New Paphos (The Base)

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Jun 11, 2024 12:31 pm
I can leave the Base thread if you want to do some additional interaction with the expedition as a group or if you have any individual issues you want to develope you can popst to you individual threads.
Jun 11, 2024 9:48 pm
Now that he's delivered the scroll and tried to be above board to Phlan on his personal goals, he's ready to head out for the Lady's fetch quest. We'll have to hoof it since Skeeve doesn't yet have permission to use the city matrix nodes.
Skeeve makes sure the entire team knows where the city matrix node is in the Remnant we are heading to. If we need a "hot exit", we can take Dean's offer of "one more time" to get out. Assuming we have the loot when we leave, we should be good after that as the Lady has basically promised to make us authorized agents, which should let us use them on our own after that.
Jun 12, 2024 11:51 am
Checking the map you find the civil Matrix Node at 7,6 inside an independent structure near the middle of the Remnant.
Feel free to set out to to recover Alagondar's heritage of in Reclaiming Paphos.

Continued from HERE
Return From Merchant Quarters
Sep 27, 2024 2:48 pm
"Good to be back in town! Right?
Do you fancy a pint? Or shall we deliver Alagondar's chest first?"
Sep 27, 2024 2:54 pm
Kaarik is exhausted, he sits on a stool next to the node and exhales.

"Pfuuu, what a few days it has been. Let's get ride of this chest as soon as possible and be done with it.
And then, a pint it is!"
Sep 27, 2024 3:36 pm
Now back a New Paphos, Skeeve wants to immediately turn in the chest to Lady Alagondar. "Yes, let's take care of this chest right now. The quicker we deliver it, the better!" He is curious as to what is in it, and will ask, but if the answer is no, the answer is no and he is fine with that. He does want his "authorized agent" token/talisma/pendant/whatever, though. Being an actual Citizen would be cool, too.

After that, we'll take the acquired magic items to Valpip and Fiznik to get everything identified (unless Skeeve can now do it himself). At that point we can divide up the loot so that we can then go and spend it and the magic so we can use it or sell it. He has a healing potion to restock and some talisman/rune supplies to restock. And some armor to repair.

In between all that, he's definitely on board with the pints and food. And sleep, for that matter.
Sep 27, 2024 5:31 pm
Agreed. Arc also wants his citizenship! He very keen on that.
Afterwards we can decide loot, and get that ale.
And, if Psybermagi finds it appropriate, update XPs :)
Sep 27, 2024 10:38 pm
grumble grumble homework :P Give me the weekend to get it for you :)
Sep 27, 2024 11:40 pm

No problem! I'm figuring we're gonna be regrouping right now, anyway, so that works.

For the rest of the team, we should figure out what we wanna do next. Skeeve paid good gems for the invitation to that other remnant site, so it would be cool to make use of that and check things out there. Since Big Things Are Going Down (tm), it would be good to get some intel on that.

On the other hand, we could just go exploring. Assuming we have full access to the city network nodes, we can take a look at the old map and see if we can find other locations to check out and see where they go and where they are now. We should have some nice options to pick from now.
Sep 28, 2024 12:21 am
that last jaunt gained eveyone 4 XP, added to you total, so most of you can add a proficiency or trait
see Advancement : Rookie, Novice, Veteran snippet under the Veteran section
[ +- ] Advancement : Rookie, Novice, Veteran
Sep 28, 2024 2:55 am
Over the weekend, I will dig back to see what we found along the way, if that will help. Skeeve is mainly curious as to the scroll and staff, but still wants to know what the rest is, too, so we can divide it up or sell it. Don't forget Skeeve sold off three of the amethysts to buy off the goblins and get the invitation.

Oooo! You already updated the totals! Cool! I do have enough for something. I'll have to think on what to get ...

Sep 28, 2024 10:42 am
Thanks for upgrading XPs!!
I guess we can check the loot, and then celebrate at the tavern!
Arc will also want to go to check where that invitation lead us... After those ales

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