Reclaiming Paphos

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May 16, 2024 2:44 pm
Feeling the cold in his bones, Kaarik does his best to try not to show to anyone how uncomfortable he is.

"I swear that I come in peace and will not attack or harm anyone nor enter restricted areas."
May 16, 2024 2:56 pm
The officer nods and indicates for you to follow him. The open gateway is very impressive and can result accommodate several wagons at the same time. The gate itself swings in and is of thick wood bound in metal. Two raised portcullis, one right behind the door when closed and the other at the far side of the gatehouse, hand overhead. Beyond that s courtyard opens up.

The officer escorts you counter clockwise around the courtyard to the west side of the keep. You notice most of the defenders are skeletal like the gate guards except most wear chainmail. There are also small squads of ghostly soldiers that patrol the area either walking or floating high in the air. You estimate there to be several hundred undead in the fortress, none of which look to be as simple as zombies or the basic skeletons.

Entering the keep you pass more full plate guards in front of a door that leads to the keeps main hall. It has a cross shape to it and you are taken to the middle where there is a large table placed and several undead confer with each other in low voices that stop as soon as you enter. Turning to look at you point gestures the Lieutenant forward.

Commander Ferran Martinel


May 16, 2024 2:58 pm
Commander Ferran Martinel
The leader steps forward. He is taller and wears impressive armor with a massive blade on its back. As you near he says is a cold rasping voice. I am commander Martinel. I assume you, like the others brave and curious enough to enter here have questions. Very well. I have time. What is it you would like to know?
May 16, 2024 3:08 pm
Skeeve steps forward, nods slightly to acknowledge the Commander's authority, and says, "We thank you for taking the time to speak with us. We very much appreciate your magnanimity." He gathers himself for a second and continues, "We are seeking to find out how to properly use the magic and capabilities that have survived from Paphos. We have found that much relies on being recognized and accepted as citizens or leaders of Paphos and we are looking to find how to unlock that. We do not want to loot it; we do not want to take it; we do not want to circumvent it. Rather we are looking to restore it and build as much of a New Paphos as is available to us. We were lead to believe that you have knowledge about how to accomplish that, and thus we are here asking."
May 16, 2024 5:10 pm
Arc puts all his effort on not reacting to the shivers the place and presence give. And stands by Skeeve, nodding to his words.
May 16, 2024 5:15 pm
So, I think I'm a little out of the loop😅. I guess this is a continuation of a previous adventure, right? Would it make sense to read one of the older threats to catch up? Obviously, Aizashi would still be clueless 😁
May 16, 2024 5:33 pm
We just left the Base together, to find that thing the Lady needed. But since we already know that entering these old place may require some proof of citizenship, and we were told that maybe this commander or Dean (an old golem who lives nearby) know something about becoming citizens. So now we talk with them, hopefully there is a painless way to be granted citizenship and then we go to get the family thing our Lady needed.

I hope this actually helps you, not confuse you further...
Psybermagi, not in any hurry, but... were you able to check the map?
Last edited May 16, 2024 5:37 pm
May 16, 2024 6:22 pm
Additional background reading is in the "Old and Idle Stories"/ Island

Map? Must have missed that. What did you want to know?
May 16, 2024 6:31 pm
Map? There is supposed to be a map in your 2nd post, in this thread. But some (including me) just can't read it. I had the idea that you may be about to upgrade it to other format.
Last edited May 16, 2024 6:31 pm
May 16, 2024 8:58 pm
Cathamber says:
We just left the Base together, to find that thing the Lady needed. But since we already know that entering these old place may require some proof of citizenship, and we were told that maybe this commander or Dean (an old golem who lives nearby) know something about becoming citizens. So now we talk with them, hopefully there is a painless way to be granted citizenship and then we go to get the family thing our Lady needed.

I hope this actually helps you, not confuse you further...
It helps, thanks :)
Psybermagi says:
Additional background reading is in the "Old and Idle Stories"/ Island
[ooc]thanks, I'll take a look at that.
Last edited May 16, 2024 8:59 pm
May 16, 2024 9:14 pm
I enjoyed reading Aizashi's adventure with the Feys! I'm sure Aizashi will feel at home with this team very soon.

Commander Ferran Martinel


May 16, 2024 11:26 pm
Skeeve says:
"We are seeking to find out how to properly use the magic and capabilities that have survived from Paphos. We have found that much relies on being recognized and accepted as citizens or leaders of Paphos and we are looking to find how to unlock that. We do not want to loot it; we do not want to take it; we do not want to circumvent it. Rather we are looking to restore it and build as much of a New Paphos as is available to us. We were lead to believe that you have knowledge about how to accomplish that, and thus we are here asking."
Commander Ferran Martinel

The commander looks you over for a moment
My very existance is proof that many of the cities enchantments and othre facilities remain intact to this day. My keep has a library with many records about the city, its laws, and other facts bout the city . I have has some of the scholars visit me to study these but when they secured access to one of the library branches they found that place a beeter location for in depth study. If there is something specific in our public records you may ask and i will do what I can to help.

I still retain my authority anc while I am unablelto directly control many of the cilil functions I do have limited authority in time of war or threat to the city. Should I deem any of the local forces a threat to the People I would be able to do more. However I am boundby my oath and the enchantments that grant me continued existence prmarily to this fortress, then the isle, then the city in general. So proof or actionable suspicion would need to be brought to my attention before I can act.

Should any of you join my forces I could grant you privilages that would be recognized by the ciivil services and facilities. Alternately I can make you members of the millitia, that are authorized to help thecity watch in times of need. This would grant you a portion of the authority you desire and make you in effecect not my subordinates but still a part of the military structure under my command.

