New Paphos (The Base)

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Sep 10, 2023 11:46 pm
pete was a typo, now corrected.
Danoll offered to let you 'tag along' but you have to follow instructions, to not endanger the others basically, and are responsible for yourself.
Danoll confirms the time and place for meeting up, tomorrow morning at the west gate 9am.

Etcher wanders the town. The place is bustling more than its size would normally allow for. There are groups of porters being ordered around by academics as well as groups of adventurers and other newcomers that stand out like Etcher due to looking around so much. Making your way to the west gate the guards wave you through after recording you name and description then passing you a small token to let you back in. The sounds of birds and bugs almost hides the river sounds to your north. The road west of the base has been cleared and packed making the walk easy. Tall grass surrounds the road with trees rising further west. After a couple of minutes the trees are closer and the ground around the road is spotted with muds and water puddles as the grassland turns to a marsh. Soon you are among the trees and the road dwindles to a decent wagon track raised a foot above the waters of the swamp that now surround you.

The road leads to a fork with a simple wooden guard tower and a suspension and pontoon bridge connecting it to another watch tower to the west. A smaller track heads to the south. Greeting you the two guards remind you the waters and thick vegetation hide a variety of local wildlife. These threats range from large alligators, swarms of fish that will strip you to the bones in seconds, poisonous snakes, and the ever-present flies. The guards inform you that the southern track leads to another pontoon bridge that connects to the area near the Grippli shamans mound.

Following the direction you soon reach the mound. Crossing the now repaired bridge they make it to the shamans mound. About 20 feet tall and about 60 feet wide the mound resembles a low hill save the doorway cutting into it and several small "window" holes along with a hole atop the hill out of which rises a thin wisp of smoke.

Out front is a crude sign

Friends come in
Enemies take a dive
with an arrow pointing to the swamp and a simple image of a person being eaten by something in the water.
Sep 11, 2023 7:47 pm
Pay attention, watch and listen. Seems like there are plenty of dangerous things out here that can kill you. "What was that?" Ealdwig jumps with a start and turns around, looking for anything and everything. It was probably nothing, calm down. And Ealdwig continues down the path towards the Shaman's abode.

Noticing the sign, Ealdwig swallows hard, screws up his courage and calls out, Hello? Gulfis? I am a friend of Danolli's and new to the area. He said you were a good person to know. So I thought I would come out and introduce myself. My name is Ealdwig. Definitely a friend.
Sep 12, 2023 4:11 am
From deep within an odd scratching voice calls out Come on in! is a welcoming and wavering tone.
Sep 12, 2023 1:43 pm
"Sure, thanks." Ealdwig looks around for a door in the mound. Locating it, Ealdwig enters.

Man, I should have brought a gift of some kind, I'm an idiot. Do I have anything on me that will suffice?

A little tentatively "Gulfis, hello, I'm Ealdwig. Danolli says hi." Looking around and trying to get his bearings "Nice place."



Sep 12, 2023 2:56 pm
As you enter the first thing you note is the smell. There is a light haze filling the inside of the mound. It is slightly thick and sweet with a hint of something that tingles when you inhale.

Make a Save Test (2d6 and any roll 5 or higher is a pass)

The fumes enter as you breath and you feel yourself relax and slightly more alert (for now). The inside of the mound is one large cavernous room. The fire in the middle ias a kettle hung over it wich is bubbling slightly. Tables, racks, and shelves line all the walls and a wide variety of identifiable and unidentifiable items cover every surface.

Off to one side working on mixing some powders together sits a little old grippli. The shaman eye the odd pair as you enter and smiles in greeting. Well, newcomer. Certainly have been a lot of new faces lately. Corse some of the new neighbors I could do without muttering the last bit with obvious disgust.
What can I do for you, eh? Need some healing, preventative, a charm maybe? and blinks her large eyes
Sep 12, 2023 5:22 pm
Ealdwig, ignoring the newcomer comment, looks around fascinated by all the items covering every surface. Wow, what is all this stuff and that smell? I can't put my finger on it. Intriguing. "Oh hi, Ealdwig says as he notices Giflus working at the table. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Giflus. I've never met a Shaman before, is that what you do, Giflus, make potions and charms?" Slowly reaching out Don't touch anything! Ealdwig puts his arm back to his side.

