New Paphos (The Base)

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Jun 7, 2023 5:03 pm
DaChiefPI says:
Also, a quick peek at tunnels. Looks like they post about five posts an hour not a week... Lol. Not complaining but that's an active group.

It just begs the question... Do we just, introduce our chatacters ... walking up behind them,... Or did you prefer some other way of our characters showing up?
Dm has already set up for our introduction. Go check tunnels



Jun 7, 2023 5:09 pm
Well I was looking to expand the warehouse by adding a cellar. Only when I started digging I found existing tunnels. They seem to be left overs from the original city that the goblins have added to. There are a bunch of traps and a few creatures from the war, but nothing major.. He goes on in detail
see posts starting here and here
Mostly we want it cleared and all their little back doors into our base closed of.
Jun 8, 2023 1:05 am
Vlax descends to the lower chamber and after a few moment you hear othe voices.
A human come sup the stairs through a gate that Valpip unlocked for Vlax and he talks with Valpip for a moment before heading back down.
[ +- ] Conversation
Why don't I come with you to this tunnel and the alcoves. I can get you that scroll later tonight.
He turns to the rest of the adventurers You coming or do you want to figure something else out with the clerk? and he guestures back to the office. The guard can escort you back

Valpip descends with Skeeve to the chamber below

Follow this Link to the Tunnels thread if you wish to accompany them.
Jun 8, 2023 4:08 am
If you are not sure or don't have a real preference you can just join them in the tunnels. There are enough players/characters that it isn't a bit deal if you are not posting every day.
Jun 9, 2023 1:20 am
After Raggy and Vlax move into the tunnels the guard turns to look at the two of you.
Back to the clerk with you and he guides you back to the clerk so he can go watch the door for Valpip's return.

As you come back in the youth smiles. Dont worry there are plenty of things to do that dont involve goint into known trapped dark sewers and dungeons.
We are expeecting another boat to arrive tomorrow and hopefully there will be more recruits then. In the meantime if you want to geat an idea of the area you can alwasy go visit the grippli shaman. She always has little od jobs for newcomers.
Jun 9, 2023 12:32 pm
@Marmy49,@GooberMcSnorford continue their story here
Ulkar and Seren have been wandering around getting a feel for the base.
[ +- ] The Base
[ +- ] Base Map
[ +- ] Persona you meet and hear about
Athria and Aashas arrive on base
@Zohariel,@CyanblueWyvern have moved their story here.

As you step off the boat onto the wooden planks of the dock you look around at the beginning of this new adventure
Miros Xelbrin
The dock hands are under the instruction of an older man who bellows just about everything. You lot there! get out of the way. We don't mind the company but you stopping the unloading of the ale. And everyone know the day isn't done till the ale is safely stored in our guts. Only they don't allow drinking on the docks.
Get along there.

You quick step up the dock to a ramp leading to a stone boathouse.
Just inside the cool shade of the boathouse a guard picks you out as newcomers and give some basic information. The base is situated at a fork in the river and surrounded on 3 sides by a 20' wall. The last side has a low wall of about 4 feet from the base level and looks out over the river that is 10' below base level. The entire area is hot, humid, and carries the scent of the swamp just to the west. Looking around there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. The older original buildings are built form solid stone blocks with smooth patches of stone filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though many seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.

Ulkar and Seren have wandered down to the docks to watch the commotion as see Athria and Aashas getting sent off by the dockmaster and guard. You all readily identify each other as newcomers and so wander to the tavern to eat, drink, listen to more stories and talk about your plans.
Jun 10, 2023 9:32 am
Athria has spent a little time on the boat being useful, as Cook's Mate she's kept some bellies full as a good way of making a first impression. Her experience from the bigger city still dwells heavily, so when stepping off the boat she seems somewhat withdrawn, keeping her frame low as they step off onto the dry land. She listens and nods to the instructions and sees the tavern as the natural location but seems wary, eyes darting around as if expecting some danger at any moment
Jun 11, 2023 1:02 am
It is wonderful to be warm again, is it not?
Seren is smiling directly at Athria.
I sense you've travelled long and far

Seren sips from a small clay cup something that steams with warm herbal scents.
Gor those whom i did not travel with, Seren appears to be a female foxfolk in tattered blueish robes. She wears a leather pouch and long dagger at her hip and a carved wooden mask is currently perched on her head like a hat
Last edited June 11, 2023 1:03 am
Jun 12, 2023 6:49 am
Athria turns around to regard Seren. Her short stature means she needs to do some looking up, and the bright green head and neck frills flare open for a moment before settling down. She nods and offers a hand.

Gamalur, and a little further before that. The solid ground feels better than any fire for sure.

I am Athria of NoClan.
Jun 13, 2023 3:03 am
Seren shakes the offered hand
Ah, yes! You came in on the ships. Ive never travelled across the water before. It sounds exciting. I'm Seren, of nowhere and noone in particular. I suppose im from my Grove but only fate can know if i will ever see it again.

To where do your winds blow?
I think im leaning towards the library, or the infinite tower. Both sound interesting.
Jun 13, 2023 3:26 am
Tidbits you overhear while chatting
[ +- ] Library
[ +- ] The Tower
If both are fine then I ask that you take the library as that is already ongoing and the player still working on it is heading back to town so it will be an easy flow to add others to the party and head back.
Jun 14, 2023 11:38 am
Back at the base, I stroll around, Dean's Servitor still with me, as the tasks I got from Dean are still not completed yet. People ask about the Servitor, so I'm willingly answering their questions and narrate about the Library and what I've seen so far.

