The youth rattles of a list of some dangers, both encountered and suspected, but says you will be the first into the deeper caves so he is really not sure
Encountered : Deep gnome, goblin, mimic, piercer, elemental, ooze, cave fisher, spiders
Suspected : Umberhulk, troll, troglodite, drow, grey dwarf, illithiad, fungoids, steeder, giant insects, giant lizards, ... etc
Actually we have seen few rats in the tunnels, they were likely eaten by the other denizens, if there ever were any. The boy seems to not even notice you attempt at humor till after speaking then pauses smiles, shrugs, and continues.
Sawen is a veteran and skilled at working in the dark. And while he is an excellent scout he does not enjoy the subterranean lands. If you are willing then I suggest you talk with Valpip and he can equip you with a map case and a couple minor magic items to help you in your exploration.

Sawen Shadeflanks
Approaching you the avian extends his hand to clasp yours
I greet you warrior. I am Sawen. As has been said I relish not the depths but my eyes and ears make me an excellent scout. I am best at stealth and hunting with my bow. The dark avian comes only to your chest has a short bow and quiver along with a long knife at his waist.
More familiar with the base Sawen guides you to Valpips shop, only to learn the gnomish artificer is already underground. Making your way to the guarded gate to the subterranean rooms you are given directions and on how to find Valpip.
@Elysium777 I am moving this to a new thread as this story arc is one of the more open eneded and so gets it's own thread. The story continues