Any hint from the contents as to who the occupants were?
Reclaiming Paphos
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Jun 20, 2024 2:52 pm
Sure, let me know when you plan to exit.
Arc stays on the rooftop, just as he was: laying down on the roof tiles and covered (as best as he can) with his cloak... Specially trying to cover his wings, kept as close as possible to his body. From there he will keep guard of the building his friends entered, on the first sign of problems he will let them know. And keep a look on other factions moves
Arc stays on the rooftop, just as he was: laying down on the roof tiles and covered (as best as he can) with his cloak... Specially trying to cover his wings, kept as close as possible to his body. From there he will keep guard of the building his friends entered, on the first sign of problems he will let them know. And keep a look on other factions moves
Goblin Rogue
Jun 21, 2024 3:35 am
Skeeve and Arc chat while Aizashi sniffs the air and detects a trace of goblin scent in the room to the west. As you stand there a voice pipes up.
So. . . . What are we looking at? Turning around you see a small goblin has somehow joined your group and stands looking into the next room and glancing at you questioningly.

Goblin Rogue
Chance and Luck vs Fate & Destiny - (2d6)
(25) = 7
Jun 21, 2024 1:34 pm
Skeeve is completely taken off-guard by the goblin. However, since he isn't attacking, Skeeve decides to take advantage of the opportunity to say, "We were just looking to see what was in here. Are we trespassing on your camp?"
He pauses for a moment, then says, "Where did you come from?"
Skeeve is not making any threatening moves and hopes the party is taking that lead to also be not threatening, too. If Fate has given us the chance for an ally, Skeeve is going to try and take the gift.
He pauses for a moment, then says, "Where did you come from?"
Skeeve is not making any threatening moves and hopes the party is taking that lead to also be not threatening, too. If Fate has given us the chance for an ally, Skeeve is going to try and take the gift.
Jun 21, 2024 2:09 pm
As Aizashi realized he didn't react in time he keeps a close eye on the goblin and is glad that so far everything seems to be peaceful.
Last edited June 21, 2024 2:11 pm
Jun 21, 2024 2:15 pm
Kaarik is surprised by the goblin as well. He makes sure that the helmet is properly hiding his ears and using his best human accent he says with a smile.
"Hello friend! It is really nice to meet you."
"Hello friend! It is really nice to meet you."
Goblin Rogue
Jun 21, 2024 3:44 pm

Goblin Rogue
Well, first of all you would need to go in to trespass. Add for where I came from that's an interesting philosophical question. Some say the gods, others say we are just the flesh and have no origin beyond our mother's. I didn't stand next to those guys when they say that stuff. . And he grins widely, obviously avoiding Skeeve's question
Turning to Kaarik he gives a quarter bow Well met master elf. We haven't seen much of you kind in a while. But come, let's sit and talk.
Totally unconcernedly he walks though you group and heads into the room to the east. Add you follow several more goblin slip out of shadows, rise from rubble, it drop from windows. Quickly a few blankets are arranged in a corner of the room and the goblin gestures for you to sit.
Now what brings a bunch of fellows such as yourselves to this rough place?
We've seen you looking around. That bird of yours sure draws attention.
Jun 21, 2024 4:32 pm
Arc hearing all that happened through the crystal hoped they hadn't noticed, so remained silent.
But at the mention of 'That bird', he obviously had been noticed before, so he just flew down and moving normally, as if among friends, he waved hello and joined the group.
But at the mention of 'That bird', he obviously had been noticed before, so he just flew down and moving normally, as if among friends, he waved hello and joined the group.
Jun 21, 2024 5:32 pm
Skeeve smiles at the evasion, letting it go. He answers, "We passed by this ruined area before and saw fighting going on. Not wanting to be by-standing casualties, we just moved on. But, we were curious as to what is going on here, so we thought we'd come back and take a look to see if things were resolved or calmer at this time." He isn't willing to mention the "fetch quest", at least not yet. But what he's stated is still completely true. "What are those figures in armor?"
Obviously, the big initial question is what do the goblins want from the remnant (and potentially us). But no reason to be too direct. Might as well be conversational. I don't think we have a time limit, at least not yet.Jun 21, 2024 6:52 pm
Arc hearing all that happened through the crystal hoped they hadn't noticed, so remained silent.
But at the mention of 'That bird', he obviously had been noticed before, so he just flew down and moving normally, as if among friends, he waved hello and joined the group.
But at the mention of 'That bird', he obviously had been noticed before, so he just flew down and moving normally, as if among friends, he waved hello and joined the group.
Insightful check - reading the goblins - (2d6)
(56) = 11
Goblin Rogue
Jun 22, 2024 8:21 pm

