Reclaiming Paphos

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Aug 30, 2024 9:30 pm
Skeeve has another idea. Are there any hobgoblin cloaks or such for the guards? It might be just enough of a cover to get back to the well.

We gotta find the chest first, however. Arc and Kaarik on one side of the illusion, and Skeeve and Aizashi on the other. In the search, there was a ruined area. Can we look through it well enough, or is it effectively on the outside?

Are we technically out of combat now, or are we still effectively in combat due to the time crunch. Skeeve wants to start healing everyone. Skeeve also grabs the key, pendant, vials, and gold. He'll have the team grab more if we have time and find the chest quickly enough.

Also, Skeeve will loot the mage if he gets the chance. If not, he's taking the cloak and staff at a minimum.

And where is our undead friend? We need him to get looking, too, and he should be able to check areas we can't.
Aug 31, 2024 3:50 pm
The collapsed section is not accessible but Geis does indicate there is a hidden door that likely was ruined during the collapse that would have led to that room. The hidden door is well concealed and very durable so now is just another wall.
Geis helps with the searching, starting with the two slain leaders. The outer room has a variety of miscellaneous items but only the two slain hobgoblins have anything of real use for Skeeves plan a bit of light spell work can clean and patch the cloaks
[ +- ] Inner Room Contents
[ +- ] Outer Room Content
After digging through the other room you do find the sealed chest shoved under a pile of rags and miscellaneous junk next to the mages bed.
Items easily identified as magical by touch are now in underlined
Other that that there are other miscellaneous items but nothing stands out as of value or use
Aug 31, 2024 8:17 pm
If no one else detects them, Skeeve identifies the magical items for everyone. He takes the items already identified, plus the silver, amethyst, playing cards, and the mage's dagger, gloves, and staff. He wants us to take as much of the magic items as we can efficiently carry, plus the silver and gold. The only non-magical things Skeeve takes is the deck of playing cards, amethysts, and money. He skips the copper (too much weight for no return). He is just making sure as much as possible is taken, not that he is claiming anything right now. He does recommend that Kaarik use the leather armor as it is magic and likely usable. There is a risk, of course, but I doubt we can just pack it away if we want to leave with it, and Skeeve isn't giving up his armor for it.

And, again, Skeeve quickly heals everyone.
So, we can't get through the hidden door? And I assume we're pretty sure the chest isn't in here? And to get to the ruined section, we have to go back outside?

Also, if Aizashi and Kaarik used the guards' tunics and cloaks and Skeeve uses the mage's robes, will they have a good enough outline in the dark for camouflage purposes?
Aug 31, 2024 8:54 pm
Identifying the items will require time and/or rolls. Do you wish to do that all now?
The hidden door lead the to vault. The vault is now collapsed and its ruble had broken the doors mechanisms. You can likely force it open but it would doubtless make noise. You found the check, see last paragraph above.
Ask Skeeve heals everyone you quickly sort through things and grab what you want. The biggest issue will be how to carry the chest as none of you are large or brawny.
Aug 31, 2024 10:45 pm
Oops! Missed that!
How big and heavy is the chest? I thought it would have been like 1x1x2 feet or so, not a full 2x3x4 chest (or whatever). I assume it will take two of us, one at either end, for us to carry it? If so, that is very conspicuous, unfortunately.

Also, how sturdy is it? Is it magically protected? If our only way out is the well, we're gonna have to drop it, and we need to make sure it will survive the fall. The hut with the teleporter isn't nearby, correct?

Also, if the chest is that big, I can't teleport with it, correct? It's just too big to pull with me?
Aug 31, 2024 10:49 pm
Everyone needs to list what they are going to take. I think we should take as many magic items as we can carry, even if we can't use them, as we can sell them to the Expedition for money.

