New Paphos (The Base)

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May 15, 2024 8:40 pm
who has the helm Ander used?
It was essentially a head lamp. Very useful in the dark
May 15, 2024 9:27 pm
not sure what happened to that? Maybe Ealdwig could take that? Then Brewner could take the silk and Oliver the pole?

I bought Ishzu’s tent and picked up a couple magic items already, so I’m okay passing on these ones for now.
Last edited May 15, 2024 9:31 pm
May 15, 2024 10:16 pm
Honestly, I forgot about Ander's helm. That means I had left it with him, which means it would have automatically been reclaimed for reuse.

So ... it is also available. I doubt Ealdwig is interested in a helm, though he might be interested in the silk thread. But, yes, the helm would be very useful to take along.

EDIT: Heh. I made the above comment before I read Arkmenos' post. The spool of thread is small and magical. It won't affect Ealdwig's encumbrance.

The general rule is only one item borrowed per person. (Even though Skeeve did break that "rule", so it isn't hard-n-fast.) So, Brewner already has the scroll case. Maybe Felix will want to take the helm instead of the amulet and let someone else take the amulet? Don't know. Just spit-ballin' here.
May 15, 2024 10:39 pm
as long as the helm doesn’t interfere with his mask, Grin can take that. He tends to stand back in a fight and shoot his crossbow, so he can be a spotlight for the melee characters.

Are we playing with encumbrance? lol… I don’t think Grin could survive with encumbrance.

I think Ealdwig and Felix don’t have signal whistles (not that you need them, but Grin gifted you each one).

Also, what’s the deal with the crystal communicators?
Last edited May 16, 2024 12:07 am
May 15, 2024 11:52 pm
Honestly, I thought you'd waited long enough to get them. So, unless Psybermagi points out something I'm missing, I think they will be ready.

And I'm not really keeping track of encumbrance. Just what individuals are doing for their character concept and guarding against the egregious.
May 15, 2024 11:58 pm
Awesome. Unless it already exists, I’ll use Psybermagi’s descriptions of the communicators to create a draft description of them and settle the "bill" for them. I think I’ll get rid of some tools Grin is holding. He’s got too much gear for such a small guy.

We sell items at Cheap price and buy at normal, yes?
Last edited May 16, 2024 12:04 am
May 16, 2024 1:36 am
That works for me at the moment. I reserve the right to change my mind in the future.
May 16, 2024 2:02 am
Thanks for the climbing kit @Thunder_Lungz will pay you back……if I survive.

If I end up with the helmet light thing that’s ok too, (not asking for it), sounds like it would look funny, but suited, on Felix.
May 16, 2024 2:51 am
Nuttyartist says:
Thanks for the climbing kit Thunder_Lungz will pay you back……if I survive.

If I end up with the helmet light thing that’s ok too, (not asking for it), sounds like it would look funny, but suited, on Felix.
You’ll survive! We’re a bigger group and we have some strong characters. Happy to take the amulet and you take the helmet. We can look for the actual description of the helmet somewhere but for now, I think it’s basically like a headlamp. Maybe add it to your inventory with that descriptor.

So, then Ealdwig take the spider silk, @Bunt takes the pole, Felix takes the headlamp and I’ll take the amulet.

That leaves adding the communicator devices to our gear which the GMs will figure out.
Last edited May 16, 2024 3:04 am

Valpip (artificer)


May 16, 2024 3:18 am
Valpip (artificer)

At the end of the week Valpip hands over, at most, 7 communicators when you give him 25 gold for each. (5 underdark & 2 for the other team?) The devices are about the size of a large egg (2-3" flattened oblong) During the crafting he asked what form you would like them to take. They can be made to be belt buckles, amulets, broaches, etc. It will cost more to have the smith craft anything more elaborate or customized.
[ +- ] Psionic Resonance Communicators
These are minor magic and only do this much as they require the recipient to have one as well.
May 16, 2024 3:52 am
So you know I have a "chromacloth" it provides a few effects when used and light is one of them. So I can probably just use that. It's worn like a headband. I've also got a lantern.

I'll grab the silk it might help us find our way out of someplace. Could be useful.

