New Paphos (The Base)

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May 13, 2024 3:31 pm
My only addition is that if you do the deeper underdark, you will find something worthy of a bonus. It's just that no one knows it yet, including your characters.
May 13, 2024 3:37 pm
Emptying his ale, Sure Eald! I'll be happy to train you with the bow. Say, tomorrow morning in the training grounds? Unless you want to go outside the Base and have a go to bring dinner. Winks

Arc then turns to call Skeeve. Hey Skeeve, you know everything, or almost everything, about magic and those tingling stuff. What's the deal with those crystals? They felt strange and I'm now curious... Are they some special kind of magic? Are there too many kinds of magic?
Last edited May 13, 2024 4:08 pm
May 14, 2024 2:36 am
Well if Im going on any expedition I’ll probably need some basic gear. I only have the bear minimum…..that counts for gold too, bear minimum. Any chance I could make some quick money here in town? I have almost no marketable skills, besides digging holes, and perhaps some light gardening.

Felix used a small splinter of wood to clean his teeth.

In smaller back-water towns my Haunted Blade would have been good for a few coins - entertaining demonstrations, or some stories with interpretive dance accompaniment. But this town….sounds like I’m a dime a dozen. (A dime is a small coin, where I’m from)
Last edited May 14, 2024 2:37 am
May 14, 2024 3:40 am
To Arc: "I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I am far from an expert on magic. I know more than many, but am still a long way from those like Fiznik or Valpip. I'm only running into these crystals myself now. They seem to be psionics as much, or more, than magic. So that's even further from my specialties. The best person to ask is Fiznik or Ishzu, but Fiznik is usually busy and Ishzu seems to be tied up with something else going on."

To Felix: "Don't worry too much about starting funds. Whichever group you go with will get you set up as needed. If you go Underdark, Grin has already said he'll get you set up with the gear you'll need. If you stay above ground, there's less you'll need, but we'll make sure you have what you need."
May 14, 2024 4:54 am
I knew I could count on you wisdom Skeeve! Thanks! Now that you mentioned it is psionic, which sound like a kind of magic to me, and who are the experts, I know what to do!
Arc decides to visit Fiznik tomorrow, after bow training with Ealdwig.

Then, to Felix, I agree with Skeeve, you don't need to worry much about fancy gear. Pick your option, and trust your fellow adventurers.
May 14, 2024 5:59 am
"Yeah, for sure, we wouldn't leave any fellow explorer perish in their misery."

"As for these days before our departure, I will go around town and see if I can collect some ingredient herbs and minerals by the riverbank. There is a fae alchemy recipe that calls for my attention. Oh, and I also need to distill some alcohol per Grin's request."

"...which is NOT meant for drinking"
, Oliver added when he saw a few greedy eyes turn around. "Though if you insist and have a duende stomach, be my guest."
May 14, 2024 6:22 am
Kaarik hearing Arc questioning Skeeve about the crystal he adds.
"Fiznik will of course have more insights than me. However, I have some basic knowledge in magical items and if you allow it, I would like to study the crystal a little."
May 14, 2024 6:33 am
Oliver's mention of more alcohol lifts Arc spirit even more... then he hears it is not ment to drink, and is kinda disappointed. What use of alcohol could be more important? Right? But then, Arc remembered Oliver does alchemy... probably lots of uses for alcohol, Arc is not aware of. Disappointment turn into a recognition of plain ignorance in his expression. Hey Oliver, if this psionics thing gets postponed, and you need to go out of town to find ingredients, I'll be happy to go.

Then, to Kaarik Of course my friend, do study it as you wish. Although, I think we left them to be turn into some sort of communication talk-afar thingy, right Ealdwig? But if you do know somethings about psionics, I'll be happy to learn .
May 14, 2024 8:16 am
Smiling Aizashi tells Brewner That I can! They shall not survive the night.
He eagerly listens to all the conversations and at some points feels woefully unprepared but his reassured by the fact that he is not the only new adventurer.
May 14, 2024 8:26 am
"Oh yes, I shall go to see Fiznik myself then, I would be happy to have him show me how he turns the crystals into communication devices."

