Apr 23, 2023 11:13 pm

He explains to the new trio that as the entrance into the underground warren is in the base warehouse. Valpip actually has to lock them down there while he holds the key to the gate and works above in the warehouse.
After that last encounter I was thinking there has to be a better way to secure the basement. I figure I can change out the locks and replace those old crumbling doors for some good ones and give you a set of keys for that room. That way you will have a secure point to fall back to. Once you have all the rooms adjacent to the first secured I can start work. If I get Mord to help me which should speed things up.
If you do happen to find other entrances from down there that lead up into the base we can get one of those assigned for your use and assigned a guard to that, just in case. We know there are goblins down there but the goblins do not seem to be working too closely with the hobgoblins anymore.
Here he goes into a lengthy lecture on the goblinoid races
[ +- ] Gobinoids
There are 3 types of goblinoids; goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears. While they are distinct races with differing as natures as dwarves, elves and halflings, they are in fact united by their worship of Maglubiyet, the god who subjugated the gods of these 3 races to unite them under one banner. While different in race, goblinoids are united in their worship of Maglubiyet and will not meet as strangers or foes, but as allies, brought together by Maglubiyetâs will.
Goblinoids rarely got along with themselves better than their enemies, though they were known to come together under a common cause on occasion. In such situations, hierarchy was usually determined by whoever would win in a fight, and it was not uncommon for them to find out through physical methods. However it is almost always a bugbear or hobgoblin leader and the goblins are used on the menial labor and high danger low reward missions. This has made them dislike working with the others unless their priests force them to.