New Paphos (The Base)

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May 17, 2023 1:13 pm
moving back into the tunnels
Jun 5, 2023 1:11 pm
The last Wagon Train
The latest wagons arrive with disturbing news of an unusual storm. That added to the growing tension with the orcs and hobgoblins means there will likely be no more wagons. Luckily the river passage is still open though river pirates are beginning a problem.
read the first three posts at the beginning of the thread for a map and basic base info
The wagons are unloaded and the rest of the day is free while the expedition and wagon train leaders decide what to do about getting the wagons back to their homelands. It is mid afternoon and the base, essentially a small though well supplied, town is a mix of academics, laborers, guards, merchants, and adventures. Several of the wagon hands, having been here before, head to the tavern for a meal and cool drink.
Jun 5, 2023 3:35 pm
The base is controlled by the expedition, a muti-faction supported effort to explore the city and recover as much list knowledge as possible. Your initial contact eat simply to escort the washing here. You are paid 10 gold and have the options
1. Stay here as a freelance explorer
2. Sign up as an expedition scout
3. Sign up as a guard
4. Return with the wagons

From what you heard it read initially much stricter about the information and people leaving once they were here. Magic contacts and such were required of everyone. But with the troubled with the other factions, orc, goblin. Kobold, necromancer, they have had to bring in more people and secret had long been lost.
Jun 5, 2023 4:45 pm
Vlax gathers as many of his fellow scouts as he can. Having spent time working together, he has built a bit of trust, not to mention there is strength and safety in numbers. He asks of them what they think. Do they want to continue working together, and to what end?

He doesn't mind sharing that for him, the prospect of being a freelance explorer using this as a base of operations sounds good, but he's open to discussing it.

He is least interested in "signing up" because that implies an obligation to someone else, they make decisions, and might give orders, unless it is not difficult to sever such an arrangement, with an amenable exit clause.
Jun 5, 2023 5:57 pm
Raggy shares that him and Ro have enjoyed the company of the makeshift group. He is also leaning towards the freelance idea. He started this adventure to get away from the safety of home and to hunt larger things. He is wiling to accept other options to stay a group. Ro and him really have a longing for that pack feeling.
Jun 6, 2023 12:45 am
You eat and relax while listening to the talk of the locals. Much of the talk deals with things posted to the notice board (See Tiny Info)
[ +- ] Scout notice board
Most of the talk is about the Border Storm and you find yourseves, along with others who were with the wagons, retelling the tail of the odd Border Storm. After an evening of this you get directions to the bunk room and rest on a suprisingly comfortable matress

In the morning a guard anounces that any interested in working should go and see the clerk after breakfast. The morning meal is more filling but less favorfull and you make your way through it before getting adirections and heading to the clerks office.

The office door is open and you step into the cool interior from the heat already getting a bit stuffy from the head of the day.

A boy sits at a desk and looks up as you enter Ah, the newcomers from the wagon train. The wagon master wanted me to thank you for your assistance with that. He said you help quite a bit with gathering up those lost to the storm.

Now what can I do for you?
and he looks you over attentively.
Jun 6, 2023 2:23 am
Knowing not everyone takes kindly to nonhumans, he stays in the bad and let the others talk.
Jun 6, 2023 8:54 pm
Vlax comes in along sode fhe others. "Good morning. I guess we're looking for freelance work. Don't get me wrong we love the meals, but we're not really ready to sign on as anything other than freelance at the moment. We've been looking over all kinds of jobs. It looks like there's things going on in every direction, not to mention here in the cemetery. Do you have any recommendations as to something that would be good for a group that works well together but quite frankly are more mercenary than recruit per se?".

He hopes the clerk can guide them in a specific direction, and if not then Vlax suggust everyone step aside and talk about some of the jobs and figure out which one fits best for all of us.



Jun 7, 2023 1:35 am
The boy thinks then lookthrough a sheef of papers before replying The cemeteery is the simlest for strait up mercenary work. Just bring back something unique from each kill. A head, a hand, stuf like that. We can pay you on bounty comission. Other than that most of the work has to be verified so may not be ideal for you.

There is also the tunnels thar are being cleard but Valpip thinks they are almost done. You could help them out or just work seporate from them down there.
They are mostly working on their own athough they have found a few decent treasures and so made some good money. Like I said though they should wrap it up in another day or so.

Looking through some other papers he look up with an odd expression
There is also the Infinite Tower. They are trying to recruit people for as many missions as they can get but most people a a bit wary of traveling the pllanes to collect resources for them. From what I heard they pay in nowledge, training and magic.
Jun 7, 2023 1:56 am
I don't much use of the tunnels. Raggy says
I think thats the one dm said post less often. Not very intriguing to me as a player.
Otherwise im good with anything. We already went to one plane. How bad can they be? Raggy says with little confidence on his face.
Jun 7, 2023 1:59 am
Tunnels post multiple times daily
Library is slower
Jun 7, 2023 2:09 am
So if tunnels is more posts per day. i like that.
Jun 7, 2023 4:00 am
Psybermagi says:
Tunnels post multiple times daily
Library is slower
oh my mistake. Yes multiple a day is my speed or own any of the others is fine.
Last edited June 7, 2023 4:00 am
Jun 7, 2023 1:11 pm
You discuss things with the clerk and after scribling something on a sheet of paper he takes you back to a wharehouse and introduces yo uto a gnome, Valpip the expditions artificer.



Jun 7, 2023 1:26 pm
Ah, more recruits eh? The boy sent a message to Seren and Skeeve so they should head back.

The gnome is working on a large metal platform with heavy metal chains going up to gears near the ceiling. He waves his hand towards a set of stairs leading down.

Well your welcome to head down. Just be careful, the place is trapped.
if your want to join the tunnels go ahead and post a comment here then move over to the Tunnels thread. That that updates 5+ a week.
Any and all are welcome to go. It you can discuss it some more here or in the chat.
@Marmy49,@Aforementioned I created a poll to find out how often players can post here. Please take a look and post you preference there
Jun 7, 2023 1:54 pm
Work is pretty busy right now so ill be a little less frequent. Ill try and keep up with the thread, but posting may or may not happen.
Jun 7, 2023 3:17 pm
no worries, thanks for the heads up
Jun 7, 2023 4:43 pm
Raggy likes the tunnels. He's excited to make use of his new trap skills, but if the others don't go he will wait and see what they say.
Jun 7, 2023 4:46 pm
slowing us down a second, waiting on Marmu49
"Before we go down, quick question," Vlax addresses Valpip. "So, What can we expect down there? We've been told that they're clearing it out, and that they've done a lot of work, but what are they clearing out? What is it that's... Well you know?" He asks
Jun 7, 2023 4:51 pm
Also, a quick peek at tunnels. Looks like they post about five posts an hour not a week... Lol. Not complaining but that's an active group.

It just begs the question... Do we just, introduce our chatacters ... walking up behind them,... Or did you prefer some other way of our characters showing up?
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