are becoming aggressive
- Hobgoblins claimed north of the river

Open Jobs
1. Investigate the central Remnant to the West. The monstrous humanoids are gathering there for some reason.
2. Stop the necromancers in the cemetery NW of the city. Veterans only
3. Explore the passage to the underdark
4. The Tower is asking for adventurers willing to assist in collecting needed materials.

Digsy (cantina)
The Hin (halfling) proprietress gives a welcoming smile at your question. Well they still havn't fully scoured all the minor ruins lost in the swamp. I suggest you work with one of the researches unless you're just treasure hunting. Theres is also the caves, I hear they are still trying map out the passage they found to the underdark.
Personally I suggest talking to the clerk or maybe going to visit Gulfis, the local shaman, out in the swamp.

The cheerful Hin lady is called away but makes her way back to you as her duties permit to ensure you are well fed, your cup is full, and your curiosity piqued with further tidbits about the area.

Well we have been having trouble with the orcs and hobgoblins but they move in armed bands so you will need a team to tackle them.

They fey have pulled back but can still be found if you look too hard or don't pay attention

The Infinite Tower sure is mysterious. A mage and a priestess opening portals to far of planes. I wouldn't risk it for all the gold in the world.

Some ones going to have to go out and take care of those pirates at some point. The problem is going to be finding them.

I glad the border storms aren't too bad here abouts. A couple of caravans got hit hard coming in. People stuck in wild storms bumping into animals from alien places, magic going haywire, and some even getting transformed I hear. No one is sure why but this are seems relatively safe. Best guess in the ancient magics of the city still active in the Remnants.
The two existing groups are not at a place where I can thread you in easily at this time. There are a couple other player in the intro path and I will try to get a group together as more graduate. Till then you can do short day excursions in the swamp or underground or explore the town.
Dec 1, 2023 1:07 pm
Thank you kindly, Ander says to Digsby.

Considering his options for noble service, our knightly fellow finished his ale and heads over to talk with the clerk. For that there is important mapping to be done, and who but our Educated fellow is well-suited for such a task? Right, knightly fellow?

Dec 1, 2023 5:51 pm
Ander makes his way through the outpost through the oppressive heat of the day to the main office. The thick dnak smells from the swamp to the west of the base walls are blended with a gentle breeze coming from the river to the east. Stepping inside, the stone building helps a bit with the heat though the humidity makes the air thick and clinging. Wou see a large room with benches, a couple of tabes.

Sitting in a corner behind a little desk sits a youth with a massive bookshelf full of papers, scrolls, ledgers, maps, and other record. From the looks of those waiting before you arrive this child is the reason for the wait. His nervous glances at the assorted adventurers is proof that he is well aware of the displeasure he is causing but he continues working studiously. Finishing his current task he takes a few sheets into an adjoining room, where you see fine furniture with a man seated at a desk. The youth returns and calls out to other individuals, helping them with their needs. Paying out wages and rewards, reserving contracts, and answering questions. After a few minute the clerk waves you forwards.

What can I do to help you this day? Ander explains a bit of his circumstances and desire to explore and help map. The youth listens politely and informs you of your options.
At this point you have two options.
1. You can work freelance but taking jobs from the notice board in the room you entered from and registering them with my clerk. You will be paid upon completion.
2. You can sign on and work as assigned by the expedition. Scouts do much the same as free agents but are provided room, board, and any required healing, but with lower pay.

Mapping is easy enough that you can take that as a day task and will be paid on the area and information you uncover. Currently we are looking for either detailed exploration of the swamp, which have already been mapped but not fully explored to the south. The other mapping request we have is for the caverns leading to the underdark. We have mapped a few of the closer mapps but the underdark is quite extensive and we know other races have access to the caves though we do not know where they are originating. IT is populated by numerous monsters and is considerably more dangerous than finishing the swamp exploration.
Dec 1, 2023 10:58 pm
Ander takes job from the Board, for to nvrstigate caverns leading to Underdark. Within precious moments, our knightlybfellow reports back to the clerk. Ready to begin his heroic adventure!

I am ready to begin my heroic adventure! I said!

I suppose I will simply need a map to yon caverns. Unless the entrance is easy enough to locate, in which case…I will be off!

Anything I need to know, before I stride off onto perilous journey?
Dec 2, 2023 1:13 am
Access to the caverns is currently restricted until we can secure them better. Actually if you don't mind doing a patrol first that would be great. You know, get familiar with the known caves and a bit more familiar with that environment. and he looks to you hopefully. We have a few other solo scouts on the roster at the moment. Sawen is the best in the dark bu he really doesn't like caves, being an owlin and all. Neigher does Baun as a Florin at that. I'll get a hold of Garic. He's an arcane warrior so you two should get along well.

A guard is sent to fetch Garic who returns in a few minutes. During that time the clark familiarizes you with the basements and caves. They were discovered to be infested with goblins, monsters, and a few undead but cleared a couple weeks ago by a few scout, some of who are now off site helping a private employer. The basement section is being reinforced and is almost completely secured at this point. The problem is there is an ancient magic ritual magic artifact in the adjoining caves. This Matrix Node is under study and requires around the clock guarding until it is fully understood and controlled. While all the caves have been explored and cleared of most major threats there are still a couple that need to be hunted down.

Garic arrived and introduced himself. G'day mate! the jovial goblin exclaimed. So you want to go on an adventure hey? Where to.

The clerk brings him up to speed. Though Garic has not gone down there himself he has been around a while and heard the talk so quickly agrees to assist you with this.

If there is nothing else you need the guard will take you to the caves. But before you go I will remind you there are bounties on the Cave Fisher and the Darkmantles. Both cling to the ceiling, as many denizens of the underdark can do, so I suggest you bring some ranged weapons or means of leveling the playing field.

The guard is informed you are to be granted access and will wait if you wish to go shopping first.
You will be going into the Descending into the Underdark thread when you are ready. If you go into the underdark portion to map it then you each get the use of one of Valpips magic items, in the first post of that thread, while exploring.
Dec 2, 2023 2:07 am
How much gold do I have, in terms of buying and maintaining equipment? Sorry if I missed something on that earlier.
Dec 2, 2023 2:25 am
All characters start with 10 gold.
The dogs are in the ~Tiny Info~ sheet under Price Guide, Stores
Dec 2, 2023 5:40 pm
Ander sashays heroically into ye ol Store. For to heed kind warning about underdarkened denizens, and procure a weapon of ranged lethality!

I suppose a sling and bullets will need to do. For that I am but a humble beginning adventurer, with but meager belt pouch! Alas! Unless..,shopkeep…might you allow me to make payments on a bow and arrows? For that they will do our collective exploration much better. Everybody wins, if I am able to thwart dungeonous denizens with ranged effectiveness. What say you, shopkeep? Five gold now on a bow and arrows, five more when I return, and then a regular payment until it’s paid off?

Ander follows up his knightly proposal with a heroic smile!
Last edited December 2, 2023 5:49 pm


Charismatic, trying to make a deal! - (2d6)

(44) = 8

charisma - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Dec 3, 2023 3:48 pm
The store owner looks you over and says Well, you look to not be that poor. Tell you what, I can go as low as 15 gold for a bow with arrows if you throw in some of your gear. How about that shield?

As you look over the goods Garic informs you I am a spell touched warrior so can throw my attacks at any ranged targets. But to be honest if thing are far away I am usually content to let them be. Unless of course they have arrows or the like themselves and get hostile. and chuckles.
FYI: Rules clarification
Charismatic lets you roll with 3d6.
Rolls with any ranged weapon are at disadvantage, 1d6
The shield does no good for you without the accompanying trait.
Dec 3, 2023 8:26 pm
Ander purchases a sling and bullets, thanks the shopkeep kindly and leaves for new threads of wonder!
I think my hood-ornament of a shield and I are good to go, but the Underdark thread appears to be locked.
Last edited December 3, 2023 8:38 pm
Dec 4, 2023 5:25 am
Story Moved to HERE
Dec 7, 2023 2:06 am
@Ishmann Story continued from into
Belagroff Bearjaw comes to town
The remainder of your time on the river read uneventful but not relaxing. Glad to be off the water you step off the boat onto the wooden planks of the dock you look around at the beginning of this new adventure.
[ +- ] The docks
The guard takes you and the other adventurers down a long street then gestures to an open doorway and with an In there he instructions you as he turns and heads off.

Stepping inside, the stone building does help a bit with the heat though the humidity makes the air thick and clinging, you see a large room with benches, a couple of tabes, and a boy in his teen sitting at a small writing table. Looking up he sighs.

More of you? Let's see how long you last.

He asks you names and preferred occupations, indicating there is work as craftsmen, entertainers, guards, scouts, and freelance work available by contact.

Come talk to me if you have any questions, it just ask any guard or anyone who works in the tavern or cantina.
Dec 8, 2023 2:27 am
Belagroff approaches the clerk

Could you direct me to the finest dining establishment in town? I'm famished and i havent had a decent meal in days, he says rubbing his rotund belly.



Dec 8, 2023 2:07 pm
The youth look you over and replies The "best" is a matter of preference. The cantina server the most varied and and well thought out meal with a friendly ana relaxed ambiance while the tavern serves hearty filling dishes and has a lively atmosphere that gets quite lively. Those are the only two options besides the mess hall, which by all account is definitely not the best. Both the cantina and tavern are on the far end of town. you can't miss them.
Dec 8, 2023 2:20 pm
Then The Tavern it is.

And off Belagroff goes to find the tavern. Taking in the sights and sounds along the way.
Dec 8, 2023 2:52 pm
Making your way through the base, that is most definitely not a town, you see a variety of small shops, offices, barracks, warehouses, and there as if at the end of a rainbow a lovely looking establishment with some outside table with sun shades, large glass paned windows, and a sign marking it as the "Cantina". Next to it is a lively spot, windows thrown wide, and the sound of chatter, and maybe a bit of carousing, or attempts at it as a rather resounding "smack" alerts you barmaids who know how to say no. That is most definitely the tavern.

Upon entering the tavern you see several of the boatmen you arrived with laughing as one rubs his jaw and shakes his head. A barmain and large bartender cater to them and the other customers at the bar or large long tables. The smell of ale, meat, and bread cause you tongue and belly to proclaim "here is good" and you take a seat at the bar and are promptly greeted by the barman.

Toblen Stonehill
What'll it be?
Drink and a chat, a meal with drink, or a quiet drink?

The large man is friendly but you notice his hands and arms cary thin scars likely not acquired from simple barrom brawls.
Dec 9, 2023 2:25 pm
Good day sir. I'll have your finest dish and a bottle of wine to wash it down with. If you dont have wine then a flagon of ale will suffice.

Any news of these parts? I am a gem merchant, looking for a new source to resupply my wares.

Toblen Stonehill


Dec 11, 2023 3:09 am
Toblen Stonehill
Shouting your order back to the kitchens he replies with a grin Well if you're looking for gems your best bet would be to get in on the exploration of the caves that lead down to the underdark. Word about the base is that they have a decent foodhold down there but have barely made a scratch in exploring the full depths of the passageways down there.
Dec 11, 2023 8:17 pm
The Caves sound interesting. Where can I fid them? What can you tell me about them?
How long will it take to heal my wounds from my fight with Silla?
Dec 11, 2023 11:51 pm
I'm not the GM, but unless it is extraordinary circumstances, a good nights rest will cure all of your normal damage. You'll be good to go in the morning.
Dec 12, 2023 6:41 am
[ooc]daryen is correct. However as you are healed already from the time on the river so no worries/ooc]
Toblen tells you to go and talk with the clerk to get access to the tunnels and caverns under the area. He knows little as they are relatively new just that the wizard Fiznik and artificer Valpip are excited about some discovery down there and that most of the close basements have been cleared.
Dec 12, 2023 2:07 pm
Belagroff finishes his meal and thanks Toblen for the information. He heads back across town and greets the clerk.

Greetings! I hear that there are some mysterious caverns nearby that may hold some gems. Where might I find these caverns?



Dec 12, 2023 3:08 pm
Looking up from his notations in a large ledger the youth replies I am sorry but the caverns under the area are not open to exploitation by skilled labor at this time. .

Praising for a moment he continues We are however employing scouts and adventurers to map and secure the area.
If you wish you could sign up for that work to begin familiar with the situation. Any actual protecting however would have to be negotiated with the base administrator.
Dec 12, 2023 7:40 pm
Aye. I can scout and map as good as anyone. Go ahead and sign me up.
Dec 13, 2023 2:15 am
The youth gets up from his desk and steps to the door to calls a guard who is instructed to take you to "the wizard". The guard escorts you to a small guard room with a ramp leading down to a cellar and form there through a few twists and turns to another guard station. Here he passes on your authorization and his instructions before heading off.

You are forced to wait a while for the next runner, scheduled to head down into the caverns, who will act as your guide. The rest is quite peaceful though the caves are a bit damper than you are familiar with, dwarved taking care to keep water out of their underground living spaces. About an hour later, after a decent nap,, you are escorted by a rathur dur face and chilly demeaner. All attmpts at a conversation are met with a glare or a command for "silence inthe caves" by the man. After a hours trek through the caverns you come to a well lit camp in a large cavern.
More to come tonight



Dec 13, 2023 4:18 am
The runner quickly enters camp, and enters a tent. Before you have a chance to follow an elderly man steps out looking around and spotting you move to intercept your course. So you want in on the subterranean prospects here abouts? Well, glad to hear it. the wizard says with a gleam in his eye. Of course for such a rare opportunity you will be expected to help with the leg work as it were. Tell you what, we forgot to give this and he holds our a scroll case towards you to our other field agents who just set off a bit ago. I bet if you hurry you should be able to find them, no problem. What do you say, are you up for it?

You can tell there is more to it than the old man is saying though you can not think of why he might be taking advantage of you, as you intuition is telling you he is most definitely trying to do.
Dec 13, 2023 7:00 pm
Aye. I'm up for it Belagroff says while grabbing the scroll cade.

Which way dod they go?
Dec 14, 2023 1:08 am
The wizard gives you some vague directions and sends you off. You traven for some time moving in the direction pointed out though the large cavern. You hear a couple of muffled explosions in the distance.
@Ishmann : Belagroff can continue his story in the Underdark Thread here
Jan 9, 2024 11:26 pm
Vetrans & Novices
The tavern is a bit lively but not too crowdded and the food is fine. A minstrel sits in the corner playing the odd tune while hinting ocasionally to the bartender that he might sing more, with a good drink in hand.
a@Thunder_Lungz, @zstix, @Bunt
Welcome to the base, sit have a chat see where fate takes you
Jan 9, 2024 11:28 pm
The door to the tavern opens and a male Duende enters. He wears disheveled travel clothing, a cloak that looks oddly like a thorny shrub, and a crossbow across his back. He approaches the bar to speak to the tavern employee. The conversation is brief, with the Duende speaking quickly and gesticulating that he wants a table for three. He rests his crossbow against the bar and looks around at the tavern and its inhabitants before saying loudly: Alright, we’ll be back momentarily. Thank you!

He leaves the tavern.

Thunder_Lungz says:
Hey friends, hope we’re not disturbing your adventure. Three of us are on the way in here, minutes away from wrapping up our intro adventure. One or more of us may wish to join you or possibly go to the underdark. Hope this disturbance is short and we can all get back to the action ASAP!
daryen says:
Well, technically speaking, we're all going into the ground. It's just that some of us will be proceeding through the teleporter pad to the Manor and others might be staying behind in the caves.

That said, the kennels can wait another day if needed. We're always happy to get more participants.
Jan 9, 2024 11:40 pm
maybe you can bump into the cavern team on the way. Party
Jan 9, 2024 11:52 pm
Maybe if we're ALL there, we can gang up and finish off those annoying darkmantles? Did not enjoy multiple hits at 2 a pop!

Still looking forward to cleaning up the Manor grounds, but a pre-arrival combat could work out.
Jan 10, 2024 12:35 am
A few moments pass, and the tavern door opens again. A colorful group led by the duende with a crossbow came in. There was a second male duende with a pan on his belt, and a male otterfolk with a sling. They laugh heartily and talk about fish, and berries, and perhaps a recipe on how to mix them.

The otterfolk wears a black scholar-like cape and attire with a few metallic decorations, and carries some empty vials around the belt pouch. He stops for a moment to smell the scent of the tavern, and seems to be pleased by it, as he approaches beaming at the bartender.

"Oliver Otter. Your establishment is warmly welcoming to a weary traveler, even one who arrived in a magic carpet of riverweed." He paused for a moment. "And you know what's the most peculiar part? For the dockmaster, this was just a regular Tuesday. May the river take me, he even knew it was all related to pixies. Would you believe the things that old man must have seen before!?"

"Oh yes, right. I believe we will have something to eat and drink, if you could be so kind."
Hello! Glad to post here. Hope this is aligned with what you're trying to make. I didn't fully describe Gus to allow him to make his own entrance.
Last edited January 10, 2024 12:37 am
Jan 10, 2024 12:51 am
Ha! But did you see those sailors with their mouths agape!? Grin turns to Gus and imitates a surprised face, laughs and nudges Gus in the ribs gently with his elbow. He nods his head at the bartender and moves to collect his crossbow from against the bar. This time, his cloak is a bright red with a silver clasp.
Last edited January 10, 2024 12:53 am
Jan 10, 2024 2:05 am
A human of medium build, slightly above average height and unusually green eyes looks at his two companions, a dour armored dwarf with an axe at his side and a crossbow on his back, and a slight Duende with a goblin sword at his side and who is showing off his new short bow, and shrugs his shoulders. He gets up and approaches the three boisterous newcomers and says, "Hello, my name is Skeeve. My companions are Blornvid," motioning toward the dwarf, "and Ealdwig," motioning to the Duende. "We are about to head out to a Manor that is in the process of being recovered. If you would like, I am sure we could use the help cleaning things out."

He continues, "To get there, we have to go down into the dungeons to reach a magic teleporter pad that gets us out to the Manor. If you'd rather, I know they are also exploring more down there and you can join them instead. Either holds the promise of finding coin and the occasional magic item. With either one we will gladly take you down to let you choose your direction."
Last edited January 10, 2024 2:07 am
Jan 10, 2024 2:34 am
Blornvid nods his head when Skeeve introduces him and raises his mug of ale in salute.
Jan 10, 2024 3:23 am
Ealdwig, looks at the group smiles and nods. Calling out just loud enough for the group to here welcome!
Jan 10, 2024 1:51 pm
once Gus tags in we can head straight to the tunnels and underdark unless someone needs/wants something in town first

Oliver and grin plan on the underdark

Skeeve, Blornvid, and Ealdwig are intending to head back to the Manor

Gus can tag along and decide to either the Manor, underdark, or head over to the Eldergrove over we get to the Matrix where everyone can split up if they have different destinations
Jan 10, 2024 7:23 pm
You all enjoy the company and the beginners are shown the clerks office to register with the expedition. You all then go to bead with the understanding you will head to the underground in the morning.
You awake refreshed, gather together, have breakfast, and bread down to the tunnels that lead into the dark expanse below the surface that is the world of the Underdark.
post anything you need to do in town here
I will finish up the town and move into the tunnels / underdark later tonight
Jan 10, 2024 7:55 pm
"What does the underdark look like?", asked Oliver to the three veterans during breakfast. "You know, besides being gloomy, and dark... and under. Are there exotic plants? Is there running water down there? Any prickly monster?" He chomped down a good chunk of bread, and the rest of his question was muffled into unintelligibility.
Jan 10, 2024 8:05 pm
Chomping down on some soup and bread. Aye, I’ve always believed the darkest ruins hide the greatest treasures. Tell us about it!
Jan 10, 2024 8:45 pm
Skeeve replies, "Well, immediately under the base is a simple dungeon. Some of us, including Blornvid and others, cleaned it out entirely and the settlement is starting to make use of the space. There is an exit from immediate underground area that leads into a network of caves. We then explored that cavern system, most notably did not clean it out, and found two big things of note. The first was a tunnel that leads even farther down. We briefly met someone who explored it a little and the main thing he mentioned was a huge subterranean lake that a ship of friendly undead was sailing." He lets that sink in for a moment. "Yes, I don't get it either. Anyway, the other idea big thing is a thirty-foot square teleportation pad.

"The teleportation pad is part of a network of such devices. We did a little investigation and found some interesting areas, including a city completely overrun by plants and a subterranean fungi forest adjacent to a city inhabited by intelligent spiders. Independently of our work, Ealdwig and his winged friend found out about a mostly abandoned manor. (That's where we're off to.)

"Getting back to the underdark, the encounters we didn't defeat were a very nasty cave fisher (a giant spider-like creature), a cave full of darkmantles, another cave full of innumerable normal spiders, and a tunnel that leads to a huge slime. From what I understand, there is a group down there that defeated the cave fisher and were hunting down the darkmantles. Don't know if they have designs on either the slime or spiders. And there is always the chance to just skip them and check out that subterranean lake and what lies beyond."

With that, Skeeve finally shuts up and lets Blornvid and Ealdwig add whatever they want, and for the newbies to ask questions.
Skeeve skips going into details on all of those who disappeared and were lost along the way. He intentionally skipped the high mountain valley. He also doesn't go into anything on the manor, as they don't seem interested. I assume Edair told us about the subterranean lake. I assume whomever is at the base camp by the teleport pad told us about the dead cave fisher and darkmantle hunt.
Last edited January 11, 2024 4:25 am
Jan 10, 2024 9:27 pm
Ealdwig, having heard none of Skeeve's story before, listens in awe and fascination. Wow! Did you say "friendly undead sailing on an underground lake"? That's a phrase I haven't heard before.

All that is down there? Pretty amazing!

He looks at the "new" guys, I arrived here not too long ago, spent the day, basically. Met a few interesting people in town, then went off on an errand to the manor and haven't been back since. I did get to use the teleportation device a few times. That's an interesting experience.

Pausing to eat and take a swig of his breakfast ale, he wipes his mouth on his sleeve. He smiles widely, remember the meeting, I did get to meet Guflis. They are a shaman who lives in the swamp. Very cool. First shaman I've ever met. They made this amulet for me. I hold it out. It'll ward off insects for a few years, I was told. Thinking and muttering to himself, didn't seem to work with the insects in the shed though, hum..., Ealdwig trails off.

So, what brings you guys here?
Jan 10, 2024 9:34 pm
Skeeve says, "I don't really don't think whatever was in that shed counted as 'insects'."
Jan 10, 2024 10:01 pm
Yeah, maybe not. Ealdwig give a small shiver thinking back on the experience.
Last edited January 10, 2024 10:02 pm
Jan 10, 2024 10:13 pm
Seeing Ealdwig take a swig of ale, Grin eyes his own small mug and thinks: it comes in pints?!

He clears his throat and says: Well, I was looking for a shortcut to Paphos as I’d heard there might be some treasures here for Aeth… he catches himself… for us to find. And our boat got ambushed, but we escaped. Well, there was a fight with hobgoblins and we helped the sprites, and now we’re here.

I will admit, this lake sounds interesting… and dangerous. And there are others down there fighting darkmantles? It all sounds very curious to me.
Last edited January 10, 2024 10:46 pm
Jan 10, 2024 10:43 pm
"Holy hollies, you sure have one or two things to tell. I am in a search for alchemical knowledge and exotic ingredients. Fungi, plants, some good old monster mucus, that sort of stuff. Oh, and large bodies of water are definitely my friends. Plants would be around, that's why. I'm not just asking because I'm an otter." And he laughed at that, after which he took a long sip from his mug of morning broth.

After a moment's thought, Oliver put the mug down. "I like this place, it smells cozy. I will want to remember that later when I'm feeling gloomy from the underdark." And he retrieved from his pouch the spherical flask with a wavy rune, opened it, made a gesture to capture some of the air, and closed it again. "This is as close as it gets to home for now", he said, putting it away.
Last edited January 10, 2024 11:06 pm
Jan 10, 2024 11:25 pm
Skeeve replies, "Well met! An alchemist? Do you make potions? That'd be very cool! I'm a sorcerer that also plays with scrolls, but potions are an absolute mystery to me!"

Getting back to the question, "Let's see ... I think they still had the cave fisher's head down there, though I don't know if it has any mucus left in it. That ooze I mentioned is still down there. Water? Well, I have you covered on that! In the dungeon part, before the caverns, there is a room to one size that has several pools of varying magical-ness that you can experiment with. And down by the teleportation platform there is a definitely magic pool I don't think anyone has tried to drink from yet. You can be the first!" Skeeve gives off a good-natured laugh at that.

"As for plants, I think there is a group exploring the overgrown city I mentioned before. If you want plants, that place has so many you can actually hear them move and grow! Seriously, you can hear the plants grow."
Jan 10, 2024 11:31 pm
wow, there really are so many options of cool places to explore!
Jan 10, 2024 11:41 pm
And I am not even touching half of it. I am purely restricting myself to what Skeeve knows or could know. There is other stuff out there that is pretty cool, too. There are so many hanging threads to pull on. Plus some big ones that we've never even though to check out that are listed in the setting information.
Jan 10, 2024 11:48 pm
Very cool! I’m happy to keep this conversation going as we move down to the underground. Sounds like that’s where you’re all headed anyway and there are magic pools for us to start with ;)
Bunt, what do you think?
Last edited January 10, 2024 11:48 pm
Jan 11, 2024 12:21 am
Agreed! Also, thanks for sharing all the lore!
Jan 11, 2024 1:25 am
After breakfast the much larger party heads to a guarded room with both thick and solid doors as well as a portculus at the top and bottom os a wide set of stairs. Those how have been here longer remark that security has gotten tighter and tigher as exporation of the area buth above and below ground level has brought in riches, rufians, adventurers, and merchants. You descend through a series of rooms and halls below the buildings of the base and arrive at another guarded gate to the extensive natural caverns beyond. The guard here gives you a lantern and you make your way, with Blornvid in the lead and the lantern in the middle of the groupo.

After scrambling over the rough cavern floor, that is begining to show traces of a path worn by frequent use, for tens of minutes does the passage open into larger caverns. Blornvid points out marks made with a thick waxy chalk like material that are easily followed. The passage down to this point has been entirely plain stone and a bit disapointing to oliver anbd Grin. However these caverns begin to show signs of moisture, minerals, and tiny plants, fungus, and lichen.

Psybermagi sent a note to ForeverDED,daryen
[ +- ] Caverns Map
As you walk some of the caverns features are pointed out to you. You pass the desceent to the Underdark (B) and move towads the magical tiles (D) passing by the large cavern where they darkmantle are suspected to be. As you walk you hear some shouting and see light flickering about in the distance. (C)
Discus/declar your aproach to the darkmantle cave and I will put a link to move everyon over tomorrow
I hoped to get some of the others who have been a bit inactive to join in but this wil be the last delay.
Jan 11, 2024 1:35 am
Pointing, What's going on over there? Doesn't sound or look good. Do we want to know or should we just head back?
Jan 11, 2024 1:46 am
Careful now Veilstitch, mind your surroundings, Grinfletch thinks to himself. His cloak changes to a very dark black with splotches of stone-grey, as he wraps the cloak a little more tightly around himself.
Last edited January 11, 2024 1:48 am
Jan 11, 2024 3:08 am
Skeeve says, "It didn't sound like they had a large party, and there were a lot of dark mantles when we found them before, so we probably should go help them out! Think of it as a chance to try out that new bow."
As for the new map, that's fine. Things happen. The main areas I remember finding are:
- The cave with the pink slime and mimic we killed.
- The cave past the cave fisher that lead to the tunnel to the ooze.
- The spider cave. I seem to remember it having natural light in it, but we couldn't find out if it was an exit because of the webs and spiders.
Plus, of course, the cave fisher, dark mantles, the pad and pool, the tunnel further down, and an empty cave or two.
Also, if I remember correctly, Blornvid's armor came from the dark mantle cave that I successfully dragged out while we retreated.
Last edited January 11, 2024 3:11 am
Jan 11, 2024 3:29 am
Apologies for the late response.
Bunt says:
After a moment's thought, Oliver put the mug down. "I like this place, it smells cozy. I will want to remember that later when I'm feeling gloomy from the underdark."
"We're in agreement on that, lad."
Jan 11, 2024 3:43 am
Apologies again for the late response. You guys were busy while I was busy with other (non-gaming) matters.
daryen says:
With that, Skeeve finally shuts up and lets Blornvid and Ealdwig add whatever they want, and for the newbies to ask questions.
Blornvid nods, then chuckles. "That's it, in a nutshell. Though you left out that life force draining bastard that we had to call in Valpip to wrestle with, and those damned pesky derro."
Jan 11, 2024 3:46 am
Yeah, the map is off a bit, particularly on the bottom half, but no worries. Daryen covered the encounters that took place in the missing section.

