Reclaiming Paphos

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Sep 24, 2024 4:30 pm
Even before Skeeve request, Arc was already jumping up high as usual. His scout role kicking in faster now.
Arc tries to climb closer to trees or to the walls themselves, as no to attract attention from any search party not far enough.
Once high, he focus on the library. Anything different from the last time he was there, any change in lights or new people.
Sep 24, 2024 5:19 pm
Yeah, it'll be good to find out if there are issues here as well. But if the top of the wall will provide any sanctuary, Skeeve can get everyone else and the chest up there, then follow with his short-range teleport.
Sep 25, 2024 2:56 am
Other than the fact that it is now night time and the library is dimly light by a faint magical glow all seems normal. The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin wires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a two sets of double doors spaced to divide the wall in thirds. Around the Remnant, you see occasional ruble form destroyed structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the ravages of the Breaking and time since then.

The orbs, floating above the wall, are about 1 foot diameter and bob lazily in the breeze. Each is tethered to the wall by a thin cord. From the air Arc can see the faint haze of a Barrier over the outer wall in inside is an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings.
Sep 25, 2024 6:12 am
Arc flies back and report his findings to everyone.
"The main building seems nice, if it is safe at night I'd rather camp inside... but I can't be sure it is. Specially considering that they closed the doors, as they may see us as unwelcomd trasspases."
Sep 25, 2024 3:30 pm
Points of prior stories Skeeve has heard about visits to the library pop into his mind. He says, "Let's see what's up." He walks straight up to the gate and knocks, trying to trigger a response.
Sep 25, 2024 5:00 pm
At the gates you see a notice in the ancient script indicating the library is closed at night. Other than the orbs gently waving on their targets over the wall there is no movement it sound from the remnant.
Sep 25, 2024 7:51 pm
Before Skeeve attempts a rash action, I have a question: The haze of the Barrier: Is it outside the wall, inline with the wall, or inside the wall? Does the top of the wall appear to be inside the Barrier, outside the Barrier, or part of the Barrier?

Skeeve wants to just teleport to the top of the wall to see what happens. He is sure the orbs are guardians or something, but he figures they are probably not lethal. Since he is not terribly worried about being captured by the library, he's willing to take the risk to see if he can bring the rest into a more relatively safe position.
Sep 25, 2024 8:51 pm
As with all city Remnants the barrier seems to start midway through the walls. Due to the fact the barriers are not a fixed line but rather a field it makes any stance or movement on the wall torublesome. To confrotably look into the Renant you must fly and to look out you must stand on buildings inside the wall. You can possibly stand on the lip of the wall but any contact with the barrier anywhere but the gates seems to be problematic at the least so this has an element of risk.
Sep 25, 2024 9:36 pm
OK, so it doesn't work. Bummer. :-(

I guess that means we sit outside for the rest of the night and hope for the best. We'll look around and see if there is anything approximating a protected location so we can hide the rest of the night. If not, I guess we'll just huddle against the wall and Skeve will create some force walls for some initial protection if something pops out.
Sep 25, 2024 11:35 pm
If we can't find a suitable hiding place, and decide to huddle against the wall... Arc will dig an ample hole, around 20cm deepand 3m wide... So if we lay to sleep within, we will not be seen by scouts from far away (we will be effectively just under ground level). Skeeve may cast his force wall around the sleeping level.
And I'll take the first night guardian shift.
Sep 26, 2024 12:23 pm
Racalling what you know of the are from earlier visits you make you way to the east side of the library where some woods make finding a shelteres campsite easier to find and crated. Digging a smaller proves all that is neede to hide th fire and you eat a warm meal and settle down for the night. As the hours pass everyone on watch gets the feeling of being observed and several movments or whispers are heard from nearby shadows behing ot to the sides. Every time the noise is investigated noting is found and you assume this to be a mixture of animals and fey. Grateful that the fey left you alone this time you break camp at sunrise.
[ +- ] Area Map
Sep 26, 2024 3:08 pm
Rising up at dawn, Arc stretches his arms and wings and, using some of the trees' cover does a quick hover over the area to ensure nobody is around.
Then back to camp for some breakfast...


Quick scouting - (3d6h1)

(415) = 5

Sep 26, 2024 5:36 pm
After breaking our fast, we head back over to the gate and, assuming it is open, head on in.
Sep 27, 2024 2:46 am
The gates are open at the first light of dawn and you easily enter the Library.
Sep 27, 2024 2:57 am
Sweet. So, while we're here, is there a node here and one near New Paphos? Can the Librarian control the nodes? Just trying to figure out our best path back.
Sep 27, 2024 7:46 am
Finally we can get some rest...
Arc asks the librarian if they know about any recent activities in the neighborhood, and hears with attention Skeeve's question about a possible local node.

Librarian Macreadus


Sep 27, 2024 12:21 pm
Librarian Macreadus
The library does have a node but the librarian does not control it. However you ask and learn that the expedition has finally been able to restore the port node, inside New Paphos, so you can use the library node to teleport once your gain access to it. The librarian informs you the library has grown increasingly busy and you detect a mixture of satisfaction and annoyance as the ghost looks over your disheveled state before warning you to not dirty the place. The ghostly librarian wanders off and you are glad to be clear of his presence. Choosing to wait you move to the garden to relax on the benches there where you muddy and blood stained clothes will not gather the ire of the librarian for standing on the clean floors or resting on the nice chair. A couple hours later you hear people within the library and learn how to use the Node to return to New Paphos.
Sep 27, 2024 2:46 pm
Arc, while waiting around the gardens, goes for a moment to a bathroom to clean up as possible.
When they meet the people, he asks for news around the base.
Sep 27, 2024 3:30 pm
Can't Skeeve just clean everyone up magically. In D&D terms, he would just use Prestidigitation (a cantrip) to magically clean everyone up. Doing it in the garden makes sense, though, in case the detritus is simply removed rather than disappeared. I had been assuming that he could do that and have stated I used it at times.

I did state that he did it when we got out of the sewer at the hobgoblins so we wouldn't smell so bad that it would prevent sneaking around. I grant that I didn't think of mentioning it when we got out at the goblin's ambush, so we'd still be dirty when we got here, but at the Librarian's disapproval, he would then have cleaned us all up.
The Librarian's disapproving look reminds Skeeve he forgot to clean everyone up! No wonder they had such trouble avoiding those patrols at first: the patrols didn't hear us, they smelled us! Skeeve magically knocks the dirt and grime off everyone, one at a time until they are again presentable.
Sep 27, 2024 8:02 pm
Story continues HERE
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