Reclaiming Paphos

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Sep 9, 2024 8:44 pm
Let me know if the above stands, as I have a plan for Skeeve's actions. If not, I will wait for the reworking of the description. Either way works for me.

Also, where is the hut with the teleporter pad in it, in relation to our position?

Oh, and don't forget that Skeeve healed everyone back in the officers' room.
Sep 9, 2024 11:54 pm
You stand in a street surrounded by goblins, though you are confident you can easily fight your way free. Goblins are known to be adept at survival, favoring flight over bravery, but there are other threats in the area
[ +- ] Maps
Sep 10, 2024 1:30 am
Before they fight, Skeeve will whisper to the others, "If we must fight, kill the leader first. Put every arrow you have into him until he falls. The others should melt away after that." He thinks to Arc, Feel free to gain altitude if it will help with your attacks.

Skeeve then steps forward toward the goblin leader, but makes sure he is not blocking any potential arrow fire. He says, "I am very glad to see you. With the results of our raid, I can now pay you for that invitation I was asking about. If you are still interested in such a deal."
BTW, how much are the individual amethyst gems worth? I would rather use them to pay, than to reach into a bag of gold to get coins.

Goblin Rogue


Sep 10, 2024 3:22 am
amethysts are about 25 - 50 gp each (25,25,30,40,40,50,75)
First goblin encounter
Goblin Rogue

Oh, sure that offer is still valid. We couldn't help but notice you 'picked up' and accessory and thought to offer our services. hauling the chest must be a pain. How about we open it for you? 25 gold for a basic check, 50 for complex, and 100 gold for enchanted ones. Payable upon success. Or we do it for free and get 10% of whatever is inside and he looks at you while waggling his ears and eyebrows in a both amussing and unsetling manner.


Goblin Eavesdropping - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (35) = 8

2d6 : (55) = 10

Sep 10, 2024 5:00 am
"We're not opening the chest and even we don't know what is inside. But we don't want to spend the time fighting either. How about 25 gp to leave us alone and another 25 gp to deny you just saw us. But the chest isn't for you or even for us."

I'm saving the magic items for the next step of the negotiations.
Just to be clear, are you saying that even when we get past the goblins, we're gonna have to deal with roving bands of hobgoblin hunting parties?

Goblin Rogue


Sep 10, 2024 12:32 pm
Goblin Rogue

The goblin exchanges a look with his men and all grin Deal!

The goblin motions to on of his men who pulls a small wooden case from his pack and hands a card, it looks much like the invitations you saw at the plaza, and the 2nd goblin aproatches for the exchange, handing it over only when he sees the 100GP.

We keep our word, an invitation, and we never saw you after our first little chat.
Sep 10, 2024 2:44 pm
Kaarik had his hands on the chest during all the exchange. And as soon as Skeeve gets the invitation, he gives a small to Aizashi to make sure that they are ready to move as fast as possible.
Sep 10, 2024 2:46 pm
"Quick question: How likely is it that they will start searching outside the remnant?"

Skeeve reaches into his pocket and takes out the two largest amethysts and the smallest. That should match the 150 gp he bargained with.
Sep 10, 2024 5:34 pm
Arc follows swiftly Kaarik and Aizashi when they move away from the goblins, in a protective way.
Sep 11, 2024 8:50 am
Aizashi follows along. He is ready to drop the chest and fight of the goblins if the need should arise.
Sep 12, 2024 1:50 am
The goblins explain that the surrounding area is contested so there are often patrols but they are not hard to avoid if you are careful and quiet...
Are you guys up for a bit of interactive navigation and story between the two of you as I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment?

Each of you crate a scenario with challenged for the group to overcome but try to keep it focused on the other players character (PC)
Try to keep it in line with the setting as explained so far. Once the other player creates a scenario you try to resolve it in a narrative form. You can direct the entire party during your turn with a solution but focus on your own character and how they overcome the challenge. No dice need to be rolled but you can add some for flair and to indicate how much the party has to struggle to win out.

These challenges do not need to be anything massive Think of it as a way to add your own view of the region and time traveling to the story
Sep 12, 2024 5:09 am
After paying and taking the invitation, and getting the answer to his question, he says with a smile, "Thank you! I am sure we can do business again in the future."

