Reclaiming Paphos

May 15, 2024 4:09 am
Previous / Downtime
The City of Paphos
The ruins of the city, previously known as Paphos, spread across what is now mostly a wilderness. The researchers have been collecting information from the ruins they have access to as well as talking with the undead who man the fortress on the island. Paphos was a coastal city during the Dawn age and home to hundreds of thousands. As with all great cities it became a fortified stronghold during the Dawn War but held little strategic importance so was not negatively affected directly. The Shattering affected it oddly in that many segments of the city were left mostly intact but wrapped up in small Borders. This may have been the result of the actions of a Tower Guardian and the loss of multiple Tower Foci that are now being discovered in the area.
May 15, 2024 4:09 am
Recovering a lost heritage
Lady Tanamere Alagondar

Thank you for listening to my request. I am from a family that fled Paphos during the Shattering. While we have continued to do well as merchants and scholars a family legacy was hidden in a secure vault in the family offices in the southern building of the merchant area. I was sent by my family to retrieve our lost legacy and Phlan has told me that you are to be trusted and some of the most knowledgeable about the area.

When Paphos was sundered the faithful servant sent to fetch it never returned. The complex is just south of the Plaza and west of the Library. Bring Me my families legacy and you will be well rewarded. You may keep any other wealth you find, and you should find sufficient. I have maps of the city from family records but most of the city is in ruins. However I understand the merchant district survived. Here is a map of the area
[ +- ] Map
Citizens of Paphos
Myreana (Archeologists)

While I personally do not see the need for hast Phlan has asked me to assist you with your intent to restore some of the civic functions within Phaphos. Looking over the reports generated by the clerk, first hand accounts are much preferred. I recommend talking with either Dean, the apparently sapient golem in the swamp, or Commander Ferran Martinel, who controls the undead guards on the isle

Lady Tanamere Alagondar

Though I do not currently hold a position within the city of Paphos our family did hold a hereditary position I may be able to leverage if you are able to find any intact civic facilities. I will you well in your endeavors come to me if you have any questions but my knowledge is second hand at best and deals mostly with the merchants and their section of the city.
Alright let me know if have any ideas on how to proceeded. Otherwise I will just guide you first to the undead on the island and then to Dean
May 15, 2024 7:46 am
Arc approaches Lady Alagondar, and addresses her politely
Milady, we appreciate your trust and will happily help you with your ordeal. Would you mind sharing with us what item is this family legacy you mentioned? Probably some piece of jewelry or an artifact? What exactly are we be looking to find? Also, this vault may have some safety devices in place, is there a magical or mundane key for it?

After hearing her answer... If you don't mind me asking, there are some areas in the city that magically recognize the authority of citizens and their descendants...about this hereditary position of the city your family is appointed to, do you hold it yourself?
Last edited May 15, 2024 7:53 am
May 15, 2024 11:12 am
Going in the recommended order of the Lady, the undead, and Dean works for Skeeve. We can then try to get the Lady's item back. As part of that effort we can try to find out who the mystery group is, too.

Lady Tanamere Alagondar


May 15, 2024 12:20 pm
Lady Tanamere Alagondar

The legacy is in a locked chest that only I can open and she shows you a key. It will be within the vault near here and she point to a spot on the map (13,14) in the SE corner of the map. Unfortunately if there was a key then the lost servant had it. It has some magical protections but if you are careful you should be able to bypass them. It was a place of buisness, not a dungeon so I doubt the deffences will cause harm.

Yes, I do hold the position. It is bested on the eldest child of the eldest child. My father still lives but acording to him this should not matter once I reached my age of maturity. If you find such a place I may be able to assist you but will likely have to go there personally.
Just noticed the asci art map dos not work on some screens to will find a beetter variant later today and replace it
May 15, 2024 1:13 pm
"I have noticed that some places seem to react well to a "recognized agent", too. So, while we are not recognized citizens of Paphos, it is possible we could be identified agents of such citizens. This seems to be done with a token or badge or something, like this." He shows her his badge showing he is a representative of the Lady of the Manor. "Is there a way you could give us, or at least one of us, such a token that shows are are authorized agents working on your behalf?"

Lady Tanamere Alagondar


May 15, 2024 1:21 pm
Lady Tanamere Alagondar

It is possible. . . However such a thing has a risk to me and my family.
Should my agent do somethings that are prohibited I and possibly Even my family could lose our status with the city. However, if you prove yourselves trustworthy by bringing me my families legacy undistributed, I will grant your this as part of your reward.
May 15, 2024 1:35 pm
Skeeve smiles and says, "Those are totally valid concerns and a quite reasonable request. That is acceptable to me. Thank you."
May 15, 2024 2:17 pm
Arc also agrees with the mentioned visiting order... Commander Martinel and Dean.

Worry not milady, you will find your legacy in your caring hands delivered soon enough by this team of worthy agents. Arc received the map offered by Lady Alagondar.
We may talk about the tokens after the request is fulfilled

Arc looks at the rest of the team to see if they have more questions, you can easily see he is impatient.
Last edited May 15, 2024 2:26 pm
May 15, 2024 3:15 pm
LoL yeah yeah we're going. Geez keep you feathers on 😁
May 15, 2024 3:49 pm
Oh.. was it posting once a day? Hahaha. Arc is rested, now he seems not to be able to stop!! If I hadn't tell him anything, he would have already flew to the undead keep. LOL
May 15, 2024 3:57 pm
nah you can post more. I was just laughing at the impatience

About the 1/day
I just try to ensure an understood pace from everyone in a group. Some do more some less. As long as everyone understands the group pace and is ok with it then it is on then to keep up
May 15, 2024 4:43 pm
Aizashi follows the lead of the rest of the group until he hears about the undead, which takes him by surprise. "we are going to meet undead willing to talk to us? he asks once the party left the lady's presence.
May 15, 2024 8:05 pm
"Looks like it. My initial companion and I found a friendly ghost that helped us and another escape from where we had accidentally trapped ourselves. And just recently Ealdwig, Blornvid, and I ran into a talkative ghost who was just lonely and wanted someone to talk to. And Kaarik was there, too. Actually, Blornvid went back to live at the exact place we found that talkative ghost. On the other hand, I have had to fight off more than one ghoul. So, really, they go either way. Just like goblins, who I have both fought against and alongside." With a rueful grin he continues, "Just like fey. Just like humans."
May 15, 2024 8:13 pm
Bowing to the lady without asking more question, Kaarik follows the group as they leave, glad that the lady did not seem to notice Arc impatience.

To Aizashi he answers:"To be fully honest, the only undead I have met have been warmer than most living. Much nicer than spiders this is sure! I cannot believe that Ealdwig decided to go in the underdark, he must have forgotten about spiders..."
Last edited May 15, 2024 8:14 pm
May 15, 2024 8:30 pm
"Well that certainly sounds exciting. And like the complete opposite of what I have learned up until now." Aizashi tells them his excitement renewed he feel more eager than ever to go.
May 16, 2024 4:19 am
After talking with lady Alagondar you make your way to the dock to take a boat to the island. The island is near the far shore and houses a large fortress manned by undead soldier that are to not be attacked unless you wish to die a horrible death and gain an afterlife as their prisoner. The fortress itself is safe enough as long as you obey the undead soldiers, some of which can talk, and do not break any of its rules. A few scouts have stayed the night but none enjoyed the experience or wish to talk of it.

The island is wooded and other than the fortress has only a cemetery on the north end of the island. The cemetery used to be infested with aggressive undead but the necromancers creating them were driven off and the cemetery reconcentrated.

Before the cemetery was cleared this island was used to let new scouts and guards get some combat experience. During that time they crafted a simple "dock" with a couple logs and planks tied together and your are dropped off there. The boatmen inform you they will be back at noon and an hour before dusk to pick up any wishing to return to the docks. As you step of the docks onto the island itself you feel an odd sense of foreboding as if being watched by someone, or something, that doesn't want you here. The tops of the fortress towers can be seen over the trees to the north west and you begin making you way there.

Moving into the clearing that surround the fortress surrounded by a nearly palpable dark aura that chills you as you stand there. The west gate open but manned by a squad of 4 undead in plate armor. As you approach the undead turn their helmed heads to watch and you hear one call back into the open gate. A tall pale man in leather armor and an officer's uniform walks forward to greet you. As you near you notice his eyes are black with red pupils and he greets you with a smile, revealing unusually pronounced canine teeth.


Welcome. The commander has ordered that the courtyard and smithy are free for your unescorted use. However before entering each of you must give your parole not to attack any of the guards, enter restricted areas which are guarded, or damage the fortress or any of it's facilities. If you will give me your bond to obey these restrictions you may enter. And he gestures into the fortress while glancing at you with a bit of curiosity and expectancy. His accent is unusual, sounding archaic and formal, but not too different from the common speech you all use.
May 16, 2024 6:02 am
Arc feels the dark aura that weights over this place. Before arriving, he didn't think it would be so strong. It makes it difficult to stay with a clear head... he will try to leave as soon as they got information they need from the Commander.

At the sight of the officer, he is further surprised. He heard stories of such beings, but most stories describe them as enemies. Arc gathers as much focus as he can... Greetings officer, thank you for receiving us. We do come in peace, we will not wonder around and we will do our best not to bother your activities. We wish to speak to Commander Martinel and then we will be on our way. Is he available for a brief audience?
May 16, 2024 8:28 am
A chill runs down Aizashi's spine as he and his party leave the dock and his hackles rise, but he follows his companions.
At the sight of the commander his feeling of discomfort deepens but he feels like he finally has an explanation for it. Agreeing with Arc he tells the commander "Yes... In peace. We are here in peace. Struggling a little to suppress a shiver.
May 16, 2024 2:39 pm
Skeeve notes the uncomfortable feelings caused by having so many undead concentrated in a single location like this. He does his best to not let any of it show.

"I will not attack anyone that doesn't attack me, I will not damage the fortress or the things within it, I will stay out of restricted areas and keep my movements restricted to the proscribed areas unless invited to do otherwise. We simply come to ask a few questions and leave. We do not wish to cause any troubles."
Skeeve is too used to fae games. He has to put in a couple irrelevant qualifiers because he used to them being necessary at some point. Probably not here, but old habits linger.
May 16, 2024 2:44 pm
Feeling the cold in his bones, Kaarik does his best to try not to show to anyone how uncomfortable he is.

"I swear that I come in peace and will not attack or harm anyone nor enter restricted areas."
May 16, 2024 2:56 pm
The officer nods and indicates for you to follow him. The open gateway is very impressive and can result accommodate several wagons at the same time. The gate itself swings in and is of thick wood bound in metal. Two raised portcullis, one right behind the door when closed and the other at the far side of the gatehouse, hand overhead. Beyond that s courtyard opens up.

The officer escorts you counter clockwise around the courtyard to the west side of the keep. You notice most of the defenders are skeletal like the gate guards except most wear chainmail. There are also small squads of ghostly soldiers that patrol the area either walking or floating high in the air. You estimate there to be several hundred undead in the fortress, none of which look to be as simple as zombies or the basic skeletons.

Entering the keep you pass more full plate guards in front of a door that leads to the keeps main hall. It has a cross shape to it and you are taken to the middle where there is a large table placed and several undead confer with each other in low voices that stop as soon as you enter. Turning to look at you point gestures the Lieutenant forward.

Commander Ferran Martinel


May 16, 2024 2:58 pm
Commander Ferran Martinel
The leader steps forward. He is taller and wears impressive armor with a massive blade on its back. As you near he says is a cold rasping voice. I am commander Martinel. I assume you, like the others brave and curious enough to enter here have questions. Very well. I have time. What is it you would like to know?
May 16, 2024 3:08 pm
Skeeve steps forward, nods slightly to acknowledge the Commander's authority, and says, "We thank you for taking the time to speak with us. We very much appreciate your magnanimity." He gathers himself for a second and continues, "We are seeking to find out how to properly use the magic and capabilities that have survived from Paphos. We have found that much relies on being recognized and accepted as citizens or leaders of Paphos and we are looking to find how to unlock that. We do not want to loot it; we do not want to take it; we do not want to circumvent it. Rather we are looking to restore it and build as much of a New Paphos as is available to us. We were lead to believe that you have knowledge about how to accomplish that, and thus we are here asking."
May 16, 2024 5:10 pm
Arc puts all his effort on not reacting to the shivers the place and presence give. And stands by Skeeve, nodding to his words.
May 16, 2024 5:15 pm
So, I think I'm a little out of the loop😅. I guess this is a continuation of a previous adventure, right? Would it make sense to read one of the older threats to catch up? Obviously, Aizashi would still be clueless 😁
May 16, 2024 5:33 pm
We just left the Base together, to find that thing the Lady needed. But since we already know that entering these old place may require some proof of citizenship, and we were told that maybe this commander or Dean (an old golem who lives nearby) know something about becoming citizens. So now we talk with them, hopefully there is a painless way to be granted citizenship and then we go to get the family thing our Lady needed.

I hope this actually helps you, not confuse you further...
Psybermagi, not in any hurry, but... were you able to check the map?
Last edited May 16, 2024 5:37 pm
May 16, 2024 6:22 pm
Additional background reading is in the "Old and Idle Stories"/ Island

Map? Must have missed that. What did you want to know?
May 16, 2024 6:31 pm
Map? There is supposed to be a map in your 2nd post, in this thread. But some (including me) just can't read it. I had the idea that you may be about to upgrade it to other format.
Last edited May 16, 2024 6:31 pm
May 16, 2024 8:58 pm
Cathamber says:
We just left the Base together, to find that thing the Lady needed. But since we already know that entering these old place may require some proof of citizenship, and we were told that maybe this commander or Dean (an old golem who lives nearby) know something about becoming citizens. So now we talk with them, hopefully there is a painless way to be granted citizenship and then we go to get the family thing our Lady needed.

I hope this actually helps you, not confuse you further...
It helps, thanks :)
Psybermagi says:
Additional background reading is in the "Old and Idle Stories"/ Island
[ooc]thanks, I'll take a look at that.
Last edited May 16, 2024 8:59 pm
May 16, 2024 9:14 pm
I enjoyed reading Aizashi's adventure with the Feys! I'm sure Aizashi will feel at home with this team very soon.

Commander Ferran Martinel


May 16, 2024 11:26 pm
Skeeve says:
"We are seeking to find out how to properly use the magic and capabilities that have survived from Paphos. We have found that much relies on being recognized and accepted as citizens or leaders of Paphos and we are looking to find how to unlock that. We do not want to loot it; we do not want to take it; we do not want to circumvent it. Rather we are looking to restore it and build as much of a New Paphos as is available to us. We were lead to believe that you have knowledge about how to accomplish that, and thus we are here asking."
Commander Ferran Martinel

The commander looks you over for a moment
My very existance is proof that many of the cities enchantments and othre facilities remain intact to this day. My keep has a library with many records about the city, its laws, and other facts bout the city . I have has some of the scholars visit me to study these but when they secured access to one of the library branches they found that place a beeter location for in depth study. If there is something specific in our public records you may ask and i will do what I can to help.

I still retain my authority anc while I am unablelto directly control many of the cilil functions I do have limited authority in time of war or threat to the city. Should I deem any of the local forces a threat to the People I would be able to do more. However I am boundby my oath and the enchantments that grant me continued existence prmarily to this fortress, then the isle, then the city in general. So proof or actionable suspicion would need to be brought to my attention before I can act.

Should any of you join my forces I could grant you privilages that would be recognized by the ciivil services and facilities. Alternately I can make you members of the millitia, that are authorized to help thecity watch in times of need. This would grant you a portion of the authority you desire and make you in effecect not my subordinates but still a part of the military structure under my command.

Beyobnd that if you do not wish to commit to my command I could give you limited authroity if you prove to be trustworthy and I deam that my current forces are not appropriate to fulfill a need that falls under my perview. For this though I would need to test you by having you perform services for me under the eye of one of my oficers. I have a few who could travel with you.
May 17, 2024 8:07 pm
The more Arc listens to the Commander, the more he respects him and his garrison. The duty to protect the city endlessly, even after it was destroyed, is more than commendable. And after all those years he still manage to help strangers and support the Base's effort to develop again the place. Gradually Arc feels less shivers and more respect for these warriors and protectors.

Commander, we appreciate you give us this time, and your offer of visiting your keep's library. It is an offer we can't refuse.
I also wish to thank your offer on becoming part of your garrison. But I'm afraid we already have promises to fulfill to people at the Base, so staying permanently at the island wouldn't be responsible on our side. Nevertheless, if my friends agree, I think we could help you and prove that we are both a trustworthy and capable team, and that we are also working for the benefit of our city... and if you see fit, you could bestow the city authority you deem appropriate on each of us.
Last edited May 17, 2024 8:08 pm
May 17, 2024 8:36 pm
Skeeve follows on what Arc says and adds, "What is this task you request of us?"
Fetch quests, after all, are our specialty!
May 17, 2024 10:49 pm
Commander Ferran Martinel

What I need most is information. If you will allow one of my scouts to accompany you then this would give his the opportunity to observe the situation outside the island. He and I will be able to remain in limited contact, within the confines of the city. Thus he can relay to you any further actions I may wish to call upon you to assist me with. He turns and utters a few commands to a nearby spectral aid who flies up through the ceiling. My scout should be along shortly in the meantime I can explain more about how the city is structured and why you may have been having difficulty accessing features. He goes on to talk at some length while you wait for the scout.
Additional Lore on Paphos has been added to the Setting thread After about 20 minutes you hear a flapping noise then the scrapping click of claws on stone. Hurrying down a stairway you see a dark winged kobold. Standing about 3 1/4 feet tall, he tucks his wings under a cloak on his back and throws the cowl up over his head. The commander calls out to him and gestures Meet Geis, one of the few of us able to more freely move about the city. Even so he has his limits. and the short cloaked figure nods his head at you. I will task him with escorting you around the city to retrieve reports from any organization or force that holds ties to Paphos. He will guide you but his charge is to ensure I get up to date reports so do not expect him to endanger himself on your behalf.

A slight pressure is felt by each of you and you each receive words that you somehow know originated from Geis Greetings. I am excited to be able to move beyond the confines of the isle. I have seen much from the air but the distance. and you feel a chilling mental sigh
May 18, 2024 1:18 am
Sure. That sounds incredible reasonable.

We can show the Base. There are no citizens there, but that is the base point from which we are working. We have met a citizen named Lady Tanamere Alagondar, who wishes for us to retrieve something for her, too. There is an ancient sentient construct named Dean, who we plan on visiting. I doubt he is a citizen, but he might know about more.

I have also worked with the newly established Lady of the Manor. I don't know for sure if it is technically part of Paphos, but I think it was outside the city.

In addition, we know of four other major Remnants of Paphos we can readily access. One is empty, but controlled by those from the Base. One contains the Library you mentioned already. It is managed by a ghostly Librarian that seems to get along well enough with the researchers from the Base. Two are farther are from these. One is controlled by goblins from more than one tribe, and they let other groups in, but we weren't able to pay their bribe requirements. The other has a group of unknowns that seem to be holding off attacks from more aggressive groups. We can show any or all of these.

One of the first things we would love to be able to use is the infra-city Matrix Network (which we found out about at the Library) so we can more easily get into and out of these Remnants. Doing reconnaissance is much easier when you don't have to use the front door.
May 18, 2024 1:43 am
daryen says:

1. What is the remnant that is usually empty, but is controlled by the Base?
2. The Safeguard of Paphos is the castle now controlled by the Orcs, correct?
3. Is the Guild of Artisans and Enchanters the Remnant with the mystery forces fending off the orcs and kobolds?

1. One of the residential districts.
2. Yes
3. That is part of the city they controlled but their headquarters did not survive
May 18, 2024 1:47 am
Kaarik is particularly interested in Geis and after greeting him, he gathers all the courage he has to ask:
"I am sorry if the question makes you uncomfortable and you can just ignore it if so. However, I can only notice that you are different from the other members of the island. How did you end up working for the commander?"
May 18, 2024 4:07 am
the deep cowl turns so you feel it looking at you though it is hard to tell as all that can be seen are the feet with custom shoes that allow his claws to move freely, half boot half sandals, sticking out from the bottom of the full body cloak. I was a winged kobol scout in the war, but . . . It was determined I was better suited to work in a city so was transferred here. While I had reported I did not yet have an official role in the guard when the Shattering broke the world. Perhaps that has something to do with it? Or it could be because my body was ripped and shredded to pieces during the shattering. Luckily that is no longer a problem for me the cold sibilant 'voice' of Geis explains.
Whatever the cause when the necromancers pulled us back by activating the last defense I came back as this.
An intriguing state I will likely have plenty of time to get used to.

Commander Ferran Martinel

Many of the forces in the great war were changed or enhance to be better soldiers. I understand that due to the Shattering they were left without means to resume their proper forms. The goblin and Kobolds were used as foragers and scouts. Geis is a bit, unorthodox, for a soldier but he is true to his task and oath.
May 18, 2024 8:14 am
Aizashi is curiously looking around trying not to stare at any of the inhabitants. He is impressed by what he is seeing and is reminded of how he used to guard his own hometown and hopes that everyone there is doing okay.
May 18, 2024 9:07 am
Oh, and... also, in which remnant was the Safeguard of Paphos based?

After listening attentively to the task required and meeting Geis. Hello Geis, it is always a pleasure to meet a fellow winged scout! says Arc excited to have Geis within the team, if only for a while. Furthermore surprised as Arc recognises Geis resemblance to some drawings he has seen in nature books, Geis looks kind of a person-sized dragon...
About the mission... As we mentioned, we have already traveled through some of these places, so we can report findings. Even a lengthy meeting will require less time than actual travel. And then we can choose the first couple of remnants to prioritize to visit with Geis so you can deepen knowledge on them. And consider we have already accepted a task for Lady Alagondar we will accomplish in reasonable time. Do you find this reasonable?
Last edited May 18, 2024 9:32 am



May 18, 2024 11:28 pm
The commander excuses himself, stating he has other business to attend to with a glance a Geis the undead kobold ushers you back down to the hall to a small alcove with chairs and a table so sit and talk.


The spectral kobold replies in what you take to be a "cheerful tone" though the telepathic speech feels as cold as dead as he looks The Safeguard was stationed in the citadel north west of here. You must have seen it. All I know is it is currently occupied but since this is the first I can leave the isle that is all I know.

Well the escort mission is only a cover or facade if you will. Still it is a legitimate mission that I must attempt to fulfill but I really don't expect to find any city leaders still around. I have a bit of freedom with my orders, an advantage of being a scout. I cant fulfill any of them if I am dead . . . or um deader? Any how I will try to stay out of your way and let you know when we get close to something I need to look into. So sure, sounds like we should be able to make this work.

Do, um . . . . any of you have storage devices?
May 18, 2024 11:54 pm
The citadel is controlled by orcs. I doubt we have the power to eject them, and I doubt they'd be friendly enough to let us in. So, that's going to be a dead end, at least for now.

Do you mean a backpack? What do you need carried?

We can get you into the abandoned residential Remnant, the Remnant with the Library, and take you to the reclaimed Manor, if any of that will help. Regardless, we will be going into the contested Remnant to get something for our known Citizen to demonstrate our trustworthiness. If we can get some kind of invitation, we can get into that goblin controlled Remnant. But we don't know how to get that yet.



May 20, 2024 12:22 pm

About the storage device I was thinking more of a storage item with more spce insie than out. I think I could hide in one as i do not need to breathe. It is just an idea as many will not be welcoming of a group traveling with an undead.

