New Paphos (The Base)

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Oct 2, 2024 12:44 am
Both were already detailed HERE

The book contains several chapters discussing magics with each containing a single spell while the wand contains only a pittance of it's previous might though it may be repairable.
[ +- ] Dissertation on Magics
[ +- ] Wand of Compulsion
As you examin the items you discover that wearing too many magical items or overlapping them impairs their functionality With a bit of experimentation, and consultation with Fiznik and Valpip, you determine that the most any single creature can use is five items and they tend to reject other items if they are too close. For example gloves and rings will not work together, neither will a neclace and pendant. Fortunatly things like weapons, shields, and wands only count when being used.

I will keep it high fantasy, with an abundance of magic but you are going to have to filter things down to a managable level after collecting things so sell or share the wealth.

Guideines for Magical Item use :
Max of 5 active effects at any given time, whether worn or wielded
Locations 2x hands (or hands and arms if in pairs), feet(always in pairs), head, (The neck can count as either the head or torso), torso, waist
Oct 2, 2024 2:02 am
Oops! Missed those two items earlier! Sorry.

As for the limits on magic, considering that Skeeve has only two (and a half) items, that shouldn't be a big issue. He lost his ring in the trade for Dean's box. He gave away his rope-caster. However, considering how he normally stores Stick, I guess that would actually rule out the belt for him, which is too bad as it is a very nice benefit that he would have liked.

So, he can't use the pendant as he already has two kinda magical ones: the signet from the Lady of the Manor (Sylfir) and the anti-bug token from Ealdwig (who got it from Gulfis). He can't use the belt because of Stick (which, while really a weapon, is worn around his waist). He already has armor, and he likes his current armor's benefits better. The staff is underwhelming and he already has Stick. He has no interesting in most other weapons. He doesn't want gloves or gauntlets because he needs his hands free. The Bracers sound cool, but that sounds more useful to Aizashi.
Skeeve takes the bound book (he's the only one that can use it), the dagger (since no one else wants it), and one healing potion (to replace the one he used on Aizashi). He wants the key, but since Arc is dead set on it, he doesn't argue. He takes the playing cards (which are not magical and basically have no gp value, so therefore don't count in the mix). He will also take all of the amethysts as part of his "money" payout, meaning he takes the four amethysts (25,30,40,40) and 57gp (and 5sp and 8cp). (The amethysts will help whenever he has to pay out more bribes in the future.) If he gets an "extra" magic item that isn't the bracers, he will like just cash it out for gold.

He then spends 40 gp to get supplies for 4 talismans and 7 gp to get supplies for 7 runes, leaving just 10gp in coinage for himself.

I am assuming what I described above won't conflict with anyone else. But, everyone should post what they specifically would like so we can finishing hashing it out. If there is an intractable conflict, we can "dice it out".
Oct 2, 2024 4:33 am
Aside from the treasure splitting and such, Skeeve does want to deliver the chest as directly as possible, like the others. He will then check in with Phlan to see what the latest is and if there is anything else they should be checking out.

Lady Tanamere Alagondar


Oct 2, 2024 12:47 pm
After a bathe, meal, and rest you make your way to the administrators office to meat with Phlan and Lady Alagondar. Brinking the chest aloong you settle onto the stools and benches, brought in from the clerks office outside, to await the lady.

Lady Tanamere Alagondar

Movig to examine the chest she pulls out a pendant whih glows faintly a soft blue and presses it to the chest where it sticks. She then draws out a key and uses it to unlock the chest. Inside are stacks of books, severeal scrolls,and several soft sacks. However her focus is on the lid of the chest where a crest can be seen before she presses her hand to it and grimaces for a moment before pulling it away, revealing a thin box had been set into the lid.

Rising with a smile she turns to Phlan and says The Alagondar family thanks you for your assistance. As promised your people may exam all the contents of the chest, save the contracts, which my man will take.

