New Paphos (The Base)

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May 10, 2024 2:37 am
Local?/ Felix whispered to Al i just arrived….. But he smile, nonetheless, at the two individuals he was being introduced to.

Greetings, yes Felix is my name and scouting is my… Right now though Im scouting out a nice drink and some of that stew.

Felix placed his satchel on the floor and unharnessed himself from his Great-Sword and family Spade, then took a seat at an adjacent table with Al and Pontus. He really was looking forward to some hot and fresh food. What there was to eat on the boat wasn’t bad but it was mostly dried and salted.

So, Pontus, are you old enough to drink?
May 10, 2024 3:19 am
Skeeve is glad to see so many familiar faces at the Tavern. Plus some new ones, too!

He is of medium build, with brown hair and shockingly green eyes. He is wearing leather armor with scales all over it, a very odd belt around his waist that looks like it is made of wood, and no noticeable weapon. He appears to be completely unarmed. He also has his omnipresent backpack with him. He claims a seat at Ealdwig's table, but continues on to greet Baun and see how she is doing, and greet those at her table. (He does NOT leave the backpack at the table, but keeps it with him.)

"Hi, my name is Skeeve. I had to come say hi to Baun, and find out who is new here! What are you all looking to do at burgeoning New Paphos?"
May 10, 2024 4:47 am

Pontus gives Felix an odd look Um, I drink all the time. Oh, are you from one of those restrictive religions that wone allow you to drink alcohol until you are "of age"? So sorry to hear that. Most places let you drink as soon as you can pay for it and shrugs as he sips his beer. I normally prefer ale but this isn't too bad.

As you chat a serving maiden brings out a platter with 3 large bowls and slices of bread to place in front of each of the recent arrivals. Al greets her and she replies with familiarity before moving on to server the influx of adventurers shoving several nearby tables together along one side of the room.

Big Al

Al points out Skeeve to Pontus and Felix. He's been in and out of this place almost as long as I have but he tends to stick around closer than I do from what I hear. I recognize the Hin with him (Hin is another term for halfling, kender, or hobbit) Normally they travel with a dwarf. Looks like there's been quite a turnover.
They tend to be more active than Baun and Sawen here.


This is true. I spend most of my time studying with either master Ualas, our local druid, or madam Gulfis, the local medicine woman. I do aid adventurers form time to time but, I am not so good at fighting. and the flower bows her head in embarrassment.


Do not trouble yourself over this Baun. As I have said before, each has their place. I too am not a fighter but my scouting helps the expedition. Since you have the company of Al and his new fellows I will take my leave. I have another mission this night and should go over the days reports and prepare. Sawen bids farewell and leaves after settling his tab.

It is at this point that Skeeve comes over and introduces himself to your table and is greeted by Baun.

Big Al

Me, just passing through again. Might stick around another week but I get restless to easily and like to travel. But this is a great place for new stories. the big man replies easily to Skeeves question. Got a couple rookies here nodding to Felix and Pontus But Felix here is actually pretty decent with that ridiculously large sword of his
May 10, 2024 6:24 am
Arc also laughs at grin's comment We already ordered openings, I guess will see about main dishes later Haha.
About our houses, well, some are quite big, like 2 rooms big! And some are but platforms with a small roofs against rain. Since the weather is warm, there is no need to more cover. And they have rope and plunks bridges, but most of us just fly among them, they are truly beautiful!
Arc, a 5'9'' tall ravenfolf of back feathers, was raised by a family of shop owners. His parents run the only trading post in town. From a young age he would help his parents (and numerous siblings) in the shop. And in his spare time practice shooting with his bow.
When he reached adulthood, he wanted to travel and see the world, so he packed a few of his belongings and flew.
May 10, 2024 9:03 am
With the business with the clerk concluded Brewner makes a quick stop and buys the climbing tool (25gp). He then goes to the tavern were Grinfletch his with other adventures.

" Cant say i ever saw so many brave adventurers in one place" Brewner says while entering the tavern, he walks towards Grinfletch and the others "Please to meet you all my name's Brewner but friends call me hopper, and a friend of Grinfletch is a friend of mine, bring the ale!"
May 10, 2024 11:29 am
Ricardoi91 says:
"Please to meet you all my name's Brewner but friends call me hopper, and a friend of Grinfletch is a friend of mine, bring the ale!"
Oi, Hopper! Tell them the Hopper story! Grin starts chanting Tell them, tell them, tell them… he does not mind that nobody joins in the chant.