"Wow, I appreciate the offer, but I don't know if I require anything like that, at the moment. Is this place dangerous? Do I need preventative healing or a charm? Looking down at himself, did i make a mistake coming here? How dangerous is this place if you need preventative healing and charms? Then it dawns on him, "oh yeah, sorry, my name is Ealdwig Swiftfoot."

"As you can guess, I am new around here. Just hopped off the boat today. I met Danoll in the Tavern. He said you were a good person to know so I thought I would swing by and introduce myself. Tomorrow he is letting me tag along on his patrol. I figured that would be a good way to get to know the area."

"Any insight into Danoll and / or this place? Danoll seems like a good guy but you never know."


Save test - (2d6)




Sep 13, 2023 12:51 am
The elderly frog emits a rumbling chuckle as you ramble. You catch her watching you with one eye while her other eye watches her actions preparing reagents and hey the impression she is slightly disappointed.
Danoll is a good kid. He was with the first adventures that found the Remnants and brought the expedition here.

As for this place, it's a swamp. Ever been in a swamp before? The bugs are hungry and seem to enjoy newcomers more than I do. I have steady supply of customers visiting for big repellant anti itch cream, anti fungal salve, parasite purging potions and more. Of you know what you're doing it's not bad here. We like it mostly because people you don't do they issues to leave us alone.


But now all these outsiders are here fighting over the left overs from the last age. Bunch of fools I say. It's best left alone.

But that's them, what about you. What do you want from life? Ease, comfort, money, adventure, a challenge?

Finally done with here current activities she finally turns to face you. Gulfis looks very old but moves and talks with only a hint of age. Her wide mouth makes her habitual grin a bit comical to your more classical sensibilities but the light on her eyes let's you know she is no soft mark.
Sep 13, 2023 2:03 am
Slapping at a bug pretty big comparatively "Who me? What am I after? Ealdwig thinks for a second. "Probably adventure first, money second. I think I am a pretty positive person. Most days I can't wait to see what the day will bring. As for money, I've never had a lot of that, but I've gotten by. It might be nice not having to worry about it constantly. And no, to answer your other question, I've never been to a swamp before. I've spent most of my time in cities. I've been a street performer. Not cause for much street performing in the swamp."

Slapping at another bug "Wow these things are big. I feel like I might be carried away. Is this whole place this bug riddled? Maybe I could use some of your bug repellent, after all. Does it work?"



Sep 13, 2023 2:24 am
The shaman grins as she grabs a small packet Guaranteed to keep you free of tics, leeches, dysentery, malaria, dengue, and yellow fever. Each packet lasts a week. Charms are better though and last 6 seasons.

Well if you are looking for adventure this is a good place. We have ancient ruins, violent neighbors fighting over control of the area, necromancers have set up shop in the cemetery, and there's even a dragon that moved into the area. He doesn't seem to get along with the necromancers. No one does mind you but he seems to enjoy ruining their hard work to anytime they get a decent hoard organized. But you stay away from the Tower for now. That place is in trouble.
Sep 13, 2023 3:29 am
Ealdwig looks at the small packets and wonders what do I do with that? "Oh a charm would work better? Maybe that would be a better idea? Reaching into his bag, how much do I owe you, Guflis?"
How much coin do I have?
Ealdwig, stops for a second and you can see that he's thinking things over. Necromancers? Dragons? This place is amazing! And terrifying. All at the same time. I've never seen or met a dragon? Can you meet a dragon? I don't know if they are all that friendly. It would be great to make friends with a dragon though, wouldn't it.

Ealdwig come back to reality. "Wow! There is quite a bit going on around here, isn't there? With a small frown on his face, Necromancers don't sound all that nice. With a bid smile, What's the dragon like? I've never seen one before. I imagine he's gigantic, holding his thumb and forefinger about and inch apart, and probably just a tad bit frightening."

