New Paphos (The Base)

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Mar 11, 2024 10:56 pm
Skeeve replies to Phlan, "Thank you. I will find out one way or the other as quickly as I can."

With that he introduces himself to Vaun and Barley. He asks that one of them accompany him with Fiznik to talk with the Seer and Sylfir. That way any questions Skeeve doesn't know can be answered. The other can stay with the refugees to make sure they have their needs met (which will mostly be emotional; Phlan will ensure their physical needs are met). Up to them, if they are willing.

If the appeal to Sylfir needs to be made in person, he will drag his new companion with him to make the pitch, then, if successful, return to get the refugees and take them to the Manor. Of course, Blornvid and Ealdwig are more than welcome to join the trips. Once the refugee thing is settled, then he'll see who is left to journey with.

But he'll take this whole negotiation thing seriously and run with it until is it settled, one way or another.
Mar 12, 2024 2:23 am
Assuming that the refugees aren't in any danger here, Blornvid will go along for the trip.
Mar 12, 2024 11:57 am
"I will accompany you and support you in anyway I can", Barley replies once the introductions are done.
Mar 12, 2024 12:50 pm
Fiznik is able to relay their communication through the matrix to the manor. He also explains the process to Skeeve so he can attempt to repeat it in the future at a node. Sylfir quickly agrees to house the Elderwood citizens but asks to be given till the next morning and that when they are sent to the manor a couple adventures or guards accompany them to help oversee and keep the children organized while they settle in. The details are quickly handed off to Lord Felspar and Wittic allowing the group to get together at the cantina for a chat about their next steps.

Digsy (cantina)
Digsy herself helps to serve the group and introduces herself to Kaarik as she quickly spots the newcomer.
Pulling in Arc before heading to the tower.
Mar 12, 2024 10:33 pm
The cantine's doors fly wide open, and the black-feathered RavenFolk appears in the middle of it. He walks slowly but self-confident into the light of the cantine. The strong light outside contrasts with the dimmer illumination inside casting shadows in his avian face. Once inside, the smell of good stew and ale enchants him, and a big smile appears in his face!

He hasn't sleep well in what seems ages, has been walking a lot (mostly close to a road but not on the road), and has not really rested since he was attacked by those 4 strange things. So... he is tired, hungry, thirsty and in dire need of a nice bath! But nothing can now stop him from a good pint of ale and some food to bring back up his strength.

He walks, almost running, to the counter... He is not surprise to see this many adventurers around, he thinks about saying hi to them soon... but first... Hello, I'm Arc. he waves while he salutes the duende behind the counter... I've heard this is a good place to have a nice stew and a mug with it. He is trying to be polite, but it his voice gives away how incredibly hungry he is Do you happen to have some warm meal and mead? I'm truly starving now, and I'm still weak and tired from that skirmish.

Hello everyone! I'm excited to finally arrive to the Base!
Arc Zeekhad is somewhat interested in the Tower, but he is not in any hurry to get to it. Also, he is willing to meet new friends and help out in any way he can.
Mar 13, 2024 3:00 am
Hey Digsy, how are things? Business seems good. We'll take a round and whatever smells so good.

Ealdwig sits around the table with his new friends enjoying the food, ale and comradery. Joking with the guys and telling Karrik about the shed full of bugs and those vines that almost killed him. He'll laugh at his ineptitude when he first got to the manor. These guys are alright. It's good to have people that have your back.

What time are we leaving... Noticing the doors burst open, Ealdwig trails off when he sees a haggard Ravenfolk walk in. Wow, someone is in need of ale, Ealdwig comments with a smile. It's good here, but is it that good? and he takes a big swig. Smiling wide, yeah, it's pretty good.
Mar 13, 2024 7:49 am
Thanking Digsy for her welcome and for the delicious bowl of stew, Kaarik will then sit next to Ealdwig as he promised him he will be listening to his stories.

He is surprised by how interesting it actually is and discover that Ealdwig is not a bad story teller at all.

Digsy (cantina)


Mar 13, 2024 12:38 pm
Digsy (cantina)

Digzy serves the group and makes some idle chatter with the avian newcomer explaining a bit about the base and waves him to take a seat at one of the tables, informing him this is not a bar and she would love to hear his tale.

Between the lunch and dinner crush the cantina is sparsely populated with a spattering of individuals, mostly in two's and three's sitting quietly and enjoying a cool drink. Most look to be tradesmen and scholars save the groups of adventurous individuals sitting at a couple table in one of the corners of the room.
Mar 13, 2024 2:48 pm
Vaun had been disoriented with the teleport journey back and he had started to notice changes in him. The newly discovered formula of his work and his recent completion of the book 'Theory of Material Malleability under the Effect of Freezing: An Essay of the occurrence of Cold energy planes', he had come to see the changes in him. His breath comes out in vapours, and his suit is always cold to touch. Though he doesn't feel the cold. His googles have ice crystals all over it but he can still see through it properly. The book has taught many things, especially how to manipulate the temperature at a lower scale, which is said to alter the properties of materials.

When he returned to the base, he saw the confusing exchange of words, ideas, and plans, most of which didn't make any sense to him. He telepathically responded back to Barley, "I don't understand what this commotion is about? Indeed, there is quite a gathering of people." As the conversation progressed, he came to know that there was a discussion regarding refugees and where they would be sent.