Grin, newly equipped for his underdark adventures, is a Duende (Halfling) from the wildlands. He wears: supple, dark leather armor adorned with intricate stitching and small, shimmering beads; an elegant mask of polished wood, adorned with delicate gold leaf accents around its edges; a stylish leather belt with rune embellishments, its buckle fashioned in the shape of a mischievous grin; and a mysterious cloak, currently matching the armor in color and shimmer-osityness. His signature crossbow is propped up against his chair as he happily eats through his second full plate.
May 10, 2024 3:33 pm
Well met, Hopper. I'm Eldwig and this is Arc, pointing to my avian friend. Pointing to Skeeve, and over at the other table is Skeeve. We've been together for a while. Smiling at Grin's chant, so what is this Hopper story, I've been hearing about?
May 10, 2024 4:57 pm
Brewner is human male, with dark brown hair and eyes, he have a strong frame and usually a two handed Warhammer resting on his shoulder.

Brewner tells the story taht gave origin to his nickname, he was caught by a storm of evil sorcery, the land shattered and start to float like in a river, he was able to get out of this chaos by hopping from chunk to chunk. He gives some good laughs retelling the story.
"Since then i have been adventuring with my friends here, i am constantly amazed by the cleverness and ingenuity of Grinfletch and Oliver"
May 10, 2024 5:58 pm
Well met Hopper! Joint us!
And then, to the tavern guy Another round of ale man, we are all thisty

After hearing Hopper story Arc just laughs enjoying it, and then empties his tankard. It's hard to imagine anyone jumping around, with a heavy hammer, under an evil magic storm to avoid being eaten my the ground.. and then adventuring underground! This place is both amazing and incredibly crazy!! I love it!! And signs again to the tavern guy for the ale refill.
Last edited May 10, 2024 9:57 pm
May 11, 2024 12:23 am
Ricardoi91 says:
Brewner tells the story that gave him his nickname
Hopper, I’ll never get tired of hearing that one!

Oi, Skeeve-o! He indicates in the direction of Felix. Who’s your friend with the sword so long, I could use it to measure my ego?! Oh wait, I can’t reach that high! Grin laughs heartily at his own joke.
Last edited May 11, 2024 12:26 am
May 11, 2024 1:30 am
Felix became a little dizzy from all of the "getting up" and "sitting down" going on.

Nice to have met you Sawen, perhaps we’ll run into each other on a blind corner.

Felix received his bowl and bread gratefully. Ripping off a crust and dunking it into his stew he inserted the whole piece into his mouth.

This is life he said with his eyes closed. And I should know, as when I’m not hacking at giant octopus’ I am burying the dead.

When he opened his eyes again Skeeve had joined their table and Al was introducing them. Skeeve was fascinating to look at; that man knows how to wash, so clean. I could learn a thing or two

Am I passing through as well, Al? Well Skeeve, I am looking to make some gold. And hopefully have some fun while I’m doing that. I just arrived but I get the impression this could be the place. Though, everyone seems a wee bit serious.

There was a call from across the room. Let me know when I can start referring to you as "Skeeve-o". Now that man perhaps has a less serious attitude he said with a smile.
May 11, 2024 5:16 am
Skeeve replies, "There is plenty of opportunity to gain gold around here! There is plenty of opportunity to spend it, too! Right now, we appear to have two main efforts going on. One is exploration below ground. The other one is mostly above ground. I'm part of the above ground group. We apparently have an ancient construct to visit, a keep with undead guardians to visit, an ancient ruin to raid, and another ancient ruin to infiltrate. The other group is going to go deeper underground to find out what is there. Who knows what they might find and where they might end up! (I heard they may get to deal with friendly restless dead, too.) I have no idea which is more likely to find treasure. If you'd like, I can introduce you to the two groups."

With a chuckle, he adds, "And you can call me whatever you like. I don't promise to respond if I don't like it, though."

