New Paphos (The Base)

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Mar 21, 2023 11:20 am
Baruman wandered around the markets, mulling over the strange events of the last few days. The thought of what he had seen in the last few days seen still struck a chill through his body, but that was in the past, and the present included more money than he had ever had before in his life burning a hole in his pocket. He was used to scrounging for enough to buy a little food, so was lost for ideas as to what to do with this new found wealth.

As he walked m his hand instinctively gripped the amulet around his neck. Sometimes he though he could hear Ember's voice in his mind, but he wasn't sure if this was just his imagination. Passing a stall he noticed a leather sling hanging on display. Now that could be useful. He paid the stall holder and put the sing in his pocket, happy that he had a new possession bought with his earnings.
Last edited Mar 21, 2023 11:20 am
Mar 21, 2023 12:54 pm
After eating and chatting for a bit Shmautz gets his oil and Baruman a sling. The base does not really have a market lie in most cities Baruman has heard of. The warehouse runs a general store and there are several specialty shops in the base. The shamans hut outside the base is frequented by many of the base personel for local products.
[ +- ] The Base
[ +- ] current mission options
Let me when you are ready to head out and if you want to sign up for any particular mission
Mar 21, 2023 3:01 pm
"Dean?" repeated Baruman to the clerk with a quizzical tone "There is a golem living in the swamp, and he calls himself Dean?"

He looked around to try to gauge the impression on the other adventurers faces

"I have got to meet a golem called Dean, put me down for that one. I'll make up the numbers on any other missions going if nobody else wants to meet Dean" but why wouldn't everybody want to meet a golem? Called Dean!
Mar 21, 2023 3:45 pm
"I'm with Baruman on thiss one. We have much to gain from learning the information of locals."
It's a soft preference for this quest here ─ Elph is excited to be involved and Sean is excited to play out some exploration stuff.
Mar 21, 2023 6:16 pm
"Is meeting a golem called Dean aligned with Ember?", I ask Baruman with a smile and a wink.

Since Eddisham had to leave for other adventures, I feel sort of a loss. Before coming here, I had no problem with being on my own. However, after all the things that happened, I feel connected to the others. I enjoy their companionship. The joking. The laughs. The taking care of each other.

"I'll be with you, of course. Let's visit Dean."
Mar 21, 2023 11:45 pm
With the decision made you return to the clerk for additional information on Dean so you can set out first thing in the morning The clerk relays the following information
Dean is an intelligent golemn of unknown but suspected great power.. However he claims to be confined to his residence by standing orders left by his previous master who he claims must be alive somewhere for the orders to still be in effect. To reach dean follow the trail to the NW side where it exits the swamp but take the last trail north before leaving the swamp. As the path veers back east you will need to search through the dense trees for a path of steps notched into trees and logs and stones. This will lead you to a small island with a crumbling building. Find the stairs and go down them to meet Dean. He has a few minor golem servants. He has given a few helpful clues but is asking for someone to assist him in his own projects before assisting the expedition further.
Let me know if you want to do anything else before heading out. If it is quick and/or doesnt stop the story we will hand wave details
After talking with the clerk and checking out the map of the area (see ~Tiny Info~ Area Map Label H) you clean up and relax for the evening.

In the morning refreshed and eager for adventure you set out to go find and talk with Dean. Thoug Baruman, Elph, and Shmautz have gone into the swamp a bit they are still learning the ins and out or it.
Story will be moving to the Swamp thread. Post and link will be coming
Mar 22, 2023 5:12 am
Post anything you want to do while at the base before proceeding into The Swamp
Apr 22, 2023 10:43 am
It is a bit before noon and the Tavern is still empty for the most part. The simple room with many large windows allows in the cool breeze off of the river which helps with the oppressive heat and humidity of the region. As the staff is still setting up the patio you wander inside to find a place to sit and grab a meal. There are multiple tables of varying size with an assortment of benches and stools. A counter, without any stools, with a serving area behind it surrounds the kitchen and seporates it from the common room.
@Rizado96,@ForeverDED,@PoisonIvy,@daryen,@Matchacha I am putting toy guys all together here before moving this new group into exploring the tunnels beneath the base. This will allow you to intact more with other players and reduce the number of threads/ game I have to run

The two gross of Blomvid and Moli as well as Khaguran, Skeeve, and Rikia will be joining up here. Woosaa will accompany the three newcomers.
A short decorum and intro of each character will help the others get to know your character.
Feel free to chat with each other and ask Woosa(me) any questions.
Apr 22, 2023 2:20 pm
Once outside, Blornvid inhales deeply through his nose, enjoying the fresh air. "Ahhhh, much better." After grabbing a plate full of today's special, Blornvid grabs a seat with Moli and Valpip. Upon noticing the newcomers, he gestures with a nod and says, in a hushed voice, to Moli and Valpip, "New folk?"
Last edited Apr 22, 2023 2:22 pm
Apr 22, 2023 3:16 pm
Moli joins you with a plate of food, sitting down with her feet on her chair.