To the rest of the group, he says, "You heard the man, let's get moving quickly, quietly, and carefully!" Immediately after leaving the goblins behind, he recommends that they ditch the hobgoblin cloaks and robes and go back to the other kobold/goblin ones they were using beforehand. (They only ditch the non-magical stuff we had used for camouflage. The other stuff like the staff is kept.) Then they set out to get back to New Paphos while avoiding the patrols.
When you said "between the two of you" were you referring to Cathamber and ChrSch? Or were you meaning any two of us? Or did you want us to pair off with one making the challenge and the other addressing it? I'm up for whichever!
Sep 12, 2024 5:05 pm
OK, let me give this a try on the setup. Anyone can describe their solution to it.
The group quickly exits the Remnant and starts heading back to New Paphos. You hug the side of the path to get the benefit of the path for quick travel, but are able to quickly retreat into the tall grass along the path if needed. It is still night and you travel without lights. This (and the heavy chest) causes you to travel more slowly, but you do the best you can. Currently Arc and Skeeve are the ones carrying the chest to give Kaarik and Aizashi a break. You make good progress for several minutes, but then your luck runs out!

Behind you, you hear a small band of what you assume are hobgoblins (because of their voices). You can see their torchlight approaching, but you can't see them yet. However, ahead of the group they also hear other voices coming toward them, too. They do not have torches going and you aren't sure what they are. You scamper off the path into the tall grass to try and hide. Unfortunately, as you are trying to get to a better spot to hide, Skeeve trips and the chest crushes some dried vegetation making a noise that you have to assume both groups heard.
Now someone can go to town to describe what happens and what we do in response. No rolls are needed. I will assume that probability isn't needed, but plausibility is. Who's up to the challenge!?
Sep 12, 2024 6:17 pm
ok, let's give this a shot!
The sound of crushing vegetation is common in the wild, there are many possible causes for that so...
Arc leaves the chest in the ground, then jumps up high in a ver noisy way... considering his similarities with crows, especially in his neck, when he is about 6 meters high he starts 'cawing' as crows do when injured... still flying as high as he can.
Considering it's night, and the torches light distance is very limited, Arc is able to pass as any other crow that could live around. High enough, out of bow reach, he will continue to fly for a while, in a direction opposite of our party. Thus gving the enemies a plausible reason for the vegetation sounds for them not to search around... And giving both groups of enemies a common direction to meet (and probably fight each other).
Ok Daryen, I'm not sure if you were expecting something like that, but there you go!
Now you can resolve the two enemy groups meeting, whether they fight or join, and Arc can catch up with the party after the enemies are gone. :)
Sep 12, 2024 10:19 pm
OK, let's go ahead and make this a multi-step process. :-)
You are able to see that the group with torches raises their light to try and get a better look at the "crow". Not able to see far enough, they start to resume their progress when the other group comes into range. Arc is able to see (and tell the others through Skeeve) that the other group are lizardmen! (Lizardmen were part of one of the groups trying to seize control of the Remnant from the hobgoblins.) Once in range, they proceed to forget about the crow and start to face off against each other. There appear to be six lizardmen and five hobgoblins.

The leader of the lizardmen steps forward and says, "What are you doing out here making all of that noise?"

A hobgoblin retorts, "We're looking for someone and it's none of your business!"

"You're looking for someone? What did they do to get you that riled up? Did they steal something? Did they kill someone ... ?" His trails off and his eyes open wider with realization. "How many of you are out here looking?" He quietly waves at one of his soldiers, who turns to run. However, the hobgoblins figure it out, and kill him with a volley of arrows. With a roar the remaining lizardmen charge the hobgoblins ...
The one lizardman was going to run back to say the hobgoblins were vulnerable. The leader then decides to just attack and report after they win this fight. Of course he assumes they will win the fight.
Sep 13, 2024 5:40 am
When Arc notices the fight he doesn't fly farther away, but circles back and flies silently an 8-pattern above the battle.
Who should 'solve' this situation?
Sep 13, 2024 1:30 pm
I think it would be great if @ChrSch or @MoyenBateau would give it a shot. Again, the point is to make a cool story and not to worry about roles or such. And don't forget you can have the whole group act, not just your character.
Sep 13, 2024 6:48 pm
Sorry, I have been taken with life lately and it both ate my free time and my brain :D

I will try something but I really lack creativity for some time.
Arc saw that the Lizardmen were able to swiftly overcome a group of tired, shocked and disorganized hobgoblin, ultimately losing only one lizardman in addition to the one they sent to report.

The group, reasured by the report that the hobgoblins should now not be a threat anymore, decides to continue their route. However, after only a few minutes, they realize that they can hear some noise on their right. They think it is probably the group of lizardmen returning to their base.

The same noise and feeling of being followed appear quickly on their right and on their back. The group realizes then that there isn't only one big group of lizardmen, but 3 smaller groups who probably divided in order to catch with them more efficiently.

It seems that what the hobgoblins said to them intrigued the lizardmen, and our group could end up being surrounded.
Sep 13, 2024 9:25 pm
Does @ChrSch have an idea of how to get us out of our predicament? :-)
Sep 16, 2024 8:13 am
I think I missed some posts. I'll need a moment 😀

How are our relations with the lizard men?
Last edited September 16, 2024 8:21 am
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