So ... be careful with your analogies ...
New Paphos (The Base)
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Apr 29, 2024 4:27 pm
Remember: with the Sith there is a Master and an Apprentice. Eventually, yes, it is inevitable that either the Master removes the Apprentice, or the Apprentice tries to grab power. But those are exception, rare events. The vast majority of the time they work in concern, irrespective of any hidden motives.So ... be careful with your analogies ...
Apr 29, 2024 6:32 pm
daryen says:
dude we're not Sith
Last edited April 29, 2024 6:33 pm
Apr 29, 2024 8:12 pm
daryen says:
... be careful with your analogies ...OOC:
ummm was this comment directed at me or Thunder_Lungz DM grabs a couple of ⚡ thunderbolts ⚡
When gods flight who really suffers?
Quick I demand a sacrifice of chocolate pudding
Apr 29, 2024 8:17 pm
(40 minutes later)…No, officer, I didn’t say anything. They just started throwing thunderbolts at each other…Apr 30, 2024 10:12 pm
After being properly warded by Fiznik, the crystal is brought to Valpip's workshop. "Got it back, did you?" he asks as a rhetorical question. "So you want to deconstruct it? Makes a lot of sense. Give me a couple days and we'll see what can get out of this."
Weird, the second and third rolls didn't total on their own. No idea why.
So, that's 7 large crystals, 16 medium crystals, and 42 small crystals. That adds to a nice princely total of 2550pg in value. Divided seven ways (one per PC plus Fiznik and Valpip) gives 364gp plus change per share, which we'll round to 365gp.After the two days of work, Valpip shows the results to the group. Each adventurer is given the option to take that in crystals or gp, or some combination of both. Ander simply takes his as gold. Fiznik claims on of the large crystals as part of his share, and Valpip claims two of them. That leaves one large crystal per player if they want. Alternatively to all of this, the players could see what items are available in Valpip's magic shop instead (or combination or whatever).
I am going to leave Valpip's success to the dice. I won't even hide the rolls below. They will be what they be. Each large crystal is worth 100gp; each medium crystal is worth 50gp; each small crystal is worth 25gp. The remaining shards will be worth a cumulative total of around 75gp or so. So, let's see what we get ...Weird, the second and third rolls didn't total on their own. No idea why.
So, that's 7 large crystals, 16 medium crystals, and 42 small crystals. That adds to a nice princely total of 2550pg in value. Divided seven ways (one per PC plus Fiznik and Valpip) gives 364gp plus change per share, which we'll round to 365gp.
If you are interested in the magic shop, I'll have to get @Psybermagi's assistance with that.Rolls
Large Crystals - (1d6+3)
(4) + 3 = 7
Medium Crystals - (3d6+6)
(334) + 6 = 16
Small Crystals - (5d6+18)
(62556) + 18 = 42
Apr 30, 2024 11:28 pm
@ForeverDED,@daryen,@Arkmenos,@MoyenBateau,@Cathamber check out the events in Clercs officeAdd any additional questions and questions you have.
[ +- ] Base Office
After being brought in but the guards the clerk quickly slips through the door to the administrators office

