New Paphos (The Base)

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Oct 20, 2023 9:13 pm
@Elysium777 The two other PC are from one of the groups that posts 1+/week If you plan to post 1-2 times a week you can join them, but I assume you will want a faster game from your responce to the poll. So I am planning you soothing to do with an NPC for your intro. There is another Player in the pipe who may join you depending on both our play/posting speeds
Oct 20, 2023 9:35 pm
Psybermagi says:
@Elysium777 The two other PC are from one of the groups that posts 1+/week If you plan to post 1-2 times a week you can join them, but I assume you will want a faster game from your responce to the poll. So I am planning you soothing to do with an NPC for your intro. There is another Player in the pipe who may join you depending on both our play/posting speeds
Cool cool 😎
Oct 20, 2023 9:58 pm
If you have no questions for the administrator you are ushered away by the young clerk who indicates the Notice Board outside his office (see the ~Tiny Info~, accessible as a separate sheet or drop down at the bottom of the page) and says to simple ask him about any jobs you are interested in.

The swamp is mostly clear though still a good place for newcomers to start and "get your feet wet" as it were. Other than fighting the other factions in the area it is actually more importantly we gather information about them and what they are doing and why. With all this fighting going on most of the fey have secluded themselves but some can still be found or come out to cause trouble form time to time but nothing major.

Thinking for a moment the boy says to Edair. Actually we do need some scouting done. It would be a good thing to start with for a newcomer. We recently discovered some caverns connected to the cellars and basements under the expedition base. If you are up for it we have a another freelancer who would be a great companion in this.

Sawen Shadeflanks
A guard is sent to fetch someone and returns a few minutes later with a small dark winged figure. The cler explains that the caverns have been mapped to a point but there is a passage heading down to the deeper underdark tha they want explored "for a ways, just so we known what is down there."
Oct 21, 2023 5:13 pm
Psybermagi says:

Thinking for a moment the boy says to Edair. Actually we do need some scouting done. It would be a good thing to start with for a newcomer. We recently discovered some caverns connected to the cellars and basements under the expedition base. If you are up for it we have a another freelancer who would be a great companion in this.

Edair puts a hand under his chin. "Interesting, I like the sound of that. What dangers should I expect in the cavern? You guys got a rat problem down there?" he smirks at his dry attempt at humor.

Sawen Shadeflanks


Oct 22, 2023 7:48 pm
The youth rattles of a list of some dangers, both encountered and suspected, but says you will be the first into the deeper caves so he is really not sure
Encountered : Deep gnome, goblin, mimic, piercer, elemental, ooze, cave fisher, spiders
Suspected : Umberhulk, troll, troglodite, drow, grey dwarf, illithiad, fungoids, steeder, giant insects, giant lizards, ... etc
Actually we have seen few rats in the tunnels, they were likely eaten by the other denizens, if there ever were any. The boy seems to not even notice you attempt at humor till after speaking then pauses smiles, shrugs, and continues.

Sawen is a veteran and skilled at working in the dark. And while he is an excellent scout he does not enjoy the subterranean lands. If you are willing then I suggest you talk with Valpip and he can equip you with a map case and a couple minor magic items to help you in your exploration.

Sawen Shadeflanks
Approaching you the avian extends his hand to clasp yours I greet you warrior. I am Sawen. As has been said I relish not the depths but my eyes and ears make me an excellent scout. I am best at stealth and hunting with my bow. The dark avian comes only to your chest has a short bow and quiver along with a long knife at his waist.

More familiar with the base Sawen guides you to Valpips shop, only to learn the gnomish artificer is already underground. Making your way to the guarded gate to the subterranean rooms you are given directions and on how to find Valpip.
@Elysium777 I am moving this to a new thread as this story arc is one of the more open eneded and so gets it's own thread. The story continues HERE
Nov 29, 2023 6:09 pm
Ander Triumphant
Welcome @WhiteDwarf to the main story area
Ander arrives to the remote expeditions base camp, collects his pay and has the remainder of the day to himself. Looking around there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. Most of the buildings are built from old solid stone block with smooth patches filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races and occupations are easily seen though most seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.

The base has an odd assortment of people, rough river boat and dock hands, mercenaries, adventurers, cayenne, and scholarly researchers. With the remainder of the day you wander about listening to snatches of gossip eventually making your way to the local cantina, which is across the street from the tavern but is known to have better food. The variety of people is all to evident here and you note the varied accents of people from the Nations, Freeholds, and Kingdoms. Some of these cluster with those of like origins woke other groups are a mix of nationalities and people but are of a like profession. The large room has a few small tables, mostly full, as well as several large common tables, and a bar sheet people are eating, drinking, and chatting.
There is a map of the bas in the ~Handout~ accessible as a button below the rolls section of the page j or in Characters form the page footer.
Nov 29, 2023 6:44 pm
Striding into the Cantina, our knightly fellow bellies up to the bar. "Ale please, he says to the barkeep.