Beyobnd that if you do not wish to commit to my command I could give you limited authroity if you prove to be trustworthy and I deam that my current forces are not appropriate to fulfill a need that falls under my perview. For this though I would need to test you by having you perform services for me under the eye of one of my oficers. I have a few who could travel with you.
May 17, 2024 8:07 pm
The more Arc listens to the Commander, the more he respects him and his garrison. The duty to protect the city endlessly, even after it was destroyed, is more than commendable. And after all those years he still manage to help strangers and support the Base's effort to develop again the place. Gradually Arc feels less shivers and more respect for these warriors and protectors.

Commander, we appreciate you give us this time, and your offer of visiting your keep's library. It is an offer we can't refuse.
I also wish to thank your offer on becoming part of your garrison. But I'm afraid we already have promises to fulfill to people at the Base, so staying permanently at the island wouldn't be responsible on our side. Nevertheless, if my friends agree, I think we could help you and prove that we are both a trustworthy and capable team, and that we are also working for the benefit of our city... and if you see fit, you could bestow the city authority you deem appropriate on each of us.
Last edited May 17, 2024 8:08 pm
May 17, 2024 8:36 pm
Skeeve follows on what Arc says and adds, "What is this task you request of us?"
Fetch quests, after all, are our specialty!
May 17, 2024 10:49 pm
Commander Ferran Martinel

What I need most is information. If you will allow one of my scouts to accompany you then this would give his the opportunity to observe the situation outside the island. He and I will be able to remain in limited contact, within the confines of the city. Thus he can relay to you any further actions I may wish to call upon you to assist me with. He turns and utters a few commands to a nearby spectral aid who flies up through the ceiling. My scout should be along shortly in the meantime I can explain more about how the city is structured and why you may have been having difficulty accessing features. He goes on to talk at some length while you wait for the scout.
Additional Lore on Paphos has been added to the Setting thread After about 20 minutes you hear a flapping noise then the scrapping click of claws on stone. Hurrying down a stairway you see a dark winged kobold. Standing about 3 1/4 feet tall, he tucks his wings under a cloak on his back and throws the cowl up over his head. The commander calls out to him and gestures Meet Geis, one of the few of us able to more freely move about the city. Even so he has his limits. and the short cloaked figure nods his head at you. I will task him with escorting you around the city to retrieve reports from any organization or force that holds ties to Paphos. He will guide you but his charge is to ensure I get up to date reports so do not expect him to endanger himself on your behalf.

A slight pressure is felt by each of you and you each receive words that you somehow know originated from Geis Greetings. I am excited to be able to move beyond the confines of the isle. I have seen much from the air but the distance. and you feel a chilling mental sigh
May 18, 2024 1:18 am
Sure. That sounds incredible reasonable.

We can show the Base. There are no citizens there, but that is the base point from which we are working. We have met a citizen named Lady Tanamere Alagondar, who wishes for us to retrieve something for her, too. There is an ancient sentient construct named Dean, who we plan on visiting. I doubt he is a citizen, but he might know about more.

I have also worked with the newly established Lady of the Manor. I don't know for sure if it is technically part of Paphos, but I think it was outside the city.

In addition, we know of four other major Remnants of Paphos we can readily access. One is empty, but controlled by those from the Base. One contains the Library you mentioned already. It is managed by a ghostly Librarian that seems to get along well enough with the researchers from the Base. Two are farther are from these. One is controlled by goblins from more than one tribe, and they let other groups in, but we weren't able to pay their bribe requirements. The other has a group of unknowns that seem to be holding off attacks from more aggressive groups. We can show any or all of these.

One of the first things we would love to be able to use is the infra-city Matrix Network (which we found out about at the Library) so we can more easily get into and out of these Remnants. Doing reconnaissance is much easier when you don't have to use the front door.
May 18, 2024 1:43 am
daryen says:

1. What is the remnant that is usually empty, but is controlled by the Base?
2. The Safeguard of Paphos is the castle now controlled by the Orcs, correct?
3. Is the Guild of Artisans and Enchanters the Remnant with the mystery forces fending off the orcs and kobolds?

1. One of the residential districts.
2. Yes
3. That is part of the city they controlled but their headquarters did not survive
May 18, 2024 1:47 am
Kaarik is particularly interested in Geis and after greeting him, he gathers all the courage he has to ask:
"I am sorry if the question makes you uncomfortable and you can just ignore it if so. However, I can only notice that you are different from the other members of the island. How did you end up working for the commander?"
May 18, 2024 4:07 am
the deep cowl turns so you feel it looking at you though it is hard to tell as all that can be seen are the feet with custom shoes that allow his claws to move freely, half boot half sandals, sticking out from the bottom of the full body cloak. I was a winged kobol scout in the war, but . . . It was determined I was better suited to work in a city so was transferred here. While I had reported I did not yet have an official role in the guard when the Shattering broke the world. Perhaps that has something to do with it? Or it could be because my body was ripped and shredded to pieces during the shattering. Luckily that is no longer a problem for me the cold sibilant 'voice' of Geis explains.
Whatever the cause when the necromancers pulled us back by activating the last defense I came back as this.
An intriguing state I will likely have plenty of time to get used to.

Commander Ferran Martinel

Many of the forces in the great war were changed or enhance to be better soldiers. I understand that due to the Shattering they were left without means to resume their proper forms. The goblin and Kobolds were used as foragers and scouts. Geis is a bit, unorthodox, for a soldier but he is true to his task and oath.
May 18, 2024 8:14 am
Aizashi is curiously looking around trying not to stare at any of the inhabitants. He is impressed by what he is seeing and is reminded of how he used to guard his own hometown and hopes that everyone there is doing okay.
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