New Paphos (The Base)

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May 15, 2024 2:42 am
Before everyone sets out, Skeeve says to Ealdwig, "Good luck delving into the Underdark! I know the others will guide you well. I looks forward to hearing the tales you tell when we see each other again after you get back."
Saw your answer on the poll and wanted Skeeve to say goodbye and good luck before everyone splits up.
May 15, 2024 2:50 am
Woohoo! Very exciting! I’m going to hold off on the whip training since I don’t want to spend too much XP.

Do we pick up the crystal devices now? At least the first batch of communication devices?

Looking forward to delving deeply!
Grin bids farewell to Skeeve and the Explorers, joins up with the Underdarkers for a final equipment check. Right, does everyone have your special friendship signal whistle? He holds up three whistles, passing them out to anyone who doesn’t already have one. They are ordinary signal whistles. Maybe we should count off?…
Co-GM - should we all get climbing kits?
Last edited May 15, 2024 2:53 am
May 15, 2024 2:55 am
Yes, that would be a good idea, as that will make it way easier to get started.
May 15, 2024 2:58 am
okay, cool. I have 100g set aside for 4 of the communicators if they’re ready to buy now. Then I can loan some cash to folks for climbing kits if they need.
May 15, 2024 2:59 am
After butchering his first lesson with Arc bow training, Ealdwig runs into Skeeve on his way back from the training grounds. Oh hey, yeah thanks. Same to you. I figured I'd check out something a little different. Wait, whatdya mean? You're not coming?! Where are you heading? Ealdwig is surprised by this. He just assumed everyone was going together.

Feeling a little saddened, by losing Blornvid and Skeeve his most trusted compatriots in the same week, well brother, we'll meet back here again soon and go on the next mission together, if I make it out of those caves alive. Ealdwig smiles at his poor joke. Without your healing powers, you never know. Shrugging, might be short trip.

As they part, Ealdwig looks back I've got all week to try and change your mind and come with us. He smiles and turns walking away, ONTO A NEW ADVENTURE! He pumps his little fist in the air, like Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club.
Thought it might be cool to try something a little different. I haven't been playing RPGs all that long (maybe 5 years) but, I've never been to the underdark so I figured I'd give it a shot. You should reconsider, come down and try to kill, um I mean map, stuff.
May 15, 2024 3:02 am
Alright looks like everyone posted. The two newcomers said they had no preference and Ealdwig swapped groups so This will be the groups for the next adventure

DM : Psybermagi
Skeeve, Kaarik, Arc, and Aizashi

DM : daryen
Grin, Oliver, Brewner, Ealdwig, and Felix

Ealdwigs acrobatic pole and rope caster should come in handy!
May 15, 2024 4:35 am
Skeeve, Kaarik, Arc, and Aizashi when you are done interacting with the others go ahead and move over to the Reclaiming Paphos thread
May 15, 2024 8:16 am
Aizashi spends the week of down time to get familiar with the surroundings and his new compatriots and tries to figure out if he needs any specialized equipment.
May 15, 2024 8:21 am
After a few days, just before leaving the Base Arc spots Ealdwig Hi Eald! I heard you are going below, good luck with that! And don't stop practicing the bow techniques I taught you. Remember to focus on your target, keep your right forearm aligned with the arrow, and let it loose as relaxed as you can. And only use good arrows, the really straight ones.

Afterwards Arc looks for Sleeve, Kaarik and Aizashi to start their next journey. He probably 'saved' Kaarik from Fiznik's next repetitive task, and found Aizashi punching some training dummies at the training grounds. Most probably Skeeve found them before they found him... I wonder what news have he found about the matrix...

Let's find Lady Alagondar and get the details of the next mission
May 15, 2024 11:30 am
Before they leave, Skeeve gives Ealdwig a gem. "This gem is single-use. If you find a Matrix Node down in the Underdark, use this gem to trigger it. It will set the pattern to what you need to get back here, and will activate it. It can't take you anywhere else.

Don't lose it! If you do, I'll owe Fiznik a chunk of gold."

EDIT: Skeeve also turns in his loaned gem of spell storing and tablet to Fiznik and Valpip.
I have removed the items from my player sheet.
May 15, 2024 12:34 pm
@Nuttyartist - Does Felix need to borrow some cash for a climbing kit?

And do we need to ask the Expedition if there is gear they can loan out to us?
Last edited May 15, 2024 6:32 pm
May 15, 2024 5:21 pm
Ealdwig spends the whole week practicing with Arc on his bow skills. It hasn't helped much. Wow, I am pretty useless with this thing. Hopefully in the caverns there won't be much call for it.

