Reclaiming Paphos

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May 18, 2024 9:07 am
Oh, and... also, in which remnant was the Safeguard of Paphos based?

After listening attentively to the task required and meeting Geis. Hello Geis, it is always a pleasure to meet a fellow winged scout! says Arc excited to have Geis within the team, if only for a while. Furthermore surprised as Arc recognises Geis resemblance to some drawings he has seen in nature books, Geis looks kind of a person-sized dragon...
About the mission... As we mentioned, we have already traveled through some of these places, so we can report findings. Even a lengthy meeting will require less time than actual travel. And then we can choose the first couple of remnants to prioritize to visit with Geis so you can deepen knowledge on them. And consider we have already accepted a task for Lady Alagondar we will accomplish in reasonable time. Do you find this reasonable?
Last edited May 18, 2024 9:32 am



May 18, 2024 11:28 pm
The commander excuses himself, stating he has other business to attend to with a glance a Geis the undead kobold ushers you back down to the hall to a small alcove with chairs and a table so sit and talk.


The spectral kobold replies in what you take to be a "cheerful tone" though the telepathic speech feels as cold as dead as he looks The Safeguard was stationed in the citadel north west of here. You must have seen it. All I know is it is currently occupied but since this is the first I can leave the isle that is all I know.

Well the escort mission is only a cover or facade if you will. Still it is a legitimate mission that I must attempt to fulfill but I really don't expect to find any city leaders still around. I have a bit of freedom with my orders, an advantage of being a scout. I cant fulfill any of them if I am dead . . . or um deader? Any how I will try to stay out of your way and let you know when we get close to something I need to look into. So sure, sounds like we should be able to make this work.

Do, um . . . . any of you have storage devices?
May 18, 2024 11:54 pm
The citadel is controlled by orcs. I doubt we have the power to eject them, and I doubt they'd be friendly enough to let us in. So, that's going to be a dead end, at least for now.

Do you mean a backpack? What do you need carried?

We can get you into the abandoned residential Remnant, the Remnant with the Library, and take you to the reclaimed Manor, if any of that will help. Regardless, we will be going into the contested Remnant to get something for our known Citizen to demonstrate our trustworthiness. If we can get some kind of invitation, we can get into that goblin controlled Remnant. But we don't know how to get that yet.



May 20, 2024 12:22 pm

About the storage device I was thinking more of a storage item with more spce insie than out. I think I could hide in one as i do not need to breathe. It is just an idea as many will not be welcoming of a group traveling with an undead.

The two remnants should help. I can show you what I know of the areas. I am definitely interested in seeing the othr forces so will accompany you to the contested Remnant. As for the goblins, well, if they are anything like the ones I knew did you try bribing or mugging any of them?
May 20, 2024 12:35 pm
Arc listens carefully to Geis... About the storage device, I have this belt with a magic pocket. It holds more than it appears. I got it to be able to carry normal weight without its burden to flight. Is it suitable for you?

When we visited the goblins, we were asked for more coin we could part of, in a couple of entrances. And there was no secure way to enter but those doors. And their groups were way biggers than ours, so we stuck to the recon mission we were given. But those conditions could have changed by now.
May 20, 2024 12:59 pm
Ok, how about this? Let's go ahead and check with Dean first. He's a construct, so you're being undead shouldn't matter. Then we can head to the two uncontested Remnants, so you can explain things to us. In both cases, you should again be fine. Then we can hit the contested Remnant, where might have to finally worry about your presence. On the other hand, if things are still violent, it may help; I don't know.



May 20, 2024 1:05 pm

Glancing at the pouch Geis shakes his head That's to small

In response to Skeeve he nods his head Sounds like a plan then
May 20, 2024 2:17 pm
Well thought Skeeve.

Then, hoping everyone else is recovered from the initial chills this place gives... Hey Kaarik, Aizasgi, how are you doing?
May 20, 2024 2:53 pm
Would Kaarik be able to create this type of device from his rucksack?
Seems a bit of a higher level of artificier.
May 20, 2024 3:00 pm
it is possible. Doubling capacity of container or halving weight of contents is within your capacity
May 20, 2024 3:41 pm
Kaarik says to the group to give him a minute as he wants to try something.
The others can see him grumbling and being quite frustrated first.
I assume that since I have time, I can retry right? if not, ignore the following
Finally, he comes back with what looks like his standard rucksack and gives it to Geis.
"Please try this."
Last edited May 20, 2024 3:44 pm


Larger rucksack test - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Larger rucksack test 2 - (2d6)

(53) = 8

May 20, 2024 8:52 pm
After the commander left while the group was talking to Geis, Aizashi was listening intently to their conversation wondering about magic pockets and friendly undead. He gets a little startled at the sound of his name.
"I am. Just impressed by everything going on here. Thank you for asking. I don't know much of this place yet. So I will follow your lead." he says cheerfully as he beginns observing Kaarik.
May 21, 2024 12:34 am
Kaarik spends a couple minutes to scribe some runes on thin metal plates he affixes to his pack. Unhappy with his initial attempt he tries again and nods in satisfaction. Looking into the pack reveals it has been altered to nearly double capacity. Karrick sighs in relief at this success but knows this is not truly an enchanted item and he will need to ensure it is not damaged or the enchantments will fail, and, . . . he's not quite sure what that might do to the contents of the person wearing it. Though not a major enchantment the twisting of dimensions is no trivial act.

