New Paphos (The Base)

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Nov 25, 2022 11:56 am
I slowly nod.

"You're very welcome, master Degs.
My name is Shmautz, from the clan of the Predator Paws of the tribe of the Sun Furs.
And these are ..."

I stop as I recognize, that I don't know the name of the Elf or the Satyr. So I my hand makes an inviting gesture to the Elf.
Nov 25, 2022 2:37 pm
Eddisham nods. "Sure, sure." He glances at everyone else. "Right? Hey," back to focus on Degs, "I'm Eddis-ham." He grins. "I'm a traveling fortune teller. And more than that, a scout. I think we all are here looking for our fortunes, amirite?"
Nov 26, 2022 7:13 am
"Fortune, yes. Fortune, wealth and honour!"
Nov 27, 2022 7:44 pm
Degs attempts to ignore the stares and grumbles from his surroundings.

"Yes, Fortune and wealth. Those both sounds good to me."

Degs lifts the tankard to his lips and is reminded it is empty with a snort. He then takes a seat with the rest of the party.
Nov 28, 2022 2:05 pm
Degs mug is filled moments later by one of the serrvers and you setle into the casualy intense friendly competative process of getting to know each other, bragging, swapping tidbits of lore, and sharing past experience.
Let me know if you are good to go or would like to talk it out more
As you talk you pick up bits of information from the vetrans around you who listen in on your conversation as newcomers are always a point of interest. The things you learn include
+ You can register as a group with the clerk in the morning and take an open contact or get one assigned to you then
+ There are multiple forces in the area making staying out overnight a risky buisness so most scouting and work is done in the day but a few local vetrans stay out as needed.
+ The swamp with its beasts and island with its undead are left mostly for newcomers to work as they continue to cause problems and be a source of interest to the scholars but do not have any powerful enemies known to be in them.
+ The expedition is well funded, though no one knows by whom, and has most of the amenities of a mid sized town. Blacksmith, alchemist, healer, wizard, guards, the cantina with meals, and a tavern/inn that is also the bar hang out for the guards, etc...
Nov 28, 2022 6:36 pm
Eddisham says nothing about dragons or kobolds. "I really haven't seen much action," he demurs when asked about his experiences. "Getting here was uneventful. I'm looking forward to something interesting, I'm sure it's in my cards."

He listens attentively to everyone else's stories.
Nov 28, 2022 10:30 pm
Degs mood appears to have softened and his spirits lifted with the gracious servers keeping his mug full.

"I've come to find a younger sibling of mine whos I suspect has been gettin' thems self into trouble in one of the Encampments here by. I dunno if twer choice er not..."

Degs trails off and changes the subject.

"I would like to clear out some o the walkin death. I can use the coins to cover me travel expenses and it would make this area more safe."
Nov 29, 2022 5:08 am
As you discuss your options Nixly does a few more performances earning a few shouted adventuring tips.
With groups in Play by Post games I will typically move the story along if two or more players agree on a course of action. Unless you would rather I not.
If you want the game to progress faster I can react on a single players directions.
We can wait for a consensus before moving along
Nov 29, 2022 1:49 pm
"Sure," Eddisham agrees, "I don't mind the idea of putting the dead back in their places."
Nov 29, 2022 2:51 pm
The group chats for a bit more and Nixly does severa more numbers before you decide to tour the town and report to the clerk to secure some lodgings having all signed on as scouts. You are each handed a copper badge marking you as scouts and assigned a bunk with a small trunk for personal use while you are out. You wander the town getting a feel of the base.

The mix of military encampment and rough fronteer town creates an interesting atmosphere that you all enjoy. Stoping in at the general store you get some basic provisions for a tenday week including simple bandages, some food, and any other minor good you may need. Later on you stop in at the baracks where a vetran scout give you a brief tutorial on the dangers of the area and reminds Degs to keep make sure to check out with the guards and harbor master in the morning so they are aware a goblin has joined the expedition.

Taking your evening meal in the tavern, which can be had at either the tavern or cantina, Nixly again performs a few songs and livens the place up to the appreciation of all. After a relaxing evening you return to the scout bunkhouse and get a good nights sleep on supprisingly comfortable mattresses.
Nov 29, 2022 3:02 pm
In the morning you get a simple meal and head to the docks. The dockmaster turns out to be a gruff old man, shouting at only slightly less rough though of varried age dock hands, calls a couple men over and has them take you to the island on a small rowboat. The trip takes several minutes and as you approach the isand one of the men informs you they will return at noon and again an hour before sunset if you are still on the isle.

The island itself houses a larg fortress that you learned was manned by undead soldier that are to not be attacked unless you wish to die a horrible death and gain an afterlife as their prizoner. The fortress itself is safe enough as long as you obey the undead soldiers, some of which can talk, and do not break any of its rules. A few scouts have stayed the night but none enjoyed the experience or wish to talk of it. The cemetery on the north end of the island is where you will find most of the undead, with more powerful undead located the deeper you go into it, but a few wander off so be ready for trouble anywhere on the island.

