Reclaiming Paphos
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Sep 4, 2024 7:33 pm
Kaarik carries the chest from the other end, trying to take it as low as possible not to create a suspicious size difference with Aizashi.
stealth check - (2d6)
(44) = 8
performance check - (2d6)
Sep 4, 2024 11:03 pm
the party is of flesh and blood and a fall into the well could be a soft and gentle splash or a watery grave. Especially if you are trying to swim while holding a heavy chest that weighs at least 3 stone.
Sep 5, 2024 12:59 am
I thought the well went to the sewers, not a full water opening. So, while we might splash a bit, it shouldn't be deep or anything. We didn't do any swimming to get here; I didn't think there would be any swimming to get back.
Sep 5, 2024 12:39 pm
A note / questin about Aizashi, Arc, and hobgoblins : I had always pictured the monk as being a bit short with the chosen picture forming them into a size more akin to a dwarf.
As for the archer, though his wings are nearly impossible to hide, at night and under a cloak they would be easily lost in the gloom and I pictured him being taller.
Hobgoblins tend to be leaner and tall when compared to average humans.
None of this changes things, just sharing my view piont and reasoning. Please poit out any incorrect assumptions about how I view your characters vs how you do.
The four of you slip from the officers quarters and make your way as quietly as possible. Geis soudlessly melts into the shadows and is gone from your senses before you even realize it. Unfortunatly as you near the open area around the well Kaarick stumbles slighlty under his burden.
Guard awarebess - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (51)
2d6 : (51)
2d6 : (22)
2d6 : (56)
Sep 5, 2024 12:54 pm
Moving slightly quicker and with more care you see one of the torches held by the rooftop guards move to the inner lip of the building and he raises the torch high in an attempt to shine its light onto your forms but the distance is to great for anything but your general outlines to be revealed. The ther guards seem disintersted and maintain their focus on the outside or their patrols.
With stealth partially failing you all fall into your roles and Skeeve does his best to imitate the hobgoblin voice and snaps at the guard to get back to his patrol This does not concern you he snarls in a passabe imitation of the mage and he stands between the others and the curious guard who pauses but a moment before a cry from a nearby rooftop is heard.
Spy, winged kobold. and additional torches are instantly lit to the north as a smal figure is seen flying into the sky with the twang of release bowstings indicating some parting gifts being sent its way.
Taking advantage Aizashi descends to open the hidden door as Kaarick and arc pass down the chest. Skeeve bringing up the rear the rest of you make your way into the sewers and have almost closed the door when Geis slips thought the slightest of cracks and rejoins the group.
Well that wasn't too bad. the ghostly kobold staes with a grin. But I suggest we get past the intersection, just in case. The question is, do we go back the way we came, where th goblins may be awaiting us or try and find another exit?
With stealth partially failing you all fall into your roles and Skeeve does his best to imitate the hobgoblin voice and snaps at the guard to get back to his patrol This does not concern you he snarls in a passabe imitation of the mage and he stands between the others and the curious guard who pauses but a moment before a cry from a nearby rooftop is heard.

Taking advantage Aizashi descends to open the hidden door as Kaarick and arc pass down the chest. Skeeve bringing up the rear the rest of you make your way into the sewers and have almost closed the door when Geis slips thought the slightest of cracks and rejoins the group.

Sep 5, 2024 2:21 pm
Skeeve says, "The way we came. I want to see the goblins again. If we can make friends with them, they could be useful in the future. And we have stuff to pay them with, too. It is a risk, but probably no more than trying to find a new path down here. Plus the building with the teleporting pad is too close to the hobgoblins."
Here is his idea: he wants to buy that invitation to the other remnant he asked about before. As long as the Lady delivers on her implied promise, the Skeeve can use the Paphos teleport pads. With the invitation, we can enter through the front door, but if things go south, we can leave through the teleport pad and we don't need anyone's help to activate it. This way we can advance the plot more. Sep 5, 2024 8:40 pm
About Arc's height: I also picture Arc as tall as average human, athletic built, and big wings (open they could easily span more than 5m, although folded their width is very close to his own body width albeit higher than his head).I agree with Skeeve, let's take the goblins' path. But let's be careful... they could be waiting for us with a trap to rob us, or to deliver us to another faction.
Just, let's hurry, PLEASE, I hate undergrounds..."
Sep 6, 2024 3:59 pm
you are right in regards to Aizashis size. I always thought of him as halfling sized round about.Sep 6, 2024 6:17 pm
Skeeve thinks for a moment and says, "When we get back, I will head up alone and make sure there is no trap. I can use my crystal to warn Arc if it is a trap."
Sep 6, 2024 9:42 pm
It sounds like a solid plan for the time being and is better than running off blindly.
Sep 6, 2024 11:19 pm
You retrace your steps through the dark and rancid sewers, pausing only to shift the weight of the chest, witch can not be places in the enchanted carry sack. When you get to where you entered the sewers Skeeve heads up, with Geiz slipping into the shadows of the well to listen in as well as he can. Though it is still dark the night is moving on and you expect to see the first signs of day on the horizon before the hour is out.
Climbing carefully Skeeve reaches the top and pauses to listen before climbing out of the well. Hearing noting he flips over the lip of the well and though he sees no one he gets the feeling of it being watches and the area seems too quiet.
Climbing carefully Skeeve reaches the top and pauses to listen before climbing out of the well. Hearing noting he flips over the lip of the well and though he sees no one he gets the feeling of it being watches and the area seems too quiet.
Sep 6, 2024 11:20 pm
I'm assuming we took all of the magic items, even if we don't eventually want them for ourselves.Sep 7, 2024 2:05 pm
In the sewers.Basically, we'll go to where we came in. Skeve'll go up first to make sure it is clear. If it is, then everyone will come up and Skeeve will use his magic to pull the chest up. Then he'll go ahead to where they need to exit to make sure it is all clear and call them forward to the exit. If he meets the goblins along the way, he'll talk to them to make sure they are still "friendly". If we make it all the way to the exit without finding the goblins, Skeeve will reenter the room we found them in to talk with them. He actively wants to talk with them again. He will have two magic items that we are willing to lose, the amethysts, and the bag of gold with him. (The small bag of gold from a hobgoblin, not the main set of gold they found.)
He will make sure he still has the mage's robes on when he goes to meet them. If he runs into the goblins while going to the exit, he will also have the staff. If he has to come back to find the goblins, he will leave the staff with Arc.
Sep 9, 2024 12:28 pm
OK you talk below then go up. I was just asking as Skeeve was already out, see earlier post on your ascent and leaving the well, but then started talking to the team Sep 9, 2024 1:08 pm
nope, I misread. To tired apparently. Changing above to happen as you try to leave Sep 9, 2024 5:46 pm
So... Just to be sure I understand this. Skeeve walked all the way alone to the goblins' camp, and secured that nobody was there, then he called us by crystal, and when we all were almost at the exit several goblins appeared out of nowhere. Is that right?Last edited Sep 9, 2024 5:51 pm
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