The group brings the crystal all the way back up to the settlement and go to see Fiznik. He grunts at the group's reappearance with the crystal and listens to their story and request for help. He looks at them sternly, and says,
"Valpip and I will help with the crystal, but we will require a full share each for our efforts." After getting his agreement (because, really, what else are you going to do? 😈), he immediately goes to a shelf full of scrolls and shuffles through them, pulling out two. Returning, he reads the scrolls using a language none of you recognize, one at a time.
After each scroll is read, a rune appears on the crystal. With the application of the first rune, the party feels the presence of the crystal suddenly disappear. Without realizing it, the party had just grown used to the mental "noise" and its sudden removal came as a surprise, but certainly not an unwelcome one! Ishzu especially feels both the presence of the crystal closed off, and the relief of that the strongest. The second rune has no further effect, but Fiznik says it will reinforce the first one and protect it.
Oliver asks his questions about the crystal and Fiznik says,
"I did some research while you were retrieving it. Honestly, I didn't expect you to bring it back whole. But, I wanted to know if the goblins being affected by it would be a cause for future concern. Based on your reports, yes, it could have, but it would have taken a long time considering the inexperience of the apprentice. The crystal itself will never develop intelligence itself. Or at least, not like we would think of it. Ishzu here, while also crystalline, is completely different that this crystal and it can never develop individual intelligence like that. Instead, it is more of a catalyst. It will cause effects to those around it.
"If there is a psionic or magical user who can can control of the crystal, like the goblin apprentice or Ishzu were, then that person can use it to mentally dominate those that are not psionic or magical. The goblin was crude in her efforts, and was completely dominating her subjects. With more refinement, she could have directed them instead, giving her less direct control, but more influence and freedom to expand her control. But she didn't have the experience to understand that.
"Without that type of control, it will instead facilitate something around it, tie them together, and slowly, over time, unify them into a single consciousness. The more intelligent the group of creatures affected, the faster the transformation. So, with the spiders, it would have taken years, maybe decades, but they could have developed a sentient 'hive mind'. If you plopped this in the middle of the pink slime, it could take a century. With already intelligent people and no controller, I am not sure. But I also have no desire to experiment to find out!
"As a result, I recommend that we carefully break this up. We'll get multiple pieces of various sizes, and what we can do with the resulting shards and crystals is pretty impressive. We can go over the options when we see what pieces we are able to get out of it. I'll get together with Valpip and we'll get it broken apart in a day or so." Assuming no objections, he ushers you all out of his workshop, leaves the crystal there, and goes off to talk with Valpip.
Wow. That was longer than expected! But then Fiznik loves to pontificate to a captured audience! Please let me know if you have any other questions for Fiznik or if you object to the plan. Once this is confirmed, we can go over the options and get your ideas. Then we can get you headed out to your next adventure!