Taking one of the pouches from the chest and turning to you she continues. Thank you for your efforts. I do hope it was not too difficult. This is the first of your reward. and she hands you the pouch which is full of gems whos total vlaue must be in the thousands of gold. Please, will you share with me the state of the merchants district where my families holdings are?
Oct 2, 2024 2:13 pm
Skeeve looks in the bag and is surprised by what he sees. "Thank you! This is ... very generous! Thank you!

"Honestly the state of the Remnant is not very good.

"The area with the chest is controlled by hobgoblins at least 50 strong. It is being actively contested by groups of orcs and lizard men, though those two groups do not seem to be coordinated. There are also other actors in the area, including a group of goblins that provided expensive help. So, no only is there fighting now, there will be persistent fighting going forward unless it is taken by an unchallengable force."

Skeeve smiles and continues, "We did decaptate the local command, but I am sure the larger force will have that corrected quickly enough. Or the lizard men we avoided while escaping took it over for now. Regardless, any future expeditions will likely be much more difficult now, no matter which group controls it."
As an aside, Skeeve is focused on addressing the Lady right now and doesn't want to deviate from that yet. Before he finishes talking to her, he will also ask about the "agent of a citizen" thing so he can have access to more of the city nodes. Also, after talking with her, he will want to talk with Phlan about the invitation and the goings on there.
Oct 2, 2024 6:07 pm
sorry for the absence. We had a family emergency and I forgot my phone at home, so couldn't do anything:(
I'm back now and will reengage tomorrow
Last edited October 2, 2024 6:11 pm
Oct 2, 2024 6:15 pm
No oroblem! Hope things are better!

Mainly just focus on what magic items you want while catching up.
Oct 3, 2024 12:10 am
Just a heads up but since you got back to base we will blur through a couple of days of down time so feel free to post any activities you would like to acomplish wile in town.

Let me know when you are done in town and any desires on where you want to head next.
Phlan and Lady Alagondar listen and ask additional questions. You get the feeiling both are less concerned about the merchant quarters but very interested in the other local forces You gather the library portal is a recent acomplishment but limited .
[ +- ] Civil transport nodes
[ +- ] Expantion of New Paphos
Oct 3, 2024 12:51 am
Ok, let's make sure I understand all of this ...
[ +- ] City Nodes
[ +- ] The Invitation
In the interim, Skeeve will check out the contents of the chest to see if there is anything cool and irresistible for him. He will carefully check it out and see if anything in it is magical. After that he takes the money and divides it up between the group. Depending on what he finds in the chest, he will also check to see what Valpip has in his little magic shop. He has given up some magic items and he's looking to replace them with some cool stuff.
Oct 4, 2024 4:41 am
I think I'm actually pretty much good with Arc's suggestion. I think I would forgo the barbarian bracers though. So unless not possible it would like this for me:

Fatespun Gauntlets : When the bearer crits with a melee attack they gain Focus for one entire round.

Spiritual Armor : This armor is naught but a prayer written on a scrap of vellum, decorated with religious motifs of the god of war. Once per day, the bearer may spend 1 minute to read the prayer out loud, and at the end this their skin becomes as tough as armor, granting 1 level of protection per combat. The effects fade if they act in any way that is not in accordance to the god of war's teachings. (timidity, cowardice, dishonour)

potion of healing x2 (heals 2 health for 1 action, must be consumed)
Oct 4, 2024 12:11 pm
Kaarik does not really need the book so Skeeve can take it.
If we have some time ahead of us, Kaarik will go to see Valpip and offer his help as usual. He will be careful and not mention that he is "helping" but learning by doing.
Oct 4, 2024 1:05 pm
Gems are appraised to be worth 2,000 GP = 500 Gp each
Both Skeeve and Kaarick are able to buy keys, as it does take resources to craft them. 50 GP each.
Dean's node is a private one and you can only go there if you "knock" and he allows it, which he will not unless you are working for him
All that is required is for you to have come into contact with each node, so the one in the merchant district is till dead as it is under the rubble and I do not recall you actually visiting it. However you will not need to clear it, just create a gap to touch its surface
The expedition is very anxious about the invitation and will pay you to spy on the event but all they really want is information but it is suggested that should you have an opportunity to promote the expeditions interests they could give you a bonus.
Geis returns to the fortress, having completed his task for now.
Oct 4, 2024 3:30 pm
Just to finish the magic item allocation ...