I do think that Aizashi and Kaarik should put on the guards' tunic and cloaks for an attempt at disguise. Won't work up close, but might be enough to give us a few rounds at a distance. Skeeve takes the mage's robes for that. Any suggestions on how to get back out is gladly accepted!
Sep 1, 2024 2:28 pm
Arc thinks that we should take everything we can, starting with most valuable and useful... We can decide afterwards how to divide it all. Also, Arc has his magic bag that can carry a lot without it weighting much.

Also, just for now, carry it all efficiently, Arc suggest dividing all according to weight. Also magic things should also be divided equally.
As for clothing/disguise, I agree that Aizashi and Kaarik should put on the guards' tunic and cloaks, also Sleeve should put the Mage's tunic and robes.

Arc will try to come up with a weight-efficient division soon.
Sep 1, 2024 7:27 pm
Uh, how much can that magic bag hold ... ?
Sep 1, 2024 7:32 pm

[quote="daryen"]Uh, how much can that magic bag hold ... ?[quote]

Equivalent of 2 feet cube.
Sep 1, 2024 7:40 pm
Kaarik bag's is currently working as a baby carrier so he unfortunately cannot take anything.
Kaarik changes quickly into the guard tunic.



Sep 2, 2024 3:09 am
With it being night I can after hidden and safe if you need the room
Sep 3, 2024 6:09 am
In this case, Kaarik will just take the leather armor. He will wait to be back in the manor to try it though.
Sep 3, 2024 8:12 am
sorry been kinda out the last few days. Gonna catch up now
Sep 3, 2024 5:14 pm
Skeeve says, "Let's not worry about divvying up the loot now. Let's just take the magic and money and chest and get out of here as quickly as possible."

He puts on the mage's robe over his outfit and takes the staff. Can Kaarik and Aizashi carry the chest to the well? That leaves Skeeve's hands empty for magic and keeps Arc free so he can fly if he needs to.

But Skeeve is ready to go now with their loot and the chest. Unless anyone has a better path, we're going back through the well.
Sep 3, 2024 9:31 pm
"I agree we should leave soon, and the well is our best shot. Just for you to know, if we find any danger in our way out, I'll fly up high to distract them so you can run to the well. Just run silently.."

With that, Arc takes what he thinks fits into his magic bag without it's weight compromising his flight:
Large egg x3, short sword, bugbear's a scrap of vellum, Belt and Bracers... hobgoblin's Chainmail (1), longbow, longsword, boots, and cloaks... If those fit the magic bag of course. Except for the longbow which he can carry on one shoulder.

Then he readies to get out with the rest, and walking by the walls' shadows, hopefully get to the well unnoticed.
Sep 3, 2024 9:49 pm
Each player should explain how they will reach and enter the well.

Test for stealth / subterfuge / performance on declared method of teaching the well to see if you are spotted and identified as invaders. I am treating it as focused to account for your preparations
Sep 4, 2024 8:32 am
After donning the hobgoblins coat and tunic he pockets the darts and pull the coats hood over his head. After checking to make sure his fur is covered he grabs one end of the chest ready to go.
we could try to see if they would fall for us pretending to be the mages minions carrying his stuff around. So Skeeve would then just pretend to be a hobgoblin mage I suppose.
So stealth and performance since we are trying to not be seen in the first place, performance in case we are seen, to see if people notice anything off about us?.


Stealth, performance - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (63) = 9

2d6 : (34) = 7

Sep 4, 2024 2:42 pm
Sounds good ...

Also, we will have Geis scout around so we can better time our efforts on the way out. Also, how sturdy is the chest? Will it survive a drop down the well? Also, will we survive a drop down the well? How much damage will one of us take if we just jump down instead of climb down?

And Skeeve will have his talismans ready to hand again.


Stealth Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Performance Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Sep 4, 2024 5:29 pm
The chest is of heavy timber and metals with magical runes. You doubt dripping out of a cliff would damage it
Sep 4, 2024 5:39 pm
Ok, let's try that. About performance, Arc can't really dress up because of the big wings so he would pretend to be a prisoner or something similar.


Stealth - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Performance - (2d6)

(65) = 11

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