Is this where we split up? Blornvid, Skeeve, and Arkmenos are still heading back to the Manor, right?
Jan 11, 2024 3:48 am
I think the plan is for everyone to join the fight, then we split up. Think of it as an opportunity for revenge on the dark mantles.
Jan 11, 2024 3:57 am
Oh ok. Those things were annoying. Skeeve and Blornvid have both advanced a bit since then. Maybe that plus all of the newcomers will take care of them once and for all.
Jan 11, 2024 4:02 am
daryen says:
"Think of it as a chance to try out that new bow."
Seeing Blornvid’s armored hulk before him, Grin feels more at ease at the prospect of a fight. He looks appreciatively at Ealdwig’s shortbow.

To Ealdwig: A nice weapon. Though will it match the crossbow or the sling? He points to Oliver’s sling weapon. Oliver, Ealdwig, what say you both to a little competition? Whoever lands the most shots is the best shot?

He gives the party one of his winning grins and loads his crossbow.
Last edited January 11, 2024 12:41 pm
Jan 11, 2024 12:51 pm
Giving a little smile um, sure. I've shot it once or twice at the shop yesterday when I bought it. I should be an expert now right? He smiles wider with a small nervous giggle and takes the bow into his hands. Are we doing this? Thinking to himself, what is a darkmantle? How bad can it be?
Jan 11, 2024 1:39 pm
Moving to assist the group sees two figures standing between 2 thick black clouds that sit like mist and are about 40 feet across. The figures, a gallant knight with sword and armo and a crystalin biped, are attacking a strange creature that is wrapping tentacles around an ugly creature that resembles a cross between a slug and slamander. A third figure, this one dwarfish, burst from one of the clouds and finishes off the odd looking tentacled thing.

You continue your approach only to loose sight of them as another dark cloud pours from above to shroud them three in darkness despite having torches and the knight wearing a helm that shone like a lantern.
Time to join the fray. On to the underdark thread
The darkness that now hide the other adventurers is still a ways off.
It wil take 2 rounds of double movement to reach the darkness. There are currently no target visible
Feb 18, 2024 1:11 am
[ +- ] The Base
[ +- ] Base Map
[ +- ] Persona you meet and hear about
Newcomers and taking a break
Before heading to the office to check with the clerk you decide to get a nice meal so make you way to the tavern. The place is bustling with the afternoon crowd.
A brief description from each of you of your character for your future companions
Feb 18, 2024 1:27 am
Isn't Danoll off trying to become a Lord? 😂
Feb 18, 2024 1:02 pm
In the Tavern enters human male, with dark brown hair and eyes. He have a strong frame and two handed Warhammer resting on his shoulder.
The smell of food and drink put a smile on his face that he can not contain.
While walking towards the counter he says:"My good innkeeper the best food and the best mead, it has been a wicked journey"
Hello everyone, hope to have the opportunity to have fun with you all
Feb 18, 2024 1:18 pm
Ha! Was your mother a giant, lad?! Grinfletch, a 3ft, 10inch Duende (halfling) enters the tavern and swaggers over to the bar. I’ll have what he’s having! Matter of fact, put his order on my tab! My good man - he turns back to the large human - I am about to get drunk, and I think you look like a good drinking partner. How’s about it? Wait, where’s Oliver?! Oi, Oliver! He looks around for his friends but quickly turns back to say, My name’s Grinfletch, Master Duende Dungeoneer, nice to meet you, pleasure is all mine - Oliver Otter! Where’d you get to?! He hops off to find his buddies.
Welcome! We’re going to have some fun times I’m sure!
Last edited February 18, 2024 1:20 pm
Feb 18, 2024 5:47 pm
Ishzu is a crystalized humanoid. He stands about 5ft tall and has a modest staff and pack on his back.
Once in camp he heads to speak to Fiznik.
Feb 18, 2024 6:23 pm
Into ye ole Tavern strolls a knightly fellow! He wears a very chic breastplate, an armor forged of what appears a very exotic material, he wields sword and shield, and gazes valiantly through emerald eyes. He speaks and swags with a contagious enthusiasm. And his medium-length blonde hair is perfect!

Ho there, Warhammer-wielding one! Haven’t seen you around here before, that I best recollect. Please allow myself to introduce my…self! I am Ander, a brave n’ bold knight of the order. These are my fellow adventurers, we now just in from delving dungeons darkly.

Well met, I’m very sure!
Last edited February 18, 2024 6:25 pm
Feb 18, 2024 11:30 pm
After a moment, the door swings open again, and in comes a hurried otterfolk in a black decorated cloak, with vials around his belt pouch. He was of humanoid size, and spoke with broad gestures and delighted tones.

"I'm sorry for the delay. I just HAD to tell the dockmaster about our adventures and misadventures to see if he was as stoic about it as the first time we met. Let me tell you, that fella surely has seen weird stuff."

"Hey Grin, who's that? My-my, what determined eyes! You have surely come to conquer the world, yet also seem to be happy with a glass of good mead. Cheers for that! Pleased to meet you. Oliver Otter is the name. Alchemist mysteries is the business. We'll get along, I'm sure."

And he shook the hand of the strong man with the warhammer.
Feb 19, 2024 12:57 am
"I see I'm in good company, adventurers! Tell me about your mighty deeds while we dry this tavern. If Grinfletch is paying the first i sure will pay for the second", he tries to signal the innkeeper:"Innkeeper keep the mugs coming for me and my friends".
Turning back to the group: "Name is Brewner of Nordic, blacksmith by trade but i have been seeking adventure, guess that storm of wicked sorcery brought me to the right place, ancestors protect me"
Feb 19, 2024 1:45 am
Brewner, my good man, I will tell you all about our adventures in the underdark! But first, what’s all this about wicked sorcery?! He takes a big sip of local brew and sighs exaggeratedly.
Feb 19, 2024 1:54 pm
"In my travels was caught by a storm, but no common storm, lightning of many colors, the land shattered and start to float like in a river, chuncks of land that didnt belong that came from other places that the storm had pass, i assume, then chunks of land started to turn sideways and upsidedown."Brewner starts to laugh " It was madness, this is not the tale of some scared traveler, but the truth"A frown appears now on his face "There was this beast, never saw something like that, the fiend was able to put a mark on me but i ended his life", he sighs "I was able to get out of this chaos by hopping from chunk to chunk, like a damn rabbit!" he starts laughing again his good mood turning back " To be honest i am quite lost, not sure where i am, the land around me changed completely. I followed smoke encounter the keep first, the guards that took me here told me is guarded by the undead".
Feb 19, 2024 8:06 pm
Epic! You’re like a magnificent hopping hero. Oh! Hopper! Can I call you Hopper? Okay Hopper … Mr Hopper?… So, I can’t say that I’ve done anything quite as remarkable myself! But there was this one time I broke some crystal pieces off the side of a cave wall and got a headache. Ishzu was there, he can tell you all about it - tell them Ishzu… Ish? Where’d you go? Hey Oliver, where’s Ishzu? Ander, Ander my good sir, where did the crystal go?
**Oops - sorry I meant to write "where did the crystal man go?"
Last edited February 20, 2024 2:36 pm
Feb 19, 2024 8:23 pm
"Grin, the crystal thing was an hour ago!" and Oliver laughed heartily.

"But yeah, speak of the crystal devil, where has Ishzu gone? I reckon he needs some space. He really has taken this crystal business to heart. He'll tell us when he's ready. I hope."

"Brewner, was it? I didn't hear you saying it, but some lads in those tables murmured your name. What kind of lasting mark did the fiend leave on you?"

Toblen Stonehill


Feb 20, 2024 4:31 am
Toblen Stonehill
Your party doesn't stand out too much in the crowded tavern. The guards have seen adventurers come and go, there are two other parties, one is familiar and wear their badges identifying them as official scouts of the expedition and the other unfamiliar and with not marking. A couple dock hands take a table to one side and another table has porters that work for the researchers. Those who have been here a while know the canina, to the south, is a bit more mellow and is often the place to find the researchers and local craftsmen, though some of each type of clientele visit the other establishment regularly by their own preference. A maid and youth are the servers while Toblen is usually behind the bar and his wife runs the kitchen. Some say that is why he stays out front or she would run him too. Toblen, being wise, always praises the heavens for a caring, skilled, and fetching wife.
Feb 20, 2024 1:04 pm
"Hopper sounds perfect", Brewner says with a smile.

"Want i meant to say was that the beast was able to strike me, a little scratch nothing to worry about Mr. Oliver"
Feb 20, 2024 2:41 pm
Ishzu walks into the tavern. He finds Oliver, Grin, and Ander. Speaking mentally only to themFiznik and I just spoke. He thinks we should speak with my contact. Are you willing to travel with me to see them?
Feb 20, 2024 2:54 pm
Huh? Grin spins around to find Ishzu standing there. Ahhh, the man of the hour, as shiny as ever, my dear crysal…crysmal…crystal… yes that’s the one. Hopper, meet our good friend Ishzu the crystal hero. whispering really loudly, he says: -he speaks with his mind- and Ishzu, this is Mr Brewner of … he’s from somewhere with scary storms and sorcery… he’s a big deal!
Last edited February 20, 2024 2:55 pm
Feb 20, 2024 3:05 pm
Ander respond to kind telepathy, by popping promptly to mental attention!
Yes, Ishzu, you know I will help you. Count me in.
Our knightly fellow gazes emerald eyes upon his fellow adventurers, and nods in stalwart solemnity. Presuming they are all thinking the same way.
Last edited February 20, 2024 3:06 pm
Feb 20, 2024 3:15 pm
Ishzu gives Brewner a stiff bow and he hears in his head a monotone voice"Good day My Brewner. I am Ishzu. Will you be joining us on our travels?"
Feb 20, 2024 5:11 pm
Feeling quite fond of Ander's solemnity on this occassion, Oliver nods as well, supressing a chuckle at the thought of being serious.

"The more the merrier! You're going to love the underdark, Brewner. There are deadly mantles who turn you blind and pierce you from above, swarms of spiders with a single amalgamate consciousness in crystal form... And there's even a cave with a gelatin cube, which I'm sure is a huge dessert. I still need to see that last one, though."
No pressure on choosing where to go, though
Last edited February 20, 2024 5:12 pm
Feb 20, 2024 5:32 pm
Lets go meet my contact. After we travel above ground via the spider area
Feb 20, 2024 8:57 pm
Wait! Before we leave… I might need to use the lavatory! Grin is kind of drunk…can you tell?
Feb 20, 2024 9:53 pm
"Oh my, and eat something! I haven't eaten anything! If it were for Ishzu, we'd all starve... Do you eat at all, Ishzu? Come to think of it, I have not seen you eat anything ever. Same goes for Ander, but he seems to be very human and his knightly presence looks healthy and well fed."

Then Oliver approached the bartender.
"Hello, fine sir. Do you have stew or something similar? One for me, and one for any of my companions who comes asking."
Feb 20, 2024 10:34 pm
"Fascinating speaking with the mind, you have to teach me that trick", Brewner takes a big breath " To the underdark then, where adventure and fortune awaits, i hope, lead the way brave companions" and then he finished his drink in one go
Feb 20, 2024 11:23 pm
"I do not need to Eat, Drink, or Sleep. I can go into a stasis to repair any injuries." Still awkwardly standing by the table. "I will lead us to our next excursion. Please let me know when you are ready.
Feb 21, 2024 12:04 am
Ander readies his gear and finishes his ale.
I am ready, he eventually says.
Feb 21, 2024 12:06 am
Grinfletch excuses himself. When he returns, he chugs a full glass of water and eats a bowl of Oliver’s stew. Ahhhhhh, very refreshed and ready for your excursion, Ishzu. Where are we going? Do we need anything special? Shouldn’t we collect pay for clearing the spider cave? I spent most of my money on my shiny outfit and this fancy leather armor.
Feb 21, 2024 6:30 am
Oliver hurries over his stew and glass of water.
"Excellent. I am ready now. I'll follow you."
Is it assumed that we left the big crystal at the cave but brought the smaller ones?
Feb 21, 2024 2:12 pm
yes, Fiznik will watch the crystal for a day or so while you make up your minds about how to do it. You have the rest in pouches.
Ishzu explained s bit about what it took for him to get here and you decide it will take much of a day just to get there, at least 4 hours. Ishzu had been underground for a long time so is not aware about the exact time it took to travel.
I will take your down to that caves later today. You can leave now or in the morning after shopping it whatever then resting the night here.
Feb 21, 2024 2:21 pm
Do i need to buy any equipment? Torches?
Feb 21, 2024 4:21 pm
Sorry I have had a rough couple of days.
Do not let Ishzu force your characters to do something you do not want to do. If you guys think we should finish the Spider Tunnel first before meeting my Contact we can.
I assumed Ishzu grabbed a few of the larger Crystals Fiznik for payment for the information.
I did leave most of Ishzu climbing gear with the Spiders.

Feb 21, 2024 4:48 pm
everyone has done starting gear, expand the "Gear" spoiler, and some coin.
Ander has a magic helm, on loan too him from the expedition, that shines light
The expedition has stored, see the Tiny Info sheet, Price Guide, Stores spoiler. Just pray any purchases and deduct the coin, or roleplay it in character going to the store. Stores sell at normal pieces and but at cheap.

The ~Tiny Info~ also has a bunch of information for quick reference and can be accessed by tapping the grey button below the Rolls section or opening it from the Characters menus at the bottom of the page. Additional information can be added here upon request.

Feb 21, 2024 5:52 pm
No worries, @Smiley, we don’t need to hang out in town too long, and I think if there aren’t any specific rewards other than crystals/money, I’m happy to move on to the next adventure. How did we divide up the crytals? And does the town pay us for clearing that cave?

Also, @Ricardoi91 , just make a post about what Brewner buys from the store and how much it costs you (and remove the balance from your inventory). And you’re cool coming with us to the underdark? Our posting pace is generally 1+/day.
Last edited February 21, 2024 6:01 pm
Feb 21, 2024 8:38 pm
All good, @Smiley . I didn't feel pressured in any way. I just mentioned the food thing to get you to say that Ishzu didn't need to eat, which is cool.

Regarding money and buying stuff, however... we have crystals that we can use to trade for stuff, right? $.$
Feb 21, 2024 8:58 pm
based on Psyber’s post about the spoils (all the little crystal bitties), does anyone *cough* Bunt *cough* want to calculate our shares? ;)
Feb 21, 2024 9:58 pm
1 star crystal formation 8' across and about 400 lbs ~ about 8,000 GP
4 x large 4" crystals 100 GP each to Fiznik
8 x medium 1" crystals 50 GP each (best option to enchant for your use)
26 x small 1/2"crystals 25 GP each
65 x tiny 1/4" crystals 10 GP each
51 x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
The star crystal is currently safe under Fiznik's care. Omitting Fiznik's payment (4x large 4'' crystals), the rest could be evenly split in the following manner:

Each one of us gets:
2 x medium 1" crystals 50 GP each
6x small 1/2"crystals 25 GP each
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals 10 GP each
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
[Total GP: 400]

And then the remainder is:
2 x small 1/2"crystals 25 GP each
5 x tiny 1/4" crystals 10 GP each
[Total GP: 100]
To split this, we could do the following:
-Ishzu and Ander receive an additional small 1/2"crystal (25GP) each.
-Oliver gives one of his small 1/2"crystals (25GP) to Grin, and takes the five tiny 1/4" crystals (5x10GP).
This way, everyone has taken 25GP worth of items from this remainder, to a total of 425GP.


Ishzu receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
7x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments

Ander receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
7x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments

Grin receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
7x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments

Oliver receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
5x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
20 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments

This way, we all receive 425 GP worth of crystals. I can swap around the names if you want (there's no particular reason why I gave Oliver so many tiny crystals other than balancing GPs).
Feb 21, 2024 10:06 pm
Bunt, I knew you would not disappoint! Also, here’s some more info about the crystals in case you’re adding it to your inventory:

All of the smaller crystals an innately magical, or psionic if you prefer, and can be used in crafting mystical equipments. On their own they are as useful as a lump of unforged mithril.

Last edited February 21, 2024 10:29 pm
Feb 21, 2024 10:31 pm
Brewner goes for a quick shopping and buys a Shovel, grappling hook and a crowbar for 6 gp.
I will try keep the 1+/day posting. Already updated my character with the equipment minus the gold .
Last edited February 21, 2024 10:35 pm
Feb 21, 2024 10:40 pm
Good shopping choices! We’ll acquire more wealth soon, so you can keep increasing gear.
Feb 21, 2024 11:16 pm
Catching up! Ishzu took 2 of the large crystals from Fiznik for payment for information.
If the information isn't good, then Fiznik agrees to deal with it himself.
I plan on keeping the payment crystals at camp until we get back.

DM Are we able to use the crystals to enchant or do anything magical?
Last edited February 21, 2024 11:17 pm
Feb 22, 2024 3:13 am
Ander would like to seek out a forger who could fashion him a magical sword from his crystals.
In terms of equipment, is there any advantage to having a Ranged weapon, if I lack proficiency?
Finally, asking GM to help me if I’m off-track please - does Ander actually have Weapon Mastery at this point? When I finished the introductory adventure, I chose a Trait instead. But somehow I got it in my head that I’d gained Mastery during the most recent outing. Please let me know if I’m jumping the gun on that.
More to come tomorrow. Thanks, all!
Last edited February 22, 2024 3:14 am
Feb 22, 2024 3:41 am
I am very sure you have Weapon Mastery. If nothing else, you had the fight with the Cave Fisher and the big melee with the Roper and Darkmantles. So, you did get the third Trait and Weapon Mastery. I think it actually came on-line during that huge fight. But I am sure you have Mastery at this point.
Last edited February 22, 2024 3:41 am
Feb 22, 2024 3:45 am
Oh but that brings up another point. Do we add XP to our character sheets?
Feb 22, 2024 3:56 am
Thunder_Lungz says:
Oh but that brings up another point. Do we add XP to our character sheets?
In my experience, no. Psybermagi will add XP to your character sheet as you earn it. Now, when you get to a convenient stopping point you do get to spend it, but Psybermagi will be the one increasing your XP totals. (At least that's how I've seen him do it thus far.)
Feb 22, 2024 5:36 am
limited time offer says:

Updated Magical collection for sale good this visit to town only
[ +- ] Candleflame Bow 50gp
[ +- ] Blazeball Bat 75gp
[ +- ] Savage Warhammer 250gp
[ +- ] Ajile Scalemale 250gp
[ +- ] Alchemist's Splayer 100gp
[ +- ] Camper's Respite 200gp
ACK! too fast! Um, ok, just a minute . . .
Fiznik takes you to the office and reports the spiders have been cleared and everyone is rewarded 10 GP. The clerk explains the spiders were not considered a threat but with them gone they can now use, or block, the passage that leads up from that cave.

Fiznik explains that Valpip is off at a remote site and he should be back later. Valpip would be the best one to enchant the crystals. Fiznik can do a couple things Valpip can not but the gnomish artificer is better at crafting common items. The crystals worth 50gp are the smallest you can enchant. Multiple smaller fragments can be used to create a single magic item or be used in other magical rituals, or magical recipes. Fiznik figures they could easily be crafted to allow others who hold the crystals to talk with each other telepathically while in standard bow range (75' ). The crystals actually are a bit overpriced for the power they can release simply because of their scarcity and the unusual effect they can create.

Mord (Smith)
Ander hits the same snag as the others. There is a local smith who can craft the sword but he will need to consult with Valpip or Fiznik. Fiznik says he can consult on a simple magical sword. The likely result options would be a sword that can stun others, protects your mind, or can be "stored" within your mind space.
Many players take ranged weapons without bein proficient, just to have a ranged attack.

Character progression :
Brewner just finished his intro and picked a trait as hi Novice option. He will become a veteran and gain mastery in the next game day or so.
Oliver, Ishzu, Grin, Ander are all full veterans with mastery and +1 trait after creation. You are now on the XP wagon and will need to build it up.
Ander has Sword Mastery
XP is at the bottom Right of the sheet and you get 1 +/-1 per challenge/fight, depending on how hard it is

As this was intended for newcomers I started tracing stuff and just kept it up but anyone who wants to track their character history feel free to do so. just use short descriptions and ask for XP updates after significant challenges.

I suggest you distribute the loot now and track it individually.
Post purchases and sales in your personal threads please.

Did I miss anything?
Feb 22, 2024 7:09 am
Ok sorry for posting my shopping here
Feb 22, 2024 8:30 am
[ +- ] Oliver's purchase
I added my purchase on my character page. I copy this part for roleplay reasons, and so that you know it. If you want any of these items too, we can surely make an agreement
Last edited February 22, 2024 11:12 am
Feb 22, 2024 12:17 pm
Grin looks through all the magical goodies and doesn’t see anything shiny enough for his taste. Seeing the savage warhammer, he turns to look at Brewner… Uhhh, Hopper…Mr Brewner, as it were… That there warhammer seems a tad too heavy for me to carry. I wonder if you wouldn’t like to hold it for me while on our next quest? And if you like it, you could pay me back for it later?

Oh, and Mr Fiznik, sir, what materials do you need from us to craft the telepathic communication device you described? I think having a couple of those would be nice.
Grin can buy you the warhammer if Brewner would like it.

The only other item here that might be nice to have is the bow, but while I have ranged weapon proficiency, I don’t have bow mastery… what do you all think?
Last edited February 22, 2024 12:19 pm
Feb 22, 2024 1:00 pm
As these items are rather limited. If anyone wants the armor, I'm fine with just the bat. I see that mechanically it could make sense for Ishzu as well. Surely it could be reflavored in such a way that he can still be a naked crystal running around.
Feb 22, 2024 1:26 pm
Ishzu can't really use armor.
Crystal Armor (heritage): You have 1 bonus Hit Point that recovers 1 hour after you were last damaged. If you wear other armor you loose these benefits.

I am suprised you are not getting the Alchemist's Splayer for Oliver
I was thinking of getting Camper's Respite
Last edited February 22, 2024 1:27 pm
Feb 22, 2024 1:40 pm
limited time offer says:

Updated Magical collection for sale good this visit to town only
[ +- ] Candleflame Bow 50gp
[ +- ] Blazeball Bat 75gp -> Oliver
[ +- ] Savage Warhammer 250gp
[ +- ] Ajile Scalemale 250gp -> Oliver
[ +- ] Alchemist's Splayer 100gp
[ +- ] Camper's Respite 200gp
Nope, purchases should be posted here so everyone knows when something is purchased. I blame late night posting for nonsensical DM ramblings. Post purchases here.
Feb 22, 2024 2:18 pm
"Mr. Grinfletch, you do that!? That Warhammer is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. On my honor, I'll pay you back as soon as we get back"
Feb 22, 2024 2:25 pm
Mr Hopper, it would be my pleasure. Sometimes it gets a bit dodgy down there, and it’s probably good to have us all well equipped. I’m imagining you could make quick work of some darkmantles or other dangerous beasts of the underdark.

Grinfletch pays for the Warhammer using a mix of crystals and coins (I’ll work it out in my inventory), and steps back to allow Brewner to collect the savage weapon.
Question for GM @Psybermagi : if I bought the bow, could I get someone to remove the candle/mirror thing and put it onto my crossbow instead? And for added fun, could I increase the range of light by getting said weaponsmith to put some crystals around the mirror to extend the light’s range?

Another question for you: what does Fiznik need to build the telepathic communicator’s?
Last edited February 22, 2024 2:27 pm
Feb 22, 2024 2:50 pm
magic items are not usually modular. So no changing then out like old westerns do with pistols.

Where did Mr Hopper come from? Found it. Hey Brewer, he's calling you a cute bunny or little grasshopper. You gonna let that cheeky duende get away with it?
Fiznik needs time and money plus would likely put them in some kind of amulet, brooch, or bracelet. So a design preference.
The smaller 25gp crystals could also be used for short range 2 way telepathic device. The 50gp ones would have better range depending on the time and money put into it

He will have to study the crystals properly and get back to you
Feb 22, 2024 2:57 pm
Got it, makes sense. thank you!

Hopper is Grin’s nickname for Brewner - since he shared his story of hopping across shattered pieces to get out of the storm.
Mr Fiznik sir, one more thing, when we return from our next expedition, please let us know what you learn about the crystals and what they can be used for. Much appreciated!
Feb 22, 2024 4:12 pm
Smiley says:
Ishzu can't really use armor.
Crystal Armor (heritage): You have 1 bonus Hit Point that recovers 1 hour after you were last damaged. If you wear other armor you loose these benefits.

I am suprised you are not getting the Alchemist's Splayer for Oliver
I was thinking of getting Camper's Respite
Ohh, of course. You can't take armor.

Regarding the Alchemist Splayer, I considered it, but it clashes a bit with Oliver's style of slinging flasks. I mean, it's the entire reason why I chose sling in the first place. Also... how would the Alchemist Splayer look? I cannot avoid but picture it like one of those flowers that clowns use to spray water, lol
Feb 22, 2024 4:13 pm
Ishzu sells 1 of the small crystals and uses it and his coins to buy the Camper's Respite.
I was thinking about getting one of the crystals attached to my staff. Not sure what it would do.
Last edited February 22, 2024 4:14 pm
Feb 22, 2024 5:42 pm
Is an affectionate nickname for a warrior xD
Feb 22, 2024 5:55 pm
looks like everyone is ready to go.
I will move the story back to the Underdark thread tonight
Feb 22, 2024 11:02 pm
Ander readies himself for more underdarkened dungeoneering!
Master Mord, I leave forging of my sword in your capable smith-hands! I will check back with you in a tenday.
Feb 22, 2024 11:42 pm
Is Ander... only taking trusty sling? :O
Feb 23, 2024 12:02 am
I assume he is commisioning a new blade. Most magic requies full control of the crafting. Old items can be used but it takes more care
Feb 23, 2024 12:53 am
Yes, a new blade. Sorry I wasn’t clear there.
Feb 23, 2024 4:55 am
Story moved to HERE
Mar 10, 2024 4:57 am
Newcomers, Veterans, & Refugees oh my.
Mar 10, 2024 3:37 pm
Once Skeeve finds out about the refugees, if they are too much for the Settlement, he will mention that they could likely easily be absorbed by the Manor, which very much needs workers. Skeeve will be sure to mention that idea to everyone in charge.
Mar 10, 2024 10:21 pm
Volunteering the Manor as a flop house? Sylfir might not like that. lol
Mar 10, 2024 10:30 pm
Well, Skeeve's defense, there are two important points here. First, the intention is to put them to work. Second, all of the relevant leaders, including Sylfir and Danoll, would have to sign on. It is an idea for them to discuss, not just blindly implement. She's free to say no.
Mar 10, 2024 10:44 pm
While back in the Base, Skeeve will check in with Fiznik and show the progress he's made. He will also provide whatever update Fiznik might be interested in (if any).

The four will need to figure out how to split the cash they got, plus Skeeve, Blornvid, and Ealdwig will want to get their "roper bounty" when they hear about it.

Skeeve will also want to get some more talisman supplies once we figure out the funds.

