The brief tour of the remnant revealed that most of those staying in it are all staying together in a larger mannor along the southern wall. The civic node is in the NW corner of the remnant and is actually accessed via a concealed door inside one of the buildings. It seems obvious that this was not publicly used and likely tied to either the city guard or adminitration but without more information it is impossible to tell. The well has been repaired and the researchers come in daily, via the node for safety, to scour the homes for additioinal information while the porters work to clean up section that have been already gone over by the archelogists

Woosaa (Scout Commander)
Shaking her head the tiefling replies
All I known is that traffic in th area has increased. However most groupd have gotten bigger and there have been fewer clashed out in the open but there are signs of smaller scouting teams being captured or slain so watch yourselves out there.
Woosa goes over additional details about the groups she and the other scouts are watching . The orcs still tend to stay to the NW near the castle and the hobgoblins to the north and NE across the river and the south is claimed by the lizardmen and kobolds. The merchant district is still contested but apparently the hobgoblin hold on the merchant compound cllapsed without its leaders.