New Paphos (The Base)

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Apr 23, 2023 11:13 pm
I don't see a problem with letting you three help out. Especially considering the security arrangement they have set up currently.

He explains to the new trio that as the entrance into the underground warren is in the base warehouse. Valpip actually has to lock them down there while he holds the key to the gate and works above in the warehouse.

After that last encounter I was thinking there has to be a better way to secure the basement. I figure I can change out the locks and replace those old crumbling doors for some good ones and give you a set of keys for that room. That way you will have a secure point to fall back to. Once you have all the rooms adjacent to the first secured I can start work. If I get Mord to help me which should speed things up.

If you do happen to find other entrances from down there that lead up into the base we can get one of those assigned for your use and assigned a guard to that, just in case. We know there are goblins down there but the goblins do not seem to be working too closely with the hobgoblins anymore.

Here he goes into a lengthy lecture on the goblinoid races
[ +- ] Gobinoids
That being said, perhaps only the goblins have and fey have discovered the tunnels under the city. He sounds a bit more hopeful than certain at this last statement.
Apr 24, 2023 3:23 am
After listening to Skeeve's description of his group, Blornvid starts chuckling. "Aye lad. That'll do." He unfolds his arms and leans over the table. "None of you would happen to know anything about mushrooms, would ya?"

After listening to Valpip talk, he comments, "Ahhhh, new doors. It would be nice to have a safe base of operations without worrying about something creeping up behind us."
Apr 24, 2023 1:28 pm
Actually ... My background is "hermit". Plus, with the rest of his background, that might give him a chance.

So, if the above is true ...
Skeeve says, "I am not an expert by any means, but I do know some."
Apr 24, 2023 5:15 pm
Blornvid replies to Skeeve, "Good. We can put you to work right away." He laughs and adds a wink.
Apr 25, 2023 1:30 am
As you chat Valpip finishes his meal and excuses himself to go make arrangements for the new trio. A while later Woosaa excuses herself as well as she needs to take her team on patrol.
Let me know if you have more questions before the NPC take off and/or if there is anything else you would like to do before beginning the dungeon crawl otherwise I will move the story into the tunnels.
Moli will excuse herself from returning to the tunnels at this time, as PoisonIvy is leaving the game.
Apr 25, 2023 2:26 am
Blornvid is disappointed to hear that Moli will not be returning to the tunnels beneath the warehouse.
He'll think that he did something wrong even though he didn't.

Also, Moli has the lockpick set. Should we go buy another? It would be rude to ask to borrow it.
Apr 25, 2023 3:43 am
Valpip can sell a "tool kit" that he refuses to call lock picks for 25GP
Apr 25, 2023 5:58 am
Just readying up for the tunnel crawl :thumbsup:
Apr 25, 2023 1:49 pm
Finishing up you heard over to the warehouse to be escorted to the tunnels. Looking around the large warehouse room you can not see a reason for all the guys over security. It appears to be full of basic supplies, food, water, ale, weapons, armor, wood, metal bars, and an assignment of junk you assume to be recovered items from the city Remnants.
Valpip is already downstairs with Mord and a guard.
story moves to the Tunnels thread
May 1, 2023 1:10 pm
Alext at Large
Alexander has been on base for about a week working for the rather distracted lead scholar and archeologist Myreana. The elven lady is nice enough but lives more in hard facts, wich does not include anything to do with living people, and inside her own head that is stictly safe for some one really should. Today she is once again talking to herself but Alexander has learned that she often will drop instructions for him in the middle of her own sonversations and leaves it to him to figure out which comments to simply remember and which to act upon.
Myreana (Archeologists)
Drat they've been in here again. I have no idea what they are after. Let's see hmmm . . . . .
They rearanges my notes again.
You have learned never to move anything she sets down without simply handing things back to here if she puts something down while distracted. We shall be heading off the the Remnant tomorrow but I am worried about what they will get into while i am gome. Need to make sure Fiznik has renewed the wards on the secure storage and Valpip needs to get that expanded storage in the wharehouse done before we can move thing into there. Mord should craft a couple cold iron locks as most fey magics dont work well near iron. Odd that steal doesnt seem to bother them as much .. and she rambles on.
Welcome to the story @rocketdentures
Let see what Alexander can make of the rambling and go from there.
May 4, 2023 5:45 am
Alexander raises his hand and asks Myreana, "Are you heading deep into the ruins soon?" The prospect of some adventure finally happening has him shaking in excitement, and he's barely keeping his cool.

