Commander Ferran Martinel
What I need most is information. If you will allow one of my scouts to accompany you then this would give his the opportunity to observe the situation outside the island. He and I will be able to remain in limited contact, within the confines of the city. Thus he can relay to you any further actions I may wish to call upon you to assist me with. He turns and utters a few commands to a nearby spectral aid who flies up through the ceiling.
My scout should be along shortly in the meantime I can explain more about how the city is structured and why you may have been having difficulty accessing features. He goes on to talk at some length while you wait for the scout.
Additional Lore on Paphos has been added to the
Setting thread

After about 20 minutes you hear a flapping noise then the scrapping click of claws on stone. Hurrying down a stairway you see a dark winged kobold. Standing about 3 1/4 feet tall, he tucks his wings under a cloak on his back and throws the cowl up over his head. The commander calls out to him and gestures
Meet Geis, one of the few of us able to more freely move about the city. Even so he has his limits. and the short cloaked figure nods his head at you.
I will task him with escorting you around the city to retrieve reports from any organization or force that holds ties to Paphos. He will guide you but his charge is to ensure I get up to date reports so do not expect him to endanger himself on your behalf.

A slight pressure is felt by each of you and you each receive words that you somehow know originated from Geis
Greetings. I am excited to be able to move beyond the confines of the isle. I have seen much from the air but the distance. and you feel a chilling mental sigh