New Paphos (The Base)

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May 14, 2023 1:13 am
Skeeve states that he is all for going back down when everyone is healed up. He'd like for us to buy a couple items before going back down, though. Specifically, an axe for some of the doors, a crowbar for wedging things more easily, a proper "thief's toolkit" for Khaguran, and a healer's toolkit for himself. Assuming that none of that is too expensive or anything.
May 14, 2023 1:41 am
The armor is all yours, my friend! I think Khaguran will probably kick around the base for a while (i.e. I think I'm going to take a hiatus and use the extra bandwidth for the prep-intensive West Marches game I'm running here on GP). @Psybermagi @ForeverDED,@daryen A real pleasure adventuring with you all, and my thanks to our DM for being part of my introduction to PBP! Happy gaming, everybody.
Last edited May 14, 2023 1:41 am
May 14, 2023 3:07 am
Blornvid says to Skeeve, "Please, take the armor. May it protect you from goblins and spikes on chains." He chuckles. "If it needs repairs, bring it by the smithy, I can take a look at it. If I can't make it right, I know that Mord can."

He's on board for going back into the tunnel after a good night's sleep and making sure the armor is all set. "Buying a lockpick set is a good idea. It beats bashing doors down with an axe."

Blornvid would like to make a donation to the healer. Hopefully 1 platinum coin is sufficient and not an insult.
@Rizado96 It was fun! See you over in Stoneheart Valley.
May 14, 2023 4:05 pm
So that adds up to 170 cp, 60 sp, 111 gp, plus the armor. Not sure what the armor should be priced at.
Skeeve suggests just dividing it up three ways as evenly as possible including the armor. Though if the armor is too much, he'll still ask for some money to pay for expenses.
@Rizado96, I hope you get a chance to visit back and revive Khaguran occasionally.
May 14, 2023 4:24 pm
"Skeeve, don't worry about factoring in the armor. Consider it a bonus, lad. We'll divvy up the coins and call it even."
May 14, 2023 5:12 pm
OK, so that's 37gp, 20sp, and 57cp for Khaguran and Blornvid. Skeeve gets 1cp less, but the armor to compensate. :)
Armor has been added to my inventory!
May 14, 2023 6:51 pm
daryen says:
So that adds up to 170 cp, 60 sp, 111 gp, plus the armor. Not sure what the armor should be priced at.
Skeeve suggests just dividing it up three ways as evenly as possible including the armor. Though if the armor is too much, he'll still ask for some money to pay for expenses.
@Rizado96, I hope you get a chance to visit back and revive Khaguran occasionally.
Just might! The fickle winds may drive him back into your company now and again.
May 15, 2023 4:57 pm
Rizado96 says:
Just might! The fickle winds may drive him back into your company now and again.
Well, at least Khaguran has a few coin to pay for room and board for a while. I will assume Skeeve still talks to Khaguran frequently, since he will still be around the base, even if just doing some boring stuff. Maybe he can go run the absent-minded librarian's errands while the new guy joins us in the tunnels!
Last edited May 15, 2023 4:57 pm
May 16, 2023 1:13 pm
The trio split the 170 cp, 60 sp, 11 gp, by 3 so each gets 5 sp, 5 gp, leaving 20 CP and 2 gold for common or emergency funds.

Khaguran information the others he will take some time to relax on base leaving the other 2 to decide the next step.
As they chat they hear a large minotaur and florid discussing their recent activities in the swamp. They find the minotaur was a butcher and plans to work on base, similar to Khaguran while the field actually b found the adventure exciting. The trio groups mingle and swap tales. Baun offers to join the two in their next adventure.

I am a spell touched healer so can aid your by sensing magics and cutting your wounds. I am not good at fighting but will aid you as I can if you let me join you. She continues explaining she still has a task she can work on in the swamp if you would like to go there instead of the tunnels
May 16, 2023 1:18 pm
The trio split the 170 cp, 60 sp, 11 gp, by 3 so each gets 5 sp, 5 gp, leaving 20 CP and 2 gold for common or emergency funds.

Khaguran information the others he will take some time to relax on base leaving the other 2 to decide the next step.
As they chat they hear a large minotaur and florid discussing their recent activities in the swamp. They find the minotaur was a butcher and plans to work on base, similar to Khaguran while the field actually b found the adventure exciting. The trio groups mingle and swap tales. Baun offers to join the two in their next adventure.

