New Paphos (The Base)

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Sep 25, 2023 2:34 am
After walking down corridors, through caves and scrambling over rocks, following the group as we head to the place where Etcher came from, Ealdwig looks around in amazement at the cavern and what he can only guess is a portal of some kind. He smiles as contact is made with Etchers "friends". Ealdwig quietly mutters, amazing. How does that work?

When Sylfir mentions Ealdwig's name, he snaps back to reality, Sorry, what? Ealdwig asks incredulously Huh, who me? You want me to be your emissary? Go there into the unknown? By myself?! Ealdwig looks at everyone in astonishment. I literally just met you all. Why aren't we all going?
Sep 25, 2023 3:29 am
The voice of the Seer informs everyone This is acceptable. Etcher may accompany the duende or stay there till he returns
while Fisichella tries to reassure Ealdwig

While we can't go with you we can give you some aid. A ring and an amulet. The ring will bring you back to the base when activated, no matter where you are. And the amulet will protect you from any harm by surrounding you in a large saving bubble that is automatically triggered anything your life is in danger. Each will only work once but this should give you the peace of mind to change it. What do you say? Do this for us and we can give you a duotone reward.
Sep 25, 2023 5:49 am
Good, good the Seer is smart. I don’t trust these members of.. Who are they again? Etcher is squeezing his eyes but the knowledge just isn’t coming to him. Expedition? Is that what they call themselves? A silly name, the Brotherhood of Justice. Now that was a name! Brother Alfred is so smart! The Avian stares at Ealdwig. He seems scared, not used to life out here. I will of course go with him. Oh wait! I never told him I’m a master swordsman! If he knew that he wouldn’t be afraid at all. I’ll offer to come along, as his bodyguard. Plus everyone there already knows me. The mistress is cautious, I suppose that’s the right decision. Thats why she is the boss!

The Avian walks in front of Ealdwig. Putting a hand on his own chest, Etcher caws. Together. Go. He takes five steps back. He pulls out a small stone from his pouch. Without a word he tosses the stone in the air, in an instant he draws his sword and strikes the stone mid air. The stone is shot out with such force, Ealdwig can barely keep sight of it. It slams into a wall on the other side of the room. Strangely instead of falling to the floor the stone bounces off the wall and comes flying back towards the avian. The avian, during the stone’s small flight had calmly sheathed his sword and lazily puts up his hand and catches the stone. Master. Swordman. Bodyguard! Etcher sqwaks happily.
The roll is just to show off to instill confidence and trust. In no way is this a compel action. Ealdwig is free to do what he wants. But man how about that first roll though!
Last edited Sep 25, 2023 5:59 am


Striking the Stone - (3d6)


Catching the Stone - (2d6)


Sep 25, 2023 11:31 am
LoL Wow, impressive swordsmanship!!!
Sep 25, 2023 7:26 pm
LOL, awesome! I wish I rolled so well.
Ealdwig listening to the Fiznik nods along with his comments. A ring, that will get me back here, and an amulet as a shield. That's good. That'll help. Maybe this is doable

Watching on in amazement as Etcher tosses the rock, smashes it with his blade and catches the rebound as it is about to hit him. Smiling Ealdwig looks at Etcher, You'll come along as my bodyguard? But, aren't those your friends?

Wow, Etcher is pretty amazing with that sword. If he does protect me, vs leaving me to fend for myself when in the company of his friends, that's good. I've probably got a 50/50 chance there. Plus the ring and amulet. I can do this.

Adventure and reward await. You've been looking for adventure and it's fallen in your lap. Suck it up.

Ealdwig holds out his hand to Etcher for a shake. Ok, let's do this. He walks over to Fiznik accepts the ring and amulet, puts them both on. How do you activate them?.

Smiling, he says ok, now how does this thing work pointing at the "portal". How do I get there and back? After taking in the instructions, Ealdwig looks around the room at all who are there, So what information are we looking for? I'll see what I can get and then return.

