Reclaiming Paphos

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Sep 16, 2024 5:36 pm
OK, here is the recap:

We have escaped the Remnant with everything but three of the amethysts. We have all of the magic items and the chest and now even have an invitation to the goblin Remnant! (I was prepared to "spend" the dagger or darts to pay off the goblins, but that wasn't necessary.)

On our way back we ran into both a hobgoblin patrol and a lizardman patrol. The hobgoblins and the lizardmen got it on and the hobgoblin patrol didn't make it. Unfortunately, there are apparently two more groups of lizardmen running around and our group is current surrounded! We don't know the disposition of the lizardmen, but we can assume that, since they are trying to take over the area, they will not look at other interlopers favorably. Add in that we're carrying a fancy magic chest and staff, and I imagine their opportunism will kick in. So, we're probably best off trying to just get away.

Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to describe how we manage to successfully get out of this situation. You don't need to roll for anything, and you can control the entire group. But, it needs to make for a cool story when we get back and tell everyone what happened! And, since everyone seems to have had a turn, and since Psybermagi should be back sometime this week, feel free to have us end up back at the Base.

And ... go!
Sep 16, 2024 7:00 pm
To be more precise, it is the same original group of lizardmen but they split into 3 smaller groups.
We might not have realized it though.
Sep 16, 2024 11:59 pm
As an aside, please don't feel too much like we're putting you on the spot. If this isn't how you normally want to play, that's cool and someone else can wrap it up instead. I just thought it would be cool for everyone to have the chance to contribute.
Sep 17, 2024 6:11 am
A couple of 'uncommon' advantages: Arc and Skeeve can communicate telepathically with their crystals, and Arc can fly. Feel free to use them if you want.
Last edited Sep 17, 2024 6:11 am
Sep 17, 2024 2:12 pm
And Skeeve has Magic!
Sep 17, 2024 3:36 pm
alright, here goes:
As the group finds them selves surrounded they realize a direct confrontation might not be in their best interest. Arc suggests to try and repeat his previous strategy to distract some of the Lizard men.
Skeeve meanwhile uses his magic to create some noise in the opposite direction.
After casting his magic Skeeve attempts to lead Aizashi and Kaarik in long loop around the last group of Lizardmen with Arc following as an eye in the sky.

Thinking they made their escape they soon realize that they could not quite shake the last group as come to a ruined chapel grounds.
sorry. The escape seemed a little lack luster so someone else has to bring it home, with hopefully some more creativity than me.

Also, sorry it took so long.
Sep 17, 2024 8:16 pm
Not a problem!

We apparently have the whole week to finish it up. Anyone else wanna take a shot of resolving it, or at least moving it forward?
Sep 18, 2024 12:58 am
I'm not sure I'll finish it off, but I can move it forward a bit more ..
Some old broken stones show where the garden was. Long time ago, this must have been a beautiful garden around a populated chapel... Now the fallen stones and rotten wood doors show ruins.

The team enters the garden and look for cover by one of the walls with less light as one of the packs move even more closely.

Suddenly an arrow flies very close to Kaarik's head but misses. Skeeve reacts fast and, knowing that their position should not be revealed, cast a silence spell around the enemies. Kaarik and Aizashi jump out of the shadows just in time to see a second arrow landing in the chest of a lizard man. Arc, bow in hand is about to get a couple more of arrows from his carcaj. While Kaarik shoots down a second lizard, Sleeve magic missile lands in the stomach of the last lizard. Aizashi running at full speed, jumps a few meters from the last standing lizardman and his flying kick lands in the face of the third and last lizard. Strangely not a sound was heard!

Arc lands to help pull the three lizard bodies out of sight, and take their coins. But the other two groups are still close by, and their hidden place will not las long...
You turn!
Sep 20, 2024 3:16 pm
I should be good to run things again next week. So everyone can get back into character and I will control the NPC and environment once more. Have fun with this
The low jumble of rocks is all that remains of the stone wall that must have surrounded the large garden outside the chapel which has thicker walls that are nearly intact. Though the churches roof and interior look to have fallen to ruin the outlines of doors and windows would allow easy access and a good defensible site. The rustle of leaves, both within and outside the garden walls, around you is all you can hear but not all the noise is from the wind. You know most of the dinosaur are active at day time but others, likely stalking predators, are likely active at night. Though the hobgoblins used torches the lizardmen seem to prefer dealing with or avoiding the night time predators.