I am a spell touched healer so can aid your by sensing magics and curing your wounds, disease, and poison. I am not good at fighting but will aid you as I can if you let me join you. She continues explaining she still has a task she can work on in the swamp if you would like to go there instead of the tunnels
May 16, 2023 1:30 pm
The trio split the 170 cp, 60 sp, 11 gp, by 3 so each gets 5 sp, 5 gp, leaving 20 CP and 2 gold for common or emergency funds.
Two questions:
- What is the bases's cut?
- What about those four objects worth 25gp each that I thought we could cash out?

If we can't cash them out, I think each of us should take one so that we can at least barter with them at some point.

Just want to make sure of how that works.
May 16, 2023 1:37 pm
Skeeve says, We'd be delighted for the company in the tunnels. I feel like it is unfinished, and I'd like to make sure it is all cleared out before moving to something else. With what we've already found down there, this base will have horrible vulnerability until it is cleared out. And having more muscle for the doors and enemies, and the chance for healing in place is very welcome!

Since it seems like we got out reasonably methodically, Skeeve would like to see if we can find where in the base those stairs come out. Being able to see it from the top might be helpful.

But, once everyone is healed up, Skeeve is ready for another delve.
May 16, 2023 1:43 pm
Base cut is first dibs on any information and items of interest that they pay you for. All wealth is yours.
Yes the other items can be cashed out.
So let's continue divide by 3 round down. Khaguran will take 1 your two get 1 each and the last is in the slush fund
May 16, 2023 3:18 pm
On divvying up the loot: If no one objects, I'll take the dagger.

To Buan: Welcome aboard. How good are you at identifying mushrooms?
May 17, 2023 12:25 am
On divvying up the loot: I'll take to torc, assuming no one objects.

To Baun: Yeah, that'd be helpful. I failed at that attempt.



May 17, 2023 1:09 am
I am well versed in most plant life though I have learne there are some local and magical varieties that I was previoiusly unaware of. If I can not identify the troubling pllant it is likely one of those andbest avoided if possible. Thenk you for letting me acompany you. Please watcho over me. and she gives a slight seated bow to each of you.
Let me know if there is anything else you ned before heading back down in the morning.
You asked about thieves tools for Khaguran and though he left your current team can work together to cover his role. Baun is Perceptive so will be good at finding traps, Either of you can call on her for help then just roll 3d6 on searches, Blornvid as a smith has basic familiarity with mechanisms. Thoug he may lack the finess of a trained burglar he will be able to disable or break most mechanisms. Skeve and Baun are both spell touched so if he does a check for magic with her help then he can roll 2d6,2d6.
You can postshopping list or we can role play shpping I leave it to you. I will assume you are ready to move the party back to the tunnls tomorow night if I havee not heard otherwise.
May 17, 2023 2:16 am
I'm fine with moving on. No need to roleplay shopping. I can only think of the lockpick tools. I have to be a bit more cautious about traps.
May 17, 2023 2:17 am
The one main thing I wanted to try and figure out before heading down is where the stairs come out. That is a HUGE security hole, and I figure it's important to figure that one out first. If I am wrong on that concern, just let me know.
On the shopping trip, if we don't need thieves' tools or a lock pick set, so much the better. I'd still like to get an axe for Skeeve for the various chopping exercises we're gonna be doing. He won't use it in a fight. It's just for utility. Don't need to role play it; just do it and move on.

To Buan he says, We will do all we can to keep,you safe.
May 17, 2023 4:31 am
As things are closing up for the night you are forced to resupply in the morning. Blornvid gets a set of tools for 10GP that include several wooden and metal spikes, a pry bar, small hammer, some whire, an oil can, and a couple rods of various sizes to get into small spaces. Though not as sensitive as thieves tools Blornvid is confident he can use this on any detected mechanisms.
Based on the rough sketches you made, not having taken time to measure our exact distances you assume the ladder comes up somewhere else in the warehouse. The warehouse has already thoroughly been searched at an earlier date with nothing but the one known entrance found. The clerk gives you a 40' knotted rope and asks you to get exact distances to Valpip first thing.

Baun seems nervous going underground. You are aware that Florids, like most plant folk, require sunlight to live and heal. She all to readily offers to use her magic to create light freeing you from needing to carry a torch or lantern though you bring one, just in case.
[ +- ] map
Where do you want to start?
May 17, 2023 12:47 pm
The first thing is to use the measuring rope to map out where the cave-in is and where the stairs are. We can then report back to Valpip where both things are located. We will, of course, be careful to make sure nothing has come back and not assume nothing has changed.

After that, since we'll be back in the first room, Baum can check out the mushroom room.

And after that, Blornvid can pick the direction to go since Skeeve is being so bossy to start the day. :)
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