Arc, thanks for the time and tips. I'll keep practicing. I'll get it sooner or later. Sure you don't want to reconsider and head to the Underdark with us? It'll be a pretty great adventure.

daryen says:
Before they leave, Skeeve gives Ealdwig a gem. "This gem is single-use. If you find a Matrix Node down in the Underdark, use this gem to trigger it. It will set the pattern to what you need to get back here, and will activate it. It can't take you anywhere else.

Don't lose it! If you do, I'll owe Fiznik a chunk of gold."
Thanks Skeeve! Sure you don't need it? Ealdwig tries to hand back the gem. Then he looks through is bag, I've still got the Homunculus, think you'll need it? Ealdwig pulls it out and holds it out to Skeeve.

I think that rope caster you gave me, Ealdwig cocks his head and scrunches up his face a little. You've gotten yourself a ton of magic items since you've been here, haven't you? I think you've given me 3 or 4 already. Do you want them back? Well except for this rope caster. That I think I am going to need on the next mission. If I shoot it across a cavern or up a cliff and use it to climb, right? How long is the rope, do you remember? I'll return it when I get back.

Ealdwig pulls off the rope necklace and charm Guflis sold him and thrusts it into Skeeves hands. See you when I get back. Hopefully, you'll be here too. Ealdwig walks away heading to the shop to grab any last minute supplies he needs.
May 15, 2024 6:35 pm
Also, there are some magic items still up for grabs (only the top two weapons are still available - 200GP each).

We need to sort out the crystal devices and also any magic items the expedition has that we can use? Maybe Felix can hold onto one or two of those?
Fiznik’s store
May 15, 2024 7:29 pm
What they have to loan, is what you know about:
- The Scroll Case for auto-mapping (which Brewner now holds).
- The Spider Silk for laying down a way to hopefully get out of a maze.
- The Echo Amulet; make a sound and find out how big a room/cavern is.
- Unmovable Pole, which can extend from 3-8 feet, turn into a ladder, or "lock" itself into place spatially, even unsupported in mid-air.
Those are the loaners.

So, if Felix wants, he can take any one of the Spider Silk, Echo Amulet, or Unmovable Pole.
May 15, 2024 7:42 pm
I have 6 gold. Is that enough for climbing gear? If so I'll gear up for the trip down under.

The echo amulet seems funny, so Felix could take that.

Maybe his family spade will come in handy if any openings need widening?
May 15, 2024 7:43 pm
Oh, and don't forget that you can get any minor potion for 50GP. The main two being Healing (heals 2 HP instantly) and Antitoxin (either removes a current poison effect, or gives Advantage against poison for the next couple of minutes). There are other kinds of common potions like Levitation, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Comprehend Languages, Enlarge Person, Haste, Feather Fall, Jump, and Reduce Person.
May 15, 2024 7:46 pm
Nuttyartist says:
I have 6 gold. Is that enough for climbing gear? If so I'll gear up for the trip down under.

The echo amulet seems funny, so Felix could take that.

Maybe his family spade will come in handy if any openings need widening?
No, it's not enough. However, Grin has already offered to spot you the Climbing Kit, so you'll be good.

And, yes, I can see where the shovel can come in handy. We'll see.

I will add the Echo Amulet to your character sheet.
May 15, 2024 8:14 pm
I'll need to acquire lantern oil, not sure how much that is. Also thinking of adding the health potion and antitoxin. Seems like with the rope caster and acrobat pole that I won't need a climbing kit. Redundant is the word that was used.
Last edited May 15, 2024 8:15 pm
May 15, 2024 8:26 pm
I can spot Felix on a climbing kit, @Nuttyartist (put one in his inventory and I’ll take 25g out of mine - we’ll sort it out when we’re back in town).

Lantern oil is either 1sp (alchemy shop) or 1gp…

I have two Health Pots and one Antitoxin already, but more won’t hurt. I also have a healing kit. Not sure if that’s useable by me?

Biggest thing for me is, should I spend 100gp on the crystal communicators now or are they not ready yet? These would be the ones with the medium crystals (4 of them).

Grin is happy to hold the spider silk or the pole, but he’s kind of small and already has a lot of gear :)
Others feel free to jump in on those. Brewner? Oliver? Ealdwig?
Last edited May 15, 2024 9:29 pm
May 15, 2024 8:37 pm
I'm also kind of small and may be weighted down already. Although both items do sound helpful in the Underdark. How much can a spider silk weigh?
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