New Paphos (The Base)

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May 9, 2024 1:38 am
Sorry I've been quiet this week. I have been taking advantage of the downtime, and working to set up things for the deeper Underdark.

Skeeve has been running around trying to figure out if his map of the local matrix is any good. He is also talking to Phlan to see if he needs to go anywhere to get more things set up.

If I haven't said it already, he stops by Fiznik and returns the gem and tablet. He turns in the info he has found, too. He makes sure to look up his first two companions to see how they are doing. He says goodbye (for now) to Blornvid and takes him down to the node to send him off to the Manor. "Keep the manor safe and try out your backpack. Let me know what the tamer drinks I can manage are when I get back there! I hope to see a working forge and dwarves bar when I do get back!"
I think Psybermagi said the Manor is a day's walk away from the Base, but we use the Matrix Node down in the nearby caverns to get there more quickly and safely. And you don't need to buy a house. We should have room in our Gatehouse at the Manor. Plus we have cool neighbors!
For Ealdwig's idea on getting communicators, too, he's all for it, though he is perennially short on cash from buying his magic supplies.
May 9, 2024 2:03 am
daryen says:
He says goodbye (for now) to Blornvid and takes him down to the node to send him off to the Manor. "Keep the manor safe and try out your backpack. Let me know what the tamer drinks I can manage are when I get back there! I hope to see a working forge and dwarves bar when I do get back!"
I think Psybermagi said the Manor is a day's walk away from the Base, but we use the Matrix Node down in the nearby caverns to get there more quickly and safely. And you don't need to buy a house. We should have room in our Gatehouse at the Manor. Plus we have cool neighbors!
"Aye, I will, Skeeve. Make sure Ealdwig stays out of trouble," he says with a wink. After Skeeve has gotten the manor node dialed in, he grips Skeeve's forearm. "Take care, brother." And with that, he steps onto the node and disappears.
May 9, 2024 2:50 am
ForeverDED says:

"Aye, I will, Skeeve. Make sure Ealdwig stays out of trouble," he says with a wink. After Skeeve has gotten the manor node dialed in, he grips Skeeve's forearm. "Take care, brother." And with that, he steps onto the node and disappears.
Grin, appearing randomly at Skeeve’s elbow, says, "I wasn’t going to say anything… but that guy has the silkiest beard hair I have ever seen… Just INCREDIBLY smooth!" …he then melts back into the shadows, appearing in the Clerk’s office where the trio of underdarkers is getting ready to hold up the place.
Last edited May 9, 2024 2:51 am
May 9, 2024 3:28 am
Most wound will heal with a single night of rest.

If there is anything in particular you want to look into during your down time put a list in your personal thread and I will answer questions and let you know what you learn
Also, out of curiosity, how far is the Manor from the Base? And how much time does it usually take to walk there?
It is actually further than a days walk. It was a days travel before the Shattering with roads etc. It is somewhere to the NW
After leaving the administrators office the group that explored the western areas do receive a small reward along with your pay for the week. All told you get 20 gold (Skeeve, Ealdwig, Kaarik, Arc). The other team that explores the underdark will collect 10 gold (Grin, Oliver, Brewner) for the past week. (Bonus for underdark work to be set by @daryen). If you want to work for the scouts doing routine activities you will earn another 10 gold. If you spend the week doing personal research or other activities you get no pay but will still have room and board for the previous work.
May 9, 2024 3:40 am
ForeverDED says:
"Aye, I will, Skeeve. Make sure Ealdwig stays out of trouble," he says with a wink. After Skeeve has gotten the manor node dialed in, he grips Skeeve's forearm. "Take care, brother." And with that, he steps onto the node and disappears.
Ha! Good luck Skeeve!
All told you get 20 gold (Skeeve, Ealdwig, Kaarik, Arc)
Is that each or total?
Last edited May 9, 2024 3:43 am
May 9, 2024 3:53 am
No worries Arc, I'll take care of it. I've been saving, he says with a smile and a wink. You get the first round at the Tavern. I think these fancy communicators will be more than valuable enough.
Pay now or at pickup? 25gp for each so 50gp, correct?
Walking to the Tavern with Arc to meet the rest of the group, I think it'll be a good idea to get a little downtime. I haven't had much since I've gotten here.[b] Taking a beat to think about how long ago he got here. [b]Seems like I got off the ship a long time ago, but I don't think it's been all that long. Ealdwig, squints, tilts his head and says questioningly, less than a month, I think. Two weeks? He gives up trying to figure it out and smiles, well anyway, it hasn't been that long. But it certainly has been interesting and eventful.
May 9, 2024 4:33 am
20 gold each. 1 week plus bonus. Standard scout wages is 1 gold a day, 10 day week. You work the week you get 2 days off.
May 9, 2024 5:44 am
It doesn't surprise me, I've just arrived and have not stop a minute. I'm happy to help, I'm not complaining. This is a good place to be!
Arriving at the tavern, they sit at a long table hoping others will join sooner or later. And Arc asks the lady a big mug of ale and some bread and cheese, and... What would you be drinking Ealdwig and Skeeve?
So, before I joined, what have you guys been doing? Blornvid mentioned a Manor but I haven't seen it yet.
May 9, 2024 12:41 pm
There are a couple dock workers, guards, laborers, and adventurers. Most sit in groups of 2 to 4 and the tavern has yet to fill with the evening rush. You see a couple with simple meals of some sort of stew and bread. Smells waft from a room behind the bar that instantly make your mouth begin to water.