By your estimation you are at least half way from the merchant district to the library, where you would be safe from attack until the morning when more soldiers from New Paphos will arrive. Unfortunately the lizardmen tend to travel light, disdaining any additional armor over their natural scales, and from what you have seen it is unlikely you could outrun them even without the chest. With the recent fight it is doubtful you can talk your way out of this as the two remaining groups are on your trail after you slew their companions.
Sep 20, 2024 4:04 pm
Just to be clear, we are now back in player mode, correct?
Sep 20, 2024 5:57 pm
Sep 21, 2024 1:00 am
Then I guess I should have tried to wrap it up last night!

Is there a city matrix node in the church's basement?
Skeeve says, "We could bunker here for the night, but we'll probably be found and, while defensible, there are probably too many of both groups for us to survive. Plus, during the day, we'll probably be easier to find. So, I think we need the cover of night.

"Since we need to move it, I think we should have Arc fly cover and scout for us. Aizashi and I will carry the chest. Kaarik will have his bow ready; I can blast with one hand if needed. If we leave quickly, we can leave through the direction the group we killed came through.

"I am open to better suggestions."
Sep 21, 2024 3:08 pm
Arc, trusting crystal communications, doesn't wait an instant. With his usual high jump, he launches up high as silent as any hunting crow or owl.

Once he seems he is high enough not to be easily reached by arrows, he flies in irregular circles looking for the two lizards' squads. Arc is specially careful not to fly around the church, as that would signal their foes the hiding place.

In his first round he tries to spot the two enemy squads...


Sporting 1st enemy squad - (2d6h1)


Sporting 2nd enemy squad - (2d6h1)


Sep 21, 2024 3:11 pm
He doesn't seems to find any enemy on his first round. And thus he reports it, checks the church, and then he starts a 2 searching round.
I writing this in 2 different post to allow for any interaction in between :)
Last edited Sep 21, 2024 3:12 pm


Sporting 1st enemy squad - (2d6h1)


Sporting 2nd enemy squad - (2d6h1)


Sep 23, 2024 11:39 am
Aizashi grunts agreement, and follows Skeeve, trying to balance the chest so Skeeve has an easier time repelling enemies should the need arise.
Sep 23, 2024 12:36 pm
Known matrix nodes are all within Remnants
The two remaining groups have closed in on your location such that you doubt you can make it back the way you came. However the church and occasional clump of trees do offer obstruction to line of sight. Unfortunately Aizashi points out that if the lizardmen can track by scent your chances of slipping away easily are much lower.

Are soon realized why it is usually only owls that fly at night. While taking off and staying airborne is simple enough his limited visibility makes scouting difficult at night. While two of the three moons are up it is only one of the larger regular moons and the smaller erratic wanderer and the thin clouds are enough to create shadows such that unless the lizardmen make a fire or jump and wave he doubts he will be able to see them easily.
Once you may a roll on any activity I always take the 1st unless something changes enough to allow/require a 2nd.
Together you move as planned and move first to keep the church and its crumbling walls between you and where you last know the lizardmen to be and from there try to use whatever is available to stay out of sight and slip the hunters.

Can I get stealth rolls from at least 2 of you with any additional actions or details
Sep 23, 2024 1:40 pm
Aware that his size is a disadvantage in these situations, Kaarik will try to take advantage of his elfic agility, dashing between shadows of rocks, trees and bushes.


stealth test - (2d6)


Sep 24, 2024 8:09 am
Aizashi tries to keep the chest as balanced as possible to avoid any undo noise that could give them away.
Last edited Sep 24, 2024 8:10 am


Stealth check - (2d6)


Sep 24, 2024 11:29 am
The team slips through the night and after several tense minutes you feel safe from an imediate threat of being found. You continue to stumble through the night under the aquard weight of the chest ans are relieved when you catch sight of the outer walls of the library. Though the outer walls have not lights a faint glow from within allows you to easily locate the gatehouse only to find the doors sealed shut.
Sep 24, 2024 1:26 pm
"Thats not a good sign.

"Arc, please scout the top of the wall above the gate. Let me know what you find up there."

Basically, if the top of the wall looks relatively safe, we'll all move up there to at least be somewhat safe through the rest of the night.
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