ok, let's give this a shot!
The sound of crushing vegetation is common in the wild, there are many possible causes for that so...
Arc leaves the chest in the ground, then jumps up high in a ver noisy way... considering his similarities with crows, especially in his neck, when he is about 6 meters high he starts 'cawing' as crows do when injured... still flying as high as he can.
Considering it's night, and the torches light distance is very limited, Arc is able to pass as any other crow that could live around. High enough, out of bow reach, he will continue to fly for a while, in a direction opposite of our party. Thus gving the enemies a plausible reason for the vegetation sounds for them not to search around... And giving both groups of enemies a common direction to meet (and probably fight each other).
Ok Daryen, I'm not sure if you were expecting something like that, but there you go!
Now you can resolve the two enemy groups meeting, whether they fight or join, and Arc can catch up with the party after the enemies are gone. :)