New Paphos (The Base)

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Jun 16, 2023 4:27 am
In the morning there is a bit of an unusual crush in the clerks office

Alright listen up! Danoll is organizing a patrol of the South West region and we already have a couple volunteers. Any others interested are welcome to join them
The Patrol thread is just kicking of HERE. This is for newcomers and will walk you through the site, setting, system and game. Expected posting rate 3+ times a week but this is flexible as needed
@DungeonCat / Preslynn is already on the thread talking with Danoll. @fnlyre / Tuit Naverson and any other newcomers who are ready to go should start with this quest if you want a gentler introduction.
Waving his hand at the lean catkin the clerk continues
Shmautz will be leading any interested in accompanying him west of the swamps to a Remnant he has already scouted. This is an unusually intact Remnant and we would like it to stay that way. Try and not break things as you finish exploring it and resolving any dangers you may encounter. If you are interested in joining him then he will be leaving in the hour from the west gate. Talk to him before that time to ensure you are not left behind.
The Library thread is an ongoing quest delving into the city ruins. Go HERE to join the quest.
@tergolap,@Marmy49 You can finish up any business in town before moving to the Library thread. Just post here if there is anything you need to do on base before moving on.
After checking in, the tunnel delvers are accompanied by Valpip down below the warehouse to finish the job.
If anyone has any questions about the quests or the Expedition feel free to ask the clerk or look around town and check stuff out on the base. See the ~Tiny Info~ sheet (also accessable felow the "Quick Reply" and "Rolls" section as a small grey button) for a map of the Base.
Jun 16, 2023 1:31 pm
Ugh. Household stomach bug ... Going to be a slow day for me.
Vlax Had made the briefest of appearances in the tavern last night, and seeing how busy and crowded it was he excused himself early. Not feeling very well he shows up this morning. Okay gang, let's get this done. He shows no interest in splitting up the small party they put together, and they seem to be working well together. If the others are ready to head back into the tunnels so is he.
Last edited Jun 16, 2023 3:33 pm
Jun 16, 2023 3:26 pm
I love the idea of this little 14 boy ordering everyone around! I think its great! Especially since he seems precociously competent, too.
Skeeve had a great evening at the tavern, though he made sure not to drink too much. He needs a clear head for the next day of the tunnels. I'd like to think he had a chance to see and catch up with Khorguran and Rikia, too.
Last edited Jun 16, 2023 3:27 pm
Jun 16, 2023 3:58 pm
Shmautz is ready for action. I assume that my backpack is filled as written (char sheet).
Did I have time to recover HP?

Heading over to the Library.
Jun 16, 2023 4:02 pm
daryen says:
I love the idea of this little 14 boy ordering everyone around! I think its great! Especially since he seems precociously competent, too.
Wait whos 14? Lol. I must have overlooked someones age somewhere lol
Jun 16, 2023 4:07 pm
I think you're referring to the clerk
Jun 16, 2023 4:07 pm
The clerk of a youth. Many progressions stay at age 8 or 12. The clerk handles the day to day stuff for the base but they're is an administrator.

This system is very light on resource management. Everyone gets 10 gold a week plus room and board for their work. Shopping list are on the Tiny Info sheet. Everyone is assumed to be healed each night they spend on base
Jun 16, 2023 4:48 pm
oh duh 🤦‍♂️
Jun 16, 2023 5:42 pm
Yeah, I meant the clerk. And I don't mean it as a criticism, complaint, or anything like that. I just like the image. It's great!
Jun 19, 2023 1:18 pm
By my reconing @CyanblueWyvern /Ashas is still on base. I have not heard from them is a bit . we'll see
Sep 8, 2023 4:03 am
@Arkmenos Welcome to the story
You can go back to the first couple of post or read as much of this thread as you like to get background information you would pick up by listening to the local gosip.
Swiftfoot Underfoot
Stepping out of the dock house Ealdwig Swiftfoot looks around there and notes that though there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. Most of the buildings are built from old solid stone block with smooth patches filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though most seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.

As the expedition is now well underway and no longer as secretive as it was before Ealdwig manages to get passage to the base without having to sign a contract. Rumor has it that the first batch of adventurers had to sign a magic contract and were stuck here for months at a time. Luckily things are going well and that means the flow of trade, comverse, and coin.