Also, once he finds those who returned from the Treeheart he's gonna make them tell him all about it. Even though we didn't bite, he still wants to hear the story!
Last edited March 10, 2024 10:46 pm
Mar 11, 2024 3:06 pm
daryen says:
Well, Skeeve's defense, there are two important points here. First, the intention is to put them to work. Second, all of the relevant leaders, including Sylfir and Danoll, would have to sign on. It is an idea for them to discuss, not just blindly implement. She's free to say no.
A horde of people knock on the door. Wittic opens it says, "yes, can can I help?" Refuge says, 'Skeeve said we should stop by for a place to stay. Thanks." And walks in... LOL. Maybe the guy says "we're willing to work for it." Still hard to say no with a bunch of desperate people standing on the porch. Of course you can always be a jerk about it. "GET OFF MY LAWN!" LOL.

It's not a bad idea, it just hit me as amusing, is all.
Mar 11, 2024 3:08 pm
daryen says:
While back in the Base, Skeeve will check in with Fiznik and show the progress he's made. He will also provide whatever update Fiznik might be interested in (if any).

The four will need to figure out how to split the cash they got, plus Skeeve, Blornvid, and Ealdwig will want to get their "roper bounty" when they hear about it.

Skeeve will also want to get some more talisman supplies once we figure out the funds.

Also, once he finds those who returned from the Treeheart he's gonna make them tell him all about it. Even though we didn't bite, he still wants to hear the story!
Cash?! Roper bounty?! Armor?! Why don't I remember any of this stuff. I guess my mind is going? I must be getting old. Fast.
Mar 11, 2024 3:25 pm
I read ALL of the threads. I am pretty sure the note about the "roper bounty" wasn't in our thread. So, I'm kinda cheating on know that. :-)

Same for the Treeheart stuff. I want them to tell Skeeve the story so he'll actually know it.

On the refugees, yes, that is a hilarious image! It has already been established that they have a "radio link" (so to speak) between the Base and the Manor. I would expect a bit of communication to be required before sending anyone anywhere. But then, if the Base just needs to dump them, that would be hilarious.
Mar 11, 2024 3:41 pm
Coming for the first time at the base, Kaarik undertakes to make a round of the place and greet everyone.
Mar 11, 2024 4:03 pm
@microtheMacroBear,@Stalker05 on with the show!
Barley, Vaun, and Beruga return with the refugees who are escorted to the gardens while their fate is discussed.
@ForeverDED,@daryen,@Arkmenos,@MoyenBateau : Your characters can join in if you wish and propose your plan . . .
When the four from the manor get back to base they hear the news as such a large group caught everyone's attention.


While I must congratulate you three for your efforts in Eldergrove I am not sure what you expect us to do with all these people. I am simply the administrator for the local affair of my employer. Housing and feeding the former residents of Eldergrove is quite an undertaking. We will of course see to their immediate needs but after that . . .

Lord Felspar

The temples are already seeing to their comfort and though Uallas grumbles I know he does not really mind the company in his little garden. We have started making inquiries about their interests but it seems most want to return to Eldergrove as soon as possible


I doubt sending them back is a good idea yet

Myreana (Archeologists)

Will the expedition continue sending scouts to the city? I understand that the expedition was funded to explore the area of Paphos but Eldergrove is just as interesting to me and my colleges. And it is not currently being contested over by other external factions as this place is. I would suggest that we use any resources not able to be utilized here due to the conflict to investigate the city of Eldergrove. The has little risk and may reward us with additional insights.

As the expeditions leaders continue discussing options Beruga informs the others she will be seeking a way home to take what she has learned and acquired to share with here people. You know she has been missing her family and is eager to see them again. She get Valpip's attention and they disappear to make arrangements to get her back where she came from.
Mar 11, 2024 5:12 pm
As an important data point, how many refugees are we talking here? 50? 100? 500? 5000?
As a side note, if Skeeve finds out that Beruga is going to teleport somewhere we don't know about, he will ask for the pattern. It will give us another potential area to explore. I suppose this could be later, as Valpip will likely have the pattern after using it to send her home.

As for the issue at hand, he will try to get Fiznik's attention. Assuming he can have a brief moment, he will say, "The Manor is huge and is in desperate need of workers to continue cleaning it up and getting it running. I recommend getting in contact with Sylfir and Danoll through the Seer, and see if they are willing to take at least some of the refugees on. The refugees going would need to be willing to work, but if they are not too traumatized to do so, it could be a win-win scenario for both the Manor and the refugees who go."

Skeeve wants to work through Fiznik because Skeeve figures he doesn't have standing to directly present to the council, and he figures Fiznik is his best conduit. If Fiznik thrusts him out there, he will step up to it and say it directly, but he starts by going through Fiznik.
Mar 11, 2024 5:16 pm
Skeeve might have asked about who is going to clean up Eldergrove and how that is going to be done, but he isn't stupid. Asking that question would mean he just volunteered. And he isn't sure that's what he wants to do next.
Mar 11, 2024 5:32 pm
As an aside to Skeeve, Blornvid says, "What do you think it would take to employ some to clean up and repair the gatehouse?"
Mar 11, 2024 5:44 pm
geez . . . mumble mumble hand wave random number generator bounds 20 < x < 50 = 32
You learn there are 32 people, more than half of whom are not yet adult yet. With additional questioning, which I ams sure someone will do, you find 19 are children ranging from 6 to 15 years of age.

Characters are free to discuss their plans with the expedition leadership or just step aside and discuss it.

Current situation is :

Barley and Vaun need to get with others to keep the # of stories manageable

Skeeve, Blornvic, and Arkmenos have been working the manor and picked up Kaarik a bit ago.

Kaarik has an interest in the tower

Arc is inbound from the swamp and also need a group to work as above and also is interested in the tower

( If you want to check it out once everyone is together I can just do a side jaunt to the tower as no one has actually gone there yet. )

There is 1 group exploring the underdark and getting sidetracked with goblins

The manor is done save some exploration of its reputed passages to the underdark and basic development as a resort, I mean base of operations

Eldergrove is going through a transition and though not actively hostile is not fully explored and made safe for residents. Basic repair/restore/patrol can be left to NPC and will proceed if/when they get there

Other paths to explore include :

A : The Matrix : This ancient magic allows for instantaneous transportation to other known Matrix Nodes allowing the people of the Dawn age to enjoy the diversity of the world though its connections. Help reclaim this forgotten technology as you visit its remote locations and discover new uses of its enchantments.

- A:1 The highland Vale : Remote and forgotten these people have lives alone since the Shattering but are having troubles andy may welcome outside aid..

- A:2 The Silent City : populated by a race of telepathic spiders this city may be prime for trade and the area for exploration

B : The Dragon : An ancient and powerful dragon moved near to the city of Paphos. So far they have had little dealing with the Expedition though their kobold servants have clashed with the gobin, hobgoblin, and orc forces.

C : The Necromancers : Created as a weapon of last resort during the Dawn wars, Necromancy has been twisted to an even darker purpose. Those who meddle with the powers of life and death are establishing a foothold in the nearby cemetery of Paphos, to what ends you know not. Stop these

D : The Infinite Tower : A powerful artifact of the Dawn Age built to collect and protect the knowledge of all mortal Peoples. Now broken and of limited power, its wardens seek aid in restoring it by procuring needed resources and reclaiming lost components. Help them in their work and they can show you the wonders of the cosmos.
Mar 11, 2024 7:50 pm
Skeeve is kinda surprised everyone is getting pissy about 32 people. That's ... weird. This settlement should be big enough to easily absorb 32 people without issue. 300? Sure. 32? Really? My guess is they don't want the 19 kids running around. Which ... fair, I guess.

In this case, Skeeve is a little more direct. He asks the council for some time to see if he has a solution. He asks Fiznik how to contact the Seer. Using that mechanism, he sees if Sylfir is open to hosting the refugees. He is 100% low enough to play the emotion card with the 19 kids. Assuming she is even remotely interested, he will then go meet the refugees and see if he can sell them on the idea. The kids are easy; the question is the adults. He is also 100% willing to sell them on living in a mansion. Then assuming he gets even the hint of buy-in from both sides, he will use his charm to seal the deal by personally taking them over to the Manor and setting things up.

Based on prior experience, I figure Sylfir will be 100% on board and Danoll will not. The Base council will be thrilled to get the refugees gone. The refugee children are easy marks with the cool stuff running around the Manor. The adult refugees are harder since they'd be put to work, but it should be doable since the Manor is so much nicer than the Base. Really, everyone wins in the deal.

Skeeve will put in the legwork as required. It could require two trips (one to sell the deal to Sylfir in person and one to bring the refugees). Plus his meeting with the refugees.

We can roleplay it, or not. I'm more than willing to handwave it. But Skeeve is going to try to do this until shot down.
Mar 11, 2024 7:57 pm
ForeverDED says:
As an aside to Skeeve, Blornvid says, "What do you think it would take to employ some to clean up and repair the gatehouse?"
Overhearing Blornvid ask Skeeve. Well that's not a bad idea. Then Ealdwig lets out a small burst of laughter before he can stifle it. I wonder how they would deal with a phantom general and bone skeletons? I would much like to see that reaction. Not to mention the pit. Oh Gods. Ealdwig continues smiling. Do we have that kind of money? What do we do with them when they are done, toss them back into the wilds?
Mar 11, 2024 7:58 pm
As for the new threads, once Skeeve gets done with his resettlement plan, his interests are:

1) No matter what, he's hoping to continue adventuring with Blornvid and Ealdwig. He enjoys both greatly and would like to stay with them, regardless of where they want to adventure.

2) He's completely up for checking out this tower. If that's where the current interests are, he's more than willing to go along with that. We can always do a seven member foray, if that isn't too many.

3) More exploring the Matrix. He still wants to go back to the mountain valley and figure out those night terrors. Probably a short adventure, but he'd still like to do that. He also wants to find and try new patterns, too. He is still doing his practice to be able to activate the Nodes on his own.
Mar 11, 2024 8:02 pm
Arkmenos says:
ForeverDED says:
As an aside to Skeeve, Blornvid says, "What do you think it would take to employ some to clean up and repair the gatehouse?"
Overhearing Blornvid ask Skeeve. Well that's not a bad idea. Then Ealdwig lets out a small burst of laughter before he can stifle it. I wonder how they would deal with a phantom general and bone skeletons? I would much like to see that reaction. Not to mention the pit. Oh Gods. Ealdwig continues smiling. Do we have that kind of money? What do we do with them when they are done, toss them back into the wilds?
Skeeve's reply is, "We can have them help clean up any of it. Regardless, they should be based out of the Manor, not the gatehouse. It's safer and more pleasant for them there. Honestly, I think the kids would absolutely love the phantom general. Probably come up with some kind of nickname for him, too.

"Besides, even if we did host some of them in the gatehouse, they say they want to get back to the plant city. We don't even have to get rid of them if they're gonna leave on their own."
Mar 11, 2024 8:04 pm
FYI common wages for basic unskilled labor is about 1+ copper with room/board or 1+ silver a day for skilled
Yeah, you can afford a cleaning crew
Mar 11, 2024 8:10 pm
Ealdwig smiles at Skeeve. Skeeve, you've got all the answers. I like it. How do you figure all this stuff out To Blornvid Ealdwig says, I think, if we haven't done so already, we need to make Skeeve here Ealdwig hitches a thumb in Skeeve's direction the captain of our merry band of misfits. What say you? Karrik you good with that?

Alright, Skeeve, Blornvid, I like the plan. Two thumbs up. He puts up his two thumbs. Let's make it happen. How much are we going to offer a few of them to fix up our "new place"? Then we can go check out this Tower everyone is talking about. It originally terrified me, but after phase spiders, Phantom Generals, bugs, whatever those things were in the underdark, etc. I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be to check it out. Looking at the group, whadaya think boys?[/b]
Mar 11, 2024 8:28 pm
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig smiles at Skeeve. Skeeve, you've got all the answers. I like it. How do you figure all this stuff out To Blornvid, Ealdwig says, I think, if we haven't done so already, we need to make Skeeve here Ealdwig hitches a thumb in Skeeve's direction the captain of our merry band of misfits. What say you? Karrik you good with that?
Blornvid leans in to Ealdwig and says with a wink, "He already is."
Mar 11, 2024 8:37 pm
daryen says:
As for the new threads, once Skeeve gets done with his resettlement plan, his interests are:

1) No matter what, he's hoping to continue adventuring with Blornvid and Ealdwig. He enjoys both greatly and would like to stay with them, regardless of where they want to adventure.
Right back at ya.
daryen says:
2) He's completely up for checking out this tower. If that's where the current interests are, he's more than willing to go along with that. We can always do a seven member foray, if that isn't too many.
Not sure that mundane Blornvid will be of much use there, but if there are big ugly grunts that have infested the place or are working for wicked sorcerors, then there's a need.
daryen says:
3) More exploring the Matrix. He still wants to go back to the mountain valley and figure out those night terrors. Probably a short adventure, but he'd still like to do that. He also wants to find and try new patterns, too. He is still doing his practice to be able to activate the Nodes on his own.
The Highland Vale: Definitely like to help out those folk.

The Silent City: Intelligent Spiders. Don't trust 'em. Wouldn't want to ruin negotiations with them if they turn about to be trustworthy. If this one is chosen, I think Blornvid would stay behind at the Gatehouse to work on getting the place repaired and the forge going again (meaning: I would take a break. Call me back when it's over.).

The Dragon: Could be fun with a strong group of veterans.
Last edited March 11, 2024 8:37 pm
Mar 11, 2024 8:58 pm
Quite a gathering, eh Vaun?, Barley thinks to his companion as he listens to the leaders discuss their plans.

"Why are 32 people hard to absorb? Is it because they are children and cannot work? Vaun and I just promised a lesser god they would be welcomed. I would not have us be a liar. Thank you Lord Felspar for your charity.", Barley says incredulously as he wipes the jungle mud off his boots.

The elf stretches his back as a shimmer appears by his legs. It breifly solidifies into a disapproving feline face then dissipates.

"Mareena, your rubbings", Barley opens his pack and passes her the portfolio.

Barley pauses as he catches part of the side chatter. "What's this about a manor and a tower?", he says to the small congregation of beings around the exhibition leaders.
Howdy all! I think Barley is interested most in the Tower, but I haven't been reading the other threads other than tiny chat so I'm excited for just about any one of those options.
Last edited March 11, 2024 9:01 pm
Mar 11, 2024 9:24 pm
If Skeeve hears the comment about a "lesser god" being involved, he'll just sigh and continue on with his efforts to get the refugees moved to the manor.
Mar 11, 2024 9:56 pm
I think Kaarik would mostly want to go to the tower to study the artefact there. I can go somewhere else though if we are not enough to make a group.



Mar 11, 2024 10:24 pm

If you must know regarding the refugees, it is because, um, well, we don't really know what to do with them. The expedition is well over 80% adult male. We are not your typical village. All we produce is salvage materials and information. While I am sure we have enough food for a while we just do not have the facilities or manpower to dump 30 people who can not or are not able to actually assist in a meaningful way.

If the Sylfir is willing to take them in at the Manor that would be splendid. We can have you and Fiznik contact them to see if this avenue is open to us and them. I will leave that to you and assist as I may. Please coordinate with other staff as you need.

As for the tower, well it is a magical edifice that is currently managed by a pair of elven mages who appear to reside in it.
They claim it is known as the Infinite Tower and is a relic of the Dawn Age. Fiznik and Myreana have confirmed that such an institution did exist before the shattering and from what we have seen it is likely to be from that era. The two, Siveril Miarona and Dasyra Valdi, claim to be collecting pieces from their portion of the tower that were cast out of it during the Shattering. Some of our scouts assisted them in this effort and it does seem they have control over the large orb artifacts we have encountered a couple of times as we have been investigating the area.

According to records and legend the Tower was a repository of knowledge and skills. That was it's primary function.
However during the war at the end of the Dawn Age it took on more of a militaristic role as the mortal People and Divinity began to lose to the Immortals and Incarnations. Apparently it has the ability to create stable portals to worlds beyond the Mortal Realm. Those scouts that have worked with the tower have confirmed their ability to craft or at least produce from storage, a variety of magical items. However they will only sell minor items like potions for materials they need. Anything more substantial requires the buyer to pledge to assist the tower.

As long as the tower does not interfere with out interest I have no objections to any wishing to visit or even assist it in its own efforts. However it is know that the other factions of the are are watching it closely and those that frequent it have been targeted more heavily by the orc and hobgoblin patrols.
Mar 11, 2024 10:56 pm
Skeeve replies to Phlan, "Thank you. I will find out one way or the other as quickly as I can."

With that he introduces himself to Vaun and Barley. He asks that one of them accompany him with Fiznik to talk with the Seer and Sylfir. That way any questions Skeeve doesn't know can be answered. The other can stay with the refugees to make sure they have their needs met (which will mostly be emotional; Phlan will ensure their physical needs are met). Up to them, if they are willing.

If the appeal to Sylfir needs to be made in person, he will drag his new companion with him to make the pitch, then, if successful, return to get the refugees and take them to the Manor. Of course, Blornvid and Ealdwig are more than welcome to join the trips. Once the refugee thing is settled, then he'll see who is left to journey with.

But he'll take this whole negotiation thing seriously and run with it until is it settled, one way or another.
Mar 12, 2024 2:23 am
Assuming that the refugees aren't in any danger here, Blornvid will go along for the trip.
Mar 12, 2024 11:57 am
"I will accompany you and support you in anyway I can", Barley replies once the introductions are done.
Mar 12, 2024 12:50 pm
Fiznik is able to relay their communication through the matrix to the manor. He also explains the process to Skeeve so he can attempt to repeat it in the future at a node. Sylfir quickly agrees to house the Elderwood citizens but asks to be given till the next morning and that when they are sent to the manor a couple adventures or guards accompany them to help oversee and keep the children organized while they settle in. The details are quickly handed off to Lord Felspar and Wittic allowing the group to get together at the cantina for a chat about their next steps.

Digsy (cantina)
Digsy herself helps to serve the group and introduces herself to Kaarik as she quickly spots the newcomer.
Pulling in Arc before heading to the tower.
Mar 12, 2024 10:33 pm
The cantine's doors fly wide open, and the black-feathered RavenFolk appears in the middle of it. He walks slowly but self-confident into the light of the cantine. The strong light outside contrasts with the dimmer illumination inside casting shadows in his avian face. Once inside, the smell of good stew and ale enchants him, and a big smile appears in his face!

He hasn't sleep well in what seems ages, has been walking a lot (mostly close to a road but not on the road), and has not really rested since he was attacked by those 4 strange things. So... he is tired, hungry, thirsty and in dire need of a nice bath! But nothing can now stop him from a good pint of ale and some food to bring back up his strength.

He walks, almost running, to the counter... He is not surprise to see this many adventurers around, he thinks about saying hi to them soon... but first... Hello, I'm Arc. he waves while he salutes the duende behind the counter... I've heard this is a good place to have a nice stew and a mug with it. He is trying to be polite, but it his voice gives away how incredibly hungry he is Do you happen to have some warm meal and mead? I'm truly starving now, and I'm still weak and tired from that skirmish.

Hello everyone! I'm excited to finally arrive to the Base!
Arc Zeekhad is somewhat interested in the Tower, but he is not in any hurry to get to it. Also, he is willing to meet new friends and help out in any way he can.
Mar 13, 2024 3:00 am
Hey Digsy, how are things? Business seems good. We'll take a round and whatever smells so good.

Ealdwig sits around the table with his new friends enjoying the food, ale and comradery. Joking with the guys and telling Karrik about the shed full of bugs and those vines that almost killed him. He'll laugh at his ineptitude when he first got to the manor. These guys are alright. It's good to have people that have your back.

What time are we leaving... Noticing the doors burst open, Ealdwig trails off when he sees a haggard Ravenfolk walk in. Wow, someone is in need of ale, Ealdwig comments with a smile. It's good here, but is it that good? and he takes a big swig. Smiling wide, yeah, it's pretty good.
Mar 13, 2024 7:49 am
Thanking Digsy for her welcome and for the delicious bowl of stew, Kaarik will then sit next to Ealdwig as he promised him he will be listening to his stories.

He is surprised by how interesting it actually is and discover that Ealdwig is not a bad story teller at all.

Digsy (cantina)


Mar 13, 2024 12:38 pm
Digsy (cantina)

Digzy serves the group and makes some idle chatter with the avian newcomer explaining a bit about the base and waves him to take a seat at one of the tables, informing him this is not a bar and she would love to hear his tale.

Between the lunch and dinner crush the cantina is sparsely populated with a spattering of individuals, mostly in two's and three's sitting quietly and enjoying a cool drink. Most look to be tradesmen and scholars save the groups of adventurous individuals sitting at a couple table in one of the corners of the room.
Mar 13, 2024 2:48 pm
Vaun had been disoriented with the teleport journey back and he had started to notice changes in him. The newly discovered formula of his work and his recent completion of the book 'Theory of Material Malleability under the Effect of Freezing: An Essay of the occurrence of Cold energy planes', he had come to see the changes in him. His breath comes out in vapours, and his suit is always cold to touch. Though he doesn't feel the cold. His googles have ice crystals all over it but he can still see through it properly. The book has taught many things, especially how to manipulate the temperature at a lower scale, which is said to alter the properties of materials.

When he returned to the base, he saw the confusing exchange of words, ideas, and plans, most of which didn't make any sense to him. He telepathically responded back to Barley, "I don't understand what this commotion is about? Indeed, there is quite a gathering of people." As the conversation progressed, he came to know that there was a discussion regarding refugees and where they would be sent.

Vaun moved forward to speak out to the council, "Greetings members of the council, I and Barley have returned from Eldergrove, completing our quest and successfully communicating with the Treeheart that we will send people there. In fact, Master Rhidon Axehorn has himself volunteered to stay with the Treeheart as a guardian, friend, and mentor. It has accepted our proposal, and Eldergrove is open to anyone who is willing to live and make a home there. It is safe now, and the Treeheart want's to rebuild the city with the help of willing people who respect the city and is humble enough to not sully the evergreen principles of the city. The Treeheart also wishes to have a Druid circle who can nurture it and help it grow. So, I fail to understand why relocating the refugees over there will be a problem?"

OOC: Greetings everyone, nice to meet you all. I am sorry for the late reply. I was busy with IRL stuff.
Mar 13, 2024 11:21 pm
Arc listens to the duende commenting on the ale, and turns to see him. And he looks friendly, and also like an experienced adventurer.

Hello mate, seems like you enjoy some drinks too. He realizes the duende has several friends around. Do you all enjoy good food and ale?

Then, to Digsy.. Of course, I'll find a table, but please do tell the Cook I'm starving. I'd love to share all tales you want, but do help me with a nice piece of meat... or stew... or, well something.

Back to duende on a table... Seeing you all drinking and sharing tales... I should have come here sooner!
Last edited March 13, 2024 11:21 pm
Mar 13, 2024 11:34 pm
A human male of medium build says, "It's never too late to join so we can make new tales!"
Mar 14, 2024 1:32 am
Just what we need "new tails". Ealdwig laughs at his own bad joke.

Welcome, pull up a chair. I would help but I can't reach. Ealdwig give a little apologetic nod of his head.

I'm Ealdwig, that's Skeeve, Ealdwig gestures to the human male who just spoke. This is Blornvid, jerking a thumb in his direction. He's quieter than Skeeve or myself, but you don't want anyone else to have your back during a battle. And this is Karrik. We're getting to know him as well.

Been a long day? You look hungry.
Last edited March 14, 2024 1:33 am
Mar 14, 2024 2:40 am
Blornvid raises his mug of ale in salute to the newcomer.
Mar 14, 2024 4:19 am
[ +- ] Current PC in the cantina
A short recap/intro for the newer characters
The group chats and swaps stories with the veterans explaining a bit about the base, the area of the old city of Paphos, and the amenities and opportunities. Most of the veterans started working for the expedition but shifted to freelance and now take jobs on commision. This gives them more freedom at the cost of some free services available to contracted employees, such as free healing and identification of magic as well as basic room and board.

The expedition was created as a joint venture between patrons of magic and history as well as merchants and its original intent was to see what could be recovered from the ruins of Paphos. However once here there were a variety of opportunities opened to adventurous individual. Especially with the discovery and continued study of the Matrix Nodes, a network of magical platforms that allow communication and transit to other nodes. The area around Paphos has fallen under contention by the Expedition, orcs, and hobgoblins, with the latter two having larger forces and dominating in the region. The somewhat recent arrival or discovery of the Infinite Tower and items possibly associated with it increased the tension in the area. At present the expedition is content to investigate the island to the west with its castle of intelligent undead that are not aggressive, the swamp with its sunken sections of the city, the library and residential districts. There are multiple other district that have miraculously remained mostly intact since the shattering still in the hands of the orcs to the west and hobgoblins to the north.

They also explain about the local clerk that manages most interactions with the adventurers as well as updates the posts on the notice board (See Info sheet for updates)
[ +- ] Current Notice Board
[ +- ] Base Map
I will move things towards the tower, last consensus, when I get a couple indications people are ready to move on.
Speak up if you have other suggestions. Onward!
Mar 14, 2024 4:44 am
Well, Skeeve, Barley, and Vaun are going to make sure the refugees are moved to the Manor before leaving. Once that's done, I imagine we're ready to check out the tower.

I wonder if it has one or more Matrix Nodes?
Mar 14, 2024 7:53 am
Sorry to ask this.. I'm still new to this system. After Psybermagi words, should we assume that we all ate, drank and shared whatever happened to the PCs beforehand? And that we are ready to continue adventuring as a team? I'd also need to assume that Arc registered as adventurer with the clerk... I'm asking just to be sure we will not role play those moments, but we can act afterwards as if they did happen for the PCs.
Arc appreciates Ealdwig invitation, greets each of the adventurers and sits with them happily.
In relation to the next objective, Arc is happy to help with the refugees situation, or any other task to be finished as a team, before going to explore the Tower.
Mar 14, 2024 11:52 am
that is up to you. Some other time playing more since mix roll play with data dumps others do more hand waving to bypass things.

I just wanted to make sure Ark and Kaarik as the newbies had some basic background knowledge
Mar 14, 2024 12:28 pm
Yep, Barley is following Skeeve and Vaun.
Mar 14, 2024 12:49 pm
Ya know, I think a little exposition would be cool ...
Skeeve turns to Barley and Vaun and says, "Blornvid and I and another stopped at what you are calling Eldergrove. When we literally heard the plants growing, we decided we'd check out other places. But you and your companions took it on! You have our respect! What did you find and how did you conquer it?"
You don't need to hit every detail. Just hit the high points and make it sound cool.
Mar 14, 2024 12:52 pm
You discuss things a bit more and Arc and Kaaric are shown the clercs office and notice board
You can role play more if wished or skip ahead past comments like this. While in base I do not enforce linear a story so if you have to go back for something just pose when/where you want to inject something. but do try to stay in the moment If you do need to jump back to something just let us know when you are satisfied.
and ask around about the tower. Digsy informs you that a boat form the dock can port you all to the north bank of the river for a small fee
See teh area map on the ~Tiny Info~ sheet
If you are all ready let me know and/or head to the docks
Mar 14, 2024 2:09 pm
Still unsure about who to ask, Kaarik checks with Skeeve, Ealdwig and Blornvid if they know who would be the best person to inquire about the tower.

Do any of you would have books by any chance? I am running low in things to read.
Mar 14, 2024 2:14 pm
No need to inquire about the tower. That's where we're going next! Hopefully we'll be able to talk to the tower guardians directly in a bit.

"Your best chance for reading material was probably back at the Manor. I don't think they have much reading material here in the Base Camp." With a smile he also says, "Who knows, maybe there's a library of books at the Tower."