Phlan (Head Administrator)
Ah, I am glad to see your return. We are all anxious to find out more of our , ahem, 'neighbors'. Please I would like to hear from yourselves about what you saw and learned when you explored beyond the secured Remnant and especially if you have learned anything about the other forces in the area
You give a brief summary of your travels through the residential Remnant, he waves this off as The perview of the researchers and guards but does indicate you should inform the clerk if you notice anything odd in that or the library Remnants.
Continuing your tale about the "goblin held?" Remnant to the west of the Residential area. He is most intrigued by this. Since they were not overtly hostile there is a good chance that humans and other people may get in, if as you said, they cary an invitation. Interesting
He seems confused but very interested in the other Remnant where the factions seem to be fighting. Odd that they fight to the south but mere goblins allow multiple factions in the north? The goblins must have a backer or be in the service of some other power.
When you get to the library he nods Yes, we have been exploring that as much as we are able to. Fortunately we have been able to find an ancient family that traces its routs via Paphos. He should be arriving any day now. However we are unsure if he will be able to access more of the library. The researchers are content to visit the library and read what it contains. The trek to and from is an annoyance but as of yet we have not found a way to access to cities Nodes. If you have any information or suggestions regarding the cities civic structure and accessing restricted sections, including the Nodes, we would reward you greatly.
I'll update and explain the magic shop tonight after workMay 1, 2024 3:22 am
just to clarify, the underdark crew was headed to the clerks office too to get paid for sorting out the goblins. But if you want to shower us in gold and gratitude, we can head to the tavern.We just need to sort out crafting with the crystals, buying magic items and Oliver’s alchemical recipes.
May 1, 2024 3:24 am
[ +- ] Base Office
Skeeve does show what he has learned about the Paphos Matrix network, including the map he copied and the need for an access token to use it. (I.e. a subway or bus pass.)
He continues, "And, sir, I respectfully recommend that you work to advance two items. First, you need to rename this base New Paphos. It will give more legitimacy and give more of a base of authority to your efforts here. Second, you should appoint yourself the Mayor of New Paphos. Or whatever honorific makes the most sense. I thought Mayor because it is not a noble title, so you are not appropriating that kind of authority; just the leadership of this particular city.
"And rather than sending the family's representative to the Library, you should find out from them how to be recognized as the leader of Paphos. You shouldn't have to find someone to give you access to the Library. You should be the one giving access to the Library. You need to get that authority, and the Library is yours. Along with the city matrix network.
"I haven't found how to get all of that done yet. And as someone with some magic and no authority, I have to get lucky to find any of it. But for someone of your resources, there should be more avenues than I can see or have access to. If you can unlock that, you will have unlocked a huge advantage to fully taking advantage of what remains of Paphos."
He continues, "And, sir, I respectfully recommend that you work to advance two items. First, you need to rename this base New Paphos. It will give more legitimacy and give more of a base of authority to your efforts here. Second, you should appoint yourself the Mayor of New Paphos. Or whatever honorific makes the most sense. I thought Mayor because it is not a noble title, so you are not appropriating that kind of authority; just the leadership of this particular city.
"And rather than sending the family's representative to the Library, you should find out from them how to be recognized as the leader of Paphos. You shouldn't have to find someone to give you access to the Library. You should be the one giving access to the Library. You need to get that authority, and the Library is yours. Along with the city matrix network.
"I haven't found how to get all of that done yet. And as someone with some magic and no authority, I have to get lucky to find any of it. But for someone of your resources, there should be more avenues than I can see or have access to. If you can unlock that, you will have unlocked a huge advantage to fully taking advantage of what remains of Paphos."
May 1, 2024 3:56 am
Head to the office, swap stories there and you may gain clues and help from each otherMay 1, 2024 4:12 am
[ +- ] Fizniks Store
Basic store supplies can be found in the "Stores" spoiler on the ~Tiny Info~ sheet access able at the bottom of the page.
Current Inventory of magical items
Runic Ax 200 GP
Whenever the wielder uses any mystic ability this weapon automatically gains focus on attacks.
Spiderbite Daggers 200 GP
This pair of daggers is made using the harvested fangs of a large, venomous spider. If you hit the same creature on your turn with both daggers, that creature must succeed on a saving throw be poisoned for 2 rounds.
Night Owl's Half-Moon Spectacles 300 GP
While attuned to these darkened, horned spectacles, you gain the following benefits:
+ You can read any normal script after 1 round of staring at ti.
+ At the start of a long rest, you can place the glasses next written material. When you finish the long rest, you learn any information contained in the material.
Eavesdropper's Medallion 50GP
While wearing this medailion you have advantage on hearing tests and can hear through barriers you are next to.
Belt of Trickery 50GP
While wearing this belt you can create minor illusions nearby
Blessed Mask 150GP
This can be used 3 time to grant advantage on any activity. This advantage ignores conditions that would otherwise force disadvantage
Phlan (Head Administrator)
May 1, 2024 4:33 am
[ +- ] Administrators Office