And of course he looks clean and dapper. When you can cast prestidigitation at will, some of those are going to make sure you are clean and tidy!
May 11, 2024 7:36 am
Kaarik puts a hand on Skeeve's shoulder and says with a large smile : "Skavino is the kindest man".

"Nice to meet you both Felix and Hopper, I am sure we will have many occasions to spend some time all together, here, on the field, and of course in the library"
May 11, 2024 12:30 pm
As Sawen leaves the tavern you see a young badgerkin wearing a dark well worn cloth attire, about the same hight as your average halfling enter the tavern. He looks like he has been traveling for a while goes straight to the bar to order some foot and drink.
He beginns look for a place to sit, when his attention is drawn to the table with the noisy adventurers and and he watches them excitedly.
May 11, 2024 1:20 pm
Skeeve rolls his eyes at Kaarik's joke with his name.

As he moves back with Felix to the main table with all of the PCs at it, he invites Aizashi over to join them, as he looks to be in search of adventure, too.

To the entire group he says, "It looks like we have managed to get a bunch of us together all in one spot again. And, fortunately, this time we are not all fighting a roper and dark mantles! Instead, we are partying! Some of us, are looking to dive even deeper into the Underdark and explore its mysteries. Others, are going to be staying mostly above ground and trying to unravel some secrets of this ancient city (after an excursion to a high mountain valley). I don't know which path is potentially more lucrative. But both look to have plenty of adventure!

"But that's for later! Let's enjoy ourselves and tell tales of our recent exploits tonight!"
He looks to Aizashi as the most recent addition and says, "Tell us of your recent exploits!"
May 11, 2024 7:39 pm
Aizashi gladly accepts Skeeve's invite and introduces himself Thank you, my name is Aizashi. I have only just arrived with the caravan.
He looks around the group unsure if his tales would even hold the smallest bit of interest for seasoned adventurers.
I've recently been helping a small village that was caught in a feud between a fey hag and her changing son. He held a grudge against the fey practices and somehow attempted to save his sister from suffering the same way he did, I suppose... He shakes his head thinking back to his previous adventure. It was confusing and I still have a lot to learn.
May 11, 2024 11:12 pm
"But is the village now free from the conflict?" After getting an answer in the the affirmative, he finishes, "Then you succeeded! And that's what is important!"

He turns to Felix and says, "What happened on your journey to meet us here?"
May 12, 2024 4:30 am
Felix sat, with his attention divided between his spoon and Aizashi’s tale. (For the record, he is a slim and tall man, with shortish brown hair and some blonde highlights. He wears a loose fitting lavender shirt, lacing up in front, which sports a subtle pattern of green vines. It’s faded and stained in a few places. Next to him leaning against the wall are his Great-Sword and well-worn spade.)

What an honorable adventure you had Aizashi. I wish, Skeeve, that I could tell as heartwarming a history. However, I travelled by boat and it was fairly uneventful. I vomited over the side many times, and stayed out of the crews way. After we found the river we could camp on the shore, but that opened us to danger. Al and I investigated and narrowly avoided a fray with some Lizardfolk. They gave us some advice and directions, but that didn’t help us avoid the giant octopus. The beast nearly took us under. Thankfully it valued its remaining appendages so,let us go. And here we are.

Felix looked around at his audience, examining their faces. So any adventure without a boat gets one point in the plus column.
I guess not that enjoyable. Maybe he has soup running down his chin
Last edited May 12, 2024 4:31 am


Charisma, telling an enjoyable tale. - (3d6)


May 12, 2024 9:10 am
Aizashi listens to Felix tell his tale. Believing Felix when he told it was uneventful he starts eating and drinking in the meantime only to almost choke on his food once Felix reaches the part about the giant octopus.
"You call that uneventful?" he asks coughing.
May 12, 2024 11:42 am
Alright, if you’ve got scars, let’s see ‘em!

Grin stands up on his chair, turns around and pulls up his shirt. He has a light scar running across the his lower back.

This is from the time a beast chased me into a crevice. I was stuck there for two days while it tried to scrape me out and caught me with a claw. But ever since coming here, if we get hurt, all is healed up lickety-split by Skeeve or Ishzu.

He tucks in his shirt and sits back down.
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