Reclaiming Paphos

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May 23, 2024 12:46 pm

Are you willing to let us "borrow" it to get there more easily?"
I can send you there now but furutre access would have a price. I dislike being disturbed for such little tasks.
I will suggest that should you gain success at gaining some level of authority recognized by the city then I may be able to aid you in constructing a node at your "base" and helping to integrage it with the others of the city.

do you know the access patterns for any of the other Nodes on the private network.
I have such knowledge but what I know is my only value. What can you offer in exchange? Note that I have no need to food, water, money, or entertainment. If what you offer is of no use to me then I can offer a you tasks for completion in exchange for my knowledge.

I will point out that I aso know of all the public node of Paphos and can sell you the location of these, should this be of interest to you. Note that each of the Remnant currently persisting has one of these in them.

What kind of civic facilities would we be looking for? A city hall, church or temple? Or is there something else?
City hall is located in the massive fortress to the north west. The other civic facilities include the Library and garrison on the island. Beyond those there aer small offfices within each neighborhood. Unfortunately as I understand it the docks were completely ruined and had to be rebuilt so I am unsure if the office in that neighborhood would still function.

Looking thoughtful for a moment, you have no idea how this is conveyed from its motionless face and stiff form, Dean continues
To help you better understand my interests and prices I inform you that I have two desires. Knowledge and freedom. Though i may act independantly at this time I am still under the enchantments of my creation and bound to my master, thus my continued pressence in this place, his former ressidence. Bring me knowledge I do not posses and is not withing the Paphos library and i will exchange knowledge with you. If you find my master and secure my freedom i will share all my knowledge with you freely.
May 23, 2024 1:47 pm
Troubled by the stiffness of the golem, Kaarik realizes that he probably missed an important information.

Clearing his throat with apparent discomfort, he asks : "May I ask you sir, who your master is and if you have any clues of where he could be?"



May 23, 2024 2:06 pm

Oh, he was a research wizard who worked for the Order of the Arcane Wardens and assisted with several projects for the War and Tower. Most know him as Mordenkainen. An old man who was a bit of a recluse. While I knew him. As for where he is, I know not. Sigh Normally a very thoughtful man I assume he simply thought I was destroyed with the city during the Shattering.
May 23, 2024 2:24 pm
I can send you there now but furutre access would have a price.
One time is fine for now.
I will point out that I aso know of all the public node of Paphos and can sell you the location of these, should this be of interest to you. Note that each of the Remnant currently persisting has one of these in them.
That is very useful to know. Thank you.
City hall is located in the massive fortress to the north west.
That is an orc stronghold now. It would take a serious fighting force to remove them from that fortress. I am assuming that will only be possible after we gain citizenship or recognized status.
The other civic facilities include the Library and garrison on the island.
We've been to both of those, and they don't seem to have much for us there on this. Both locations have libraries that can provide a wealth of information, but they don't have anything we've seen or heard of that would help gain citizenship. The Librarian even directly stated we had to look elsewhere. The garrison commander said he could only do things as a military commander. It is an option, but I am looking for more civic-oriented options. It is an avenue, however.
Beyond those there are small offices within each neighborhood.
OK, that is something we can work with. So, for the contested Remnant and the uncontested residential Remnant, where would those small offices be? Especially the uncontested Remnant. If we could get authority from that, we would hopefully not have to fight or sneak our way in and out. Otherwise, the contested Remnant may be our best bet. Skeeve will identify which Remnants he is referring to. The contested Remnant is the one with the unknown forces fighting orcs and kobolds; the one the Lady wants us to raid to get her stuff. The uncontested Remnant is the one that the Base controls uncontested, but appears to have been completely looted and studied. Apparently stuff has been missed, and knowing that would be great.
In my mind, there are five Remnants we are dealing with here:
- The Stronghold, aka the Orc-controlled Castle.
- The Residential Remnant, aka the uncontested Remnant controlled, but only occasionally occupied, by the Base.
- The Library Remnant, aka where the Ghost Librarian and open library is.
- The Market Remnant, aka the contested Remnant with the unidentified group fighting off orcs and kobolds.
- The Goblin Remnant, aka where the goblins have the Remnant and let others in with invitations.
Getting back to the requested teleport, you may only go to the Library. But, could you send us to any of the other Remnants instead? If not, that's fine; we can walk from the Library. But I thought I would ask.
May 23, 2024 2:27 pm
Mordenkainen? Really? In that case, is he even on this world? I'm gonna assume that we're not finding him anytime soon, and Dean won't be useful after this, unfortunately. Unless he is part of the unknown group in the Market Remnant, I'm not optimistic.



May 23, 2024 2:33 pm

I can send you to another but that would be revealing information. What shall you give me?

I have an idea of something you could do for me. There is an event getting organized in the Plaza
(Remnant C on the area map) One of my drones located an object within the location. I wish for you to secure it for my private use. I will give you resources to buy it on my behalf. Or steal it if you must.

