Feb 22, 2024 1:40 pm
limited time offer says:
Updated Magical collection for sale good this visit to town only
[ +- ] Candleflame Bow 50gp
This bow has a nub of a candle on a holder built into it. It can be magically lit and extinguished upon command. The small curved mirror shines the light forward to illuminate close and nearby areas.
[ +- ] Blazeball Bat 75gp -> Oliver
Objects struck bust into flame. Object can be ignited and launched, without being broken, using the bat as a ranged weapon.
[ +- ] Savage Warhammer 250gp
This heavy weapon deals an additional +1 damage on critical hits.
[ +- ] Ajile Scalemale 250gp -> Oliver
This medium armor can be worn even by those only proficient with light armor.
[ +- ] Alchemist's Splayer 100gp
This device can hold up to 3 flasks and allow their contents to be spayed under pressure onto close or near targets. When spraying the alchemist can choose for the target to save or they can make a standard roll to attack.
[ +- ] Camper's Respite 200gp
Once per day, striking this rod into the ground causes it to extend and unfold into a tent that lasts up to 12 hours. The tent automatically camouflages and if the flaps are close it can only be identified as a tent if a perception test is made. The tent reduces the effects of the outside environment.
Nope, purchases should be posted here so everyone knows when something is purchased. I blame late night posting for nonsensical DM ramblings. Post purchases here.