As things are closing up for the night you are forced to resupply in the morning. Blornvid gets a set of tools for 10GP that include several wooden and metal spikes, a pry bar, small hammer, some whire, an oil can, and a couple rods of various sizes to get into small spaces. Though not as sensitive as thieves tools Blornvid is confident he can use this on any detected mechanisms.
Based on the rough sketches you made, not having taken time to measure our exact distances you assume the ladder comes up somewhere else in the warehouse. The warehouse has already thoroughly been searched at an earlier date with nothing but the one known entrance found. The clerk gives you a 40' knotted rope and asks you to get exact distances to Valpip first thing.
Baun seems nervous going underground. You are aware that Florids, like most plant folk, require sunlight to live and heal. She all to readily offers to use her magic to create light freeing you from needing to carry a torch or lantern though you bring one, just in case.
[ +- ] map

Room 24 has the mushroom and has not been cleared
Where do you want to start?