New Paphos (The Base)

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Dec 9, 2024 8:06 pm
I'll be down for a side adventure as well :)

@Psybermagi thank you for your time it was fun and I learned a lot. Matter of fact we have started using tiny dungeons at a local youth center to introduce some people to ttrpg. So double thanks on that front ::)
Dec 9, 2024 8:12 pm
@Psybermagi thanks a lot for GMing! It was great having you as GM teaching us both the game and the website.

@Daryen, excited to have you as our new GM, though we will miss Skeeve's leadership for sure!
Dec 10, 2024 3:45 pm
Great! I can't post until tonight as I have to focus completely on something else most of the day.
Dec 10, 2024 6:06 pm
Business Business Business

Is this working?
Dec 10, 2024 9:39 pm
LOL! No, not really!
Skeeve says, "Since nothing is going on here, and I am not looking to go chance down a dragon, would you all like to go check in on the Manor? I'd like to see how Blornvid's doing out there."
My thought is that there will be a little something brewing around the Manor and we can go clean it up and leave Skeeve behind.
Dec 11, 2024 9:47 am
I have not been there myself yet and I haven't met Blornvid either. So sign me up.
Dec 11, 2024 7:29 pm
"Sure, I'll be happy to visit the manor"
Dec 13, 2024 9:09 am
Of course! I would love to say hi to Blornvid.
Dec 13, 2024 9:16 pm
Of course, Blornvid isn't there. But the characters don't know that. :-)
Skeeve says, "Great! Let's get go see what's up going on there!" They check in with the clerk to make sure that it is known where they are (in case anyone needs to get in touch with them), and they head down to the Matrix Node in the caverns. Along the pathway down to it, Skeeve is really impressed by the amount of work that has obviously been put into finishing out the path. He remembers when they first traversed the path, it was long and twisty, with numerous small areas where they had to squeeze through. Now, it is still a bit twisty, but all of the nasty turns have been knocked out and the path has been smoothed out as much as possible. All of the narrow portions have been widened, and the entire trip is now large enough for at least three people to walk it side-by-side.

Once you get down to the Matrix Node itself, you can see that where the camp tent had been was now a sturdy permanent structure. In fact, there were multiple structures, with the place being effectively a small guard outpost now. Many of the openings around the area where strongly barricaded, allowing the overall cavern with the Matrix Node to be a fairly secure refuge. Apparently the lessons learned from the goblin raid Skeeve had heard about was taken to heart!

Greeting the guards, Skeeve says, "We are going to travel to the Manor. I don't know how long we'll be, so don't expect an immediate return." Skeeve contacts the Seer to get approval for the trip, and, once obtained, they disappear.
The story continues HERE.
Jan 30, 2025 3:04 pm
You leave the Matrix Node in the caverns and return to New Paphos proper. It takes the usual hour long trip, but you again note that the passage now has a smooth surface, and the formerly tight spots have all been widened to make passage easy. It is obvious that not just workmen have been busy, but that Fiznik and Valpip have put effort into making the passage as comfortable as possible. You are easily able to pass through the gateway at the end of the dungeons and come up to the surface. Once you leave the dungeon and its housing structure, you step out into the morning sun. It is now that it fully hits you just how long you have been in the underdark.

"I'm ready to go back down," quips Grin.

OK, now is the time to finish divvying up the treasure how you want and to sell off the artifacts you brought back with you from the portal room. You will be able to get some major rewards for the information you have brought back with you. You have found a dwarven city with which New Paphos can hopefully trade, and you have mapped out huge areas of the underdark, and you have even received a couple very artful scrolls with the map drawn on them by some dwarf mapmakers. You can also sell the magic items off if you want, or keep them. I am going to assume you are selling off all of the artifacts and splitting up the magic items.
Once you have done your business, Ealdwig will insist on everyone coming with him to visit the Manor. He wants to see his friends again and he would like to bring you all with him in that effort. Of course, the real point is that this gets all of the active players together in one location at one time so that we can figure out what everyone wants to do. Unlike Psybermagi, I can only hold two threads together at once, so it can't be more than two, but it doesn't have to be "one up and one down". There are several threads ready for pulling and any group can choose any of them.
Jan 30, 2025 8:28 pm
Stee squints at he brightness of the sun but the warmth feels good on the skin after being underground so long. He looks to see how Wreak handled the trip. "How you doing boy?" Stee will give him a good pat down and scratch under the chin. He will look to the others "You know I wouldn't mind having one of those chainmail shirts if y'all don't mind. You guys can have whatever you want and we can sell the rest."
Jan 30, 2025 10:51 pm
You're claiming it first. Which chainmail are you taking Reboubt or Toughness? Your choice.
I am going to assume the artifacts are sold. Each tablet is worth 500gp and the scrolls are worth 250 gp each, for a total of 4250gp. That means each of you (Stee and Oliver) gets 1063gp and Grin and Ealdwig get 1062gp.