The two remnants should help. I can show you what I know of the areas. I am definitely interested in seeing the othr forces so will accompany you to the contested Remnant. As for the goblins, well, if they are anything like the ones I knew did you try bribing or mugging any of them?
May 20, 2024 12:35 pm
Arc listens carefully to Geis... About the storage device, I have this belt with a magic pocket. It holds more than it appears. I got it to be able to carry normal weight without its burden to flight. Is it suitable for you?

When we visited the goblins, we were asked for more coin we could part of, in a couple of entrances. And there was no secure way to enter but those doors. And their groups were way biggers than ours, so we stuck to the recon mission we were given. But those conditions could have changed by now.
May 20, 2024 12:59 pm
Ok, how about this? Let's go ahead and check with Dean first. He's a construct, so you're being undead shouldn't matter. Then we can head to the two uncontested Remnants, so you can explain things to us. In both cases, you should again be fine. Then we can hit the contested Remnant, where might have to finally worry about your presence. On the other hand, if things are still violent, it may help; I don't know.



May 20, 2024 1:05 pm

Glancing at the pouch Geis shakes his head That's to small

In response to Skeeve he nods his head Sounds like a plan then
May 20, 2024 2:17 pm
Well thought Skeeve.

Then, hoping everyone else is recovered from the initial chills this place gives... Hey Kaarik, Aizasgi, how are you doing?
May 20, 2024 2:53 pm
Would Kaarik be able to create this type of device from his rucksack?
Seems a bit of a higher level of artificier.
May 20, 2024 3:00 pm
it is possible. Doubling capacity of container or halving weight of contents is within your capacity
May 20, 2024 3:41 pm
Kaarik says to the group to give him a minute as he wants to try something.
The others can see him grumbling and being quite frustrated first.
I assume that since I have time, I can retry right? if not, ignore the following
Finally, he comes back with what looks like his standard rucksack and gives it to Geis.
"Please try this."
Last edited May 20, 2024 3:44 pm


Larger rucksack test - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Larger rucksack test 2 - (2d6)

(53) = 8

May 20, 2024 8:52 pm
After the commander left while the group was talking to Geis, Aizashi was listening intently to their conversation wondering about magic pockets and friendly undead. He gets a little startled at the sound of his name.
"I am. Just impressed by everything going on here. Thank you for asking. I don't know much of this place yet. So I will follow your lead." he says cheerfully as he beginns observing Kaarik.
May 21, 2024 12:34 am
Kaarik spends a couple minutes to scribe some runes on thin metal plates he affixes to his pack. Unhappy with his initial attempt he tries again and nods in satisfaction. Looking into the pack reveals it has been altered to nearly double capacity. Karrick sighs in relief at this success but knows this is not truly an enchanted item and he will need to ensure it is not damaged or the enchantments will fail, and, . . . he's not quite sure what that might do to the contents of the person wearing it. Though not a major enchantment the twisting of dimensions is no trivial act.

Intrigues Geis tests it out and though getting in is a bit of a bother the small winged kobold can fit within. However he insists that no enchantments be placed on the top flap of the bag so if needed he can extricate himself from the bag without help from outside of it.

Pleased with this development Geis takes you to the castle library where he shows you a map of the city. While most of the Remnants can be placed on the map their placement is a bit off. Finding the "contested" remnant you verify the map given to you and find it matches closely
[ +- ] Map
Here's the fixed map
If there is nothing else then off to Dean's in the morning
May 21, 2024 7:12 am
Arc is quite impressed with the work on the bag, and doesn't hide it Well done Kaarik!

So this is the map of the contested Remnants, very useful!
The Arc quickly check for info on the Safeguard of Paphos before being ready to leave the library.
May 21, 2024 12:58 pm
The Safeguard was your basic city guard, Other than monitoring and trying to eliminate local crime they also were responcible fot the ar2ea outside the sity for about a days ride and acted as a millitia should the city fall under attack. The Legion as the primary military force was primarily focused outside the city anf focued on foreigh threats while the Safeguard was more directly under the councils control and focues o internal issues.


You stay until just before noon then after putting everything back Geis escorts you from the building. Together you make your way to the islands "dock" and await the boat to take you balk to town. The boatmen and guard are curious about your new cloaked companion but seem to assume he is another adventurer who turned up at the castle.

Maing your way through Ne Paphos you can tell from the way Geis moves and turns his cowl that though curious he is nervous in the crown and moves to avoid contact with anyone. Moving through the western gate you make your way through the grass fields and into the swamp using the now much improved road. Though still a simple dirt track the repeated traffic has packed it down making the trek relatively easy. As you near the western edge of the swamp you start looking for, then find, the smaller trail that will take you to Dean. The track has a clear marking but is small and little use. You follow it to a rough log bridge which you cross to a small island to find a crumbled strcture with a section cleared to reveal stairs leading down to a well maintained and cleaned basement.

Descending the stairs you find your way lit by small magical lights and are greeted by a several tiny golem that open a door as you aproach. Inside is a large room with several side side rooms. The clicks of the tiny golems moving about almost hides the steps of a largr golem who walks out of one of the side doors.


Good day to you Who are you and what bring you to my masters home.
May 21, 2024 1:42 pm
Skeeve smiles and response, "Hello. We are from New Paphos, which you know as the Base. We are looking for information on how to activate and use the magics of Paphos in order to more efficiently expand and more properly in order to live up to our new name. Given that most of the magic is keyed to citizenship in Paphos, we are trying to find out how new people become recognized citizens and leaders. Any guidance and information on that would be greatly appreciated."



May 21, 2024 3:44 pm
Any other questions just dump them so now so I can answer them all on my train commute home

The simplest means at this point would be to either work for the city or serve a recognized individual. Both the library and legion continue though now staffed by the undead. Either could grant you certain privileges. Other than that it would take gaining control of another civic facility then using civic procedures to become recognized by it.

I for example am only recognized due to the my owners status and him having extended many of them to me that I might act on his behalf when he was still in residence.

Other than that it wild take rewriting some of it's enchantments.

He will talk a bit not and explain his owner was a sage and used Dean as his assistant and walking/talking note pad. Dean has a wide range of knowledge but is still bound to this home and the library, which he can access via a private Node.
May 21, 2024 5:02 pm
"Oh, wait! You can access the Library Remnant? Cool!

Are you willing to let us "borrow" it to get there more easily?"
No reason not to try and save some time!
Skeeve replies, "Yeah, we found out about the 'authorized agent' of a recognized individual path. We are working on at least getting that as we speak. That said, the more important thing for the longer range goals will require being able to become a citizen ourselves. That is what we would like to also figure out."

After thinking a bit, he continues, "Getting back to the private Nodes, do you know the access patterns for any of the other Nodes on the private network. Obviously, you are restricted from going to or using them, but knowing the keys, even if we can't quite use them yet, will be very useful in the near future when we should be able to use at least some of them. Assuming we succeed, of course. There are plenty of opportunities to not succeed."
I feel like Skeeve and I are still missing some stuff here. Hopefully, when we get back to the "contested" Remnant, we will find some of the facilities that will let us do what we are looking to do.
May 21, 2024 6:04 pm
Excited to see Golems for the first time in his life, he almost misses the fact that he might actually have something to contribute and so slightly belated asks What kind of civic facilities would we be looking for? A city hall, church or temple? Or is there something else?
May 23, 2024 8:07 am
Arc listens intently to both Skeeve and Aizashi, it is true that all would benefit from becoming citizens, but Arc have been thinking about facilities from a scouting point of view... didn't really paid much thought on the rest of facilities Aizashi mentioned, but truthfully they are the heart of a city while protection (and scouting) is but a way to secure such heart continuity.
You see Arc immersed in thought... Houses, temples, schools, shops, taverns, a hall, guild houses, music halls, theatres, crop fields, yearly harvest celebrations, marriage celebrations... It is hard to imagine a big lively city in this area such as it is now... but it does gives Arc a sense of purpose.
Last edited May 23, 2024 8:10 am



May 23, 2024 12:46 pm

Are you willing to let us "borrow" it to get there more easily?"
I can send you there now but furutre access would have a price. I dislike being disturbed for such little tasks.
I will suggest that should you gain success at gaining some level of authority recognized by the city then I may be able to aid you in constructing a node at your "base" and helping to integrage it with the others of the city.

do you know the access patterns for any of the other Nodes on the private network.
I have such knowledge but what I know is my only value. What can you offer in exchange? Note that I have no need to food, water, money, or entertainment. If what you offer is of no use to me then I can offer a you tasks for completion in exchange for my knowledge.

I will point out that I aso know of all the public node of Paphos and can sell you the location of these, should this be of interest to you. Note that each of the Remnant currently persisting has one of these in them.

What kind of civic facilities would we be looking for? A city hall, church or temple? Or is there something else?
City hall is located in the massive fortress to the north west. The other civic facilities include the Library and garrison on the island. Beyond those there aer small offfices within each neighborhood. Unfortunately as I understand it the docks were completely ruined and had to be rebuilt so I am unsure if the office in that neighborhood would still function.

Looking thoughtful for a moment, you have no idea how this is conveyed from its motionless face and stiff form, Dean continues
To help you better understand my interests and prices I inform you that I have two desires. Knowledge and freedom. Though i may act independantly at this time I am still under the enchantments of my creation and bound to my master, thus my continued pressence in this place, his former ressidence. Bring me knowledge I do not posses and is not withing the Paphos library and i will exchange knowledge with you. If you find my master and secure my freedom i will share all my knowledge with you freely.
May 23, 2024 1:47 pm
Troubled by the stiffness of the golem, Kaarik realizes that he probably missed an important information.

Clearing his throat with apparent discomfort, he asks : "May I ask you sir, who your master is and if you have any clues of where he could be?"



May 23, 2024 2:06 pm

Oh, he was a research wizard who worked for the Order of the Arcane Wardens and assisted with several projects for the War and Tower. Most know him as Mordenkainen. An old man who was a bit of a recluse. While I knew him. As for where he is, I know not. Sigh Normally a very thoughtful man I assume he simply thought I was destroyed with the city during the Shattering.
May 23, 2024 2:24 pm
I can send you there now but furutre access would have a price.
One time is fine for now.
I will point out that I aso know of all the public node of Paphos and can sell you the location of these, should this be of interest to you. Note that each of the Remnant currently persisting has one of these in them.
That is very useful to know. Thank you.
City hall is located in the massive fortress to the north west.
That is an orc stronghold now. It would take a serious fighting force to remove them from that fortress. I am assuming that will only be possible after we gain citizenship or recognized status.
The other civic facilities include the Library and garrison on the island.
We've been to both of those, and they don't seem to have much for us there on this. Both locations have libraries that can provide a wealth of information, but they don't have anything we've seen or heard of that would help gain citizenship. The Librarian even directly stated we had to look elsewhere. The garrison commander said he could only do things as a military commander. It is an option, but I am looking for more civic-oriented options. It is an avenue, however.
Beyond those there are small offices within each neighborhood.
OK, that is something we can work with. So, for the contested Remnant and the uncontested residential Remnant, where would those small offices be? Especially the uncontested Remnant. If we could get authority from that, we would hopefully not have to fight or sneak our way in and out. Otherwise, the contested Remnant may be our best bet. Skeeve will identify which Remnants he is referring to. The contested Remnant is the one with the unknown forces fighting orcs and kobolds; the one the Lady wants us to raid to get her stuff. The uncontested Remnant is the one that the Base controls uncontested, but appears to have been completely looted and studied. Apparently stuff has been missed, and knowing that would be great.
In my mind, there are five Remnants we are dealing with here:
- The Stronghold, aka the Orc-controlled Castle.
- The Residential Remnant, aka the uncontested Remnant controlled, but only occasionally occupied, by the Base.
- The Library Remnant, aka where the Ghost Librarian and open library is.
- The Market Remnant, aka the contested Remnant with the unidentified group fighting off orcs and kobolds.
- The Goblin Remnant, aka where the goblins have the Remnant and let others in with invitations.
Getting back to the requested teleport, you may only go to the Library. But, could you send us to any of the other Remnants instead? If not, that's fine; we can walk from the Library. But I thought I would ask.
May 23, 2024 2:27 pm
Mordenkainen? Really? In that case, is he even on this world? I'm gonna assume that we're not finding him anytime soon, and Dean won't be useful after this, unfortunately. Unless he is part of the unknown group in the Market Remnant, I'm not optimistic.



May 23, 2024 2:33 pm

I can send you to another but that would be revealing information. What shall you give me?

I have an idea of something you could do for me. There is an event getting organized in the Plaza
(Remnant C on the area map) One of my drones located an object within the location. I wish for you to secure it for my private use. I will give you resources to buy it on my behalf. Or steal it if you must.

I can send you to that or any other location and teach you how to do so on your own I've got gain any form of city authority in exchange for this service.
May 23, 2024 3:05 pm
OK, just so I am perfectly clear, the Plaza is the goblin-controlled Remnant, correct? I am assuming so, so I will comment based on that.
"We can work with that. However, that Remnant is now control by a coalition of goblin tribes. When we tried to get in before we were told we need an "invitation" or pay a 100gp open bribe. We didn't have 100gp to pay, didn't have an invitation, and apparently pissed off a set of guards. Not willing to fight our way in, we just moved on. Teleporting directly inside is one way around that temporarily, but that is likely only a temporary solution. How close is this item to the node?

"Also, I'll want you to teach me how to trigger the node to come back before we leave, as I would rather not have to right my way out."
Also, what Remnant does the Lady want us to retrieve her artifact from? C or D. I was thinking D, but now I want to make sure.
May 23, 2024 3:31 pm

Dean fetch from C
Lady fetch from D
Dean is unsure got far the item is from the node but will send a drone to help you locate it. If you agree to the mission he will teach you to control the city nodes. This will only work with authority. What you will have to do is "knock" on Dean's nice address and he will let you in on his authority. Once you have your own authority you can move on your own. But some nodes, like Dean's, are private and have additional requirements.

The drone is an odd looking figure. It's body is 4 orbs arranged in a pyramid. Each orb has 3 appendages that look to be able to act as feet, arms, or a head like appendage.
May 23, 2024 6:40 pm
Skeeve is up for it, if the others are, too. It will be risky, but hopefully doable. If everyone agrees, Skeeve will make another Sunburst talisman.

"Can our companion Geis here provide authority to use the nodes? He is from the Garrison and is an authorized user. Obviously, to come directly here we still need your permission. But can he target someplace like the Library or the Garrison?"



May 23, 2024 6:56 pm

Yeah I can use them, just, uh, don't like the Matrix so only know a couple addresses. And, um, well, I'm not allowed guest permissions so can't bring you with me
The undead living sounds reluctant, ashamed, and a bit guilty. More like a kid talking about getting caught stepping cookies that a veteran soldier
May 23, 2024 7:06 pm
Aizashi is ready to go.
May 23, 2024 7:10 pm
Skeeve ignores Geis' awkwardness as if it isn't there. "No problem, friend," he says with a smile, "I am just trying to cover all of our options."
May 23, 2024 7:59 pm
Kaarik is fine to go too.
May 23, 2024 8:07 pm
moving on to Remnants tonight then.
Brief recap for newcomers.

Remnants are areas of the city that survived the Shattering and reach had it's own Border which makes entry via any means except the gates dangerous or impossible.

The one in question is guarded by goblins asking for a bribe or invitation but several other factions were seen entering and leaving. Some of the factions are known to fight elsewhere.
May 23, 2024 8:35 pm
Skeeve will make two tries for another Sunburst Talisman before they go. They only take few minutes each, and we might need the firepower to cover our exist, so I'd rather be prepared ...

One success. Updated my inventory.


Make Sunburst Talisman Try 1 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(213) = 6

Make Sunburst Talisman Try 2 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(525) = 12

May 24, 2024 6:29 am
Arc is also ready to go.
May 24, 2024 12:41 pm
Dean guides you to a small closet like room that you all have to squish into as Dean is uncertain about what you might find on the far side and so wants to send you all at once. Geis thinks it best he hide now and so Kaaric transfers the contents of his pack to the rest and the kobold climbs in and arranges the flap so he can peek out the back. He takes Servitor in the pack with him and will relay messages from it to the rest of you via his telepathic communication. Kaaric is overjoyed that the undead creature weighs very little, even less than he gear. While this is going on Dean goes over control of the Node.
Node Instructions taught says:

1. Set address (Dean's abode)
2. Knock on address
3. Verify address (red light bad / green light good check)
4. Call address (voice and or visual communication if received)
With the preparations done you crowd into the 5x5' room and it is activated. A wave of dark brightness envelops you and the world blurs. You find yourself in a plain 30x30 room, that looks much like the one in Eldergrove, with a single closed door on the east wall. Looking around there are signs that this room is used to sleep in occasionally but it it currently empty. Little bits of trash, an old fire pits, and from the smell of it a corner was used by multiple creatures to relieve themselves. Fortunately a few small windows, 1 high x 3 wide' set 8' up, let a breeze and some light into the room. Through the open windows you hear sounds of many people talking, walking, and shouting. It sounds like a mix between a tavern and a market place.
May 24, 2024 1:03 pm
Continue the story to the Plaza



Jun 5, 2024 1:05 pm
Continued from Here
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@14:15


Did you recover the item? Were there any complications?
Jun 5, 2024 2:32 pm
Skeeve takes the scroll case and hands it over to Dean. He also gets the remaining diamonds and servitor from Kaarik and hands them over, too.

"Yeah, there were complications. It cost you 250gp of the diamonds and me a magic ring. I hope it is worth the cost. I will say that how it detects for magic is quite interesting. Also, the little hut holding the Node is being used as a utility room, so we got lucky when we got there, and had to trick some goblins to get back in. If anyone goes to that location again, I'd recommend doing it very, very late."
Jun 5, 2024 7:48 pm
It was a good and quick visit, we got the item, and I wouldn't have stayed longer than needed.
Sleeve is right, the next use of that Node should be at night, or very early morning. And with weapons at hand, just in case.
Jun 7, 2024 8:56 pm

Dean takes the scroll and examines it. Thank you for your assistance with this.

He hands back a simple scroll. Opening it you skim the contents and learn the procedures that will need to be taken to gain control of a Paphos neighborhood, the Dock/Base or one of the remnants. Basically it requires a minimum number of people to reside within one of the neighborhoods, one of which must be recognized as a citizen or resident of the city, for a set period of time and then for the people to form an organization and select a form of leadership. You are confident that with the arrival of Lady Alagondar this should work and many of the requirements may already have been met. The expedition can likely sort out the remainder of the details in short order.



Jun 7, 2024 9:05 pm
With the information on how to become recognized by the city in hand you have much to tell the expedition. As you talk Geis climbs out of the pack.


Other than the Node we arrived and left by I know of one other civil administrative office in that area. It is along the southern wall of the neighborhood.

But what are you plans now? Back to report to your people or on to the merchant district?
Jun 7, 2024 9:56 pm
Skeeve says, "This scroll is too valuable to risk carrying around heedlessly. I would like to return to the base and provide it to the leadership so they may begin enacting these steps. This is what I have really been looking for, and I don't want to risk it!

"This really was worth the ring! Thank you!"
Two points I want to make sure I understand.

First, if Lady Alagondar takes up residence in the Base, then we have our citizen, and so the other steps just need to be done? And when done, does that mean the residents will be promoted to citizens?

Second, just to be clear, is Geis talking about the goblin-controlled remnant or the merchant remnant?
Jun 10, 2024 2:13 pm
Dean thanks your again and remind you that while grateful his home is not a shortcut for you to use as you please. But he will let you access another Remnant once other time if needed.

1 basically yes
2 goblin controlled plaza

So, heading back to base to stay and talk to just hand off the scroll?
Jun 10, 2024 2:45 pm
I agree, let's head back to Base, secure the scroll, talk with the leaders. Then we can leave again for Lady Alagondar quest.
Arc thanks Dean and Geis, with good expectations to meet again soon.
Jun 10, 2024 3:07 pm
You make you easy back to base without incident
continued in New Paphos
Jun 12, 2024 11:51 am
Continued from New Pahpos
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@15:00
Jun 12, 2024 1:22 pm
Skeeve says, "Well, if no one has anything they need to otherwise take care of, shall we head out to the other Remnant? Also, do we want to do our exploring during the day, or during the night?

"Let's head toward the Library first, then hit the Remnant we need. That way if we have to wait or camp a bit, we can do it from somewhere relatively safe."
Jun 12, 2024 3:17 pm
You set back out to the library after trekking through the swamp and following the trail through the grassy hills. It is now mid afternoon and you enter the large stone building to rest a bit from the heat of the day.
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@15:30
Jun 12, 2024 5:48 pm
Which stone building? The Library or a different stone building?
Jun 12, 2024 6:07 pm
Jun 12, 2024 10:13 pm
That's what I thought. Just making sure.

So the group has to decide whether they we want to go in at night, or if we want to wait for morning.
Jun 13, 2024 4:35 am
looking for an item would be easier during daylight I suppose? But I'm not entirely sure right now, are we marching into hostile environment?
Jun 13, 2024 4:54 am
The Remnant in question is being contested by multiple factions, none of whom really like you guys, so . . . . sure hostile is a word. The Item should be in the compoint on the southern end of the Remnant which is held by Hobgoblins at this time.
Jun 13, 2024 6:15 am
Hopefully we can use the hostilities among those factions as diversion. To enter and leave as fast as possible.
I wouldn't expect a fight with hobgoblins to be easy.
Jun 13, 2024 1:26 pm
"I agree. If we can get them to fight each other, we'll be ahead of the game. And don't forget to use your new cloaks again. Every little bit helps!"

Also, don't forget that both Arc and Skeeve have a communication crystal. So we can talk with each other as Arc scouts, meaning he doesn't have to immediately come back to tell us what he sees going on every time.
Skeeve's primary focus is retrieving the artifact. However, he has two secondary objects, if at all possible:
1) Making sure of who the various factions are and their relative power.
2) Identifying who the "mystery" group is.

I don't know if the secondary items are really possible, but he will be looking for opportunities to find that out.

Also, who's territory is the matrix node pad in, or do we not know yet?
Jun 13, 2024 7:54 pm
Kaarik puts on the clothes bought by Skeeve and scrabs a bit of dirt on his face.
"Ready to go" he says trying to imitate Skeeve's human accent as best as he can.
Jun 13, 2024 10:51 pm
daryen says:
Skeeve's primary focus is retrieving the artifact. . . .

1) Making sure of who the various factions are and their relative power. Current factions = Hobgoblin, Orc, Lizardmen/Kobold, Gobin, Fey, Expedition, Undead/Necromancers. Ones seen in merchant district are underlined
2) Identifying who the "mystery" group is. Mystery group? You mean the ones that hired the goblins and are organizing the auction or something else?