"Danoll said the same thing about the Tower. I am guessing that's not the best place for a little inexperienced guy like me."

"I don't know what Danoll has in store for tomorrow. I should probably get going and head back to the Tavern for the night, and get some rest. We're meeting early tomorrow. And I don't want to be tired on my first day. Besides I imagine the bugs get bigger at night, and I'm pretty small as you can see."

Smiling wide, I don't suppose you have anything that'll keep necromancers away?"
Sep 13, 2023 12:52 pm
Added coin to your sheet under Gear
Looking you over Gulfis asks 5 silvr for the charm and tosses you what looks to be s spider inside a piece of amber that has been polllished to a flat round disk shape with a few holes around the edges for a thong or piece of string to thread through. Nah, not much stops a necromanser save a bash to the head. Though most of their creations are not fond of fire. Take this as a welcoming gife. It is mostly used to start fires but it works good for a anti undead weapon as well. Just toss th e hole thing on one and watch it catch fire. and tosses a pouch. Inside the oiled leather pouch is a fine grey and yellow powder. Sha cautions you not to get it wet or even touch it or it will ignite. Odd something to make fire when it gets wet. But then again they live in a swamp. If you need a small fire just shake a pinch into your palm then dust your hands off quick over whatever you want to burn It will get your hand warm and ignait in a few seconds. Takes a bit of practice but as long as you get most off quick and dont try and eat it you'll be fine.
Sep 13, 2023 3:56 pm
With one hand Ealdwig catches the disk smoothly and takes a good look at it. Handing over the 5 silver pieces he pulls a tie off his knapsack, threads it through the holes and ties it around his neck. "Thanks I will probably come to rely on this. Not looking forward to the day it stops working."
i'll just remove the 5 silver from my sheet. Looks like I am definitely going to need that job. LOL. I think we agreed that Eadlwig would have a dagger as well, no?
Looking inside the pouch, this burns if wet or if I touch it, wow. Um, did he say "don't eat it?" would anyone actually try to do that? Probably a good rule of thumb not to eat powder given to you by a Shaman. Unused to this kind of kindness Ealdwig says earnestly, "appreciate it Guflis. This is might nice of you to provide a gift like this to someone you just met. So I just grab a pinch and rub it on whatever I want to burn and it'll just catch fire, doesn't matter if it's raining or underwater? That's amazing. You do fantastic work. I can tell that the charm is working already."

Tucking the pouch into his knapsack, "I wish I had something to give in return. Unfortunately, I am holding light these days, unless you'd like some rations, I have a few left over from the trip here. I pull out a rations of food and offer it Gulfis, it's probably some jerky of some kind or another.
Last edited Sep 13, 2023 3:57 pm



Sep 14, 2023 2:16 am
Gulfis takes the proffered rations and rises then in one of the something pots.
Don't you worry dear
Sep 14, 2023 2:30 am
Ealdwig thanks Guflis for everything and heads out back to town and the tavern. He moves quickly wanting to get back before dusk comes.

Heading into town he heads to the tavern for another drink and food before finding his room and heading to bed for the evening. He wants to be ready to meet up Danoll in the morning.
Sep 14, 2023 1:41 pm
DM repost from other thread Etch Lives
@Solidgobi Etcher's story continues here
Etcher sits down at the bar, alone again. He is slumped in his chair drinking a pint of whatever was the cheapest drink to order. He has never been in a city before, his life mainly on the roads and wilderness of the wildlands. The Base had everything, jobs, coin, and drink. He could start his life here. Take what he wants, go back on the road. Fly wherever the winds would take him. You promised them. He heard Alfred's words in his mind, his old boss. A man is nothing if he doesn't follow his word.