After receiving the instructions on the magical items, portal and what information everyone is looking for. He looks at Etcher, You coming? and heads toward the "portal".
Sep 26, 2023 1:34 am
Fiznik explains how the Matrix node works, with some "helpful" comments by the Seer. The tiles are a tool to focus and ammplify magical energy, similar to a magical staff or wand but unable to collect power on its own but much more versitile. One of the common functions of the Matrix is to allow communication and travel between the nodes.

Ealdwig and Etcher step onto the tiles while Fiznik and Valpip perform some magic under the guidance of the Seer. When the tiles finish moving there is a wave of light that outlines the figures then shrinks and the two dissapear.
Story continuse back in the Manor thread.
Oct 9, 2023 3:25 am
Converging the Scattered Matrix
A waiting guard quickly hustles a trio into the tent that has been erected. The the tent inside seems oddly comfortable and you are sure it is larger inside than out. The wizard and artificer sit talking with a young half-elven girl your recognize as Sylfir, who works in the tavern. The newly arrived trio of Skeve, Blornvid, and Gardakhan exude an air of comfortable excellence while the seated duo of Ealdwig and Etcher are full of energy and excitement.

Ealdwig Swiftfoot

Ah, good, we are all here now. He quickly introduced everyone before continuing. Etcher is in the employ of agents who manage a failing manor house that has access to the Matrix. The exciting thing is that one of them is familiar with the device and is willing to share their knowledge once Sylfir and he indicates the waitress takes her place as the properly recognized household head. We hope this will allow us to utilize the tiles properly as well as helping us learn to secure this node from outside arrivals. Sylfir will soon be returning to the manor with Danoll to finish the investiture and claim the manor. After that she will hire adventurers from the expedition to help her secure the manor and surrounding area before bringing in craftsmen and staff to restore the manor. We would like all of you to work together for Sylfir until we have mastered the Matrix lore. This will hopefully get you familiar with the Matrix as you travel to and from the Manor to support your tasks.

He then asks that you each introduce yourselves and explain your background and skills so that you can work together better.
Oct 9, 2023 2:05 pm
Skeeve says, "My name is Skeeve. I am a dabbler of the magical arts and am very interested in meeting someone more familiar with the Matrix! I am whatever the opposite of a fey foundling is, and my service to them is what gave me access to magic. At this point I am simply trying to keep learning."

To Fiznik, he also says, "Before we go, I would like to give you a brief report on what we've found thus far. I also request the continued use of the tablet and a recharge on the gem."

To that, he will either keep or surrender the two items as requested.
Retroactively, I would like to claim that he spent an hour or so actually writing a single page report on a separate sheet of paper to hand over to Fiznik, which he does regardless of how much of a verbal report he gets a chance to give. It contains a description of the overgrown city they found on the first pattern, and the history they "felt" from it. Notes about the fungal forest and its spiders and their offers of trade. And notes on the mountain valley and its peaceful inhabitants. He notes that he very much wants to go back to the valley later and check on them. He will turn over the message gem from the spiders, too. If he can't do it retroactively, he will just make everyone wait the hour or so, so he can write it down and hand it over. He doesn't want to forget anything and it might be useful no matter how successful the effort at the manor is.