I've already taken 50gp out of my character sheet for two of the communicators. FYI. I paid for mine and Arc's at the time I dropped them off. If we have enough and Skeeves group doesn't have enough I'll let Skeeve borrow mine and Arc can take his.

I've added the antitoxin, healing potion and lantern oil to my character sheet and dropped 100gp and 1sp.

Does anyone have the explanation of the silk, so I can add it to the sheet? Skeeve, does the gem you provided me count as one borrowed item, if so I am at the max then.
Last edited May 16, 2024 3:54 am
May 16, 2024 4:05 am
Infinite Spider Silk
This spool of spiders silk can be unraveled in a never ending thread. The thread can easily be burning it but is resistant to being split by physical means. The tiny thread is hard to notice and handle without the use of the spool. Any thread ignited is consumed as the embers work their way up at a rate of 5 feet a second but are extinguished if they reach the spool
May 16, 2024 4:18 am
Grin will buy four communicators, distributing one each to Oliver, Brewner and Felix.
If one of the Explorer group wants to buy the last one, they’ll have two.

Grin’s will be in the form of a broach that he’ll pin to his collar
[ +- ] Psionic Resonance Communicator
Last edited May 16, 2024 4:51 am
May 16, 2024 6:57 am
"Thank you, Grinfletch, your ingenuity never ceases to amaze me"
I don't want to spend more money, Brewner is ready to go, with the equipment he have.
May 16, 2024 8:57 am
Alright! Three comments/questions/thingies from my end:

1) Added the borrowed pole to my inventory. That thing is going to be incredibly useful. Quick question: if you immobilize the pole while you're in a moving wagon, does the pole stay behind the wagon or move with it? Not trying to do any murderous shenanigans (for which there are plenty of memes), I just want to know what to expect.

2) Regarding money, Oliver still has a bit of spare coin (69gp). Anyone need another climber kit or stuff, feel free to ask. Otherwise might leave it unspent, buy a potion, or buy ingredients at the herborium (if there is one).

3) Regarding how we spend time in these days, as I said, Oliver will try to get a few alchemy ingredients from the riverbank, to concoct one of the fae witch's recipes (either the acid or sleep potion). I guess we could summarize that with an alchemy roll. If we're going straight to action instead, that's okay too, I'm saying this assuming that everyone gets a chance to do some task during these days.
May 16, 2024 11:21 am
yeah, I also wonder about the downtime. I really don’t want to spend XP. But if there’s anything I can do to gain some XP during the downtime?
May 16, 2024 2:58 pm
Grin got four communicators; Ealdwig got two. So, you should all be set for communication going down. I recommend Ealdwig just keep his two, since he needs one and having a spare is not a bad idea.

Psybermagi is working on the downtime rules in the OOC thread, so check that there. But, no, you can't really gain XP through downtime. You need to Adventure! to get XP. Downtime is when you spend your XP or gain some piece of knowledge that doesn't require XP.

1) I would rule that the pole "locks" to the world, not some minor piece within it. So, depending on where you activate it in the wagon and how fast the wagon is going, interesting things would happen.

2) That's more of a player thing. I think you are all good for now, though.

3) The way Skeeve's rune or talisman creation works is that he buys the components and rolls the dice. Success means he gets his rune/talisman; failure means he doesn't. Either way, the components are spent. I see no reason not to just use that mechanic for Oliver's alchemical creations. I'm not sure how hard @Psybermagi wanted to make the potion creation, but most stuff like that is deciding on the scale of what you can create, then deciding on the cost for creation. @Psybermagi, have you thought through how you want that to work? I am assuming we should just be able to blatantly copy Scroll Reader/Scroll Writer in concept.
May 16, 2024 3:07 pm

1 agreed. Ex if activated while falling it will stop dead. It is on or off. Good luck holding on

3. sounds fine. I usually like to make each have it's open flair. Ex alchemy child be easier to create biological effects that enhance/heal creatures, potions and the like, while runes might be better at laws of physics and the like.
But that's mostly flavor. Tell daryen what you want to try making and buy the ingredients and roll
May 16, 2024 3:42 pm
Can Grin buy a potion of Beast Speech or something?
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