The base has an odd assortment of people, rough river boat and dock hands, mercenaries, adventurers, cayenne, and scholarly researchers. With the remainder of the day you wander about listening to snatches of gossip eventually making your way to the local hangout, the tavern. The variety of people is all to evident here and you note the varied accents of people from the Nations, Freeholds, and Kingdoms. Some of these cluster with those of like origins woke other groups are a mix of nationalities and people but are of a like profession. The large room has a few small tables, mostly full, as well as several large common tables, and a bar sheet people are eating, drinking, and chatting.
Sep 8, 2023 3:53 pm
Noticing the tavern, Ealdwig decides to grab a drink and a bite to eat and see what he can learn about the place. He reaches up and pushes open the door. The commotion reminds him of every other town taverns he's been in.

Making his way to the bar, he climbs into the first stool he sees. He moves his pack around to his front, to keep it safe from wandering hands.

Calling out to the barkeep, with a broad smile "one ale please and what's on the menu today?"

The barkeep drops the ale and food in front of Ealdwig, and to his surprise it smells better than he was anticipating. Digging in and smiling broadly "Wow! This is amazing! My compliments to the chef. Oh hi, by the way, my name is Ealdwig, and you are?"

After the introduction, as the barkeep goes back to his business, Ealdwig sits on his stool eating his surprisingly delicious meal, drinking his ale and listening to everyone around him. Being the outgoing sort, speaks to both the people to his left and right and anyone else who comes near, trying to get the feel of the place and the lay of the land.

"Does anyone know who I can speak with about finding work on the expedition?"
I wasn't 100% sure how far to go. I figured I would need to move the story along a little and didn't want to stop at my first question about the menu waiting for a silly answer, which is something that would happen at the table. Let me know how this works, too much, too little?
Sep 8, 2023 10:36 pm
Toblen Stonehill
The tavern keeper
suggests the stew Plenty of local meat and herbs in it. Quite the teat. Cooks goten quite good with local products by now. Names Toblen You must be new. We get quite a few looking around. Most move on after an encounter or two with the hobgoblins or orcs. Watch out for them. Beast and monsters can be tough but they don't usually try to hunt you down.

A weary looking elderly human nearby replies You'll be wanting to speak with the clerk over in the office. Or you can just check the notice board out front of the office in the courtyard. The man introduces himself as Danoll, a veteran adventurer and one of the first to have joined the expedition that found this lost city. The expedition is privately funded but has connections to all three lands Kingdoms, Nations, and Freeholds. It recently has been expanding more aggressively due to the increased presence of the Kobolds, Goblinoids, and orcs, each of who has brough other creatures to assist them. Much of the comotion is centered around massive magical orbs that are tied to the Infinite Tower, to the north. But you'll have to go see the tower yourself if you want any information about that. If you are looking for something a bit more lightweight to get your feet wet I suggest checking in with the clerk or going into the swamp and visiting Gulfis, the local's shaman.
He chats with you in a friendly way for several minutes. During that time you spot him effortlessly lift a few coins from passing purses, attached to apparently oblivious patrons, and giving you a wink when he sees that you noticed it.
You are totally fine moving the story along like that. I can always backfill as needed.
See the ~Tiny Info~ sheet Notice Board for open jobs
Sep 8, 2023 11:50 pm
Ealdwig noticing the effortless way Danolli lifts some coins off the patrons, gives a smile and nod in appreciation. "Quick reflexes. Couldn't have done it better myself."

"Office? I certainly wasn't expecting anyone to tell me to head to an office? And what is the Tower?" You seem to know alot about this place, what do you do around here, Danolli, besides a that?" and Ealdwig give a little flick of his head towards some of the patrons.

"Did you say Shaman?"



Sep 9, 2023 12:45 am
Experience tax on fools and novices He says shrugging it off as he tosses the silver to Toblen. The office handles all official offers. The shaman has a few odd jobs occasionally and the Tower is always in need of people. Apparently the tower is a relic of the Dawn Age and got broken somehow during the war and Shattering. Seems dangerous to me mucking about with all that magic and traveling to other planes. No thanks. I'm on my way to retirement and this is my last job. Mostly its just babysitting wannabes with too much bravery and not enough experience. Officially I am senior scout and take them out on patrols 8 days a tenday week. Being senior I make sure to be on base when new boats or wagons arrive whenever I can. Lets me get a look at the new lambs like yourself.

You seem a bit young for all this "adventure". What exactly are you looking to do? If you don't mind me asking.
Sep 9, 2023 2:55 am
Ealdwig giggles and has a broad smile. "Yeah, I get that a lot. I know I look like a 12 year old human, but I am 23, still young but not a child. How old did you think I was?

I don't know too much about magic, and did you say 'traveling to other planes?' Is that possible?"
Is that possible? Talk about an adventure. Ealdwig thinks to himself. And he finishes the rest of this ale.