Digsy (cantina)


Mar 14, 2024 2:19 pm
Digsy (cantina)
Overhearing the question Digsy interjects Paphos does still have a library. We have secured access to it and even have a working portal to allow quick access. You just need a pass or pay a active to accompany you. They didn't trust us 'non scholarly types' around their precious treasure tribe of books and scrolls
Mar 14, 2024 2:24 pm
While eating to his satisfaction and sharing a fee mugs of ale, Arc listens carefully about previos adventures of the Team...
If there is a library in the tower or the manor, I'd also love to have some oportunity to pick up a book or two.
Then he readies to join and help the Team if they accept him.
Mar 14, 2024 2:31 pm
"Well do be careful at the Manor. They frown on removing books from the Manor. Please don't do that."
Actually from what I remember reading, and Skeeve doesn't know this, even the Paphos library gets pretty pissy about trying to remove anything from their library. And don't they have a ghost librarian to help "encourage" compliance?
Last edited March 14, 2024 2:33 pm
Mar 14, 2024 2:40 pm
yes, all library material is read on site only.
Mar 14, 2024 3:07 pm
Vaun along with Barley described their adventure in Eldergrove to the new faces. How they tried to help the citizens who were preserved in a mind-altered state by the Treeheart due to a misunderstanding. How the Treeheart was just scared becaues it's guardians abadoned it. And finally, how they restore it to a normal state, ready for renovation.

He started to eat a meal in the cantina and then asked, "What is this tower and manor, I keep hearing about?"
Mar 14, 2024 4:33 pm
Skeeve answers, "The Manor is an ancient estate that had lain fallow for a long time until a proper heir could be found. The magic of the Manor was tied to that family's bloodline, so the heir would have to be legitimately related. As it turns out, the heir they found was a server at this very establishment! She went from being just a server to the Lady of her own Manor in the space of a day or so. Our friend Ealdwig and a companion were tasked with convincing her to go, then Blornvid and myself were pulled in to go along and help explore the grounds of the Manor. We found a carnivorous plant, a shed full of numerous beetles the size of your hand, a deathtrap buliding, a stable for gryphons and their sphinx-like tender (he's friendly), a feral kennel of death dogs and their tender (he's not), and a guardhouse haunted by a ghost (he's friendly, too). Kaarik here helped with cleaning the spiders out of the guardhouse. However, it's now mostly under control, so now we're here for the next thing." Skeeve indicates each of the people he names when he names them.

"And that next big thing is this mysterious tower! I honestly am not sure exactly what it all entails, but if it's got the leaders here, the hobgoblins, and the orcs all in a tizzy, then it's got to be something worthwhile. So, it looks like that is where we're headed next!"

At this point Skeeve says that he still wants to make sure the refugees get transferred, that we do some light shopping, get a good night's sleep, and then head out for the docks in the morning.
As an aside, Skeeve buys three more sets of talisman components, a healing potion, and an anti-toxin potion. He swaps a diamond for the last potion.
Last edited March 14, 2024 4:43 pm
Mar 14, 2024 5:25 pm
Vaun scratched at the corner of his beak-like mask, "Hmm, this manor is a lifesaver, then. We should try to convince the current owner to give a temporary respite to the refugees there until Eldergrove becomes fully operational. As for the Tower, it does sound very interesting. I propose we explore it."

OOC: Did we get any money from Eldergrove adventure? @Psybermagi
Mar 14, 2024 6:00 pm
I will finish up the gifts and go back and scrub for other stuff you picked up later tonight. There was allot of items you could sell, if you brought them back...
Mar 14, 2024 7:03 pm
Skeeve, right? I see what you mean about not borrowing the books. I'd never go against their own tradition, so I guess it would be about going there to meet this Lady and find something to read whithin its walls. But I'm in no hurry to do that. Arc empties his mug while inviting a round of ale for everyone. Cheers! For the next endevour to become a prosperous one!

Then he listens carefully to Vaun's tale on Eldergrove, and to Skeeve's recount of the manor's events. He is both surprised to listen how many things have already happen around, and admired by the experience of his new friends.

Humbly... I hope to be of help to you, and to learn as much as I can.
Mar 14, 2024 11:21 pm
"A person after my own heart", Barley says clinking glasses with Arc. He takes a sip and adds,"Books at the manor, eh? All the more reason to go.
Last edited March 14, 2024 11:22 pm
Mar 15, 2024 12:54 pm
I only had a couple treasure drops in Elderwood. The one you found was the gnome you cured. He was wearing masterwork scale armor. He would have offered for you to take it (if I had remembered to do so...) when you take it to the smith he offers to buy it for 150 GP. That is 75 GP each to Barley and Vaun.

On to the tower or chat a bit more or other?
Mar 15, 2024 1:47 pm
May I assume the refugees are sorted before we head out to the tower?
Mar 15, 2024 2:50 pm
Ooc: Wecan proceed with the tower quest, but before that, I want to buy some healing potions. How much are those?
Mar 15, 2024 2:51 pm
Stalker05 says:
Wecan proceed with the tower quest, but before that, I want to buy some healing potions. How much are those?
50gp a pop.
Mar 15, 2024 2:59 pm
Back in the council meeting Vaun says:
"... I fail to understand why relocating the refugees over there will be a problem?"
The council members all agree that sending the people back to Elderwood is a good idea, just not now. Why would the Treeheart send them away if it felt it was ready for them? The plan is to send them to the manor tomorrow. For today they will stay with the druid in the gardens and sleep in the barracks and temples tonight.

The clergy assure you that they have them well in hand and will send an acolyte and a couple freelance adventurers with them tomorrow to help them get settled
There is a plan and they are safe. Not sure what more info you want?

Deciding to spend the next day checking out the tower you relax the rest of the day then in the morning head to the docks. Finding the dockmaster you make inquiries about reaching the tower.

Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)
Sure we can get you there. You have two options. We row you over then come get you before sunset. Same as we do for the island. Or you buy the boat and if you make it back we buy it back, minus a wee service fee. For the lot of you it will either be 2 canoes at 10 gold each or a larger row boat at 30 gold. What will it be?

He explains that the north shore is controlled mostly by the hobgoblins who have harrased others who tried to visit the tower. Fortunately the tower enforces a peace within 1 mile of it's base so as long as you are careful to avoid any patrolls then there is not too much trouble.
Mar 15, 2024 3:15 pm
Vaun looked at the dock master Xelbrin and then back at the gathered party members, "How many of us are here? We can surely buy a large one if we can pool our gold. What do you all think?"

OOC: Vaun will buy one healing potion and store 25 gp.
Mar 15, 2024 3:26 pm
@Stalker05, I picked up the healer trait, so everyone should be covered after a battle.

I also have a fancy limited use healing amulet thanks to Psybermagi.

Barley only has 5gp but he can pitch for a boat or canoe.
"Well, I'm a little light on coin. I could help pay some of it? I think the canoes might work?", Barley says
Last edited March 15, 2024 3:29 pm
Mar 15, 2024 3:32 pm
Skeeve agrees with Barley. "I think the canoes are probably the better idea because we can move them around when we get to the shore, if we need to."

He blew a wad o' money on supplies, but he offers to kick in 5 gp for half a canoe.
Mar 15, 2024 3:38 pm
Canoes seat 3 comfortably but 4 can do in a pinch while the rowboat can hold 10. They can take you for free but then you have to wait on them to return, which they only do at morning, noon, and dusk.
Mar 15, 2024 3:53 pm
Kaarik puts 5 gp on the table.

I agree that the canoes are the most flexible option. Let's buy them, if we like them we might not even need to sell them back.
I also buy a normal healing potion.
Mar 15, 2024 4:10 pm
We have seven people. How large is everyone? If we put the bigger three in one canoe and the other four in the other canoe, we should be good to go. Ealdwig is small; he should be able to be the "extra" in whichever one. But, if the boat should be safe on the shore, I suppose we could just take the rowboat and be done with it.

Also, is there a dock there that the hobs ignore? Or is it just row onto the beach and drag it up? If it is the latter, do we have to worry about someone trying to steal or take the boat? Just trying to avoid blowing 30 gp.

Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)


Mar 15, 2024 4:23 pm
Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)

There are no docks on the north shore. Luckily the Tower is just about north of us and the hobgoblins bases are in the Remnants to the west of the tower. They have patrols out but if they get to thin then the orcs try to pick them off.
[ +- ] map
Mar 15, 2024 4:30 pm
Vaun looked at Barley and smiled. "No problem, we will take the canoes then. Here is my share." He gave 5 gold to the group in order to rent the canoes.
Mar 15, 2024 5:53 pm
Blornvid puts in 5 gp. "The canoes are a better option in my opinion. Easier to move or hide, and if we lose one, we've got a spare that can make trips back and forth or to go for help."

Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)


Mar 15, 2024 6:10 pm
Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)

Right, good luck. Remember you break it you bought it and he laughs as he walks off. A couple dock hands help you get the canoes into the water and you board the craft. Paddling up stream is hard work but you stay by the shore where the current is not as strong and make your way upriver of the tower before crossing so that the current from the western fork of the river does not push you back into the middle of the NE river current.

You find a bank on the river where you can land with nearby cover for the canoes. From this location you notice that the tower looks even taller than what you expected seeing it from the base.
Story continues in the Infinite Tower thread
Apr 26, 2024 2:25 pm
Triumphant Return of the Crystal Hunters
Apr 26, 2024 2:25 pm
The group brings the crystal all the way back up to the settlement and go to see Fiznik. He grunts at the group's reappearance with the crystal and listens to their story and request for help. He looks at them sternly, and says, "Valpip and I will help with the crystal, but we will require a full share each for our efforts." After getting his agreement (because, really, what else are you going to do? 😈), he immediately goes to a shelf full of scrolls and shuffles through them, pulling out two. Returning, he reads the scrolls using a language none of you recognize, one at a time.

After each scroll is read, a rune appears on the crystal. With the application of the first rune, the party feels the presence of the crystal suddenly disappear. Without realizing it, the party had just grown used to the mental "noise" and its sudden removal came as a surprise, but certainly not an unwelcome one! Ishzu especially feels both the presence of the crystal closed off, and the relief of that the strongest. The second rune has no further effect, but Fiznik says it will reinforce the first one and protect it.

Oliver asks his questions about the crystal and Fiznik says, "I did some research while you were retrieving it. Honestly, I didn't expect you to bring it back whole. But, I wanted to know if the goblins being affected by it would be a cause for future concern. Based on your reports, yes, it could have, but it would have taken a long time considering the inexperience of the apprentice. The crystal itself will never develop intelligence itself. Or at least, not like we would think of it. Ishzu here, while also crystalline, is completely different that this crystal and it can never develop individual intelligence like that. Instead, it is more of a catalyst. It will cause effects to those around it.

"If there is a psionic or magical user who can can control of the crystal, like the goblin apprentice or Ishzu were, then that person can use it to mentally dominate those that are not psionic or magical. The goblin was crude in her efforts, and was completely dominating her subjects. With more refinement, she could have directed them instead, giving her less direct control, but more influence and freedom to expand her control. But she didn't have the experience to understand that.

"Without that type of control, it will instead facilitate something around it, tie them together, and slowly, over time, unify them into a single consciousness. The more intelligent the group of creatures affected, the faster the transformation. So, with the spiders, it would have taken years, maybe decades, but they could have developed a sentient 'hive mind'. If you plopped this in the middle of the pink slime, it could take a century. With already intelligent people and no controller, I am not sure. But I also have no desire to experiment to find out!

"As a result, I recommend that we carefully break this up. We'll get multiple pieces of various sizes, and what we can do with the resulting shards and crystals is pretty impressive. We can go over the options when we see what pieces we are able to get out of it. I'll get together with Valpip and we'll get it broken apart in a day or so."
Assuming no objections, he ushers you all out of his workshop, leaves the crystal there, and goes off to talk with Valpip.
Wow. That was longer than expected! But then Fiznik loves to pontificate to a captured audience! Please let me know if you have any other questions for Fiznik or if you object to the plan. Once this is confirmed, we can go over the options and get your ideas. Then we can get you headed out to your next adventure!
Apr 26, 2024 2:31 pm
sounds great! You put a lot of thought into this! I appreciate the detail!
Grin is happy with Fiznik’s assessment and stocks up on consumables…specifically, he spends a great deal of time consuming food and resting with his comrades and the regulars at the tavern.

He is very excited to see what comes about as a result of the crystal pieces. He also puts aside time to plan their next steps with the other party members - specifically Brewner and Oliver.

Well, lads, what do you think about our next steps? Should we delve deeper into the underdark? And if so, what do we need to be successful down there? Ishzu seems like he needs a good rest after the ordeal with the crystal and the goblins.
Oh, also, is there a new batch of magical items available for purchase?

AND, can you remind us about all that we’ve heard about the undiscovered underdark? I seem to recall something about a forest, an ocean, and a spider city.
Last edited April 26, 2024 2:48 pm
Apr 26, 2024 4:11 pm
I am academically satisfied with these explanations, both in character and out of it. You rock! (Pun intended)
Before any of them left Fiznik's office, Oliver spoke to the wizard.
"Right, Fiznik. I forgot to mention. We stroke a deal for goblin patrols to leave the pink slime cavern area alone. Is there a reward from the explorer association for that? Surely we wouldn't mind."

After a few minutes they were out (hopefully not kicked out), and Grin asked around what their plan would be.
"Yeah, that is right what I thought too. To delve deeper this time would be an interesting plan. It would be wise to plan this carefully and get ready to depart in a couple days. Some of us could definitely use a shower... or two."
Not directed at anyone in particular, though anyone is free to take the unspoken blame.
"Now that my crystal question was answered and that we know what to do with it, I plan to collect some plants and minerals, to concoct the recipes that the fae witch gave me that very first day. Remember that, Grin? It's about time to experiment with them. Should be fun! Gotta be careful with the acid, though. Sounds a tad like too much fun."
Apr 26, 2024 4:21 pm
"That is helpful. Go talk with the Clerk to see what he can do for you."
Just to tie off a thread here ...
Ander decides to join the guards for now. He thinks that he will be able to make more Heroic contributions above the ground, rather than deep, deep below it. Plus, since he is not a goblin-friend, he should be able to help keep the peace that way, too. He will cash out whatever crystal benefits he gets.
As an aside, I will work through what the crystal breaks into and what the cash options on it are over the weekend.
Apr 26, 2024 5:25 pm
Grinfletch holds out a hand to Ander. I will remember your bravery and valiant ways forever, good sir knight! And when we get back from our dangerous adventures, let’s share stories and some good food!

On their way to the clerk, Grin says: Good thinking, Olie - I’m eager to talk this through some more and gear up.

He lifts up his arms and gives his pit a good whiff… wow, that’s ripe! It’s to the baths for me later!

Actually, I was thinking, what if you made some more of those alcohol-locating vials? We could use them as waypoint markers as we make our way to the deeper caverns… chalk could do the same too, though.

Also, I noticed that the stores sold some sets of tools: something called navigator’s tools, cartographer’s supplies and a climbing kit. Not sure if those would come in handy. Will the magic map still work for us down there? I do have some climbing supplies already too - pitons, pulleys, rope… but if there are boats in the waters of the deep, maybe navigators tools would be useful?

I was also thinking that we could pick up some antitoxin and a tent or two? Actually, we can just use Ishzu’s tent as a sort of invisible base camp for us in the wild deep.
@daryen - did we get the adventuring supplies that were stolen by the goblins back from them?
Last edited April 26, 2024 5:30 pm
Apr 26, 2024 5:53 pm
Brewner shakes Anders hand "See you around mighty knight"

On the tavern with Grinfletch and Oliver with a big mug of ale in one hand and the other with turkey leg

"Underdark!? sounds dangerous. Does any one knows what dwells in those dark places"
Apr 26, 2024 5:54 pm
Nope. That was kinda lost in the shuffle. In fact, the goblins kinda forgot about it a bit. They'd eventually have to go back and get whatever they wanted, as they would have just left it back at the little ruin they teleported to.

Navigation tools would be pointless without a night sky.

Climbing tools would be *very* helpful. This isn't even an item, as the two people who saw the underground lake reported back on the climbing required to get down that initial drop. (In fact, since you don't have any flyers with you, you probably want some extra rope so it won't matter if you leave the initial ones behind.)

Yes, the map will still work down there.
Apr 26, 2024 6:02 pm
Ha! Navigator’s tools - what fool suggested that?!

Cool, thanks, co-GM!
Apr 28, 2024 11:55 pm
I have been heavily distracted this weekend. I will start framing up the next steps on Monday.
Apr 29, 2024 1:26 pm
We will likely have 2 groups on base at once. If/when this occurs please put in character actions and speaking in spoilers by location unless everyone is in one place
[ +- ] tavern
[ +- ] clerks office
Apr 29, 2024 1:37 pm
It’s a GM showdown - Two there should be. No more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it.
Apr 29, 2024 1:54 pm
LoL, dude we're not Sith. If you are implying we should act like them . . . That can be arranged 👿
Apr 29, 2024 4:27 pm
Remember: with the Sith there is a Master and an Apprentice. Eventually, yes, it is inevitable that either the Master removes the Apprentice, or the Apprentice tries to grab power. But those are exception, rare events. The vast majority of the time they work in concern, irrespective of any hidden motives.

So ... be careful with your analogies ...
Apr 29, 2024 6:32 pm
daryen says:

dude we're not Sith
Only a sith deals in absolutes…
Last edited April 29, 2024 6:33 pm
Apr 29, 2024 7:19 pm
😂😂😂 so many quality posts
Apr 29, 2024 8:12 pm
daryen says:
... be careful with your analogies ...
ummm was this comment directed at me or Thunder_Lungz
DM grabs a couple of ⚡ thunderbolts ⚡

When gods flight who really suffers?
Quick I demand a sacrifice of chocolate pudding
Apr 29, 2024 8:17 pm
(40 minutes later)…No, officer, I didn’t say anything. They just started throwing thunderbolts at each other
Apr 30, 2024 10:12 pm
After being properly warded by Fiznik, the crystal is brought to Valpip's workshop. "Got it back, did you?" he asks as a rhetorical question. "So you want to deconstruct it? Makes a lot of sense. Give me a couple days and we'll see what can get out of this."
I am going to leave Valpip's success to the dice. I won't even hide the rolls below. They will be what they be. Each large crystal is worth 100gp; each medium crystal is worth 50gp; each small crystal is worth 25gp. The remaining shards will be worth a cumulative total of around 75gp or so. So, let's see what we get ...

Weird, the second and third rolls didn't total on their own. No idea why.

So, that's 7 large crystals, 16 medium crystals, and 42 small crystals. That adds to a nice princely total of 2550pg in value. Divided seven ways (one per PC plus Fiznik and Valpip) gives 364gp plus change per share, which we'll round to 365gp.
After the two days of work, Valpip shows the results to the group. Each adventurer is given the option to take that in crystals or gp, or some combination of both. Ander simply takes his as gold. Fiznik claims on of the large crystals as part of his share, and Valpip claims two of them. That leaves one large crystal per player if they want. Alternatively to all of this, the players could see what items are available in Valpip's magic shop instead (or combination or whatever).
If you are interested in the magic shop, I'll have to get @Psybermagi's assistance with that.


Large Crystals - (1d6+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Medium Crystals - (3d6+6)

(334) + 6 = 16

Small Crystals - (5d6+18)

(62556) + 18 = 42

Apr 30, 2024 11:28 pm
News comes in that the scouts that were exploring the western areas cam back with word about the other factions and their status in other Remnants
@ForeverDED,@daryen,@Arkmenos,@MoyenBateau,@Cathamber check out the events in Clercs office
Add any additional questions and questions you have.
[ +- ] Base Office
I'll update and explain the magic shop tonight after work
May 1, 2024 3:22 am
just to clarify, the underdark crew was headed to the clerks office too to get paid for sorting out the goblins. But if you want to shower us in gold and gratitude, we can head to the tavern.

We just need to sort out crafting with the crystals, buying magic items and Oliver’s alchemical recipes.
May 1, 2024 3:24 am
[ +- ] Base Office
May 1, 2024 3:56 am
Head to the office, swap stories there and you may gain clues and help from each other
May 1, 2024 4:12 am
[ +- ] Fizniks Store

Phlan (Head Administrator)


May 1, 2024 4:33 am
[ +- ] Administrators Office
May 1, 2024 4:48 am
okay cool, so before we head to the office, the crystal buddies can hang out in Fiznik’s to handle the crystal pieces and/or payments and magic items there.
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
Last edited May 1, 2024 4:54 am
May 1, 2024 9:07 am
[ +- ] Fiznik
Leaving 65 gold left, correct?
May 1, 2024 10:12 am
[ +- ] Fiznik's
Last edited May 1, 2024 10:29 am
May 1, 2024 11:02 am
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
Last edited May 1, 2024 11:05 am

Fiznik (wizard)


May 1, 2024 11:39 am
[ +- ] Fiznik's
May 1, 2024 11:39 am
[ +- ] clerks office
Charisma test if needed


Charisma - (3D6)

(156) = 12

May 1, 2024 7:28 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 1, 2024 11:15 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik's
May 2, 2024 12:13 am
[ +- ] Clerks Office
May 2, 2024 2:21 am
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 2, 2024 7:06 am
[ +- ] Clerks Office

Valpip (artificer)


May 2, 2024 1:22 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik's
May 2, 2024 1:50 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
Last edited May 2, 2024 1:52 pm
May 2, 2024 2:05 pm
[ +- ] Clerks Office
May 2, 2024 9:17 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik's
Daryen, do not forget our clerk's office request ($). It might be buried in the posts.
May 3, 2024 12:48 am
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
Last edited May 3, 2024 12:53 am
May 3, 2024 2:24 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik's
May 3, 2024 3:18 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 3, 2024 6:32 pm
[ +- ] Clerks Office
Last edited May 3, 2024 6:52 pm
May 3, 2024 7:27 pm
Brewner turns to Grinfletch
"I have some gold left, here you go" Brewner gives 50 gold
May 3, 2024 7:33 pm
[ +- ] Clerks Office
May 3, 2024 8:34 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 3, 2024 9:04 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik's
May 3, 2024 9:27 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 3, 2024 9:38 pm
Ishzu could use a large unmodified crystal, but not the rest of you. You need to have psionic or mental powers to make use of it in its natural form. However, it does make a great base for various mental related magic items. But that times a lot of time and money to create. So, the large crystals are valuable. It's just that they are a component, not a finished item on their own. (Unless you are psionic.)

And ... it looks like Smiley has had to step away. I keep hoping he'll be able to stick around, but it isn't looking like it, unfortunately.

As an aside, I have been letting you work with Psybermagi on the crystal related magics while hoping Smiley could continue. Once that is all taken care of you'll be heading back down under the ground! You have a mysterious ship to discover! (The ship itself is just an encounter, not the entire thing. The main mystery lies past the ship.)
May 3, 2024 9:59 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 3, 2024 10:44 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 3, 2024 11:04 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 3, 2024 11:31 pm
In the evening at the tavern, Blornvid pulls Sleeve and Arkmenos aside. "Lads, I have to confess that I haven't been as enthusiastic about our jobs of late, and I apologize for that. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, so I'm thinking that I should take a break for awhile.

"Ever since we cleared out the gatehouse, I've been thinking about that place and the forge. I'm going to head out there and see about getting it going again and clean up that place. Get a head start on making it a home, or at least a base of operations.

"Keep in mind that I ain't retirin'. I'm just taking a break, doing something I need to do. Down the road, if something comes along that requires me and my axe, just come on over and we'll talk about it over a few pints. In the meantime, watch each other's backs and make sure the new recruits don't lose their heads."
May 4, 2024 2:14 am
[ +- ] Fiznik's
May 4, 2024 2:28 am
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
Last edited May 4, 2024 11:04 am
May 4, 2024 10:56 am
I sold all my crystal for 365 gold.
I payed Grinfletch the 250 i owed then give him more 50 to help with the cost of the comunicators.
Bought the Eavesdropper's Medallion for 50. I have 15g from the crystals left and Brewner and Oliver are waiting to see if they can get some gold from the clerk for the alliance with the goblins and the cave mapping.
May 4, 2024 4:43 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik's
Last edited May 4, 2024 5:01 pm
May 4, 2024 11:09 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 6, 2024 4:24 am
[ +- ] Administrator & Clerk offices
I think all business is basically wrapped up so head to the tavern or cantina to chat if you like or let me and/or daryen know if you are ready to move on.
May 6, 2024 1:00 pm
[ +- ] Clerk’s
Last edited May 6, 2024 2:22 pm


Deception - (2d6)

(52) = 7

May 6, 2024 1:20 pm
well that would not be my hallucination of choice 😁
May 6, 2024 2:11 pm
Yeah, I haven’t considered exactly what is doable with this yet. It only last 6 seconds before I need to recast the illusion, right?
Last edited May 6, 2024 2:18 pm
May 6, 2024 2:27 pm
[ +- ] activating and managing powers
May 6, 2024 3:03 pm
Ealdwig sees Grin and smiles, is that Grin? What is that light?


Save - (2d6)

(53) = 8

May 6, 2024 4:12 pm
Seeing Ealdwig smile in response to the ruse, Grin drops the illusion. Ealdwig! He gives the Duende a friendly hug. You look well! Do I have a lot to tell you!? He introduces himself to Arc and Kaarik. And asks them about their adventures.
May 6, 2024 4:29 pm
Guys, I met Grin a little while back. We had a crazy encounter in the tunnels under the city. To Grin, what was that monster called? A roper? Is that right? Ealdwig makes a face, nasty creature.
May 6, 2024 6:40 pm
Nasty is right! Since then, we cleared out the spider cave and found a massive psionic crystal. After fighting over it with some goblins, we finally broke up the crystal into useable parts… Here!

Grin hands Ealdwig a small, 1/2" long crystal. This is one of the cave crystals. You can keep that as my gift to you! If you bring it to Fiznik’s, they’ll make it into a short-range communicator - I think it takes them a couple days and they’ll charge you 25G for their efforts. If anyone else wants one of these, I have three more - I’ll give them to you in trade for something, maybe something useful in the deep deep underdark ?... Or 25G.
[ +- ] Cave Crystal
Last edited May 6, 2024 6:42 pm
May 6, 2024 7:33 pm
Kaarik was not fooled by Grin. He is very amused by the jokes though and happy to meet such an amicable new companion.
Should we go to eat and obviously drink something in the cantina?
Last edited May 6, 2024 7:35 pm


Save - (2d6)

(26) = 8

May 7, 2024 3:03 am
Ealdwig accepts the offered crystal, wow, thanks Grin. Very generous. Are you sure? i certainly don't want to take your well earned treasure. This probably wasn't easy to come by.

To Kaarik, absolutely! Let's get some food and drink. It's great, seeing Grin and Oliver again.

Ealdwig, recounts some of the adventures he has been on so far, discussing the field house with the ghost, the glitching training center, the ramparts with goblins and the sickness that comes with passing through a boarder, as well as the dinosaurs, fey and the library. It's certainly been interesting.

Grin, you're heading back to the Underdark? What's it like down there? I haven't seen it. Maybe I should come with you this time. The Manor seems to be doing well and Blornvid is heading back that way. He wants to get the forge up and running. I think he misses that from his previous life. Skeeve has been really into the Matrix nodes and magic, it's all over my head.
May 7, 2024 3:13 am
I didn't want to forget
ForeverDED says:
In the evening at the tavern, Blornvid pulls Sleeve and Arkmenos aside. "Lads, I have to confess that I haven't been as enthusiastic about our jobs of late, and I apologize for that. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, so I'm thinking that I should take a break for awhile.

"Ever since we cleared out the gatehouse, I've been thinking about that place and the forge. I'm going to head out there and see about getting it going again and clean up that place. Get a head start on making it a home, or at least a base of operations.

"Keep in mind that I ain't retirin'. I'm just taking a break, doing something I need to do. Down the road, if something comes along that requires me and my axe, just come on over and we'll talk about it over a few pints. In the meantime, watch each other's backs and make sure the new recruits don't lose their heads."
At the tavern later than night.

Ealdwig is a little lost for words. He hasn't had too many friends in his life and losing, well that's not the right word, but it's what it feels like at the moment, one is hard. It's not a feeling he is acquainted with. He says it's only temporary. I'll see him again when I head back to the Manor. It's not like he's gone forever.