3) Who's territory is the matrix node pad in, or do we not know yet? Best guess by Arc is the building is in contested or unclaimed territory
You head back to the merchant district and move cautiously as you know multiple factions are active in the area.
How do you wish to approach the Remnant? What gate are you aiming for? 2 gates per side NSEW
Jun 14, 2024 3:58 am
Arc flaps towards the compound and sees several groups on the way. He spots a group of kobolds and lizardmen and another of orcs. Both are harassing groups of armored figures. This is where the sounds of battle are coming from. The compound to the south is guarded by more of the armored figures and some in robes. However he can not determine who is within the armor and is shot at a couple of times, both by heavy bows and magics as well.
Specifically the unidentified armored and robed figures. Were the armored figures undead?
We'll aim for whichever side of the remnant that seems to be not directly patrolled by any of the "sides" in the conflict.
Jun 14, 2024 12:54 pm
The north half is where most other factions enter and leave, and how you entered last time. The south is where the armored figures are holed up. Deciding to enter by way of the same gate you move to the Remnant and watch the gate for a bit then move quickly to enter the Remnant. Getting used to the disorientation of the Border crossing you only slow a moment before moving in deeper to an intersection. According to your map the Matrix Node is a block or so to the SW.
[ +- ] map
As you scan the area a small corpse of undead shambles from one street and behind another building to the south. hearing a noise from a building to the east you look that way and see something move out of sight on its roof/collapsed 2nd floor

Are you trying to stay hidden, searching the area, avoiding others,
Jun 14, 2024 2:51 pm
The longer we stay out of sight and undetected, the better. Since everyone is hostile to us, I assume once we're found the fighting starts. So ... we wanna stay hidden and undetected as long as we can. Now that we can see where the Matrix Node is, do we have a sense for where the artifact should be?
We should be taking this slow. We likely should wait to watch where the patrols are and then try to time things to avoid them. On the other hand, that could just open us to be found if we are accidentally on a patrol route. The only other thing we could try is to have Arc go aloft to get a survey and report back on the crystal communicator. But I don't want him to get completely separated from us, either. Or get shot again.
Jun 14, 2024 3:54 pm
Aizashi will defer to the others experience:)
Jun 14, 2024 4:19 pm
The Alagondar familie's property is located in the southern half of this Remnant. It like you will need to get into the area the armor figures guard. The vault is located 13x,14y on the map. This is also the only place regularly patrolled.

Arc can easily fly to the building roof which will still give him cover as sections of the roof or previous 2nd floor are still there. From up there he can scan the surroundings. The entire party could join him up there but that might draw more attention. He was only fired on when he went higher and to the south, closer to the guarded compound.
Jun 14, 2024 8:46 pm
The merchant quarter seems quietr ths time. Though you still get the sence of tension in the area you do not hear any active combat at this time.
Jun 16, 2024 8:25 am
Arc jumps to the roof, flying as close to the walls as possible trying to avoid detection.
Once up there, he looks for patrols and for a clear way to the Lady's place, and reports findings through the crystal
Jun 16, 2024 3:03 pm
[ +- ] Map
Arc hops on a rooftop to the east of the party (yellow eyeball) and spots those armored bowmen on rooftops to the south (red shield/sword tokens) and verifies that the building the Node is to be located in has collapsed into rubble(green diamond on compass point). The guards patrol an area that looks to encompass their objective and focus on watching nearby streets though Arc thinks one of them may have spotted him as he flew to the rooftop. a 15' wingspan is a bit visible at times. The streets are currently clear though you do see occasional movement suggesting things moving in the shadows and trying to stay out of sight. Atop the roof to the SW, the building between you and where the node should be, you see a large form shift in the ruble. Its skin closely matches the dull brown and grey of the stone making getting a clear picture of what it is hard without more altitude or getting closer.
Jun 16, 2024 3:33 pm
So the node is in the intact building on the bottom of the map, in the middle?

Also, I assume that where we need to go is well south of here? Would we be closer to our target if we came through a different gate into the Remnant?
Jun 16, 2024 11:55 pm
Matrix is marked on the map 1 block south of the party. Green diamond on grey circle
Your target is in the area controlled by armored figures. Entering the southern gates would be the closest but those look to enter in the armored figure controlled area. Next would be the southern gate on the west or east sides.
Jun 17, 2024 4:17 am
Ok so the Node in the green diamond, is under rubble. We won't be able to use it without clearing the rubble first and that would make us visible to all enemies.
We should look for a way to get to the Lady's place.
Arc reports back what he sees. If he has been spotted or not, as long as those armoured guys don't do anything, there's not much we can do.
How can we profit from other groups animosity?

Arc tells the team a crazy idea: he may start a fight by shooting arrows to the archers stationed in those roofs. That WILL alert the whole remnant, and maybe (if other groups join against those in armour) start an all out battle.
The rest of or team should be waiting as close as possible to the Lady's place, to try to get there in the confusion... but to close enough to be involved in the battle. Maybe that spot is just outside one of the other entrances. Arc would try to provide some cover, distract the archers of that side... Or we could just position ourself and then wait for other groups to start fighting...

Another option is to go ahead, directly to one of those southern doors, and try to meet peacefully with the guys in armour. We don't know who they are, so they may be willing to negotiate our passing as long as there is no battle to put them on edge.

Or do you have better plan?
Last edited June 17, 2024 4:28 am
Jun 17, 2024 6:26 am
I wouldn't want you to get in any danger without the chance for us to help you Arc.

Your plan is a good idea, but if they spot you shooting, you will quickly become their main target.

I am all for diplomacy, but does anyone had any idea of how to approach them before they attempt to slain us?
Jun 17, 2024 8:22 am
Kaarik is right, one of us alone would make an easy target. We could try to simply approach a small group of them and see what happens?
Jun 17, 2024 4:29 pm
Is Geis still with us?

"I am concerned that the armored figures are undead soldiers, and I am not sure whether they are intelligent undead, like Geis, or if they are unintelligent undead under the complete control of necromancers. Attempting to make contact could just be betraying our position."



Jun 17, 2024 5:22 pm

From within the pack Gets projects his thoughts.
Might be easier, and safer, to try and find and contact one of the other factions in here. Aren't you guys on good terms with the kobolds? And the goblins seen to be playing all sides so may be open to negotiations
Jun 17, 2024 10:18 pm
Is the Base/New Paphos on good terms with the kobold/lizardmen groups? And I didn't think there were any goblins here.
"The problem is that the building we have to get into is controlled by these armored figures. So, even if we can talk the lizards or goblins into helping us, we would be asking them to help us attack. I am not sure what we have to entice them to help us.

"On the other hand, making contact might not be a bad idea. We could pull back and try a different entrance closer to where a specific group we want to talk to is camping out."
Jun 17, 2024 11:27 pm
The expedition has had several encounters with the kobolds and though not allies at least are willing to talk. And the animosity between kobolds and goblins has only been heightened with the local conflict.

You haven't seen any goblins in the remnant.


random roll - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (3) = 3

Jun 18, 2024 6:07 am
"I am all for trying to discuss with the kobolds. At least to get more insights on the armoured faction and on what's going on here"
Jun 18, 2024 2:32 pm
Then let's loop around and see if we can make peaceful contact with the Kobolds. Hopefully they won't think we killed kobolds for our cloaks ...
"Not sure it will do much, but we can always come back and try this approach again if we need to. If nothing else, maybe we can convince them we aren't hurting their cause when we make our move."
Jun 19, 2024 4:16 am
You move to explore the Remnant and search for other forces while avoiding any of the patrols of the armored figures. Moving to the west you look in the doorway to the north and seeing no one move into the room to get out of the street. The room is long and narrow with an open archway on the west wall near the northern corner. Continuing with caution you reach the opening and look in cautiously. The short, long, high, open windows allow enough light for you to see into the dim room and it is readily apparent that this room has been used as a camp recently.
[ +- ] map
Jun 20, 2024 6:06 am
Arc, still in the roof, ask through the crystal...
What's going on down there? The armours haven't done anything strange, but where are you?
Jun 20, 2024 12:36 pm
"We stepped into a building along the wall just to the west to take a peek. If you hop over to the west of the entrance passageway, we'll be right below you."

Any hint from the contents as to who the occupants were?
Jun 20, 2024 2:52 pm
Sure, let me know when you plan to exit.

Arc stays on the rooftop, just as he was: laying down on the roof tiles and covered (as best as he can) with his cloak... Specially trying to cover his wings, kept as close as possible to his body. From there he will keep guard of the building his friends entered, on the first sign of problems he will let them know. And keep a look on other factions moves

Goblin Rogue


Jun 21, 2024 3:35 am
Skeeve and Arc chat while Aizashi sniffs the air and detects a trace of goblin scent in the room to the west. As you stand there a voice pipes up.
Goblin Rogue
So. . . . What are we looking at? Turning around you see a small goblin has somehow joined your group and stands looking into the next room and glancing at you questioningly.


Chance and Luck vs Fate & Destiny - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Jun 21, 2024 1:34 pm
Skeeve is completely taken off-guard by the goblin. However, since he isn't attacking, Skeeve decides to take advantage of the opportunity to say, "We were just looking to see what was in here. Are we trespassing on your camp?"

He pauses for a moment, then says, "Where did you come from?"

Skeeve is not making any threatening moves and hopes the party is taking that lead to also be not threatening, too. If Fate has given us the chance for an ally, Skeeve is going to try and take the gift.
Jun 21, 2024 2:09 pm
As Aizashi realized he didn't react in time he keeps a close eye on the goblin and is glad that so far everything seems to be peaceful.
Last edited June 21, 2024 2:11 pm
Jun 21, 2024 2:15 pm
Kaarik is surprised by the goblin as well. He makes sure that the helmet is properly hiding his ears and using his best human accent he says with a smile.

"Hello friend! It is really nice to meet you."

Goblin Rogue


Jun 21, 2024 3:44 pm
Goblin Rogue

Well, first of all you would need to go in to trespass. Add for where I came from that's an interesting philosophical question. Some say the gods, others say we are just the flesh and have no origin beyond our mother's. I didn't stand next to those guys when they say that stuff. . And he grins widely, obviously avoiding Skeeve's question

Turning to Kaarik he gives a quarter bow Well met master elf. We haven't seen much of you kind in a while. But come, let's sit and talk.

Totally unconcernedly he walks though you group and heads into the room to the east. Add you follow several more goblin slip out of shadows, rise from rubble, it drop from windows. Quickly a few blankets are arranged in a corner of the room and the goblin gestures for you to sit.

Now what brings a bunch of fellows such as yourselves to this rough place?
We've seen you looking around. That bird of yours sure draws attention.
Jun 21, 2024 4:32 pm
Arc hearing all that happened through the crystal hoped they hadn't noticed, so remained silent.
But at the mention of 'That bird', he obviously had been noticed before, so he just flew down and moving normally, as if among friends, he waved hello and joined the group.
Jun 21, 2024 5:32 pm
Skeeve smiles at the evasion, letting it go. He answers, "We passed by this ruined area before and saw fighting going on. Not wanting to be by-standing casualties, we just moved on. But, we were curious as to what is going on here, so we thought we'd come back and take a look to see if things were resolved or calmer at this time." He isn't willing to mention the "fetch quest", at least not yet. But what he's stated is still completely true. "What are those figures in armor?"
Obviously, the big initial question is what do the goblins want from the remnant (and potentially us). But no reason to be too direct. Might as well be conversational. I don't think we have a time limit, at least not yet.
Jun 21, 2024 6:52 pm
Arc hearing all that happened through the crystal hoped they hadn't noticed, so remained silent.
But at the mention of 'That bird', he obviously had been noticed before, so he just flew down and moving normally, as if among friends, he waved hello and joined the group.


Insightful check - reading the goblins - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Goblin Rogue


Jun 22, 2024 8:21 pm
Goblin Rogue

What armored .. .. oh, you mean the hobgoblins? Yeah, they're what started this mess. They have mostly been staying north of the river but when several squads of theirs converged independently onto this place and took over that compound to the south it got the others all agitated. The orcs and lizardmen were fighting over this place before but now its a total mess.

As Arc joins the group he scans the goblins, who other than the leader are occasionally entering and leaving the room. The fact that you had not seen them previously meant that they likely were adept at stealth. The other goblins are keeping a wary eye on your group and weapons close to hand but the leader is relaxed and confident.


Secret Roll

Jun 22, 2024 9:25 pm
OK, one mystery solved. Good to know.
Skeeve continues, "I wonder why they aren't trying to expand their holding. If they have managed to gain that good of a foothold, I wonder what's stopping them from just taking over the whole Remnant." Since that wasn't really a question, he continues, "What's your angle on this? The Remnant north* of here is controlled by several groups of goblins. Are you affiliated with them?" He doesn't expect to get a straight answer, but he hopes it is still a good opening to get him to ask about them. Skeeve is willing to trade information, but he wants it to be a trade, not just freely offered. He will also be entirely honest about whom we are allied with.
I think the goblin-controlled Remnant is north of here. Please feel free to fix the direction is I got it wrong.
Jun 23, 2024 9:17 am
Arc listens carefully, also paying attention to the other goblins movements. He lets Skeeve do the talking since he doesn't have much to add now.

Goblin Rogue


Jun 24, 2024 12:08 am
Goblin Rogue

I wonder why they aren't trying to expand their holding. If they have managed to gain that good of a foothold, I wonder what's stopping them from just taking over the whole Remnant.
The leader shrugs. No idea, don't care.
What's your angle on this?
He grins at this question. Well we're here to take advantage of the mutually descriptive tendencies of the others.
The Remnant north* of here is controlled by several groups of goblins. Are you affiliated with them?
Nah, that a couple other tribes. We don't do long term contract like that. But we do sell our services for the right price. If you want more information about the are you will have to make it worth our while.
Jun 24, 2024 5:42 am
Aizashi raises an eyebrow in surprise looking at the goblin "You are mercenaries?"

Goblin Rogue


Jun 24, 2024 12:51 pm
Goblin Rogue

You mean, do we work for coin or other items of value? Absolutely. Doesn't everyone? Some just seem to think their way of doing things is more 'Honorable' and he and several other goblins chuckle at this.
Jun 24, 2024 1:49 pm
And to have a better idea of the cost of your services. How much would someone pay you for a small service? Nothing dangerous, just a little bit of noise.
Jun 24, 2024 4:48 pm
Skeeve nods at Kaarik's suggestion and expands, "Since you aren't working for the hobgoblins, that we can see, would you be willing to serve as a distraction for us? No fighting on your part, but probably a bit of running. We have some gold we can offer, though we are far from rich.

"Also, with the tribes up north*, a couple of follow-up questions. First, while you are not working with them, do you talk with them? Can you get us an 'invitation' to get into that Remnant? (Obviously, we would pay for such.) Second, do those two tribes directly control the Remnant, or are they working for someone? If the last case, who are they working for?"

Skeeve also offers, "As you can probably tell, we work out of the camp in the former Docks. We can help make introductions there and I am sure you can find more work or assignments through them, too."

Goblin Rogue


Jun 25, 2024 12:28 am
Goblin Rogue

Well that's easy in idea but difficult in practice. See if you are planning on using us as decoys then we might get blamed for anything you are attempting to do . We can't have you ruin our reputation around here. But if all you need is a diversion, then it can be arranged.
5 gold for a small diversion, 25 for a large diversion, 125 for a massive diversion. Payable in advance.

Now if you are looking to pull one over on the Hobgoblins then we might have some information to sell you that would be worth more than any diversion. 50 gold and we spill all we know on them and their base.

while you are not working with them, do you talk with them?
Can you get us an 'invitation' to get into that Remnant?
Second, do those two tribes directly control the Remnant, or are they working for someone?
If the last case, who are they working for?"
Oh sure, we do business all the time. We have a representative to negotiate our services as needed from the market.
An invitation, sure we can get you one, 50 gold!
It's more than 2 tribes and not they are not controlling it. They are working for the big Boss. He is setting up the auction.

"As you can probably tell, we work out of the camp in the former Docks. We can help make introductions there and I am sure you can find more work or assignments through them, too."
No thanks, that place is too regulated, and, um, well, some of our company might be known malfeasant. followed by a weak grin and shrug
Jun 26, 2024 1:01 am
But if all you need is a diversion, then it can be arranged.
"A diversion should be enough for what we need. We need to get into one of the buildings they are claiming without being seen, at least initially."
50 gold and we spill all we know on them and their base.
"Would this include the diversion, or is it completely separate from the diversion? This is very tempting indeed!"
An invitation, sure we can get you one, 50 gold!
"I won't be able to take you up on this right now, but if you are willing to let me find you in the near future, I will be very interested in taking you up on this! Also, can you tell me any more on 'the Big Boss'? Who is that? How many forces do they control? What are they trying to do?"
No thanks, that place is too regulated, and, um, well, some of our company might be known malfeasant.
"Fair enough. They do try to keep things in order and regulated. However, past actions do not have to be determinative for future relationships. A lot can be forgiven under the correct circumstances."

At the least, Skeeve will pay for a 25gp diversion. However, if the information he can get from the info dump is worthwhile, he'll take that. If he can get a two-fer, he'll definitely do that. And he is completely serious about coming back for that goblin invitation. This "Big Boss" seems to be enough foreshadowing that we're gonna have to deal with them sooner or later ...

Goblin Rogue


Jun 26, 2024 2:16 am
Goblin Rogue

Also, can you tell me any more on 'the Big Boss'? Who is that? How many forces do they control? What are they trying to do?"
Information on the boss is a premium. 50 gold for the basics and it doubles for each level of information
"Would this include the diversion, or is it completely separate from the diversion? This is very tempting indeed!"
The goblins scoffs We do not do bulk discounts. All transactions are independant and final.

The leader looks you over and says Now if you are looking to tangle with the hobgoblins I would suggest getting information before charging in blindly. Not knowing why are are interested in them I can only guess that with a diversion you want access to their compound. Based on that assumption I can almost guarantee that the information is worth more than the diversion. and shrugs But if you insist on a diversion then fine. Tell us when and where, though you will need to be flexible for us to make arrangements.
Jun 26, 2024 4:36 am
Seeing that we are negotiating with the goblin, and Arc doesn't have much coin, he just listens. And even if the goblins are not threatening the team, Arc still is a ready to react if battle starts.
Jun 26, 2024 3:35 pm
Oh well, so much for Skeeve's money reserves ...
"As a businessman yourself, you know I have to ask.

"Are you willing to accept gems in lieu of gold? If so, here is an Onyx worth 50gp for the information on the hobgoblins."
Skeeve produces the onyx without showing anything else he has.

He does take notes on what information they get. (Like with pencil and paper. Or charcoal and parchment, or whatever.)
Jun 26, 2024 3:44 pm
Kaarik can chip in with 25 gold for the diversion if the group wants to go ahead with it.
Jun 26, 2024 4:05 pm
gems are an accepted form of currency to the point that anyone used to dealing in services over 10 gold often prefer it and can roughly estimate the value of them
The goblin explains that they hobgoblin force is well over 50 and may approach 100. They are lead by a crafty bugbear captain. They also have a couple clerics, which if how they have held onto their position this long. They came here seeking something and he thinks they found it but have decided to dig in rather than try and extract it. Why, he cannot say

The compound is heavily guarded and patrolled but there is a secret path into the compound that the goblins can show you, it's location is party of the 50 gp information. It leads through the sewers and has a few monsters but will get you inside the compound unseen.

if you have other specific questions list then and I will answer later
Jun 26, 2024 4:51 pm
Seeing how much this endeavour will cost Aizashi offers to pitch in some money as well.
Jun 26, 2024 5:47 pm
I don't think we need the distraction anymore.

If people are willing to chip in, I want to buy information on the Big Boss, to be honest. We're gonna have to deal with that at some point, so we might as well get that started now.
Skeeve says, "Wow. That was worth the price! Thank you. A follow-up question, if I may." Skeeve draws a quick map of the area they want to get to. "We need to get *here*. Any suggestions on the best path from your entry point?" (He's only pointing to the building, not the specific area in the building.)
Out of curiousity, how big are the forces of the Base/New Paphos? 100 hobgoblins sounds like a lot. Particularly if they were able to successfully drive off a combined assault of orcs and lizardmen. I'm beginning to think that ole Phlan needs to step up his game significantly or they could be in pretty big trouble with Big Boss and an organized, discplined force of 100 hobgoblins running around.

Goblin Rogue


Jun 27, 2024 12:04 am
[ +- ] map

Goblin Rogue

Looking over the map the goblin replies
Well you will come out of the well here and he taps on grid 6,12 with your objective at 13,14. So it should not be too hard to slip into the building. But from what we can tell that is where the officers have taken up residence. So though you may face fewer they will likely be a bit more skilled and have better arms and weapons. I suggest heading there now and staying in the sewers till dusk or dawn and use the shadows to hide your infiltration.

Now, I hate to bring this up but I do believe you have realized that much of out livelihood comes from our services as information brokers. Should you wish for us to conceal our knowledge of you and your planned activities there will be a fee of course.
and he smiles viciously. It is about this point in time that you realize with the shift in goblins in and out of the room the numbers inside have actually rissen to well over 10 now.

The expedition came with 50 guards and about 10 scouts.
That has increase to about 80 guards and 25 scouts and adventurers. However it greatest power lies in Fiznick, Valpip, and the priests. All of whom are powerful magic wielders.
Jun 27, 2024 1:55 am
"You obviously have no love for the hobgoblins, or you wouldn't be hiding from them. You aren't that interested in attacking us, or you wouldn't have just warned us. And you still have information that we want and we are willing to pay you for. Selling us out will cut out that future revenue. As information brokers, you need to keep all avenues of communication open, and outright selling us out isn't going to get you anything from us again, particularly if we're dead.

"However, showing a good-faith offer makes sense. So, how about if we give you another 50 gp for the base info on the Big Boss, with the understanding you'll keep quiet about us for a full day? After that what happens is what happens. But remember, if you don't burn us, we're still good for more information on the Big Boss and those invitations."
Skeeve could be completely wrong about these guys, but he's banking on the lure of screwing over the hobgoblins and getting more money from us will keep them in line, at least for now.

Also, I've already removed the onyx from his inventory, and will remove the diamond if the goblin takes him up on the offer. Basically, after this mission, Skeeve is going to be dead broke and likely completely out of talismans.

Goblin Rogue


Jun 27, 2024 3:38 am
Goblin Rogue

After thinking for a moment he agrees to a 1 day confidentiality.
The Big Boss somehow has contacts all of the orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears, and goblins. He is currently running things from the keep to the north and has some giants as his personal guard as well as elite orcs and others that are not identifiable but known to be deadly. No one has seen the boss personally but all the factions are still wary of him. All I know is if we so much as annoy him he could have my tribe eliminated without even exerting much of his forces might.

No one is certain what his goals are but they are certain he has information and power to spare in this area. He is auctioning off a "weapon" in a couple of days. The fact he is selling it off seems suspect so is likely a power play or he is using this opportunity to manipulate the other factions though no one seems to know why. The only force he directly opposed to date were those necromancers that some of you guys fought in the graveyard to the northwest.
Jun 27, 2024 3:39 pm
OK, diamond is now gone too.
Skeeve hands over of the diamond, too.

"Thank you for that info. That is indeed quite useful, and gives us a time limit on when we'd want to use those invitations. As I mentioned before, when we're done with this, there is a good potential for more money from us for those invitations. Now, let's go get in position for our raid."
Skeeve has been driving the conversation here. I didn't mean to completely dominate this encounter. If anyone else has anything to add, please do so!
Jun 27, 2024 8:46 pm
I am more than happy to follow your lead. I am amazed by how you remember everything. So I know that if Skeeve leads, the group will be fine :)
Jun 27, 2024 8:53 pm
Well, be careful with that trust. Skeeve is about to lead the group into a skirmish with 50-100 hobgoblins. Even though our goal is to avoid as many of them as possible, there is no guarantee things don't go south. This could go very badly very quickly!
Jun 28, 2024 3:00 am
When you are all good to go then the goblins guide you to a wellhouse to the west (0,3) and point out that there is a section at the top section of the well is rough stone and the gaps in between the stone are big enough for most fingers to get a grip, though those not used to scaling thinks would find this never wracking, and descend. Once you are 10' down in the well the gaps are larger and allow you to grip it very easily and use your feet more like a ladder. You descend another 20' before you feel the hidden trigger to open the door to a tunnel opening to your left. You all make it to the opening without incident and the goblins wish you luck before disappearing from above. The narrow and short tunnel, 2'x4', slopes down at a curve and a vile smell wafts up to assail your noses.

