New Paphos (The Base)

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Feb 21, 2024 4:21 pm
Sorry I have had a rough couple of days.
Do not let Ishzu force your characters to do something you do not want to do. If you guys think we should finish the Spider Tunnel first before meeting my Contact we can.
I assumed Ishzu grabbed a few of the larger Crystals Fiznik for payment for the information.
I did leave most of Ishzu climbing gear with the Spiders.

Feb 21, 2024 4:48 pm
everyone has done starting gear, expand the "Gear" spoiler, and some coin.
Ander has a magic helm, on loan too him from the expedition, that shines light
The expedition has stored, see the Tiny Info sheet, Price Guide, Stores spoiler. Just pray any purchases and deduct the coin, or roleplay it in character going to the store. Stores sell at normal pieces and but at cheap.

The ~Tiny Info~ also has a bunch of information for quick reference and can be accessed by tapping the grey button below the Rolls section or opening it from the Characters menus at the bottom of the page. Additional information can be added here upon request.

Feb 21, 2024 5:52 pm
No worries, @Smiley, we don’t need to hang out in town too long, and I think if there aren’t any specific rewards other than crystals/money, I’m happy to move on to the next adventure. How did we divide up the crytals? And does the town pay us for clearing that cave?

Also, @Ricardoi91 , just make a post about what Brewner buys from the store and how much it costs you (and remove the balance from your inventory). And you’re cool coming with us to the underdark? Our posting pace is generally 1+/day.
Last edited February 21, 2024 6:01 pm
Feb 21, 2024 8:38 pm
All good, @Smiley . I didn't feel pressured in any way. I just mentioned the food thing to get you to say that Ishzu didn't need to eat, which is cool.

Regarding money and buying stuff, however... we have crystals that we can use to trade for stuff, right? $.$
Feb 21, 2024 8:58 pm
based on Psyber’s post about the spoils (all the little crystal bitties), does anyone *cough* Bunt *cough* want to calculate our shares? ;)
Feb 21, 2024 9:58 pm
1 star crystal formation 8' across and about 400 lbs ~ about 8,000 GP
4 x large 4" crystals 100 GP each to Fiznik
8 x medium 1" crystals 50 GP each (best option to enchant for your use)
26 x small 1/2"crystals 25 GP each
65 x tiny 1/4" crystals 10 GP each
51 x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
The star crystal is currently safe under Fiznik's care. Omitting Fiznik's payment (4x large 4'' crystals), the rest could be evenly split in the following manner:

Each one of us gets:
2 x medium 1" crystals 50 GP each
6x small 1/2"crystals 25 GP each
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals 10 GP each
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
[Total GP: 400]

And then the remainder is:
2 x small 1/2"crystals 25 GP each
5 x tiny 1/4" crystals 10 GP each
[Total GP: 100]
To split this, we could do the following:
-Ishzu and Ander receive an additional small 1/2"crystal (25GP) each.
-Oliver gives one of his small 1/2"crystals (25GP) to Grin, and takes the five tiny 1/4" crystals (5x10GP).
This way, everyone has taken 25GP worth of items from this remainder, to a total of 425GP.


Ishzu receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
7x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments

Ander receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
7x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments

Grin receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
7x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
15 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments

Oliver receives:
2 x medium 1" crystals (50 GP each)
5x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
20 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
12.75x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments

This way, we all receive 425 GP worth of crystals. I can swap around the names if you want (there's no particular reason why I gave Oliver so many tiny crystals other than balancing GPs).
Feb 21, 2024 10:06 pm
Bunt, I knew you would not disappoint! Also, here’s some more info about the crystals in case you’re adding it to your inventory:

All of the smaller crystals an innately magical, or psionic if you prefer, and can be used in crafting mystical equipments. On their own they are as useful as a lump of unforged mithril.

Last edited February 21, 2024 10:29 pm
Feb 21, 2024 10:31 pm
Brewner goes for a quick shopping and buys a Shovel, grappling hook and a crowbar for 6 gp.
I will try keep the 1+/day posting. Already updated my character with the equipment minus the gold .
Last edited February 21, 2024 10:35 pm
Feb 21, 2024 10:40 pm
Good shopping choices! We’ll acquire more wealth soon, so you can keep increasing gear.
Feb 21, 2024 11:16 pm
Catching up! Ishzu took 2 of the large crystals from Fiznik for payment for information.
If the information isn't good, then Fiznik agrees to deal with it himself.
I plan on keeping the payment crystals at camp until we get back.

