Reclaiming Paphos

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Jul 12, 2024 4:46 pm

As the lighting in the well reveals sunset is falling Geis slips out through the small crack and quickly climbs the well before returning and reporting that the hobgoblins are lighting torches but still patrolling the outer walls of the compound. Explaining his current nature has only enhanced his ability as a scout Geis offers to accompany you but explains that he lacks any sort of combat ability and will immediately flee or hide at any sign of a necromancer, priest, or cleric.

How do you want to do this? Qeis asks.

YOu come out out of the well at 6,12 on the Info sheet "Adventure & Tile Maps", "Merchant Quarters Map"
Jul 12, 2024 8:52 pm
Ok, before going anywhere, I want to make sure of a couple things.

1) The "6" is the number along the top and bottom; the 12 is the number along the right and left sides. Correct? So we are coming up in the little box in the middle of the plaza (which I assume is the well)?

2) Which building houses our target item?

3) Where again is the teleportation pad we can use to get out?

4) Does the map cover the whole Remnant? So, for example, 15,4 and 15,11 are both exits from the Remnant?

5) I assume that hobgoblin guards are moving about and are also on the rooftop corners, correct?

Here is Skeeve's ideas for what we can do.
- If there is a nearby hobgoblin, he will try to use one of his Suggest runes to make the hobgoblin run away from where we want to go making a ruckus.
- He wants to target a corner of a building (4.5,13.5; 3.5,10.5; 4.5,9.5; 8.5,9.5; 8.5,10.5; 8.5,12.5) that is farthest from where we want to go with the Tremor talisman. That should collapse that part of the building making a huge commotion there.
- When we get to the building, he wants to fire a Sunburst directly into the room first, then try to deal with the remnant. They likely have 4-6 HP each, so it is likely he should just go ahead and use both in quick succession.
- We grab the item and either immediately run for the walls to get out, or run for the teleportation pad. Whichever makes the most sense given the above answers.

He is more than willing to have a much more sensible plan given as this will require a crap-ton of die rolls and once the first one works he will have to have multiple consecutive successes for this to all work out. This is a "high-flash" plan. If someone has a more low-key idea, he's ready to hear it!
Jul 12, 2024 10:20 pm

1 Yeah, trying to stick with X,Y coordinate system, kick me if I get is mixed up
2 Vault is 13,14
3 Matrix node (Still buried) at 7,6 outside to hobgoblin compound
4 Map includes Remnant outer walls
5 yes, guard are at gates, and on roof/wall tops
[ +- ] map with guards and lights
Jul 13, 2024 2:42 am
One more question: would the Temor scroll cause enough of a break in the exterior Remnant wall to let us out? Skeeve could *really* have used that second Tremor scroll. :-(

Also, those maps don't quite match. The map above shows the vault out in the open, with no door into that building. Then, the text map shows no entrance into that lower right corner area.

Sorry for being so picky, be I want to make sure I'm clear before our smash-n-grab attempt.i expect things to go sideways because of dice rolls. I don't want it to go bad because I misunderstood the situation or map.
Jul 13, 2024 12:01 pm
what's a talisman? Up until now I had assumed they were equivalent to scrolls, but now I'm guessing that's not the case.
Umm, if we run out there crumbling their walls and roasting goblins, sorry hobgoblins with sunbeams, do you really think a distraction will be enough for them to not right away swoop us? Cause I learned... Swooping is bad.
Jul 13, 2024 2:18 pm
The outer walls are thicker with a walkway atop them so you doubt making a hole in the wall is possible with the power you currently have. Also you recall the goblins taunting you about entering the Remnant from any point other than the gates and suspect there may be adverse results. As you review what you know the map from the family is from before the Shattering so it looks like some of the damage may have affected the vault area.
Talismen are like scrolls but Skeeve can craft them based on his magical knowledge.
Jul 13, 2024 2:59 pm
"This is why we are having discussions. So, do we want to try sneaking first, then pull out the bigger guns if that fails?