Myreana (Archeologists)


May 4, 2023 12:02 pm
Myreana prattles on for a few sentences before you remember to gently grab what she is holding as her mind tends to only be able to focus on one thing at a time it is is ususly in her hand. She pauses, blinks and looks at you in suprise. You rereat your query and she sights.
Myreana (Archeologists)
Yes, we are heading to the Remnant romorrow. Wernt you listening? But fist . . and she picks up a piece of parchment, rumages to finda quill and inkwell then jots down a few sentences. Go and do this.
Soving the parchment at you she turns back to her own little world talking, you assume to herself again.

Check with Fiznik about wards on storage
Se Valpip about expanded warehouse progress
See Mord about "Cold Iron" lock, and chain if possible
May 4, 2023 12:06 pm
The fist page of this post has a map of the base.
The ~Tiny Info~ haas a list of NPC. It should be visible to you as a grey button at the bottom of the page below the Rolls section
You should see 2 grey buttons, one for your character and one for !Tiny Info~
May 5, 2023 10:49 am
"Yes ma'am!" I run out of the cantina to start on the errands, this time with a spring in my step towards the direction of the wizard's workshop.
May 5, 2023 1:15 pm
Alexander movs into the quiet streets of the base. Ocasional scholars are seen talking to each other in preparation of tomorrows excursion to the Remnants. Portrs can be sen down other streets packing things in wagons. Ariving outside teh Wizard Fiznik's workshop Alexander pauses to organize his thoughts and enters.
Only have ben here once briefly while exploreing the base Alexander takes his time to look around as he calls out to Fiznik who is not in the workshot but an open doorway leads back to his library and personal quarters and perhaps he is back there. The workshop itself is a small a and somewhat cluttered room with an odly nead demarkation of open space right at the rooms entrance. Alexander ponders, briefly, stepping out of the cleared space and into the rest of the room to get a closer look as the assortment of wizardly paraphenalia but is saved from himself by the timely arival of the wizard.
What is it? Ah, the new boy for Myrenea . and he sofltly chuckles a bit I see she gave you a list. That woman will get us all killes by not ralizing words and ideas as as real with our without physical representations. Well I suppose she wants an update on those wards she's been badgering me about. Jus a moment and I will write you a note. Its not like I have anything better to do.
The wizard pulls a stoll form under some of the clutter, which seems to fail falling to the floor despite the lack of any visible suppport. He pulls a parchment from the midle of a stack, glances at it, shakes off the ink which begins crawling along the floor and up the table back into the ink pot, before writing a note.
So how have you been getting on, eh? Having any trouble with you master?
May 9, 2023 2:29 am
Well, I was expecting more...exciting things to do, at least more exciting than what I did back in the city. Alexander says while a little at awe of the moving objects.

But I think I'll get to do something more soon!



May 9, 2023 2:57 am
The old wizard chuckles Well we have a couple base fellows working to clear tunnels under the base then there is always the guards or scouts if you are looking for some excitement. Valpip is over at the warehouse now overseeing those clearing the tunnels. You can go talk with him. But you'd best finish your shopping list first though.
if you want to skip ahead to something in particular you can just touch on things quickly in the order you want to do then then let me know where you want to go next. I Started you on base as your character seemed more of a social type but if you are looking for something more adventurous just let me know.
May 12, 2023 1:17 pm
After finishing up with Fixnik you head over to the smith , Mord and explain what things Myrena would like to him then head over to the warehouse to find Fiznik. The clerk, a boy about your age and with a similar background takes you back to see Valpip
The gnomish artificer is working on a magical mechanism with large sections of the floor cleared and chalked outlines drawn on it. To one side of this area you note a staircase leading down, likely to the tunnels beneath the base you have hear about recently. A couple of other new scouts have been trying their luck down there. Perhaps you could join up with them...?
May 14, 2023 12:37 am
After a hard days work adventuring you all gather at the tavern for a relaxing meal, cool drinks, and friendly banter
May 14, 2023 12:49 am
Psybermagi sent a note to rocketdentures
Psybermagi sent a note to Rizado96,ForeverDED,daryen
@Rizado96,@ForeverDED,@daryen,@brathdyn,@rocketdentures Notes can be used to send private messages between players and the DM but show up for others as a grey block. You can also use Private blocks to send messages that only the recipients can read any no one other than the DM will even be aware of. Both these optics are available from the paper with lines icon next to OOC

As it is still a bit early in the evening the tavern is not too busy, as the guard shift has yet to take place, so you spread out at a table of choice.
Introduce your character to the other as there are some players from other threads that may join you
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