Give me a marching order, standard actions as you enter/navigate the sewers. Stealth, searching, torches, magic, etc.
Jun 28, 2024 5:35 am
I also trust you Skeeve! Even if we may face all those armoured hobgoblins. What I don't understand is that expression of'thing going south' since usually the South is beautiful, people are more friendly and you don't find such snowy weather as the North.
Arc follows the group, anyone can see he is very uncomfortable getting into the well. His wings are kept as close to his body as possible but once or twice they hit the stoned wall. Wasn't there any other way in? Says in a small voice I do hate tunnels but continues with the rest.
As standard action, while walking in tunnels Arc tries to be sneaky and walks with a torch in one hand and his bow in the other. He is so uncomfortable in confined spaces he doesn't have the concentration to search, nor to think about much other than getting out or fighting (if needed). He can't even think properly about marching order, but will follow suggestions from his friends.
Last edited June 28, 2024 5:38 am
Jun 28, 2024 6:04 am
Kaarik takes out his glow stone. If he does not have it ready he will ask the other to give him a minute or a bit more to prepare it.

"Let's not use torches for now. The stone should be sufficient and it will give us less chance to attract attention"
Jun 28, 2024 6:41 am
Hmm, sure. Arc put the torch out and back in his bag.
Jun 28, 2024 7:11 am
Aizashi follows the others into the sewers "ugh, this is vile" he complains but keeps up with them.
Jun 28, 2024 1:35 pm
"Things going south" means "things could go very bad". I have no idea exactly why "things going south" implies bad stuff. Not sure where that comes from, really. Just another idiom I grew up with that I haven't fully examined. Not sure, really.
If we need a second light, Skeeve can always instantiate a magic light, too.

As for order, I don't think we have anyone with darkvision, so we're pretty much all equal with vision. Aizashi has a good nose, but I imagine it is filled with the vile odor and isn't going to be picking anything else up for a while. So, again, we're probably all equal right now.

So, I guess Skeeve will take the lead and rely on his Perception to give them warning. Let's have Aizashi take up the rear and hope his sense of smell recovers well enough to be of use. The other two can be in the middle, in whichever order. As always, if someone has a better, or even just different, idea I'm game!
Jun 28, 2024 3:20 pm
[ +- ] Going South
The door has a simple latch on the inside and is spring loaded so that is slowly closes after you step past it. Skeeve takes the lead, followed by Kaaric, then Arc, and Aizashi bringing up the rear. You move deeper into the tunnel and soon get to a 10' circular tunnel with 1' ledges you can walk on making the lower section more like stairs. A layer of mud, moss, and fungus covers the bottom. Though it is somewhat solid walking in the thick material that emanates the stench of decay, looks like it would be rather unpleasant. By the light of the glow stone you note there are traces that look to be tracks occasionally crossing the dark mass of mold and . . . ancient nutrient rich waste.

According to the instructions you got from the goblins there is a central hub your pipe should lead to that is inhabited by "something nasty". You will have to pass through this room to reach another pipe leading to the compound. All the pipes are labeled in the hub and you will be coming from "B703" and need to follow "B708" to reach the secret entrance to the compound. A few minutes walk and you hear echos up ahead indicating you are nearing the hub.
Jun 29, 2024 3:41 am
Shoot. Not sure what gift I shoulda brought. Let's hope talking can work, assuming the "something nasty" is what I think it is.

Skeeve says, "Let's see what the nasty thing living here is. Be ready to attack, but let's see if we can talk first."
Jun 29, 2024 5:29 am
Arc can't think straight now, only thing he understands clearly is that... If punches and magics run loose, he will also let his arrows fly.
Jun 29, 2024 11:09 am
"Sounds like a great idea. I'll follow your lead."
Jun 29, 2024 3:42 pm
As you advance closer to the room Aizashi catches an animal scent, but one he is unfamiliar with. Moving up to the edge of the room Kaarik's light reveals it to be a large cylinder with a 5' wide tiered walkways connecting each of the 1' tunnel ledges. The middle of the room is below the level of the lowest platform but the 'soil' is mounded up so its top is just above the level of the lowest platform and covered with the same growth as the tunnels. However the mound shows areas where it has been disturbed and overturned. You catch fain low hissing sounds echoing in the room. Looking around you spot the pipe you need to reach is at the far side of the room. (using clock hour hand positions : You come in at 11 and the exit you need is at 6)
Jun 29, 2024 4:48 pm
I am wrong on the creature. Probably not talking our way outta this.

How big is the room? In all three dimensions. Trying to figure out our options here.
Jun 29, 2024 7:29 pm
Kaarik freezes and whispers to the others. "I don't think it's a cat, but the hissing tells me the creature spotted us"
Jun 29, 2024 9:59 pm
the pipes coming into it are 10' diameter and there are 8 that come into the chamber. The cylindrical chamber is about 40' across and at least 30' tall though it looks to narrow at the upper reaches. At Kaarik's comment the sound shifts and you get the impression it the the creatures breath you hear. The glow of Kaarik's light does not reveal everything but there are not hiding places other than in the shadows above or in the overturned "dirt" mound at the bottom of the room.
Jun 30, 2024 1:42 pm
Agreeing with Kaarik Aizashi adds, "and I don't think it likes us being here."
Jun 30, 2024 2:27 pm

Just for the fun of it, everyone go ahead and roll initiative. 2d6 and add them together
If you roll equal or higher than all my rolls go immediately otherwise wait your turn


monster Initiative - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (15) = 6

2d6 : (22) = 4

2d6 : (54) = 9

2d6 : (12) = 3

2d6 : (26) = 8

Jun 30, 2024 2:34 pm
Initiate is ... poor (6).


Initiative - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Jun 30, 2024 3:20 pm
Initiative 8, not too bad
Last edited June 30, 2024 3:20 pm


Initiative - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Jun 30, 2024 3:58 pm
Initiative[ - great...
Last edited June 30, 2024 3:59 pm


Initiative - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Jul 1, 2024 8:10 am
Here goes


Initiative - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Jul 1, 2024 11:49 am
Suddenly it off the dirt mound busy 4 long tentacles that shot towards your


Attack - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (413) = 8

3d6 : (531) = 9

3d6 : (221) = 5

3d6 : (253) = 10

Jul 1, 2024 11:51 am
Sleeve and Aizashi are both struck by the tentacles that begin wrapping around them. 1 damage and save test please
Jul 1, 2024 12:40 pm


Save - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Jul 1, 2024 12:40 pm
and everyone can go now
Jul 1, 2024 2:30 pm
Arc uses both actions to shoot at the base of the tentacles. The first one to the one holding Skeeve and the second one holding Aizashi. Arc aims at the bases, not the tips as not to risk shooting his friends.
Mastery at bows & Quick-shot skill.


At tentacle holding Skeeve - (3d6h1)

(225) = 5

At tentacle holding Aizashi - (3d6h1)

(546) = 6

Jul 1, 2024 2:56 pm
Below is the save test. I am also assuming I can attack even without succeeding the save test and will do so. Both attacks on the tentacle trying to grab me.

As he struggles, Skeeve calls out to the source of the tentacles, "Stop! We don't want to hurt you! We don't want to take anything that is yours! We just want to pass through and then we'll be gone! If you stop, I will heal you from our attacks!"

EDIT: I guess I should make a roll for the parley attempt. With the appearance of the tentacles, it may be that my initial guess is correct after all. If I am correct, then it should be able to understand what I am saying and react to it. If it is starving, then it doesn't matter. However, if it is just defending its turf, then we have a decent chance. So, I'm gonna roll the full three dice, then you can discard what doesn't apply to this situation. (Including potentially all of them.)


Save Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Magic Bolt 1 DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Magic Bolt 2 DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Parley with Otyugh DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(366) = 15

Jul 1, 2024 3:55 pm
Kaarik knocks an arrow on his bow and readies himself to shoot until he he hears Skeeve.
He freezes but keeps his bow pointing in the direction of the tentacles.
Jul 1, 2024 5:18 pm

Person shoots twice then says we come in peace? . . . Survey says . . . Nope not reasonable.

Ps you can talk all you want but I consider any roll, except a save, an action so next time limit it to that
Jul 1, 2024 5:22 pm
Hey! It attacked us first!
Arc was just responding before this... whatever it is... gets my friends underwater.

Otherwise... Cool shots, right? ;) Arc has been practicing
Last edited July 1, 2024 5:23 pm
Jul 1, 2024 6:14 pm
It attacked first. Combat law says we can defend ourselves while still negotiating. In fact, we have to defend ourselves in order to prove we're worth not attacking. Otherwise it'd just eat us and call it a day. Skeeve's perfectly willing to kill it. Again: it attacked first.

Also, I thought talking was "free". You can talk all you want. But, fine, we'll kill it. Everyone: Fire away.
Jul 1, 2024 6:21 pm
yeah I was just giving you a hard time 😜
I always thought the negotiations in 5th element was very effective 😁
@ChrSch - Aizashi is up
Jul 2, 2024 3:51 am
Eh, the parley was a long shot anyway. Maybe we can get a little treasure from it if we kill it. Skeeve needs to restock.
Jul 2, 2024 4:04 am
Better to try and fail than never try at all :)
Jul 2, 2024 11:27 am
Aizashi attacks the tentacle holding him twice, hoping to be able to break free.


Attack 1 - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Attack 2 - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Jul 2, 2024 12:03 pm
Both Aizashi and Skeeve feel a slight numbing from the tendrils where they were struck but both quickly destroy the tentacle. Arc Aims back along the tentacles and sinks two arrows into the area around their origin. As the shafts strike you hear them not hitting mud or some soft mushroom but a cracking sound as they penetrate something fleshy.

A worm-like creature erupts from the mound with part of its body still buried in the loose soil and fungus. It has multiple short fleshy legs alongs its length and 8 tendrils sprout from around its head, though a could are now mangled from your attacks.
Boss Battle!!!

Opening its mouth wide it raises its body high and emits a keening screech as a fluid is sprayed out over the group. Save test or become partially paralyzed, disadvantage on all rolls for 1 round After spraying you it flops down and lashes out with its tentacles once more.
1 damage to everyone and another save


tentacle attack - (Skeeve:3d6, Kaarik:3d6, Arc:3d6, Aizashi:3d6)

Skeeve:3d6 : (416) = 11

Kaarik:3d6 : (453) = 12

Arc:3d6 : (533) = 11

Aizashi:3d6 : (255) = 12

Jul 2, 2024 12:11 pm
to be clear, the tentacles are long and thin and automatically coil around targets they strike. However they are not strong enough to hold fast, unless you fail your save...
Jul 2, 2024 3:48 pm
I'll only include my saves in this post so I can ask a question: Would my Shatter ability count each of the tentacles as a separate target, or is the creature as a whole just a single target? Just askin' ...


First Save Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Second Save Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jul 2, 2024 4:39 pm
I'm ok with each tentacle being targeted but only hit on a 6 for ranged attacks. Damage to them will not harm the creature but will eliminate a tentacle from attacking
Jul 2, 2024 5:02 pm
Arc tries to get free from the grip, then shoots to the head.
edited to add the missing rolls.
Last edited July 3, 2024 6:33 am


Save - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Shot - (3d6h1)

(652) = 6

Save 2 - (2d6h1)

(24) = 4

2nd head shot - (3d6h1)

(452) = 5

Jul 2, 2024 6:13 pm
each character needs 2 saves and has 2 actions
Jul 2, 2024 7:11 pm
Kaarik succeeds to avoid the splash of acid but cannot do anything againts the tentacle.

However, he is able to make 2 quick shots with his bow and is positively surprised to see that those seem to hit the creature.
Last edited July 2, 2024 7:14 pm


Save test 1 - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Save test 2 - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Shooting with bow 1 - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Shooting with bow 2 - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Jul 2, 2024 8:08 pm
Skeeve is reduced to Disadvantage this round, so he'll resort to the long-shot of the reduced Shatter effect, doing it for both actions. Next round, once the penalty lifts, he'll change tactics again.

... and no effect.


Shatter Attack 1 DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Shatter Attack 2 DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jul 3, 2024 8:23 am
Aizashi can't avoid the acid in time but manages to get away from being grabbed by the tentacles. He quickly tries to counter attack .
Last edited July 3, 2024 8:25 am


Save 1 - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Save 2 - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Attack 1 - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Attack 2 - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jul 3, 2024 12:25 pm
The creatures spray of spittle seeps into the skin and lungs of Skeeve and Aizashi causing them to shudders and convulse from a spreading numbness that weakens and slows them. Save each round or continue to have disadvantage. Though able to avoid much or the spray Arc and Kaarik are both grabbed by one of the tentacles and feels a heavy lethargy invade their body from the point of contact. Ignoring the tentacle they shoots the beast once and tries for a second time but the toxins inhibit his coordination and thinking Loss of 1 action each time you fail a save from a tentacle strike

Vile crawler


Jul 3, 2024 12:30 pm
Vile crawler

The creature sensing its advantage lunges to bite Skeeve, attempting to swallow him while its tentacles continue to attack the others.
Anyone hit needs to roll a save. Disadvantage from the spray does not affect save tests. If Skeeve fails his save he is "swallowed" and takes +1 damage a has disadvantage on all action tests

The creature is looking wounded but not yet severely so


Attack - (Skeeve:3d6, Kaarik:3d6, Arc:3d6, Aizashi:3d6)

Skeeve:3d6 : (352) = 10

Kaarik:3d6 : (523) = 10

Arc:3d6 : (351) = 9

Aizashi:3d6 : (626) = 14

Jul 3, 2024 1:27 pm
Crap! I can't get anything good off while continuously disadvantaged!
Well, here's the save test first ...

Thank goodness! Not swallowed!

Two attacks with Stick!

One hit; one miss. But the hit is a critical, so it's kinda a wash this round.


Save Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Stick Attack 1 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(241) = 7

Stick Attack 2 DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(661) = 13

Jul 3, 2024 3:16 pm
Arc is now pisst off! He hates being in a cave, and hates even more being constricted from movement.

He pulls all his strength to get free from the tentacle and shoots twice to this foul creature's head.
Last edited July 3, 2024 3:16 pm


Save 1 - (2d6h1)

(41) = 4

Save 2 - (2d6h1)

(65) = 6

Attack 1 - (3d6h1)

(213) = 3

Attacks 2 - (3d6h1)

(533) = 5

Jul 3, 2024 8:34 pm
Kaarik avoid being grabbed by the tentacle.
However, overwhelmed by stress and fatigue, he is not able to focus on his target and his shaking hands not helping, he misses both his shots.
Last edited July 3, 2024 8:37 pm


Save tentacle - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Shooting with bow 1 - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Shooting with bow 2 - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Jul 4, 2024 12:48 am

Bow mastery D6 needs to be added to Kaaric (Save was made so mastery allows advantage @ 3d6 / attack)
Skeeve needs 2 saves, 1 vs disadvantage (pending), 1 vs smallow (done)
I will roll these if not added before Aizashi goes
Jul 4, 2024 2:59 am
Ok, I read that as one Save. I am not going to keep making these saves, so this could be an issue soon. BTW, what is everyone else's HP at? If needed, Skeeve will step back and start trying to heal.
Other save below.


Other Save Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Jul 4, 2024 5:41 am
oh sorry I forgot about the mastery.
I will add two time 1d6 here.


Attack 1 - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Attack 2 - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jul 4, 2024 8:15 am
Aizashi tries to shake the numbness but can't seem to break it, so I will try take a more defensive approach attacking before preparing to avoid a new attack from the Beast.
hope I remember the whole thing with dodging right? It takes up one of my actions, right?
@daryen at 3 HP now, so still okay, I think :)
Last edited July 4, 2024 8:19 am


Save - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Attack - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Dodge - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jul 4, 2024 1:29 pm
The barrage of arrows, paws, and magic finally are too much and the creature falls wailing and hissing. Its movements and sounds quickly fading as its energy is spent and it dies. Advancing cautiously you determine that it is truly dead and note that the mound is now much smaller with the creature out if it. In the tumbled mess of dirt, fungi, and refuse you see a multitude of translucent green eggs the size of a small mellon. Scattered under these and the rest of the pile you also see glints of metal and other objects.
Jul 4, 2024 3:43 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi
Once making sure the beast is dead, Skeeve says, "Let's look for treasure. I'm sure this thing has killed stuff that had treasure before.

"I think we should leave the eggs alone. They may die because the mother is now gone. On the other hand, if they hatch, they should provide issues for the hobgoblins and maybe even our erstwhile goblin allies. So, let's just leave them untouched. Let's take everything else, though."

In case Skeeve needs a search roll ...


Search Test DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(562) = 13

Jul 4, 2024 3:49 pm
Arc, relieved to have one less problem to deal with, moves carefully to search for treasure.
Jul 4, 2024 5:11 pm
Looking down into the fetid mess of soil, fungus, mold, the tumbled corpse of the vile crawler and its eggs you are assaulted by a horrendous stench. How are you searching? If you want to just wander around the surface peering in roll 2d6 per minute collecting things. If you go down in roll 3d6

From the lip of the pit Skeeve spots multiple coins and what looks to be a heavily bound book
Jul 4, 2024 5:25 pm
Searching without diving into the mess...


Searching - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Jul 5, 2024 12:31 am
Skeeve gathers the coins he can find and hurriedly grabs the book. Nothing is hidden; all will be divided later.

Now, Skeeve wants to use multiple force walls. While they only take one to destroy, they should be sturdy enough to withstand the gunk. He creates three in the shape of a "U" (if looking from the top). They are about six inches from the bottom. He then creates a fourth next to the bottom of the "U". He then moves the fourth one away from the bottom of the "U". In the end, he should have a box that they can then use to only have to wade through six inches instead of however many feet. However deep the slime is will determine how long each of the walls can be. If needed, he can then reshape Stick into a rake to help with the sifting.

This will get him filthy, anyway. However, when done he simply uses Spell-touched to clean off.

Oh, yeah, he also heals everyone back up.
Jul 5, 2024 2:53 am
While Skeeve is able to create the walls, allowing you to walk out over the mound they are immobile. However they would prove excellent at shoring up any excavated materials. Quickly lifting the loose items and book you tally your findings. 60 cp, 700 sp , 1,90 gp, 8 pp
Jul 5, 2024 10:24 am
"should we leave this place?" Aizashi asks feeling sick from the smell.
Jul 5, 2024 12:53 pm
I agree, let's keep going.

Looking at the eggs Kaarik adds: What if they hatch? They would never survive without a mother. Are you sure we cannot take them and take care of them?
Jul 5, 2024 4:28 pm
"We should have a little more time. This is a big monster. It should have killed a lot of wanderers before we got here. Let's use the force walls to check as much as we can before we move on. We won't get another chance. I can give everyone a quick cleaning after we check things."
Everyone needs to at least make the base search roll.
Jul 5, 2024 6:34 pm
The mound looks to be very deep and you have only sifted through the surface so far. If you want to roll a knowledge check about the monster and its eggs I can give you more information on it.
Jul 5, 2024 7:53 pm
"Okay, I will help you look."


Searching - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Jul 5, 2024 8:32 pm
Kaarik helps with the search and have a closer look at the eggs in the meantime.


Search - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Knowledge check - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Jul 5, 2024 11:15 pm
Arc helps searching


General knowledge about beast - (2d6h1)

(43) = 4

Searching - (2d6h1)

(14) = 4

Jul 6, 2024 1:22 am
You all search the mound, with Arc using a couple of his longer torches, Kaarik making a trinket out of rope that will stiffen into any shape he desires to prod and shift the soil, and Aizashi sniffing things out despite the fetid ambiance. Skeeve easily lifts and cleans the items found.

You find : 30 cp, 70 sp, 97 gp, 18 pp and a wand that is cracked but magical.

As you do this you discuss the engs and the creature. As best you can tell it is some kind of carrion eating monster. From what you can recall such creatures are not known for any sort of familial structure and once the eggs are hatched the parent with the eggs ceases to have any form of attachment. Likely as not the parent might each some and more often than not the ones that hatch first will eat the late comers. Thus though there are dozens of eggs it would result in less than a dozen surviving and less than 6 growing to adulthood. However, it might prove useful as these creatures can be used in city sewers to keep other pest populations under control. However this makes sewer maintenance more tactical than technical at times.
Jul 6, 2024 2:28 am
Skeeve will work Stick back into a long rack and try to sift through with the others. I will roll a second time, though I don't know if that is allowed, and I don't mind if it isn't. He is not rushing anything, either. (We haven't found nice treasure for a while, so he doesn't want to miss this chance. Particularly since he expects to completely burn through his talismans in the hobgoblin assault. It's gonna take some money to replace all of those expended resources.)


Search By Raking DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(116) = 8

Jul 6, 2024 2:31 am
Once we're done searching, we'll continue on to the destination. Before heading up, Skeeve will make sure everyone is healthy and merely dirty, not sewer-filthy.
Jul 6, 2024 11:56 am
So far: 90 cp, 770 sp , 287 gp, 26 pp and the cracked magical wand. Finally some wealth we can decide.
Arc agrees with Skeeve, once we finish searching, we shale continue to our destination.
Jul 6, 2024 9:41 pm
Kaarik is willing to leave, now that he has confirmation that the eggs will be best left alone for their own good.
Jul 7, 2024 6:03 pm
so back at full health? Thank you :)
Jul 8, 2024 2:48 am
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@15:45

Following the next pipe you make you way until it dead ends at another door, similar to the one you entered by. Cautiously opening it a crack you see that the door opens into another well. The afternoon sunlight illuminates the well and you see water below and small handholds to climb up carved into the well stonework.
Jul 8, 2024 6:55 pm
Skeeve says, "Well, it looks like this is our stop to get off the river of <crap>. Do we want to go up now, or do we want to wait for a bit for darkness?"

Actually, that's a good point. Do hobgoblins have darkvision? I am pretty sure orcs do, but do hobgoblins? I don't think goblins do, so I'd assume not, but do we know? I'll roll for a knowledge check.


Knowledge Test: Do Hobgoblins Have Darkvision? DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Jul 8, 2024 8:31 pm
While most monsters have good night vision as do many Warborn few have the ability to see in true darkness. You know that the goblins you have encountered used torches as needed but also moved in darkness, though slower and with caution. While dwarfs and deep elves and deep gnomes can see without light you do not think hobgoblins or orcs can.
Jul 8, 2024 9:15 pm
I'd like to get out of here asap... but probably having some cover of the night would be the smart thing to do...
Jul 10, 2024 3:34 am
Based on the activity you saw on the walls and the glimpse Arc briefly had over it it is estimated that going up in daylight would be far riskier so you decide to wait. Keeping the door open only a crack for some fresh air, augmented by a magical fan the Kaarik cobbles together in a couple of minutes, you settle down to wait.

