New Paphos (The Base)

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May 16, 2024 3:51 pm
Psybermagi says:
Cool, thanks! Maybe when he gets back from this next trip.
May 16, 2024 4:06 pm
Ealdwig collects the communicator devices. He finds Arc and gives him his. Good luck on your journey. It's good to know you Arc. I assume we'll see eachother soon. I appreciate the help with the bow. I am not sure it's for me though. I can't seem to figure it out. I'll keep working on it.

As Ealdwig walks away, when he gets about 50 feet away, he shouts BOO! into the communication device. Trying to give Arc a small freight. He smiles and giggles as Arc jumps a little.
I assume Arc head it and wasn't expecting it.
May 16, 2024 4:19 pm
You know what? Reading things here, I see that Valpip made seven of the devices. Grin took and paid for four of them. Ealdwig took and paid for two of them. That leaves Valpip with one remaining. So, Skeeve will go buy the last one and make sure it works with Arc's. That way Arc's isn't useless and gives them above-ground team at least two of the devices to work with for now.

Also, I am assuming that after playing his prank Ealdwig makes sure his remaining device is connected to the four Grin got so that he can actually use it to communicate with the rest of the group.
May 16, 2024 5:00 pm
Grin gleefully plays with his Communicator, silently transmitting words, simple concepts and impressions, and practicing the function of alerting other users of his approximate location.
As I understand it, we aren’t really speaking or listening to these, correct? It’s more of a mental communication?
Last edited May 16, 2024 5:00 pm
May 16, 2024 5:18 pm
Indeed Ealdwig, Arc didn't expect any boo coming from the damn rock, and was startled by it a bit more than what he is comfortable admitting. But he recovers quickly to turn around and smile back. Somehow, he is confident that they will meet again soon.
Walking away, he waves a hand, both thanking for the crystal and meaning 'see you soon' (or maybe 'don't get killed').

A while later, Arc sits with Skeeve to make sure both crystals a working properly. He is tempted to return the prank to Ealdwig, but decides it is too soon... some other time maybe. Then he hears someone transmitting random words, concepts and locations and answers with a numbers countdown (from 10 to 1) looking at the central grounds of the Base.
Last edited May 16, 2024 5:29 pm
May 16, 2024 8:55 pm
When the Underdark team is ready to start, the adventure starts here.
May 16, 2024 10:17 pm
Felix was feeling a little confused about what he had signed up for….and which of the tavern patrons were coming along.

No doubt it’ll sort itself out. This headlamp device will be handy underground, no doubt. Did you ever have anything as awesome as a Head-Light Florial? Bet you didn’t.

Felix had found an outdoor patio with some small tables and chairs. One of the servers from the Tavern….or maybe it was the bar - Felix wasn’t sure - was within earshot and could bring him cool beverages and little toasted nibbles. So there he sat, feet up on an adjacent chair, dozing off from time to time.

Someone bumped his legs to wake him up, and dropped off some climbing gear. Ooh good, sounded like this would be important. That harness looks a bit snug….and these thingies are…carabingers??

Later on in the week, when he was a bit deeper in the chair with some dried ale on his cheek, another item was dropped off. A small crystal.
Fank you. It’s a communication thingie you say? "Hellloooo, this is Felix. If you can hear thisssss….your mom says hi."

I guess we’ll see if it works.

When he looked up he was alone again.

An strange voice spoke into his right ear. You need a hobby Felix. This is embarrassing

Felix didn’t flinch, just replied Aww Florial, that’s sweet….I have a hobby, youuuuu’re my hobby bobby
Apologies for being a bit silly, and if I messed up any actual rp stuff.
Last edited May 16, 2024 10:19 pm
May 16, 2024 10:53 pm
Nope, you're doing fine!
May 16, 2024 10:58 pm
@Nuttyartist : No worries. Most games & players have a flow to them that you learn with time. your group is heading down into the extnsive cavern. Follow this LINK to mov einto your next story arc
May 16, 2024 11:01 pm
Psybermagi says:
@Nuttyartist : No worries. Most games & players have a flow to them that you learn with time. your group is heading down into the extnsive cavern. Follow this LINK to mov einto your next story arc
Thanks, i did see it and understand, but felt like I needed to post something else here for Felix, to show a little of his downtime "activities ".
May 16, 2024 11:06 pm
awesome! Love the flavor!
Jun 10, 2024 3:06 pm
Continuing from Reclaiming Paphos
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@14:45
Jun 10, 2024 3:09 pm
Taking the information to the clerk he listens to your report and quickly ushers you into meet with Phlan and then rushes of to fetch Lady Alagondar

Phlan (Head Administrator)


Jun 10, 2024 3:20 pm
Phlan (Head Administrator)

This is everywhere work. I will have it give over but it looks like we should be able to follow these write easily and gain at least partial access to the cities infrastructure within a week.
let me know all the questions and desires up front so I can do summarize all the replies tonight.
Jun 10, 2024 4:21 pm
What Skeeve wants to do is become a citizen so he can more freely travel among the locations without having to get help each time. (He wants to be the one helping, not the one begging each time.) That's kinda his more immediate goal because of its ridiculous utility.

As an aside, does the Docks have one or more of those local Nodes? If so, he'll ask the Lady if she can authorize him for just the Nodes. I can roleplay out the interaction and request if you want.
"That is awesome. I just ask that when you do get access that you include us as citizens so we can move around more easily and do more exploring."

He will also tell Phlan that the castle seems to have changed hands from orcs to giants, and that things are going down at the goblin's Remnant. It would be good if we had any goblins, kobolds, lizardmen, or orcs that work for him that could go integrate with the Remnant and keep up with what is going on.
Jun 10, 2024 8:10 pm
Aizashi is a little surprised at how easy it all seemed. He turns to his seniors to ask them.
"Is out goal for this endeavour reached? What shall we do next?"
Jun 11, 2024 4:23 am
"We still have to retrieve the item requested by Lady Alagondar."
We have two fetch quests, but only did one of them. We still need to do the other. It'll be cool because we will be going to a different contested Remnant that we need more info on anyway. It is just that Skeeve thought that this scroll was important enough to deliver to the Administrator before doing the other fetch quest. But now we're on to that other Remnant.
Jun 11, 2024 5:08 am
[ +- ] Citzenship
The clerk points out that Garic, a goblin adventurer, has been with the expedition quite some time now and could likely scout the goblin held Plaza Remnant.
Lady Alagondar's request and the parties first scouting of that area
Map added to Info Sheet under "Adventure & Tile Maps" / "Merchant Quarters Map"
Jun 11, 2024 5:55 am
"I would propose to first retrieve the item for Lady Alagondar and then go to talk to Garic to explain him what's going on in the plaza and maybe know more about this boss of theirs."
Jun 11, 2024 11:25 am
I also think we shuld now focus on Lady Alagondar's request.
Arc also want residence. He already wanted to buy some property, preferably in the resiencial district, but he is not sure how much could that cost. Please let me know whenever is a good time to role play that.
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