We are also. New. Hard to tell. If they are new. Or if we are. I have not seen them before.
Apr 22, 2023 9:35 pm
Rikia walks into the tavern following Woosa. She scans the room taking a quick stock of everyone there.
When Woosa leads them to an already occupied table she nods at the people there and waits for Woosa or someone else to speak or direct her.
Apr 22, 2023 10:50 pm
As she sits Woosaa looks to Moli and Bornvid I hear you two are trying your hand at adventuring. Something about clearing some tunnels for Valpip here and she nods head at the gnomish artificer.

Yes. I was beginning work on expanding the warehouse and found some old tunnels. These two have already had an encounter with several goblins that got in some how. Luckily they were still close so I could help out. Goblins are usually not terribly great fighters but can be vicious in packs. We need to secure those tunnels. Who knows where else they may have exits here in the base.

I wonder if that is how the dark fey have been getting into the base after you and Fiznik improved the base wards.

Let me introduce some newcomers. These are Khaguran, Skeve, and Rikia. They just walk in through the swamp from somewhere west of here. It seems they were out wandering the Shattered lands and got turned around before finding us.

Turning to the trio of newcomers This here is Valpip. He is our artificer. makes potions, rune stones, and other minor magic as we need. He does other work for the expedition as well but I mostly know his trade is minor magics.

As she is introducing the new trio the tavernkeeper walks up with a tray of food and drinks and begins handing them out. Smiling at the newcomers he gestures towards Moli and Bronvid.
Toblen Stonehill
These two were working as base staff and signed up just yesterday to help out with some local missions. Since the expedition has been getting bigger they opened a lot more contracts to freelance scouts and the general public. Not like how things were when this whole thing started with everyone was under magic contract. Unfortunately our rather unfriendly neighbors spoiled the hoped for peaceful times. Add to that the frequent trips for supplies and things have loosened up quite a bit.

As you three are new here and not signed on, to be honest I am not sure if they would let you sign up even if you asked, then you will need to pay for your way. You can see if they will let you do some of the open contracts like these two started doing. Perhaps you could even help them out. Scouting is one thing but emptying infested tunnels, caverns, or sewers can be hard work and might be more than just 2 can handle. That could get you the coin you need to either gear up or move on.
Apr 22, 2023 11:38 pm
Khaguran introduces himself to Blomvid and Moli, simply pointing to himself and saying, "Khaguran, a wanderer. Well met, friends. This business of the tunnels, it's sure to be a rigorous challenge?"
Apr 23, 2023 2:45 am
Rikia nods her head slowly as she listens to what Woosa is saying. After Khaguran, Rikia introduces herself to Blornvid and Moli , "I'm Rikia. Nice to meet you. Hope I can be of help."

Then she turns to Woosa and asks, "the clearing of these tunnels, caverns and sewers, this expedition, how do they benefit the People?"



Apr 23, 2023 3:57 am
Valpip speak up at this question. The thing is, this base is actually build on a party of Paphos itself. There were once docks here and we believe the river was much larger. The docks areavlooked like they were a mostly warehouses, small dining house and a few offices with housing for the poorerdock workers and river boatmen. As is common there apear to have been storage and streets unset this section of the city and either befit or after the Shattering many of the subterranean rooms were connected. We only recent found these while i was overseeing work at the wharehouse to add a basement. My guess is that the tunes could have exits all over this area that we do not know about.
We believe the fey may have been using these to bypass our wards to energetic the bar. And with the discovery of goblins down there we are concerned the other forces in the area could as well. While to date only the orcs are openly aggressive and antagonistic the hobgoblins have shown a willingness to escalate to combat against us if our actions are perceived to conflict with their interests
Apr 23, 2023 5:13 pm
In reply to Woosa, Skeeve replies, "Well, since we currently have no coin, if these two are willing to let us join, we will gladly join."

To the other Blornvid and Moli, he says, "Well met. My name is Skeeve. If you are willing to let us join you, I would be glad to help."
Apr 23, 2023 5:17 pm
daryen sent a note to Psybermagi,Matchacha
Apr 23, 2023 5:40 pm
[ +- ] tidbits on the Fey
Apr 23, 2023 6:30 pm
Blornvid crosses his arms in front of his chest. "From the limited amount of scouting that Moli and I have done, I would agree with Master Valpip's assertion that the tunnels beneath the warehouse are extensive and likely extend outside the base's walls and will thus proving Mistress Woosaa's supposition that our foes are getting in through them. The warehouse gate keeps them from coming in that way, but there may be other entrances.

"As capable as Moli's skills are, I would agree with Mistress Woosaa's assertion that clearing out the tunnels is more work than the two of us can handle. Assuming that the Administrator grants you permission to join scouting expeditions, what sorts of skills do you offer to add to this endeavor?"
Last edited Apr 23, 2023 6:32 pm
Apr 23, 2023 10:27 pm
Skeeve cheerfully responds, "Well, my friend Khaguran here is clever and quick and survived a griffon. My friend Rikia is also clever and a true student of magic. Whereas I have a touch-o-magic and am quick with my club. And all of us have tricks up our sleeves."
Last edited Apr 23, 2023 10:27 pm
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