New Paphos (The Base)

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May 12, 2024 2:10 pm
"Most of my scars are invisible," he says ruefully.

"But that's old news. What was your latest exploit, Grin? What's the story behind these?" With that question, he produces the small crystal Grin had just recently given him on Blornvid's departure. "Where did these come from? What do they do?"
May 12, 2024 4:28 pm
Yes, well, that is a story! Let’s see - Oliver, Ishzu, Ander and I planned to explore a cave down on the first level of the underdark. There were innumerable spiders, thick webbing everywhere. Brave Ishzu entered the webs at the cave mouth and immediately, a sea of spiders, tiny and huge, came cascading towards us.

But Oliver Otter had a plan and we were all equipped with burning alcohol and fire brands - myself with flaming arrows. So we set them alight and in a short few minutes, the entire cave went up in smoke and fire.

We cautiously entered and cleared the cave, coming upon some huge spiders that tried to communicate with us. Sadly, we could not understand them and they were cut down. They were protecting a small cavern with a powerful psionic crystal. The wizard Valpip had to come and remove it. It was incredibly valuable and had to be warded to protect us from it.

When we got back to camp, Hopper - uhh, Brewner - joined us and we prepared to take the crystal to sell to one of Ishzu’s contacts. But we were attacked by goblins! They stole the crystal and I got a water elemental to help us scare them away. They escaped through the matrix node and we hunted them down by going through a slime cave and into the marshes.

When we found them, there were two groups of goblins and the acolyte of one group had used the psionic abilities of the crystal to control the others. We fought with the acolyte and disabled her. Then we took the crystal back and broke it down to prevent anyone from taking advantage of its psionic abilities. And now these smaller pieces can be used to craft some fancy gear.

I still have one more small crystal. 25 gold if anyone is interested.

Did I miss anything?
He looks to Oliver and Brewner for any comments.
Last edited May 12, 2024 4:29 pm
May 12, 2024 4:32 pm
Brewner scratches his chin thoughtfully
"With Anders joining the guard and Ishizu...recharging we are in need of some new faces with hunger for adventure if we intend to explore the underdark" He says it loud enough to be heard but to no one in particular
May 12, 2024 4:47 pm
Genuinely impressed, Skeeve says, "Wow! You made a fireball without magic! Very clever!" He gets more info on the matrix node they used later.

In response to Brewner, he says, "Well, I can't go, but perhaps some of the others here are intrigued by delving deeper into the Underdark! I look forward to hearing the tales of your exploits when you return!"

Changing subjects a bit, "I wish the two who went to Eldergrove were still here to tell of their exploits and how they freed an entire city from its curse. But," looking to Ealdwig, Arc, and Kaarik, "who wants to tell of our exploits?"

Marta Peskryk


May 12, 2024 4:59 pm
Marta Peskryk
The severe , who has been listen to your tasks as she topped off your drinks interjects with a slight shudder. Surely there are less gloomy and dank places to adventure. How do you even see while fighting. It's not like you can hold a torch and fire a bow at the same time. And torches any they bright anyhow.
May 12, 2024 5:07 pm
Good question… well, it can be difficult to fight in the dark. My eyes are becoming accustomed to it, but torches are important. If anyone has special light-producing gear, I’d be up for a trade.

We have heard of an underground ocean with undead sailors or something… we intend to climb down and check it out. Anyone interested in joining might want a climbing kit. We will keep our eyes out for matrix nodes and do hope to find shiny things… or at least, I’m excited to find shiny things.

Also, I love to meet new Underdark creatures and Oliver is always searching for alchemy ingredients.
Last edited May 12, 2024 5:11 pm
May 12, 2024 10:01 pm
To Marta, "There are lots of ways to see in the dark. Besides torches, you can get glowstones or small magic items like that. Or, for some of us, we just make it ourselves." With that, he conjures a small ball of light and places it above her head such that it stays with her. After a minute or so, he dismisses it.

"Besides magic or torches, you'd be very surprised at how many things glow down there. Even creatures who can operate just fine in the dark often like actual light because it lets them see color and more detail. So, you'll find more light sources down there than you'd otherwise expect. But you can never really depend on that."
May 12, 2024 10:05 pm
At the last mention of his name, Oliver enters the tavern covered in mud. A grinning otterfolk with a decorated black cloak, vials hanging around his belt, carrying a sling and a bat carved with fire runes.