As you rest you look over the items recovered from the pit and between Kaaric and Skeeve are able to identify their basic functionality. The book contains several chapters discussing magics with each containing a single spell while the wand contains only a pittance of it's previous might though it may be repairable.
[ +- ] Dissertation on Magics
[ +- ] Wand of Compulsion
Popping out of the pack the ghostly kobold wanders off to explore the sewers and returns after confirming that they were standard for the city. Typically the sewer crawlers would not be that large and aggressive. I'm guessing they interbred with warborn monstrosities He chats a bit with you while you wait and pulls out some dice, proposing a game with wagers to while away the time while you wait.

If you want to play propose your bet up to 10 gold. Bets can be against just Geis or an open round with all participants contributing to the pot, winner take all based on their bet. (you bet 1 gold you get 1 gold per player) Geis will roll last.
Roll 5d6, up to 3 times by editing your post. Indicate in the successive rolls which dice are bring rerolled. set the visibility to "HIDE ROLL RESULT", and use yahtzee rules scoring, with everything but the "Chance" doubled on value, to determine the winner
Example below. Result 3,4,3,4,1 = chance= 15 or 2x4's = 16


1st roll - (5d6)

(61334) = 17

Reroll 6,1,3 - (3d6)

(342) = 9

Reroll 2 - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jul 10, 2024 4:43 am
Skeeve will risk 5gp and play with whomever is playing. Roll is below.

daryen sent a note to Psybermagi


Game roll - (5d6)

Reroll 1 - (3d6)

Reroll 2 - (3d6)

Jul 10, 2024 8:18 am
Aizashi will watch the game but due to his upbringing and lack of experience he is too worried to participate... This time...
Jul 10, 2024 12:51 pm
Arc is way too uncomfortable for any kind of game, sorry!
Jul 10, 2024 2:00 pm
I will wrap up the game and go upside later. Just post any preparations and plans if there is nothing else you wish to do in the sewers
Jul 10, 2024 4:00 pm
OK, Skeeve is going to use his remaining talisman supply to try to make another talisman. He is expecting to not have any left when he is done. But, before I pick the talisman, I have things to ask @Psybermagi in the character thread ...
Jul 10, 2024 8:30 pm
Kaarik is ready to follow. He will patiently wait until everyone is ready.
Jul 11, 2024 2:25 pm
Skeeve tries to make a Confuse Group talisman.

In addition, he tries to make two Suggestion and one Confusion rune.


Well, the talisman failed, unfortunately. The other three seem to be good to go. Supplies are adjusted.


Create Confuse Group talisman DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(332) = 8

Create Suggest Rune DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(515) = 11

Create Suggest Rune DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(645) = 15

Create Confusion Rune DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(612) = 9



Jul 12, 2024 1:32 pm
Geis grumbles about being stuck with a bunch of dullards but plays Skeeve for a while coming out on top and pocket his winnings before wanding of the "look around" as Skeeve turns to crafting his runes.


dice game - (5d6)

(23662) = 19

reroll 3 - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jul 12, 2024 3:03 pm
Failing to create the talisman only took 10 minutes. And the rune attempts were just 1 minute each. So, that isn't that big of a delay.

So, one more round with Geis? Let's go! We'll stop after two rounds and figure it's representative of however many we played and that it is now dark enough to proceed. Does that work for everyone?
First reroll is the 1s. Second reroll is the same two dice. He's going for a straight and needs a 2 or a 6 to make it. His final dice are 5, 5, 5, 4, 3. He failed to get his straight, but got a three-of-a-kind. (I didn't hide results because you didn't, and no one else was playing. He loses to the full house.)

"The dice weren't with me in this! Thanks for the distraction while we wait, Geis. Here's your winnings!"


Dice game - (5d6)

(31541) = 14

Reroll 1 - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Reroll 2 - (2d6)

(55) = 10



Jul 12, 2024 4:41 pm
Happy to continue the game Geis rolls


gambling - (5d6)

(46164) = 21

reroll 1 - (1d6)

(3) = 3

reroll 3 - (1d6)

(5) = 5



Jul 12, 2024 4:46 pm

As the lighting in the well reveals sunset is falling Geis slips out through the small crack and quickly climbs the well before returning and reporting that the hobgoblins are lighting torches but still patrolling the outer walls of the compound. Explaining his current nature has only enhanced his ability as a scout Geis offers to accompany you but explains that he lacks any sort of combat ability and will immediately flee or hide at any sign of a necromancer, priest, or cleric.

How do you want to do this? Qeis asks.

YOu come out out of the well at 6,12 on the Info sheet "Adventure & Tile Maps", "Merchant Quarters Map"
Jul 12, 2024 8:52 pm
Ok, before going anywhere, I want to make sure of a couple things.

1) The "6" is the number along the top and bottom; the 12 is the number along the right and left sides. Correct? So we are coming up in the little box in the middle of the plaza (which I assume is the well)?

2) Which building houses our target item?

3) Where again is the teleportation pad we can use to get out?

4) Does the map cover the whole Remnant? So, for example, 15,4 and 15,11 are both exits from the Remnant?

5) I assume that hobgoblin guards are moving about and are also on the rooftop corners, correct?

Here is Skeeve's ideas for what we can do.
- If there is a nearby hobgoblin, he will try to use one of his Suggest runes to make the hobgoblin run away from where we want to go making a ruckus.
- He wants to target a corner of a building (4.5,13.5; 3.5,10.5; 4.5,9.5; 8.5,9.5; 8.5,10.5; 8.5,12.5) that is farthest from where we want to go with the Tremor talisman. That should collapse that part of the building making a huge commotion there.
- When we get to the building, he wants to fire a Sunburst directly into the room first, then try to deal with the remnant. They likely have 4-6 HP each, so it is likely he should just go ahead and use both in quick succession.
- We grab the item and either immediately run for the walls to get out, or run for the teleportation pad. Whichever makes the most sense given the above answers.

He is more than willing to have a much more sensible plan given as this will require a crap-ton of die rolls and once the first one works he will have to have multiple consecutive successes for this to all work out. This is a "high-flash" plan. If someone has a more low-key idea, he's ready to hear it!
Jul 12, 2024 10:20 pm

1 Yeah, trying to stick with X,Y coordinate system, kick me if I get is mixed up
2 Vault is 13,14
3 Matrix node (Still buried) at 7,6 outside to hobgoblin compound
4 Map includes Remnant outer walls
5 yes, guard are at gates, and on roof/wall tops
[ +- ] map with guards and lights
Jul 13, 2024 2:42 am
One more question: would the Temor scroll cause enough of a break in the exterior Remnant wall to let us out? Skeeve could *really* have used that second Tremor scroll. :-(

Also, those maps don't quite match. The map above shows the vault out in the open, with no door into that building. Then, the text map shows no entrance into that lower right corner area.

Sorry for being so picky, be I want to make sure I'm clear before our smash-n-grab attempt.i expect things to go sideways because of dice rolls. I don't want it to go bad because I misunderstood the situation or map.
Jul 13, 2024 12:01 pm
what's a talisman? Up until now I had assumed they were equivalent to scrolls, but now I'm guessing that's not the case.
Umm, if we run out there crumbling their walls and roasting goblins, sorry hobgoblins with sunbeams, do you really think a distraction will be enough for them to not right away swoop us? Cause I learned... Swooping is bad.
Jul 13, 2024 2:18 pm
The outer walls are thicker with a walkway atop them so you doubt making a hole in the wall is possible with the power you currently have. Also you recall the goblins taunting you about entering the Remnant from any point other than the gates and suspect there may be adverse results. As you review what you know the map from the family is from before the Shattering so it looks like some of the damage may have affected the vault area.
Talismen are like scrolls but Skeeve can craft them based on his magical knowledge.
Jul 13, 2024 2:59 pm
"This is why we are having discussions. So, do we want to try sneaking first, then pull out the bigger guns if that fails?

"Also, Geis, would you first double-check here (pointing to where the vault is supposed to be) and see if that area is exposed? The old map has it hidden, but it looks like it could actually be open.

"Maybe our best bet to try is to simply sneak over to where the vault is supposed to be, get it, then try to sneak back into the well.

"Finally, if things go terribly wrong and we have to just run, let's do this:
"Aizashi and Kaarik, get to the well and leave the way we came. Do not wait for Arc or me; do not look for us. Just run.
"Arc, fly. Try to get their attention, then fly as fast as you can into the darkness. That way they look at you instead of the rest of us, then get away.
"I will use my magic to escape.
"We can then all meet back outside the gate we came in. Hopefully it won't come to that."
Jul 13, 2024 8:07 pm
Now that we sneaked inside, I believe we do not have many more choices than being stealthy and avoid getting any attention from the hobgoblins.

Skeeve are you a 100% sure that you can escape with magic? I am not going to run away if there is even a small risk that you get trapped behind.
Jul 13, 2024 8:27 pm
Sounds good, sneaky first and artillery is being sneaky fails... and I'll happily try to get their attention before going back there if it comes to that.
Jul 13, 2024 10:28 pm
"Yes, I am 100% sure I can escape using my magic."
Skeeve has a short-ranged personal teleport that can ensure his escape. Note that he 100% can escape. There is no guarantee he will escape. If he's pincushioned with 50 arrows, he won't escape. Or if I roll like crap, he won't escape. But, assuming the rolls are made, yes, he can absolutely escape.
Jul 14, 2024 8:47 pm
It.. sounds like a plan... But let's hope we can avoid splitting up. So we wait for Geis to come back?
Jul 14, 2024 9:51 pm
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@22:30

Geis looks at you and raises a scaled eye ridge.
So what. Am I on on all the loot as an equal partner and a member of the team all of a sudden? I agreed to help guide and advise. Anything else I do is purely voluntary and I am pretty sure that if I'm discovered I can still get killed, so no thanks.

I will go first and see if the coast is clear but there is no way I am going out there on my own. Too risky.

He slips through the door and scampers to the top where he scans the surroundings for several minutes before returning and reporting that though no one is specifically watching the courtyard it is the center of the compound.

If you move quick, and when I tell you then we should be able to avoid getting spotted.
Jul 14, 2024 9:56 pm
Honestly, I thought he could hide better than us. Sorry I was wrong.
"Fair enough. Let's go!"

With that Skeeve leads them out towards where the vault is supposed to be.

Skeeve makes sure his talismans are ready to hand.
How deep is the well to get to the tunnels? How much damage taken from that fall?
Jul 14, 2024 10:38 pm
Oh, no, Geis definitely can. He is also a coward. It is a good scout due to his ability to avoid danger. Otherwise he would have been a spy! :)
Jul 14, 2024 10:50 pm
With Geis as lookout to time your exit from the well you are all able to exit without being spotted and move to the alley between the two buildings to the south before preparing to move further east. As you do you spot a faint light coming from the northern side of the courtyard beyond you target. From the shadows it casts you assume the light is near ground level and possible coming from inside the building. A lantern, torch, or lantern . . .
[ +- ] map
Jul 14, 2024 11:10 pm
Overlapping the maps, the vault should be in the open area in the upper right corner of the bottom building. It is the open area with the dashed lines across the top. (What does the dashed lines mean?)

Do I understand this correctly?
Jul 17, 2024 12:56 am
As you examine the map and compare it to waht Arc recals of his biref rconasance he indicates that the NE corner corner of the building where the vault should be has collapsed.
Jul 18, 2024 7:34 am
Arc shares again his memory of recon and... Seems like the NE corner of the vault building has collapsed.
Does that mean that there is no wall there and we could enter through a wall's hole?
Jul 18, 2024 10:03 pm
Arc recalls seeing collapsed sections, but there were many and he had to dodge arrows shortly after gaining altitude so he is uncertain as to the specifics.
Jul 19, 2024 8:28 pm
I believe that there is no other way to be sure than to check there, says Kaarik with resignation.



Jul 21, 2024 10:52 pm
No worries, back in a jif the ghostly kobold comments before laying flat on his belly and sliding up the wall of the building to above head height and moving west in the gloom of night above the closed windows and doors before returning a minute later.
Yep, that section of the building you were talking about is collapsed. The south wall looks like it may have had a door but the mechanism that opened it is destroyed and the collapsed room is piled against it so I doubt that you can access the building through there. If you start digging through the rubble the guards will definitely hear.

On the other hand it sounded like this building is the officers quarters. Leastwise they sounded more like officers discussing things than soldiers complaining. That's pretty standard no matter the race in my experience.
Jul 24, 2024 6:58 pm
"What if we try to sneak over the rubble then?"



Jul 25, 2024 1:55 pm

Sure you can do that. But sure why you wild do that though.

The locked chest you were sent to retrieve was said to be located in that area, which has collapsed.
Jul 25, 2024 7:29 pm
ah, sorry... Got things a little mixed up
Jul 26, 2024 12:27 am
No worries. The situation is a bit complex.
Heres a quick recap for all:
Lady Tanamere Alagondar has sent you to retrieve a chest that contains her families legacy from the merchant quarters Remnant. Unfortunately hobgoblins have moved into the Alagondar compound. The map the Tanamere gave you indicates the chest was stored in a vault that collapsed, likely druing the Breaking from what Geis can tell. The chest may still be burried or recovered by others. Acording to the Gripli, froglike locals, the city has not been explored until recently. From what you know of the recent expantion of forces into the area this Remnant has only recently been entered and occupied so chances are that it is still close.
Jul 26, 2024 4:55 pm
OK, I'm back, so let's see if we can get this going again. Thank you everyone for your patience!
Skeeve takes in the information and says, "So, assuming the chest is still here, it is either buried in rubble, or it has been retrieved and is likely in the officer's quarters. If we sift through the rubble, there is the danger we will make too much noise and alert the hobgoblins of our presence. If we go through the building, we have to fight the hobgoblin officers, who will likely be tougher than the normal grunts and can still likely notify others of our presence. It seems we are in a particularly difficult situation."

To Geis, he asks, "Did you get a feel for how many officers there are?"



Jul 26, 2024 5:17 pm

Well, by the talking there are at least two. Maybe they are the night watch?
Based on the activity of the day s night I assume most are sleeping now
Jul 26, 2024 6:29 pm
"Well, if we dig, we will probably alert everyone, and we can't win that fight. Looks like we need to just gut up and hope it's only two, three, or four in the building and get rid of them as quickly as possible. I can't use my scroll on them like I want, as that will be bright, and that would only bring everyone down on us. Let's see if we can sneak in. Geis, can you eliminate any of the sleeping ones while the rest of us deal with the living ones?"
Jul 27, 2024 1:04 pm
I think we could dig silently if done slowly, but the guards WILL find us eventually. I agree that it is best to silence the guard beforehand, as quickly as possible, and hide the bodies before going through the reckage to search.
Last edited July 27, 2024 1:05 pm
Jul 27, 2024 4:01 pm
Kaarik seems really uncomfortable with the plan, "Could we only silence the guards? I do not like killing someone if I am not sure they deserve it"'
Jul 27, 2024 4:30 pm
A bit of history your characters would have picked up from time at the base for context

The hobgoblins are a warborn race, created during the dawn war. Unlike most others, including the goblins and bugbear, and ord, they have maintains a rigid military organization. They are not inherently evil but their culture has brought them into conflict with many since the Shattering.

Since moving into the area they have been domineering and aggressive. Multiple scouts have had fights with them and one group even had a hobgoblin assassin squad sent to take them out. They can be negotiated with but only from a position of power, otherwise they just take what they want.
Jul 27, 2024 7:16 pm
could we subdue them instead of killing them? I'd wager even a silenced bugbear could still harm us or our efforts?
Jul 27, 2024 7:28 pm
"The problem is that we just won't have time. We are already in their claimed territory, and they will either capture and torture us to find out why we are here, or they will simply kill us for trespassing. Any peaceful solution left us when we came up from the well. If we try to sift through the rubble, any noise will bring guards down on us which means kill or be killed. If we invade their quarters, we are again in the position of really trespassing on their territory, in a particularly sensitive location.

"We are violating their claimed space and there are lot of them. We have already forfeited the chance to talk, and that chance never really existed in the first place. To negotiate, we'd have to come with 100 troops and be willing to buy what we need for a pretty steep price. Otherwise they wouldn't even listen to us. And even then, once they found out what we wanted, they would likely try to extract even more money from us because they would then know it was very valuable to us.

"So, either we back out now because the mission isn't going the way we want, or we do what needs to be done. And doing what needs to be done will almost certainly put blood on our hands. Literal and metaphorical."
Jul 27, 2024 8:04 pm
Violence it is then..., Kaarik is visibly saddened by this, however he will not make any more complain and prepares his bow.
Jul 27, 2024 10:14 pm
Sad words, but true words.
We may afterwards argue whether the territory is lawfully theirs, or they are invaders and trespassers in someone else's property. One of those is someone who send us. But that is useless now.

Arc readies his bow.
Jul 29, 2024 8:22 am
Aizashi nods in stern agreement, Let's get this done. as he prepares himself for the confrontation to come.
Jul 30, 2024 12:13 pm
Looks like everyone is onboard so what's the planned approach?
[ +- ] map
The nearby guards patrolling by torchlight atop the buildings flat roofs move at a casual pace as they are far from the exterior. The door into the building that the vault attached to is just around the corner from where you hide and across from another closed door. As with most remnants the doors look ages but still serviceable and the buildings are of a dull brown brick. Evenly spaced high windows indicate the interior is likely lit by either a small fire or candle light. Listening closely you can now hear the two voices is casual banter.
Jul 30, 2024 7:24 pm
"Well, it's now or never. I think it is probably better to search through the existing room first, rather than digging in the rubble. So, we have to take care of the officers in the room. I could use a Sunburst spell on the room, but it likely won't kill them in one shot and it will be very, very bright. We could try to lure one to the door so I could use the Suggest spell on them, but I don't know what a good suggestion is. Or, we can burst in and try to kill them quickly. However, in that case, we don't know how many are really there. Two are awake, but we don't know how many are actually there.

"Any preferences?"
Jul 31, 2024 6:32 am
I'd prefer not to wake up the others.
Do you think is possible to shoot those two down from outside the windows? I mean, if we move closer, just out of those windows, and ready our bows... we may have an opportunity for a surprise attack. If we beat those two before they react, we may avoid further confrontation. Only after that we may enter silently and search the place.
But if those two sound an alarm or call for help, we will need another plan...
Skeeve, do you have some sort of silencing spell?
Jul 31, 2024 8:19 am
not sure about the limits of suggest but ..
hmm, if we can lure one to the door, maybe you could use your suggest spell to get the first one to take his companion to a more secluded area and we can take them out there? We could see if they would go down into the well and we ambush them there?
Jul 31, 2024 12:42 pm
The buildings are about 10' tall with walls ate least 1/2' thich. The windows made by are about 8' up and 6" tall and 2' wide with about 4' between them. The look to be designed to allow air and light but are not meant for viewing.
Jul 31, 2024 8:09 pm
If we want to lure them out, I could try to create somethin.
Would it be possible to create something like a smoke bomb based on things I have around me
(mainly rocks I guess)?
Jul 31, 2024 8:37 pm
smoke bomb is ok. Artificer or alchemist can make that. Artificer can do sounds, like a small alarm on a timer or such. Or maybe one of the intermittent noise makers that are so annoying and hard to locate ....
Aug 1, 2024 2:11 pm
Kaarik will prepare a noise maker with some stones in case.

He goes in a quiet space in a corner but being particularly nervous it takes him more attempt than he thought.
Last edited August 1, 2024 2:15 pm


Noise maker test - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Noise maker test 2 - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Noise maker test 3 - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Noise maker test 4 - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Aug 1, 2024 2:59 pm
for things like this where there is not a specific time limit I usually only require 1 roll and allow focus. Anything that still doesn't pass is just assumed to take longer. No need to reroll
Kaarik is able to make a small device that will create a continuous noise after a set time. How long of a delay do you want? There is a guard atop the officers quarters and other nearby buildings

Geis suggest that the for is likely not locked so with some timing of the guards several of you can likely slip into the room without being noticed by those outside.
Aug 1, 2024 3:13 pm
a little clarification
The buildings all have roads, and there is the open courtyard. Guards are on top of every roof at the perimeter and every other roof on the interior, the buildings have small high windows that allow air and indirect light and some sound. You cannot look inside or hear conversations well without climbing or getting a boost up to the window. Geis can fly and will scout but only if safe.
Loud sounds may attract more guards who would likely sound an alarm. Most of the hobgoblins are asleep at the moment so any alarm will take time to get more than a few hobgoblins to react.

The problem is not getting in the room but rather preventing an alarm.
Aug 1, 2024 7:41 pm
Kaarik, I think that some noise maker could be very helpful in case we need to escape, I mean, putting it somewhere away from the escape path to lurk them out of our way.

But if installed beforehand, it will attract more of them and maybe even inspire one of them to sound an alarm. If the alarm is sound, all will wake up, and the mission fails.

We need a sneak entrance, to avoid being seen by the sentries on rooftops, and a way to silence the ones awaken within that room before they sound an alarm.

Now, we can't look through or shoot the windows. Then we need to use the door. And we need a way to beat them silently...

Skeeve, you have one of those area spells that can blast light, can you make one based on sound? Specifically a silence-area spell? One that, whomever is inside may not speak nor shout? Or at least that no sound would leave that room, even if they do shout?
Aug 1, 2024 9:21 pm
mind and sunder could make a mute spell.
Pure sunder might be able to craft a sound destruction option, white noise/ active noise cancellation
Aug 3, 2024 4:15 pm
Bummer on that. I don't have any supplies or way to get supplies for a new talisman.

I do have a rune supply left. Would that pure sunder be just a one-word option? I can try that!
Aug 3, 2024 5:28 pm
A 1 rune sunder for sound cancellation of an area would last 1 round
Aug 3, 2024 5:54 pm
OK, let's give it a shot!

Yay! We have 1 round of silence, assuming I can cast it at the correct time.


Create Sunder/Silence Rune DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(625) = 13

Aug 3, 2024 11:57 pm
Looking good! Not much time, but this fight looks better than a minute ago.
Aug 4, 2024 10:33 am
I think we're taking any advantage we can get?
Aug 4, 2024 5:34 pm
@Psybermagi: Do you allow coup de grace on unconscious opponents?
"I don't think we can kill the two awake hobgoblins in a single round. What we could try is to open the door, I case the silence spell. Two of you rush the awake hobgoblins and the other two of us kill whomever we see that is asleep. That way we only have to take on two the entire time. If they get their warnings out, it'll still be a problem, but we can at least barricade ourselves while we search."
Aug 4, 2024 6:53 pm
daryen says:
Do you allow coup de grace on unconscious opponents?
Yes provided it can work that easily.
Ex most humanoids yes, rock monster no
Aug 4, 2024 8:21 pm
Good idea! Arc and I will take care of the first hobgoblin from distance with our bows. It should give some time for Aizashi to get closer.
Aug 5, 2024 2:24 pm
Aizashi nods in agreement, I'll be ready.
Aug 5, 2024 3:43 pm
Waiting for an opportune moment, with Geis acting as scout to monitor the guard patrols atop the buildings, you quickly and quietly move to the door. Once in position Skeeve begins casting his spell as Aizashi opens the door imeciately rushing inside, followed quickly by Skeeve who releases his scroll's bound energies while Kaarik and Arc step to either side of the door with bows readied and the door is closed behind you.

Round 1
[ +- ] map
Two hobgoblins sitting at a table in the far corner look up in surprise. They are drinking and playing a card game with mostly empty bowls of food shoved to one side of the table to make room for their cards. Everyone used one action to enter the room, look around, position themselves etc. Skeeve is using his 2nd action to cast his scroll (Allowing focus on this as it was all preplanned). Everyone can go. The 2 are in the next zone so will require another move to get into melee range. Go!
Aug 5, 2024 5:12 pm
Arc shoots the first of the sitted Hobgoblin.