"Also, Geis, would you first double-check here (pointing to where the vault is supposed to be) and see if that area is exposed? The old map has it hidden, but it looks like it could actually be open.

"Maybe our best bet to try is to simply sneak over to where the vault is supposed to be, get it, then try to sneak back into the well.

"Finally, if things go terribly wrong and we have to just run, let's do this:
"Aizashi and Kaarik, get to the well and leave the way we came. Do not wait for Arc or me; do not look for us. Just run.
"Arc, fly. Try to get their attention, then fly as fast as you can into the darkness. That way they look at you instead of the rest of us, then get away.
"I will use my magic to escape.
"We can then all meet back outside the gate we came in. Hopefully it won't come to that."
Jul 13, 2024 8:07 pm
Now that we sneaked inside, I believe we do not have many more choices than being stealthy and avoid getting any attention from the hobgoblins.

Skeeve are you a 100% sure that you can escape with magic? I am not going to run away if there is even a small risk that you get trapped behind.
Jul 13, 2024 8:27 pm
Sounds good, sneaky first and artillery is being sneaky fails... and I'll happily try to get their attention before going back there if it comes to that.
Jul 13, 2024 10:28 pm
"Yes, I am 100% sure I can escape using my magic."
Skeeve has a short-ranged personal teleport that can ensure his escape. Note that he 100% can escape. There is no guarantee he will escape. If he's pincushioned with 50 arrows, he won't escape. Or if I roll like crap, he won't escape. But, assuming the rolls are made, yes, he can absolutely escape.
Jul 14, 2024 8:47 pm
It.. sounds like a plan... But let's hope we can avoid splitting up. So we wait for Geis to come back?
Jul 14, 2024 9:51 pm
Date&Time(Alpha): 30@22:30

Geis looks at you and raises a scaled eye ridge.
So what. Am I on on all the loot as an equal partner and a member of the team all of a sudden? I agreed to help guide and advise. Anything else I do is purely voluntary and I am pretty sure that if I'm discovered I can still get killed, so no thanks.

I will go first and see if the coast is clear but there is no way I am going out there on my own. Too risky.

He slips through the door and scampers to the top where he scans the surroundings for several minutes before returning and reporting that though no one is specifically watching the courtyard it is the center of the compound.

If you move quick, and when I tell you then we should be able to avoid getting spotted.
Jul 14, 2024 9:56 pm
Honestly, I thought he could hide better than us. Sorry I was wrong.
"Fair enough. Let's go!"

With that Skeeve leads them out towards where the vault is supposed to be.

Skeeve makes sure his talismans are ready to hand.
How deep is the well to get to the tunnels? How much damage taken from that fall?
Jul 14, 2024 10:38 pm
Oh, no, Geis definitely can. He is also a coward. It is a good scout due to his ability to avoid danger. Otherwise he would have been a spy! :)
Jul 14, 2024 10:50 pm
With Geis as lookout to time your exit from the well you are all able to exit without being spotted and move to the alley between the two buildings to the south before preparing to move further east. As you do you spot a faint light coming from the northern side of the courtyard beyond you target. From the shadows it casts you assume the light is near ground level and possible coming from inside the building. A lantern, torch, or lantern . . .
[ +- ] map
Jul 14, 2024 11:10 pm
Overlapping the maps, the vault should be in the open area in the upper right corner of the bottom building. It is the open area with the dashed lines across the top. (What does the dashed lines mean?)

Do I understand this correctly?
Jul 17, 2024 12:56 am
As you examine the map and compare it to waht Arc recals of his biref rconasance he indicates that the NE corner corner of the building where the vault should be has collapsed.
Jul 18, 2024 7:34 am
Arc shares again his memory of recon and... Seems like the NE corner of the vault building has collapsed.
Does that mean that there is no wall there and we could enter through a wall's hole?
Jul 18, 2024 10:03 pm
Arc recalls seeing collapsed sections, but there were many and he had to dodge arrows shortly after gaining altitude so he is uncertain as to the specifics.
Jul 19, 2024 8:28 pm
I believe that there is no other way to be sure than to check there, says Kaarik with resignation.
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