New Paphos (The Base)

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Dec 8, 2023 2:07 pm
The youth look you over and replies The "best" is a matter of preference. The cantina server the most varied and and well thought out meal with a friendly ana relaxed ambiance while the tavern serves hearty filling dishes and has a lively atmosphere that gets quite lively. Those are the only two options besides the mess hall, which by all account is definitely not the best. Both the cantina and tavern are on the far end of town. you can't miss them.
Dec 8, 2023 2:20 pm
Then The Tavern it is.

And off Belagroff goes to find the tavern. Taking in the sights and sounds along the way.
Dec 8, 2023 2:52 pm
Making your way through the base, that is most definitely not a town, you see a variety of small shops, offices, barracks, warehouses, and there as if at the end of a rainbow a lovely looking establishment with some outside table with sun shades, large glass paned windows, and a sign marking it as the "Cantina". Next to it is a lively spot, windows thrown wide, and the sound of chatter, and maybe a bit of carousing, or attempts at it as a rather resounding "smack" alerts you barmaids who know how to say no. That is most definitely the tavern.

Upon entering the tavern you see several of the boatmen you arrived with laughing as one rubs his jaw and shakes his head. A barmain and large bartender cater to them and the other customers at the bar or large long tables. The smell of ale, meat, and bread cause you tongue and belly to proclaim "here is good" and you take a seat at the bar and are promptly greeted by the barman.

Toblen Stonehill
What'll it be?
Drink and a chat, a meal with drink, or a quiet drink?

The large man is friendly but you notice his hands and arms cary thin scars likely not acquired from simple barrom brawls.
Dec 9, 2023 2:25 pm
Good day sir. I'll have your finest dish and a bottle of wine to wash it down with. If you dont have wine then a flagon of ale will suffice.

Any news of these parts? I am a gem merchant, looking for a new source to resupply my wares.

Toblen Stonehill


Dec 11, 2023 3:09 am
Toblen Stonehill
Shouting your order back to the kitchens he replies with a grin Well if you're looking for gems your best bet would be to get in on the exploration of the caves that lead down to the underdark. Word about the base is that they have a decent foodhold down there but have barely made a scratch in exploring the full depths of the passageways down there.
Dec 11, 2023 8:17 pm
The Caves sound interesting. Where can I fid them? What can you tell me about them?
How long will it take to heal my wounds from my fight with Silla?
Dec 11, 2023 11:51 pm
I'm not the GM, but unless it is extraordinary circumstances, a good nights rest will cure all of your normal damage. You'll be good to go in the morning.
Dec 12, 2023 6:41 am
[ooc]daryen is correct. However as you are healed already from the time on the river so no worries/ooc]
Toblen tells you to go and talk with the clerk to get access to the tunnels and caverns under the area. He knows little as they are relatively new just that the wizard Fiznik and artificer Valpip are excited about some discovery down there and that most of the close basements have been cleared.
Dec 12, 2023 2:07 pm
Belagroff finishes his meal and thanks Toblen for the information. He heads back across town and greets the clerk.

Greetings! I hear that there are some mysterious caverns nearby that may hold some gems. Where might I find these caverns?



Dec 12, 2023 3:08 pm
Looking up from his notations in a large ledger the youth replies I am sorry but the caverns under the area are not open to exploitation by skilled labor at this time. .

Praising for a moment he continues We are however employing scouts and adventurers to map and secure the area.
If you wish you could sign up for that work to begin familiar with the situation. Any actual protecting however would have to be negotiated with the base administrator.
Dec 12, 2023 7:40 pm
Aye. I can scout and map as good as anyone. Go ahead and sign me up.
Dec 13, 2023 2:15 am
The youth gets up from his desk and steps to the door to calls a guard who is instructed to take you to "the wizard". The guard escorts you to a small guard room with a ramp leading down to a cellar and form there through a few twists and turns to another guard station. Here he passes on your authorization and his instructions before heading off.