Attack Hobgoblin 1 - (3d6h1)

(615) = 6

Aug 5, 2024 9:02 pm
Kaarik shoots the first hobgoblin in the same time as Arc.


Shooting with bow - (3d6)

(622) = 10

Aug 6, 2024 1:05 am
I am assuming Skeeve's actions are done and I will be told when he can act again.

Keep up the good rolls guys!
Aug 6, 2024 8:53 am
Forgot to make the role to fire the rune.


Activate rune DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Aug 7, 2024 2:27 pm
Aizashi spends his turn to get closer to the second hobgoblin.



Aug 7, 2024 3:09 pm

Two arrows strike the surprised hobgoblins and they cry out to hand the sound abruptly cut off as Skeeve's scroll crumbles to dust and releases it's energy. Aizashi rushes forwards and the two hastily draw swords and attack defensively. 1 damage

both attack and evade.

Round 2
After some thought I will allow the scroll effects to last longer. As long as each round Skeeve uses an action to maintain it r silence can persist up to 1 minute.


Attacks vs Aizashi - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (14) = 5

2d6 : (62) = 8

Aug 7, 2024 5:24 pm
Psybermagi says:
After some thought I will allow the scroll effects to last longer. As long as each round Skeeve uses an action to maintain it r silence can persist up to 1 minute.
Oh, thank you! That helps a lot!
For the record, Skeeve's second action each round will be to blast someone while he maintains the silence. He'll move if he has to, but he will try to just blast from a distance.
Aug 7, 2024 11:26 pm
Are we up for the second round?
Arc prioritize the 2 awaken hobgoblins: In the 2nd round, Arc will continue to shoot the same hobgoblin he already
wounded until it falls. If that one falls, he then shoot the 2nd one awake.


Shooting - (3d6h1)

(253) = 5

Shooting - (3d6h1)

(343) = 4

Aug 8, 2024 12:53 am
yeah sorry I will add round markers if it will help. I just keep it simple, PC then NPC, repeat
Aug 8, 2024 8:14 am
Having closed the distance to the hobgoblin Aizashi snaps a kick at his opponent. And prepares himself for a counter attack.
2nd action being evade.
Last edited August 8, 2024 8:17 am


Attack roll - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Aug 8, 2024 8:46 am
Kaarik will shoot again. Same as Arc, he prioritizes the first hobgoblin and if this one is done, he will turn to the one on Aizashi.


Ranged attack 1 - (3d6)

(444) = 12

Ranged attack 2 - (3d6)

(662) = 14

Aug 8, 2024 12:31 pm
The swift attack dropps the first hobgoblin and the 2nd is obviously begining to panic... Skeeve is up
Aug 8, 2024 4:00 pm
Shoot the panicked one with his second action. His first action is maintaining the silence.


Magic Bolt DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Aug 8, 2024 8:35 pm
Arc doesn't wait a sec! He aims at the 2nd hobgoblin and...


Shot 1 - (3d6h1)

(324) = 4

Shot2 - (3d6h1)

(423) = 4



Aug 9, 2024 4:02 am

The room seems to be an odd play as all of this happens in total silence. The remaining hobgoblin manages to avoid being struck by any attacks, ducking behind the table and Aizashi for cover. Dropping his bow he draws his blade to face the party but after a single vicious strike (2 damage : Aizashi) he quickly dodges to the NE corner of the room and run through the wall! As soon as he touches the wall it ripples and it is apparent to be only an illusion.
Round 3
hobgoblin is still visible but is moving through the wall


Attack vs Aizashi - (3d6)

(665) = 17

Aug 9, 2024 11:31 am
how rude...
Aizashi looks to rest of the party if they about to give chase. If they do, he will do so as well.
Aug 9, 2024 1:13 pm
Arc silently tries to convey a worrisome look. If he escapes, he will eventually be able to call an alarm and we will all be in trouble!!
Arc (or Arc's arrows) will definitely give chase!
Aug 9, 2024 4:32 pm
Skeeve motions for Aizashi and Arc to see what is on the other side of the wall. We have to know what is back there and if there is another way out for the hobgoblin.
OK, this is basically deleted in favor of the below.
Aug 9, 2024 5:15 pm
If it wasn't clear then let me clarify, the target is still visible. Ranged attacks are allowed, mele attacks are also allowed but will involve 1 action to move. I do allow graples, similar to attacks but not dealing damage, is you want to do that.

I am declaring the sound cancelation is a fixed point and he will likely be outside of it at the wall or soon thereafter.

You are all still in combat time for now
Aug 9, 2024 8:38 pm
OK, then let me change that.

To Aizashi he motions to tackle the hobgoblin.

To Kaarik he motions to shoot.

To Arc he transmits, Shoot the hobgoblin!

After all that motioning, does that count as an Action?
Aug 9, 2024 11:08 pm
Nah, you can do that while maintaining focus on the silence.
Aug 9, 2024 11:33 pm
I was assuming he could do all of that while maintaining the silence. The question is: Can he do all that motion AND maintain silence AND shoot a magic bolt? That is what I wasn't sure of.
Aug 10, 2024 1:28 am
yes he can
Aug 10, 2024 2:10 am
Cool! Thanks!
Skeeve fires a magic bolt at the remaining hobgoblin.


Magic Bolt DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Aug 10, 2024 10:23 am
If I'm counting correctly we are still in round 3, who's turn is it? Let's shoot this last down!
Aug 10, 2024 4:47 pm
Following Skeeve mention, Kaarik shoots the remaining hobgoblin.


Shooting with bow 1 - (3d6)

(534) = 12

Shooting with bow 2 - (3d6)

(125) = 8

Aug 11, 2024 12:35 am
Arc and Aizashi have yet to act . . or rather roll
Aug 11, 2024 8:15 am
Sorry, I thought I had moved already this round.
Arc shoots!


Shot 1 - (3d6h1)

(423) = 4

Shot 2 - (3d6h1)

(566) = 6

Aug 11, 2024 1:27 pm
No worried, that's what the round marker is for. When there is a page break in the thread just click the --- load previous --- near the top of the page to add the previous page to your current view.
Aug 11, 2024 7:57 pm
And now... this last hobgoblin already received a magic bolt, and 3 arrows. Is it still alive?
Aug 12, 2024 12:22 am
One arrow is a critical hit, too! So that's yet another point of damage.
Aug 12, 2024 2:58 am
The hobgoblin is critical Skeeve 1 dmg, Kaarick 2 dmg Arc 2 dmg. Aizashi need to roll evade for the attack and can give chase and grap or just strike him
Aug 12, 2024 8:06 am
sorry for the delay
Aizashi will attempt to avoid the attack and grapple the opponent
Last edited August 12, 2024 8:06 am


Evade - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Grapple - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Aug 13, 2024 3:36 am
Aizashi is able to avoid the hobgoblin blade and gives chase. Lunging to tackle the soldier before he can pass through the wall he is unable to get a good grip to pull him back. The two of them tumble through the wall. Aizashi lays half in the wall with a pair of legs sticking out that vanish as he rolls back to his feet.

Psybermagi sent a note to ChrSch
Aug 13, 2024 8:25 am
should I respond in note?
Aug 13, 2024 11:48 am
Any action the others can see is public. Otherwise in a note or at least a spoiler as you choose. I just use notes for suspense and to force a bit of reality. Your choice.
Aug 15, 2024 8:17 am
ChrSch sent a note to Psybermagi
Aug 15, 2024 12:41 pm
Still in combat so everyone should go unless you are waiting. Aizashi has acted, npc awaiting pc turn completion.
Aug 15, 2024 5:53 pm
Is the silence anchored to a specific location or to Skeeve himself?

Is there anyone else in the room that we can see?
Aug 15, 2024 7:55 pm
Silence has fixed location. If you want the next one localized to a creature or object let me know
The room has a couple empty beds but other than the one you slew and the one that ran away there are no other people present at this time
Aug 15, 2024 8:00 pm
Unwilling to let Aizashi alone, Kaarik crosses the wall. He is aware that it might be the worst decision possible but he is willing to take the risk.
Aug 15, 2024 8:15 pm
Seeing Aizashi and Kaarik crossing the wall, Arc cross it too. As his 2nd action he is ready to shoot the escaping hobgoblin.


Shoot (in case needed) - (3d6h1)

(435) = 5

Aug 15, 2024 11:31 pm
it takes a full 2 actions to run to the next room. Assuming Skeeve is going as well . .
[ +- ] Through the Wall
Aug 16, 2024 4:50 am
Can Skeeve do anything (like create a force wall) that would interrupt the mage's magic attack?
Aug 16, 2024 5:11 am
Sorry but see above. 2 actions to move through the wall.
Aug 16, 2024 5:11 am
Sorry but see above. 2 actions to move through the wall.
Aug 16, 2024 8:16 am
I'm assuming if it is possible it would probably be trait or something but doesn't hurt to ask, would it be possible to attempt to catch the javelin, maybe even throwing it back, if caught?
Aug 16, 2024 1:03 pm
Missile Deflection would be a trait but since you didn't use 2nd action I am saying it defaulted to evade so roll that vs the Javelin or take 1 damage
Everyone roll a Save Test vs 1 point fire damage then you can go
The javelin flies true at Aizashi and flames burst from the hobgoblins staff to spray over the party

Round 4


Javelin vs Aizashi - (3d6)

(363) = 12

Aug 16, 2024 4:29 pm
Save against fire.
Then, 2 arrow attacks against the hobgoblin that escaped.
Last edited August 16, 2024 4:31 pm


Save - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Attack 1 - (3d6h1)

(361) = 6

Attack 2 - (3d6h1)

(465) = 6

Aug 16, 2024 7:23 pm
The hobgoblin drops at the first arrow so the second is directed at the hobgoblin mage
Aug 16, 2024 7:48 pm
Kaarik cannot escape the fire and it's in pain that he shots two arrows in the direction of the mage.
Last edited August 16, 2024 7:49 pm


Save fire - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Shot 1 - (3d6)

(466) = 16

Shot 2 - (3d6)

(546) = 15

Aug 16, 2024 8:52 pm
I guess it is the next round ...

He fails his save and takes one damage. He successfully casts his Confusion Rune on the mage. His second action is to try to fire a magic bolt at the Bugbear.


Save Test vs Fire DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Cast Confusion Rune on Mage DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Fire Magic Bolt at Bugbear DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Aug 16, 2024 9:01 pm
Both arrows from Kaarik strike the make who is now severely wounded then falls under the effects of the confusion. The bugbear is struck by Skeeve's magic but seems barely fazed
Aug 18, 2024 9:01 pm
okay, just to make sure... Evade for last round and the new round has begun, right? And 1 damage from fire and 1 from the javelin?
If I misunderstood just disregard my roll.
Last edited August 18, 2024 9:03 pm


Evade - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Aug 18, 2024 9:12 pm
@ChrSch Evaded javelin, now Save VS the flame attack, the do you attack
Aug 19, 2024 8:18 am
also 2d6 I assume?
Aizashi moves to the bugbear and takes a swing at him.
Last edited August 19, 2024 8:20 am


Save against flame - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Attack against bugbear - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Matrial strike mastery - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Aug 19, 2024 12:18 pm
Remember when attacking with Mastery you have advantage so can roll 3d6
Hobgoblin Devastator

The Staff wielding hobgoblin takes a couple steps back so he is no longer visible as he chants a spell.


The bugbear roars again and slams his massive hammer at Aizashi and with a single swipe knocks him aside 6 dmg and the little monk falls unconscious. The bugbear Steps forwards to face the party.
[ +- ] Unconscious & Death
Round 5

Let me know if my HP tracking is off
Skv:5 -|- Krk:5 -|- Arc:5 -|- Aiz:0


Attack VS Aizashi - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (554) = 14

3d6 : (665) = 17

Aug 19, 2024 1:34 pm
Assuming Arc can get to Aizashi in one move, he will run so he can have the 2nd action to help stabilise him: Arc runs to stabilise Aizashi.

(If Arc can't get to him in one action, he will use one action to move south (trying to avoid melee) and the second to shoot... So to position himself and help Aizashi next round.)


Helping Aizashi - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Aug 19, 2024 6:08 pm
As he sees Arc going to help Aizashi, Kaarik shoots two arrows at the hobgoblin to get his attention.

He shouts: "Here big bear!"


Shooting with bow 1 - (3d6)

(223) = 7

Shooting with bow 2 - (3d6)

(146) = 11

Aug 19, 2024 10:49 pm
Well, that's not good. Can Arc make it to Aizashi? That will determine Skeeve's actions.

Also, why the low hit points? Skeeve healed everyone after the fight with the worm. They should have entered the room completely fresh. During this fight:
Skeeve has taken one point (fire).
Kaarik has taken one point (fire).
Aizashi has taken five points (4 physical damage plus 1 fire).
Arc is undamaged.
So I am missing a bunch of damage taken. Where was that done?
Aug 19, 2024 11:33 pm
Arc moves to Aizashi and staunches the bleeding, stabilizing your companion. don't die Aizashi!
Aug 20, 2024 1:46 am
Damage retabulated - I was in a hurry to wrap up on the train and didn't track properly. Damage updated. Aizashi is still out but otherwise everyone else is much better.
Aug 20, 2024 8:24 am
Psybermagi says:
Arc moves to Aizashi and staunches the bleeding, stabilizing your companion. don't die Aizashi!
he shall do his very best. Should I still roll a save test?


Save against dying - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Aug 20, 2024 9:51 am
Yes! It worked!! :)

And, Skeeve, you have not yet done your actions this round.
From where Arc is, by Aizashi, can he see the mage?
Last edited August 20, 2024 9:54 am
Aug 20, 2024 12:39 pm
]t this point Aizashi is stable but still onconcious until healed. You can roll a save at the beginning of each round to wake but have 0 actions and can only do free activities like talk use, item without action requirement, etc.
Aug 20, 2024 2:08 pm
I was waiting to see if Aizashimwas stabilized or not. If he wasn't, I would try to teleport and heal. However, since he is stabilized Skeeve can attack. I also don't want to leave Kaarik alone with the bugbear. Arc will have to shoot the mage next round.

Also, do I need to maintain the confusion, or is it just one round or whatever?
I am assuming the bugbear would require a move to get to, and. Don't want to do that. So, ...

Two magic bolts at the bugbear.


Magic Bolt 1 DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Magic Bolt 2 DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Aug 20, 2024 2:27 pm
daryen says:
... Arc will have to shoot the mage next round...

And yet again we think alike! That is exactly why I asked Psybermagi if Arc could see the mage from his position, if he can see him, he can shoot him down.
AND Arc must stay by Aizashi's side to block any possible bugbear's attack to him.
Last edited August 20, 2024 2:29 pm



Aug 21, 2024 2:34 am

The two blast slam into the bubear who roars at the damage and twirling his mace slams it down to cruch Arc 2 damage who stands protectively over Aizashi. Off to the side arc sees the mage quickly drink a potion as he steps a bit further back and raises his staff deffensively.
Round 6


Bugbear attack vs Arc - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (614) = 11

3d6 : (115) = 7

Aug 21, 2024 5:59 am
"Oh no Arc!"

With panic at seeing his friends being beaten, Kaarik shoots two arrows at the bugbear.


Arrow 1 - (3d6)

(266) = 14

Arrow 2 - (3d6)

(223) = 7

Aug 21, 2024 6:06 am
well then I guess we'll see if my rolls today will be any better than yesterdays
that doesn't look too good...
Last edited August 21, 2024 6:06 am


Rise and shine? - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Aug 21, 2024 9:48 pm
Arc, with strong pain in his leg from the mace hit, is still able to hold his ground a bit more... and shoots again at the bugbear. Hoping that it will drop to the ground soon, and allow the whole team to focus on the mage.
Edit: Great! With Kaarik, 3 more arrows on target!
Don't worry Aizashi, we will get you out of here soon. Skeeve, do you have some healing spell? If the next round's mace attacks are as good as this, or the hidden mage lands a good blow, I'll be down.
Last edited August 21, 2024 9:53 pm


Shoot 1 - (3d6h2)

(454) = 9

Shoot 2 - (3d6h2)

(556) = 11

Aug 22, 2024 1:35 am
Do you want me to heal or try to kill the bugbear?

And I was really hoping you would shoot the mage. Leaving him alone is going to be very bad for us.
Aug 22, 2024 5:54 am
I originally thought so too. But the mage is not running away, I can't leave Aizashi alone and the bugbear's attack is very good (it usually lands both attacks).
Being down at 2 hp, the next bugbear's attack would kill me too. If we are not sure it would fall this round, I'd prefer Skeeve to heal Arc. Unless you have another trick under his sleeve...
Aug 22, 2024 8:13 pm
Skeeve tries his Suggestion rune on the hobgoblin, saying, I suggest that the mage is going to attack you from behind to steal your glory, so you'd better defend yourself from them.
That's the best I have at the moment. That doesn't involve damaging everyone in the room with a bright light ...
And, since I cast the spell, I figure I shouldn't be attacking the bugbear this round and I can't see the mage, so ...

Skeeve now tries to teleport over to behind Arc and Aizashi.
Also, after checking the ability, Skeeve can't heal Arc this turn because he has to touch to heal. No distance healing, unfortunately.


Cast Suggestion DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Teleport DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Aug 23, 2024 3:50 am

The bugbear hesitates as it glowers at the party, swaying from all of the damage as it is near death. Turning to look at the mage, who stands with staff raise at the ready, the bugbear roars, throwing the club at the mage before dashing towards the illusory wall and through it and out of sight.

Hobgoblin Devastator
The mage seems surprised at the bugbears actions but a flash of light goes off as the club sails at him. With a curse he then unleashes a bolt of flame that splits to strike at Skeeve and Arc

The bugbear is out of sight, as the illusion wall block sight from both directions, but Kaarik can step through the wall to see him but then he will be in the silence and out of sight of the others. Arc and Skeeve can see the mage/Devastator.
Round 7
[ +- ] map


bugbear throw - (3d6)

(636) = 15

Devestator Shield spell - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Devestator Attack - (2d6, Arc:2d6)

2d6 : (61) = 7

Arc:2d6 : (32) = 5

Aug 23, 2024 5:41 am
Good idea, now the mage!


Attack mage - (3d6h1)

(634) = 6

Attack mage - (3d6h1)

(265) = 6

Aug 23, 2024 11:33 am
time to get up?


Wake up? - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Aug 23, 2024 9:11 pm
Weary of being alone with a bugbear, Kaarik uses his movement to join his friend and fires an arrow at the mage.


Arrow - (3d6)

(353) = 11

Aug 23, 2024 11:22 pm
Well, this is very bad. Skeeve is very regretful, but knows he doesn't have a choice. He tries to teleport back to the entrance to the building on the other side of the building.

Oh well, we're screwed. Hopefully we have killed the mage and can spend a round checking because we're gonna have a LOT of trouble in one or two rounds ...


Teleport DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Teleport Attempt 2 DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Aug 24, 2024 6:28 am
Sorry, I was not sure that getting stuck alone with a Bugbear in a silent zone would be the safest :(
Aug 24, 2024 4:57 pm
The mages staff flashes brilliantly as each attack approaches him and arcane energies move to deflect them. Only one of the arrows is blocked and the mage is severely wounded. Aizashi stirs and blinks as his consciousness is flooded with pain as Skeeve focuses and magic wrapps around him only to dissipate without effect.
[ +- ] Unconscious & Death
Aizashi is awake and can act next round


Arcane Shield - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (22) = 4

2d6 : (66) = 12

2d6 : (43) = 7

Hobgoblin Devastator


Aug 24, 2024 5:19 pm
Hobgoblin Devastator

Seeing the group arrayed against him the mage gathers his energies and unleashes a double set of of magical flame.
Everyone roll 2 Save test vs 1 point of fire damage for each save.
Round 8
Aug 24, 2024 8:43 pm
Ok so.. 2 saves and then another 2 arrows for the mage.
Arc keeps shooting at the mage!!


Save 1 - (2d6h1)

(35) = 5

Save2 - (2d6h1)

(45) = 5

Shot1 - (3d6h1)

(111) = 1

Shot2 - (3d6h1)

(423) = 4

Aug 25, 2024 12:18 am
Two saves and two attacks. Sigh. We're running out of time.

Not only are we running out of time, Skeeve is no longer helping.


Save Test 1 DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Save Test 2 DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Magic Bolt 1 DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Magic Bolt 2 DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Aug 25, 2024 6:23 am
Kaarik will shoot two arrows at the mage as well.


Save test 1 - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Save test 2 - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Arrow 1 - (3d6)

(454) = 13

Arrow 2 - (3d6)

(411) = 6

Aug 26, 2024 9:14 pm
save and Aizashi would have to move right?
And I guess he has 1 HP?

So going back to sleep? 😅
Sorry guys.
Last edited August 26, 2024 9:14 pm


Save 1 and 2 - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (43) = 7

2d6 : (36) = 9

Death Save - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Aug 27, 2024 3:42 am
The mage takes another 2 arrows and is looking wragged at this point. The group has managed to survive his most powerful area attack 3 times now so the hobgoblin stages a hasty retreat, rushing past Kaarik as he follows the bugbear though the illusory wall.
Round 9
Aug 27, 2024 9:16 am
aizashi is knocked out again, right?
Aug 27, 2024 10:15 am
Psybermagi, sorry I'm confused... from previous maps, Arc understood that the building finished on the area (square) to the east of Ark, basically the area in which the mage was, and it has no doors. And the illusory wall was to the west of were Ark and the rest are now.

Should we understand that the mage, looking to get to the only entrance to this building , run past in front of the team to the west?
Aug 29, 2024 3:35 am
Yes, Aizashi was knocked out again by the flame. Anny have a healing ability or potion?

I am working on being more descriptive. Yes you understood that correctly
[ +- ] map history
Round based combat is tough to translate to reality but we can only do our best
Based on the speed you saw the mage run you doubt he can be far beyond the wall. Though you can not see him, neight can he see you, and your group is winning the fight, which prompted the enemy to flee
Aug 29, 2024 2:44 pm
Ok, thanks! If I understood all this properly...
Arc wants to shoot the mage down, hopefully before he can call for help. He runs just past the illusion wall, so he can see the mage and shoots.

Just before he leaves, he says "Now heal Aizashi, and look for the artifact! If I find too many enemies, I'll try to distract them and then retreat upwards, so you can escape silently".


Shoot the mage down - (3d6h1)

(322) = 3

Aug 29, 2024 7:08 pm
Skeeve says to Kaarik, "Go help Arc with the mage!"

Since Skeeve is already next to Aizashi, he gives Aizashi his (Skeeve's) health potion. Skeeve then starts searching the area for our prize.


Search for Item DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(423) = 9

Aug 29, 2024 7:45 pm
As soon as Skeeve asks Kaarik to go help Arc, he crosses the wall hastily and shoots at the mage if he sees it.


Arrow - (3d6)

(566) = 17

Aug 30, 2024 2:40 am
Arc rushes through the wall and firs at the mage but misses. Beyond the mage he sees the bugbear, who is civically hurt still, near the far door and moving to open it. Arc Turns and steps through the wall as well and seeing the situation takes out the bugbear first and his arrow stikes true felling the massive warrior, who falles without a sound due to the magical silence that persists.