Feeling emotional and confused by it, are you sure? We're going to miss you, and that axe of yours. It's gotten us out of some trouble in the past. Ealdwig tries hard to keep the smile on his face. Alright, you get the forge working and clean out the field house. Save me a good room will ya'. I'll be back there soon enough.

Ealdwig, then hustles off to hide his emotions and heads to the serving girl. He orders three ales. With his small hands he struggles to carry the three tankards back to Blornvid and Skeeve. He makes it back to the small group with most of it intact. He passes them out.

Cheers! and proceeds to drink quickly.
Last edited May 7, 2024 3:13 am
May 7, 2024 6:01 am
Seeing how happy is Ealdwig to see Grin, Ark greets him in very good mood! Sees with curiosity the crystal, but is not interested in trade.

I'm sorry Blornvid to see you leave, but I understand that you need to do something special now. I trust we will meet again at that manor, or maybe here at the Base in the future. Take good care my friend!

The Arc follows Kaarik and Ealdwig to the cantina.
May 7, 2024 11:29 am
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig accepts the offered crystal, wow, thanks Grin. Very generous. Are you sure? i certainly don't want to take your well earned treasure. This probably wasn't easy to come by.

Ealdwig, recounts some of the adventures he has been on so far, discussing the field house with the ghost, the glitching training center, the ramparts with goblins and the sickness that comes with passing through a boarder, as well as the dinosaurs, fey and the library. It's certainly been interesting.

Grin, you're heading back to the Underdark? What's it like down there? I haven't seen it. Maybe I should come with you this time. The Manor seems to be doing well and Blornvid is heading back that way. He wants to get the forge up and running. I think he misses that from his previous life. Skeeve has been really into the Matrix nodes and magic, it's all over my head.
Of course, the crystal is yours my friend! And, yes! Come with us to the Underdark! Let me tell you all about it at the tavern. First, Oliver, Brewner and I need to sort out a couple things with the clerk, then we’ll join you at the tavern.
[ +- ] clerk’s
Last edited May 7, 2024 11:31 am
May 7, 2024 4:40 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
Of course, the crystal is yours my friend! And, yes! Come with us to the Underdark! Let me tell you all about it at the tavern. First, Oliver, Brewner and I need to sort out a couple things with the clerk, then we’ll join you at the tavern.
Sounds good grin. See you there.

Ealdwig starts heading toward the tavern, he pauses for a second, Arc, do you mind if we stop by at Fiznik's first? I want to see if we can turn this crystal he holds it up into a communication device. He smiles at the thought. Can you imagine this little crystal can help you speak to someone who isn't right next to you? Maybe we can get one for Blornvid and we can have a chat occasionally.
May 7, 2024 6:10 pm
Cathamber says:

I'm sorry Blornvid to see you leave, but I understand that you need to do something special now. I trust we will meet again at that manor, or maybe here at the Base in the future. Take good care my friend!
"Thank you, Arc. Feel free to stop by anytime. And safe travels out there."
May 7, 2024 6:19 pm
Arkmenos says:

Ealdwig is a little lost for words. He hasn't had too many friends in his life and losing, well that's not the right word, but it's what it feels like at the moment, one is hard. It's not a feeling he is acquainted with. He says it's only temporary. I'll see him again when I head back to the Manor. It's not like he's gone forever.

Feeling emotional and confused by it, are you sure? We're going to miss you, and that axe of yours. It's gotten us out of some trouble in the past. Ealdwig tries hard to keep the smile on his face.
"I'm sure, lad. Don't you worry. Me and my axe will be back when you need us."
Arkmenos says:
Alright, you get the forge working and clean out the field house. Save me a good room will ya'. I'll be back there soon enough.

Ealdwig, then hustles off to hide his emotions and heads to the serving girl. He orders three ales. With his small hands he struggles to carry the three tankards back to Blornvid and Skeeve. He makes it back to the small group with most of it intact. He passes them out.

Cheers! and proceeds to drink quickly.
"I'll save the best rooms for you and Skeeve. Top floor with a view. And I'll make sure there aren't any spiders." He adds a wink and raises a mug to toast his friends.
Last edited May 7, 2024 6:20 pm
May 7, 2024 8:54 pm
ForeverDED says:
"I'll save the best rooms for you and Skeeve. Top floor with a view. And I'll make sure there aren't any spiders." He adds a wink and raises a mug to toast his friends.
Smiling broadly, great, I hate spiders. And he raises his tankard to toast with his friends.
May 7, 2024 10:30 pm
Hey, I would like to have a nice room with a view too! Hahaha said Arc joking
See you soon big axe

And then, to Ealdwig Sure we can visit Fiznik, just lead the way.
May 8, 2024 12:05 am
Um, great. Ealdwig stops, spins around slowly, trying to figure out where it is. Then starts walking in the general direction that Grin came from, having no idea where he's going. We'll find it sooner or later.
Last edited May 8, 2024 12:06 am
May 8, 2024 1:31 am
Heads up. the Base thread will be changing names to "New Paphos"
May 8, 2024 6:53 am
"Yes, my friend, Oliver and I are already been talking to the clerk, we await his evaluation, i am in need of some extra gold"
May 8, 2024 12:26 pm
"Ealdwig! It's great to see you in one piece! And wow you really have undergone some adventures since the last time we met. A glitching training center!?"

"And sure, let's meet at the tavern once we solve these small duties. Also, if you want a communicator, you might want two of them. Arc, was it? If those black wings are more than just decor, I think you will find this very useful for scouting and keeping some ground communication."

And he handed another small crystal to Arc.



May 8, 2024 12:35 pm

Phlan thanks you for your assistance and calls the clerk to see you out.

The youth asks if you need anything else and urges you to move along if notIf you are done with official business I suggest you take your business elsewhere
no need for spoilers when just chatting. Most of the separate issues have been resolved.
May 8, 2024 2:01 pm
looks like we’ve all switched places. I’m starting to get a bit turned around. If I understand correctly, Grin, Oliver and Brewner are in the Clerk’s office awaiting some reward for the goblin Crystal solving.

Ealdwig, et al., are at Fiznik’s to request the creation of two communicators using small crystals they’ve been gifted.

Then once that’s all sorted, we can chill for a bit and exchange stories at the tavern, then go back to adventuring.
Last edited May 8, 2024 2:01 pm
May 8, 2024 2:24 pm
Yeah if you want to RP it. daryen will take care of the underdark rewards and communicators are on backorder but if you drop off your crystals they will get done
Valpip says:
Well, it will take at least 5 days for a pair of communication devices. After that a day for each one made. Total cost, 25 gold per device.
With 6? communicators now thats 5+4=9 ~ 1 tenday week We can just FF and say you all do odd jobs and relax for a bit while organizing for the next adventure.
[ +- ] Valpip & Fiznik
May 8, 2024 2:53 pm
Cool! I had assumed we would not get the communicators until we return from our next adventures, but happy to give the characters some down time. Grin wanted to build a sand castle by the docks, so we can tick that off.
May 8, 2024 3:09 pm
Lets face it, most people who have to risk their lives for their jobs tend to REALLY get into their down time. It's very stressful trying not to die. Plus you have those with lots of cash fluidity appreciating the leasure. Adventurers are both so yeah. Plus there are things like training, reading, equipment reapair,etc that people need but ususally gets hand waved in RPG
May 8, 2024 3:20 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
Cool! I had assumed we would not get the communicators until we return from our next adventures, but happy to give the characters some down time. Grin wanted to build a sand castle by the docks, so we can tick that off.
LOL! I'll join you!
May 8, 2024 3:24 pm
I assume that Ealdwig finally finds Fiznick's shop.
They can all talk with eachother? is there a way to know who you are reaching out to? Or will everyone hear everything you say? Ealdwig thinks about the ramifications for a minute. Arc, what do you think? It'll be good to be able to communicate with everyone, especially if someone or something is needed, but if you're trying to be sneaky and someone talks, it could become trouble.
May 8, 2024 3:30 pm
Downtime is fine with me. We could make Grin's sandcastle, and we could go see Guflis (sp?). I know some wanted to meet them.

Before he leaves and heads back to the manor, Ealdwig will ask Blronvid to teach him how to take the best care of his sword and dagger. Then he'll use part of the downtime to clean and sharpen his tools. He'll also practice with his bow. He is dreadful with that, definitely needs the practice. Anyone around here who can train him to use it properly?

Valpip (artificer)


May 8, 2024 3:42 pm
Valpip (artificer)
As I told the others, Simple silent short range communication only has a range of about 100 to 300 feet. And yes, all holders of linked devices hear everything passed to the device. The holder of the device decides what to say to the other devices and any in range will hear it. If you want more control over who hears what then that will cost more. That's why I asked if you wanted them all to link or if you wanted separate sets. Only linked devices in a set can communicate with each other.
May 8, 2024 4:31 pm
Ealdwig is fascinated by the magic behind these items. Ok so only a range of 100 to 300 ft. In that case, I would think they should all communicate. You shouldn't have anyone blowing up a mission if the range is that close. You'd all be in on it, already. He turns to Arc, Do you agree?
May 8, 2024 9:23 pm
Arc was somehow impressed with the sudden amount of adventurers, and mostly because everyone knew everyone else! Arc felt like a kid's first day in school... and arriving a week late!
Anyhow, he loves it!!! The camaraderie, the friendship, the essential feeling that even in different missions we all belong to the same brotherhood.

Oliver, right? Of course my wings are decor! Said smiling But they are also functional... they unintendedly named me the scout of the team, which I do enjoy. Very generous of you to give us the crystal, they will definitely come handy. Can't wait to get to the tavern, so I can hear all about your cave exploration. Arc has always been both curious and cautious with anything related to the underground, he would happily listen to it all but never get himself to walk there.

Ealdwig, I'm all in on this communication-magic-crystal-fartalk-things, whatever they may be called. Although, I don't have much in terms of cash. I expected that our debrief of finding would address that, but I haven't heard from Skeeve yet. And considering the range... it shouldn't be a problem for sneaky situations. I agree!

In the downtime, Arc will be happy to train Ealdwig with the bow. He will also look for training himself, either to learn to Psionics or Healing... if both are possible, he will go for Psionics now.
Is this downtime appropriate to heal all wounds, get XP points, train a new skill, buy a house in the swamp and all those nice OCC tasks we need to address to prepare our next mission?

Also, out of curiosity, how far is the Manor from the Base? And how much time does it usually take to walk there?
Last edited May 8, 2024 9:39 pm
May 9, 2024 1:38 am
Sorry I've been quiet this week. I have been taking advantage of the downtime, and working to set up things for the deeper Underdark.

Skeeve has been running around trying to figure out if his map of the local matrix is any good. He is also talking to Phlan to see if he needs to go anywhere to get more things set up.

If I haven't said it already, he stops by Fiznik and returns the gem and tablet. He turns in the info he has found, too. He makes sure to look up his first two companions to see how they are doing. He says goodbye (for now) to Blornvid and takes him down to the node to send him off to the Manor. "Keep the manor safe and try out your backpack. Let me know what the tamer drinks I can manage are when I get back there! I hope to see a working forge and dwarves bar when I do get back!"
I think Psybermagi said the Manor is a day's walk away from the Base, but we use the Matrix Node down in the nearby caverns to get there more quickly and safely. And you don't need to buy a house. We should have room in our Gatehouse at the Manor. Plus we have cool neighbors!
For Ealdwig's idea on getting communicators, too, he's all for it, though he is perennially short on cash from buying his magic supplies.
May 9, 2024 2:03 am
daryen says:
He says goodbye (for now) to Blornvid and takes him down to the node to send him off to the Manor. "Keep the manor safe and try out your backpack. Let me know what the tamer drinks I can manage are when I get back there! I hope to see a working forge and dwarves bar when I do get back!"
I think Psybermagi said the Manor is a day's walk away from the Base, but we use the Matrix Node down in the nearby caverns to get there more quickly and safely. And you don't need to buy a house. We should have room in our Gatehouse at the Manor. Plus we have cool neighbors!
"Aye, I will, Skeeve. Make sure Ealdwig stays out of trouble," he says with a wink. After Skeeve has gotten the manor node dialed in, he grips Skeeve's forearm. "Take care, brother." And with that, he steps onto the node and disappears.
May 9, 2024 2:50 am
ForeverDED says:

"Aye, I will, Skeeve. Make sure Ealdwig stays out of trouble," he says with a wink. After Skeeve has gotten the manor node dialed in, he grips Skeeve's forearm. "Take care, brother." And with that, he steps onto the node and disappears.
Grin, appearing randomly at Skeeve’s elbow, says, "I wasn’t going to say anything… but that guy has the silkiest beard hair I have ever seen… Just INCREDIBLY smooth!" …he then melts back into the shadows, appearing in the Clerk’s office where the trio of underdarkers is getting ready to hold up the place.
Last edited May 9, 2024 2:51 am
May 9, 2024 3:28 am
Most wound will heal with a single night of rest.

If there is anything in particular you want to look into during your down time put a list in your personal thread and I will answer questions and let you know what you learn
Also, out of curiosity, how far is the Manor from the Base? And how much time does it usually take to walk there?
It is actually further than a days walk. It was a days travel before the Shattering with roads etc. It is somewhere to the NW
After leaving the administrators office the group that explored the western areas do receive a small reward along with your pay for the week. All told you get 20 gold (Skeeve, Ealdwig, Kaarik, Arc). The other team that explores the underdark will collect 10 gold (Grin, Oliver, Brewner) for the past week. (Bonus for underdark work to be set by @daryen). If you want to work for the scouts doing routine activities you will earn another 10 gold. If you spend the week doing personal research or other activities you get no pay but will still have room and board for the previous work.
May 9, 2024 3:40 am
ForeverDED says:
"Aye, I will, Skeeve. Make sure Ealdwig stays out of trouble," he says with a wink. After Skeeve has gotten the manor node dialed in, he grips Skeeve's forearm. "Take care, brother." And with that, he steps onto the node and disappears.
Ha! Good luck Skeeve!
All told you get 20 gold (Skeeve, Ealdwig, Kaarik, Arc)
Is that each or total?
Last edited May 9, 2024 3:43 am
May 9, 2024 3:53 am
No worries Arc, I'll take care of it. I've been saving, he says with a smile and a wink. You get the first round at the Tavern. I think these fancy communicators will be more than valuable enough.
Pay now or at pickup? 25gp for each so 50gp, correct?
Walking to the Tavern with Arc to meet the rest of the group, I think it'll be a good idea to get a little downtime. I haven't had much since I've gotten here.[b] Taking a beat to think about how long ago he got here. [b]Seems like I got off the ship a long time ago, but I don't think it's been all that long. Ealdwig, squints, tilts his head and says questioningly, less than a month, I think. Two weeks? He gives up trying to figure it out and smiles, well anyway, it hasn't been that long. But it certainly has been interesting and eventful.
May 9, 2024 4:33 am
20 gold each. 1 week plus bonus. Standard scout wages is 1 gold a day, 10 day week. You work the week you get 2 days off.
May 9, 2024 5:44 am
It doesn't surprise me, I've just arrived and have not stop a minute. I'm happy to help, I'm not complaining. This is a good place to be!
Arriving at the tavern, they sit at a long table hoping others will join sooner or later. And Arc asks the lady a big mug of ale and some bread and cheese, and... What would you be drinking Ealdwig and Skeeve?
So, before I joined, what have you guys been doing? Blornvid mentioned a Manor but I haven't seen it yet.
May 9, 2024 12:41 pm
There are a couple dock workers, guards, laborers, and adventurers. Most sit in groups of 2 to 4 and the tavern has yet to fill with the evening rush. You see a couple with simple meals of some sort of stew and bread. Smells waft from a room behind the bar that instantly make your mouth begin to water.

In the corner of the room sits a larger group of 5 adventurous looking types. One sits in the light from a window and the other in a corner across the table and is pulled back into the shadows. A couple large men, one with a massive two handed sword on his back and the other muscular and bare chested and the third younger and looks to be a rookie.


Big Al
May 9, 2024 12:42 pm
We have a newcomer to Paphos joining in so as you enter the tavern describe a bit about yourself
May 9, 2024 3:30 pm
Ok I'll add the 20gp to my sheet then subtract the 50gp for the communication devices.
Ealdwig, a young, chipper, duende of about 23 and short (around 3', 3") with brown hair and eyes. He is carrying his pack and seems to be loaded with weapons, a goblin sword on his hip, a dagger and bow. Smiling as he enters the tavern with Arc (Ealdwig is quick to smile and easy going), he follows Arc to the long table, scanning the room. He hasn't been here long or often enough to recognize many people, but he does see a few.

Yeah it is a good place to be. Can be scary at times, but we've come through it far. it was well worth coming here. Glad I made the trip. Ealdwig orders a meal, whatever it might be for today and a tankard, for Arc and himself. Food is good here.

Wow, Ealdwig with a twinkle in his eye, thinks back to what has happened since he has gotten here, he smiles, what hasn't happened? He then proceeds to tell Arc, his whole story since he got here, from getting off the ship, to the tavern and Danoll, to the swamp and Guflis, convincing the serving girl, Sylfir, that she was the rightful descendant to a Manor House and grounds, not that far from here. Going to the Manor to make arrangements for her, then helping clear out the grounds and out buildings, meeting the Seer in the library he's interesting, never met anything like him, Ealdwig pauses, him? Umm.. Anyway, you'll meet him(?) when we go back to the Manor. Great place and library. So BIG! We came back met Grin and some of the other guys. We hit the tunnels to deal with a massive and maybe the most creepy and scary thing I've ever seen, what was it called again? Um, I think it was a Roaper, if I am remembering correctly. [b]It's been pretty amazing so far! And, I only came close to dying twice! Smiling, Ealdwig holds up 2 small fingers in a "V" shape. All that and only twice! Can you believe it! Ealdwig shakes his head in a little disbelief and his luck so far. Very glad I came here. Well worth the effort.

Ealdwig realizes he was rambling for a while, he tends to do that. Sorry, how about you. How did you get here? You've probably got a great story to tell.
Sorry that was a long one. It was a pretty opened question.
Last edited May 9, 2024 3:31 pm
May 9, 2024 4:35 pm
@Thunder_Lungz: You do realize that Skeeve and Blornvid went all the way down to the Matrix Node down at the underground camp, correct? That's where they have to go to access the Manor.
After sending off Blornvid, Skeeve heads to the Tavern because he now needs a drink.
May 9, 2024 5:12 pm
daryen says:
@Thunder_Lungz: You do realize that Skeeve and Blornvid went all the way down to the Matrix Node down at the underground camp, correct? That's where they have to go to access the Manor.
Oh yes, Grin was getting impatient at the Clerk’s and figured if he follows Skeeve around, that might encourage the clerk’s to dole out that juicy bonus for them. Also, Grin slips a small crystal into Skeeve’s hand before scurrying back to the Clerk’s where he hopes they’ll be done soon so they can get to the tavern and talk with the others/recruit Ealdwig for the Underdark team!
Last edited May 9, 2024 5:12 pm
May 9, 2024 5:26 pm
Kaarik sees the other spending a crazy amount of money and feels a bit uncomfortable looking at his fat purse.
I have some money and I do not know what to buy yet, so if you need anything, I would be happy to cover for any of you.
May 9, 2024 5:54 pm
The clerk does give a 15 gp bonus for at least temporarily neutralizing the goblin raiders. Having Ander in the guard will help keep them neutralized for now. He can't promise big bonuses for going deeper in the caverns, but says he will still pay for good recon information of things that could be down there. He then chases everyone out of the office.
May 9, 2024 6:11 pm
NOICE! Thanks Co-GM! So that’s a total of 25gp for Grin, Oliver and Brewner. And now we congregate!
Grin heads to the Tavern with the Underdarkers where he intends to consume his weight in food and drink.
Last edited May 9, 2024 6:18 pm
May 9, 2024 9:47 pm
Wow, all that sounds amazing! And you only came close to dying twice? Unbelievable. I am now even more eager to visit that Manor of yours!

Then Arc starts telling how he left his family town, with a tankard at hand. A town with houses in treetops, and started to travel and see the world, and eventually got to a town with a great tavern which had a drawing of the Infinity Tower and set his path to visit it...

Then he saw Grin and Sleeve with the rest of the adventurers and waved his hand calling them, inviting them to sit with Ealdwig and him in this long table.

We will need several more of those beer tankards!
May 10, 2024 12:11 am
Speaking with Arc, with awe and disbelief in his tone, houses in the treetops?!? You left a place like that? Sounds amazing.
May 10, 2024 1:51 am
What’s this about houses in trees?! Grin laughs as he approaches the crew at the large table. He climbs up onto a chair next to Ealdwig and Arc and orders enough food for three people. After ordering, he looks at the others and says: Oh, did you want to order something too?
May 10, 2024 1:54 am
Ealdwig looks at Grin questioningly, finally getting it, smiles and laughs at the comment. Thanks but we ordered already. You're late.
May 10, 2024 2:37 am
Local?/ Felix whispered to Al i just arrived….. But he smile, nonetheless, at the two individuals he was being introduced to.

Greetings, yes Felix is my name and scouting is my… Right now though Im scouting out a nice drink and some of that stew.

Felix placed his satchel on the floor and unharnessed himself from his Great-Sword and family Spade, then took a seat at an adjacent table with Al and Pontus. He really was looking forward to some hot and fresh food. What there was to eat on the boat wasn’t bad but it was mostly dried and salted.

So, Pontus, are you old enough to drink?
May 10, 2024 3:19 am
Skeeve is glad to see so many familiar faces at the Tavern. Plus some new ones, too!

He is of medium build, with brown hair and shockingly green eyes. He is wearing leather armor with scales all over it, a very odd belt around his waist that looks like it is made of wood, and no noticeable weapon. He appears to be completely unarmed. He also has his omnipresent backpack with him. He claims a seat at Ealdwig's table, but continues on to greet Baun and see how she is doing, and greet those at her table. (He does NOT leave the backpack at the table, but keeps it with him.)

"Hi, my name is Skeeve. I had to come say hi to Baun, and find out who is new here! What are you all looking to do at burgeoning New Paphos?"
May 10, 2024 4:47 am

Pontus gives Felix an odd look Um, I drink all the time. Oh, are you from one of those restrictive religions that wone allow you to drink alcohol until you are "of age"? So sorry to hear that. Most places let you drink as soon as you can pay for it and shrugs as he sips his beer. I normally prefer ale but this isn't too bad.

As you chat a serving maiden brings out a platter with 3 large bowls and slices of bread to place in front of each of the recent arrivals. Al greets her and she replies with familiarity before moving on to server the influx of adventurers shoving several nearby tables together along one side of the room.

Big Al

Al points out Skeeve to Pontus and Felix. He's been in and out of this place almost as long as I have but he tends to stick around closer than I do from what I hear. I recognize the Hin with him (Hin is another term for halfling, kender, or hobbit) Normally they travel with a dwarf. Looks like there's been quite a turnover.
They tend to be more active than Baun and Sawen here.


This is true. I spend most of my time studying with either master Ualas, our local druid, or madam Gulfis, the local medicine woman. I do aid adventurers form time to time but, I am not so good at fighting. and the flower bows her head in embarrassment.


Do not trouble yourself over this Baun. As I have said before, each has their place. I too am not a fighter but my scouting helps the expedition. Since you have the company of Al and his new fellows I will take my leave. I have another mission this night and should go over the days reports and prepare. Sawen bids farewell and leaves after settling his tab.

It is at this point that Skeeve comes over and introduces himself to your table and is greeted by Baun.

Big Al

Me, just passing through again. Might stick around another week but I get restless to easily and like to travel. But this is a great place for new stories. the big man replies easily to Skeeves question. Got a couple rookies here nodding to Felix and Pontus But Felix here is actually pretty decent with that ridiculously large sword of his
May 10, 2024 6:24 am
Arc also laughs at grin's comment We already ordered openings, I guess will see about main dishes later Haha.
About our houses, well, some are quite big, like 2 rooms big! And some are but platforms with a small roofs against rain. Since the weather is warm, there is no need to more cover. And they have rope and plunks bridges, but most of us just fly among them, they are truly beautiful!
Arc, a 5'9'' tall ravenfolf of back feathers, was raised by a family of shop owners. His parents run the only trading post in town. From a young age he would help his parents (and numerous siblings) in the shop. And in his spare time practice shooting with his bow.
When he reached adulthood, he wanted to travel and see the world, so he packed a few of his belongings and flew.
May 10, 2024 9:03 am
With the business with the clerk concluded Brewner makes a quick stop and buys the climbing tool (25gp). He then goes to the tavern were Grinfletch his with other adventures.

" Cant say i ever saw so many brave adventurers in one place" Brewner says while entering the tavern, he walks towards Grinfletch and the others "Please to meet you all my name's Brewner but friends call me hopper, and a friend of Grinfletch is a friend of mine, bring the ale!"
May 10, 2024 11:29 am
Ricardoi91 says:
"Please to meet you all my name's Brewner but friends call me hopper, and a friend of Grinfletch is a friend of mine, bring the ale!"
Oi, Hopper! Tell them the Hopper story! Grin starts chanting Tell them, tell them, tell them… he does not mind that nobody joins in the chant.

Grin, newly equipped for his underdark adventures, is a Duende (Halfling) from the wildlands. He wears: supple, dark leather armor adorned with intricate stitching and small, shimmering beads; an elegant mask of polished wood, adorned with delicate gold leaf accents around its edges; a stylish leather belt with rune embellishments, its buckle fashioned in the shape of a mischievous grin; and a mysterious cloak, currently matching the armor in color and shimmer-osityness. His signature crossbow is propped up against his chair as he happily eats through his second full plate.
May 10, 2024 3:33 pm
Well met, Hopper. I'm Eldwig and this is Arc, pointing to my avian friend. Pointing to Skeeve, and over at the other table is Skeeve. We've been together for a while. Smiling at Grin's chant, so what is this Hopper story, I've been hearing about?
May 10, 2024 4:57 pm
Brewner is human male, with dark brown hair and eyes, he have a strong frame and usually a two handed Warhammer resting on his shoulder.

Brewner tells the story taht gave origin to his nickname, he was caught by a storm of evil sorcery, the land shattered and start to float like in a river, he was able to get out of this chaos by hopping from chunk to chunk. He gives some good laughs retelling the story.
"Since then i have been adventuring with my friends here, i am constantly amazed by the cleverness and ingenuity of Grinfletch and Oliver"
May 10, 2024 5:58 pm
Well met Hopper! Joint us!
And then, to the tavern guy Another round of ale man, we are all thisty

After hearing Hopper story Arc just laughs enjoying it, and then empties his tankard. It's hard to imagine anyone jumping around, with a heavy hammer, under an evil magic storm to avoid being eaten my the ground.. and then adventuring underground! This place is both amazing and incredibly crazy!! I love it!! And signs again to the tavern guy for the ale refill.
Last edited May 10, 2024 9:57 pm
May 11, 2024 12:23 am
Ricardoi91 says:
Brewner tells the story that gave him his nickname
Hopper, I’ll never get tired of hearing that one!

Oi, Skeeve-o! He indicates in the direction of Felix. Who’s your friend with the sword so long, I could use it to measure my ego?! Oh wait, I can’t reach that high! Grin laughs heartily at his own joke.
Last edited May 11, 2024 12:26 am
May 11, 2024 1:30 am
Felix became a little dizzy from all of the "getting up" and "sitting down" going on.

Nice to have met you Sawen, perhaps we’ll run into each other on a blind corner.

Felix received his bowl and bread gratefully. Ripping off a crust and dunking it into his stew he inserted the whole piece into his mouth.

This is life he said with his eyes closed. And I should know, as when I’m not hacking at giant octopus’ I am burying the dead.

When he opened his eyes again Skeeve had joined their table and Al was introducing them. Skeeve was fascinating to look at; that man knows how to wash, so clean. I could learn a thing or two

Am I passing through as well, Al? Well Skeeve, I am looking to make some gold. And hopefully have some fun while I’m doing that. I just arrived but I get the impression this could be the place. Though, everyone seems a wee bit serious.