You are forced to wait a while for the next runner, scheduled to head down into the caverns, who will act as your guide. The rest is quite peaceful though the caves are a bit damper than you are familiar with, dwarved taking care to keep water out of their underground living spaces. About an hour later, after a decent nap,, you are escorted by a rathur dur face and chilly demeaner. All attmpts at a conversation are met with a glare or a command for "silence inthe caves" by the man. After a hours trek through the caverns you come to a well lit camp in a large cavern.
More to come tonight



Dec 13, 2023 4:18 am
The runner quickly enters camp, and enters a tent. Before you have a chance to follow an elderly man steps out looking around and spotting you move to intercept your course. So you want in on the subterranean prospects here abouts? Well, glad to hear it. the wizard says with a gleam in his eye. Of course for such a rare opportunity you will be expected to help with the leg work as it were. Tell you what, we forgot to give this and he holds our a scroll case towards you to our other field agents who just set off a bit ago. I bet if you hurry you should be able to find them, no problem. What do you say, are you up for it?

You can tell there is more to it than the old man is saying though you can not think of why he might be taking advantage of you, as you intuition is telling you he is most definitely trying to do.
Dec 13, 2023 7:00 pm
Aye. I'm up for it Belagroff says while grabbing the scroll cade.

Which way dod they go?
Dec 14, 2023 1:08 am
The wizard gives you some vague directions and sends you off. You traven for some time moving in the direction pointed out though the large cavern. You hear a couple of muffled explosions in the distance.
@Ishmann : Belagroff can continue his story in the Underdark Thread here
Jan 9, 2024 11:26 pm
Vetrans & Novices
The tavern is a bit lively but not too crowdded and the food is fine. A minstrel sits in the corner playing the odd tune while hinting ocasionally to the bartender that he might sing more, with a good drink in hand.
a@Thunder_Lungz, @zstix, @Bunt
Welcome to the base, sit have a chat see where fate takes you
Jan 9, 2024 11:28 pm
The door to the tavern opens and a male Duende enters. He wears disheveled travel clothing, a cloak that looks oddly like a thorny shrub, and a crossbow across his back. He approaches the bar to speak to the tavern employee. The conversation is brief, with the Duende speaking quickly and gesticulating that he wants a table for three. He rests his crossbow against the bar and looks around at the tavern and its inhabitants before saying loudly: Alright, we’ll be back momentarily. Thank you!

He leaves the tavern.

Thunder_Lungz says:
Hey friends, hope we’re not disturbing your adventure. Three of us are on the way in here, minutes away from wrapping up our intro adventure. One or more of us may wish to join you or possibly go to the underdark. Hope this disturbance is short and we can all get back to the action ASAP!
daryen says:
Well, technically speaking, we're all going into the ground. It's just that some of us will be proceeding through the teleporter pad to the Manor and others might be staying behind in the caves.

That said, the kennels can wait another day if needed. We're always happy to get more participants.
Jan 9, 2024 11:40 pm
maybe you can bump into the cavern team on the way. Party
Jan 9, 2024 11:52 pm
Maybe if we're ALL there, we can gang up and finish off those annoying darkmantles? Did not enjoy multiple hits at 2 a pop!

Still looking forward to cleaning up the Manor grounds, but a pre-arrival combat could work out.
Jan 10, 2024 12:35 am
A few moments pass, and the tavern door opens again. A colorful group led by the duende with a crossbow came in. There was a second male duende with a pan on his belt, and a male otterfolk with a sling. They laugh heartily and talk about fish, and berries, and perhaps a recipe on how to mix them.

The otterfolk wears a black scholar-like cape and attire with a few metallic decorations, and carries some empty vials around the belt pouch. He stops for a moment to smell the scent of the tavern, and seems to be pleased by it, as he approaches beaming at the bartender.

"Oliver Otter. Your establishment is warmly welcoming to a weary traveler, even one who arrived in a magic carpet of riverweed." He paused for a moment. "And you know what's the most peculiar part? For the dockmaster, this was just a regular Tuesday. May the river take me, he even knew it was all related to pixies. Would you believe the things that old man must have seen before!?"

"Oh yes, right. I believe we will have something to eat and drink, if you could be so kind."
Hello! Glad to post here. Hope this is aligned with what you're trying to make. I didn't fully describe Gus to allow him to make his own entrance.
Last edited January 10, 2024 12:37 am
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