Etcher slowly takes old the sigil once again. It was obvious to him, if he was going to do this he would need a new family. He couldn't do things by himself, he never could. The Avain stands up and walks to the barman. Where, heroes? He would find a group of adventurers, a new family they could help him find the mistress, together.
Solidgobi says:
Etcher will ask about and rumors of groups of adventures. He will try and find such a group and join them.
Sep 14, 2023 1:44 pm
Evening sets in and the growd gets a bit roudy and the amound of food being served drops and the amount of alchohol increases. As Etcher tals with the tavern keeper the jovial atmospher reminds him a bit of his former home..
Toblen Stonehill
Toblen listens to Etchers clipped queries and comments that most adventurers form teams through there are a few loners and newcomers about. Check with Danoll or the clerk in the morning they keep trrack of this stuff. Though since you ask that litle bloke over there is new and seems to be without a team as of yet. He was talking with Danoll but i'm not sure if he signed up and guestures toards Ealdwig

As Etcher talks with the man he gets a tingling sensation from the pendant. Focusing he realizes it is reacting to a elven maiden who is working in as a server.
Sep 14, 2023 2:44 pm
Ealdwig, as a small person, weaves his way through the tavern to the bar. Tall folk, they are everywhere. It would be nice to find a place that is set up for people like me for a change. He hops up on the barstool next to an Avian and turns his pack around to his chest for protection. "Hi Toblen, It's Toblen right? Can I have an ale and the dinner special please. Just got back from seeing Gulfis that's a hike, I'm famished."

Ealdwig noticing the Avian, with a big smile, "Hi I'm Ealdwig. Nice pendant. I just got one today myself, from Gulfis. She was very kind to me. Have you met her yet?" Ealdwig shows the charm to his new Avian friend.

Noticing that the Avian was looking in the server's direction, Ealdwig grabs his ale, nods in the Elf's direction "She's a friend of yours? Cute, can you introduce me?"
Sep 15, 2023 1:56 am
Etcher perks up as soon as he sees the amulet. Someone else who is connected to the house?! Amazing, it must be a sign. Etcher caws in glee. He points to the amulet and back to the Ealdwig. Friend! His voice is high and shrill, almost like a parrot. He wraps an arm around the small person’s shoulders. Together! Find Mistress! He needed all the help he could get if he was going to fulfill his promise to the occupants of the house. He points to the pendant. Witic, Seer, give! He smiles as much as an Avian can smile.

As Ealdwig points to the server, Avian’s eyes widen. She IS THE MISTRESS! He is practically pulling Ealdwig. Come come. He squawks as he points excitedly to the Elven server.
Sep 15, 2023 2:27 am
The smiling Ealdwig, now turning to a frowning Ealdwig, is a little taken aback by his new Avian friend? Not used to being handled by anyone, Ealdwig pulls away a little. "Hey bud, what's going on? You're pretty excited. Yeah, I just got this charm from Gulfis. Do you know Gulfis? Is that where you got yours? Does it ward off bugs as well? It doesn't look the same."

"Mistress? Did you say Mistress? What Mistress? Sorry, man I don't know what you are talking about? I just got here."

While being pulled from his stool "where are you going? Slow down? I just got my food and it's been a long day. Come back, sit down and talk to me while I finish my dinner, I'm starving. You want something, I'm a little low on coin at the moment, but I'll see what I can do."

Less flustered Ealdwig straightens in his seat. "So, what are you going on about? Actually, first, let's start with your name? I've got so many questions."
Sep 15, 2023 2:29 pm
Etcher’s shoulders visibly slump as he slowly realizes that the symbols are not the same. He needed to rethink his strategy, he was great with words. He would talk himself out of his problem. He points at himself. Etcher. Knight Errant! His voice is high pitched and squeaky. Well that's what the little one had called him. Now how was he supposed to say that he was honor bound to fulfill a promise to a fey and floating eyeball monster. That he needed to find the lost heir to a magic house whose purpose he didn’t understand? Adventure. Shinies. Find Mistress. He squawks.

He sits down to watch his new "friend" eat. He has nothing to offer Ealdwig, but the Avian was certain he needed Ealdwig. They both had pendants that were given to them! It wasn’t a coincidence. Etcher puts his sigil onto the table. Both Shinies! The sigil is visibly vibrating while resting on the table. Etcher points again to the server. Mistress.
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