There was a call from across the room. Let me know when I can start referring to you as "Skeeve-o". Now that man perhaps has a less serious attitude he said with a smile.
May 11, 2024 5:16 am
Skeeve replies, "There is plenty of opportunity to gain gold around here! There is plenty of opportunity to spend it, too! Right now, we appear to have two main efforts going on. One is exploration below ground. The other one is mostly above ground. I'm part of the above ground group. We apparently have an ancient construct to visit, a keep with undead guardians to visit, an ancient ruin to raid, and another ancient ruin to infiltrate. The other group is going to go deeper underground to find out what is there. Who knows what they might find and where they might end up! (I heard they may get to deal with friendly restless dead, too.) I have no idea which is more likely to find treasure. If you'd like, I can introduce you to the two groups."

With a chuckle, he adds, "And you can call me whatever you like. I don't promise to respond if I don't like it, though."

And of course he looks clean and dapper. When you can cast prestidigitation at will, some of those are going to make sure you are clean and tidy!
May 11, 2024 7:36 am
Kaarik puts a hand on Skeeve's shoulder and says with a large smile : "Skavino is the kindest man".

"Nice to meet you both Felix and Hopper, I am sure we will have many occasions to spend some time all together, here, on the field, and of course in the library"
May 11, 2024 12:30 pm
As Sawen leaves the tavern you see a young badgerkin wearing a dark well worn cloth attire, about the same hight as your average halfling enter the tavern. He looks like he has been traveling for a while goes straight to the bar to order some foot and drink.
He beginns look for a place to sit, when his attention is drawn to the table with the noisy adventurers and and he watches them excitedly.
May 11, 2024 1:20 pm
Skeeve rolls his eyes at Kaarik's joke with his name.

As he moves back with Felix to the main table with all of the PCs at it, he invites Aizashi over to join them, as he looks to be in search of adventure, too.

To the entire group he says, "It looks like we have managed to get a bunch of us together all in one spot again. And, fortunately, this time we are not all fighting a roper and dark mantles! Instead, we are partying! Some of us, are looking to dive even deeper into the Underdark and explore its mysteries. Others, are going to be staying mostly above ground and trying to unravel some secrets of this ancient city (after an excursion to a high mountain valley). I don't know which path is potentially more lucrative. But both look to have plenty of adventure!

"But that's for later! Let's enjoy ourselves and tell tales of our recent exploits tonight!"
He looks to Aizashi as the most recent addition and says, "Tell us of your recent exploits!"
May 11, 2024 7:39 pm
Aizashi gladly accepts Skeeve's invite and introduces himself Thank you, my name is Aizashi. I have only just arrived with the caravan.
He looks around the group unsure if his tales would even hold the smallest bit of interest for seasoned adventurers.
I've recently been helping a small village that was caught in a feud between a fey hag and her changing son. He held a grudge against the fey practices and somehow attempted to save his sister from suffering the same way he did, I suppose... He shakes his head thinking back to his previous adventure. It was confusing and I still have a lot to learn.
May 11, 2024 11:12 pm
"But is the village now free from the conflict?" After getting an answer in the the affirmative, he finishes, "Then you succeeded! And that's what is important!"

He turns to Felix and says, "What happened on your journey to meet us here?"
May 12, 2024 4:30 am
Felix sat, with his attention divided between his spoon and Aizashi’s tale. (For the record, he is a slim and tall man, with shortish brown hair and some blonde highlights. He wears a loose fitting lavender shirt, lacing up in front, which sports a subtle pattern of green vines. It’s faded and stained in a few places. Next to him leaning against the wall are his Great-Sword and well-worn spade.)

What an honorable adventure you had Aizashi. I wish, Skeeve, that I could tell as heartwarming a history. However, I travelled by boat and it was fairly uneventful. I vomited over the side many times, and stayed out of the crews way. After we found the river we could camp on the shore, but that opened us to danger. Al and I investigated and narrowly avoided a fray with some Lizardfolk. They gave us some advice and directions, but that didn’t help us avoid the giant octopus. The beast nearly took us under. Thankfully it valued its remaining appendages so,let us go. And here we are.

Felix looked around at his audience, examining their faces. So any adventure without a boat gets one point in the plus column.
I guess not that enjoyable. Maybe he has soup running down his chin
Last edited May 12, 2024 4:31 am


Charisma, telling an enjoyable tale. - (3d6)

(112) = 4

May 12, 2024 9:10 am
Aizashi listens to Felix tell his tale. Believing Felix when he told it was uneventful he starts eating and drinking in the meantime only to almost choke on his food once Felix reaches the part about the giant octopus.
"You call that uneventful?" he asks coughing.
May 12, 2024 11:42 am
Alright, if you’ve got scars, let’s see ‘em!

Grin stands up on his chair, turns around and pulls up his shirt. He has a light scar running across the his lower back.

This is from the time a beast chased me into a crevice. I was stuck there for two days while it tried to scrape me out and caught me with a claw. But ever since coming here, if we get hurt, all is healed up lickety-split by Skeeve or Ishzu.

He tucks in his shirt and sits back down.
May 12, 2024 2:10 pm
"Most of my scars are invisible," he says ruefully.

"But that's old news. What was your latest exploit, Grin? What's the story behind these?" With that question, he produces the small crystal Grin had just recently given him on Blornvid's departure. "Where did these come from? What do they do?"
May 12, 2024 4:28 pm
Yes, well, that is a story! Let’s see - Oliver, Ishzu, Ander and I planned to explore a cave down on the first level of the underdark. There were innumerable spiders, thick webbing everywhere. Brave Ishzu entered the webs at the cave mouth and immediately, a sea of spiders, tiny and huge, came cascading towards us.

But Oliver Otter had a plan and we were all equipped with burning alcohol and fire brands - myself with flaming arrows. So we set them alight and in a short few minutes, the entire cave went up in smoke and fire.

We cautiously entered and cleared the cave, coming upon some huge spiders that tried to communicate with us. Sadly, we could not understand them and they were cut down. They were protecting a small cavern with a powerful psionic crystal. The wizard Valpip had to come and remove it. It was incredibly valuable and had to be warded to protect us from it.

When we got back to camp, Hopper - uhh, Brewner - joined us and we prepared to take the crystal to sell to one of Ishzu’s contacts. But we were attacked by goblins! They stole the crystal and I got a water elemental to help us scare them away. They escaped through the matrix node and we hunted them down by going through a slime cave and into the marshes.

When we found them, there were two groups of goblins and the acolyte of one group had used the psionic abilities of the crystal to control the others. We fought with the acolyte and disabled her. Then we took the crystal back and broke it down to prevent anyone from taking advantage of its psionic abilities. And now these smaller pieces can be used to craft some fancy gear.

I still have one more small crystal. 25 gold if anyone is interested.

Did I miss anything?
He looks to Oliver and Brewner for any comments.
Last edited May 12, 2024 4:29 pm
May 12, 2024 4:32 pm
Brewner scratches his chin thoughtfully
"With Anders joining the guard and Ishizu...recharging we are in need of some new faces with hunger for adventure if we intend to explore the underdark" He says it loud enough to be heard but to no one in particular
May 12, 2024 4:47 pm
Genuinely impressed, Skeeve says, "Wow! You made a fireball without magic! Very clever!" He gets more info on the matrix node they used later.

In response to Brewner, he says, "Well, I can't go, but perhaps some of the others here are intrigued by delving deeper into the Underdark! I look forward to hearing the tales of your exploits when you return!"

Changing subjects a bit, "I wish the two who went to Eldergrove were still here to tell of their exploits and how they freed an entire city from its curse. But," looking to Ealdwig, Arc, and Kaarik, "who wants to tell of our exploits?"

Marta Peskryk


May 12, 2024 4:59 pm
Marta Peskryk
The severe , who has been listen to your tasks as she topped off your drinks interjects with a slight shudder. Surely there are less gloomy and dank places to adventure. How do you even see while fighting. It's not like you can hold a torch and fire a bow at the same time. And torches any they bright anyhow.
May 12, 2024 5:07 pm
Good question… well, it can be difficult to fight in the dark. My eyes are becoming accustomed to it, but torches are important. If anyone has special light-producing gear, I’d be up for a trade.

We have heard of an underground ocean with undead sailors or something… we intend to climb down and check it out. Anyone interested in joining might want a climbing kit. We will keep our eyes out for matrix nodes and do hope to find shiny things… or at least, I’m excited to find shiny things.

Also, I love to meet new Underdark creatures and Oliver is always searching for alchemy ingredients.
Last edited May 12, 2024 5:11 pm
May 12, 2024 10:01 pm
To Marta, "There are lots of ways to see in the dark. Besides torches, you can get glowstones or small magic items like that. Or, for some of us, we just make it ourselves." With that, he conjures a small ball of light and places it above her head such that it stays with her. After a minute or so, he dismisses it.

"Besides magic or torches, you'd be very surprised at how many things glow down there. Even creatures who can operate just fine in the dark often like actual light because it lets them see color and more detail. So, you'll find more light sources down there than you'd otherwise expect. But you can never really depend on that."
May 12, 2024 10:05 pm
At the last mention of his name, Oliver enters the tavern covered in mud. A grinning otterfolk with a decorated black cloak, vials hanging around his belt, carrying a sling and a bat carved with fire runes.

"Oh my! Isn't this a HUGE party? Sorry for being late. I was telling the dockmaster about our adventures again; he's a cool fella to talk to, not easy to surprise with something novel, though. Then I saw this rare breed of frog jump out of the water and I tried to catch it. It escaped, and I just splashed into quite a bit of muddy water."

Oliver asked around to find out who everyone was, and caught up with their presentations.

"Oliver Otter, at your service. If you ever want a brew or a frog and seaweed stew, I'm your otter. A strong stomach is advised, however."
Last edited May 12, 2024 10:07 pm
May 12, 2024 10:34 pm
"Oliver Otter, at your service. If you ever want a brew or a frog and seaweed stew, I'm your otter. A strong stomach is advised, however."
Then Grin is in the correct group!
May 13, 2024 12:08 am
Grin will try almost anything once. :)
May 13, 2024 1:45 am
has the circus come to town?

Felix watched and listened in bewilderment as the crowd in his corner of the tavern grew in size. He ordered another mug of ale, and leaned back in his chair, belly full.

Murmuring mostly to himself; Florial, is this the type of mischief you got into? A cavalcade of characters.
May 13, 2024 4:24 am
Since I have done other "voices", I hope Psybermagi doesn't mind this input here ..
Felix hears the eldritch voice in the back of his head, That and even more. Such is what you will find as you wander farther from your old home and have adventures. That is what makes it an adventure! You don't want to bored, do you, boy?
May 13, 2024 4:32 am
Arc enjoys listening amazed to all the adventures, but with his hunger, he is too focus on eating to talk much. The lizard combat reminds him of his own first combat in this area, against winged lizards.

Although, at Hoppers invitation, Arc is taken aback... He does enjoy listening to adventures and missions a lot, and even taking part in them! But going underground, and by choice!! No way Arc is going there in his own two feet.
He is glad though, that we all have different preferences! And also impressed by this underground team! And downs another gulp of ale.
Last edited May 13, 2024 4:51 am
May 13, 2024 8:36 am
Aizashi's ears perk up at the mention of needing new faces and he leans in a little more.
"I'd be willing to accompany you!" he exclaims.
Then adds a little embarrassed by his unexpected outburst "If you'd have me that is. Though I'm not sure what kind of help I can offer to your cause."
May 13, 2024 11:08 am
Is Aizashi interested in the Underdark or the above-ground exploration? It sounds like Arc and Felix want to go above ground. And Ealdwig to Underdark?
May 13, 2024 2:11 pm
Open to either. The going down to the Underdark would be cool. Something I haven't done yet.
Ealdwig, listens intently to the stories while eating and drinking. After his earlier monologue, he is content to enjoy everyone's exploits. Especially, Grin, unprovoked mind you, jumping up, half undressing to show everyone his tiny scar. That was amusing.

Arc, do you think we'll get some time tomorrow to practice with the bow? I could use the help.
May 13, 2024 2:22 pm
either one is fine with me:)
May 13, 2024 2:57 pm
Brewner addresses Aizashiqi
"We will be glad to have your help in the underdark, i have no doubts in your abilities, but first lets see if you can help empty some mugs of ale" And he burst laughing
May 13, 2024 3:11 pm
FYI both groups are doing about a week of down time and prep before heading out on the next major mission / story arc
During your week training and getting to know each other you lean the expedition is only slightly interested in the underdark now that they have a firm footing and licked of the immediate area around the Matrix Node. There will be little in the east of bonus for scoring trips that way unless you can prove a benefit to the expedition/growing settlement.
Current Mission List with bonuses are on the Info Sheet Notice Board (posted below for convenience) with current bonus levels listed after each assignment.
- no bonus
$ to $$$ low to high bonus and priority

If you're not on assignment, or ignore them to long you shift to becoming a freelancer and have to pay room and board
Open Jobs
1. Explore caverns under the base
1.a. Investigate Gelatinous Cube $$
1.b. Map the underdark -
2. Explore the Matrix network
2.a. Explore Spider chasm & fungus forest $$
2.b. Explore high mountain valley $
2.d. Assist with creating a research station in Eldergrove -
3. Investigate Intact civic centers of Paphos $$$
4. Work with Infinite Tower -
May 13, 2024 3:28 pm
Based on that a Fungus Forest sounds cool. And there is a gelatinous cube, oof.
May 13, 2024 3:31 pm
My only addition is that if you do the deeper underdark, you will find something worthy of a bonus. It's just that no one knows it yet, including your characters.
May 13, 2024 3:37 pm
Emptying his ale, Sure Eald! I'll be happy to train you with the bow. Say, tomorrow morning in the training grounds? Unless you want to go outside the Base and have a go to bring dinner. Winks

Arc then turns to call Skeeve. Hey Skeeve, you know everything, or almost everything, about magic and those tingling stuff. What's the deal with those crystals? They felt strange and I'm now curious... Are they some special kind of magic? Are there too many kinds of magic?
Last edited May 13, 2024 4:08 pm
May 14, 2024 2:36 am
Well if Im going on any expedition I’ll probably need some basic gear. I only have the bear minimum…..that counts for gold too, bear minimum. Any chance I could make some quick money here in town? I have almost no marketable skills, besides digging holes, and perhaps some light gardening.

Felix used a small splinter of wood to clean his teeth.

In smaller back-water towns my Haunted Blade would have been good for a few coins - entertaining demonstrations, or some stories with interpretive dance accompaniment. But this town….sounds like I’m a dime a dozen. (A dime is a small coin, where I’m from)
Last edited May 14, 2024 2:37 am
May 14, 2024 3:40 am
To Arc: "I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I am far from an expert on magic. I know more than many, but am still a long way from those like Fiznik or Valpip. I'm only running into these crystals myself now. They seem to be psionics as much, or more, than magic. So that's even further from my specialties. The best person to ask is Fiznik or Ishzu, but Fiznik is usually busy and Ishzu seems to be tied up with something else going on."

To Felix: "Don't worry too much about starting funds. Whichever group you go with will get you set up as needed. If you go Underdark, Grin has already said he'll get you set up with the gear you'll need. If you stay above ground, there's less you'll need, but we'll make sure you have what you need."
May 14, 2024 4:54 am
I knew I could count on you wisdom Skeeve! Thanks! Now that you mentioned it is psionic, which sound like a kind of magic to me, and who are the experts, I know what to do!
Arc decides to visit Fiznik tomorrow, after bow training with Ealdwig.

Then, to Felix, I agree with Skeeve, you don't need to worry much about fancy gear. Pick your option, and trust your fellow adventurers.
May 14, 2024 5:59 am
"Yeah, for sure, we wouldn't leave any fellow explorer perish in their misery."

"As for these days before our departure, I will go around town and see if I can collect some ingredient herbs and minerals by the riverbank. There is a fae alchemy recipe that calls for my attention. Oh, and I also need to distill some alcohol per Grin's request."

"...which is NOT meant for drinking"
, Oliver added when he saw a few greedy eyes turn around. "Though if you insist and have a duende stomach, be my guest."
May 14, 2024 6:22 am
Kaarik hearing Arc questioning Skeeve about the crystal he adds.
"Fiznik will of course have more insights than me. However, I have some basic knowledge in magical items and if you allow it, I would like to study the crystal a little."
May 14, 2024 6:33 am
Oliver's mention of more alcohol lifts Arc spirit even more... then he hears it is not ment to drink, and is kinda disappointed. What use of alcohol could be more important? Right? But then, Arc remembered Oliver does alchemy... probably lots of uses for alcohol, Arc is not aware of. Disappointment turn into a recognition of plain ignorance in his expression. Hey Oliver, if this psionics thing gets postponed, and you need to go out of town to find ingredients, I'll be happy to go.

Then, to Kaarik Of course my friend, do study it as you wish. Although, I think we left them to be turn into some sort of communication talk-afar thingy, right Ealdwig? But if you do know somethings about psionics, I'll be happy to learn .
May 14, 2024 8:16 am
Smiling Aizashi tells Brewner That I can! They shall not survive the night.
He eagerly listens to all the conversations and at some points feels woefully unprepared but his reassured by the fact that he is not the only new adventurer.
May 14, 2024 8:26 am
"Oh yes, I shall go to see Fiznik myself then, I would be happy to have him show me how he turns the crystals into communication devices."

Kaarik will then go to Fiznik in the morning to ask him if he can show him the process.
May 14, 2024 12:36 pm
I have one more small crystal that can be made into a communications device like the others. Anyone who wants it can pay me back later. You would give it to Fiznik who will make it in a few days. Then you’d have to pay him 25g for it when you pick it up. So, it will ultimately cost up to 50g. I think the range is 100-300 ft for the medium/small crystals. The ones Fiznik is making for the Underdarkers now are with medium crystals.
Grin would like to spend some time gaining proficiency with his whip if possible.
Last edited May 14, 2024 12:37 pm
May 14, 2024 12:53 pm
Valpip is the one Kaarik should seek out. Fiznik knows about magic and is good for answering questions. Valpip is the artificer who makes things.
May 14, 2024 1:25 pm
I created a poll to help everyone finalize where and what they plan to do If you haven't made you choice there please do so. If you didn't have a preference that is one of the options and indicates you are ready to move on
Valpip is willing to teach Kaarik, for a fee or other exchange, such as becoming a lab assistant. Fiznik will occasionally discuss magical theory or other topics but similarly requires an incentive to teach.
May 14, 2024 1:32 pm
Kaarik would be more than happy to become a lab assistant for Valpip.

He actually finds it quite a good deal that Valpip did not request a fee to take him as assistant.
May 14, 2024 2:01 pm
Kaarik soon learns the fully of his youthful optimism. 😈
Valpip is a demanding teacher and believes there is no such thing as a bad question. Unless it was asked while not working, or thought through, or indicative of you lack of a proper foundation that requires reading assignments for you to find your own answers before tomorrow. And if you don't ..... Gnomish artificers can be very creative in the applying of corrective discipline while teaching their staff....

A week of hunched over on gnomish sized chairs and tables crafting tiny runes from thin metal foil then assisting in inlaying these into the engraving on delicate crystals is only the tip of his ordeal. But he did learn, a bit. He's sure he did...
May 14, 2024 6:56 pm
Cathamber says:
Emptying his ale, Sure Eald! I'll be happy to train you with the bow. Say, tomorrow morning in the training grounds? Unless you want to go outside the Base and have a go to bring dinner. Winks
Taken back and a little nervous, you want to go hunting?! Um, I should probably practice with targets first. Right now I can't hit the broad side of a barn, ask Skeeve. And let's not make it TOO early, Ealdwig says as he orders another ale.
Cathamber says:
Then, to Kaarik Of course my friend, do study it as you wish. Although, I think we left them to be turn into some sort of communication talk-afar thingy, right Ealdwig? But if you do know somethings about psionics, I'll be happy to learn.
Yeah, Arc and I were there earlier. We left the crystals to be turned into communication devices. I don't understand any of it, but this magic stuff is quite amazing. Ealdwig takes a big swig and wipes his mouth on the back of his sleeve.

He sits back in his oversized chair relaxing, smiling and looking around. It's good to have some friends.
May 14, 2024 9:41 pm
Exhausted and a little surprised by Valpip's treatment, Kaarik does not however, lose any of his motivation to learn more about the art of artificier.

He has in fact a brand new motivation, becoming Valpip best ever lab rat.
"I thank you master for this week of work. I now must go to serve the expedition, but I beg you to keep me a place as assistant. I am ready to dedicate any minute I spend in the base to you."
May 14, 2024 10:53 pm
Grin confidently marches into the barracks, wearing only his pants, cape and mask. In his hand is a fine leather whip.

Right-o captains of the watch! Who among you will take some coin in exchange for teaching me the Way of the Whip?!

He feebly cracks the whip in front of him, feeling confident in his ability to learn quickly.
It’s dawning on me that I’ll need to spend a lot of XP to do this… so I might just pass if that’s the case. Grin has plans for Darkfighter or martial traits eventually, and those are not cheap!
Last edited May 15, 2024 2:44 am
May 15, 2024 1:31 am
Conversation seemed, to Felix, to have run it’s course. Most of these fine folk were already acquaintances, sharing battle stories and battle scars. Perhaps Felix would as well one day soon. Talk of training, studying, all sounded like hard work, not to his taste.

Felix approached the counter to settle his bill, hopefully find a - private - bed available for that night and ask a question.

Would there be any merchant close by that sells clothing? I could really use some fresh attire. Maybe some light armor as well? This small town seems rather regimental so I’m not holding out hope. Well - actually I do have hope - isn’t that right Florial - please don’t dash it!
May 15, 2024 1:50 am
Flelix is directed to the local smith, who sells and maintains armor and weapons. A comfortable bed in the common barracks like room used by most visiting adventurers is provided for the night. The combination of good food and a decent bed
Let me know if anyone has business they have not concluded. I think most everyone is ready to set out.

daryen will manage the Underdark
I will be creating a new thread tonight/tomorrow for those working to Restore Paphos

@Arkmenos,@Nuttyartist I created a poll HERE to filter everyone into groups and destinations. Please indicate where you want to go next, and indirectly, what group you will be joining.
May 15, 2024 2:42 am
Before everyone sets out, Skeeve says to Ealdwig, "Good luck delving into the Underdark! I know the others will guide you well. I looks forward to hearing the tales you tell when we see each other again after you get back."
Saw your answer on the poll and wanted Skeeve to say goodbye and good luck before everyone splits up.
May 15, 2024 2:50 am
Woohoo! Very exciting! I’m going to hold off on the whip training since I don’t want to spend too much XP.

Do we pick up the crystal devices now? At least the first batch of communication devices?

Looking forward to delving deeply!
Grin bids farewell to Skeeve and the Explorers, joins up with the Underdarkers for a final equipment check. Right, does everyone have your special friendship signal whistle? He holds up three whistles, passing them out to anyone who doesn’t already have one. They are ordinary signal whistles. Maybe we should count off?…
Co-GM - should we all get climbing kits?
Last edited May 15, 2024 2:53 am
May 15, 2024 2:55 am
Yes, that would be a good idea, as that will make it way easier to get started.
May 15, 2024 2:58 am
okay, cool. I have 100g set aside for 4 of the communicators if they’re ready to buy now. Then I can loan some cash to folks for climbing kits if they need.
May 15, 2024 2:59 am
After butchering his first lesson with Arc bow training, Ealdwig runs into Skeeve on his way back from the training grounds. Oh hey, yeah thanks. Same to you. I figured I'd check out something a little different. Wait, whatdya mean? You're not coming?! Where are you heading? Ealdwig is surprised by this. He just assumed everyone was going together.

Feeling a little saddened, by losing Blornvid and Skeeve his most trusted compatriots in the same week, well brother, we'll meet back here again soon and go on the next mission together, if I make it out of those caves alive. Ealdwig smiles at his poor joke. Without your healing powers, you never know. Shrugging, might be short trip.

As they part, Ealdwig looks back I've got all week to try and change your mind and come with us. He smiles and turns walking away, ONTO A NEW ADVENTURE! He pumps his little fist in the air, like Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club.
Thought it might be cool to try something a little different. I haven't been playing RPGs all that long (maybe 5 years) but, I've never been to the underdark so I figured I'd give it a shot. You should reconsider, come down and try to kill, um I mean map, stuff.
May 15, 2024 3:02 am
Alright looks like everyone posted. The two newcomers said they had no preference and Ealdwig swapped groups so This will be the groups for the next adventure

DM : Psybermagi
Skeeve, Kaarik, Arc, and Aizashi

DM : daryen
Grin, Oliver, Brewner, Ealdwig, and Felix

Ealdwigs acrobatic pole and rope caster should come in handy!
May 15, 2024 4:35 am
Skeeve, Kaarik, Arc, and Aizashi when you are done interacting with the others go ahead and move over to the Reclaiming Paphos thread
May 15, 2024 8:16 am
Aizashi spends the week of down time to get familiar with the surroundings and his new compatriots and tries to figure out if he needs any specialized equipment.
May 15, 2024 8:21 am
After a few days, just before leaving the Base Arc spots Ealdwig Hi Eald! I heard you are going below, good luck with that! And don't stop practicing the bow techniques I taught you. Remember to focus on your target, keep your right forearm aligned with the arrow, and let it loose as relaxed as you can. And only use good arrows, the really straight ones.

Afterwards Arc looks for Sleeve, Kaarik and Aizashi to start their next journey. He probably 'saved' Kaarik from Fiznik's next repetitive task, and found Aizashi punching some training dummies at the training grounds. Most probably Skeeve found them before they found him... I wonder what news have he found about the matrix...

Let's find Lady Alagondar and get the details of the next mission
May 15, 2024 11:30 am
Before they leave, Skeeve gives Ealdwig a gem. "This gem is single-use. If you find a Matrix Node down in the Underdark, use this gem to trigger it. It will set the pattern to what you need to get back here, and will activate it. It can't take you anywhere else.

Don't lose it! If you do, I'll owe Fiznik a chunk of gold."

EDIT: Skeeve also turns in his loaned gem of spell storing and tablet to Fiznik and Valpip.
I have removed the items from my player sheet.
May 15, 2024 12:34 pm
@Nuttyartist - Does Felix need to borrow some cash for a climbing kit?

And do we need to ask the Expedition if there is gear they can loan out to us?
Last edited May 15, 2024 6:32 pm
May 15, 2024 5:21 pm
Ealdwig spends the whole week practicing with Arc on his bow skills. It hasn't helped much. Wow, I am pretty useless with this thing. Hopefully in the caverns there won't be much call for it.

Arc, thanks for the time and tips. I'll keep practicing. I'll get it sooner or later. Sure you don't want to reconsider and head to the Underdark with us? It'll be a pretty great adventure.

daryen says:
Before they leave, Skeeve gives Ealdwig a gem. "This gem is single-use. If you find a Matrix Node down in the Underdark, use this gem to trigger it. It will set the pattern to what you need to get back here, and will activate it. It can't take you anywhere else.

Don't lose it! If you do, I'll owe Fiznik a chunk of gold."
Thanks Skeeve! Sure you don't need it? Ealdwig tries to hand back the gem. Then he looks through is bag, I've still got the Homunculus, think you'll need it? Ealdwig pulls it out and holds it out to Skeeve.

I think that rope caster you gave me, Ealdwig cocks his head and scrunches up his face a little. You've gotten yourself a ton of magic items since you've been here, haven't you? I think you've given me 3 or 4 already. Do you want them back? Well except for this rope caster. That I think I am going to need on the next mission. If I shoot it across a cavern or up a cliff and use it to climb, right? How long is the rope, do you remember? I'll return it when I get back.