"Oh my! Isn't this a HUGE party? Sorry for being late. I was telling the dockmaster about our adventures again; he's a cool fella to talk to, not easy to surprise with something novel, though. Then I saw this rare breed of frog jump out of the water and I tried to catch it. It escaped, and I just splashed into quite a bit of muddy water."

Oliver asked around to find out who everyone was, and caught up with their presentations.

"Oliver Otter, at your service. If you ever want a brew or a frog and seaweed stew, I'm your otter. A strong stomach is advised, however."
Last edited May 12, 2024 10:07 pm
May 12, 2024 10:34 pm
"Oliver Otter, at your service. If you ever want a brew or a frog and seaweed stew, I'm your otter. A strong stomach is advised, however."
Then Grin is in the correct group!
May 13, 2024 12:08 am
Grin will try almost anything once. :)
May 13, 2024 1:45 am
has the circus come to town?

Felix watched and listened in bewilderment as the crowd in his corner of the tavern grew in size. He ordered another mug of ale, and leaned back in his chair, belly full.

Murmuring mostly to himself; Florial, is this the type of mischief you got into? A cavalcade of characters.
May 13, 2024 4:24 am
Since I have done other "voices", I hope Psybermagi doesn't mind this input here ..
Felix hears the eldritch voice in the back of his head, That and even more. Such is what you will find as you wander farther from your old home and have adventures. That is what makes it an adventure! You don't want to bored, do you, boy?
May 13, 2024 4:32 am
Arc enjoys listening amazed to all the adventures, but with his hunger, he is too focus on eating to talk much. The lizard combat reminds him of his own first combat in this area, against winged lizards.

Although, at Hoppers invitation, Arc is taken aback... He does enjoy listening to adventures and missions a lot, and even taking part in them! But going underground, and by choice!! No way Arc is going there in his own two feet.
He is glad though, that we all have different preferences! And also impressed by this underground team! And downs another gulp of ale.
Last edited May 13, 2024 4:51 am
May 13, 2024 8:36 am
Aizashi's ears perk up at the mention of needing new faces and he leans in a little more.
"I'd be willing to accompany you!" he exclaims.
Then adds a little embarrassed by his unexpected outburst "If you'd have me that is. Though I'm not sure what kind of help I can offer to your cause."
May 13, 2024 11:08 am
Is Aizashi interested in the Underdark or the above-ground exploration? It sounds like Arc and Felix want to go above ground. And Ealdwig to Underdark?
May 13, 2024 2:11 pm
Open to either. The going down to the Underdark would be cool. Something I haven't done yet.
Ealdwig, listens intently to the stories while eating and drinking. After his earlier monologue, he is content to enjoy everyone's exploits. Especially, Grin, unprovoked mind you, jumping up, half undressing to show everyone his tiny scar. That was amusing.

Arc, do you think we'll get some time tomorrow to practice with the bow? I could use the help.
May 13, 2024 2:22 pm
either one is fine with me:)
May 13, 2024 2:57 pm
Brewner addresses Aizashiqi
"We will be glad to have your help in the underdark, i have no doubts in your abilities, but first lets see if you can help empty some mugs of ale" And he burst laughing
May 13, 2024 3:11 pm
FYI both groups are doing about a week of down time and prep before heading out on the next major mission / story arc
During your week training and getting to know each other you lean the expedition is only slightly interested in the underdark now that they have a firm footing and licked of the immediate area around the Matrix Node. There will be little in the east of bonus for scoring trips that way unless you can prove a benefit to the expedition/growing settlement.
Current Mission List with bonuses are on the Info Sheet Notice Board (posted below for convenience) with current bonus levels listed after each assignment.
- no bonus
$ to $$$ low to high bonus and priority

If you're not on assignment, or ignore them to long you shift to becoming a freelancer and have to pay room and board
Open Jobs
1. Explore caverns under the base
1.a. Investigate Gelatinous Cube $$
1.b. Map the underdark -
2. Explore the Matrix network
2.a. Explore Spider chasm & fungus forest $$
2.b. Explore high mountain valley $
2.d. Assist with creating a research station in Eldergrove -
3. Investigate Intact civic centers of Paphos $$$
4. Work with Infinite Tower -
May 13, 2024 3:28 pm
Based on that a Fungus Forest sounds cool. And there is a gelatinous cube, oof.
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