As an aside, in the other thread you mention a "rod". To my knowledge, the spell storing device was a "gem". Either works for me. I just want to make sure of what it actually is.
Oct 9, 2023 2:29 pm
Blornvid assists in the writing of the report, particularly his experience with the spider guard and "trade ambassador" on the bridge.
"I'm Blornvid. I'm a blacksmith by trade and have apprenticed under Mort here at the base. I led a team of rotating personnel to clear out the tunnels underneath the warehouse until laddie here," he indicates Skeeve, "joined up. We finished clearing out the tunnels and explored this level of the caverns—not cleared out, mind you, so watch your step. Again, several others have come and gone, but he's stuck with it. I think he's the one calling the shots now." He says the last part with a wink and a smile. "He's a natural born leader and explorer, and I'm proud to be working with him."
"comfortable excellence" - I like that. :)
Oct 9, 2023 3:56 pm
>Wipes tear from eye.< Thanks, man!
Oct 9, 2023 4:01 pm
Energy and excitement is definitely a good way to describe Ealdwig and Etcher! A bit of a note about Etcher. He’s a man of few words, I will always convey his meaning by writing out what he is thinking. Please feel free to have your character be able to fully understand him or be confused by what he is trying to say, both are great! I consider his speech similar to Groot if you are familiar with that character. People who know him well or have high empathy will just "get" him. If it's ever too obtuse please feel free to ask me to say what he’s asking in plain English.
Etcher is an avian who is dressed in an assortment of cloth and leather armor. He has a large bandana fixed upon his head and a sword hanging by his side. His wings remain tucked behind his back. He folds his arms dramatically and gives his three new companions a slow nod, his eyes narrowing as he does so. He points his thumb up towards his face. When he speaks his voice is a high pitched squawk much like a parrot’s, no emotion in it. Etcher.

He then pats his sword on his side. Knight-Errant!

Well at least that's the title that the little fey gave me. I quite like it! Better let them know I’m handy with a blade. Best Swordsman! He caws.
Last edited Oct 9, 2023 4:02 pm
Oct 9, 2023 4:13 pm
you two are pretty much veterans at this point. I figured the new guys should know that 😊
Oct 9, 2023 9:06 pm
Ealdwig a small Duende hops down from his chair. He's about 3'3" or so and he looks young, about 12, but he's actually 23. He's been working as a street performer and small hustler for years, with quick hands and feet. He talks in bunches and asks a lot of questions.

Smiling up at the new group of people, oh hey! Nice to meet you all. I'm Ealdwig Swiftfoot. Etcher pointing at the large avian, smiling my bodyguard still smiling and looking at Etcher, nods and I just got back from Sylfir's ancestral home. It's amazing, and big gesturing with his hands but it's old and needs some work. And that Matrix thing is a trip, isn't it. Smiling big and looking around the group for confirmation, oh sorry, off topic.

Anyway, I've been a street performer doing some acrobatic stunts for coin where and when I can. When, that isn't available, I'll bring out the shell game or 3-card Monty,
with a side nod of his head as if saying, "you know what I mean". I came out here to find some work and adventure and it found me almost before I got off the ship. Grin.
Oct 10, 2023 2:15 am
Blornvid chuckles. "I can see that you're a handful." He turns to Etcher and says with a grin, "Do you have to bail him out of trouble a lot?"
Oct 10, 2023 3:26 am
With righteous indignation, Hey! What are you trying to say? Ealdwig smiles unable to keep up the act with any conviction.

Innocently, who me? pointing at himself and smiling. And to answer your question, no he hasn't, at least not yet
Oct 10, 2023 4:05 am
Skeeve gets a chuckle out of the exchange.
Oct 10, 2023 4:40 am
You chat for a while and Valpip, Fiznik and Sylfir discuss among themselves their plans for the manor. Sylfir is getting more excited as details of the manor are gone over. When Danol joins you about an hour later there is only a short conference before you all make you way to the Matrix tiles. The six of you, Sylfir, Danol, Ealdwig, Etcher, Skeeve, and Blornvid will go to the Manor where Sylfirl will inherit the manor. After that Danol will assist her for a couple of days while the four of you try to stabilize the manor and its lands.

The Gem of spell storing is recharged and Skeeve is told to keep the tablet as you will likely be running missions through the Matrix as you have time between jobs for the Manor.

After all preparations have been completed Fiznik contacts the Manor, a function of the matrix the Seer has shown him to do. He explains that any with a trace of magic can learn to access the Matrix through its ritual magic (Ritual Magic trait).
@Arkmenos : Ealdwig has mostly done social interaction but has definitely played through your tutorial time. You gained 10 XP and can gain a trait, weapon mastery, or weapon proficiency. Let me know if you have any questions.
Story moves back into the Manor
Oct 20, 2023 12:54 am
Edair Duril vs the World
Welcome to the story @Elysium77
[ +- ] Edair
Eldair had wound up in the dwarven city of Gamulur after his last job as caravan guard. Not feeling optomistic he saught another employer, the last being a bit too stingy on his promised "bonus" payments for fighting and other hazardous activities. Dwarves were not known to hire humans as guards but still he had caught work of an organization that had been recruiting from this area the last town back. He found the recruiter and found the base wages much better.