Ealdwig pulls off the rope necklace and charm Guflis sold him and thrusts it into Skeeves hands. See you when I get back. Hopefully, you'll be here too. Ealdwig walks away heading to the shop to grab any last minute supplies he needs.
May 15, 2024 6:35 pm
Also, there are some magic items still up for grabs (only the top two weapons are still available - 200GP each).

We need to sort out the crystal devices and also any magic items the expedition has that we can use? Maybe Felix can hold onto one or two of those?
Fiznik’s store
May 15, 2024 7:29 pm
What they have to loan, is what you know about:
- The Scroll Case for auto-mapping (which Brewner now holds).
- The Spider Silk for laying down a way to hopefully get out of a maze.
- The Echo Amulet; make a sound and find out how big a room/cavern is.
- Unmovable Pole, which can extend from 3-8 feet, turn into a ladder, or "lock" itself into place spatially, even unsupported in mid-air.
Those are the loaners.

So, if Felix wants, he can take any one of the Spider Silk, Echo Amulet, or Unmovable Pole.
May 15, 2024 7:42 pm
I have 6 gold. Is that enough for climbing gear? If so I'll gear up for the trip down under.

The echo amulet seems funny, so Felix could take that.

Maybe his family spade will come in handy if any openings need widening?
May 15, 2024 7:43 pm
Oh, and don't forget that you can get any minor potion for 50GP. The main two being Healing (heals 2 HP instantly) and Antitoxin (either removes a current poison effect, or gives Advantage against poison for the next couple of minutes). There are other kinds of common potions like Levitation, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Comprehend Languages, Enlarge Person, Haste, Feather Fall, Jump, and Reduce Person.
May 15, 2024 7:46 pm
Nuttyartist says:
I have 6 gold. Is that enough for climbing gear? If so I'll gear up for the trip down under.

The echo amulet seems funny, so Felix could take that.

Maybe his family spade will come in handy if any openings need widening?
No, it's not enough. However, Grin has already offered to spot you the Climbing Kit, so you'll be good.

And, yes, I can see where the shovel can come in handy. We'll see.

I will add the Echo Amulet to your character sheet.
May 15, 2024 8:14 pm
I'll need to acquire lantern oil, not sure how much that is. Also thinking of adding the health potion and antitoxin. Seems like with the rope caster and acrobat pole that I won't need a climbing kit. Redundant is the word that was used.
Last edited May 15, 2024 8:15 pm
May 15, 2024 8:26 pm
I can spot Felix on a climbing kit, @Nuttyartist (put one in his inventory and I’ll take 25g out of mine - we’ll sort it out when we’re back in town).

Lantern oil is either 1sp (alchemy shop) or 1gp…

I have two Health Pots and one Antitoxin already, but more won’t hurt. I also have a healing kit. Not sure if that’s useable by me?

Biggest thing for me is, should I spend 100gp on the crystal communicators now or are they not ready yet? These would be the ones with the medium crystals (4 of them).

Grin is happy to hold the spider silk or the pole, but he’s kind of small and already has a lot of gear :)
Others feel free to jump in on those. Brewner? Oliver? Ealdwig?
Last edited May 15, 2024 9:29 pm
May 15, 2024 8:37 pm
I'm also kind of small and may be weighted down already. Although both items do sound helpful in the Underdark. How much can a spider silk weigh?
May 15, 2024 8:40 pm
who has the helm Ander used?
It was essentially a head lamp. Very useful in the dark
May 15, 2024 9:27 pm
not sure what happened to that? Maybe Ealdwig could take that? Then Brewner could take the silk and Oliver the pole?

I bought Ishzu’s tent and picked up a couple magic items already, so I’m okay passing on these ones for now.
Last edited May 15, 2024 9:31 pm
May 15, 2024 10:16 pm
Honestly, I forgot about Ander's helm. That means I had left it with him, which means it would have automatically been reclaimed for reuse.

So ... it is also available. I doubt Ealdwig is interested in a helm, though he might be interested in the silk thread. But, yes, the helm would be very useful to take along.

EDIT: Heh. I made the above comment before I read Arkmenos' post. The spool of thread is small and magical. It won't affect Ealdwig's encumbrance.

The general rule is only one item borrowed per person. (Even though Skeeve did break that "rule", so it isn't hard-n-fast.) So, Brewner already has the scroll case. Maybe Felix will want to take the helm instead of the amulet and let someone else take the amulet? Don't know. Just spit-ballin' here.
May 15, 2024 10:39 pm
as long as the helm doesn’t interfere with his mask, Grin can take that. He tends to stand back in a fight and shoot his crossbow, so he can be a spotlight for the melee characters.

Are we playing with encumbrance? lol… I don’t think Grin could survive with encumbrance.

I think Ealdwig and Felix don’t have signal whistles (not that you need them, but Grin gifted you each one).

Also, what’s the deal with the crystal communicators?
Last edited May 16, 2024 12:07 am
May 15, 2024 11:52 pm
Honestly, I thought you'd waited long enough to get them. So, unless Psybermagi points out something I'm missing, I think they will be ready.

And I'm not really keeping track of encumbrance. Just what individuals are doing for their character concept and guarding against the egregious.
May 15, 2024 11:58 pm
Awesome. Unless it already exists, I’ll use Psybermagi’s descriptions of the communicators to create a draft description of them and settle the "bill" for them. I think I’ll get rid of some tools Grin is holding. He’s got too much gear for such a small guy.

We sell items at Cheap price and buy at normal, yes?
Last edited May 16, 2024 12:04 am
May 16, 2024 1:36 am
That works for me at the moment. I reserve the right to change my mind in the future.
May 16, 2024 2:02 am
Thanks for the climbing kit @Thunder_Lungz will pay you back……if I survive.

If I end up with the helmet light thing that’s ok too, (not asking for it), sounds like it would look funny, but suited, on Felix.
May 16, 2024 2:51 am
Nuttyartist says:
Thanks for the climbing kit Thunder_Lungz will pay you back……if I survive.

If I end up with the helmet light thing that’s ok too, (not asking for it), sounds like it would look funny, but suited, on Felix.
You’ll survive! We’re a bigger group and we have some strong characters. Happy to take the amulet and you take the helmet. We can look for the actual description of the helmet somewhere but for now, I think it’s basically like a headlamp. Maybe add it to your inventory with that descriptor.

So, then Ealdwig take the spider silk, @Bunt takes the pole, Felix takes the headlamp and I’ll take the amulet.

That leaves adding the communicator devices to our gear which the GMs will figure out.
Last edited May 16, 2024 3:04 am

Valpip (artificer)


May 16, 2024 3:18 am
Valpip (artificer)

At the end of the week Valpip hands over, at most, 7 communicators when you give him 25 gold for each. (5 underdark & 2 for the other team?) The devices are about the size of a large egg (2-3" flattened oblong) During the crafting he asked what form you would like them to take. They can be made to be belt buckles, amulets, broaches, etc. It will cost more to have the smith craft anything more elaborate or customized.
[ +- ] Psionic Resonance Communicators
These are minor magic and only do this much as they require the recipient to have one as well.
May 16, 2024 3:52 am
So you know I have a "chromacloth" it provides a few effects when used and light is one of them. So I can probably just use that. It's worn like a headband. I've also got a lantern.

I'll grab the silk it might help us find our way out of someplace. Could be useful.

I've already taken 50gp out of my character sheet for two of the communicators. FYI. I paid for mine and Arc's at the time I dropped them off. If we have enough and Skeeves group doesn't have enough I'll let Skeeve borrow mine and Arc can take his.

I've added the antitoxin, healing potion and lantern oil to my character sheet and dropped 100gp and 1sp.

Does anyone have the explanation of the silk, so I can add it to the sheet? Skeeve, does the gem you provided me count as one borrowed item, if so I am at the max then.
Last edited May 16, 2024 3:54 am
May 16, 2024 4:05 am
Infinite Spider Silk
This spool of spiders silk can be unraveled in a never ending thread. The thread can easily be burning it but is resistant to being split by physical means. The tiny thread is hard to notice and handle without the use of the spool. Any thread ignited is consumed as the embers work their way up at a rate of 5 feet a second but are extinguished if they reach the spool
May 16, 2024 4:18 am
Grin will buy four communicators, distributing one each to Oliver, Brewner and Felix.
If one of the Explorer group wants to buy the last one, they’ll have two.

Grin’s will be in the form of a broach that he’ll pin to his collar
[ +- ] Psionic Resonance Communicator
Last edited May 16, 2024 4:51 am
May 16, 2024 6:57 am
"Thank you, Grinfletch, your ingenuity never ceases to amaze me"
I don't want to spend more money, Brewner is ready to go, with the equipment he have.
May 16, 2024 8:57 am
Alright! Three comments/questions/thingies from my end:

1) Added the borrowed pole to my inventory. That thing is going to be incredibly useful. Quick question: if you immobilize the pole while you're in a moving wagon, does the pole stay behind the wagon or move with it? Not trying to do any murderous shenanigans (for which there are plenty of memes), I just want to know what to expect.

2) Regarding money, Oliver still has a bit of spare coin (69gp). Anyone need another climber kit or stuff, feel free to ask. Otherwise might leave it unspent, buy a potion, or buy ingredients at the herborium (if there is one).

3) Regarding how we spend time in these days, as I said, Oliver will try to get a few alchemy ingredients from the riverbank, to concoct one of the fae witch's recipes (either the acid or sleep potion). I guess we could summarize that with an alchemy roll. If we're going straight to action instead, that's okay too, I'm saying this assuming that everyone gets a chance to do some task during these days.
May 16, 2024 11:21 am
yeah, I also wonder about the downtime. I really don’t want to spend XP. But if there’s anything I can do to gain some XP during the downtime?
May 16, 2024 2:58 pm
Grin got four communicators; Ealdwig got two. So, you should all be set for communication going down. I recommend Ealdwig just keep his two, since he needs one and having a spare is not a bad idea.

Psybermagi is working on the downtime rules in the OOC thread, so check that there. But, no, you can't really gain XP through downtime. You need to Adventure! to get XP. Downtime is when you spend your XP or gain some piece of knowledge that doesn't require XP.

1) I would rule that the pole "locks" to the world, not some minor piece within it. So, depending on where you activate it in the wagon and how fast the wagon is going, interesting things would happen.

2) That's more of a player thing. I think you are all good for now, though.

3) The way Skeeve's rune or talisman creation works is that he buys the components and rolls the dice. Success means he gets his rune/talisman; failure means he doesn't. Either way, the components are spent. I see no reason not to just use that mechanic for Oliver's alchemical creations. I'm not sure how hard @Psybermagi wanted to make the potion creation, but most stuff like that is deciding on the scale of what you can create, then deciding on the cost for creation. @Psybermagi, have you thought through how you want that to work? I am assuming we should just be able to blatantly copy Scroll Reader/Scroll Writer in concept.
May 16, 2024 3:07 pm

1 agreed. Ex if activated while falling it will stop dead. It is on or off. Good luck holding on

3. sounds fine. I usually like to make each have it's open flair. Ex alchemy child be easier to create biological effects that enhance/heal creatures, potions and the like, while runes might be better at laws of physics and the like.
But that's mostly flavor. Tell daryen what you want to try making and buy the ingredients and roll
May 16, 2024 3:42 pm
Can Grin buy a potion of Beast Speech or something?
May 16, 2024 3:51 pm
Psybermagi says:
Cool, thanks! Maybe when he gets back from this next trip.
May 16, 2024 4:06 pm
Ealdwig collects the communicator devices. He finds Arc and gives him his. Good luck on your journey. It's good to know you Arc. I assume we'll see eachother soon. I appreciate the help with the bow. I am not sure it's for me though. I can't seem to figure it out. I'll keep working on it.

As Ealdwig walks away, when he gets about 50 feet away, he shouts BOO! into the communication device. Trying to give Arc a small freight. He smiles and giggles as Arc jumps a little.
I assume Arc head it and wasn't expecting it.
May 16, 2024 4:19 pm
You know what? Reading things here, I see that Valpip made seven of the devices. Grin took and paid for four of them. Ealdwig took and paid for two of them. That leaves Valpip with one remaining. So, Skeeve will go buy the last one and make sure it works with Arc's. That way Arc's isn't useless and gives them above-ground team at least two of the devices to work with for now.

Also, I am assuming that after playing his prank Ealdwig makes sure his remaining device is connected to the four Grin got so that he can actually use it to communicate with the rest of the group.
May 16, 2024 5:00 pm
Grin gleefully plays with his Communicator, silently transmitting words, simple concepts and impressions, and practicing the function of alerting other users of his approximate location.
As I understand it, we aren’t really speaking or listening to these, correct? It’s more of a mental communication?
Last edited May 16, 2024 5:00 pm
May 16, 2024 5:18 pm
Indeed Ealdwig, Arc didn't expect any boo coming from the damn rock, and was startled by it a bit more than what he is comfortable admitting. But he recovers quickly to turn around and smile back. Somehow, he is confident that they will meet again soon.
Walking away, he waves a hand, both thanking for the crystal and meaning 'see you soon' (or maybe 'don't get killed').

A while later, Arc sits with Skeeve to make sure both crystals a working properly. He is tempted to return the prank to Ealdwig, but decides it is too soon... some other time maybe. Then he hears someone transmitting random words, concepts and locations and answers with a numbers countdown (from 10 to 1) looking at the central grounds of the Base.
Last edited May 16, 2024 5:29 pm
May 16, 2024 8:55 pm
When the Underdark team is ready to start, the adventure starts here.
May 16, 2024 10:17 pm
Felix was feeling a little confused about what he had signed up for….and which of the tavern patrons were coming along.

No doubt it’ll sort itself out. This headlamp device will be handy underground, no doubt. Did you ever have anything as awesome as a Head-Light Florial? Bet you didn’t.

Felix had found an outdoor patio with some small tables and chairs. One of the servers from the Tavern….or maybe it was the bar - Felix wasn’t sure - was within earshot and could bring him cool beverages and little toasted nibbles. So there he sat, feet up on an adjacent chair, dozing off from time to time.

Someone bumped his legs to wake him up, and dropped off some climbing gear. Ooh good, sounded like this would be important. That harness looks a bit snug….and these thingies are…carabingers??

Later on in the week, when he was a bit deeper in the chair with some dried ale on his cheek, another item was dropped off. A small crystal.
Fank you. It’s a communication thingie you say? "Hellloooo, this is Felix. If you can hear thisssss….your mom says hi."

I guess we’ll see if it works.

When he looked up he was alone again.

An strange voice spoke into his right ear. You need a hobby Felix. This is embarrassing

Felix didn’t flinch, just replied Aww Florial, that’s sweet….I have a hobby, youuuuu’re my hobby bobby
Apologies for being a bit silly, and if I messed up any actual rp stuff.
Last edited May 16, 2024 10:19 pm
May 16, 2024 10:53 pm
Nope, you're doing fine!
May 16, 2024 10:58 pm
@Nuttyartist : No worries. Most games & players have a flow to them that you learn with time. your group is heading down into the extnsive cavern. Follow this LINK to mov einto your next story arc
May 16, 2024 11:01 pm
Psybermagi says:
@Nuttyartist : No worries. Most games & players have a flow to them that you learn with time. your group is heading down into the extnsive cavern. Follow this LINK to mov einto your next story arc
Thanks, i did see it and understand, but felt like I needed to post something else here for Felix, to show a little of his downtime "activities ".
May 16, 2024 11:06 pm
awesome! Love the flavor!
Jun 10, 2024 3:06 pm
Continuing from Reclaiming Paphos
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@14:45
Jun 10, 2024 3:09 pm
Taking the information to the clerk he listens to your report and quickly ushers you into meet with Phlan and then rushes of to fetch Lady Alagondar

Phlan (Head Administrator)


Jun 10, 2024 3:20 pm
Phlan (Head Administrator)

This is everywhere work. I will have it give over but it looks like we should be able to follow these write easily and gain at least partial access to the cities infrastructure within a week.
let me know all the questions and desires up front so I can do summarize all the replies tonight.
Jun 10, 2024 4:21 pm
What Skeeve wants to do is become a citizen so he can more freely travel among the locations without having to get help each time. (He wants to be the one helping, not the one begging each time.) That's kinda his more immediate goal because of its ridiculous utility.

As an aside, does the Docks have one or more of those local Nodes? If so, he'll ask the Lady if she can authorize him for just the Nodes. I can roleplay out the interaction and request if you want.
"That is awesome. I just ask that when you do get access that you include us as citizens so we can move around more easily and do more exploring."

He will also tell Phlan that the castle seems to have changed hands from orcs to giants, and that things are going down at the goblin's Remnant. It would be good if we had any goblins, kobolds, lizardmen, or orcs that work for him that could go integrate with the Remnant and keep up with what is going on.
Jun 10, 2024 8:10 pm
Aizashi is a little surprised at how easy it all seemed. He turns to his seniors to ask them.
"Is out goal for this endeavour reached? What shall we do next?"
Jun 11, 2024 4:23 am
"We still have to retrieve the item requested by Lady Alagondar."
We have two fetch quests, but only did one of them. We still need to do the other. It'll be cool because we will be going to a different contested Remnant that we need more info on anyway. It is just that Skeeve thought that this scroll was important enough to deliver to the Administrator before doing the other fetch quest. But now we're on to that other Remnant.
Jun 11, 2024 5:08 am
[ +- ] Citzenship
The clerk points out that Garic, a goblin adventurer, has been with the expedition quite some time now and could likely scout the goblin held Plaza Remnant.
Lady Alagondar's request and the parties first scouting of that area
Map added to Info Sheet under "Adventure & Tile Maps" / "Merchant Quarters Map"
Jun 11, 2024 5:55 am
"I would propose to first retrieve the item for Lady Alagondar and then go to talk to Garic to explain him what's going on in the plaza and maybe know more about this boss of theirs."
Jun 11, 2024 11:25 am
I also think we shuld now focus on Lady Alagondar's request.
Arc also want residence. He already wanted to buy some property, preferably in the resiencial district, but he is not sure how much could that cost. Please let me know whenever is a good time to role play that.
Jun 11, 2024 12:31 pm
I can leave the Base thread if you want to do some additional interaction with the expedition as a group or if you have any individual issues you want to develope you can popst to you individual threads.
Jun 11, 2024 9:48 pm
Now that he's delivered the scroll and tried to be above board to Phlan on his personal goals, he's ready to head out for the Lady's fetch quest. We'll have to hoof it since Skeeve doesn't yet have permission to use the city matrix nodes.
Skeeve makes sure the entire team knows where the city matrix node is in the Remnant we are heading to. If we need a "hot exit", we can take Dean's offer of "one more time" to get out. Assuming we have the loot when we leave, we should be good after that as the Lady has basically promised to make us authorized agents, which should let us use them on our own after that.
Jun 12, 2024 11:51 am
Checking the map you find the civil Matrix Node at 7,6 inside an independent structure near the middle of the Remnant.
Feel free to set out to to recover Alagondar's heritage of in Reclaiming Paphos.

Continued from HERE
Return From Merchant Quarters
Sep 27, 2024 2:48 pm
"Good to be back in town! Right?
Do you fancy a pint? Or shall we deliver Alagondar's chest first?"
Sep 27, 2024 2:54 pm
Kaarik is exhausted, he sits on a stool next to the node and exhales.

"Pfuuu, what a few days it has been. Let's get ride of this chest as soon as possible and be done with it.
And then, a pint it is!"
Sep 27, 2024 3:36 pm
Now back a New Paphos, Skeeve wants to immediately turn in the chest to Lady Alagondar. "Yes, let's take care of this chest right now. The quicker we deliver it, the better!" He is curious as to what is in it, and will ask, but if the answer is no, the answer is no and he is fine with that. He does want his "authorized agent" token/talisma/pendant/whatever, though. Being an actual Citizen would be cool, too.

After that, we'll take the acquired magic items to Valpip and Fiznik to get everything identified (unless Skeeve can now do it himself). At that point we can divide up the loot so that we can then go and spend it and the magic so we can use it or sell it. He has a healing potion to restock and some talisman/rune supplies to restock. And some armor to repair.

In between all that, he's definitely on board with the pints and food. And sleep, for that matter.
Sep 27, 2024 5:31 pm
Agreed. Arc also wants his citizenship! He very keen on that.
Afterwards we can decide loot, and get that ale.
And, if Psybermagi finds it appropriate, update XPs :)
Sep 27, 2024 10:38 pm
grumble grumble homework :P Give me the weekend to get it for you :)
Sep 27, 2024 11:40 pm

No problem! I'm figuring we're gonna be regrouping right now, anyway, so that works.

For the rest of the team, we should figure out what we wanna do next. Skeeve paid good gems for the invitation to that other remnant site, so it would be cool to make use of that and check things out there. Since Big Things Are Going Down (tm), it would be good to get some intel on that.

On the other hand, we could just go exploring. Assuming we have full access to the city network nodes, we can take a look at the old map and see if we can find other locations to check out and see where they go and where they are now. We should have some nice options to pick from now.
Sep 28, 2024 12:21 am
that last jaunt gained eveyone 4 XP, added to you total, so most of you can add a proficiency or trait
see Advancement : Rookie, Novice, Veteran snippet under the Veteran section
[ +- ] Advancement : Rookie, Novice, Veteran
Sep 28, 2024 2:55 am
Over the weekend, I will dig back to see what we found along the way, if that will help. Skeeve is mainly curious as to the scroll and staff, but still wants to know what the rest is, too, so we can divide it up or sell it. Don't forget Skeeve sold off three of the amethysts to buy off the goblins and get the invitation.

Oooo! You already updated the totals! Cool! I do have enough for something. I'll have to think on what to get ...

Sep 28, 2024 10:42 am
Thanks for upgrading XPs!!
I guess we can check the loot, and then celebrate at the tavern!
Arc will also want to go to check where that invitation lead us... After those ales
Sep 29, 2024 4:37 pm
kobold egg x3
vial of carnivorous vine
potion of healing x3 (heals 2 health for 1 action, must be consumed)

3 Dart of Flames : Critical hits deal 1 additional point of fire damage, ignites combustible items

Performers' Leather Armor : Once per day, roll with advantage on any Sleight of Hand or acrobatic test.

Expeditious Iron Key : Any simple door or fastener you touch with this key instantly unlock or locks.

Chiropteran Pendant : The bearer can hear a pin drop in a crowded room. Gains advantage hearing tests.

Delver's Boots : While underground, the bearer of this item always knows the depth below the surface and the direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leading upward.

Scarlet dagger : This weapon perpetually drips the blood of goblins. The bearer can speak goblin and has advantage on intimidation checks against goblins when the weapon is revealed.

Gloves of Grace : Once per day the bearer heal any unconscious creature they touch 1 point of health as an action.

Sentinel Wizard Staff : Faintly glows when goblins are within a 100 foot radius.

Siege Warmace : This weapon damages man-made inanimate objects as if they were made of living flesh.

Fatespun Gauntlets : When the bearer crits with on a melee attack they gain Focus for one entire round.

Spiritual Armor : This armor is naught but a prayer written on a scrap of vellum, decorated with religious motifs of the god of war. Once per day, the bearer may spend 1 minute to read the prayer out loud, and at the end this their skin becomes as tough as armor, granting 1 level of protection per combat. The effects fade if they act in any way that is not in accordance to the god of war's teachings. (timidity, cowardice, dishonour)

Unbroken Belt : The bearer gains advantage on saving throws vs death, poison, and disease.

Barbarian's Bracers : The bearer tests on advantage on tests of strength.
Sep 29, 2024 5:48 pm
Is the scroll we found with the sewer worm the Spiritual Armor?

I gotta admit the staff is kinda underwhelming. It looked like it helping the hobgoblin mage cast his fire spells. I was hoping ...
Skeeve is interested in the iron key and belt. And someone needs to take the dagger when we use the invitation.

And I know Ealdwig would have loved that leather armor! (Though I am not sure he would actually need it.)
Two extra notes:

1) I noticed you wanting to combine groups. We can always combine with one of the other groups, if you so desire. While Skeeve's plans are to make use of the invitation and see what's going on, that can always wait.

2) For my next Trait, I posted a follow-up in my character thread.
Sep 29, 2024 6:25 pm
OK, some additional notes on the loot. We got the following money:
(8+18)pp = 26pp
(190+97)+197gp = 484gp
(700+70)+60sp = 830sp
(60+30)cp = 90cp
4 amethysts (25,30,40,40)
The items in (parathesis) were gained with the sewer worm. There was a lot of cp with the hobgoblins, but we left it behind. 3 of the amethysts (25,50,75) were used to grease the goblins' palms.

If we convert everything to gold, we get 260+484+83+.9+135 = 962.9.

Divide that by 5 (we promised Geis a full share) and we get 192.58. Assuming that the Clerk will do currency exchange for us, that means we each get:
192 gp
5 sp
8 cp
And whomever speaks first can take a portion of their gold in amethysts. Skeeve will claim one of the 40s. (So, he will actually get 152 gp plus the amethyst.) He will take both of the 40s if allowed to.

The above list of magic items in Psybermagi's post covers the magic items we found with the hobgoblins. However, with the sewer worm we also found a heavily bound book and a cracked magic wand. So, Skeeve'll wanna know what those are, too. Depending, they might be more important to him than the iron key or the belt.

In addition to all of the above, Skeeve also took the hobgoblin's deck of playing cards. He wasn't going to miss out on that! Yes, he knows they are not magical.
Sep 29, 2024 6:39 pm
Looks promising, how shall we decide this loot?

Arc, based on his scout role, has strong preference for:
Chiropteran Pendant,
Expeditious Iron Key,
Unbroken Belt,

And maybe light preference for Gloves of Grace.

EDIT: I see Skeeve's post uploaded after I wrote my post. I agree with the coin division and plan to spend a good part of it in base, so no problem on getting only coins.
As for magic items, Arc's preferences remain.

And Arc can't wait to deliver the chest to the Lady.
Last edited September 30, 2024 6:15 am
Sep 30, 2024 9:13 am
Kaarik, Aizashi, do you have preferences for the loot?

About Lady Alagondar's Heritage... Shall we deliver the chest in this thread or play it parallel this loot division in the Reclaiming Paphos one? Sorry Psybermagi, Arc doesn't want to give you more homework, he is just asking without hurry, but can't hide his enthusiasm to become a citizen :)

Last edited September 30, 2024 9:22 am
Sep 30, 2024 12:25 pm
There is nothing that would really be specific to Kaarik so he can take whatever remains. Maybe the boots and the darts.

He will refuse to even touch the dagger as he does not want to have anything to do with an item dropping blood like this.
Oct 1, 2024 4:54 pm
Ok, since nobody writes much, I'll drop a first draft on how can we decide the loot. It's based on the items some showed interest in, on our PCs talents, and well it's not supposed to be perfect, just a starting point. I'm considering the Spiritual Armour as more valuable than lots of other items, also the book and the wand could be very strong or not (we don't know yet) so they are a bit of a gamble for now (but I still think they belong to mages). I'm not asking those cards from Skeeve since he is so keen on keeping them :)
Please do comment!

192 gp + 5 sp + 8 cp each

Fatespun Gauntlets : When the bearer crits with on a melee attack they gain Focus for one entire round.

Barbarian's Bracers : The bearer tests on advantage on tests of strength.

Spiritual Armor : This armor is naught but a prayer written on a scrap of vellum, decorated with religious motifs of the god of war. Once per day, the bearer may spend 1 minute to read the prayer out loud, and at the end this their skin becomes as tough as armor, granting 1 level of protection per combat. The effects fade if they act in any way that is not in accordance to the god of war's teachings. (timidity, cowardice, dishonour)

potion of healing x2 (heals 2 health for 1 action, must be consumed)

Unbroken Belt : The bearer gains advantage on saving throws vs death, poison, and disease.

Scarlet dagger : This weapon perpetually drips the blood of goblins. The bearer can speak goblin and has advantage on intimidation checks against goblins when the weapon is revealed.

cracked magic wand

potion of healing x1 (heals 2 health for 1 action, must be consumed)

hobgoblin's deck of playing cards

3 Dart of Flames: Critical hits deal 1 additional point of fire damage, ignites combustible items

Delver's Boots : While underground, the bearer of this item always knows the depth below the surface and the direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leading upward.