Ander gazes emerald eyes around the Cantina. Watching especially for other adventurer types, and most especially for those appearing of knightly status.

"What can you tell me in the way of news and happenings around the Base, barkeep," Ander asks. Even as he prepares for excellent ale to stay knightly thirst! "Any adventurers looking for help investigating nearby ruins?"

Digsy (cantina)


Nov 30, 2023 3:52 am
During your wandering about the "town" you came across a bulletin board outside the clerks office
- The Borders are shattering and their affects are sweeping the land. Caution is advised when undertaking prolonged travel.
- Orcs & Goblins patrol West of the swamp
- Kobolds are becoming aggressive
- Hobgoblins claimed north of the river

Open Jobs
1. Investigate the central Remnant to the West. The monstrous humanoids are gathering there for some reason.
2. Stop the necromancers in the cemetery NW of the city. Veterans only
3. Explore the passage to the underdark
4. The Tower is asking for adventurers willing to assist in collecting needed materials.

Digsy (cantina)
The Hin (halfling) proprietress gives a welcoming smile at your question. Well they still havn't fully scoured all the minor ruins lost in the swamp. I suggest you work with one of the researches unless you're just treasure hunting. Theres is also the caves, I hear they are still trying map out the passage they found to the underdark.
Personally I suggest talking to the clerk or maybe going to visit Gulfis, the local shaman, out in the swamp.

The cheerful Hin lady is called away but makes her way back to you as her duties permit to ensure you are well fed, your cup is full, and your curiosity piqued with further tidbits about the area.

Well we have been having trouble with the orcs and hobgoblins but they move in armed bands so you will need a team to tackle them.

They fey have pulled back but can still be found if you look too hard or don't pay attention

The Infinite Tower sure is mysterious. A mage and a priestess opening portals to far of planes. I wouldn't risk it for all the gold in the world.

Some ones going to have to go out and take care of those pirates at some point. The problem is going to be finding them.

I glad the border storms aren't too bad here abouts. A couple of caravans got hit hard coming in. People stuck in wild storms bumping into animals from alien places, magic going haywire, and some even getting transformed I hear. No one is sure why but this are seems relatively safe. Best guess in the ancient magics of the city still active in the Remnants.
The two existing groups are not at a place where I can thread you in easily at this time. There are a couple other player in the intro path and I will try to get a group together as more graduate. Till then you can do short day excursions in the swamp or underground or explore the town.
Dec 1, 2023 1:07 pm
Thank you kindly, Ander says to Digsby.

Considering his options for noble service, our knightly fellow finished his ale and heads over to talk with the clerk. For that there is important mapping to be done, and who but our Educated fellow is well-suited for such a task? Right, knightly fellow?

Dec 1, 2023 5:51 pm
Ander makes his way through the outpost through the oppressive heat of the day to the main office. The thick dnak smells from the swamp to the west of the base walls are blended with a gentle breeze coming from the river to the east. Stepping inside, the stone building helps a bit with the heat though the humidity makes the air thick and clinging. Wou see a large room with benches, a couple of tabes.

Sitting in a corner behind a little desk sits a youth with a massive bookshelf full of papers, scrolls, ledgers, maps, and other record. From the looks of those waiting before you arrive this child is the reason for the wait. His nervous glances at the assorted adventurers is proof that he is well aware of the displeasure he is causing but he continues working studiously. Finishing his current task he takes a few sheets into an adjoining room, where you see fine furniture with a man seated at a desk. The youth returns and calls out to other individuals, helping them with their needs. Paying out wages and rewards, reserving contracts, and answering questions. After a few minute the clerk waves you forwards.

What can I do to help you this day? Ander explains a bit of his circumstances and desire to explore and help map. The youth listens politely and informs you of your options.
At this point you have two options.
1. You can work freelance but taking jobs from the notice board in the room you entered from and registering them with my clerk. You will be paid upon completion.
2. You can sign on and work as assigned by the expedition. Scouts do much the same as free agents but are provided room, board, and any required healing, but with lower pay.

Mapping is easy enough that you can take that as a day task and will be paid on the area and information you uncover. Currently we are looking for either detailed exploration of the swamp, which have already been mapped but not fully explored to the south. The other mapping request we have is for the caverns leading to the underdark. We have mapped a few of the closer mapps but the underdark is quite extensive and we know other races have access to the caves though we do not know where they are originating. IT is populated by numerous monsters and is considerably more dangerous than finishing the swamp exploration.
Dec 1, 2023 10:58 pm
Ander takes job from the Board, for to nvrstigate caverns leading to Underdark. Within precious moments, our knightlybfellow reports back to the clerk. Ready to begin his heroic adventure!

I am ready to begin my heroic adventure! I said!

I suppose I will simply need a map to yon caverns. Unless the entrance is easy enough to locate, in which case…I will be off!

