New Paphos (The Base)

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May 3, 2024 11:31 pm
In the evening at the tavern, Blornvid pulls Sleeve and Arkmenos aside. "Lads, I have to confess that I haven't been as enthusiastic about our jobs of late, and I apologize for that. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, so I'm thinking that I should take a break for awhile.

"Ever since we cleared out the gatehouse, I've been thinking about that place and the forge. I'm going to head out there and see about getting it going again and clean up that place. Get a head start on making it a home, or at least a base of operations.

"Keep in mind that I ain't retirin'. I'm just taking a break, doing something I need to do. Down the road, if something comes along that requires me and my axe, just come on over and we'll talk about it over a few pints. In the meantime, watch each other's backs and make sure the new recruits don't lose their heads."
May 4, 2024 2:14 am
[ +- ] Fiznik's
May 4, 2024 2:28 am
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
Last edited May 4, 2024 11:04 am
May 4, 2024 10:56 am
I sold all my crystal for 365 gold.
I payed Grinfletch the 250 i owed then give him more 50 to help with the cost of the comunicators.
Bought the Eavesdropper's Medallion for 50. I have 15g from the crystals left and Brewner and Oliver are waiting to see if they can get some gold from the clerk for the alliance with the goblins and the cave mapping.
May 4, 2024 4:43 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik's
Last edited May 4, 2024 5:01 pm
May 4, 2024 11:09 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
May 6, 2024 4:24 am
[ +- ] Administrator & Clerk offices
I think all business is basically wrapped up so head to the tavern or cantina to chat if you like or let me and/or daryen know if you are ready to move on.
May 6, 2024 1:00 pm
[ +- ] Clerk’s
Last edited May 6, 2024 2:22 pm


Deception - (2d6)


May 6, 2024 1:20 pm
well that would not be my hallucination of choice 😁
May 6, 2024 2:11 pm
Yeah, I haven’t considered exactly what is doable with this yet. It only last 6 seconds before I need to recast the illusion, right?
Last edited May 6, 2024 2:18 pm
May 6, 2024 2:27 pm
[ +- ] activating and managing powers
May 6, 2024 3:03 pm
Ealdwig sees Grin and smiles, is that Grin? What is that light?


Save - (2d6)


May 6, 2024 4:12 pm
Seeing Ealdwig smile in response to the ruse, Grin drops the illusion. Ealdwig! He gives the Duende a friendly hug. You look well! Do I have a lot to tell you!? He introduces himself to Arc and Kaarik. And asks them about their adventures.
May 6, 2024 4:29 pm
Guys, I met Grin a little while back. We had a crazy encounter in the tunnels under the city. To Grin, what was that monster called? A roper? Is that right? Ealdwig makes a face, nasty creature.
May 6, 2024 6:40 pm
Nasty is right! Since then, we cleared out the spider cave and found a massive psionic crystal. After fighting over it with some goblins, we finally broke up the crystal into useable parts… Here!

Grin hands Ealdwig a small, 1/2" long crystal. This is one of the cave crystals. You can keep that as my gift to you! If you bring it to Fiznik’s, they’ll make it into a short-range communicator - I think it takes them a couple days and they’ll charge you 25G for their efforts. If anyone else wants one of these, I have three more - I’ll give them to you in trade for something, maybe something useful in the deep deep underdark ?... Or 25G.
[ +- ] Cave Crystal
Last edited May 6, 2024 6:42 pm
May 6, 2024 7:33 pm
Kaarik was not fooled by Grin. He is very amused by the jokes though and happy to meet such an amicable new companion.
Should we go to eat and obviously drink something in the cantina?
Last edited May 6, 2024 7:35 pm


Save - (2d6)


May 7, 2024 3:03 am
Ealdwig accepts the offered crystal, wow, thanks Grin. Very generous. Are you sure? i certainly don't want to take your well earned treasure. This probably wasn't easy to come by.

To Kaarik, absolutely! Let's get some food and drink. It's great, seeing Grin and Oliver again.

Ealdwig, recounts some of the adventures he has been on so far, discussing the field house with the ghost, the glitching training center, the ramparts with goblins and the sickness that comes with passing through a boarder, as well as the dinosaurs, fey and the library. It's certainly been interesting.

Grin, you're heading back to the Underdark? What's it like down there? I haven't seen it. Maybe I should come with you this time. The Manor seems to be doing well and Blornvid is heading back that way. He wants to get the forge up and running. I think he misses that from his previous life. Skeeve has been really into the Matrix nodes and magic, it's all over my head.
May 7, 2024 3:13 am
I didn't want to forget
ForeverDED says:
In the evening at the tavern, Blornvid pulls Sleeve and Arkmenos aside. "Lads, I have to confess that I haven't been as enthusiastic about our jobs of late, and I apologize for that. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, so I'm thinking that I should take a break for awhile.

"Ever since we cleared out the gatehouse, I've been thinking about that place and the forge. I'm going to head out there and see about getting it going again and clean up that place. Get a head start on making it a home, or at least a base of operations.

"Keep in mind that I ain't retirin'. I'm just taking a break, doing something I need to do. Down the road, if something comes along that requires me and my axe, just come on over and we'll talk about it over a few pints. In the meantime, watch each other's backs and make sure the new recruits don't lose their heads."
At the tavern later than night.

Ealdwig is a little lost for words. He hasn't had too many friends in his life and losing, well that's not the right word, but it's what it feels like at the moment, one is hard. It's not a feeling he is acquainted with. He says it's only temporary. I'll see him again when I head back to the Manor. It's not like he's gone forever.

Feeling emotional and confused by it, are you sure? We're going to miss you, and that axe of yours. It's gotten us out of some trouble in the past. Ealdwig tries hard to keep the smile on his face. Alright, you get the forge working and clean out the field house. Save me a good room will ya'. I'll be back there soon enough.

Ealdwig, then hustles off to hide his emotions and heads to the serving girl. He orders three ales. With his small hands he struggles to carry the three tankards back to Blornvid and Skeeve. He makes it back to the small group with most of it intact. He passes them out.

Cheers! and proceeds to drink quickly.
Last edited May 7, 2024 3:13 am
May 7, 2024 6:01 am
Seeing how happy is Ealdwig to see Grin, Ark greets him in very good mood! Sees with curiosity the crystal, but is not interested in trade.

I'm sorry Blornvid to see you leave, but I understand that you need to do something special now. I trust we will meet again at that manor, or maybe here at the Base in the future. Take good care my friend!

The Arc follows Kaarik and Ealdwig to the cantina.
May 7, 2024 11:29 am
Arkmenos says:
Ealdwig accepts the offered crystal, wow, thanks Grin. Very generous. Are you sure? i certainly don't want to take your well earned treasure. This probably wasn't easy to come by.

Ealdwig, recounts some of the adventures he has been on so far, discussing the field house with the ghost, the glitching training center, the ramparts with goblins and the sickness that comes with passing through a boarder, as well as the dinosaurs, fey and the library. It's certainly been interesting.

Grin, you're heading back to the Underdark? What's it like down there? I haven't seen it. Maybe I should come with you this time. The Manor seems to be doing well and Blornvid is heading back that way. He wants to get the forge up and running. I think he misses that from his previous life. Skeeve has been really into the Matrix nodes and magic, it's all over my head.
Of course, the crystal is yours my friend! And, yes! Come with us to the Underdark! Let me tell you all about it at the tavern. First, Oliver, Brewner and I need to sort out a couple things with the clerk, then we’ll join you at the tavern.
[ +- ] clerk’s
Last edited May 7, 2024 11:31 am
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