@seanfsmith,@wilsric This is what both Elph and Baruman see as they arrive at the base
As the boat pulls up to the dock you are told to go find the administrator by the boat captain who is busy unloading his cargo and arguing with the dockmaster, Miros, an older man who bellows just about everything.

Miros Xelbrin
You lot there! get out of the way. We don't mind the company but you stopping the unloading of the ale. And everyone know the day isn't done till the ale is safely stored in the tavern.
Get along there. and he waves you up the dock.
You quick step up the dock to a ramp leading to a stone boathouse. Just inside the cool shade a tall hard faced man and guard await.

Right, I'm Captain Tyren, leader of the Silver Fang mercenaries and captain of the guard here bouts. You follow the Sergeant here and he will take you to the clerk to get sorted. With that he turns and strides off, obviously expecting to be obeyed.

The guard motions you to follow and heads into the basecamp. The base is situated at a corner where 2 rivers join to become even larger. The base is surrounded on 3 sides by a 20' wall while the last side has only a 10' wall from the water line but only about 3 feet at street level. The entire area is hot, humid, and carries the scent of the swamp just to the west. Looking around there are bits of old building to be seen but most are patched with newer, and most likely magical, stonework. The older original buildings are built form solid stone blocks with smooth patches of stone filling in the gaps and reinforcing the older crumbling stonework. A variety of races are easily seen though many seem like you, adventurers here for fame and fortune.
The guard takes you down a long street then gestures to an open doorway and with an
In there turns and heads off.
Stepping inside, the stone building do help a bit with the heat though the humidity make the air thick and clinging, you see a large room with benches, a couple of tables, and a boy in his teen sitting at a small writing table. Looking up at your arival he slips into one of the open doors and returns a moment later to gesture you into the next room.
Welcome to the base
Read the
first page of this thread for some additional background information.
@seanfsmith. If you are ready I can FF you onto the island
@wilsric you can go to tht Island or stay on base and talk with the clerk for another job