The star crystal is currently safe under Fiznik's care. Omitting Fiznik's payment (4x large 4'' crystals), the rest could be evenly split in the following manner:
Each one of us gets:
2 x medium 1" crystals 50 GP each
6x small 1/2"crystals 25 GP each
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals 10 GP each
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
[Total GP: 400]
And then the remainder is:
2 x small 1/2"crystals 25 GP each
5 x tiny 1/4" crystals 10 GP each
[Total GP: 100]
To split this, we could do the following:
-Ishzu and Ander receive an additional small 1/2"crystal (25GP) each.
-Oliver gives one of his small 1/2"crystals (25GP) to Grin, and takes the five tiny 1/4" crystals (5x10GP).
This way, everyone has taken 25GP worth of items from this remainder, to a total of 425GP.
Ishzu receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
7x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
Ander receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
7x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
Grin receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
7x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
Oliver receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
5x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
20 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
This way, we all receive 425 GP worth of crystals. I can swap around the names if you want (there's no particular reason why I gave Oliver so many tiny crystals other than balancing GPs).