Phlan (Head Administrator)
Phlan listens to Skeeve and replies
The name is simple enough and it may aid our efforts. Very well.
I doubt declaring myself the local ruler would work. Otherwise I am sure the other factions would already have done so. Still It does bring up a potential path of development. I will go to the island and talk with lord Martinel. He may be able to guide us in this matter. He and several of his "men" retain their living knowledge. He may also know more about how to access the civic enchantments. Can you go and talk with him to get the basics while I try to get the scholars to collect and organize what we already know so I can meet with him in an informed manner tomorrow afternoon.
I disagree that we should wrest control of the Library. Our peaceful approach is was won us the favor of the librarian. It is he who keeps the other factions away. We can currently read most of the work there. All that if prohibited are a few select works and removal of any materials. However being able to use the civic Matrix would greatly reduce the difficulty of accessing the facility. Again I will check with lord Martinel. Deam, the sentient golem in the swamp, may also be of use in assisting us to gain access to the Matrix and other civic enchantments.
He goes on to explain that while the people have fled the city many of the enchantments within the Remnants are still active. Deans access to the library for example. And though they are fragmented they are of sufficient strength and quality that simply overriding them may damage them more than allow access to them. The researchers have 2 locations within the Residential district, a private residence and a public matrix Node and there are signs there should be a Node within the "docks" district, where the base is currently located. The map you copied should allow Fiznik and Valpip to locate and hopefully restore it to operation. Doing so may also reveal a way to gain access to other facilities.
Besides expanding the access to the library and possibly other Remnants Phlan is worried about the two western Remnants. He will be assigning more scouts to observe the locations in question and hopefully learn more about the conflict to the south and goblin invitations to the north.
May 1, 2024 4:48 am
okay cool, so before we head to the office, the crystal buddies can hang out in Fiznik’s to handle the crystal pieces and/or payments and magic items there.[ +- ] Fiznik’s
Grin will take one large crystal and the rest in gold. He does ask "So what about using some of these crystals to create magical items?"
Grin wants to buy the magic medallion or mask from Fiznik. He asks Brewner and Oliver which items they would like so they can sort it all out together fairly.
Questions: We can only buy one magic item during this visit, right? Also, is the mask 3 charges per day or 3 charges and then it’s done?
Grin wants to buy the magic medallion or mask from Fiznik. He asks Brewner and Oliver which items they would like so they can sort it all out together fairly.
Questions: We can only buy one magic item during this visit, right? Also, is the mask 3 charges per day or 3 charges and then it’s done?
Last edited May 1, 2024 4:54 am
May 1, 2024 9:07 am
[ +- ] Fiznik
Brewner wants his share in gold and then pays the 250 he owes Grinfletch and buys the Eavesdropper's Medallion
Leaving 65 gold left, correct?May 1, 2024 10:12 am
[ +- ] Fiznik's
Oliver decides to take one large crystal and the rest in gold as well (290gp+crystal). He then adds 10 gold from his pocket to buy the Night Owl's Half-Moon Spectacles."Oh, I very much want to read obscure works of literature with these glasses. Can you imagine a goblin novel? (Do they write?). Let's hope we can get a little more gold as reward from the clerk's counter."
Oliver approaches the exploration taskforce clerk counter and explains their adventure with the goblin clans, which led to clearing out the area around the pink slime cavern from future goblin patrols. He crosses his fingers for this to be worth some reward for the team.
Oh wait! This is all wrong. The crystal is worth 100gp, not 75gp, so I'm missing 13gp to do this. Keep large crystal for later, or get the glasses? Oh, of course, we need to claim the counter reward!Oliver approaches the exploration taskforce clerk counter and explains their adventure with the goblin clans, which led to clearing out the area around the pink slime cavern from future goblin patrols. He crosses his fingers for this to be worth some reward for the team.
Last edited May 1, 2024 10:29 am
May 1, 2024 11:02 am
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
Grin lends Oliver 13GP so he can buy the Spectacles.
If Grin is allowed to buy more than one item, he buys both the Belt of Trickery and the Blessed Mask. If not, just the mask.
Then he will follow Oliver and Brewner to the clerk’s office.
If Grin is allowed to buy more than one item, he buys both the Belt of Trickery and the Blessed Mask. If not, just the mask.
Then he will follow Oliver and Brewner to the clerk’s office.
Last edited May 1, 2024 11:05 am
Fiznik (wizard)
May 1, 2024 11:39 am
[ +- ] Fiznik's
it's a store, but what you want
3 blessed charges total then done

Fiznik (wizard)
A variety of things may be crafted using these. However most creating talked weeks or even months depending on the complexity and Powers of the item you craft.
The simplest with these crystals wild be items that simply focus and utilize their inherent abilities. Communication ior translation magics wild be the simplest. Items to charm or confuse with a bit more work.
May 1, 2024 11:39 am
[ +- ] clerks office
Brewner assists Oliver in trying to convince the clerk, he also shows the map of the new discovered area for some extra reward
" No doubt you see the value of this information, we risk our lives for this"
" No doubt you see the value of this information, we risk our lives for this"
Charisma test if neededRolls
Charisma - (3D6)
(156) = 12
May 1, 2024 7:28 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik’s
Grin buys both the Belt of Trickery and the Blessed mask.
He asks Fiznik what it would take for him to craft some communication or translation devices. Specifically, Grin wants the ability to communicate with the party or with animals/creatures.
He asks Fiznik what it would take for him to craft some communication or translation devices. Specifically, Grin wants the ability to communicate with the party or with animals/creatures.
May 1, 2024 11:15 pm
[ +- ] Fiznik's

Fiznik (wizard)
Well, paired comunicators should be easy enough. A comunication artifact is a bit tougher and speaking to animas and out of the question. The best you can do with beasts is to project simple intents and possibly try to induce emotions. Fear, anger, confusion, apathy.

Valpip (artificer)
Curious about the crystals Valpip has been listening on the side.It would be best to standardize a simpe design for communication. The question is what are you looking for?
Simpe close range silent comunication, one way, two way, mid range comunication, or long range sendings I assume two way and short to mid range as once you go for long range teh cost and complexity, so cost and time involved goes up drasticly.
Simple silent short range, about 100 to 300 feet or so should be duable for about 50 GP each. Very short range would be cheaper. Anything past that and it gets tougher. Now if you want a long range for cheap then you just need to limit wht is can send. 1 to 3 words a day. Know the location of the other item within a mile. Things like that should be doabe quick and inexpensive.
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