New Paphos (The Base)

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Sep 20, 2023 1:54 am
Yeah, I made it back from Guflis yesterday afternoon. She's cool. We had a good chat and I even got this charm, holding out the charm for Danoll to see. I'm in. Looking up at the three new guys, who are these guys? Looks like your brought some muscle.

Pointing to Etcher, this is Etcher, we met last night when I got back to the tavern. He thought we were kindred spirits or something, because I had this charm. I think someone gave him a magical pendant and he thought I had one as well from the same people. If there is time later, I'd like to speak to you about it.

Looking confused, who is Valpik and Fiznip? Did I pronounce those right? Looking at Etcher, you know those guys? Do you have a job to do this morning?
Sep 20, 2023 6:06 am
Etcher the previous evening followed Ealdwig to his room and insisted on sleeping on the floor. He made no mention of payment for said room. If asked why he was staying in Ealdwig’s room, he would squawk "Friends!", seeming content that was sufficient enough reason. The Avian had followed Ealdwig to scouting duty as well, giving the same reason.

Now the swordsman eyes Danoll, his right hand slowly sliding towards his sword hilt. I thought my business with those two was over. Wasn’t that the deal? I need more time, I have to earn her trust. Are they planning revenge? I can’t remember what our deal was actually… Not important I’m sure. Maybe they can write a letter for me! They owe me. The Avian shrugs. Yes. For the second question, Etcher shakes his head. No job. I wonder how close Ealdwig is to these men? If he is going to help me I need to be on his good side. He glances at Ealdwig. Friends? Then looks at the men.
Last edited September 20, 2023 6:10 am
Sep 20, 2023 1:40 pm
Danoll and his squad escort Etcher back into the base to a door neither had been to before. After knocking they are invited in and they usher Etcher in first then follow with Ealdwig in tow.

Lord Felspar

Inside sits a kindly yet firm aging man who retains much of the strength of his youth and only grown in power with the passage of time. Nearby sits an elderly man with a long glowing beard and bespectacled gnome.
Lord Felspar
Please com in. Sit down this may take a while depending on how things go. Let me start by saying no one is in trouble, at this time, but there are certain things that must be cleared up with regards to the safety of this outpost. Fiznik and Valpip and he guests to the old man and gnome came to me last night with a concern about the Matrix focus that was found underground recently and told me how someone arrived through it recently. I understand this is you he says looking to Etcher.
[ +- ] The arrival of Etcher
The guards reported you talked with Sylfir about something. Normally we don't involve ourselves in private matters of those that stay here but with the concerns of Valpip and Fiznik we decided it was best if we intervened.

After talking with Toblen I believe we have most of the story but would like to give you a chance to explain yourself better

Turning to Ealdwig As I understand it you are new and just met him last night. If you can give a statement to Danoll while we talk with Etcher then got can be on your way.

The priest, wizard, and artificer quiz Etcher while Danoll listens to Ealdwig.
I wild like Etcher to give his explanation. I skipped it last time to let you two meet but feel the story progression will be affected by how he explains things so this point. @Solidgobi you can add a Test roll with a brief explanation of its intended result to add to your in character explanation if you like.
Ealdwig can easily hear the whole thing while talking with Danoll.
Sep 20, 2023 1:40 pm
Danoll and his squad escort Etcher back into the base to a door neither had been to before. After knocking they are invited in and they usher Etcher in first then follow with Ealdwig in tow.

Lord Felspar

Inside sits a kindly yet firm aging man who retains much of the strength of his youth and only grown in power with the passage of time. Nearby sits an elderly man with a long glowing beard and bespectacled gnome.
Lord Felspar
Please com in. Sit down this may take a while depending on how things go. Let me start by saying no one is in trouble, at this time, but there are certain things that must be cleared up with regards to the safety of this outpost. Fiznik and Valpip and he guests to the old man and gnome came to me last night with a concern about the Matrix focus that was found underground recently and told me how someone arrived through it recently. I understand this is you he says looking to Etcher.
[ +- ] The arrival of Etcher
The guards reported you talked with Sylfir about something. Normally we don't involve ourselves in private matters of those that stay here but with the concerns of Valpip and Fiznik we decided it was best if we intervened.

