It is agreed, and you get the impression they were prepared for this as all to soon the two of you along with Sylfir, Valpip, Fiznik, a coupe porters and guards are all trekking through basements and sewers under the base for several minutes before passing a iron gate and entering rough stone caverns. Etcher recognized this as the way he came in after arriving via the matrix from the manor house. It takes almost an hour of scrambling over rocks as the caves wind deeper underground and further from the base to finally reach the cavern with the tile floor.
In the middle on this cavern floor is a square of black and white tiles bordered by grey stone box covered in runic etchings. You feel old traces of magic from the tiles that hint of greater power. The wizard and gnomish artificer make some preparations off to a side of the tiles surrounding everyone in an arcane circle. When their preparations are complete they indicate for Etcher to initiate contact with the house, watching expectantly.
Moving this along to skip back and forth delay as you indicated Etcher intended to contact the house already
 Etcher | Taking out the amulet he approaches the tiles and calls out Seer? Talk, Mistress! and gestures towards Sylfir. A moment later the tiles glow softly and a gentle ringing sound echo's through the cave. A moment later you hear a voice, that Etcher recognizes as Witic's |  |

Hellow? Etcher? Seer says that you are there and said you found our mistress? Can I speak with her It is obvious the small high pitched voice is quite excited and nervous.

Before Etcher or Sylfir can reply though Valpip speaks up
Excuse me miss but before we proceed the young lady in question has asked for some assistance in verifying the validity of the claims made by the avian you sent and the safety of this endeavor.

Another voice is heard, that Etcher identifies as "Seer!"
This is to be expected when initiating contact with an unknown organization. State your requirements.
The two go back and forth for a couple of minutes with a some discussion of the Matrix, the tiles patterns, and the possibility of members of the expedition traveling to the manor to verify the safety there. This last is instantly refused by Seer, much to the frustration of Fiznik. Luckily Sylfit proffers the suggestion of sending Ealdwig.

Sylfir Alderdrim
Ealdwig is not a formal member of the expedition an only arrived a few days ago. If he is willing to travel through the Matrix to the manor and returns with a agreeable report, I will meet with you. The elf maiden glances at Ealdwig with a look of hopeful pleading. You can tell she is somewhat concerned and overwhelmed by the unfolding events but a trace of determination and excitement tinges her words and can be seen in her eyes.