Reclaiming Paphos

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Jun 14, 2024 12:54 pm
The north half is where most other factions enter and leave, and how you entered last time. The south is where the armored figures are holed up. Deciding to enter by way of the same gate you move to the Remnant and watch the gate for a bit then move quickly to enter the Remnant. Getting used to the disorientation of the Border crossing you only slow a moment before moving in deeper to an intersection. According to your map the Matrix Node is a block or so to the SW.
[ +- ] map
As you scan the area a small corpse of undead shambles from one street and behind another building to the south. hearing a noise from a building to the east you look that way and see something move out of sight on its roof/collapsed 2nd floor

Are you trying to stay hidden, searching the area, avoiding others,
Jun 14, 2024 2:51 pm
The longer we stay out of sight and undetected, the better. Since everyone is hostile to us, I assume once we're found the fighting starts. So ... we wanna stay hidden and undetected as long as we can. Now that we can see where the Matrix Node is, do we have a sense for where the artifact should be?
We should be taking this slow. We likely should wait to watch where the patrols are and then try to time things to avoid them. On the other hand, that could just open us to be found if we are accidentally on a patrol route. The only other thing we could try is to have Arc go aloft to get a survey and report back on the crystal communicator. But I don't want him to get completely separated from us, either. Or get shot again.
Jun 14, 2024 3:54 pm
Aizashi will defer to the others experience:)
Jun 14, 2024 4:19 pm
The Alagondar familie's property is located in the southern half of this Remnant. It like you will need to get into the area the armor figures guard. The vault is located 13x,14y on the map. This is also the only place regularly patrolled.

Arc can easily fly to the building roof which will still give him cover as sections of the roof or previous 2nd floor are still there. From up there he can scan the surroundings. The entire party could join him up there but that might draw more attention. He was only fired on when he went higher and to the south, closer to the guarded compound.
Jun 14, 2024 8:46 pm
The merchant quarter seems quietr ths time. Though you still get the sence of tension in the area you do not hear any active combat at this time.
Jun 16, 2024 8:25 am
Arc jumps to the roof, flying as close to the walls as possible trying to avoid detection.
Once up there, he looks for patrols and for a clear way to the Lady's place, and reports findings through the crystal
Jun 16, 2024 3:03 pm
[ +- ] Map
Arc hops on a rooftop to the east of the party (yellow eyeball) and spots those armored bowmen on rooftops to the south (red shield/sword tokens) and verifies that the building the Node is to be located in has collapsed into rubble(green diamond on compass point). The guards patrol an area that looks to encompass their objective and focus on watching nearby streets though Arc thinks one of them may have spotted him as he flew to the rooftop. a 15' wingspan is a bit visible at times. The streets are currently clear though you do see occasional movement suggesting things moving in the shadows and trying to stay out of sight. Atop the roof to the SW, the building between you and where the node should be, you see a large form shift in the ruble. Its skin closely matches the dull brown and grey of the stone making getting a clear picture of what it is hard without more altitude or getting closer.
Jun 16, 2024 3:33 pm
So the node is in the intact building on the bottom of the map, in the middle?

Also, I assume that where we need to go is well south of here? Would we be closer to our target if we came through a different gate into the Remnant?
Jun 16, 2024 11:55 pm
Matrix is marked on the map 1 block south of the party. Green diamond on grey circle
Your target is in the area controlled by armored figures. Entering the southern gates would be the closest but those look to enter in the armored figure controlled area. Next would be the southern gate on the west or east sides.
Jun 17, 2024 4:17 am
Ok so the Node in the green diamond, is under rubble. We won't be able to use it without clearing the rubble first and that would make us visible to all enemies.
We should look for a way to get to the Lady's place.
Arc reports back what he sees. If he has been spotted or not, as long as those armoured guys don't do anything, there's not much we can do.
How can we profit from other groups animosity?

Arc tells the team a crazy idea: he may start a fight by shooting arrows to the archers stationed in those roofs. That WILL alert the whole remnant, and maybe (if other groups join against those in armour) start an all out battle.
The rest of or team should be waiting as close as possible to the Lady's place, to try to get there in the confusion... but to close enough to be involved in the battle. Maybe that spot is just outside one of the other entrances. Arc would try to provide some cover, distract the archers of that side... Or we could just position ourself and then wait for other groups to start fighting...

Another option is to go ahead, directly to one of those southern doors, and try to meet peacefully with the guys in armour. We don't know who they are, so they may be willing to negotiate our passing as long as there is no battle to put them on edge.

Or do you have better plan?
Last edited June 17, 2024 4:28 am
Jun 17, 2024 6:26 am
I wouldn't want you to get in any danger without the chance for us to help you Arc.

Your plan is a good idea, but if they spot you shooting, you will quickly become their main target.

I am all for diplomacy, but does anyone had any idea of how to approach them before they attempt to slain us?
Jun 17, 2024 8:22 am
Kaarik is right, one of us alone would make an easy target. We could try to simply approach a small group of them and see what happens?
Jun 17, 2024 4:29 pm
Is Geis still with us?

"I am concerned that the armored figures are undead soldiers, and I am not sure whether they are intelligent undead, like Geis, or if they are unintelligent undead under the complete control of necromancers. Attempting to make contact could just be betraying our position."



Jun 17, 2024 5:22 pm

From within the pack Gets projects his thoughts.
Might be easier, and safer, to try and find and contact one of the other factions in here. Aren't you guys on good terms with the kobolds? And the goblins seen to be playing all sides so may be open to negotiations
Jun 17, 2024 10:18 pm
Is the Base/New Paphos on good terms with the kobold/lizardmen groups? And I didn't think there were any goblins here.
"The problem is that the building we have to get into is controlled by these armored figures. So, even if we can talk the lizards or goblins into helping us, we would be asking them to help us attack. I am not sure what we have to entice them to help us.

"On the other hand, making contact might not be a bad idea. We could pull back and try a different entrance closer to where a specific group we want to talk to is camping out."
Jun 17, 2024 11:27 pm
The expedition has had several encounters with the kobolds and though not allies at least are willing to talk. And the animosity between kobolds and goblins has only been heightened with the local conflict.

You haven't seen any goblins in the remnant.


random roll - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (3) = 3

Jun 18, 2024 6:07 am
"I am all for trying to discuss with the kobolds. At least to get more insights on the armoured faction and on what's going on here"
Jun 18, 2024 2:32 pm
Then let's loop around and see if we can make peaceful contact with the Kobolds. Hopefully they won't think we killed kobolds for our cloaks ...
"Not sure it will do much, but we can always come back and try this approach again if we need to. If nothing else, maybe we can convince them we aren't hurting their cause when we make our move."
Jun 19, 2024 4:16 am
You move to explore the Remnant and search for other forces while avoiding any of the patrols of the armored figures. Moving to the west you look in the doorway to the north and seeing no one move into the room to get out of the street. The room is long and narrow with an open archway on the west wall near the northern corner. Continuing with caution you reach the opening and look in cautiously. The short, long, high, open windows allow enough light for you to see into the dim room and it is readily apparent that this room has been used as a camp recently.
[ +- ] map
Jun 20, 2024 6:06 am
Arc, still in the roof, ask through the crystal...
What's going on down there? The armours haven't done anything strange, but where are you?
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