Again, I've lost some comrades along the way. I'm thinking of Baruman and hope he can fully recover with Elph's help.

However, I'm feeling like going back to the Libary again.

Back from the Library. :)
Jun 14, 2023 2:35 pm
A Cat-Kin, wearing a normal but nice-looking robe/short kimono/gi, a dagger at his waist, a headband with a gem built into it, and a bag/rucksack for travelling, walks into the tavern and orders a drink and some food as he takes a table before sitting back to relax. The newcomers hear other remark on this as he is usually with his fellow scouts. He has had some success and been with the expedition a couple of weeks so it known well enough. Perhaps this veteran can give some pointers to the newcomers.
Jun 15, 2023 6:28 am
The lizardfolk shrugs her shoulders and raises her mug

Right now just this drink. After that who knows.

OOC: Apologies but I think I'm going to bow out of this. You are all fantastic but the format I am still struggling with. You have my deepest thanks for letting me have a go and hope this isn't too disruptive.
Jun 15, 2023 11:45 am
I notice the gesture and raise my cup as well.

I can't quite read the lizard-folk's mimic, but I notice another person. A furry creature not that different from myself.
Furry, with a dagger as a weapon and an intersting wooden mask.

I purr in a friendly voice.

"Cheers! May G'ar-Field, the heavenly guard of my tribe bless us all. At least he did so in the past.

What brought you here? Looking for adventure or already been regrouped to one of the teams? There's a lot going on here at the base, and ... even more outside."
Jun 15, 2023 2:28 pm
After saying a quick farewell to Athria, Seren gets up to join the new figure.
I rarely go looking for such things as adventure, but im not one to protest when it seeks me out. And it has. On the road here an otherworldly storm blew in and wreaked havoc on our caravan. Luckily we made it back alive...
For a moment, Seren's countenance flickers with what might be doubt or confusion, but she quickly rights herself and continues.
I was hoping the library may hold answers so i think thats my next step.
The name's Seren
Jun 15, 2023 6:47 pm
"To the Library ... " I say. I'm suprised, excited and awestruck at the same time.
I look left and right.
Holding my cup with both hands, I lean forward.

"There's still some thing in the library I have to do. And I am in need of a partner. If you want to find answers ... and maybe some loot ...
Then adventure has found you!"

I grin and purr.

"What do you say!?

Oh ...please apologize. Seems like I've lost my decency while running through the swamp.

I am Shmautz, from the clan of the Predator Paws of the tribe of the Sun Furs."

My right paw reaches out over the table. I offer a handshake.
Jun 16, 2023 12:33 am
Skeeve shows up at the tavern for a drink or two, ready to discuss the discoveries of the day. When Blornvid shows up, he greets him warmly. When the others show up, he greets them with a smile and asks what their first impressions are.
Last edited June 16, 2023 12:35 am
Jun 16, 2023 12:58 am
Raggy and Ro walk in and sit with the others. Raggy takes a seat and starts drinking and relaxing. Ro nuzzles under sleeves feet and takes a nap. I really don't know how ive handled so much excitementthis week. We were small game hunters before this. Biggest thing I've ever killed was a deer. Now the storm and well today. I donr know which one was more eventful. Although walking on clouds and not knowing when you will fall through is unsettling. Raggy leans back in his chair and Listens to the conversation. He eventually recounts the events of the storm for Skeeve and Blornvid assuming they hadn't already heard it.
Jun 16, 2023 4:10 am
As the evening sets in the tavern becomes a busy place as scouts, guards, and craftsmen settle back to relax after a day of hard work, danger, or just boring drudgery. Shmautz, a graceful catfolk sporting a elegant cloak and accompanied by some sort of tiny automaton is recognized by most though known by few. Having been with the expedition some weeks he is recognized as one of the more successful scouts. Word of hit team dissolving spreads through the tavern and it looks like some of the new recruits are already looking to see if they can get any tips of join him on his next outing. Word from the clerks office is that Schmautz is scouting a promising Remnant having something to do with the tiny golem. The Remnants have gotten a bit of a dangerous reputation. Each is contained in a barrier, almost like a Border but smaller and more stable. But with the advent of the Border storms and they chaos it caused most are happy to let the scouts scout the Remnants while they sit back and collect tales.

The quartet of tunnel delvers are also a bit of a hot topic. Blronvid the dwarf smit warrior and Skeeve the human mage have been working in the rooms and passageways recently discovered below the base. By all accounts the amount and danger of traps they have encountered almost make the speculation on the wealth they must be accumulating almost reserved. Still it looks like they picked up a couple of new companions. The large wolfkin Raggy with his pet wolf draws most of the attention allowing the smaller human Vlax to almost go unnoticed. Word that the tunnels are nearly clear brings to question if the two newcomers are swooping in to get double the loot for half the effort or half the loot for double the danger.

As the topics of loot and dangers are passed around the room some discus the local shops, mostly stocked in staple supplies with weapons, armor, and survival gear taking up most of the rest of the shelves. Still the artificer Valpip and wizard Fiznick are known to have a few items of power and sell the occasional scroll or potion to make adventuring all the more thrilling to the tale tellers and listeners around the room.
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