I can send you there now but furutre access would have a price.
One time is fine for now.
I will point out that I aso know of all the public node of Paphos and can sell you the location of these, should this be of interest to you. Note that each of the Remnant currently persisting has one of these in them.
That is very useful to know. Thank you.
City hall is located in the massive fortress to the north west.
That is an orc stronghold now. It would take a serious fighting force to remove them from that fortress. I am assuming that will only be possible after we gain citizenship or recognized status.
The other civic facilities include the Library and garrison on the island.
We've been to both of those, and they don't seem to have much for us there on this. Both locations have libraries that can provide a wealth of information, but they don't have anything we've seen or heard of that would help gain citizenship. The Librarian even directly stated we had to look elsewhere. The garrison commander said he could only do things as a military commander. It is an option, but I am looking for more civic-oriented options. It is an avenue, however.
Beyond those there are small offices within each neighborhood.
OK, that is something we can work with. So, for the contested Remnant and the uncontested residential Remnant, where would those small offices be? Especially the uncontested Remnant. If we could get authority from that, we would hopefully not have to fight or sneak our way in and out. Otherwise, the contested Remnant may be our best bet. Skeeve will identify which Remnants he is referring to. The contested Remnant is the one with the unknown forces fighting orcs and kobolds; the one the Lady wants us to raid to get her stuff. The uncontested Remnant is the one that the Base controls uncontested, but appears to have been completely looted and studied. Apparently stuff has been missed, and knowing that would be great.
In my mind, there are five Remnants we are dealing with here:
- The Stronghold, aka the Orc-controlled Castle.
- The Residential Remnant, aka the uncontested Remnant controlled, but only occasionally occupied, by the Base.
- The Library Remnant, aka where the Ghost Librarian and open library is.
- The Market Remnant, aka the contested Remnant with the unidentified group fighting off orcs and kobolds.
- The Goblin Remnant, aka where the goblins have the Remnant and let others in with invitations.
Getting back to the requested teleport, you may only go to the Library. But, could you send us to any of the other Remnants instead? If not, that's fine; we can walk from the Library. But I thought I would ask.