Reclaiming Paphos

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Goblin Rogue


Jun 26, 2024 2:16 am
Goblin Rogue

Also, can you tell me any more on 'the Big Boss'? Who is that? How many forces do they control? What are they trying to do?"
Information on the boss is a premium. 50 gold for the basics and it doubles for each level of information
"Would this include the diversion, or is it completely separate from the diversion? This is very tempting indeed!"
The goblins scoffs We do not do bulk discounts. All transactions are independant and final.

The leader looks you over and says Now if you are looking to tangle with the hobgoblins I would suggest getting information before charging in blindly. Not knowing why are are interested in them I can only guess that with a diversion you want access to their compound. Based on that assumption I can almost guarantee that the information is worth more than the diversion. and shrugs But if you insist on a diversion then fine. Tell us when and where, though you will need to be flexible for us to make arrangements.
Jun 26, 2024 4:36 am
Seeing that we are negotiating with the goblin, and Arc doesn't have much coin, he just listens. And even if the goblins are not threatening the team, Arc still is a ready to react if battle starts.
Jun 26, 2024 3:35 pm
Oh well, so much for Skeeve's money reserves ...
"As a businessman yourself, you know I have to ask.

"Are you willing to accept gems in lieu of gold? If so, here is an Onyx worth 50gp for the information on the hobgoblins."
Skeeve produces the onyx without showing anything else he has.

He does take notes on what information they get. (Like with pencil and paper. Or charcoal and parchment, or whatever.)
Jun 26, 2024 3:44 pm
Kaarik can chip in with 25 gold for the diversion if the group wants to go ahead with it.
Jun 26, 2024 4:05 pm
gems are an accepted form of currency to the point that anyone used to dealing in services over 10 gold often prefer it and can roughly estimate the value of them
The goblin explains that they hobgoblin force is well over 50 and may approach 100. They are lead by a crafty bugbear captain. They also have a couple clerics, which if how they have held onto their position this long. They came here seeking something and he thinks they found it but have decided to dig in rather than try and extract it. Why, he cannot say

The compound is heavily guarded and patrolled but there is a secret path into the compound that the goblins can show you, it's location is party of the 50 gp information. It leads through the sewers and has a few monsters but will get you inside the compound unseen.

if you have other specific questions list then and I will answer later
Jun 26, 2024 4:51 pm
Seeing how much this endeavour will cost Aizashi offers to pitch in some money as well.
Jun 26, 2024 5:47 pm
I don't think we need the distraction anymore.

If people are willing to chip in, I want to buy information on the Big Boss, to be honest. We're gonna have to deal with that at some point, so we might as well get that started now.
Skeeve says, "Wow. That was worth the price! Thank you. A follow-up question, if I may." Skeeve draws a quick map of the area they want to get to. "We need to get *here*. Any suggestions on the best path from your entry point?" (He's only pointing to the building, not the specific area in the building.)
Out of curiousity, how big are the forces of the Base/New Paphos? 100 hobgoblins sounds like a lot. Particularly if they were able to successfully drive off a combined assault of orcs and lizardmen. I'm beginning to think that ole Phlan needs to step up his game significantly or they could be in pretty big trouble with Big Boss and an organized, discplined force of 100 hobgoblins running around.

Goblin Rogue


Jun 27, 2024 12:04 am
[ +- ] map

Goblin Rogue

Looking over the map the goblin replies
Well you will come out of the well here and he taps on grid 6,12 with your objective at 13,14. So it should not be too hard to slip into the building. But from what we can tell that is where the officers have taken up residence. So though you may face fewer they will likely be a bit more skilled and have better arms and weapons. I suggest heading there now and staying in the sewers till dusk or dawn and use the shadows to hide your infiltration.

Now, I hate to bring this up but I do believe you have realized that much of out livelihood comes from our services as information brokers. Should you wish for us to conceal our knowledge of you and your planned activities there will be a fee of course.
and he smiles viciously. It is about this point in time that you realize with the shift in goblins in and out of the room the numbers inside have actually rissen to well over 10 now.

The expedition came with 50 guards and about 10 scouts.
That has increase to about 80 guards and 25 scouts and adventurers. However it greatest power lies in Fiznick, Valpip, and the priests. All of whom are powerful magic wielders.
Jun 27, 2024 1:55 am
"You obviously have no love for the hobgoblins, or you wouldn't be hiding from them. You aren't that interested in attacking us, or you wouldn't have just warned us. And you still have information that we want and we are willing to pay you for. Selling us out will cut out that future revenue. As information brokers, you need to keep all avenues of communication open, and outright selling us out isn't going to get you anything from us again, particularly if we're dead.

"However, showing a good-faith offer makes sense. So, how about if we give you another 50 gp for the base info on the Big Boss, with the understanding you'll keep quiet about us for a full day? After that what happens is what happens. But remember, if you don't burn us, we're still good for more information on the Big Boss and those invitations."
Skeeve could be completely wrong about these guys, but he's banking on the lure of screwing over the hobgoblins and getting more money from us will keep them in line, at least for now.

Also, I've already removed the onyx from his inventory, and will remove the diamond if the goblin takes him up on the offer. Basically, after this mission, Skeeve is going to be dead broke and likely completely out of talismans.