Kaarik will then go to Fiznik in the morning to ask him if he can show him the process.
May 14, 2024 12:36 pm
I have one more small crystal that can be made into a communications device like the others. Anyone who wants it can pay me back later. You would give it to Fiznik who will make it in a few days. Then you’d have to pay him 25g for it when you pick it up. So, it will ultimately cost up to 50g. I think the range is 100-300 ft for the medium/small crystals. The ones Fiznik is making for the Underdarkers now are with medium crystals.
Grin would like to spend some time gaining proficiency with his whip if possible.
Last edited May 14, 2024 12:37 pm
May 14, 2024 12:53 pm
Valpip is the one Kaarik should seek out. Fiznik knows about magic and is good for answering questions. Valpip is the artificer who makes things.
May 14, 2024 1:25 pm
I created a poll to help everyone finalize where and what they plan to do If you haven't made you choice there please do so. If you didn't have a preference that is one of the options and indicates you are ready to move on
Valpip is willing to teach Kaarik, for a fee or other exchange, such as becoming a lab assistant. Fiznik will occasionally discuss magical theory or other topics but similarly requires an incentive to teach.
May 14, 2024 1:32 pm
Kaarik would be more than happy to become a lab assistant for Valpip.

He actually finds it quite a good deal that Valpip did not request a fee to take him as assistant.
May 14, 2024 2:01 pm
Kaarik soon learns the fully of his youthful optimism. 😈
Valpip is a demanding teacher and believes there is no such thing as a bad question. Unless it was asked while not working, or thought through, or indicative of you lack of a proper foundation that requires reading assignments for you to find your own answers before tomorrow. And if you don't ..... Gnomish artificers can be very creative in the applying of corrective discipline while teaching their staff....

A week of hunched over on gnomish sized chairs and tables crafting tiny runes from thin metal foil then assisting in inlaying these into the engraving on delicate crystals is only the tip of his ordeal. But he did learn, a bit. He's sure he did...
May 14, 2024 6:56 pm
Cathamber says:
Emptying his ale, Sure Eald! I'll be happy to train you with the bow. Say, tomorrow morning in the training grounds? Unless you want to go outside the Base and have a go to bring dinner. Winks
Taken back and a little nervous, you want to go hunting?! Um, I should probably practice with targets first. Right now I can't hit the broad side of a barn, ask Skeeve. And let's not make it TOO early, Ealdwig says as he orders another ale.
Cathamber says:
Then, to Kaarik Of course my friend, do study it as you wish. Although, I think we left them to be turn into some sort of communication talk-afar thingy, right Ealdwig? But if you do know somethings about psionics, I'll be happy to learn.
Yeah, Arc and I were there earlier. We left the crystals to be turned into communication devices. I don't understand any of it, but this magic stuff is quite amazing. Ealdwig takes a big swig and wipes his mouth on the back of his sleeve.

He sits back in his oversized chair relaxing, smiling and looking around. It's good to have some friends.
May 14, 2024 9:41 pm
Exhausted and a little surprised by Valpip's treatment, Kaarik does not however, lose any of his motivation to learn more about the art of artificier.

He has in fact a brand new motivation, becoming Valpip best ever lab rat.
"I thank you master for this week of work. I now must go to serve the expedition, but I beg you to keep me a place as assistant. I am ready to dedicate any minute I spend in the base to you."
May 14, 2024 10:53 pm
Grin confidently marches into the barracks, wearing only his pants, cape and mask. In his hand is a fine leather whip.

Right-o captains of the watch! Who among you will take some coin in exchange for teaching me the Way of the Whip?!

He feebly cracks the whip in front of him, feeling confident in his ability to learn quickly.
It’s dawning on me that I’ll need to spend a lot of XP to do this… so I might just pass if that’s the case. Grin has plans for Darkfighter or martial traits eventually, and those are not cheap!
Last edited May 15, 2024 2:44 am
May 15, 2024 1:31 am
Conversation seemed, to Felix, to have run it’s course. Most of these fine folk were already acquaintances, sharing battle stories and battle scars. Perhaps Felix would as well one day soon. Talk of training, studying, all sounded like hard work, not to his taste.

Felix approached the counter to settle his bill, hopefully find a - private - bed available for that night and ask a question.

Would there be any merchant close by that sells clothing? I could really use some fresh attire. Maybe some light armor as well? This small town seems rather regimental so I’m not holding out hope. Well - actually I do have hope - isn’t that right Florial - please don’t dash it!
May 15, 2024 1:50 am
Flelix is directed to the local smith, who sells and maintains armor and weapons. A comfortable bed in the common barracks like room used by most visiting adventurers is provided for the night. The combination of good food and a decent bed
Let me know if anyone has business they have not concluded. I think most everyone is ready to set out.

daryen will manage the Underdark
I will be creating a new thread tonight/tomorrow for those working to Restore Paphos

@Arkmenos,@Nuttyartist I created a poll HERE to filter everyone into groups and destinations. Please indicate where you want to go next, and indirectly, what group you will be joining.
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