Intrigues Geis tests it out and though getting in is a bit of a bother the small winged kobold can fit within. However he insists that no enchantments be placed on the top flap of the bag so if needed he can extricate himself from the bag without help from outside of it.

Pleased with this development Geis takes you to the castle library where he shows you a map of the city. While most of the Remnants can be placed on the map their placement is a bit off. Finding the "contested" remnant you verify the map given to you and find it matches closely
[ +- ] Map
Here's the fixed map
If there is nothing else then off to Dean's in the morning
May 21, 2024 7:12 am
Arc is quite impressed with the work on the bag, and doesn't hide it Well done Kaarik!

So this is the map of the contested Remnants, very useful!
The Arc quickly check for info on the Safeguard of Paphos before being ready to leave the library.
May 21, 2024 12:58 pm
The Safeguard was your basic city guard, Other than monitoring and trying to eliminate local crime they also were responcible fot the ar2ea outside the sity for about a days ride and acted as a millitia should the city fall under attack. The Legion as the primary military force was primarily focused outside the city anf focued on foreigh threats while the Safeguard was more directly under the councils control and focues o internal issues.


You stay until just before noon then after putting everything back Geis escorts you from the building. Together you make your way to the islands "dock" and await the boat to take you balk to town. The boatmen and guard are curious about your new cloaked companion but seem to assume he is another adventurer who turned up at the castle.

Maing your way through Ne Paphos you can tell from the way Geis moves and turns his cowl that though curious he is nervous in the crown and moves to avoid contact with anyone. Moving through the western gate you make your way through the grass fields and into the swamp using the now much improved road. Though still a simple dirt track the repeated traffic has packed it down making the trek relatively easy. As you near the western edge of the swamp you start looking for, then find, the smaller trail that will take you to Dean. The track has a clear marking but is small and little use. You follow it to a rough log bridge which you cross to a small island to find a crumbled strcture with a section cleared to reveal stairs leading down to a well maintained and cleaned basement.

Descending the stairs you find your way lit by small magical lights and are greeted by a several tiny golem that open a door as you aproach. Inside is a large room with several side side rooms. The clicks of the tiny golems moving about almost hides the steps of a largr golem who walks out of one of the side doors.


Good day to you Who are you and what bring you to my masters home.
May 21, 2024 1:42 pm
Skeeve smiles and response, "Hello. We are from New Paphos, which you know as the Base. We are looking for information on how to activate and use the magics of Paphos in order to more efficiently expand and more properly in order to live up to our new name. Given that most of the magic is keyed to citizenship in Paphos, we are trying to find out how new people become recognized citizens and leaders. Any guidance and information on that would be greatly appreciated."



May 21, 2024 3:44 pm
Any other questions just dump them so now so I can answer them all on my train commute home

The simplest means at this point would be to either work for the city or serve a recognized individual. Both the library and legion continue though now staffed by the undead. Either could grant you certain privileges. Other than that it would take gaining control of another civic facility then using civic procedures to become recognized by it.

I for example am only recognized due to the my owners status and him having extended many of them to me that I might act on his behalf when he was still in residence.

Other than that it wild take rewriting some of it's enchantments.

He will talk a bit not and explain his owner was a sage and used Dean as his assistant and walking/talking note pad. Dean has a wide range of knowledge but is still bound to this home and the library, which he can access via a private Node.
May 21, 2024 5:02 pm
"Oh, wait! You can access the Library Remnant? Cool!

Are you willing to let us "borrow" it to get there more easily?"
No reason not to try and save some time!
Skeeve replies, "Yeah, we found out about the 'authorized agent' of a recognized individual path. We are working on at least getting that as we speak. That said, the more important thing for the longer range goals will require being able to become a citizen ourselves. That is what we would like to also figure out."

After thinking a bit, he continues, "Getting back to the private Nodes, do you know the access patterns for any of the other Nodes on the private network. Obviously, you are restricted from going to or using them, but knowing the keys, even if we can't quite use them yet, will be very useful in the near future when we should be able to use at least some of them. Assuming we succeed, of course. There are plenty of opportunities to not succeed."
I feel like Skeeve and I are still missing some stuff here. Hopefully, when we get back to the "contested" Remnant, we will find some of the facilities that will let us do what we are looking to do.
May 21, 2024 6:04 pm
Excited to see Golems for the first time in his life, he almost misses the fact that he might actually have something to contribute and so slightly belated asks What kind of civic facilities would we be looking for? A city hall, church or temple? Or is there something else?
May 23, 2024 8:07 am
Arc listens intently to both Skeeve and Aizashi, it is true that all would benefit from becoming citizens, but Arc have been thinking about facilities from a scouting point of view... didn't really paid much thought on the rest of facilities Aizashi mentioned, but truthfully they are the heart of a city while protection (and scouting) is but a way to secure such heart continuity.
You see Arc immersed in thought... Houses, temples, schools, shops, taverns, a hall, guild houses, music halls, theatres, crop fields, yearly harvest celebrations, marriage celebrations... It is hard to imagine a big lively city in this area such as it is now... but it does gives Arc a sense of purpose.
Last edited May 23, 2024 8:10 am
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