The next morning found him floading down river with several other guards on large heavily laden supply barges. The trib was uneventful save catching the edge of one of those new Border Storms. Other than the weather rocking the boat they suddenly found the watter rising to form mist elementals that enjoyed teasing the guards and boatmen. Luckily the captaib was a vetran river master and new the way well enough to avoid crashing the boat and eventually the elementals blew away with the storm.

As Eldair steps off the boat onto the wooden planks of the dock with the other guards he looks around. The butle looks much like any other river port town. The dock hands work to unload the barges under the instruction of an older man who bellows everything.

Miros Xelbrin
You lot there! get out of the way. We don't mind the company but you stopping the unloading of the ale. And everyone know the day isn't done till the ale is safely stored in the tavern.
Get along there.

The guardmen move along, the slower ones getting "acciddentally" bumped and jostled as the dock rats move crates. At the end of the dock are some step up into the dockhouse, a rough stone structure that looks half old and ruinous and half new made. Just inside the cool shade a tall hard faced man and guard await.

Right, I'm Captain Tyren, leader of the Silver Fang mercenaries and captain of the guard here abouts. You can sign up with me or make your way to the office with the Sergeant here. They will sort you out.

Guards on me
and with that he turns and strides off, obviously expecting to be obeyed.

The guard stand watching as you and your comrades sort yourselves out.

Let me know if you follow the captain to be a camp guard or go with the seargent to explore other options. Give me a sence of your attitude and add some OOC on prefered encouters or adventures.
Oct 20, 2023 1:18 am
Edair scowls at the older man, "Yea, whatever you say, old man." he sighs and moves out of the way. He looks at the Captain, "Sign up with you and be a watchman again? I’ll pass. I think I’ll see what the sergeant has for me." He cracks his knuckles and goes with the sergeant.
I don’t have much preference with encounters, maybe some combat so I can see how it works if possible. No big deal if it isn’t
Last edited Oct 20, 2023 8:31 pm
Oct 20, 2023 9:00 pm
The guard takes you down a long street then gestures to an open doorway and with an In there turns and heads off.

Stepping inside, the stone building do help a bit with the heat though the humidity make the air thick and clinging, you see a large room with benches, a couple of tabes, and a boy in his teen sitting at a small writing table. Looking up at your arrival he slips into one of the open doors and returns a moment later to gesture you into the next room.

Inside is a large desk with shelves and cupboards surrounding it and papers neatly stacked or rolled and bound with cord everywhere. The man behind the desk looks you over before going back to his papers as he speaks We thank you for your interest in joining out little expedition and your assistance in bringing the much needed supplies. At this point you have two options.
1. You can work freelance but taking jobs from the notice board in the room you entered from and registering them with my clerk. You will be paid upon completion.
2. You can sign on and work as assigned by the expedition, either as a guard or scout. Scouts do much the same as free agents but are provided room, board, and any required healing, but with lower pay.

At this moment two other figures enter the room and Narth turns his attention to then ignoring Edair for the moment.

Ah, welcome back Schmautz and Seren. I do hope you have good news for me? he asks. The two adventurers give a short report on their interactions with Dean, a thinking golems, and his assistance with them in entering and exploring the Library of Paphos. The expedition administrator becomes quite excited as they talk and send his clerk to fetch the other managers so they can plan their work in the library. After a few minutes of this followed by a couple of questions Phlan sits back.
Well nowk, that will keep the researchers busy for some time. Looking around the room at the assembled adventurers he continues I will have to excuse myself in a minute but can answer a few questions before needing to help organize our foray to the library. My clerc can assist you with you needs and finding work afterward.
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