Grin is taking the Regiment Bottle.
Ealdwig is taking the Short Sword of Cleaving and the ancient coins (he doesn't want to sell them).
Brewner will take one leftover thing, too, before you left.
Stee currently has one of the chain shirts and the Orb of Paralyzation.
Oliver has the Quartermaster's Backpack

That leaves the following magic items:
- Ring of Magic
- Scroll of Thorns
- Amulet of Rebirth
- Pendant of Insightfulness

So, unless you have an other idea, how about Oliver getting the Ring and Scroll, while Stee gets either the Amulet or Pendant. That gives you each two, with each having a additional single-use item. I'll then give Brewner the other chain shirt and Grin whichever of the Amulet or Pendant Stee doesn't want.

For the money, we'll assume Brewner kept the random accumulation you had found before you left and the proceeds of the artifacts will be split four ways.
Jan 30, 2025 11:41 pm
Is there a place to look them up so I can see the benefits of each shirt? I will also take the Amulet of Rebirth.
Jan 31, 2025 5:09 am
The Chain Shirt of Redoubt gives you Advantage on Save Tests while wearing it.

The Chain Shirt of Toughness gives you +2 HP while wearing it. (This isn't an HP reduction; it is an actual bonus to your HP. Just don't take it off if you are reduced to 1 or 2 HP!)

Actually, if you have Armored Proficiency, plus the Chain Shirt of Toughness and the Amulet of Rebirth, you'll be extremely difficult to kill! But that's kinda overkill (pun intended), too. :-)
Jan 31, 2025 7:27 am
Thanks for saving me the reading through the effects again. Yes, I fully agree with this. Magical thingies go brrrr
Jan 31, 2025 12:49 pm
I will go with the Chain Shirt of Toughness then.
Jan 31, 2025 10:04 pm
Cool! That means we got everything divvied up and we're good to go!
You all spend the day splitting up the magic items, selling the loot, catching up on the local goings on. You check in on the Clerk, who awards you 100gp each for the map you returned with. It is very informative and could prove useful in the future for further expeditions or for other adventurers to work with.
Let me know if there is anything in particular you want to accomplish.

Be sure that you each have at least 1163gp in funds on your character sheet. Don't forget to add your new toys to your character sheet, too. Also, if there is anything you want to buy, just say so.
After a good nights sleep in the barracks, Ealdwig wishes for the group to go visit the Manor. He wants to see his friends again and thinks it would make a good group trip. Fiznik wants to check on the Matrix Node, so he accompanies you down to and sends you on your way to the Manor. On the way down, Fiznik talks with Oliver, commenting on his burgeoning magical abilities. "Spend some time with Skeeve while you are at the manor. He should be able to teach you how to use the Matrix Nodes. In return for the Brahdhavehl pattern, here is a Gem that can trigger a Node once you have arranged the pattern. Eventually, you won't need it, but it gives you options before then." He also makes sure that Oliver has the patterns for the New Paphos and Manor Nodes.
We'll finish up here with anything you want to do before hitting the Manor. I'll join both groups in the Manor topic in a day or so.
Jan 31, 2025 11:06 pm
Oliver takes the opportunity to go shopping at Fiznik and Valpip's and see whether they have interesting stuff in stock, and also to buy herbs and minerals for alchemy conconctions.
There are some river plants I would need to be able to make another batch of DeepShade, and some minerals and plant extracts for some Corrossive Agent. Plus, Oliver supposedly negotiated in Brahdhavel for a couple of recipes --still to be decided--, but he will most certainly get ingredients for those too, if available. If some ingredient is not available to buy, he'll be delighted to use the QuarterMaster Backpack for the first time, and at the very least learn how to get it later on.
Edit: I recall there was a post for Valpip's store... But it's not easy to find. I'll keep on looking.

Edit 2: Found it:
Last edited January 31, 2025 11:14 pm



Feb 3, 2025 11:41 pm
The next day you all (including Ealdwig and Grin) gather together and head down to the Matrix Node with Fiznik. "I need to check on how things are progressing anyway, so this works out well," he said when he told you he could take you down to send you to the Manor.

After the hour long trip, you find yourselves standing on the Matrix Node while Fiznik has a brief conversation with someone you can't see. The next thing you know, you are now in the basement of the Manor.
The story continues HERE.

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