Vaun moved forward to speak out to the council, "Greetings members of the council, I and Barley have returned from Eldergrove, completing our quest and successfully communicating with the Treeheart that we will send people there. In fact, Master Rhidon Axehorn has himself volunteered to stay with the Treeheart as a guardian, friend, and mentor. It has accepted our proposal, and Eldergrove is open to anyone who is willing to live and make a home there. It is safe now, and the Treeheart want's to rebuild the city with the help of willing people who respect the city and is humble enough to not sully the evergreen principles of the city. The Treeheart also wishes to have a Druid circle who can nurture it and help it grow. So, I fail to understand why relocating the refugees over there will be a problem?"

OOC: Greetings everyone, nice to meet you all. I am sorry for the late reply. I was busy with IRL stuff.
Mar 13, 2024 11:21 pm
Arc listens to the duende commenting on the ale, and turns to see him. And he looks friendly, and also like an experienced adventurer.

Hello mate, seems like you enjoy some drinks too. He realizes the duende has several friends around. Do you all enjoy good food and ale?

Then, to Digsy.. Of course, I'll find a table, but please do tell the Cook I'm starving. I'd love to share all tales you want, but do help me with a nice piece of meat... or stew... or, well something.

Back to duende on a table... Seeing you all drinking and sharing tales... I should have come here sooner!
Last edited March 13, 2024 11:21 pm
Mar 13, 2024 11:34 pm
A human male of medium build says, "It's never too late to join so we can make new tales!"
Mar 14, 2024 1:32 am
Just what we need "new tails". Ealdwig laughs at his own bad joke.

Welcome, pull up a chair. I would help but I can't reach. Ealdwig give a little apologetic nod of his head.

I'm Ealdwig, that's Skeeve, Ealdwig gestures to the human male who just spoke. This is Blornvid, jerking a thumb in his direction. He's quieter than Skeeve or myself, but you don't want anyone else to have your back during a battle. And this is Karrik. We're getting to know him as well.

Been a long day? You look hungry.
Last edited March 14, 2024 1:33 am
Mar 14, 2024 2:40 am
Blornvid raises his mug of ale in salute to the newcomer.
Mar 14, 2024 4:19 am
[ +- ] Current PC in the cantina
A short recap/intro for the newer characters
The group chats and swaps stories with the veterans explaining a bit about the base, the area of the old city of Paphos, and the amenities and opportunities. Most of the veterans started working for the expedition but shifted to freelance and now take jobs on commision. This gives them more freedom at the cost of some free services available to contracted employees, such as free healing and identification of magic as well as basic room and board.

The expedition was created as a joint venture between patrons of magic and history as well as merchants and its original intent was to see what could be recovered from the ruins of Paphos. However once here there were a variety of opportunities opened to adventurous individual. Especially with the discovery and continued study of the Matrix Nodes, a network of magical platforms that allow communication and transit to other nodes. The area around Paphos has fallen under contention by the Expedition, orcs, and hobgoblins, with the latter two having larger forces and dominating in the region. The somewhat recent arrival or discovery of the Infinite Tower and items possibly associated with it increased the tension in the area. At present the expedition is content to investigate the island to the west with its castle of intelligent undead that are not aggressive, the swamp with its sunken sections of the city, the library and residential districts. There are multiple other district that have miraculously remained mostly intact since the shattering still in the hands of the orcs to the west and hobgoblins to the north.

They also explain about the local clerk that manages most interactions with the adventurers as well as updates the posts on the notice board (See Info sheet for updates)
[ +- ] Current Notice Board
[ +- ] Base Map
I will move things towards the tower, last consensus, when I get a couple indications people are ready to move on.
Speak up if you have other suggestions. Onward!
Mar 14, 2024 4:44 am
Well, Skeeve, Barley, and Vaun are going to make sure the refugees are moved to the Manor before leaving. Once that's done, I imagine we're ready to check out the tower.

I wonder if it has one or more Matrix Nodes?
Mar 14, 2024 7:53 am
Sorry to ask this.. I'm still new to this system. After Psybermagi words, should we assume that we all ate, drank and shared whatever happened to the PCs beforehand? And that we are ready to continue adventuring as a team? I'd also need to assume that Arc registered as adventurer with the clerk... I'm asking just to be sure we will not role play those moments, but we can act afterwards as if they did happen for the PCs.
Arc appreciates Ealdwig invitation, greets each of the adventurers and sits with them happily.
In relation to the next objective, Arc is happy to help with the refugees situation, or any other task to be finished as a team, before going to explore the Tower.
Mar 14, 2024 11:52 am
that is up to you. Some other time playing more since mix roll play with data dumps others do more hand waving to bypass things.

I just wanted to make sure Ark and Kaarik as the newbies had some basic background knowledge
Mar 14, 2024 12:28 pm
Yep, Barley is following Skeeve and Vaun.
Mar 14, 2024 12:49 pm
Ya know, I think a little exposition would be cool ...
Skeeve turns to Barley and Vaun and says, "Blornvid and I and another stopped at what you are calling Eldergrove. When we literally heard the plants growing, we decided we'd check out other places. But you and your companions took it on! You have our respect! What did you find and how did you conquer it?"
You don't need to hit every detail. Just hit the high points and make it sound cool.
Mar 14, 2024 12:52 pm
You discuss things a bit more and Arc and Kaaric are shown the clercs office and notice board
You can role play more if wished or skip ahead past comments like this. While in base I do not enforce linear a story so if you have to go back for something just pose when/where you want to inject something. but do try to stay in the moment If you do need to jump back to something just let us know when you are satisfied.
and ask around about the tower. Digsy informs you that a boat form the dock can port you all to the north bank of the river for a small fee
See teh area map on the ~Tiny Info~ sheet
If you are all ready let me know and/or head to the docks
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