After talking with Toblen I believe we have most of the story but would like to give you a chance to explain yourself better

Turning to Ealdwig As I understand it you are new and just met him last night. If you can give a statement to Danoll while we talk with Etcher then got can be on your way.

The priest, wizard, and artificer quiz Etcher while Danoll listens to Ealdwig.
I would like Etcher to give his explanation. I skipped it last time to let you two meet but feel the story progression will be affected by how he explains things at this point.
@Solidgobi you can add a Test roll with a brief explanation of its intended result to add to your in character explanation if you like.
Ealdwig can easily hear the whole thing while talking with Danoll.
Sep 20, 2023 3:00 pm
Ealdwig, surprised and looking up at everyone, has no idea what is going on. He follows the group better to go along. Looking at Etcher, What has this guy gotten me into? And where are we going? This can't be good. Ealdwig, looks for any and all ways to run if need be.

Wow, what is this place? Did he say Lord? Am I supposed to bow or something? Ealdwig stands very still and looks around at all the new faces, not good. What the hell is going on?

Ealdwig quickly and excitedly recaps the whole story to Danoll from last night.
[ +- ] The story
Sep 20, 2023 4:05 pm
Thanks. I probably should have done that, not sure how. I'll try to remember for next time.
[ +- ] Testing
Sep 21, 2023 4:58 am
Amazing Arkmenos! You speak Etcher perfectly! Couldn't have recapped it better myself. I apologize if his speaking style slows down things, I'll make sure to post what he thinks first, and then translate it into his typical clipped speech. If you want to, please either have Ealdwig imply the meaning (basically read his mind) or act confused by his speech. Whatever feels better or is more fun for you!
Etcher proves to be a less than cooperative speaker. He seems guarded and tries his best to avoid clearly answering. Which is quite a feat based on how his speech is already unclear. After some coaxing they are able to get the following out of him.

He was abandoned by his family somewhere in the wildlands. He crashed while flying and is unsure what struck him down. He came upon a mysterious house. Inside the house he met a fey, Witic. Etcher believes all fey to be "naughty" so he expects some dishonestly from Witic, but seems to have become protective of the fey. The house is obviously magical, and the fey has claimed to be the caretaker. Etcher considers Witic to be more of a squatter than an actual caretaker. Inside the house is another being the Seer who Etcher suspects either made a deal with the original owners of the house or was enslaved to monitor something, what it is Etcher will not tell the others.

Etcher offered to help find the master of the house because he feels that the current occupants are over their heads and can’t control the house. He is worried they will eventually come into conflict. The Avian was then teleported to the Matrix to find the master or as he found out the mistress. He was attempting to find said master but was ambushed by the very people in this room. Which he makes sure to point out that he is still upset about. After a few days in the city he found Ealdwig, who is now his good friend. They are going to find the mistress together and then Etcher will do whatever Ealdwig wants him to do. Etcher is loyal to his friends. Just as Ealdwig suspected Etcher cannot write and the swordsmen now demands a letter from Lord Felspar as an apology for what Etcher considers his unjust assault and capture. Give letter! His eyes stern as he caws at the Lord of the Base.
And no Etcher does not actually state what he wants on the letter. Only that they give him a letter that he can give Sylfir. He's a simple guy. Let me know if either of these are at disavantage!
Last edited September 21, 2023 5:03 am


Etcher's Attempt to Explain - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Etcher Demands a "Letter" - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Sep 21, 2023 12:32 pm
Solidgobi, it's all good. I've never done a pbp game before and it is more immersive than playing at a table or online. You try to explain what people are doing or facial expressions which you don't do when playing live. Well at least I haven't in the past, I think I might try to incorporate more of that in the future. I am trying to only use what is actually said and conveyed to Ealdwig to get the meaning. Ealdwig can't get into anyone's head. It's been fun and interesting. But it can make it a little slower, which is fine by me.
Ealdwig, listening to Etcher speak, finally understands a little more of the story. To Danoll, smiling and giggling a little, he's looking for another letter. This time from the Lord of the Base. Wonder what he wants it to say?
Sep 21, 2023 12:40 pm
The "explanation" seems to be somewhat expedited by Lord Felspar who appears to be listening to a second conversation no one ese can hear He seems quite adept at filling in "the blanks" from Etchers abrieviated conversation stye. Almost as if by magic.