I can send you to that or any other location and teach you how to do so on your own I've got gain any form of city authority in exchange for this service.
May 23, 2024 3:05 pm
OK, just so I am perfectly clear, the Plaza is the goblin-controlled Remnant, correct? I am assuming so, so I will comment based on that.
"We can work with that. However, that Remnant is now control by a coalition of goblin tribes. When we tried to get in before we were told we need an "invitation" or pay a 100gp open bribe. We didn't have 100gp to pay, didn't have an invitation, and apparently pissed off a set of guards. Not willing to fight our way in, we just moved on. Teleporting directly inside is one way around that temporarily, but that is likely only a temporary solution. How close is this item to the node?

"Also, I'll want you to teach me how to trigger the node to come back before we leave, as I would rather not have to right my way out."
Also, what Remnant does the Lady want us to retrieve her artifact from? C or D. I was thinking D, but now I want to make sure.
May 23, 2024 3:31 pm

Dean fetch from C
Lady fetch from D
Dean is unsure got far the item is from the node but will send a drone to help you locate it. If you agree to the mission he will teach you to control the city nodes. This will only work with authority. What you will have to do is "knock" on Dean's nice address and he will let you in on his authority. Once you have your own authority you can move on your own. But some nodes, like Dean's, are private and have additional requirements.

The drone is an odd looking figure. It's body is 4 orbs arranged in a pyramid. Each orb has 3 appendages that look to be able to act as feet, arms, or a head like appendage.
May 23, 2024 6:40 pm
Skeeve is up for it, if the others are, too. It will be risky, but hopefully doable. If everyone agrees, Skeeve will make another Sunburst talisman.

"Can our companion Geis here provide authority to use the nodes? He is from the Garrison and is an authorized user. Obviously, to come directly here we still need your permission. But can he target someplace like the Library or the Garrison?"



May 23, 2024 6:56 pm

Yeah I can use them, just, uh, don't like the Matrix so only know a couple addresses. And, um, well, I'm not allowed guest permissions so can't bring you with me
The undead living sounds reluctant, ashamed, and a bit guilty. More like a kid talking about getting caught stepping cookies that a veteran soldier
May 23, 2024 7:06 pm
Aizashi is ready to go.
May 23, 2024 7:10 pm
Skeeve ignores Geis' awkwardness as if it isn't there. "No problem, friend," he says with a smile, "I am just trying to cover all of our options."
May 23, 2024 7:59 pm
Kaarik is fine to go too.
May 23, 2024 8:07 pm
moving on to Remnants tonight then.
Brief recap for newcomers.

Remnants are areas of the city that survived the Shattering and reach had it's own Border which makes entry via any means except the gates dangerous or impossible.

The one in question is guarded by goblins asking for a bribe or invitation but several other factions were seen entering and leaving. Some of the factions are known to fight elsewhere.
May 23, 2024 8:35 pm
Skeeve will make two tries for another Sunburst Talisman before they go. They only take few minutes each, and we might need the firepower to cover our exist, so I'd rather be prepared ...

One success. Updated my inventory.


Make Sunburst Talisman Try 1 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(213) = 6

Make Sunburst Talisman Try 2 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(525) = 12

May 24, 2024 6:29 am
Arc is also ready to go.
May 24, 2024 12:41 pm
Dean guides you to a small closet like room that you all have to squish into as Dean is uncertain about what you might find on the far side and so wants to send you all at once. Geis thinks it best he hide now and so Kaaric transfers the contents of his pack to the rest and the kobold climbs in and arranges the flap so he can peek out the back. He takes Servitor in the pack with him and will relay messages from it to the rest of you via his telepathic communication. Kaaric is overjoyed that the undead creature weighs very little, even less than he gear. While this is going on Dean goes over control of the Node.
Node Instructions taught says:

1. Set address (Dean's abode)
2. Knock on address
3. Verify address (red light bad / green light good check)
4. Call address (voice and or visual communication if received)
With the preparations done you crowd into the 5x5' room and it is activated. A wave of dark brightness envelops you and the world blurs. You find yourself in a plain 30x30 room, that looks much like the one in Eldergrove, with a single closed door on the east wall. Looking around there are signs that this room is used to sleep in occasionally but it it currently empty. Little bits of trash, an old fire pits, and from the smell of it a corner was used by multiple creatures to relieve themselves. Fortunately a few small windows, 1 high x 3 wide' set 8' up, let a breeze and some light into the room. Through the open windows you hear sounds of many people talking, walking, and shouting. It sounds like a mix between a tavern and a market place.
May 24, 2024 1:03 pm
Continue the story to the Plaza



Jun 5, 2024 1:05 pm
Continued from Here
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@14:15


Did you recover the item? Were there any complications?
Jun 5, 2024 2:32 pm
Skeeve takes the scroll case and hands it over to Dean. He also gets the remaining diamonds and servitor from Kaarik and hands them over, too.

"Yeah, there were complications. It cost you 250gp of the diamonds and me a magic ring. I hope it is worth the cost. I will say that how it detects for magic is quite interesting. Also, the little hut holding the Node is being used as a utility room, so we got lucky when we got there, and had to trick some goblins to get back in. If anyone goes to that location again, I'd recommend doing it very, very late."
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