In the corner of the room sits a larger group of 5 adventurous looking types. One sits in the light from a window and the other in a corner across the table and is pulled back into the shadows. A couple large men, one with a massive two handed sword on his back and the other muscular and bare chested and the third younger and looks to be a rookie.


Big Al
May 9, 2024 12:42 pm
We have a newcomer to Paphos joining in so as you enter the tavern describe a bit about yourself
May 9, 2024 3:30 pm
Ok I'll add the 20gp to my sheet then subtract the 50gp for the communication devices.
Ealdwig, a young, chipper, duende of about 23 and short (around 3', 3") with brown hair and eyes. He is carrying his pack and seems to be loaded with weapons, a goblin sword on his hip, a dagger and bow. Smiling as he enters the tavern with Arc (Ealdwig is quick to smile and easy going), he follows Arc to the long table, scanning the room. He hasn't been here long or often enough to recognize many people, but he does see a few.

Yeah it is a good place to be. Can be scary at times, but we've come through it far. it was well worth coming here. Glad I made the trip. Ealdwig orders a meal, whatever it might be for today and a tankard, for Arc and himself. Food is good here.

Wow, Ealdwig with a twinkle in his eye, thinks back to what has happened since he has gotten here, he smiles, what hasn't happened? He then proceeds to tell Arc, his whole story since he got here, from getting off the ship, to the tavern and Danoll, to the swamp and Guflis, convincing the serving girl, Sylfir, that she was the rightful descendant to a Manor House and grounds, not that far from here. Going to the Manor to make arrangements for her, then helping clear out the grounds and out buildings, meeting the Seer in the library he's interesting, never met anything like him, Ealdwig pauses, him? Umm.. Anyway, you'll meet him(?) when we go back to the Manor. Great place and library. So BIG! We came back met Grin and some of the other guys. We hit the tunnels to deal with a massive and maybe the most creepy and scary thing I've ever seen, what was it called again? Um, I think it was a Roaper, if I am remembering correctly. [b]It's been pretty amazing so far! And, I only came close to dying twice! Smiling, Ealdwig holds up 2 small fingers in a "V" shape. All that and only twice! Can you believe it! Ealdwig shakes his head in a little disbelief and his luck so far. Very glad I came here. Well worth the effort.

Ealdwig realizes he was rambling for a while, he tends to do that. Sorry, how about you. How did you get here? You've probably got a great story to tell.
Sorry that was a long one. It was a pretty opened question.
Last edited May 9, 2024 3:31 pm
May 9, 2024 4:35 pm
@Thunder_Lungz: You do realize that Skeeve and Blornvid went all the way down to the Matrix Node down at the underground camp, correct? That's where they have to go to access the Manor.
After sending off Blornvid, Skeeve heads to the Tavern because he now needs a drink.
May 9, 2024 5:12 pm
daryen says:
@Thunder_Lungz: You do realize that Skeeve and Blornvid went all the way down to the Matrix Node down at the underground camp, correct? That's where they have to go to access the Manor.
Oh yes, Grin was getting impatient at the Clerk’s and figured if he follows Skeeve around, that might encourage the clerk’s to dole out that juicy bonus for them. Also, Grin slips a small crystal into Skeeve’s hand before scurrying back to the Clerk’s where he hopes they’ll be done soon so they can get to the tavern and talk with the others/recruit Ealdwig for the Underdark team!
Last edited May 9, 2024 5:12 pm
May 9, 2024 5:26 pm
Kaarik sees the other spending a crazy amount of money and feels a bit uncomfortable looking at his fat purse.
I have some money and I do not know what to buy yet, so if you need anything, I would be happy to cover for any of you.
May 9, 2024 5:54 pm
The clerk does give a 15 gp bonus for at least temporarily neutralizing the goblin raiders. Having Ander in the guard will help keep them neutralized for now. He can't promise big bonuses for going deeper in the caverns, but says he will still pay for good recon information of things that could be down there. He then chases everyone out of the office.
May 9, 2024 6:11 pm
NOICE! Thanks Co-GM! So that’s a total of 25gp for Grin, Oliver and Brewner. And now we congregate!
Grin heads to the Tavern with the Underdarkers where he intends to consume his weight in food and drink.
Last edited May 9, 2024 6:18 pm
May 9, 2024 9:47 pm
Wow, all that sounds amazing! And you only came close to dying twice? Unbelievable. I am now even more eager to visit that Manor of yours!

Then Arc starts telling how he left his family town, with a tankard at hand. A town with houses in treetops, and started to travel and see the world, and eventually got to a town with a great tavern which had a drawing of the Infinity Tower and set his path to visit it...

Then he saw Grin and Sleeve with the rest of the adventurers and waved his hand calling them, inviting them to sit with Ealdwig and him in this long table.

We will need several more of those beer tankards!
May 10, 2024 12:11 am
Speaking with Arc, with awe and disbelief in his tone, houses in the treetops?!? You left a place like that? Sounds amazing.
May 10, 2024 1:51 am
What’s this about houses in trees?! Grin laughs as he approaches the crew at the large table. He climbs up onto a chair next to Ealdwig and Arc and orders enough food for three people. After ordering, he looks at the others and says: Oh, did you want to order something too?
May 10, 2024 1:54 am
Ealdwig looks at Grin questioningly, finally getting it, smiles and laughs at the comment. Thanks but we ordered already. You're late.
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