New Paphos (The Base)

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Mar 15, 2024 3:38 pm
Canoes seat 3 comfortably but 4 can do in a pinch while the rowboat can hold 10. They can take you for free but then you have to wait on them to return, which they only do at morning, noon, and dusk.
Mar 15, 2024 3:53 pm
Kaarik puts 5 gp on the table.

I agree that the canoes are the most flexible option. Let's buy them, if we like them we might not even need to sell them back.
I also buy a normal healing potion.
Mar 15, 2024 4:10 pm
We have seven people. How large is everyone? If we put the bigger three in one canoe and the other four in the other canoe, we should be good to go. Ealdwig is small; he should be able to be the "extra" in whichever one. But, if the boat should be safe on the shore, I suppose we could just take the rowboat and be done with it.

Also, is there a dock there that the hobs ignore? Or is it just row onto the beach and drag it up? If it is the latter, do we have to worry about someone trying to steal or take the boat? Just trying to avoid blowing 30 gp.

Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)


Mar 15, 2024 4:23 pm
Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)

There are no docks on the north shore. Luckily the Tower is just about north of us and the hobgoblins bases are in the Remnants to the west of the tower. They have patrols out but if they get to thin then the orcs try to pick them off.
[ +- ] map
Mar 15, 2024 4:30 pm
Vaun looked at Barley and smiled. "No problem, we will take the canoes then. Here is my share." He gave 5 gold to the group in order to rent the canoes.
Mar 15, 2024 5:53 pm
Blornvid puts in 5 gp. "The canoes are a better option in my opinion. Easier to move or hide, and if we lose one, we've got a spare that can make trips back and forth or to go for help."

Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)


Mar 15, 2024 6:10 pm
Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)

Right, good luck. Remember you break it you bought it and he laughs as he walks off. A couple dock hands help you get the canoes into the water and you board the craft. Paddling up stream is hard work but you stay by the shore where the current is not as strong and make your way upriver of the tower before crossing so that the current from the western fork of the river does not push you back into the middle of the NE river current.

You find a bank on the river where you can land with nearby cover for the canoes. From this location you notice that the tower looks even taller than what you expected seeing it from the base.
Story continues in the Infinite Tower thread
Apr 26, 2024 2:25 pm
Triumphant Return of the Crystal Hunters
Apr 26, 2024 2:25 pm
The group brings the crystal all the way back up to the settlement and go to see Fiznik. He grunts at the group's reappearance with the crystal and listens to their story and request for help. He looks at them sternly, and says, "Valpip and I will help with the crystal, but we will require a full share each for our efforts." After getting his agreement (because, really, what else are you going to do? 😈), he immediately goes to a shelf full of scrolls and shuffles through them, pulling out two. Returning, he reads the scrolls using a language none of you recognize, one at a time.

After each scroll is read, a rune appears on the crystal. With the application of the first rune, the party feels the presence of the crystal suddenly disappear. Without realizing it, the party had just grown used to the mental "noise" and its sudden removal came as a surprise, but certainly not an unwelcome one! Ishzu especially feels both the presence of the crystal closed off, and the relief of that the strongest. The second rune has no further effect, but Fiznik says it will reinforce the first one and protect it.

Oliver asks his questions about the crystal and Fiznik says, "I did some research while you were retrieving it. Honestly, I didn't expect you to bring it back whole. But, I wanted to know if the goblins being affected by it would be a cause for future concern. Based on your reports, yes, it could have, but it would have taken a long time considering the inexperience of the apprentice. The crystal itself will never develop intelligence itself. Or at least, not like we would think of it. Ishzu here, while also crystalline, is completely different that this crystal and it can never develop individual intelligence like that. Instead, it is more of a catalyst. It will cause effects to those around it.

"If there is a psionic or magical user who can can control of the crystal, like the goblin apprentice or Ishzu were, then that person can use it to mentally dominate those that are not psionic or magical. The goblin was crude in her efforts, and was completely dominating her subjects. With more refinement, she could have directed them instead, giving her less direct control, but more influence and freedom to expand her control. But she didn't have the experience to understand that.

"Without that type of control, it will instead facilitate something around it, tie them together, and slowly, over time, unify them into a single consciousness. The more intelligent the group of creatures affected, the faster the transformation. So, with the spiders, it would have taken years, maybe decades, but they could have developed a sentient 'hive mind'. If you plopped this in the middle of the pink slime, it could take a century. With already intelligent people and no controller, I am not sure. But I also have no desire to experiment to find out!

"As a result, I recommend that we carefully break this up. We'll get multiple pieces of various sizes, and what we can do with the resulting shards and crystals is pretty impressive. We can go over the options when we see what pieces we are able to get out of it. I'll get together with Valpip and we'll get it broken apart in a day or so."
Assuming no objections, he ushers you all out of his workshop, leaves the crystal there, and goes off to talk with Valpip.
Wow. That was longer than expected! But then Fiznik loves to pontificate to a captured audience! Please let me know if you have any other questions for Fiznik or if you object to the plan. Once this is confirmed, we can go over the options and get your ideas. Then we can get you headed out to your next adventure!
Apr 26, 2024 2:31 pm
sounds great! You put a lot of thought into this! I appreciate the detail!
Grin is happy with Fiznik’s assessment and stocks up on consumables…specifically, he spends a great deal of time consuming food and resting with his comrades and the regulars at the tavern.