Goblin Rogue
What armored .. .. oh, you mean the hobgoblins? Yeah, they're what started this mess. They have mostly been staying north of the river but when several squads of theirs converged independently onto this place and took over that compound to the south it got the others all agitated. The orcs and lizardmen were fighting over this place before but now its a total mess.
As Arc joins the group he scans the goblins, who other than the leader are occasionally entering and leaving the room. The fact that you had not seen them previously meant that they likely were adept at stealth. The other goblins are keeping a wary eye on your group and weapons close to hand but the leader is relaxed and confident.
Secret Roll
Jun 22, 2024 9:25 pm
OK, one mystery solved. Good to know.OOC:
I think the goblin-controlled Remnant is north of here. Please feel free to fix the direction is I got it wrong.Jun 23, 2024 9:17 am
Arc listens carefully, also paying attention to the other goblins movements. He lets Skeeve do the talking since he doesn't have much to add now.
Goblin Rogue
Jun 24, 2024 12:08 am

Goblin Rogue
I wonder why they aren't trying to expand their holding. If they have managed to gain that good of a foothold, I wonder what's stopping them from just taking over the whole Remnant.Quote:
What's your angle on this? Quote:
The Remnant north* of here is controlled by several groups of goblins. Are you affiliated with them?Jun 24, 2024 5:42 am
Aizashi raises an eyebrow in surprise looking at the goblin "You are mercenaries?"
Goblin Rogue
Jun 24, 2024 12:51 pm

Goblin Rogue
You mean, do we work for coin or other items of value? Absolutely. Doesn't everyone? Some just seem to think their way of doing things is more 'Honorable' and he and several other goblins chuckle at this.
Jun 24, 2024 1:49 pm
And to have a better idea of the cost of your services. How much would someone pay you for a small service? Nothing dangerous, just a little bit of noise.
Jun 24, 2024 4:48 pm
Skeeve nods at Kaarik's suggestion and expands, "Since you aren't working for the hobgoblins, that we can see, would you be willing to serve as a distraction for us? No fighting on your part, but probably a bit of running. We have some gold we can offer, though we are far from rich.
"Also, with the tribes up north*, a couple of follow-up questions. First, while you are not working with them, do you talk with them? Can you get us an 'invitation' to get into that Remnant? (Obviously, we would pay for such.) Second, do those two tribes directly control the Remnant, or are they working for someone? If the last case, who are they working for?"
Skeeve also offers, "As you can probably tell, we work out of the camp in the former Docks. We can help make introductions there and I am sure you can find more work or assignments through them, too."
"Also, with the tribes up north*, a couple of follow-up questions. First, while you are not working with them, do you talk with them? Can you get us an 'invitation' to get into that Remnant? (Obviously, we would pay for such.) Second, do those two tribes directly control the Remnant, or are they working for someone? If the last case, who are they working for?"
Skeeve also offers, "As you can probably tell, we work out of the camp in the former Docks. We can help make introductions there and I am sure you can find more work or assignments through them, too."
Goblin Rogue
Jun 25, 2024 12:28 am

Goblin Rogue
Well that's easy in idea but difficult in practice. See if you are planning on using us as decoys then we might get blamed for anything you are attempting to do . We can't have you ruin our reputation around here. But if all you need is a diversion, then it can be arranged.
5 gold for a small diversion, 25 for a large diversion, 125 for a massive diversion. Payable in advance.
Now if you are looking to pull one over on the Hobgoblins then we might have some information to sell you that would be worth more than any diversion. 50 gold and we spill all we know on them and their base.
while you are not working with them, do you talk with them? Can you get us an 'invitation' to get into that Remnant?
Second, do those two tribes directly control the Remnant, or are they working for someone?
If the last case, who are they working for?"
An invitation, sure we can get you one, 50 gold!
It's more than 2 tribes and not they are not controlling it. They are working for the big Boss. He is setting up the auction.
"As you can probably tell, we work out of the camp in the former Docks. We can help make introductions there and I am sure you can find more work or assignments through them, too."Jun 26, 2024 1:01 am
But if all you need is a diversion, then it can be arranged.Quote:
50 gold and we spill all we know on them and their base.Quote:
An invitation, sure we can get you one, 50 gold!Quote:
No thanks, that place is too regulated, and, um, well, some of our company might be known malfeasant.At the least, Skeeve will pay for a 25gp diversion. However, if the information he can get from the info dump is worthwhile, he'll take that. If he can get a two-fer, he'll definitely do that. And he is completely serious about coming back for that goblin invitation. This "Big Boss" seems to be enough foreshadowing that we're gonna have to deal with them sooner or later ...
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