Fiznik grumbles but under to promping of Vaplip and Fels[ar writes an apology letter. We were simply trying to detain you, just sop you know. I mean here we are studying a lost magical tool when it sudenly activates so we hide and you come out he begins rexplainig himself but is shushed by Felspar and told to finish his apolgy letter.

Felspar and Valpip confer with each other for a moment before Felspar leaves. Alright. Seems that the priest says you are "telling" the truth and we think we can work with you He wil go get Sylfir and explain the situation. No one will force her to do anything, mind you. Now if she agreesd to believe your story what was your plan? How are you to get her back to the house? We are most interested in the Matrix node and would appreciate it if ou could get us in contact with the Seer or Witic so that we might make arrangements to exhange information ontheir use.

Fiznik has finished his letter and folded and sealed the paper with a wax seal and hands it to Etcher with a bit of a mumbled/grumbled apology before sitting back to start at Etcher.

Off to the side Ealdwig and Danoll have long since finished their conversation. Danoll indicates he does have to go on his patrol but Ealdwig can always join him at a later date if he would rather stay with Etcher as Danoll can tell that the story has caught Ealdwigs interest.
Sep 22, 2023 2:11 am
You can almost see Ealdwig's wheels turning. With a grin, Ealdwig is kind of fascinated by the story. Why wouldn't he be? A bird man shows up out of nowhere, and has a spectacular story that he relates in one word sentences about a house, a missing "Mistress" of said house, a few guys, fey if I heard Etcher right, and everyone believes him. Seems very improbable, downright impossible, yet it has happened. Fascinating.

Although, he is conflicted. He came here to work to find a job and make some coin, he's slowly going broke, actually it's happening quicker than he would like, the charm didn't come cheap. And Danoll seems like a good guy to know. But this could be an epic adventure, what fun. But is there coin in it?

Did he say they were studying a magical tool, then Etcher just came through it? Um, Danoll, where are we? This place is unfamiliar? Please tell me it's anyplace but the Tower. Guflis said to stay away from the Tower. I think this is the Tower, crap!
Sep 22, 2023 6:22 am
Yeah I know right? It’s been fun to play Etcher, I’ve grown surprisingly attached to him! I always envisioned Etcher’s speech like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. Some people who have high emotional intelligence will just understand him 100%. Others may not. Whatever is best for the story!
Etcher face feathers ruffle a bit, the Avian equivalent of a frown. It’s good that I got the letter, when Sylfir comes here, I will give it to her, and that should fix things between us. If I’m a knight now that's the sort of thing that knights do for Lords and Ladies. I don’t really appreciate these Lords though. Etcher’s eyes are somewhat narrow when looking at the small council that has formed. They did apologize, which is nice, but big brother Alfred said apologies didn’t mean anything without coins. I suppose this letter is more valuable than a coin so it is fair.

He shifts his weight between his feet, glancing toward Ealdwig. I need to get back to the Matrix. I can’t talk to the Seer unless I am there. But I don’t want to share anything I don’t have to about the house unless I have to. They attacked me as soon as I appeared. If that is how they are, they will certainly kill the Seer. No, I will wait for the Mistress to arrive and try to talk with the Seer before I tell them more. It will be hard, but pretend you are a simpleton, maybe they will believe it.

Etcher quite dramatically cocks his head to the right and them to the left. Seer?...Matrix? The Avian blinks seemingly unsure what they are talking about. He points to himself, Etcher. Fly. He says this while flapping his arms. I will make my move once the Mistress arrives, she is the new boss after all.


Etcher's "Acting" - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Sep 22, 2023 5:32 pm
[ +- ] Ealdwig and Danoll
We can escort you to the Matix node if you like. As I said we are very interested in leaving more how they work
not sure what Etchers acting is trying to convey
Lord Felspar
Felspar comes back with Sylfir. I have explained a bit to the young lady and she has agreed to hear you out he says to Etcher

Sylfir Alderdrim
What exactly do you want of me she asks, not unkindly but cautions none the less, as she looks Etcher over.
Sep 22, 2023 6:56 pm
Priest's receiving room, wow, ok. That's good. A little torn on what to do, Ealdwig tells Danoll, you'll be scouting again tomorrow I assume? I think I'll hang out here and see what happens. I'll be good, promise.