Anything I need to know, before I stride off onto perilous journey?
Dec 2, 2023 1:13 am
Access to the caverns is currently restricted until we can secure them better. Actually if you don't mind doing a patrol first that would be great. You know, get familiar with the known caves and a bit more familiar with that environment. and he looks to you hopefully. We have a few other solo scouts on the roster at the moment. Sawen is the best in the dark bu he really doesn't like caves, being an owlin and all. Neigher does Baun as a Florin at that. I'll get a hold of Garic. He's an arcane warrior so you two should get along well.

A guard is sent to fetch Garic who returns in a few minutes. During that time the clark familiarizes you with the basements and caves. They were discovered to be infested with goblins, monsters, and a few undead but cleared a couple weeks ago by a few scout, some of who are now off site helping a private employer. The basement section is being reinforced and is almost completely secured at this point. The problem is there is an ancient magic ritual magic artifact in the adjoining caves. This Matrix Node is under study and requires around the clock guarding until it is fully understood and controlled. While all the caves have been explored and cleared of most major threats there are still a couple that need to be hunted down.

Garic arrived and introduced himself. G'day mate! the jovial goblin exclaimed. So you want to go on an adventure hey? Where to.

The clerk brings him up to speed. Though Garic has not gone down there himself he has been around a while and heard the talk so quickly agrees to assist you with this.

If there is nothing else you need the guard will take you to the caves. But before you go I will remind you there are bounties on the Cave Fisher and the Darkmantles. Both cling to the ceiling, as many denizens of the underdark can do, so I suggest you bring some ranged weapons or means of leveling the playing field.

The guard is informed you are to be granted access and will wait if you wish to go shopping first.
You will be going into the Descending into the Underdark thread when you are ready. If you go into the underdark portion to map it then you each get the use of one of Valpips magic items, in the first post of that thread, while exploring.
Dec 2, 2023 2:07 am
How much gold do I have, in terms of buying and maintaining equipment? Sorry if I missed something on that earlier.
Dec 2, 2023 2:25 am
All characters start with 10 gold.
The dogs are in the ~Tiny Info~ sheet under Price Guide, Stores
Dec 2, 2023 5:40 pm
Ander sashays heroically into ye ol Store. For to heed kind warning about underdarkened denizens, and procure a weapon of ranged lethality!

I suppose a sling and bullets will need to do. For that I am but a humble beginning adventurer, with but meager belt pouch! Alas! Unless..,shopkeep…might you allow me to make payments on a bow and arrows? For that they will do our collective exploration much better. Everybody wins, if I am able to thwart dungeonous denizens with ranged effectiveness. What say you, shopkeep? Five gold now on a bow and arrows, five more when I return, and then a regular payment until it’s paid off?

Ander follows up his knightly proposal with a heroic smile!
Last edited Dec 2, 2023 5:49 pm


Charismatic, trying to make a deal! - (2d6)

(44) = 8

charisma - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Dec 3, 2023 3:48 pm
The store owner looks you over and says Well, you look to not be that poor. Tell you what, I can go as low as 15 gold for a bow with arrows if you throw in some of your gear. How about that shield?

As you look over the goods Garic informs you I am a spell touched warrior so can throw my attacks at any ranged targets. But to be honest if thing are far away I am usually content to let them be. Unless of course they have arrows or the like themselves and get hostile. and chuckles.
FYI: Rules clarification
Charismatic lets you roll with 3d6.
Rolls with any ranged weapon are at disadvantage, 1d6
The shield does no good for you without the accompanying trait.
Dec 3, 2023 8:26 pm
Ander purchases a sling and bullets, thanks the shopkeep kindly and leaves for new threads of wonder!
I think my hood-ornament of a shield and I are good to go, but the Underdark thread appears to be locked.
Last edited Dec 3, 2023 8:38 pm
Dec 4, 2023 5:25 am
Story Moved to HERE
Dec 7, 2023 2:06 am
@Ishmann Story continued from into
Belagroff Bearjaw comes to town
The remainder of your time on the river read uneventful but not relaxing. Glad to be off the water you step off the boat onto the wooden planks of the dock you look around at the beginning of this new adventure.
[ +- ] The docks
The guard takes you and the other adventurers down a long street then gestures to an open doorway and with an In there he instructions you as he turns and heads off.

Stepping inside, the stone building does help a bit with the heat though the humidity makes the air thick and clinging, you see a large room with benches, a couple of tabes, and a boy in his teen sitting at a small writing table. Looking up he sighs.

More of you? Let's see how long you last.

He asks you names and preferred occupations, indicating there is work as craftsmen, entertainers, guards, scouts, and freelance work available by contact.

Come talk to me if you have any questions, it just ask any guard or anyone who works in the tavern or cantina.
Dec 8, 2023 2:27 am
Belagroff approaches the clerk

Could you direct me to the finest dining establishment in town? I'm famished and i havent had a decent meal in days, he says rubbing his rotund belly.
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