New Paphos (The Base)

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Oct 6, 2024 11:00 pm
Check tiny info sheet "stores" for local magic
If you want something mundane and can not find it in the stores just ask

So, the plan is to head to the plaza with the invitation? I will move you that way tomorrow
Oct 6, 2024 11:45 pm
We want to stop at the Residential district along the way, first. Skeeve wants to make sure he has that node "known", too, before getting to the goblins' remnant.

Also, we have no other goal than to get info, so we should be much more free to look around and check things out.

Before we go, we need to decide how we want to appear when we are there. When we went the first time, we wanted to be as "invisible" as possible. This time we shouldn't care. So, how innocuous do we want to try and be?

Also, is there some kind of minor token Skeeve can show that will prove that we really are from the Expedition? I mean we'll need to make sure that such identification won't get us killed, but if we are going to try and establish a more official contact, we should have a way to show we are legitimate.
Also, if someone wants to join us, they are more than welcome!
Oct 7, 2024 5:01 am
I agree with Skeeve. But before leaving, I'm not sure our position in relation to being 'agents of a citizen ' of New Paphos. Did Lady Alagondar finally granted us those titles?
Oct 7, 2024 1:46 pm
The expedition works out with the Lady that allows them to empower agents directly. As long as you are in the service of the expedition you are now recognized by some of the city magics and wil have limited access. Valpip has workd with Fiznik to craft badges that will assist with activating and interfacing with the known systems.

After a few days of rest and the expedition getting things organized you set out.

Date&Time(Alpha): 35@08:00
Story continues HERE
Dec 5, 2024 1:34 am
Story continues from HERE
Dec 5, 2024 1:39 am
Your arrival back in town is only remarkable due to you tattered and panicked state but you quickly settle yourselves, glad to be out of that mess.
Dec 5, 2024 3:05 pm
You clean yourselves up and get healed before a guard tells you the administrator is looking to hear your report.

Dec 6, 2024 5:18 pm
After thanking the guard Aizashi turns to the others with a small smile and a sigh hmm, no rest for the wicked, huh?
Dec 6, 2024 6:06 pm
well, lets think. The 100 foot plus dragon flew over and smashed into the Remnant, something no one else has done , and you returned all battered and disheveled. Yes the local administrator is a bit curious to know went on :)
Dec 7, 2024 10:19 am
pish posh ;)
But I'd say I can understand them.
Dec 7, 2024 3:24 pm
"it appears not. Let's get moving and give our report."

Phlan (Head Administrator)


Dec 7, 2024 4:22 pm
You move to the administrators office and the young secretary has you wait a moment before escorting you in.

Phlan (Head Administrator)
Looking up from his neat desk the local administrator/mayor sighs as he scans you, noting your condition. I do hope you have not antagonized our neighbors.
While we have strengthened our defenses I doubt we could hold out against an organized assault.
Dec 7, 2024 11:45 pm
"As it turns out, no we have not. We did not cause the problems and we were not able to take advantage of the conflict, so almost no one knows we were there, and anyone we interacted with didn't know who we were."

He then describes the auction and attack by the dragon. And describes the group that got away with the orb. He explains that once they left, the dragon started to rage and we didn't stick around to see what else was going to happen. We're not going to take on a dragon that powerful. He encourages the others to add in any details he missed. (For example, he skips the whole bar fight.)

"We were basically just observers."
Dec 8, 2024 2:08 pm
Arc, at last recovered from the fear spell, nods and supports Skeeve tale. "We were observers."

Phlan (Head Administrator)


Dec 8, 2024 6:18 pm
Phlan (Head Administrator)
Hmm. . . . This is most concerning. The other forces are obviously involved in some power struggle we are not a part of. And to be honest I would prefer it remain that way. I would like to be kept apprised of any news or events like this though so will arrange a bounty for such things. See the clerk later, after you clean up and eat, for your portion of this. I do thank you.

Perhaps going forwards we should focus on strengthening our defenses and gathering information. You say that there were other human and various races other than the main factions. It seems the popularity of this area is increasing but this should allow you to blend it better with the other mercenary individuals and squads, but I will leave that to your judgement.

I will confer with the other council members and arrange additional tasks to place on the bounty board for you and other groups in the future. As you have proven time and again your resourcefulness and willingness to face danger you may be the first to recognize opportunities as they arise feel free to make suggestions to the clerk on possible points for us to investigate when you collect your reward. However I should note that any effort you take on your own without a set reward may earn you less than if we have time to evaluate its potential impact on uts
Dec 8, 2024 6:21 pm
Leaving the office with the promise of future rewards you retire to the cantina, which has a shared bathing room with warm water and soap along with a laundry service, to relax and recover. Later that day you recover a bounty of 50 Gp each for the information and as thanks for your willingness to enter the obviously dangerous situation.
That pretty much wraps it up for me. Thanks for the interest in my game. I will be sticking around a bit longer but will be handing off things to @daryen
Dec 8, 2024 9:31 pm
So, @Cathamber, @ChrSch, and @MoyenBateau, this wrapped faster than the other threads. Obviously, I can't run Skeeve as the GM, and the other two groups haven't quite wrapped up yet. Would you be up for a side adventure that shouldn't take too long? I have an idea for a little something at the Manor.
Dec 9, 2024 4:31 am
Thanks Psybermagi!! I enjoyed it a lot!!

Daryen, we will miss Skeeve, but we understand. Hopefully he will remain as NPC somewhere we can visit from time to time. And, yes! Arc is willing to do some short adventuring.
Arc goes to take a much needed bath, and the waits for the rest at the canteen.
Psybermagi, there seems to be a bug, Arc GP disappeared! I remember he used around half of what he had in the invisibility potion, but now his PC sheet says 0.
Last edited December 9, 2024 4:34 am
Dec 9, 2024 5:26 am
I have not looked at your sheets for a while so am not sure what to say.
Careful when you edit? I have heard others mention character sheet glitches but not seen it myself.
Best resolution is to compare with what others got recently and recreate lost data. To be honest I do not worry/track money too much in my game but you should work it out with daryen.

Added latest encounter XP to characters.
Kaarick has enough XP for another trait now
Dec 9, 2024 7:17 pm
I will post a lead-in tomorrow for a short adventure.
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