He considers a second, but not sure he should push it while talking to a perspective employer / colleague.

"Patrols? What are we patrolling?

I heard this was a good place to find adventure and maybe some coin. That's why I came. Not sure what I am looking to do, though. Not sure what can be done here. I do have some skills, I've got some pretty quick hands and feet. Made my living as a street performer, doing acrobatic type stuff, as well as other things to make ends meet."

Ealdwig tries to liberate some "fools tax" himself.
I assume with the nimble fingers trait, I would roll that with advantage? I assume the one 5 is enough, if not I can use the "lucky" trait once per day I believe.
He uses the coin to pay the Toblen. "Any suggestions? Maybe I can work with you, need additional help?"
Last edited Sep 9, 2023 3:05 am


Pick pocket (nimble fingers) - (3d6)


Sep 9, 2023 5:45 pm
Danoll chuckles as you lift and pass on the tax. Waiting till the target is out of hearing he suggests Keep it small and never more than half what you spend yourself. Go to high and people complain and get the watch involved then they come to me to find the inconsiderate lout that tried to freeload. Got it he ends with a stern stare

Toblen Stonehill
Pocketing the coin the man gives you a glance then looks to Danoll who shrugs. You get the impression he is aware of the tax and is part of the "auditing" process. Best not push your luck, at least not in the tavern. I stay in the walls where it is safe. Not much work for you or any other adventurer. All I can suggest is Gulfis the shaman or check the notice board. Danoll would know best.

You can join the guard and watch over the base or one of their watchtowers along the road in through the swamp. Or you can guard the scholars who go out to study the Remnants and occasionally some of the accessible ruins. The patrols mostly keep an eye on the other forces in the area. Thos kobolds, goblinoids, and orc I mentioned. Sometimes the scouts are given missions. For example right now we have a couple teams scouting the caverns we just found under the base and looking into the Library. I hear that one is entirely intact. You can join me on my patrol tomorrow
A: Notice Board
B: Gulfis (shaman)
C: Scouts - patrol(guided walk through), anything else requires a partner PC or NPC
D: Tower (dangerous)
E: Guard duty (BORIING!)
F: Self guided tour (random based on where you go)
Sep 9, 2023 8:00 pm
Who noticed the lift, the barkeeper or the person I lifted from? Is that because it was a "5" and not a "6"?
With a shrug, "got it."

"Well, guard duty seems dull, and potentially dangerous. Who will guard me?" Ealdwig says with a grin. Do people choose to stand around a watch things? Tomorrow I'll I'd like to patrol with you, if you'll have me. It may give me a good overview of the place. Patrol and scouting is something that I might be good at. Thanks.

I've never met a Shaman before. What's he like?"
Approximately what time is it? Should I be asking about a place to sleep or checking in somewhere or did I check in already when i arrived? Maybe there is time to wonder around and check out the notice board.



Sep 10, 2023 12:13 am
The lift was clean, roll was good. I just let the npc notice for story without consequences.
It's early in the afternoon as Danoll explains a bit about how things with here. If you sign-up 2 make and a bed for the night is provided. All sign-ups are for a week at a time.
If that's too much your cab always stay here. Toblen will put you up for a silver. I can take you along tomorrow if you like. As for Guflis, well she is a bit odd, seems to be an occupational hazard, but is she good to have as a friend or aquatense. You got time to pay her a visit today if you like. Just take the road outside the gate to the swamp. The guardpost at the edge of the swamp can give you directions from there.
Sep 10, 2023 4:53 pm
Ok so if I go and "sign up" room and board is provided but I am working for a week, correct? If not I can stay at the Tavern for a silver. I think I have that straight. To go on Patrol with Danolli tomorrow do I need to sign up?
Sorry, who is Pete?
"Hey, thanks for the info Danolli. I think I'll take a walk out to meet a Guflis, she sounds fascinating, and I don't have anything better to do for the rest of the day. Never met a Shaman before.

So, I can patrol with you tomorrow? Where and when do we meet?"

Maybe I'll sign up tomorrow. Take today to scope things out. Danolli seems like a good guy.

Calling over to Toblen, Ealdwig asks he has a room for tonight, gives him another silver. bids ado to Danolli, "See you tomorrow good sir. Thanks for the chat."

Ealdwig hopping down from his high perch, weaves his way through the patrons and out onto the street. He follows the directions from Danolli and heads out to meet a Shaman for the first time. It's a nice day. Glad I decided to come out here. Seems like a good place to make a mark.
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