New Paphos (The Base)

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Mar 14, 2024 2:09 pm
Still unsure about who to ask, Kaarik checks with Skeeve, Ealdwig and Blornvid if they know who would be the best person to inquire about the tower.

Do any of you would have books by any chance? I am running low in things to read.
Mar 14, 2024 2:14 pm
No need to inquire about the tower. That's where we're going next! Hopefully we'll be able to talk to the tower guardians directly in a bit.

"Your best chance for reading material was probably back at the Manor. I don't think they have much reading material here in the Base Camp." With a smile he also says, "Who knows, maybe there's a library of books at the Tower."

Digsy (cantina)


Mar 14, 2024 2:19 pm
Digsy (cantina)
Overhearing the question Digsy interjects Paphos does still have a library. We have secured access to it and even have a working portal to allow quick access. You just need a pass or pay a active to accompany you. They didn't trust us 'non scholarly types' around their precious treasure tribe of books and scrolls
Mar 14, 2024 2:24 pm
While eating to his satisfaction and sharing a fee mugs of ale, Arc listens carefully about previos adventures of the Team...
If there is a library in the tower or the manor, I'd also love to have some oportunity to pick up a book or two.
Then he readies to join and help the Team if they accept him.
Mar 14, 2024 2:31 pm
"Well do be careful at the Manor. They frown on removing books from the Manor. Please don't do that."
Actually from what I remember reading, and Skeeve doesn't know this, even the Paphos library gets pretty pissy about trying to remove anything from their library. And don't they have a ghost librarian to help "encourage" compliance?
Last edited March 14, 2024 2:33 pm
Mar 14, 2024 2:40 pm
yes, all library material is read on site only.
Mar 14, 2024 3:07 pm
Vaun along with Barley described their adventure in Eldergrove to the new faces. How they tried to help the citizens who were preserved in a mind-altered state by the Treeheart due to a misunderstanding. How the Treeheart was just scared becaues it's guardians abadoned it. And finally, how they restore it to a normal state, ready for renovation.

He started to eat a meal in the cantina and then asked, "What is this tower and manor, I keep hearing about?"
Mar 14, 2024 4:33 pm
Skeeve answers, "The Manor is an ancient estate that had lain fallow for a long time until a proper heir could be found. The magic of the Manor was tied to that family's bloodline, so the heir would have to be legitimately related. As it turns out, the heir they found was a server at this very establishment! She went from being just a server to the Lady of her own Manor in the space of a day or so. Our friend Ealdwig and a companion were tasked with convincing her to go, then Blornvid and myself were pulled in to go along and help explore the grounds of the Manor. We found a carnivorous plant, a shed full of numerous beetles the size of your hand, a deathtrap buliding, a stable for gryphons and their sphinx-like tender (he's friendly), a feral kennel of death dogs and their tender (he's not), and a guardhouse haunted by a ghost (he's friendly, too). Kaarik here helped with cleaning the spiders out of the guardhouse. However, it's now mostly under control, so now we're here for the next thing." Skeeve indicates each of the people he names when he names them.

"And that next big thing is this mysterious tower! I honestly am not sure exactly what it all entails, but if it's got the leaders here, the hobgoblins, and the orcs all in a tizzy, then it's got to be something worthwhile. So, it looks like that is where we're headed next!"

At this point Skeeve says that he still wants to make sure the refugees get transferred, that we do some light shopping, get a good night's sleep, and then head out for the docks in the morning.
As an aside, Skeeve buys three more sets of talisman components, a healing potion, and an anti-toxin potion. He swaps a diamond for the last potion.
Last edited March 14, 2024 4:43 pm
Mar 14, 2024 5:25 pm
Vaun scratched at the corner of his beak-like mask, "Hmm, this manor is a lifesaver, then. We should try to convince the current owner to give a temporary respite to the refugees there until Eldergrove becomes fully operational. As for the Tower, it does sound very interesting. I propose we explore it."