Skeeve uses a potion to wake the monk before he starts searching the room. Though you do not see a chest matching the description, what he does fins are an assortment of weapons, money, and items of value as well as random things tossed around messily.
[ +- ] Items in the Room
Kaaric can shoot again as it only took him a step to go through the wall.
It will take a while to find anything in the room
Aizashi is awake with 1 HP and free to act.
Aug 30, 2024 7:09 am
Sure, so Kaarik is shooting a second arrow.


Arrow 2 - (3d6)

(626) = 14

Aug 30, 2024 8:11 am
Aizashi rises in discomfort and feeling slightly embarrassed having been knocked out repeatedly.
Despite it he helps Skeeve search the room. Thank you for your help. he mumbles to Skeeve in thanks.
Aug 30, 2024 1:42 pm
what id with all the critical hits this fight?!?
The mage drops, coughing his last breath then wheezes audibly so you realize the silence had now ended.
Aug 30, 2024 6:38 pm
After hearing two drops, Skeeve thinks to Arc, Both of you start looking for the chest!
Aug 30, 2024 7:12 pm
Theoritically, you could think that the two drops are Arc and Kaarik :P
After hearing from Arc that Skeeve took care of Aizashi, Kaarik starts looking for items in the rooms.


Search for items - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Aug 30, 2024 7:55 pm
TECHNICALLY both fell while silence was still in effect . . . :P
Let me know any search parameters (I use these to set/adjust roll effects/results) and give a roll if you have not already done so
Aug 30, 2024 8:19 pm
Kaarik is looking specifically for the chest, inside the area behind the wall.
Aug 30, 2024 9:23 pm
Very excited, but quietly... "Well done Kaarik!! Deadly aim!!"

Then he starts looking for the chest (other treasures are welcome of course, to be shared with the team after they escape).
Aug 30, 2024 9:30 pm
Skeeve has another idea. Are there any hobgoblin cloaks or such for the guards? It might be just enough of a cover to get back to the well.

We gotta find the chest first, however. Arc and Kaarik on one side of the illusion, and Skeeve and Aizashi on the other. In the search, there was a ruined area. Can we look through it well enough, or is it effectively on the outside?

Are we technically out of combat now, or are we still effectively in combat due to the time crunch. Skeeve wants to start healing everyone. Skeeve also grabs the key, pendant, vials, and gold. He'll have the team grab more if we have time and find the chest quickly enough.

Also, Skeeve will loot the mage if he gets the chance. If not, he's taking the cloak and staff at a minimum.

And where is our undead friend? We need him to get looking, too, and he should be able to check areas we can't.
Aug 31, 2024 3:50 pm
The collapsed section is not accessible but Geis does indicate there is a hidden door that likely was ruined during the collapse that would have led to that room. The hidden door is well concealed and very durable so now is just another wall.
Geis helps with the searching, starting with the two slain leaders. The outer room has a variety of miscellaneous items but only the two slain hobgoblins have anything of real use for Skeeves plan a bit of light spell work can clean and patch the cloaks
[ +- ] Inner Room Contents
[ +- ] Outer Room Content
After digging through the other room you do find the sealed chest shoved under a pile of rags and miscellaneous junk next to the mages bed.
Items easily identified as magical by touch are now in underlined
Other that that there are other miscellaneous items but nothing stands out as of value or use
Aug 31, 2024 8:17 pm
If no one else detects them, Skeeve identifies the magical items for everyone. He takes the items already identified, plus the silver, amethyst, playing cards, and the mage's dagger, gloves, and staff. He wants us to take as much of the magic items as we can efficiently carry, plus the silver and gold. The only non-magical things Skeeve takes is the deck of playing cards, amethysts, and money. He skips the copper (too much weight for no return). He is just making sure as much as possible is taken, not that he is claiming anything right now. He does recommend that Kaarik use the leather armor as it is magic and likely usable. There is a risk, of course, but I doubt we can just pack it away if we want to leave with it, and Skeeve isn't giving up his armor for it.

And, again, Skeeve quickly heals everyone.
So, we can't get through the hidden door? And I assume we're pretty sure the chest isn't in here? And to get to the ruined section, we have to go back outside?

Also, if Aizashi and Kaarik used the guards' tunics and cloaks and Skeeve uses the mage's robes, will they have a good enough outline in the dark for camouflage purposes?
Aug 31, 2024 8:54 pm
Identifying the items will require time and/or rolls. Do you wish to do that all now?
The hidden door lead the to vault. The vault is now collapsed and its ruble had broken the doors mechanisms. You can likely force it open but it would doubtless make noise. You found the check, see last paragraph above.
Ask Skeeve heals everyone you quickly sort through things and grab what you want. The biggest issue will be how to carry the chest as none of you are large or brawny.
Aug 31, 2024 10:45 pm
Oops! Missed that!
How big and heavy is the chest? I thought it would have been like 1x1x2 feet or so, not a full 2x3x4 chest (or whatever). I assume it will take two of us, one at either end, for us to carry it? If so, that is very conspicuous, unfortunately.

Also, how sturdy is it? Is it magically protected? If our only way out is the well, we're gonna have to drop it, and we need to make sure it will survive the fall. The hut with the teleporter isn't nearby, correct?

Also, if the chest is that big, I can't teleport with it, correct? It's just too big to pull with me?
Aug 31, 2024 10:49 pm
Everyone needs to list what they are going to take. I think we should take as many magic items as we can carry, even if we can't use them, as we can sell them to the Expedition for money.

I do think that Aizashi and Kaarik should put on the guards' tunic and cloaks for an attempt at disguise. Won't work up close, but might be enough to give us a few rounds at a distance. Skeeve takes the mage's robes for that. Any suggestions on how to get back out is gladly accepted!
Sep 1, 2024 2:28 pm
Arc thinks that we should take everything we can, starting with most valuable and useful... We can decide afterwards how to divide it all. Also, Arc has his magic bag that can carry a lot without it weighting much.

Also, just for now, carry it all efficiently, Arc suggest dividing all according to weight. Also magic things should also be divided equally.
As for clothing/disguise, I agree that Aizashi and Kaarik should put on the guards' tunic and cloaks, also Sleeve should put the Mage's tunic and robes.

Arc will try to come up with a weight-efficient division soon.
Sep 1, 2024 7:27 pm
Uh, how much can that magic bag hold ... ?
Sep 1, 2024 7:32 pm

[quote="daryen"]Uh, how much can that magic bag hold ... ?[quote]

Equivalent of 2 feet cube.
Sep 1, 2024 7:40 pm
Kaarik bag's is currently working as a baby carrier so he unfortunately cannot take anything.
Kaarik changes quickly into the guard tunic.



Sep 2, 2024 3:09 am
With it being night I can after hidden and safe if you need the room
Sep 3, 2024 6:09 am
In this case, Kaarik will just take the leather armor. He will wait to be back in the manor to try it though.
Sep 3, 2024 8:12 am
sorry been kinda out the last few days. Gonna catch up now
Sep 3, 2024 5:14 pm
Skeeve says, "Let's not worry about divvying up the loot now. Let's just take the magic and money and chest and get out of here as quickly as possible."

He puts on the mage's robe over his outfit and takes the staff. Can Kaarik and Aizashi carry the chest to the well? That leaves Skeeve's hands empty for magic and keeps Arc free so he can fly if he needs to.

But Skeeve is ready to go now with their loot and the chest. Unless anyone has a better path, we're going back through the well.
Sep 3, 2024 9:31 pm
"I agree we should leave soon, and the well is our best shot. Just for you to know, if we find any danger in our way out, I'll fly up high to distract them so you can run to the well. Just run silently.."

With that, Arc takes what he thinks fits into his magic bag without it's weight compromising his flight:
Large egg x3, short sword, bugbear's a scrap of vellum, Belt and Bracers... hobgoblin's Chainmail (1), longbow, longsword, boots, and cloaks... If those fit the magic bag of course. Except for the longbow which he can carry on one shoulder.

Then he readies to get out with the rest, and walking by the walls' shadows, hopefully get to the well unnoticed.
Sep 3, 2024 9:49 pm
Each player should explain how they will reach and enter the well.

Test for stealth / subterfuge / performance on declared method of teaching the well to see if you are spotted and identified as invaders. I am treating it as focused to account for your preparations
Sep 4, 2024 8:32 am
After donning the hobgoblins coat and tunic he pockets the darts and pull the coats hood over his head. After checking to make sure his fur is covered he grabs one end of the chest ready to go.
we could try to see if they would fall for us pretending to be the mages minions carrying his stuff around. So Skeeve would then just pretend to be a hobgoblin mage I suppose.
So stealth and performance since we are trying to not be seen in the first place, performance in case we are seen, to see if people notice anything off about us?.


Stealth, performance - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (63) = 9

2d6 : (34) = 7

Sep 4, 2024 2:42 pm
Sounds good ...

Also, we will have Geis scout around so we can better time our efforts on the way out. Also, how sturdy is the chest? Will it survive a drop down the well? Also, will we survive a drop down the well? How much damage will one of us take if we just jump down instead of climb down?

And Skeeve will have his talismans ready to hand again.


Stealth Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Performance Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Sep 4, 2024 5:29 pm
The chest is of heavy timber and metals with magical runes. You doubt dripping out of a cliff would damage it
Sep 4, 2024 5:39 pm
Ok, let's try that. About performance, Arc can't really dress up because of the big wings so he would pretend to be a prisoner or something similar.


Stealth - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Performance - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Sep 4, 2024 6:48 pm
Psybermagi says:
The chest is of heavy timber and metals with magical runes. You doubt dripping out of a cliff would damage it
Oh, good! I want to take advantage of that. What about us? What if we fall down the well?
Sep 4, 2024 7:33 pm
Kaarik carries the chest from the other end, trying to take it as low as possible not to create a suspicious size difference with Aizashi.


stealth check - (2d6)

(44) = 8

performance check - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Sep 4, 2024 11:03 pm
the party is of flesh and blood and a fall into the well could be a soft and gentle splash or a watery grave. Especially if you are trying to swim while holding a heavy chest that weighs at least 3 stone.
Sep 5, 2024 12:59 am
I thought the well went to the sewers, not a full water opening. So, while we might splash a bit, it shouldn't be deep or anything. We didn't do any swimming to get here; I didn't think there would be any swimming to get back.
Sep 5, 2024 12:39 pm
A note / questin about Aizashi, Arc, and hobgoblins :
I had always pictured the monk as being a bit short with the chosen picture forming them into a size more akin to a dwarf.
As for the archer, though his wings are nearly impossible to hide, at night and under a cloak they would be easily lost in the gloom and I pictured him being taller.
Hobgoblins tend to be leaner and tall when compared to average humans.
None of this changes things, just sharing my view piont and reasoning. Please poit out any incorrect assumptions about how I view your characters vs how you do.
The sewers stay above the waterline, thenkfully, and the exit to the well shaft from them was a bit above the water line. No investigation to the water depth was made. A typicall well would be dug deeper than needed to ensure a continued source in times of drought but with the river so close you dobt that much depths is tuely needd.

The four of you slip from the officers quarters and make your way as quietly as possible. Geis soudlessly melts into the shadows and is gone from your senses before you even realize it. Unfortunatly as you near the open area around the well Kaarick stumbles slighlty under his burden.


Guard awarebess - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (51) = 6

2d6 : (51) = 6

2d6 : (22) = 4

2d6 : (56) = 11

Sep 5, 2024 12:54 pm
Moving slightly quicker and with more care you see one of the torches held by the rooftop guards move to the inner lip of the building and he raises the torch high in an attempt to shine its light onto your forms but the distance is to great for anything but your general outlines to be revealed. The ther guards seem disintersted and maintain their focus on the outside or their patrols.

With stealth partially failing you all fall into your roles and Skeeve does his best to imitate the hobgoblin voice and snaps at the guard to get back to his patrol This does not concern you he snarls in a passabe imitation of the mage and he stands between the others and the curious guard who pauses but a moment before a cry from a nearby rooftop is heard.

Spy, winged kobold. and additional torches are instantly lit to the north as a smal figure is seen flying into the sky with the twang of release bowstings indicating some parting gifts being sent its way.

Taking advantage Aizashi descends to open the hidden door as Kaarick and arc pass down the chest. Skeeve bringing up the rear the rest of you make your way into the sewers and have almost closed the door when Geis slips thought the slightest of cracks and rejoins the group.

Well that wasn't too bad. the ghostly kobold staes with a grin. But I suggest we get past the intersection, just in case. The question is, do we go back the way we came, where th goblins may be awaiting us or try and find another exit?
Sep 5, 2024 2:21 pm
Skeeve says, "The way we came. I want to see the goblins again. If we can make friends with them, they could be useful in the future. And we have stuff to pay them with, too. It is a risk, but probably no more than trying to find a new path down here. Plus the building with the teleporting pad is too close to the hobgoblins."
Here is his idea: he wants to buy that invitation to the other remnant he asked about before. As long as the Lady delivers on her implied promise, the Skeeve can use the Paphos teleport pads. With the invitation, we can enter through the front door, but if things go south, we can leave through the teleport pad and we don't need anyone's help to activate it. This way we can advance the plot more.
Sep 5, 2024 8:40 pm
About Arc's height: I also picture Arc as tall as average human, athletic built, and big wings (open they could easily span more than 5m, although folded their width is very close to his own body width albeit higher than his head).
"Well done Geis!

I agree with Skeeve, let's take the goblins' path. But let's be careful... they could be waiting for us with a trap to rob us, or to deliver us to another faction.

Just, let's hurry, PLEASE, I hate undergrounds..."
Sep 6, 2024 3:59 pm
you are right in regards to Aizashis size. I always thought of him as halfling sized round about.
Sep 6, 2024 6:17 pm
Skeeve thinks for a moment and says, "When we get back, I will head up alone and make sure there is no trap. I can use my crystal to warn Arc if it is a trap."
Sep 6, 2024 9:42 pm
It sounds like a solid plan for the time being and is better than running off blindly.
Sep 6, 2024 11:19 pm
You retrace your steps through the dark and rancid sewers, pausing only to shift the weight of the chest, witch can not be places in the enchanted carry sack. When you get to where you entered the sewers Skeeve heads up, with Geiz slipping into the shadows of the well to listen in as well as he can. Though it is still dark the night is moving on and you expect to see the first signs of day on the horizon before the hour is out.

Climbing carefully Skeeve reaches the top and pauses to listen before climbing out of the well. Hearing noting he flips over the lip of the well and though he sees no one he gets the feeling of it being watches and the area seems too quiet.
Sep 6, 2024 11:20 pm
I'm assuming we took all of the magic items, even if we don't eventually want them for ourselves.
Skeeve adds, "I am thinking of taking either the dagger or darts with me to offer to the goblins as a token of continued, uh, cooperation. Does anyone have designs on either of those items? Maybe I take both and offer to let them choose?"
Sep 6, 2024 11:48 pm
Is this discussion in the sewers or after you get out?
Sep 7, 2024 2:05 pm
In the sewers.

Basically, we'll go to where we came in. Skeve'll go up first to make sure it is clear. If it is, then everyone will come up and Skeeve will use his magic to pull the chest up. Then he'll go ahead to where they need to exit to make sure it is all clear and call them forward to the exit. If he meets the goblins along the way, he'll talk to them to make sure they are still "friendly". If we make it all the way to the exit without finding the goblins, Skeeve will reenter the room we found them in to talk with them. He actively wants to talk with them again. He will have two magic items that we are willing to lose, the amethysts, and the bag of gold with him. (The small bag of gold from a hobgoblin, not the main set of gold they found.)

He will make sure he still has the mage's robes on when he goes to meet them. If he runs into the goblins while going to the exit, he will also have the staff. If he has to come back to find the goblins, he will leave the staff with Arc.
Sep 8, 2024 5:35 am
Good plan.
Sep 9, 2024 12:28 pm
OK you talk below then go up. I was just asking as Skeeve was already out, see earlier post on your ascent and leaving the well, but then started talking to the team
You all leave the well and Skeeve pulls the chest out. Heading to where you met the goblin you continue to hear noises in the distance and it sounds like the Hobgoblins may have learned their leaders were slain in the night. As you move you feel eyes on you but you manage to make it to the Remnant exit only to see the goblin leader and several of his followers drop from the building to either side into the street blocking the way. Behind you a noise alerts you as several more enter the street behind you. When lsst you met the goblins mostly ignored you but this time they all hold weapons on the ready and the leader has a wicked gleam in his eye as he stares t the chest you carry.
Sep 9, 2024 1:08 pm
nope, I misread. To tired apparently. Changing above to happen as you try to leave
Sep 9, 2024 5:46 pm
So... Just to be sure I understand this. Skeeve walked all the way alone to the goblins' camp, and secured that nobody was there, then he called us by crystal, and when we all were almost at the exit several goblins appeared out of nowhere. Is that right?

Last edited September 9, 2024 5:51 pm
Sep 9, 2024 8:44 pm
Let me know if the above stands, as I have a plan for Skeeve's actions. If not, I will wait for the reworking of the description. Either way works for me.

Also, where is the hut with the teleporter pad in it, in relation to our position?

Oh, and don't forget that Skeeve healed everyone back in the officers' room.
Sep 9, 2024 11:54 pm
You stand in a street surrounded by goblins, though you are confident you can easily fight your way free. Goblins are known to be adept at survival, favoring flight over bravery, but there are other threats in the area
[ +- ] Maps
Sep 10, 2024 1:30 am
Before they fight, Skeeve will whisper to the others, "If we must fight, kill the leader first. Put every arrow you have into him until he falls. The others should melt away after that." He thinks to Arc, Feel free to gain altitude if it will help with your attacks.

Skeeve then steps forward toward the goblin leader, but makes sure he is not blocking any potential arrow fire. He says, "I am very glad to see you. With the results of our raid, I can now pay you for that invitation I was asking about. If you are still interested in such a deal."
BTW, how much are the individual amethyst gems worth? I would rather use them to pay, than to reach into a bag of gold to get coins.

Goblin Rogue


Sep 10, 2024 3:22 am
amethysts are about 25 - 50 gp each (25,25,30,40,40,50,75)
First goblin encounter
Goblin Rogue

Oh, sure that offer is still valid. We couldn't help but notice you 'picked up' and accessory and thought to offer our services. hauling the chest must be a pain. How about we open it for you? 25 gold for a basic check, 50 for complex, and 100 gold for enchanted ones. Payable upon success. Or we do it for free and get 10% of whatever is inside and he looks at you while waggling his ears and eyebrows in a both amussing and unsetling manner.


Goblin Eavesdropping - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (35) = 8

2d6 : (55) = 10

Sep 10, 2024 5:00 am
"We're not opening the chest and even we don't know what is inside. But we don't want to spend the time fighting either. How about 25 gp to leave us alone and another 25 gp to deny you just saw us. But the chest isn't for you or even for us."

I'm saving the magic items for the next step of the negotiations.
Just to be clear, are you saying that even when we get past the goblins, we're gonna have to deal with roving bands of hobgoblin hunting parties?

Goblin Rogue


Sep 10, 2024 12:32 pm
Goblin Rogue

The goblin exchanges a look with his men and all grin Deal!

The goblin motions to on of his men who pulls a small wooden case from his pack and hands a card, it looks much like the invitations you saw at the plaza, and the 2nd goblin aproatches for the exchange, handing it over only when he sees the 100GP.

We keep our word, an invitation, and we never saw you after our first little chat.
Sep 10, 2024 2:44 pm
Kaarik had his hands on the chest during all the exchange. And as soon as Skeeve gets the invitation, he gives a small to Aizashi to make sure that they are ready to move as fast as possible.
Sep 10, 2024 2:46 pm
"Quick question: How likely is it that they will start searching outside the remnant?"

Skeeve reaches into his pocket and takes out the two largest amethysts and the smallest. That should match the 150 gp he bargained with.
Sep 10, 2024 5:34 pm
Arc follows swiftly Kaarik and Aizashi when they move away from the goblins, in a protective way.
Sep 11, 2024 8:50 am
Aizashi follows along. He is ready to drop the chest and fight of the goblins if the need should arise.
Sep 12, 2024 1:50 am
The goblins explain that the surrounding area is contested so there are often patrols but they are not hard to avoid if you are careful and quiet...
Are you guys up for a bit of interactive navigation and story between the two of you as I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment?

Each of you crate a scenario with challenged for the group to overcome but try to keep it focused on the other players character (PC)
Try to keep it in line with the setting as explained so far. Once the other player creates a scenario you try to resolve it in a narrative form. You can direct the entire party during your turn with a solution but focus on your own character and how they overcome the challenge. No dice need to be rolled but you can add some for flair and to indicate how much the party has to struggle to win out.

These challenges do not need to be anything massive Think of it as a way to add your own view of the region and time traveling to the story
Sep 12, 2024 5:09 am
After paying and taking the invitation, and getting the answer to his question, he says with a smile, "Thank you! I am sure we can do business again in the future."

To the rest of the group, he says, "You heard the man, let's get moving quickly, quietly, and carefully!" Immediately after leaving the goblins behind, he recommends that they ditch the hobgoblin cloaks and robes and go back to the other kobold/goblin ones they were using beforehand. (They only ditch the non-magical stuff we had used for camouflage. The other stuff like the staff is kept.) Then they set out to get back to New Paphos while avoiding the patrols.
When you said "between the two of you" were you referring to Cathamber and ChrSch? Or were you meaning any two of us? Or did you want us to pair off with one making the challenge and the other addressing it? I'm up for whichever!
Sep 12, 2024 5:05 pm
OK, let me give this a try on the setup. Anyone can describe their solution to it.
The group quickly exits the Remnant and starts heading back to New Paphos. You hug the side of the path to get the benefit of the path for quick travel, but are able to quickly retreat into the tall grass along the path if needed. It is still night and you travel without lights. This (and the heavy chest) causes you to travel more slowly, but you do the best you can. Currently Arc and Skeeve are the ones carrying the chest to give Kaarik and Aizashi a break. You make good progress for several minutes, but then your luck runs out!

Behind you, you hear a small band of what you assume are hobgoblins (because of their voices). You can see their torchlight approaching, but you can't see them yet. However, ahead of the group they also hear other voices coming toward them, too. They do not have torches going and you aren't sure what they are. You scamper off the path into the tall grass to try and hide. Unfortunately, as you are trying to get to a better spot to hide, Skeeve trips and the chest crushes some dried vegetation making a noise that you have to assume both groups heard.
Now someone can go to town to describe what happens and what we do in response. No rolls are needed. I will assume that probability isn't needed, but plausibility is. Who's up to the challenge!?
Sep 12, 2024 6:17 pm
ok, let's give this a shot!
The sound of crushing vegetation is common in the wild, there are many possible causes for that so...
Arc leaves the chest in the ground, then jumps up high in a ver noisy way... considering his similarities with crows, especially in his neck, when he is about 6 meters high he starts 'cawing' as crows do when injured... still flying as high as he can.
Considering it's night, and the torches light distance is very limited, Arc is able to pass as any other crow that could live around. High enough, out of bow reach, he will continue to fly for a while, in a direction opposite of our party. Thus gving the enemies a plausible reason for the vegetation sounds for them not to search around... And giving both groups of enemies a common direction to meet (and probably fight each other).
Ok Daryen, I'm not sure if you were expecting something like that, but there you go!
Now you can resolve the two enemy groups meeting, whether they fight or join, and Arc can catch up with the party after the enemies are gone. :)
Sep 12, 2024 10:19 pm
OK, let's go ahead and make this a multi-step process. :-)
You are able to see that the group with torches raises their light to try and get a better look at the "crow". Not able to see far enough, they start to resume their progress when the other group comes into range. Arc is able to see (and tell the others through Skeeve) that the other group are lizardmen! (Lizardmen were part of one of the groups trying to seize control of the Remnant from the hobgoblins.) Once in range, they proceed to forget about the crow and start to face off against each other. There appear to be six lizardmen and five hobgoblins.