You going to the Tavern later tonight? I'll look for you there and fill you in on what happens. If not I'll catch up with you the same time and place tomorrow morning.

Ealdwig, turns to Sylfir as she enters with Lord Felspar, smiles, gives a little wave, and watches the scene unfold. How is Etcher going to convey all this to Sylfir. This should be interesting.
Sep 23, 2023 1:38 pm
A fair question now that I think about it. He is basically trying to pretend that he doesn’t know anything about the matrix. That he didn’t comprehend that he was teleported to the matrix. An obvious lie, but he is hoping to pretend he’s so simple he can’t understand the magic enough to have them question him further about the device. He really doesn’t want them in contact with the Manor. He fears for the safety of the residents, especially the Seer if the wizards were to find the Manor.
Etcher stares at Sylfir for a long moment, a moment that stretches on and on and on. The Avian fidgets with his headband, and looks about the room. He looks at each member of the room. His stare is his typical blank expression. Etcher’s eyes when one looks at them never quite seem to hold any emotion. His feather ruffle, then ruffle again. You need to learn how to explain things when talking with folks to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings. If you get nervous and have trouble talking then I suggest writing it down or get a friend to help you. People are more understanding than you might think. Sylfir’s voice echoes inside Etcher's head.

Of course it's so clear the matter is so simple. She’s already told me what she wants. She will be an excellent guardian of the house, someone the place needs. Etcher pulls out the letter that contains Fiznik’s apology. Letter. Here! Letters must hold some sort of magic, or maybe it is part of an ancient ritual of power. These people are very clever, but I am clever…er! Etcher seems pleased with himself as he gives the elf the letter. He squints his eyes, as if trying to push something out of his head. House…your…duty. Etcher seems almost physically exhausted. They..need….Missssstressss. He squawks. This is too hard, I can’t do it. No one ever listened to me back home. Sylfir’s voice returns once more. Get a friend to help you. Etcher’s eyes widen and he suddenly turns to Ealdwig. Yes she was right, it is time to see how much of a friend Ealdwig is. Ealdwig, tell! Etcher’s eyes finally showed a bit of emotion, they were pleading. I hope Ealdwig will try and convince her.
And yes, poor Etcher has no idea what the letter actually says he just thought giving her any letter would make her happy.

Sylfir Alderdrim


Sep 23, 2023 8:30 pm
Sylfir Alderdrim
Taking the letter she opens, as Fiznik starts to say something only to be silenced by Valpip who is grinning, and reads it. Giving the wizard an odd look he looks to Etcher. House…your…duty. They..need….Missssstressss.

You mean to say there is a house that needs help and you are here to fetch me? I must say this is the oddest job offer I have received. But if the house it good and the pay is enough I wouldn't mind getting nice cushy job in a posh house.
Glancing over at Ealdwig to see how he is involved she finishes So how far is the house?

You are guessing that some bits of your story were left out of the explanation to Sylfir. Fiznik and Valpip perk up at her last question but Felspar look ready to intercede and explain further if needed.
Sep 23, 2023 8:50 pm
Ealdwig, standing by himself, smiles shyly, when all eyes turn to him. Is there a way out of this? He looks around for an exit. I knew i should have gone with Danoll, crap. "Um, who me?" Looking around at all the expecting faces, Ealdwig begins to rehash the story as he knows it. Ok, so this is what I have been able to piece together from the little bit of information I have been able to understand from Etcher. Pointing to Etcher, he begins.
[ +- ] Story
I can't tell if that's the whole story or not. Personally, I think there are some pieces of the puzzle missing, something isn't adding up. But I have no idea what it might be.

