After breakfast the much larger party heads to a guarded room with both thick and solid doors as well as a portculus at the top and bottom os a wide set of stairs. Those how have been here longer remark that security has gotten tighter and tigher as exporation of the area buth above and below ground level has brought in riches, rufians, adventurers, and merchants. You descend through a series of rooms and halls below the buildings of the base and arrive at another guarded gate to the extensive natural caverns beyond. The guard here gives you a lantern and you make your way, with Blornvid in the lead and the lantern in the middle of the groupo.
After scrambling over the rough cavern floor, that is begining to show traces of a path worn by frequent use, for tens of minutes does the passage open into larger caverns. Blornvid points out marks made with a thick waxy chalk like material that are easily followed. The passage down to this point has been entirely plain stone and a bit disapointing to oliver anbd Grin. However these caverns begin to show signs of moisture, minerals, and tiny plants, fungus, and lichen.
Psybermagi sent a note to ForeverDED,daryen
As you walk some of the caverns features are pointed out to you. You pass the desceent to the Underdark (B) and move towads the magical tiles (D) passing by the large cavern where they darkmantle are suspected to be. As you walk you hear some shouting and see light flickering about in the distance. (C)
Discus/declar your aproach to the darkmantle cave and I will put a link to move everyon over tomorrow
I hoped to get some of the others who have been a bit inactive to join in but this wil be the last delay.