The leader of the lizardmen steps forward and says, "What are you doing out here making all of that noise?"

A hobgoblin retorts, "We're looking for someone and it's none of your business!"

"You're looking for someone? What did they do to get you that riled up? Did they steal something? Did they kill someone ... ?" His trails off and his eyes open wider with realization. "How many of you are out here looking?" He quietly waves at one of his soldiers, who turns to run. However, the hobgoblins figure it out, and kill him with a volley of arrows. With a roar the remaining lizardmen charge the hobgoblins ...
The one lizardman was going to run back to say the hobgoblins were vulnerable. The leader then decides to just attack and report after they win this fight. Of course he assumes they will win the fight.
Sep 13, 2024 5:40 am
When Arc notices the fight he doesn't fly farther away, but circles back and flies silently an 8-pattern above the battle.
Who should 'solve' this situation?
Sep 13, 2024 1:30 pm
I think it would be great if @ChrSch or @MoyenBateau would give it a shot. Again, the point is to make a cool story and not to worry about roles or such. And don't forget you can have the whole group act, not just your character.
Sep 13, 2024 6:48 pm
Sorry, I have been taken with life lately and it both ate my free time and my brain :D

I will try something but I really lack creativity for some time.
Arc saw that the Lizardmen were able to swiftly overcome a group of tired, shocked and disorganized hobgoblin, ultimately losing only one lizardman in addition to the one they sent to report.

The group, reasured by the report that the hobgoblins should now not be a threat anymore, decides to continue their route. However, after only a few minutes, they realize that they can hear some noise on their right. They think it is probably the group of lizardmen returning to their base.

The same noise and feeling of being followed appear quickly on their right and on their back. The group realizes then that there isn't only one big group of lizardmen, but 3 smaller groups who probably divided in order to catch with them more efficiently.

It seems that what the hobgoblins said to them intrigued the lizardmen, and our group could end up being surrounded.
Sep 13, 2024 9:25 pm
Does @ChrSch have an idea of how to get us out of our predicament? :-)
Sep 16, 2024 8:13 am
I think I missed some posts. I'll need a moment 😀

How are our relations with the lizard men?
Last edited September 16, 2024 8:21 am
Sep 16, 2024 5:36 pm
OK, here is the recap:

We have escaped the Remnant with everything but three of the amethysts. We have all of the magic items and the chest and now even have an invitation to the goblin Remnant! (I was prepared to "spend" the dagger or darts to pay off the goblins, but that wasn't necessary.)

On our way back we ran into both a hobgoblin patrol and a lizardman patrol. The hobgoblins and the lizardmen got it on and the hobgoblin patrol didn't make it. Unfortunately, there are apparently two more groups of lizardmen running around and our group is current surrounded! We don't know the disposition of the lizardmen, but we can assume that, since they are trying to take over the area, they will not look at other interlopers favorably. Add in that we're carrying a fancy magic chest and staff, and I imagine their opportunism will kick in. So, we're probably best off trying to just get away.

Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to describe how we manage to successfully get out of this situation. You don't need to roll for anything, and you can control the entire group. But, it needs to make for a cool story when we get back and tell everyone what happened! And, since everyone seems to have had a turn, and since Psybermagi should be back sometime this week, feel free to have us end up back at the Base.

And ... go!
Sep 16, 2024 7:00 pm
To be more precise, it is the same original group of lizardmen but they split into 3 smaller groups.
We might not have realized it though.
Sep 16, 2024 11:59 pm
As an aside, please don't feel too much like we're putting you on the spot. If this isn't how you normally want to play, that's cool and someone else can wrap it up instead. I just thought it would be cool for everyone to have the chance to contribute.
Sep 17, 2024 6:11 am
A couple of 'uncommon' advantages: Arc and Skeeve can communicate telepathically with their crystals, and Arc can fly. Feel free to use them if you want.
Last edited September 17, 2024 6:11 am
Sep 17, 2024 2:12 pm
And Skeeve has Magic!
Sep 17, 2024 3:36 pm
alright, here goes:
As the group finds them selves surrounded they realize a direct confrontation might not be in their best interest. Arc suggests to try and repeat his previous strategy to distract some of the Lizard men.
Skeeve meanwhile uses his magic to create some noise in the opposite direction.
After casting his magic Skeeve attempts to lead Aizashi and Kaarik in long loop around the last group of Lizardmen with Arc following as an eye in the sky.

Thinking they made their escape they soon realize that they could not quite shake the last group as come to a ruined chapel grounds.
sorry. The escape seemed a little lack luster so someone else has to bring it home, with hopefully some more creativity than me.

Also, sorry it took so long.
Sep 17, 2024 8:16 pm
Not a problem!

We apparently have the whole week to finish it up. Anyone else wanna take a shot of resolving it, or at least moving it forward?
Sep 18, 2024 12:58 am
I'm not sure I'll finish it off, but I can move it forward a bit more ..
Some old broken stones show where the garden was. Long time ago, this must have been a beautiful garden around a populated chapel... Now the fallen stones and rotten wood doors show ruins.

The team enters the garden and look for cover by one of the walls with less light as one of the packs move even more closely.

Suddenly an arrow flies very close to Kaarik's head but misses. Skeeve reacts fast and, knowing that their position should not be revealed, cast a silence spell around the enemies. Kaarik and Aizashi jump out of the shadows just in time to see a second arrow landing in the chest of a lizard man. Arc, bow in hand is about to get a couple more of arrows from his carcaj. While Kaarik shoots down a second lizard, Sleeve magic missile lands in the stomach of the last lizard. Aizashi running at full speed, jumps a few meters from the last standing lizardman and his flying kick lands in the face of the third and last lizard. Strangely not a sound was heard!

Arc lands to help pull the three lizard bodies out of sight, and take their coins. But the other two groups are still close by, and their hidden place will not las long...
You turn!
Sep 20, 2024 3:16 pm
I should be good to run things again next week. So everyone can get back into character and I will control the NPC and environment once more. Have fun with this
The low jumble of rocks is all that remains of the stone wall that must have surrounded the large garden outside the chapel which has thicker walls that are nearly intact. Though the churches roof and interior look to have fallen to ruin the outlines of doors and windows would allow easy access and a good defensible site. The rustle of leaves, both within and outside the garden walls, around you is all you can hear but not all the noise is from the wind. You know most of the dinosaur are active at day time but others, likely stalking predators, are likely active at night. Though the hobgoblins used torches the lizardmen seem to prefer dealing with or avoiding the night time predators.

By your estimation you are at least half way from the merchant district to the library, where you would be safe from attack until the morning when more soldiers from New Paphos will arrive. Unfortunately the lizardmen tend to travel light, disdaining any additional armor over their natural scales, and from what you have seen it is unlikely you could outrun them even without the chest. With the recent fight it is doubtful you can talk your way out of this as the two remaining groups are on your trail after you slew their companions.
Sep 20, 2024 4:04 pm
Just to be clear, we are now back in player mode, correct?
Sep 20, 2024 5:57 pm
Sep 21, 2024 1:00 am
Then I guess I should have tried to wrap it up last night!

Is there a city matrix node in the church's basement?
Skeeve says, "We could bunker here for the night, but we'll probably be found and, while defensible, there are probably too many of both groups for us to survive. Plus, during the day, we'll probably be easier to find. So, I think we need the cover of night.

"Since we need to move it, I think we should have Arc fly cover and scout for us. Aizashi and I will carry the chest. Kaarik will have his bow ready; I can blast with one hand if needed. If we leave quickly, we can leave through the direction the group we killed came through.

"I am open to better suggestions."
Sep 21, 2024 3:08 pm
Arc, trusting crystal communications, doesn't wait an instant. With his usual high jump, he launches up high as silent as any hunting crow or owl.

Once he seems he is high enough not to be easily reached by arrows, he flies in irregular circles looking for the two lizards' squads. Arc is specially careful not to fly around the church, as that would signal their foes the hiding place.

In his first round he tries to spot the two enemy squads...


Sporting 1st enemy squad - (2d6h1)

(11) = 1

Sporting 2nd enemy squad - (2d6h1)

(31) = 3

Sep 21, 2024 3:11 pm
He doesn't seems to find any enemy on his first round. And thus he reports it, checks the church, and then he starts a 2 searching round.
I writing this in 2 different post to allow for any interaction in between :)
Last edited September 21, 2024 3:12 pm


Sporting 1st enemy squad - (2d6h1)

(24) = 4

Sporting 2nd enemy squad - (2d6h1)

(66) = 6

Sep 23, 2024 11:39 am
Aizashi grunts agreement, and follows Skeeve, trying to balance the chest so Skeeve has an easier time repelling enemies should the need arise.
Sep 23, 2024 12:36 pm
Known matrix nodes are all within Remnants
The two remaining groups have closed in on your location such that you doubt you can make it back the way you came. However the church and occasional clump of trees do offer obstruction to line of sight. Unfortunately Aizashi points out that if the lizardmen can track by scent your chances of slipping away easily are much lower.

Are soon realized why it is usually only owls that fly at night. While taking off and staying airborne is simple enough his limited visibility makes scouting difficult at night. While two of the three moons are up it is only one of the larger regular moons and the smaller erratic wanderer and the thin clouds are enough to create shadows such that unless the lizardmen make a fire or jump and wave he doubts he will be able to see them easily.
Once you may a roll on any activity I always take the 1st unless something changes enough to allow/require a 2nd.
Together you move as planned and move first to keep the church and its crumbling walls between you and where you last know the lizardmen to be and from there try to use whatever is available to stay out of sight and slip the hunters.

Can I get stealth rolls from at least 2 of you with any additional actions or details
Sep 23, 2024 1:40 pm
Aware that his size is a disadvantage in these situations, Kaarik will try to take advantage of his elfic agility, dashing between shadows of rocks, trees and bushes.


stealth test - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Sep 24, 2024 8:09 am
Aizashi tries to keep the chest as balanced as possible to avoid any undo noise that could give them away.
Last edited September 24, 2024 8:10 am


Stealth check - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Sep 24, 2024 11:29 am
The team slips through the night and after several tense minutes you feel safe from an imediate threat of being found. You continue to stumble through the night under the aquard weight of the chest ans are relieved when you catch sight of the outer walls of the library. Though the outer walls have not lights a faint glow from within allows you to easily locate the gatehouse only to find the doors sealed shut.
Sep 24, 2024 1:26 pm
"Thats not a good sign.

"Arc, please scout the top of the wall above the gate. Let me know what you find up there."

Basically, if the top of the wall looks relatively safe, we'll all move up there to at least be somewhat safe through the rest of the night.
Sep 24, 2024 4:30 pm
Even before Skeeve request, Arc was already jumping up high as usual. His scout role kicking in faster now.
Arc tries to climb closer to trees or to the walls themselves, as no to attract attention from any search party not far enough.
Once high, he focus on the library. Anything different from the last time he was there, any change in lights or new people.
Sep 24, 2024 5:19 pm
Yeah, it'll be good to find out if there are issues here as well. But if the top of the wall will provide any sanctuary, Skeeve can get everyone else and the chest up there, then follow with his short-range teleport.
Sep 25, 2024 2:56 am
Other than the fact that it is now night time and the library is dimly light by a faint magical glow all seems normal. The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin wires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a two sets of double doors spaced to divide the wall in thirds. Around the Remnant, you see occasional ruble form destroyed structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the ravages of the Breaking and time since then.

The orbs, floating above the wall, are about 1 foot diameter and bob lazily in the breeze. Each is tethered to the wall by a thin cord. From the air Arc can see the faint haze of a Barrier over the outer wall in inside is an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings.
Sep 25, 2024 6:12 am
Arc flies back and report his findings to everyone.
"The main building seems nice, if it is safe at night I'd rather camp inside... but I can't be sure it is. Specially considering that they closed the doors, as they may see us as unwelcomd trasspases."
Sep 25, 2024 3:30 pm
Points of prior stories Skeeve has heard about visits to the library pop into his mind. He says, "Let's see what's up." He walks straight up to the gate and knocks, trying to trigger a response.
Sep 25, 2024 5:00 pm
At the gates you see a notice in the ancient script indicating the library is closed at night. Other than the orbs gently waving on their targets over the wall there is no movement it sound from the remnant.
Sep 25, 2024 7:51 pm
Before Skeeve attempts a rash action, I have a question: The haze of the Barrier: Is it outside the wall, inline with the wall, or inside the wall? Does the top of the wall appear to be inside the Barrier, outside the Barrier, or part of the Barrier?

Skeeve wants to just teleport to the top of the wall to see what happens. He is sure the orbs are guardians or something, but he figures they are probably not lethal. Since he is not terribly worried about being captured by the library, he's willing to take the risk to see if he can bring the rest into a more relatively safe position.
Sep 25, 2024 8:51 pm
As with all city Remnants the barrier seems to start midway through the walls. Due to the fact the barriers are not a fixed line but rather a field it makes any stance or movement on the wall torublesome. To confrotably look into the Renant you must fly and to look out you must stand on buildings inside the wall. You can possibly stand on the lip of the wall but any contact with the barrier anywhere but the gates seems to be problematic at the least so this has an element of risk.
Sep 25, 2024 9:36 pm
OK, so it doesn't work. Bummer. :-(

I guess that means we sit outside for the rest of the night and hope for the best. We'll look around and see if there is anything approximating a protected location so we can hide the rest of the night. If not, I guess we'll just huddle against the wall and Skeve will create some force walls for some initial protection if something pops out.
Sep 25, 2024 11:35 pm
If we can't find a suitable hiding place, and decide to huddle against the wall... Arc will dig an ample hole, around 20cm deepand 3m wide... So if we lay to sleep within, we will not be seen by scouts from far away (we will be effectively just under ground level). Skeeve may cast his force wall around the sleeping level.
And I'll take the first night guardian shift.
Sep 26, 2024 12:23 pm
Racalling what you know of the are from earlier visits you make you way to the east side of the library where some woods make finding a shelteres campsite easier to find and crated. Digging a smaller proves all that is neede to hide th fire and you eat a warm meal and settle down for the night. As the hours pass everyone on watch gets the feeling of being observed and several movments or whispers are heard from nearby shadows behing ot to the sides. Every time the noise is investigated noting is found and you assume this to be a mixture of animals and fey. Grateful that the fey left you alone this time you break camp at sunrise.
[ +- ] Area Map
Sep 26, 2024 3:08 pm
Rising up at dawn, Arc stretches his arms and wings and, using some of the trees' cover does a quick hover over the area to ensure nobody is around.
Then back to camp for some breakfast...


Quick scouting - (3d6h1)

(415) = 5

Sep 26, 2024 5:36 pm
After breaking our fast, we head back over to the gate and, assuming it is open, head on in.
Sep 27, 2024 2:46 am
The gates are open at the first light of dawn and you easily enter the Library.
Sep 27, 2024 2:57 am
Sweet. So, while we're here, is there a node here and one near New Paphos? Can the Librarian control the nodes? Just trying to figure out our best path back.
Sep 27, 2024 7:46 am
Finally we can get some rest...
Arc asks the librarian if they know about any recent activities in the neighborhood, and hears with attention Skeeve's question about a possible local node.

Librarian Macreadus


Sep 27, 2024 12:21 pm
Librarian Macreadus
The library does have a node but the librarian does not control it. However you ask and learn that the expedition has finally been able to restore the port node, inside New Paphos, so you can use the library node to teleport once your gain access to it. The librarian informs you the library has grown increasingly busy and you detect a mixture of satisfaction and annoyance as the ghost looks over your disheveled state before warning you to not dirty the place. The ghostly librarian wanders off and you are glad to be clear of his presence. Choosing to wait you move to the garden to relax on the benches there where you muddy and blood stained clothes will not gather the ire of the librarian for standing on the clean floors or resting on the nice chair. A couple hours later you hear people within the library and learn how to use the Node to return to New Paphos.
Sep 27, 2024 2:46 pm
Arc, while waiting around the gardens, goes for a moment to a bathroom to clean up as possible.
When they meet the people, he asks for news around the base.
Sep 27, 2024 3:30 pm
Can't Skeeve just clean everyone up magically. In D&D terms, he would just use Prestidigitation (a cantrip) to magically clean everyone up. Doing it in the garden makes sense, though, in case the detritus is simply removed rather than disappeared. I had been assuming that he could do that and have stated I used it at times.

I did state that he did it when we got out of the sewer at the hobgoblins so we wouldn't smell so bad that it would prevent sneaking around. I grant that I didn't think of mentioning it when we got out at the goblin's ambush, so we'd still be dirty when we got here, but at the Librarian's disapproval, he would then have cleaned us all up.
The Librarian's disapproving look reminds Skeeve he forgot to clean everyone up! No wonder they had such trouble avoiding those patrols at first: the patrols didn't hear us, they smelled us! Skeeve magically knocks the dirt and grime off everyone, one at a time until they are again presentable.
Sep 27, 2024 8:02 pm
Story continues HERE
Oct 7, 2024 1:47 pm
Story Continues fom HERE

Do you want to go early to the "event" in the goblin controlled plaza or wait till the day of the event? Remember to state if you try and disguise yourselves
Date&Time(Alpha): 35@9:00

Woosaa (Scout Commander)

Making your way through the swamp and to the residential Remnant you follow the directions given to you and meet up with Woosa who is currently setting up the recovery of the Remnant. She shows you the civic node and Skeeve and Kaarik both attune to it
Oct 7, 2024 2:41 pm
I wanna be early by a day.

I don't think we should be in disguise, but we also won't be conspicuous. Skeeve wants us to look as innocuous as possible. Well, as innocuous as is possible for a human, elf, avian, and badger-kin.
Oct 7, 2024 3:44 pm
Arc also want to get there early, a day should suffice.

"Greetings Woosaa,
It's an honour to meet you. As an apprentice Scout, I look forward to learn from you. Hopefully, we will be able to continue working together in the future.
How can we help today? And, what intel can you share with us before using tomorrow's invitation?
Oct 8, 2024 10:35 am
Kaarik will put all his gear in his bag, trying to make himself like an average looking traveler. He will try to have his hood up, but if he receives too many weird glances because of that, he will quickly remove it.
Oct 8, 2024 12:52 pm
The brief tour of the remnant revealed that most of those staying in it are all staying together in a larger mannor along the southern wall. The civic node is in the NW corner of the remnant and is actually accessed via a concealed door inside one of the buildings. It seems obvious that this was not publicly used and likely tied to either the city guard or adminitration but without more information it is impossible to tell. The well has been repaired and the researchers come in daily, via the node for safety, to scour the homes for additioinal information while the porters work to clean up section that have been already gone over by the archelogists

Woosaa (Scout Commander)
Shaking her head the tiefling replies All I known is that traffic in th area has increased. However most groupd have gotten bigger and there have been fewer clashed out in the open but there are signs of smaller scouting teams being captured or slain so watch yourselves out there.

Woosa goes over additional details about the groups she and the other scouts are watching . The orcs still tend to stay to the NW near the castle and the hobgoblins to the north and NE across the river and the south is claimed by the lizardmen and kobolds. The merchant district is still contested but apparently the hobgoblin hold on the merchant compound cllapsed without its leaders.
Oct 8, 2024 3:21 pm
Skeeve smirks and says, "Hmm. I wonder what happened to the hobgoblin's leaders?"

After a few chuckles all around, he continues, "Be careful with the orcs. Something is going on in the NW remnant, which is why we're going. We need to figure out what it is.
Oct 8, 2024 3:24 pm
You are in the residential remnant (A) and it is only mid morning at this point of the day. The main event is set to happen tomorrow at noon at the plaza remnant (C).
[ +- ] Area Map
Oct 8, 2024 3:47 pm
Hmm. On second thought, I am not 100% on whether going a day early is best or not. It will be good so that we can get in way ahead of time and not risk any incidents by trying to get in on the same day as the Big Boss. But, if we go early, will we be able to find anywhere to sleep for the night? Any thoughts for the rest of the group?
Oct 8, 2024 6:49 pm
Let's take some rest now and get to the plaza in the late afternoon, we will not need to sleep during night then and will not take the risk to be blocked in the morning.
Oct 9, 2024 12:25 am
You do recall the plaza was like a market with many coming and going. Though you are uncertain if they have any hours of closed gates this should be easy enough to determin quickly and then you can always leave th plaza and return to the residential district before retunin on the morrow.
Oct 9, 2024 3:50 am
Quick question we might not know: is the invitation single use or something we hold on to and can be reused? Any hints on the invitation itself?

But, yeah, let's head over in the afternoon after resting some, then see what we find out. We can always come back very early in the morning.
Oct 9, 2024 8:22 am
We might also need to think about us looking out place?
If I recall we didn't exactly fit in well last time we were there? So us loitering around for a prolonged time might draw unnecessary attention?
Oct 9, 2024 12:14 pm
Arc listens carefully to his friends, ready to leave whenever needed, but with no clear preference.
While his friends decide when to travel, he approaches Woosaa... "About this residencial district. Do many people are currently living here?"

It's clear that, since they share being scouts, Arc is hoping to become friends.
Last edited October 9, 2024 12:41 pm
Oct 9, 2024 7:09 pm
The invitation is an all access pass until the night after the event, which will be at noon tomorrow.

Woosaa (Scout Commander)
We have about 20 regulars. That includes 2 scouting squads of 6 and a mix of freelancers, alchemists, and others. We also house about 10 guards but they rotate every half week. An occasional researcher stays the night but most return to the base where it is a bit safer. We have the gates closed at night with 2 guards atop each but don't expect a quick entry once the sun is down as they guard will need to call me or a sergeant of the guard to unlock the doors.
Oct 9, 2024 7:14 pm
After finishing asking questions and finalizing plans and preparations you set out from the WN gate and head towards the Plaza. The 1 1/2 mile hike to the Plaza is none too eventful. The dinosaur herds have learned to be skittish of people and tend to stay closer to the river to the north. Reaching the same vantage you used last time you step off the path and into the trees to finalize your preparations.

Let me know of anything you do before entering. If there is nothing special you can just enter the Remnant and let me know where you go or want to do as the goblins at the gate will not stop you if you present the invitation.
Oct 9, 2024 8:59 pm
Before heading out of the gate, Skeeve takes a good look around the inside of the gate we exit. Might as well have a good idea of where I'm going if I have to teleport inside. Probably won't though.

On the way into the plaza district, Skeeve will see if he recognizes any of the goblins at the gate as ones that harassed them before. Also, he will listen to any guard conversation to see if there is anything they should know. He will take advantage of his new ability to understand the goblin language. He will not speak it at all, however. He wants to keep that stealth advantage.
Oct 10, 2024 1:40 pm
The borders around each Remnant will prevent teleporting in or out except by way of the civic nodes. Both Seeve and Kaarik have added the residential node to their memories and will be able to access it via another node.

Date&Time(Alpha): 35@9:30

Walking up to the guarded gates you are looked over by the guards, who do not look familiar and do not react to the pary other than to relax more after verifying your invitation.

Stepping inside the remnant you look around and see it is a bit more crouded than before.
end of the commute line so out of time but more details coming, any spcific direction on where you go what you do or look for inside for me to build on?
Oct 15, 2024 2:36 am
Story moved to HERE

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