Fatespun Gauntlets, Spiritual Armor, Unbroken Belt, 2xPotion of Healing

Heavily Bound Book, Scarlet dagger, Barbarian's Bracers, Deck of Cards

3 Dart of Flames, Cracked Magic Wand, Delver's Boots, Sentinel Wizard Staff

Expeditious Iron Key, Chiropteran Pendant, Gloves of Grace, kobold egg x3

Siege Warmace, Performers' Leather Armor, Vial of carnivorous vine

OK, I started with Arc's list, them made a few changes to reflect what has been posted.
- I swapped the wand and book between Skeeve and Kaarik. Perhaps Kaarik can work with Valpip to un-crack it ...
- I swapped the belt and bracers between Skeeve and Aizashi. Aizashi didn't want the bracers, but I am sure he can use the belt!
- There were three healing potions allocated when there were really just two available. As such, I deleted the one for Skeeve and left both with Aizashi.
- Arc's and Geis's list doesn't change.
- I figure on Geis, even if he doesn't use either item, they will be useful additions to the Keep's armory, so he should be happy with them. Plus, I figure a carnivorous plant being added to a haunted Keep full of undead is pretty much perfect. So, all three work for me.

@Cathamber, you assigned the three kobold eggs to Arc. I am just curious: why? I can see two big uses for them, but I was wondering what you were thinking. (My two ideas: 1) Geis is/was a kobold; give them to him or 2) Take them to the Goblin Remnant and use them to trade with kobolds. Hopefully they would be happy to see them and not enraged that others had them.)

Does that work for everyone?

@Psybermagi, I assume the only valuable things (for us) in the chest were the 2000gp of gems the Lady gave us? Not complaining, just confirming. :-)

You are quite correct on the node in the Merchant's district. We'll have to fix that soon. At worst, he sneaks in, buys some goblin help, then gets to it and immediately leaves.
Skeeve is quite willing to make use of the invitation to go spy on the other groups. He will want to go through the Residential district first in order to activate its node, then head on over to the Goblins' Remnant. However, it will take a day or two before we can head out.

In the interim, he is interested in checking Valpip's and Fiznik's magic shops to see what's currently available.
EDIT: One extra question on the Dissertation on Magic / Bound Book: You said each of the spells is treated as a scroll. This means that they are a one-time use each, correct? I would assume that, but I want to make sure.
Oct 4, 2024 4:53 pm
Chest taken by the client, who paid you $2k, Spells in the book can be either broken down to try and learn a new word or used as a scroll
Added a few items to Fiznik's shop
Oct 4, 2024 8:06 pm
Thanks! That's what I thought, I just wanted to make sure.

I just have to pick my Trait and I should be ready to go!
Oct 5, 2024 9:46 pm
Sorry for these few days without posting, but I'm back.
Hey Skeeve, Arc has no special interest in those Kobold Eggs for himself. But in the final count, those kind of were left behind, so I put them on Arc to be sold later either to those kobolds you mentioned, or somewhere else if they don't want them.
Before the end of the meeting with Lady Alagondar, Arc confirms what Skeeve said, and helps answering questions from a scout's point of view. When they finish asking questions and are satisfied with our answers, Arc will politely inquire about the possibility to become Agents of Citizens.
Last edited October 5, 2024 9:47 pm
Oct 5, 2024 10:56 pm
For the record, Skeeve will wait for the illusion magic and instead takes his second human trait, which is Resolute.
Oct 6, 2024 9:32 am
Good idea to share our new traits! Arc took his 2nd avian trait: optics.
This shall improve his scouting skills.

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