Your orders are to sweep the shoreline as you head north then circle around the cemetary taking out any of the wandering undead. Entering the cemetery itself is up to you but does increase the likelyhood of finding undead with items of interest to the scholars who will pay you a bonus if you turn the items over to them.
Let me know if there are any specific preparations or activities you would lie to do while in town
Nov 29, 2022 6:23 pm
Degs would present his status with the expedition to the guards and harbormaster to avoid any misunderstandings.
Is there a knowledge Test for the needed supplies when fighting undead? Degs would likely know what items he needs to improve the results of his encounters.
Nov 29, 2022 6:51 pm
Minor undead are pretty basic so nothing special is needed.
I'm new to running tinyd6 so we will work our way up to more complicated creatures.
Nov 29, 2022 9:46 pm
Post anything your want to do in the base here.
Continue the adventure on the Island thread
Jan 24, 2023 2:07 am
@seanfsmith,@wilsric This is what both Elph and Baruman see as they arrive at the base
As the boat pulls up to the dock you are told to go find the administrator by the boat captain who is busy unloading his cargo and arguing with the dockmaster, Miros, an older man who bellows just about everything.
Miros Xelbrin
You lot there! get out of the way. We don't mind the company but you stopping the unloading of the ale. And everyone know the day isn't done till the ale is safely stored in the tavern.
Get along there.
and he waves you up the dock.
You quick step up the dock to a ramp leading to a stone boathouse. Just inside the cool shade a tall hard faced man and guard await.
Right, I'm Captain Tyren, leader of the Silver Fang mercenaries and captain of the guard here bouts. You follow the Sergeant here and he will take you to the clerk to get sorted. With that he turns and strides off, obviously expecting to be obeyed.
The guard motions you to follow and heads into the basecamp. The base is situated at a corner where 2 rivers join to become even larger. The base is surrounded on 3 sides by a 20' wall while the last side has only a 10' wall from the water line but only about 3 feet at street level. The entire area is hot, humid, and carries the scent of the swamp just to the west. Looking around there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. The older original buildings are built form solid stone blocks with smooth patches of stone filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though many seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.
The guard takes you down a long street then gestures to an open doorway and with an In there turns and heads off.

Stepping inside, the stone building do help a bit with the heat though the humidity make the air thick and clinging, you see a large room with benches, a couple of tables, and a boy in his teen sitting at a small writing table. Looking up at your arival he slips into one of the open doors and returns a moment later to gesture you into the next room.
Welcome to the base
Read the first page of this thread for some additional background information.
@seanfsmith. If you are ready I can FF you onto the island
@wilsric you can go to tht Island or stay on base and talk with the clerk for another job
Jan 27, 2023 3:16 pm
A trickle of sweat ran down the side of Baruman's face as he walked through the door, and he felt his new warm clothes sticking to him as he moved, yet he shivered, and his eyes darted about nervously.

What on earth am I doing here? I've got new warm clothes, food, and some money left. I should just run!

The young boy, still standing a little taller than Baruman, walked back into the room and nodded in the direction of the open door.

Well, I've got this far, I might as well see what the job is all about, and whether I can do it while keeping my neck on my shoulders. I can always bolt later if things become too tough

"Thanks" he said, trying to keep his voice level, and strode through the door to meet the clerk
Jan 27, 2023 6:53 pm
Elph takes the whole thing in wide-eyed and full of wonder. He's not got lips to properly smile, but he radiates that same warmth of enjoyment
Jan 27, 2023 8:01 pm
A group of individuals are gathered in the room. clearly there has been more than one boat arrive today though you saw none on the river.
Sitting in a corner behind a little desk sits a youth with a massive bookshelf full of papers, scrolls, ledgers, maps, and other record. From the looks of those waiting before you arrive this child is the reason for the wait. His nervous glances at the assorted adventurers is proof that he is well aware of the displeasure he is causing but he continues working studiously.
After several minutes a bell is heard from a door and the relieved look on the boys face as he stands to open the door is nearly comical. This way please. and he gesture for all to enter.

Inside is a large desk with shelves and cupboards surrounding it and papers neatly stacked or rolled and bound with cord everywhere. The man behind the desk looks you over before going back to his papers as he speaks
We thank you for your interest in joining out little expedition and your assistance in bringing the much needed supplies. At this point you have two options.
1. You can work freelance but taking jobs from the notice board in the room you entered from and registering them with my clerk. You will be paid upon completion.
2. You can sign on and work as assigned by the expedition, either as a guard or scout. Scouts do much the same as free agents but are provided room, board, and any required healing, but with lower pay.
Both options will be handled by my clerk outside. However I have a few moments to spare you and will entertain questions at this time.

Glancing over each of you a moment he waits patiently before resuming his work if none speak up.
Jan 28, 2023 1:17 am
Elph stands tall: "I'll take the work of guard, if that will be okay." The river journey with Kun had him fall out of practice with common etiquette and he doesn't realise he's likely overcorrected.



Jan 28, 2023 2:04 am
Raising an eyebrow he seem slightly surprised. Very well I will inform captain Tyren.
He will be glad for a new man. The guard stays on base and escorts the researchers into the field. Though as I understand it you like likely go through some ritual "hazing". But the guards are by and large safer then the scouts.

Reaching over he writes a short note
Take this to the clerk outside and he will see you get directed accordingly.
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