DM Are we able to use the crystals to enchant or do anything magical?
Last edited February 21, 2024 11:17 pm
Feb 22, 2024 3:13 am
Ander would like to seek out a forger who could fashion him a magical sword from his crystals.
In terms of equipment, is there any advantage to having a Ranged weapon, if I lack proficiency?
Finally, asking GM to help me if I’m off-track please - does Ander actually have Weapon Mastery at this point? When I finished the introductory adventure, I chose a Trait instead. But somehow I got it in my head that I’d gained Mastery during the most recent outing. Please let me know if I’m jumping the gun on that.
More to come tomorrow. Thanks, all!
Last edited February 22, 2024 3:14 am
Feb 22, 2024 3:41 am
I am very sure you have Weapon Mastery. If nothing else, you had the fight with the Cave Fisher and the big melee with the Roper and Darkmantles. So, you did get the third Trait and Weapon Mastery. I think it actually came on-line during that huge fight. But I am sure you have Mastery at this point.
Last edited February 22, 2024 3:41 am
Feb 22, 2024 3:45 am
Oh but that brings up another point. Do we add XP to our character sheets?
Feb 22, 2024 3:56 am
Thunder_Lungz says:
Oh but that brings up another point. Do we add XP to our character sheets?
In my experience, no. Psybermagi will add XP to your character sheet as you earn it. Now, when you get to a convenient stopping point you do get to spend it, but Psybermagi will be the one increasing your XP totals. (At least that's how I've seen him do it thus far.)
Feb 22, 2024 5:36 am
limited time offer says:

Updated Magical collection for sale good this visit to town only
[ +- ] Candleflame Bow 50gp
[ +- ] Blazeball Bat 75gp
[ +- ] Savage Warhammer 250gp
[ +- ] Ajile Scalemale 250gp
[ +- ] Alchemist's Splayer 100gp
[ +- ] Camper's Respite 200gp
ACK! too fast! Um, ok, just a minute . . .
Fiznik takes you to the office and reports the spiders have been cleared and everyone is rewarded 10 GP. The clerk explains the spiders were not considered a threat but with them gone they can now use, or block, the passage that leads up from that cave.

Fiznik explains that Valpip is off at a remote site and he should be back later. Valpip would be the best one to enchant the crystals. Fiznik can do a couple things Valpip can not but the gnomish artificer is better at crafting common items. The crystals worth 50gp are the smallest you can enchant. Multiple smaller fragments can be used to create a single magic item or be used in other magical rituals, or magical recipes. Fiznik figures they could easily be crafted to allow others who hold the crystals to talk with each other telepathically while in standard bow range (75' ). The crystals actually are a bit overpriced for the power they can release simply because of their scarcity and the unusual effect they can create.

Mord (Smith)
Ander hits the same snag as the others. There is a local smith who can craft the sword but he will need to consult with Valpip or Fiznik. Fiznik says he can consult on a simple magical sword. The likely result options would be a sword that can stun others, protects your mind, or can be "stored" within your mind space.
Many players take ranged weapons without bein proficient, just to have a ranged attack.

Character progression :
Brewner just finished his intro and picked a trait as hi Novice option. He will become a veteran and gain mastery in the next game day or so.
Oliver, Ishzu, Grin, Ander are all full veterans with mastery and +1 trait after creation. You are now on the XP wagon and will need to build it up.
Ander has Sword Mastery
XP is at the bottom Right of the sheet and you get 1 +/-1 per challenge/fight, depending on how hard it is

As this was intended for newcomers I started tracing stuff and just kept it up but anyone who wants to track their character history feel free to do so. just use short descriptions and ask for XP updates after significant challenges.

I suggest you distribute the loot now and track it individually.
Post purchases and sales in your personal threads please.

Did I miss anything?
Feb 22, 2024 7:09 am
Ok sorry for posting my shopping here
Feb 22, 2024 8:30 am
[ +- ] Oliver's purchase
I added my purchase on my character page. I copy this part for roleplay reasons, and so that you know it. If you want any of these items too, we can surely make an agreement
Last edited February 22, 2024 11:12 am
Feb 22, 2024 12:17 pm
Grin looks through all the magical goodies and doesn’t see anything shiny enough for his taste. Seeing the savage warhammer, he turns to look at Brewner… Uhhh, Hopper…Mr Brewner, as it were… That there warhammer seems a tad too heavy for me to carry. I wonder if you wouldn’t like to hold it for me while on our next quest? And if you like it, you could pay me back for it later?

Oh, and Mr Fiznik, sir, what materials do you need from us to craft the telepathic communication device you described? I think having a couple of those would be nice.
Grin can buy you the warhammer if Brewner would like it.

The only other item here that might be nice to have is the bow, but while I have ranged weapon proficiency, I don’t have bow mastery… what do you all think?
Last edited February 22, 2024 12:19 pm
Feb 22, 2024 1:00 pm
As these items are rather limited. If anyone wants the armor, I'm fine with just the bat. I see that mechanically it could make sense for Ishzu as well. Surely it could be reflavored in such a way that he can still be a naked crystal running around.
Feb 22, 2024 1:26 pm
Ishzu can't really use armor.
Crystal Armor (heritage): You have 1 bonus Hit Point that recovers 1 hour after you were last damaged. If you wear other armor you loose these benefits.

I am suprised you are not getting the Alchemist's Splayer for Oliver
I was thinking of getting Camper's Respite
Last edited February 22, 2024 1:27 pm
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