OOC: Did we get any money from Eldergrove adventure? @Psybermagi
Mar 14, 2024 6:00 pm
I will finish up the gifts and go back and scrub for other stuff you picked up later tonight. There was allot of items you could sell, if you brought them back...
Mar 14, 2024 7:03 pm
Skeeve, right? I see what you mean about not borrowing the books. I'd never go against their own tradition, so I guess it would be about going there to meet this Lady and find something to read whithin its walls. But I'm in no hurry to do that. Arc empties his mug while inviting a round of ale for everyone. Cheers! For the next endevour to become a prosperous one!

Then he listens carefully to Vaun's tale on Eldergrove, and to Skeeve's recount of the manor's events. He is both surprised to listen how many things have already happen around, and admired by the experience of his new friends.

Humbly... I hope to be of help to you, and to learn as much as I can.
Mar 14, 2024 11:21 pm
"A person after my own heart", Barley says clinking glasses with Arc. He takes a sip and adds,"Books at the manor, eh? All the more reason to go.
Last edited March 14, 2024 11:22 pm
Mar 15, 2024 12:54 pm
I only had a couple treasure drops in Elderwood. The one you found was the gnome you cured. He was wearing masterwork scale armor. He would have offered for you to take it (if I had remembered to do so...) when you take it to the smith he offers to buy it for 150 GP. That is 75 GP each to Barley and Vaun.

On to the tower or chat a bit more or other?
Mar 15, 2024 1:47 pm
May I assume the refugees are sorted before we head out to the tower?
Mar 15, 2024 2:50 pm
Ooc: Wecan proceed with the tower quest, but before that, I want to buy some healing potions. How much are those?
Mar 15, 2024 2:51 pm
Stalker05 says:
Wecan proceed with the tower quest, but before that, I want to buy some healing potions. How much are those?
50gp a pop.
Mar 15, 2024 2:59 pm
Back in the council meeting Vaun says:
"... I fail to understand why relocating the refugees over there will be a problem?"
The council members all agree that sending the people back to Elderwood is a good idea, just not now. Why would the Treeheart send them away if it felt it was ready for them? The plan is to send them to the manor tomorrow. For today they will stay with the druid in the gardens and sleep in the barracks and temples tonight.

The clergy assure you that they have them well in hand and will send an acolyte and a couple freelance adventurers with them tomorrow to help them get settled
There is a plan and they are safe. Not sure what more info you want?

Deciding to spend the next day checking out the tower you relax the rest of the day then in the morning head to the docks. Finding the dockmaster you make inquiries about reaching the tower.

Miros Xelbrin (Dock Master)
Sure we can get you there. You have two options. We row you over then come get you before sunset. Same as we do for the island. Or you buy the boat and if you make it back we buy it back, minus a wee service fee. For the lot of you it will either be 2 canoes at 10 gold each or a larger row boat at 30 gold. What will it be?

He explains that the north shore is controlled mostly by the hobgoblins who have harrased others who tried to visit the tower. Fortunately the tower enforces a peace within 1 mile of it's base so as long as you are careful to avoid any patrolls then there is not too much trouble.
Mar 15, 2024 3:15 pm
Vaun looked at the dock master Xelbrin and then back at the gathered party members, "How many of us are here? We can surely buy a large one if we can pool our gold. What do you all think?"

OOC: Vaun will buy one healing potion and store 25 gp.
Mar 15, 2024 3:26 pm
@Stalker05, I picked up the healer trait, so everyone should be covered after a battle.

I also have a fancy limited use healing amulet thanks to Psybermagi.

Barley only has 5gp but he can pitch for a boat or canoe.
"Well, I'm a little light on coin. I could help pay some of it? I think the canoes might work?", Barley says
Last edited March 15, 2024 3:29 pm
Mar 15, 2024 3:32 pm
Skeeve agrees with Barley. "I think the canoes are probably the better idea because we can move them around when we get to the shore, if we need to."

He blew a wad o' money on supplies, but he offers to kick in 5 gp for half a canoe.
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