He is very excited to see what comes about as a result of the crystal pieces. He also puts aside time to plan their next steps with the other party members - specifically Brewner and Oliver.

Well, lads, what do you think about our next steps? Should we delve deeper into the underdark? And if so, what do we need to be successful down there? Ishzu seems like he needs a good rest after the ordeal with the crystal and the goblins.
Oh, also, is there a new batch of magical items available for purchase?

AND, can you remind us about all that we’ve heard about the undiscovered underdark? I seem to recall something about a forest, an ocean, and a spider city.
Last edited Apr 26, 2024 2:48 pm
Apr 26, 2024 4:11 pm
I am academically satisfied with these explanations, both in character and out of it. You rock! (Pun intended)
Before any of them left Fiznik's office, Oliver spoke to the wizard.
"Right, Fiznik. I forgot to mention. We stroke a deal for goblin patrols to leave the pink slime cavern area alone. Is there a reward from the explorer association for that? Surely we wouldn't mind."

After a few minutes they were out (hopefully not kicked out), and Grin asked around what their plan would be.
"Yeah, that is right what I thought too. To delve deeper this time would be an interesting plan. It would be wise to plan this carefully and get ready to depart in a couple days. Some of us could definitely use a shower... or two."
Not directed at anyone in particular, though anyone is free to take the unspoken blame.
"Now that my crystal question was answered and that we know what to do with it, I plan to collect some plants and minerals, to concoct the recipes that the fae witch gave me that very first day. Remember that, Grin? It's about time to experiment with them. Should be fun! Gotta be careful with the acid, though. Sounds a tad like too much fun."
Apr 26, 2024 4:21 pm
"That is helpful. Go talk with the Clerk to see what he can do for you."
Just to tie off a thread here ...
Ander decides to join the guards for now. He thinks that he will be able to make more Heroic contributions above the ground, rather than deep, deep below it. Plus, since he is not a goblin-friend, he should be able to help keep the peace that way, too. He will cash out whatever crystal benefits he gets.
As an aside, I will work through what the crystal breaks into and what the cash options on it are over the weekend.
Apr 26, 2024 5:25 pm
Grinfletch holds out a hand to Ander. I will remember your bravery and valiant ways forever, good sir knight! And when we get back from our dangerous adventures, let’s share stories and some good food!

On their way to the clerk, Grin says: Good thinking, Olie - I’m eager to talk this through some more and gear up.

He lifts up his arms and gives his pit a good whiff… wow, that’s ripe! It’s to the baths for me later!

Actually, I was thinking, what if you made some more of those alcohol-locating vials? We could use them as waypoint markers as we make our way to the deeper caverns… chalk could do the same too, though.

Also, I noticed that the stores sold some sets of tools: something called navigator’s tools, cartographer’s supplies and a climbing kit. Not sure if those would come in handy. Will the magic map still work for us down there? I do have some climbing supplies already too - pitons, pulleys, rope… but if there are boats in the waters of the deep, maybe navigators tools would be useful?

I was also thinking that we could pick up some antitoxin and a tent or two? Actually, we can just use Ishzu’s tent as a sort of invisible base camp for us in the wild deep.
@daryen - did we get the adventuring supplies that were stolen by the goblins back from them?
Last edited Apr 26, 2024 5:30 pm
Apr 26, 2024 5:53 pm
Brewner shakes Anders hand "See you around mighty knight"

On the tavern with Grinfletch and Oliver with a big mug of ale in one hand and the other with turkey leg

"Underdark!? sounds dangerous. Does any one knows what dwells in those dark places"
Apr 26, 2024 5:54 pm
Nope. That was kinda lost in the shuffle. In fact, the goblins kinda forgot about it a bit. They'd eventually have to go back and get whatever they wanted, as they would have just left it back at the little ruin they teleported to.

Navigation tools would be pointless without a night sky.

Climbing tools would be *very* helpful. This isn't even an item, as the two people who saw the underground lake reported back on the climbing required to get down that initial drop. (In fact, since you don't have any flyers with you, you probably want some extra rope so it won't matter if you leave the initial ones behind.)

Yes, the map will still work down there.
Apr 26, 2024 6:02 pm
Ha! Navigator’s tools - what fool suggested that?!

Cool, thanks, co-GM!
Apr 28, 2024 11:55 pm
I have been heavily distracted this weekend. I will start framing up the next steps on Monday.
Apr 29, 2024 1:26 pm
We will likely have 2 groups on base at once. If/when this occurs please put in character actions and speaking in spoilers by location unless everyone is in one place
[ +- ] tavern
[ +- ] clerks office
Apr 29, 2024 1:37 pm
It’s a GM showdown - Two there should be. No more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it.
Apr 29, 2024 1:54 pm
LoL, dude we're not Sith. If you are implying we should act like them . . . That can be arranged 👿
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