Sylfir Alderdrim


Sep 23, 2023 11:49 pm
Sylfir Alderdrim
As you explain the story you can tell the girl in intrigues but her glances to Felspar indicate she has some concerns. As you finish the story she turns to Etcher
I am willing to learn more of the house. I mean sure the family has stories of our "Glorious" status before the Shattering but I thought they were just stories. I see no harm in learning more but from what Lord Felspar told me you just appeared on some magical construct in a cavern underground while Valpip and Fiznik were studying it. I do not want to teleport to some place unknown without some kind of assurances. Can you get into contact with them? Lord Felspar has told me that Valpip and Fisznik will work to ensure my safety if I can get them access to the individuals who have some control of the artifact.
So if you can get them into contact with the Seer or the Fey somehow then we can work from there. OK?

As she talks she glances often to Felspar, Valpip, and Fiznik as if to get confirmation and reasurane as well.
Sep 24, 2023 11:35 am
Etcher caws in appreciation at Ealdwig. She only listened so well because of him! So good with words! A natural talker! Etcher nods along as the elf expresses her concerns. Looks like I can not avoid it, I will have to reveal the Seer to them. All I can do is hope that the mistress can protect him…it? Etcher takes a moment to ponder this question but can’t seem to figure where he falls between the identifiers. He almost jumps like he’s been struck by an arrow when he realizes that everyone has been staring at him waiting for him to respond.

The Avian pulls out the sigil that was given to him. He points to it holding it in front of the Sylfir. Go Matrix. He points again at the sigil. Talk. Seer. If we travel back to the Matrix I can activate the sigil and get into contact with the Seer and I suppose the rest of the house as well. I should thank Ealdwig, I couldn’t have gotten this far without him. Seems like he has plans of his own…But it couldn’t hurt to ask him to come along. He seems to have a way with words and lots of friends. The swordsman turns to Ealdwig, and pats (somewhat roughly) his shoulder three times. Thanks! Come Come. Together. Etcher squawks in what could be considered a friendly tone, if it didn’t sound like a parrot’s speech.
Sep 24, 2023 7:41 pm
It is agreed, and you get the impression they were prepared for this as all to soon the two of you along with Sylfir, Valpip, Fiznik, a coupe porters and guards are all trekking through basements and sewers under the base for several minutes before passing a iron gate and entering rough stone caverns. Etcher recognized this as the way he came in after arriving via the matrix from the manor house. It takes almost an hour of scrambling over rocks as the caves wind deeper underground and further from the base to finally reach the cavern with the tile floor.

In the middle on this cavern floor is a square of black and white tiles bordered by grey stone box covered in runic etchings. You feel old traces of magic from the tiles that hint of greater power. The wizard and gnomish artificer make some preparations off to a side of the tiles surrounding everyone in an arcane circle. When their preparations are complete they indicate for Etcher to initiate contact with the house, watching expectantly.
Moving this along to skip back and forth delay as you indicated Etcher intended to contact the house already
Taking out the amulet he approaches the tiles and calls out Seer? Talk, Mistress! and gestures towards Sylfir. A moment later the tiles glow softly and a gentle ringing sound echo's through the cave. A moment later you hear a voice, that Etcher recognizes as Witic's,c-at_max

Hellow? Etcher? Seer says that you are there and said you found our mistress? Can I speak with her It is obvious the small high pitched voice is quite excited and nervous.

Before Etcher or Sylfir can reply though Valpip speaks up Excuse me miss but before we proceed the young lady in question has asked for some assistance in verifying the validity of the claims made by the avian you sent and the safety of this endeavor.

Another voice is heard, that Etcher identifies as "Seer!" This is to be expected when initiating contact with an unknown organization. State your requirements.

The two go back and forth for a couple of minutes with a some discussion of the Matrix, the tiles patterns, and the possibility of members of the expedition traveling to the manor to verify the safety there. This last is instantly refused by Seer, much to the frustration of Fiznik. Luckily Sylfit proffers the suggestion of sending Ealdwig.

Sylfir Alderdrim
Ealdwig is not a formal member of the expedition an only arrived a few days ago. If he is willing to travel through the Matrix to the manor and returns with a agreeable report, I will meet with you. The elf maiden glances at Ealdwig with a look of hopeful pleading. You can tell she is somewhat concerned and overwhelmed by the unfolding events but a trace of determination and excitement tinges her words and can be seen in her eyes.
Sep 24, 2023 11:42 pm
I hope Valpip or Fiznik save this pattern.
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