Sentinel Wizard Staff : Faintly glows when goblins are within a 100 foot radius.

heavily bound book

Expeditious Iron Key : Any simple door or fastener you touch with this key instantly unlock or locks.

Chiropteran Pendant : The bearer can hear a pin drop in a crowded room. Gains advantage hearing tests.

Gloves of Grace : Once per day the bearer heal any unconscious creature they touch 1 point of health as an action.

kobold egg x3

Siege Warmace : This weapon damages man-made inanimate objects as if they were made of living flesh.

Performers' Leather Armor : Once per day, roll with advantage on any Sleight of Hand or acrobatic test.

Vial of carnivorous vine
Oct 1, 2024 5:15 pm
Yeah, we gotta see what the wand and book are before I can finish my priorities for Skeeve. That's what I've been waiting for.
Oct 2, 2024 12:44 am
Both were already detailed HERE

The book contains several chapters discussing magics with each containing a single spell while the wand contains only a pittance of it's previous might though it may be repairable.
[ +- ] Dissertation on Magics
[ +- ] Wand of Compulsion
As you examin the items you discover that wearing too many magical items or overlapping them impairs their functionality With a bit of experimentation, and consultation with Fiznik and Valpip, you determine that the most any single creature can use is five items and they tend to reject other items if they are too close. For example gloves and rings will not work together, neither will a neclace and pendant. Fortunatly things like weapons, shields, and wands only count when being used.

I will keep it high fantasy, with an abundance of magic but you are going to have to filter things down to a managable level after collecting things so sell or share the wealth.

Guideines for Magical Item use :
Max of 5 active effects at any given time, whether worn or wielded
Locations 2x hands (or hands and arms if in pairs), feet(always in pairs), head, (The neck can count as either the head or torso), torso, waist
Oct 2, 2024 2:02 am
Oops! Missed those two items earlier! Sorry.

As for the limits on magic, considering that Skeeve has only two (and a half) items, that shouldn't be a big issue. He lost his ring in the trade for Dean's box. He gave away his rope-caster. However, considering how he normally stores Stick, I guess that would actually rule out the belt for him, which is too bad as it is a very nice benefit that he would have liked.

So, he can't use the pendant as he already has two kinda magical ones: the signet from the Lady of the Manor (Sylfir) and the anti-bug token from Ealdwig (who got it from Gulfis). He can't use the belt because of Stick (which, while really a weapon, is worn around his waist). He already has armor, and he likes his current armor's benefits better. The staff is underwhelming and he already has Stick. He has no interesting in most other weapons. He doesn't want gloves or gauntlets because he needs his hands free. The Bracers sound cool, but that sounds more useful to Aizashi.
Skeeve takes the bound book (he's the only one that can use it), the dagger (since no one else wants it), and one healing potion (to replace the one he used on Aizashi). He wants the key, but since Arc is dead set on it, he doesn't argue. He takes the playing cards (which are not magical and basically have no gp value, so therefore don't count in the mix). He will also take all of the amethysts as part of his "money" payout, meaning he takes the four amethysts (25,30,40,40) and 57gp (and 5sp and 8cp). (The amethysts will help whenever he has to pay out more bribes in the future.) If he gets an "extra" magic item that isn't the bracers, he will like just cash it out for gold.

He then spends 40 gp to get supplies for 4 talismans and 7 gp to get supplies for 7 runes, leaving just 10gp in coinage for himself.

I am assuming what I described above won't conflict with anyone else. But, everyone should post what they specifically would like so we can finishing hashing it out. If there is an intractable conflict, we can "dice it out".
Oct 2, 2024 4:33 am
Aside from the treasure splitting and such, Skeeve does want to deliver the chest as directly as possible, like the others. He will then check in with Phlan to see what the latest is and if there is anything else they should be checking out.

Lady Tanamere Alagondar


Oct 2, 2024 12:47 pm
After a bathe, meal, and rest you make your way to the administrators office to meat with Phlan and Lady Alagondar. Brinking the chest aloong you settle onto the stools and benches, brought in from the clerks office outside, to await the lady.

Lady Tanamere Alagondar

Movig to examine the chest she pulls out a pendant whih glows faintly a soft blue and presses it to the chest where it sticks. She then draws out a key and uses it to unlock the chest. Inside are stacks of books, severeal scrolls,and several soft sacks. However her focus is on the lid of the chest where a crest can be seen before she presses her hand to it and grimaces for a moment before pulling it away, revealing a thin box had been set into the lid.

Rising with a smile she turns to Phlan and says The Alagondar family thanks you for your assistance. As promised your people may exam all the contents of the chest, save the contracts, which my man will take.

Taking one of the pouches from the chest and turning to you she continues. Thank you for your efforts. I do hope it was not too difficult. This is the first of your reward. and she hands you the pouch which is full of gems whos total vlaue must be in the thousands of gold. Please, will you share with me the state of the merchants district where my families holdings are?
Oct 2, 2024 2:13 pm
Skeeve looks in the bag and is surprised by what he sees. "Thank you! This is ... very generous! Thank you!

"Honestly the state of the Remnant is not very good.

"The area with the chest is controlled by hobgoblins at least 50 strong. It is being actively contested by groups of orcs and lizard men, though those two groups do not seem to be coordinated. There are also other actors in the area, including a group of goblins that provided expensive help. So, no only is there fighting now, there will be persistent fighting going forward unless it is taken by an unchallengable force."

Skeeve smiles and continues, "We did decaptate the local command, but I am sure the larger force will have that corrected quickly enough. Or the lizard men we avoided while escaping took it over for now. Regardless, any future expeditions will likely be much more difficult now, no matter which group controls it."
As an aside, Skeeve is focused on addressing the Lady right now and doesn't want to deviate from that yet. Before he finishes talking to her, he will also ask about the "agent of a citizen" thing so he can have access to more of the city nodes. Also, after talking with her, he will want to talk with Phlan about the invitation and the goings on there.
Oct 2, 2024 6:07 pm
sorry for the absence. We had a family emergency and I forgot my phone at home, so couldn't do anything:(
I'm back now and will reengage tomorrow
Last edited October 2, 2024 6:11 pm
Oct 2, 2024 6:15 pm
No oroblem! Hope things are better!

Mainly just focus on what magic items you want while catching up.
Oct 3, 2024 12:10 am
Just a heads up but since you got back to base we will blur through a couple of days of down time so feel free to post any activities you would like to acomplish wile in town.

Let me know when you are done in town and any desires on where you want to head next.
Phlan and Lady Alagondar listen and ask additional questions. You get the feeiling both are less concerned about the merchant quarters but very interested in the other local forces You gather the library portal is a recent acomplishment but limited .
[ +- ] Civil transport nodes
[ +- ] Expantion of New Paphos
Oct 3, 2024 12:51 am
Ok, let's make sure I understand all of this ...
[ +- ] City Nodes
[ +- ] The Invitation
In the interim, Skeeve will check out the contents of the chest to see if there is anything cool and irresistible for him. He will carefully check it out and see if anything in it is magical. After that he takes the money and divides it up between the group. Depending on what he finds in the chest, he will also check to see what Valpip has in his little magic shop. He has given up some magic items and he's looking to replace them with some cool stuff.
Oct 4, 2024 4:41 am
I think I'm actually pretty much good with Arc's suggestion. I think I would forgo the barbarian bracers though. So unless not possible it would like this for me:

Fatespun Gauntlets : When the bearer crits with a melee attack they gain Focus for one entire round.

Spiritual Armor : This armor is naught but a prayer written on a scrap of vellum, decorated with religious motifs of the god of war. Once per day, the bearer may spend 1 minute to read the prayer out loud, and at the end this their skin becomes as tough as armor, granting 1 level of protection per combat. The effects fade if they act in any way that is not in accordance to the god of war's teachings. (timidity, cowardice, dishonour)

potion of healing x2 (heals 2 health for 1 action, must be consumed)
Oct 4, 2024 12:11 pm
Kaarik does not really need the book so Skeeve can take it.
If we have some time ahead of us, Kaarik will go to see Valpip and offer his help as usual. He will be careful and not mention that he is "helping" but learning by doing.
Oct 4, 2024 1:05 pm
Gems are appraised to be worth 2,000 GP = 500 Gp each
Both Skeeve and Kaarick are able to buy keys, as it does take resources to craft them. 50 GP each.
Dean's node is a private one and you can only go there if you "knock" and he allows it, which he will not unless you are working for him
All that is required is for you to have come into contact with each node, so the one in the merchant district is till dead as it is under the rubble and I do not recall you actually visiting it. However you will not need to clear it, just create a gap to touch its surface
The expedition is very anxious about the invitation and will pay you to spy on the event but all they really want is information but it is suggested that should you have an opportunity to promote the expeditions interests they could give you a bonus.
Geis returns to the fortress, having completed his task for now.
Oct 4, 2024 3:30 pm
Just to finish the magic item allocation ...

Fatespun Gauntlets, Spiritual Armor, Unbroken Belt, 2xPotion of Healing

Heavily Bound Book, Scarlet dagger, Barbarian's Bracers, Deck of Cards

3 Dart of Flames, Cracked Magic Wand, Delver's Boots, Sentinel Wizard Staff

Expeditious Iron Key, Chiropteran Pendant, Gloves of Grace, kobold egg x3

Siege Warmace, Performers' Leather Armor, Vial of carnivorous vine

OK, I started with Arc's list, them made a few changes to reflect what has been posted.
- I swapped the wand and book between Skeeve and Kaarik. Perhaps Kaarik can work with Valpip to un-crack it ...
- I swapped the belt and bracers between Skeeve and Aizashi. Aizashi didn't want the bracers, but I am sure he can use the belt!
- There were three healing potions allocated when there were really just two available. As such, I deleted the one for Skeeve and left both with Aizashi.
- Arc's and Geis's list doesn't change.
- I figure on Geis, even if he doesn't use either item, they will be useful additions to the Keep's armory, so he should be happy with them. Plus, I figure a carnivorous plant being added to a haunted Keep full of undead is pretty much perfect. So, all three work for me.

@Cathamber, you assigned the three kobold eggs to Arc. I am just curious: why? I can see two big uses for them, but I was wondering what you were thinking. (My two ideas: 1) Geis is/was a kobold; give them to him or 2) Take them to the Goblin Remnant and use them to trade with kobolds. Hopefully they would be happy to see them and not enraged that others had them.)

Does that work for everyone?

@Psybermagi, I assume the only valuable things (for us) in the chest were the 2000gp of gems the Lady gave us? Not complaining, just confirming. :-)

You are quite correct on the node in the Merchant's district. We'll have to fix that soon. At worst, he sneaks in, buys some goblin help, then gets to it and immediately leaves.
Skeeve is quite willing to make use of the invitation to go spy on the other groups. He will want to go through the Residential district first in order to activate its node, then head on over to the Goblins' Remnant. However, it will take a day or two before we can head out.

In the interim, he is interested in checking Valpip's and Fiznik's magic shops to see what's currently available.
EDIT: One extra question on the Dissertation on Magic / Bound Book: You said each of the spells is treated as a scroll. This means that they are a one-time use each, correct? I would assume that, but I want to make sure.
Oct 4, 2024 4:53 pm
Chest taken by the client, who paid you $2k, Spells in the book can be either broken down to try and learn a new word or used as a scroll
Added a few items to Fiznik's shop
Oct 4, 2024 8:06 pm
Thanks! That's what I thought, I just wanted to make sure.

I just have to pick my Trait and I should be ready to go!
Oct 5, 2024 9:46 pm
Sorry for these few days without posting, but I'm back.
Hey Skeeve, Arc has no special interest in those Kobold Eggs for himself. But in the final count, those kind of were left behind, so I put them on Arc to be sold later either to those kobolds you mentioned, or somewhere else if they don't want them.
Before the end of the meeting with Lady Alagondar, Arc confirms what Skeeve said, and helps answering questions from a scout's point of view. When they finish asking questions and are satisfied with our answers, Arc will politely inquire about the possibility to become Agents of Citizens.
Last edited October 5, 2024 9:47 pm
Oct 5, 2024 10:56 pm
For the record, Skeeve will wait for the illusion magic and instead takes his second human trait, which is Resolute.
Oct 6, 2024 9:32 am
Good idea to share our new traits! Arc took his 2nd avian trait: optics.
This shall improve his scouting skills.
Oct 6, 2024 6:15 pm
Kaarik took an elfic trait, glamor, which allows him to do basic illusions, a veil. He will be able to hide the group a little, at the condition you don't move :D
Oct 6, 2024 8:39 pm
Aizashi got the martial arts trait water discipline which gives him an improved evade action and a single target heal.

Also thanks for the belt. I suppose Aizashi did struggle a little with staying alive😅...
As such...
After returning to the base Aizashi reflects on everything he has experienced and sets about to train so that he will be more helpful to his team in the future and less of a burden to them.
I need to get better, I'm here to help others and keep them save. Not to be saved.

He is also going to look around to see about improving his gear.
Oct 6, 2024 11:00 pm
Check tiny info sheet "stores" for local magic
If you want something mundane and can not find it in the stores just ask

So, the plan is to head to the plaza with the invitation? I will move you that way tomorrow
Oct 6, 2024 11:45 pm
We want to stop at the Residential district along the way, first. Skeeve wants to make sure he has that node "known", too, before getting to the goblins' remnant.

Also, we have no other goal than to get info, so we should be much more free to look around and check things out.

Before we go, we need to decide how we want to appear when we are there. When we went the first time, we wanted to be as "invisible" as possible. This time we shouldn't care. So, how innocuous do we want to try and be?

Also, is there some kind of minor token Skeeve can show that will prove that we really are from the Expedition? I mean we'll need to make sure that such identification won't get us killed, but if we are going to try and establish a more official contact, we should have a way to show we are legitimate.
Also, if someone wants to join us, they are more than welcome!
Oct 7, 2024 5:01 am
I agree with Skeeve. But before leaving, I'm not sure our position in relation to being 'agents of a citizen ' of New Paphos. Did Lady Alagondar finally granted us those titles?
Oct 7, 2024 1:46 pm
The expedition works out with the Lady that allows them to empower agents directly. As long as you are in the service of the expedition you are now recognized by some of the city magics and wil have limited access. Valpip has workd with Fiznik to craft badges that will assist with activating and interfacing with the known systems.

After a few days of rest and the expedition getting things organized you set out.

Date&Time(Alpha): 35@08:00
Story continues HERE
Dec 5, 2024 1:34 am
Story continues from HERE
Dec 5, 2024 1:39 am
Your arrival back in town is only remarkable due to you tattered and panicked state but you quickly settle yourselves, glad to be out of that mess.
Dec 5, 2024 3:05 pm
You clean yourselves up and get healed before a guard tells you the administrator is looking to hear your report.

Dec 6, 2024 5:18 pm
After thanking the guard Aizashi turns to the others with a small smile and a sigh hmm, no rest for the wicked, huh?
Dec 6, 2024 6:06 pm
well, lets think. The 100 foot plus dragon flew over and smashed into the Remnant, something no one else has done , and you returned all battered and disheveled. Yes the local administrator is a bit curious to know went on :)
Dec 7, 2024 10:19 am
pish posh ;)
But I'd say I can understand them.
Dec 7, 2024 3:24 pm
"it appears not. Let's get moving and give our report."

Phlan (Head Administrator)


Dec 7, 2024 4:22 pm
You move to the administrators office and the young secretary has you wait a moment before escorting you in.

Phlan (Head Administrator)
Looking up from his neat desk the local administrator/mayor sighs as he scans you, noting your condition. I do hope you have not antagonized our neighbors.
While we have strengthened our defenses I doubt we could hold out against an organized assault.
Dec 7, 2024 11:45 pm
"As it turns out, no we have not. We did not cause the problems and we were not able to take advantage of the conflict, so almost no one knows we were there, and anyone we interacted with didn't know who we were."

He then describes the auction and attack by the dragon. And describes the group that got away with the orb. He explains that once they left, the dragon started to rage and we didn't stick around to see what else was going to happen. We're not going to take on a dragon that powerful. He encourages the others to add in any details he missed. (For example, he skips the whole bar fight.)

"We were basically just observers."
Dec 8, 2024 2:08 pm
Arc, at last recovered from the fear spell, nods and supports Skeeve tale. "We were observers."

Phlan (Head Administrator)


Dec 8, 2024 6:18 pm
Phlan (Head Administrator)
Hmm. . . . This is most concerning. The other forces are obviously involved in some power struggle we are not a part of. And to be honest I would prefer it remain that way. I would like to be kept apprised of any news or events like this though so will arrange a bounty for such things. See the clerk later, after you clean up and eat, for your portion of this. I do thank you.

Perhaps going forwards we should focus on strengthening our defenses and gathering information. You say that there were other human and various races other than the main factions. It seems the popularity of this area is increasing but this should allow you to blend it better with the other mercenary individuals and squads, but I will leave that to your judgement.

I will confer with the other council members and arrange additional tasks to place on the bounty board for you and other groups in the future. As you have proven time and again your resourcefulness and willingness to face danger you may be the first to recognize opportunities as they arise feel free to make suggestions to the clerk on possible points for us to investigate when you collect your reward. However I should note that any effort you take on your own without a set reward may earn you less than if we have time to evaluate its potential impact on uts
Dec 8, 2024 6:21 pm
Leaving the office with the promise of future rewards you retire to the cantina, which has a shared bathing room with warm water and soap along with a laundry service, to relax and recover. Later that day you recover a bounty of 50 Gp each for the information and as thanks for your willingness to enter the obviously dangerous situation.
That pretty much wraps it up for me. Thanks for the interest in my game. I will be sticking around a bit longer but will be handing off things to @daryen
Dec 8, 2024 9:31 pm
So, @Cathamber, @ChrSch, and @MoyenBateau, this wrapped faster than the other threads. Obviously, I can't run Skeeve as the GM, and the other two groups haven't quite wrapped up yet. Would you be up for a side adventure that shouldn't take too long? I have an idea for a little something at the Manor.
Dec 9, 2024 4:31 am
Thanks Psybermagi!! I enjoyed it a lot!!

Daryen, we will miss Skeeve, but we understand. Hopefully he will remain as NPC somewhere we can visit from time to time. And, yes! Arc is willing to do some short adventuring.
Arc goes to take a much needed bath, and the waits for the rest at the canteen.
Psybermagi, there seems to be a bug, Arc GP disappeared! I remember he used around half of what he had in the invisibility potion, but now his PC sheet says 0.
Last edited December 9, 2024 4:34 am
Dec 9, 2024 5:26 am
I have not looked at your sheets for a while so am not sure what to say.
Careful when you edit? I have heard others mention character sheet glitches but not seen it myself.
Best resolution is to compare with what others got recently and recreate lost data. To be honest I do not worry/track money too much in my game but you should work it out with daryen.

Added latest encounter XP to characters.
Kaarick has enough XP for another trait now
Dec 9, 2024 7:17 pm
I will post a lead-in tomorrow for a short adventure.
Dec 9, 2024 8:06 pm
I'll be down for a side adventure as well :)

@Psybermagi thank you for your time it was fun and I learned a lot. Matter of fact we have started using tiny dungeons at a local youth center to introduce some people to ttrpg. So double thanks on that front ::)
Dec 9, 2024 8:12 pm
@Psybermagi thanks a lot for GMing! It was great having you as GM teaching us both the game and the website.

@Daryen, excited to have you as our new GM, though we will miss Skeeve's leadership for sure!
Dec 10, 2024 3:45 pm
Great! I can't post until tonight as I have to focus completely on something else most of the day.
Dec 10, 2024 6:06 pm
Business Business Business

Is this working?
Dec 10, 2024 9:39 pm
LOL! No, not really!
Skeeve says, "Since nothing is going on here, and I am not looking to go chance down a dragon, would you all like to go check in on the Manor? I'd like to see how Blornvid's doing out there."
My thought is that there will be a little something brewing around the Manor and we can go clean it up and leave Skeeve behind.
Dec 11, 2024 9:47 am
I have not been there myself yet and I haven't met Blornvid either. So sign me up.
Dec 11, 2024 7:29 pm
"Sure, I'll be happy to visit the manor"
Dec 13, 2024 9:09 am
Of course! I would love to say hi to Blornvid.
Dec 13, 2024 9:16 pm
Of course, Blornvid isn't there. But the characters don't know that. :-)
Skeeve says, "Great! Let's get go see what's up going on there!" They check in with the clerk to make sure that it is known where they are (in case anyone needs to get in touch with them), and they head down to the Matrix Node in the caverns. Along the pathway down to it, Skeeve is really impressed by the amount of work that has obviously been put into finishing out the path. He remembers when they first traversed the path, it was long and twisty, with numerous small areas where they had to squeeze through. Now, it is still a bit twisty, but all of the nasty turns have been knocked out and the path has been smoothed out as much as possible. All of the narrow portions have been widened, and the entire trip is now large enough for at least three people to walk it side-by-side.

Once you get down to the Matrix Node itself, you can see that where the camp tent had been was now a sturdy permanent structure. In fact, there were multiple structures, with the place being effectively a small guard outpost now. Many of the openings around the area where strongly barricaded, allowing the overall cavern with the Matrix Node to be a fairly secure refuge. Apparently the lessons learned from the goblin raid Skeeve had heard about was taken to heart!

Greeting the guards, Skeeve says, "We are going to travel to the Manor. I don't know how long we'll be, so don't expect an immediate return." Skeeve contacts the Seer to get approval for the trip, and, once obtained, they disappear.
The story continues HERE.
Jan 30, 2025 3:04 pm
You leave the Matrix Node in the caverns and return to New Paphos proper. It takes the usual hour long trip, but you again note that the passage now has a smooth surface, and the formerly tight spots have all been widened to make passage easy. It is obvious that not just workmen have been busy, but that Fiznik and Valpip have put effort into making the passage as comfortable as possible. You are easily able to pass through the gateway at the end of the dungeons and come up to the surface. Once you leave the dungeon and its housing structure, you step out into the morning sun. It is now that it fully hits you just how long you have been in the underdark.

"I'm ready to go back down," quips Grin.

OK, now is the time to finish divvying up the treasure how you want and to sell off the artifacts you brought back with you from the portal room. You will be able to get some major rewards for the information you have brought back with you. You have found a dwarven city with which New Paphos can hopefully trade, and you have mapped out huge areas of the underdark, and you have even received a couple very artful scrolls with the map drawn on them by some dwarf mapmakers. You can also sell the magic items off if you want, or keep them. I am going to assume you are selling off all of the artifacts and splitting up the magic items.
Once you have done your business, Ealdwig will insist on everyone coming with him to visit the Manor. He wants to see his friends again and he would like to bring you all with him in that effort. Of course, the real point is that this gets all of the active players together in one location at one time so that we can figure out what everyone wants to do. Unlike Psybermagi, I can only hold two threads together at once, so it can't be more than two, but it doesn't have to be "one up and one down". There are several threads ready for pulling and any group can choose any of them.
Jan 30, 2025 8:28 pm
Stee squints at he brightness of the sun but the warmth feels good on the skin after being underground so long. He looks to see how Wreak handled the trip. "How you doing boy?" Stee will give him a good pat down and scratch under the chin. He will look to the others "You know I wouldn't mind having one of those chainmail shirts if y'all don't mind. You guys can have whatever you want and we can sell the rest."
Jan 30, 2025 10:51 pm
You're claiming it first. Which chainmail are you taking Reboubt or Toughness? Your choice.
I am going to assume the artifacts are sold. Each tablet is worth 500gp and the scrolls are worth 250 gp each, for a total of 4250gp. That means each of you (Stee and Oliver) gets 1063gp and Grin and Ealdwig get 1062gp.

Grin is taking the Regiment Bottle.
Ealdwig is taking the Short Sword of Cleaving and the ancient coins (he doesn't want to sell them).
Brewner will take one leftover thing, too, before you left.
Stee currently has one of the chain shirts and the Orb of Paralyzation.
Oliver has the Quartermaster's Backpack

That leaves the following magic items:
- Ring of Magic
- Scroll of Thorns
- Amulet of Rebirth
- Pendant of Insightfulness

So, unless you have an other idea, how about Oliver getting the Ring and Scroll, while Stee gets either the Amulet or Pendant. That gives you each two, with each having a additional single-use item. I'll then give Brewner the other chain shirt and Grin whichever of the Amulet or Pendant Stee doesn't want.

For the money, we'll assume Brewner kept the random accumulation you had found before you left and the proceeds of the artifacts will be split four ways.
Jan 30, 2025 11:41 pm
Is there a place to look them up so I can see the benefits of each shirt? I will also take the Amulet of Rebirth.
Jan 31, 2025 5:09 am
The Chain Shirt of Redoubt gives you Advantage on Save Tests while wearing it.

The Chain Shirt of Toughness gives you +2 HP while wearing it. (This isn't an HP reduction; it is an actual bonus to your HP. Just don't take it off if you are reduced to 1 or 2 HP!)

Actually, if you have Armored Proficiency, plus the Chain Shirt of Toughness and the Amulet of Rebirth, you'll be extremely difficult to kill! But that's kinda overkill (pun intended), too. :-)
Jan 31, 2025 7:27 am
Thanks for saving me the reading through the effects again. Yes, I fully agree with this. Magical thingies go brrrr
Jan 31, 2025 12:49 pm
I will go with the Chain Shirt of Toughness then.
Jan 31, 2025 10:04 pm
Cool! That means we got everything divvied up and we're good to go!
You all spend the day splitting up the magic items, selling the loot, catching up on the local goings on. You check in on the Clerk, who awards you 100gp each for the map you returned with. It is very informative and could prove useful in the future for further expeditions or for other adventurers to work with.
Let me know if there is anything in particular you want to accomplish.

Be sure that you each have at least 1163gp in funds on your character sheet. Don't forget to add your new toys to your character sheet, too. Also, if there is anything you want to buy, just say so.
After a good nights sleep in the barracks, Ealdwig wishes for the group to go visit the Manor. He wants to see his friends again and thinks it would make a good group trip. Fiznik wants to check on the Matrix Node, so he accompanies you down to and sends you on your way to the Manor. On the way down, Fiznik talks with Oliver, commenting on his burgeoning magical abilities. "Spend some time with Skeeve while you are at the manor. He should be able to teach you how to use the Matrix Nodes. In return for the Brahdhavehl pattern, here is a Gem that can trigger a Node once you have arranged the pattern. Eventually, you won't need it, but it gives you options before then." He also makes sure that Oliver has the patterns for the New Paphos and Manor Nodes.
We'll finish up here with anything you want to do before hitting the Manor. I'll join both groups in the Manor topic in a day or so.
Jan 31, 2025 11:06 pm
Oliver takes the opportunity to go shopping at Fiznik and Valpip's and see whether they have interesting stuff in stock, and also to buy herbs and minerals for alchemy conconctions.
There are some river plants I would need to be able to make another batch of DeepShade, and some minerals and plant extracts for some Corrossive Agent. Plus, Oliver supposedly negotiated in Brahdhavel for a couple of recipes --still to be decided--, but he will most certainly get ingredients for those too, if available. If some ingredient is not available to buy, he'll be delighted to use the QuarterMaster Backpack for the first time, and at the very least learn how to get it later on.
Edit: I recall there was a post for Valpip's store... But it's not easy to find. I'll keep on looking.

Edit 2: Found it:
Last edited January 31, 2025 11:14 pm



Feb 3, 2025 11:41 pm
The next day you all (including Ealdwig and Grin) gather together and head down to the Matrix Node with Fiznik. "I need to check on how things are progressing anyway, so this works out well," he said when he told you he could take you down to send you to the Manor.

After the hour long trip, you find yourselves standing on the Matrix Node while Fiznik has a brief conversation with someone you can't see. The next thing you know, you are now in the basement of the Manor.
The story continues HERE.

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