Goblin Rogue


Jun 27, 2024 3:38 am
Goblin Rogue

After thinking for a moment he agrees to a 1 day confidentiality.
The Big Boss somehow has contacts all of the orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears, and goblins. He is currently running things from the keep to the north and has some giants as his personal guard as well as elite orcs and others that are not identifiable but known to be deadly. No one has seen the boss personally but all the factions are still wary of him. All I know is if we so much as annoy him he could have my tribe eliminated without even exerting much of his forces might.

No one is certain what his goals are but they are certain he has information and power to spare in this area. He is auctioning off a "weapon" in a couple of days. The fact he is selling it off seems suspect so is likely a power play or he is using this opportunity to manipulate the other factions though no one seems to know why. The only force he directly opposed to date were those necromancers that some of you guys fought in the graveyard to the northwest.
Jun 27, 2024 3:39 pm
OK, diamond is now gone too.
Skeeve hands over of the diamond, too.

"Thank you for that info. That is indeed quite useful, and gives us a time limit on when we'd want to use those invitations. As I mentioned before, when we're done with this, there is a good potential for more money from us for those invitations. Now, let's go get in position for our raid."
Skeeve has been driving the conversation here. I didn't mean to completely dominate this encounter. If anyone else has anything to add, please do so!
Jun 27, 2024 8:46 pm
I am more than happy to follow your lead. I am amazed by how you remember everything. So I know that if Skeeve leads, the group will be fine :)
Jun 27, 2024 8:53 pm
Well, be careful with that trust. Skeeve is about to lead the group into a skirmish with 50-100 hobgoblins. Even though our goal is to avoid as many of them as possible, there is no guarantee things don't go south. This could go very badly very quickly!
Jun 28, 2024 3:00 am
When you are all good to go then the goblins guide you to a wellhouse to the west (0,3) and point out that there is a section at the top section of the well is rough stone and the gaps in between the stone are big enough for most fingers to get a grip, though those not used to scaling thinks would find this never wracking, and descend. Once you are 10' down in the well the gaps are larger and allow you to grip it very easily and use your feet more like a ladder. You descend another 20' before you feel the hidden trigger to open the door to a tunnel opening to your left. You all make it to the opening without incident and the goblins wish you luck before disappearing from above. The narrow and short tunnel, 2'x4', slopes down at a curve and a vile smell wafts up to assail your noses.

Give me a marching order, standard actions as you enter/navigate the sewers. Stealth, searching, torches, magic, etc.
Jun 28, 2024 5:35 am
I also trust you Skeeve! Even if we may face all those armoured hobgoblins. What I don't understand is that expression of'thing going south' since usually the South is beautiful, people are more friendly and you don't find such snowy weather as the North.
Arc follows the group, anyone can see he is very uncomfortable getting into the well. His wings are kept as close to his body as possible but once or twice they hit the stoned wall. Wasn't there any other way in? Says in a small voice I do hate tunnels but continues with the rest.
As standard action, while walking in tunnels Arc tries to be sneaky and walks with a torch in one hand and his bow in the other. He is so uncomfortable in confined spaces he doesn't have the concentration to search, nor to think about much other than getting out or fighting (if needed). He can't even think properly about marching order, but will follow suggestions from his friends.
Last edited June 28, 2024 5:38 am
Jun 28, 2024 6:04 am
Kaarik takes out his glow stone. If he does not have it ready he will ask the other to give him a minute or a bit more to prepare it.

"Let's not use torches for now. The stone should be sufficient and it will give us less chance to attract attention"
Jun 28, 2024 6:41 am
Hmm, sure. Arc put the torch out and back in his bag.
Jun 28, 2024 7:11 am
Aizashi follows the others into the sewers "ugh, this is vile" he complains but keeps up with them.
Jun 28, 2024 1:35 pm
"Things going south" means "things could go very bad". I have no idea exactly why "things going south" implies bad stuff. Not sure where that comes from, really. Just another idiom I grew up with that I haven't fully examined. Not sure, really.
If we need a second light, Skeeve can always instantiate a magic light, too.

As for order, I don't think we have anyone with darkvision, so we're pretty much all equal with vision. Aizashi has a good nose, but I imagine it is filled with the vile odor and isn't going to be picking anything else up for a while. So, again, we're probably all equal right now.

So, I guess Skeeve will take the lead and rely on his Perception to give them warning. Let's have Aizashi take up the rear and hope his sense of smell recovers well enough to be of use. The other two can be in the middle, in whichever order. As always, if someone has a better, or even just different, idea I'm game!
Jun 28, 2024 3:20 pm
[ +- ] Going South
The door has a simple latch on the inside and is spring loaded so that is slowly closes after you step past it. Skeeve takes the lead, followed by Kaaric, then Arc, and Aizashi bringing up the rear. You move deeper into the tunnel and soon get to a 10' circular tunnel with 1' ledges you can walk on making the lower section more like stairs. A layer of mud, moss, and fungus covers the bottom. Though it is somewhat solid walking in the thick material that emanates the stench of decay, looks like it would be rather unpleasant. By the light of the glow stone you note there are traces that look to be tracks occasionally crossing the dark mass of mold and . . . ancient nutrient rich waste.

According to the instructions you got from the goblins there is a central hub your pipe should lead to that is inhabited by "something nasty". You will have to pass through this room to reach another pipe leading to the compound. All the pipes are labeled in the hub and you will be coming from "B703" and need to follow "B708" to reach the secret entrance to the compound. A few minutes walk and you hear echos up ahead indicating you are nearing the hub.
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